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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DPBOX

  1. Hello, I'm trying to make some My Little Pony video games. One thing games need is graphics. However, I can't draw for the most part, so I'm going to have to have other people draw for me. I know that there is a requests forum for this type of stuff, but the site seems to encourage only big and major endeavors in there such as full size vectors and signatures. However, a lot of my art requests might be REALLY small. A good artist might be able to complete my requests in, like, 5 minutes, and I might have a LOT of such requests, and I'm afraid that, by continuously making these requests, I'll clutter up the Requestria forum. An example of one such request might be (and I do actually want this done). "I have these 2 animation frames of Desktop Ponies Season 1 Luna. Her eyes are open in 1 frame and closed in the other. Can someone add 2 more "in between" frames of the eye closing/opening for a total of 4 eye blinking frames? I'm trying to do it myself, but I just can't do it." Are extremely small and trivial requests like these allowed? If so, should I make separate threads for all of my game's minor art requests or make one thread for all of my game's minor art requests?
  2. I want ideas for attacks for some of the playable characters in a Kirby or Mega Man styled My Little Pony platforming game I'm working on. The characters I want ideas for right now are the Main 6 members and Celestia and Luna. Each of these 8 characters will have 3 forms corresponding to the small, big, and fire forms that Mario normally has, and the attacks of each successive form will have more range and will cover a greater area of the screen or make it harder for the player to get hit since all enemies in the platformer die in one hit. The characters and forms will be as follows. Princess Twilight Sparkle (her smaller Alicorn we see for the majority of the show) -> Queen Twilight Sparkle (her adult form we see in the last episode) -> Queen Midnight Sparkle depowered Princess Luna -> Princess Luna -> Nightmare Moon depowered Princess Celestia -> Princess Celestia -> Daybreaker Rarity -> Luna-sized Nightmare Rarity -> Celestia-sized Nightmare Rarity wearing golden armor Rainbow Dash -> Shadowbolt Rainbow Dash -> Nightmare Dash (I'm not exactly sure on Rainbow Dash's forms yet.) Fluttershy -> Flutterbat -> Nightmare Flutterbat (really dark yellow almost black Celestia-sized Flutterbat) Applejack -> Rotten Applejack -> Nightmare Rotten Applejack (I'm not exactly sure on Applejack's forms yet.) Pinkie Pie -> Pinkamena -> Nightmare Pinkie Pie (Please, no mature concepts such as blood and knives. Stick to her party themes.)
  3. Hmm, it's very subtle. I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference without that side by side comparison. It looks like the melting effect in the uncensored version is a little more exaggerated. I don't see anything wrong with the uncensored version. I think it looks too similar to the censored version to make an impact.
  4. Huh? What's the difference between that and the scene that appears in the show? And is that fan made?
  5. Yeah, I looked into it, and I think it's fan made. I wish the artist have been more "direct" about it, like saying, "Hey, this is my version of Sci Twi called Powerful Sparkle," and simply uploading a simple image of her before doing anything with her. The origin of this Twilight Sparkle with a blue streak in her hair was difficult to track down. I think it first appeared in a comic. And also, it seems like the only differences between regular Twilight Sparkle and this is a blue streak in her hair, a blue magic aura, and blue stars added to her Cutie Mark. It's not much different from regular Twilight Sparkle, and some people may think this form actually appeared in the show when it didn't. It looks really cool, though, especially when the blue streak glows. Contrast that to my custom version of Twilight Sparkle that I paid someone to draw called Twilight Sparkle Resolute Form. https://derpibooru.org/images/2461659 The horn and mane look drastically different than usual, it's just a simple image not in a comic or anything, and anyone who has seen the Pokémon Keldeo will know that Twilight Sparkle Resolute Form is inspired by one of Keldeo's forms. Mods, feel free to move this to the Sugarcube Corner forum. Since everyone now knows this is fan made, I don't think this thread belongs in this forum anymore.
  6. I keep seeing images online of Twilight Sparkle mostly as a human but with a blue streak in her hair. https://derpibooru.org/tags/powerful+sparkle Her Rainbow Powered form from the Season 4 finale had a yellow streak in her hair, but I don't ever remember seeing Twilight Sparkle with a blue streak in her hair. Is that fan made or did Twilight Sparkle actually appear somewhere with a blue streak in her hair?
  7. Hello, I just watched the Dance Magic, Movie Magic, and Mirror Magic Equestria Girls Specials. The second and third ones feature a villain named Juniper Montage. https://derpibooru.org/images/2590921?q=juniper+montage In the third episode, she powers up and looks like this. https://derpibooru.org/images/1679362?q=juniper+monstar The writing involving this character in these episodes, especially her powered up form, is god awful, but I think the design of her powered up from is just so awesome and I really like it! I wanted to see what this form would look like as a pony, but I couldn't really find anything on derpiboru, just 2 images of this form as a pony, and neither are what I was imagining what the pony version of the form would look like. In fact, I couldn't really find any drawings on derpiboru of this form from scratch either. I mostly just found a bunch of screen shots of the episode she appears in rather than actual art. Not only that, but I would also expect to see a lot of images where the form has a big bust, too, and I couldn't really find any of those, either. So does anyone even know this character? I keep thinking that the reason why there isn't much art of this character is because she's either super unpopular, super unknown, or both. Am I right? Why isn't there a lot of actual art of this cool-looking form? I want to see more!
