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Everything posted by SomeponySparkle
Feels like a grunge morning. Listening to the SINGLES soundtrack right now - this is the first track on the album.
@SomeponySparkle Sparkle like Twilight my awesome friend!
Last night, I bought some Star Trek TOS VHS tapes on eBay. Even though the show is available on basically every streaming service I have.
You wish you were as cool as I am.
@SomeponySparkle Sounds awesome! I’m sure that you’ll love it!
Followed back!
@SomeponySparkle You're way past awesome my awesome friend!
Thank you for the follow.
I haven't left my apartment since Sunday night.
It is now Thursday afternoon.
I have five packages to pickup from my mailbox and apartment office that have arrived in the last few days. (eBay, amazon -- oh, and Wicked Good Books in Salem, Mass.)
I have always been introverted and have worked from home since 2012, but this virus has made me borderline agoraphobic. (not really - that's not fair to people who actually suffer from it, but I do find I walk out my door as little as possible since March)
Found myself a new twi-avy.
The old one was getting kind of boring.
Has it really been August since I posted anything??!!
Southern Belle Drag Queen Big Mac is Best Pony. (this is the second time we've seem him go drag when he didn't have to, if you count Alicorn Princess Big Mac)
Wow, what a run of eps in season 5! Scaremaster (netflix has them out of order I guess?), Rarity Investigates, Made in Manehattan, Brotherhooves Social, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Pinkie Knows. I am still sobbing over Crusaders.
I need a soundtrack from this episode. Can I get one?
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1 the pony i wanna be
2 best friends until the end of time
3 a true true friend
4 a true true friend X winter wrap up
5 rainbow rocks (male)
6 helping twilight win the crown
7 the legend of everfree(no remix)
8 under our spell
9 smile
10 one small thing
11 hush now quiet now
12 this day aria
13 gypsy bard
14 hearts as strong as horses
15 battle
16 were not flawless
17 shake your tails
18 tricks up my sleeve
¹⁹ Apples to the core (no granny Smith singing remix XD)
20 its gonna work
21 the spectacle
22 say good bye to the holidays
23 make it special
24 dont stop shaking things up
25 in OUR TOWN
27 the real pink pony (orig.)
28 discord
Well, dang. . .
The first episode of "The Cutie Map" is dark AF.
Show for little girls, my eye. . .
I love love love Pinkie's suspicion towards a town filled with Stepford Ponies. The faces she's making, tho - perhaps my favorite thing she's ever done, and it says a lot about her character that she distrusts fake happiness.
Okay, so the wizard's duel between Twilight and Tirek was frigging amazing!
I had to fast forward through Spike's singing of the "Cloudsdale Anthem" at the Games.
I can't handle that kind of awkwardness.
Googling for Apple Bloom or CMC pics for a profile banner, I found this awesome drawing:
There's a better than zero chance Apple Bloom is vying to become my Best Pony. I can't help it. She's just so damned adorable.
Plus, there's no plot temptation here, so it feels more pure. LOL
Here's a thought that I suspect no one in fandom has ever uttered:
Was Granny Smith's name "Granny" even when she was a little filly?
This show, tho. . .
The bit where we see all the ponies come together to help Dashie learn the Wonderbolts' history.
Loved that episode. One of the best of that season.
I love Dashie too as she and AJ are my favs, but she’s one that isn’t very relatable to me.
But how she struggled to learn, and felt hopeless and dumb was too relatable to me.
I struggled a lot in school the same way thanks to years of undiagnosed adhd, so it was very easy to understand her frustrations.