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Everything posted by SomeponySparkle

  1. "I don't really like candy. But I do love Pinkie Pie."

    Maud's last line saved what was for me a dull episode. 

    1. AppleButt


      And cute RD face helped make it better for me :wub:


  2. Apple Jewel. A-Yup.



  3. "There's our friend Rarity going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!"


  4. Watching the Apple Family reunion ep. Applejack and Applebloom are so adorable together. I can't even. . .



    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      'Raise this barn, raise this barn. One, two, three!' :catface:

    2. AppleButt


      Yes they are!

  5. Half way through season 3, and I am enjoying it. Just finished the Wonderbolts Academy ep. Pinkie really is some kind of bipolar, isn't she?

    I think I read that season 3 is not well liked? 

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I don't know anypony who doesn't like Season 3. I personally love it a lot! :o

  6. :wub:


    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Any time at all, my friend!

      *snuggles* :kindness:

    2. EpicEnergy


      *snuggles you* :squee:

  7. For some pleasant Sunday morning listening, I youtubed part of the creepypasta Twilight's Experiments. It's some f'd up stuff, to be sure.

    It would be more entertaining, though, if the readers were better. I tried two different versions, and both were awful in their ways. I don't expect fan works to be on the level of TV pros. But at least act like you've seen these words before pressing "record". Read through the text aloud at least once and make some notes in the margins, or something. It will help avoid those awkward pauses and weird mispronunciations that can happen when encountering something for the first time. 


  8. I got an amazon fire tv 4K stick today, and it’s working great. I’ve been meaning to upgrade my ancient Roku device to something I could more easily use for h265 videos with Plex. $43 well spent at Best Buy, after a $10 store credit I had. 

  9. Dang, these changelings are serious nightmare fuel. :(

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      They sure are. :worry:

  10. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can really fly!"

    I'm not crying. You're crying. 

  11. "Looks like Nasty Fluttershy's here to stay!" - Some lines are fun out of context.



    1. Tom Gallagher
    2. SomeponySparkle
    3. Midnight Creep Show

      Midnight Creep Show

      It’s just like there’s nothing at all!

      nothing at all!

  12. Just watched Space Battleship Yamato, the 2010 film, dubbed version. The plot's terribly choppy and the voice "acting" can be cheesy. But I liked it. I may have to watch it again one of these days with the subs to get the proper voices.

  13. That's Scott. He's a dick.
  14. This Trixie is Best Trixie. Also, Twilight in this clip
  15. I think there's room for both kinds of story. But I do like when I see being gay as just a thing. Like the girl in BOOKSMART. She's just a normal nerdy teen who wants someone to kiss and stuff. She just happens to like girls instead of boys.
  16. I've listened to this song about 5 times since discovering it today. Thank you, Youtube, for giving me a bunch of great Pony music. 


    "Nothing from Tartarus could break their newfound trust!" <3


    1. AppleButt


      I love 4EverfreeBrony’s songs and renditions

  17. Lots of songs in this thread aren't guilty pleasures at all. They're just pleasures.
  18. January Jones Betty Draper illustrating our messed up 2020:



    2020-08-06 10.54.57 2369889765770609242_1002960691.jpg

  19. WantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWantWant
  20. It's Twilight Sparkle Day, and I neeeeeeeeeeeed one of these plushies. I am jealous AF of this girl. . .



    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I. Need. That! :ticking:

  21. Pinkie Pie is, of course, not the most reliable of narrators. It’s quite possible that she didn’t actually grow up on a rock farm. Instead, it was just some kind of awful unhappy drudgery. Could’ve been farm work or scrubbing floors or whatever. But at some point, it occurred to her that the idea of a rock farm was more amusing than the awful boring truth. So that’s the way she tells it now.
  22. Watching BronyCon vlogs like this one from Ink Rose makes me sad I came on board only just now.  I've missed so much. 


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SomeponySparkle


      @AppleButt I'll get there eventually. I'm a little over half way through s2. 

      I am trying to resist the temptation to jump around to fandom favorite eps. I did that in 2010 when I started watching Doctor Who at the beginning of Matt Smith's first season. (thanks to a famous pic of Karen G in her knickers) I didn't go back to the beginning of s1 in order and at first just watched the fan faves from seasons 1-4. I missed out for a long time on some eps that the DW fandom rated low but that I turned out to really like, such as a lot of the Martha Smith season. LOL

      So aside from having watched the first EQG Movie in the form of a reaction video that showed the whole film down in the corner of the screen, I am trying to watch everything in order the first time. I might end up watching The Movie at some point, though. 

    3. AppleButt


      Yeah you’ll get spoiled of some things if you jump around too. 

      Tbh I haven’t seen season 8-9 of MLP yet.  I stopped watching after season 7 for reasons not related to the show. 

      Ive gone back and restarted the entire season and have gotten to season 6 now.  It’s been one big trip of nostalgia.   Was like watching all over again.


    4. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      @AppleButt Those are words of a true fan. :mlp_smug: If you love all the seasons, then you’re a true fan of the show! :mlp_icwudt: 

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