  8. Midnight Sparkle love! No background version:
  9. Well, you sure are right about one thing. They should have just been able to dodge the orbs, especially while flying and especially after they saw what the orbs did to Cadence. And, yes, what you said would be more "balanced". And also, if Celestia and Luna are petrified, who's going to raise the sun and moon??!! If Luna was free, there'd definitely be an answer to that question.
  10. Probably better, that's for sure. I think Luna's also a fan favorite. If she accompanied the Main 6, the fans would go nuts and the movie might have sharply increased sales. I hate those orbs as much as you do, see my thread, "If those orbs that the villains throw didn't exist, what would the beginning of the movie be like? How would the adventure get started?". I mean, Luna is over 1,000 years old. She shouldn't be killable that easily, and yet the writers created a cheap, bare bones, and unexplained concept that could kill her easily.
  11. Hello, is there a place on these forums where I can ask for help on using these? If so, where?
  12. I love that! I wonder what a pony version of that would look like. Oh, hey, I saw that on DeviantArt earlier and I love it! I'm following that guy. His art is some of the best My Little Pony art I've seen. And it looks like he's doing that to the rest of the Main 6, too. I personally like this Nightmare Twilight of his more, though. I even paid him once to draw this.
  13. I haven't watched the show in a while so I might not remember things and I'm autistic and couldn't really understand the above posts because they're a more deep level understanding of the show which I can find difficult to understand, so take my opinion as you will. I really like the first 4 seasons. I think they're decently well-written with very few glaring flaws. The last 5 seasons, while I think they introduced some very amazing concepts, they also have some very glaring flaws. If you want me to list some examples, let me know. Maybe these flaws are why people can dislike the last 5 seasons.
  14. Or, offscreen before they left Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle could have cast a fire protection spell on them or Zecora could have made them a fireproof elixir to drink. Right?
  15. I mean, both places are volcanic regions, so should the Dragonlands from My Little Pony have similar properties to Death Mountain from Zelda: Breath of the Wild, namely the super, SUPER high heat to the point where thermometers and temperature detecting spells will fail to get the temperature and the fact that food will instantly start cooking, wood and other flammable materials will start combusting, and explosives will instantly go off? Do you think non dragons will need fire protection such as a fireproof elixir or the effects of a fire protection spell in order to go to the Dragonlands?
  16. I don't mean, like, a horse's tail, but I mean, like, a lizard's tail or a cat's tail where the tail starts out thick and gets thinner and thinner. I made this, but how do I make it curve and how do I rotate it and such and still make it look good?
  17. @Denim&Venöm, so do you think Luna still does dream surveillance? Is dream surveillance a hobby just like how raising the sun and moon is a hobby? Everyone else, I think I saw Twilight referred to as queen in official sources, but I think other official sources still refer to her as princess, so I think whether she's a queen or a princess is ambiguous. I like to refer to her as a queen because, unlike Celestia and Luna, who ruled Equestria together, Twilight rules alone. Also, she became a princess and had a coronation in Season 3. She had a second coronation in Season 9. I like to refer to the second coronation as promoting from princess to queen.
  18. When she became queen of Equestria, did Twilight Sparkle get Celestia and Luna's powers? Does Twilight Sparkle now raise and lower the sun and moon, create the night, patrol everyone's dreams, and destroy nightmares? If so, then can Celestia and Luna still do that stuff even after retiring or did they lose their powers? If they didn't lose their powers, do they still help Twilight out? For example, do both Twilight AND Luna patrol everyone's dreams or just Twilight or just Luna?
  19. There's this My Little Pony fan game I played years ago called My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony. It's styled like an NES game with 8-bit renditions of My Little Pony songs. Does anyone know where I can find the original .midi or .nsf files of the My Little Pony songs that are in that game? I want to port them to Super Mario World so I can use them in this game I'm making. The music files in the My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony game are in .mp3 format, but I can't use streamed music files such as .mp3 files to port music to Super Mario World, the files have to be sequenced music files such as .midi, .nsf, or .spc.

    1. DPBOX


      He said that he got the songs from YouTube and that there were no midi or nsf files provided.

    2. DPBOX


      They're not.

    3. DPBOX


      I think it's these songs that I'm looking for .nsf files for. I think that's the primary source of My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony's music. 

  20. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, feel free to move this moderators if this isn't the right place, but there's this My Little Pony fan game I played years ago called My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony. It's styled like an NES game with 8-bit renditions of My Little Pony songs. What I want to know is, does anyone know where I can find the original .midi or .nsf files of the My Little Pony songs that are in that game? I want to port them to Super Mario World so I can use them in this game I'm making. The music files in the My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony game are in .mp3 format, but I can't use streamed music files such as .mp3 files to port music to Super Mario World, the files have to be sequenced music files such as .midi, .nsf, or .spc.
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