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Everything posted by Kolombo

  1. Exactly as you said. It all was much more sensible if they had an evident legal system. Because, a lot of time against them, it would be enough to call the police ponies for the mane6. Well, I am totally agree with problem of plagiary. Without it, it still could have work, I mean, they have a resont in a las vegas like city. I am sure they have profit that is enough to cover the cost of the university, and the amount of money they got from the university is only side-profit, a plus, from a second enterprise. They can spent their money what ever they want, If they still have enough to run the school properly. It is a private institution, so they can backup it in a way they want. Number one rule of the market: Price of anything is that ponies are willing to pay. So they can sell a page for 10-10.000 bits if there is someone who buy it for it. Number two: Make greater profit for less investment. +1: Yeah, BasementSparkle is right. I am damn hell sure they don't pay taxes and fraud anyway. As Moon Glow said, the problem with the apple cider was generally stupid. AJ should send them away with a police and a lawyer. Much more disturbing is, if I recall it right, is the mayor mare was a speaker of the cider competition. Plus, the educated Twilight didn't blow them up with a legal mumbo-jombo. Yeah, I almost forgot about the snake oil sales case. Unfortunately, there are similar cases in our world. In better cases they get caught and sent to jail. by the way, why did they not... making new friends in a prison cell yet?
  2. I have re-watched the Friendship University episode and I finally realized something. I have no see the problem with Flim and Flam scams. I mean, in this Episode they opened a University, because it had had demand on the market at that time. If I got well, the problem was THAT they asked money for the subjects and notes etc. Well, most university to do so, and? Couldn't they say to Twilight that: "Sorry, but the school is not self-maintaining so, give us a break for taking money from our clients/students."? It's actually totally legal. The other time when they raced with the apple family for the ground was actually... weak. They created a machine, like in the industrial revolution. Anyway, It would have had more sens if AJ had wanted to buy a machine like that. you remember they had an apple cider making contest, don't you? Well, If AJ had market sense: " Okay, but what apples are ya gonna use for this? Mine? A'ight, but ya must buy 'em." Pure profit! Put it short. Flim and Flam had good ideas, I'd say they represent the capitalism, but somehow... I don't know what... pony communism/socialism always defeats them. What do you think?
  3. We still cannot be sure. They are trying to say it as if they were serious, but the G4 is still rules. (Though, I have my reservations about it.) It is quite suspicions they wanna re-use basically the current character, but change their species. you would expect, they're gonna create a brand new world.
  4. I suggest one of the double episodes. Than you have to watch the other one. Double chance she would fall for it. Plus, one with catchy song. Winter Wrap up is really good choice as it was written before.
  5. It is hard to say. The bad guys refer to her as Daring Do, but her address is in the phone book as A.K. Yearling. At least I guss so, because the mane 6 somehow found her address in the middle of the woods. But, the bad guys knew where they live, they must read the name on the door. Do they know both of her name? Why do they not reveal her identity. It does not hurt her, but I am sure her head would ache from it. I am not sure what is their motivation, either. I guess money. Yearling presents these artefacts to a museum, or just keeps them at home? She must be the richest mare in whole Equestria. And not only from books. Imagine if Indiana Johns kept only one think form that he found. These could value millions if not billions. +1: Does that blue cheetah bother anyone at all except Daring Do? I don't remember if the mane 6 wanted "to be his friend" - if you know what I mean. Or prosecute him.
  6. You're right. It is sorta awkward, the person you should protect could protect you a thousand times better. Hehe. I want to see an episode where they were useful.
  7. Thank you for the warm welcome! Do not think too big think about the phone call. But I really joined the herd by a phone call. It happened six years ago, one of my best friend gave my a call at dawn. I got kinda angry for that, but he was talking in the phone like, his house was on fire, or he just saw a firing tank in the back yard and soldier jumped out of it. Frankly, I didn't even understand everything that he was saying, only that he is found the best coolest thing ever. I decided to resist, and carried on my sleeping. But he was very enthusiastic. So, he ordered me to log in skype, then I saw he sent me a bunch of videos... about ponies. I remember, I had to watch the first episode to make him satisfied. After that the next one and half month was like when Homer Simpson trying not to think of the Clown School. I said "No, those videos had nothing effect on me." But the ponies managed to sneak into my mind. ( Because, the first episode ended a cliff-hanger, and I wanted to know how will the things going, and they were cute and colourful. And I love cartoons, anyway.) That's it! And it based on a true story. It is a little unconventional story, but it's mine.
  8. If you take a better view, you can see, they have the most powerful army on the whole continent(?) that they developed during the whole show. Beside, the guards, they have the Elements of Harmony, two demi-gods who can control orbs, a quasy god really reality bending ability, they can change weather when ever they want, they have on anti-christ baby plus the pony version of the Doctor. And these are only those thing I managed to recall. Oh, yeah, mind controlling crystal heart, do not forget about that. I have to say, wipe it out twice and do not forget about writing your will, before declare a war against the mini-horses.
  9. Fix me If I'm wrong,but the show hasn't showed us diverse species pony parents, I mean, both of Twilight's parents are unicorns, Both of Fluttershy parent's are pegasus and so on. Honestly, I didn't wonder on the cake twins and whether Mrs. Cheated or not. Twilight didn't broach the subject in the episode, but I guess she had enough brain to stay silent about it, anyway. Nevertheless, Pumpkin's mane is similar to Mr. Cake's one. Technically, they much more similar to him than their mother. So everything is possible.
  10. Hello, there! I am an simple fan of my little pony from the middle-east-south part of Europe. So, if you read me collecting spelling mistakes, that is not my lack of English knowledge, but "my sexy accent" in my typing. Anyway, I am a fan of the show since 2012, so it is better later then never joining this forum. A brony needs a place to talk about pony. .
  11. I always considered them as bother and sister. Simply because of the way they treat each other. Anyway, how old could be Twilight when hatched his egg? Form 4 to 7, if we guess she was about to attend the magic kindergarten,(or primary school at least), but If we consider Twilight as a gosh darn prodigy then it could be 2-3, but she was significantly bigger than that. I say she must be 4-5 when hatch the egg. She could be any kind of prodigy, Celestia would never be so stupid to leave a baby to her responsibility at that age. I guess she was "compulsory" adopted by the Sparkle family by Royal order. It can explain why the "family" is not treat him like a true family member. But my head cannon is that Celestia took care of him. Therefore he and Twilight has such a good relationship, because Twilight spent significantly more time in the school than home. I imagine it like in the Harry Potter, she was lived in the magic school and went home might be three times a year, so she spent most of his time with Spike and Celestia, Of course, Celestia involved her in taking care of Spike, because it was good for her having company around - Twilight was inclined to be antisocial - and helping caring for an other living creature taught her responsibility, what she would need when became a princess. It explains why Twilight loves so much Celestia; technically she became her mother for years. ( In my headcanon, She was basically taken away from her family to prepare her for her destiny) Sure, she loves his parents she remained in touch with them, but it was not too intense. Shinning Armor is a different case because as a royal guard, he had more chance to visit his little sister. That is why, Spike and Twilight has such an intense bonding while Spike have no with the Sparkle family. Damn, I wrote a lot of bosh, here. XD Anyway The people voted and decided.
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