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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Starstream

  1. Katami put her hoof on Six'. She didn't say anything, she simply looked into his concerned eyes and smiled.
  2. Try shipping realistic straight couples, options run out pretty quickly. So yeah, I'm pro on lesbian shipping!
  3. Anypony up for a game of Terraria for an hour or so? I want to test my internet connection to see if I can still host these things with my new setup.

    1. Gaupa95


      would love to.. but busy :(

    2. Aureity


      I *might* be able to. I have trouble with Hamachi, but I seem to be able to join most direct IP servers.

  4. "Ehm... no problem Mister String... I'm Katami," she offered softly before dropping into silence.
  5. *Chuckle*I kind of agree with you on every single point, especially the last one. I should make it clear that I might have been talking about a proper gaming PC, but my PC is by no means optimal for gaming, still it works for the few games I do play on it, and it's mostly my attention span problems combined with the PCs ability to do a lot of crap at the same time that wins me over. Again, I prefer portables, and of those Nintendo takes the cake by a landslide. I'm not sure why I went into so much detail with this, I guess I just wanted to iterate that I'm not a "PC gamer" (or any kind of "gamer" for that part) I like all "console" platforms, I just think the PC is most suitable for my gaming style.
  6. Episode 1 of the abridged series... I'm not telling which one!
  7. I wouldn't mind terribly, but the new character would definitely have some catching up to do.
  8. Thank you, you remind me of a point I forgot to make. I under no circumstances want the moves to work on (exclusively) a cooldown system, that again would bug down the battles to:- Flamethrower! - Run away to recharge - Flamethrower again! The PP system is a great concept but it never really feels like you're in danger of running out of it. I think a great deal of strategy would naturally form if the maximum PP of all moves were lowered. 'Struggle' would be a lot more prominent that way, and it would require a little thought to avoid getting into a situation where struggle is your only option. Also I do realize there will always be overpowered pokemon, and I'm not saying they should spend all their time making all pokemon equal and balanced. But they shouldn't just hand powerhouses to you at the beginning of the game, nor should they make them easily available before the supposedly climactic final showdown. Make the player work for their Chuck Norris, make the destroyer of all things that breathe available after the end of the game!
  9. Katami noticed how Six cheered up and she smiled back. He looked more lively than before. "Your eyes... they're much more beautiful when you're smiling." A slight blush appeared on her face. She hesitantly moved in closer to Six and gave him a hug. She whispered into his ear, "Please... don't stop smiling." Katami's own words startled her. She quickly let go of Six and turned her back to him. 'D- did I just... but I... ' she thought as her blush intensified. 'I don't even know his name yet.'
  10. "Well, like I hold my hairclip to remind me of my mother, do you... play music to remind you of your grandfather?" Katami asked.
  11. *grammar nazi time* 'Ahem... It's spelled "plow". ' Also, I was thinking more along the lines of final fantasy tactics, I assume it'll be a 3DS release so, touch screen attack and team management plus analogue controls to an isometric viewpoint.
  12. "O- oh..." Katami responded as she fixed the clip back into her mane. "Is that your memento?" she asked SIx, not defining what she meant with "that".
  13. Starstream shook his head. "I- I'd need a proper cloud for that..." He looked up at the sky. "...but I guess... I could try something with one of those." He flew out to the clouds. To his disappointment they were all regular rain clouds and he couldn't do much with those except create snow. He gathered some of them together anyway and flew back inside and up to Ice Storm. "Miss Storm, If I make cold snow, would you be able to turn it into usefull ice?"
  14. My friend, I would like to point out that the games are only strategic if you yourself choose make them strategic. You can ignore making pretty much any kind of tactic if you straight up play the game like a child would approach it. For instance, you can pick a starter, and since all of these are high-tier pokemon anyway you'll never actually be required to train any other pokemon than your awesome Blaziken or your cool Blastoise. So after that you proceed to power-drill your way through the gyms with said starter, (in between gyms you'll probably catch some party members but seriously, don't bother to grind for them, it would just be a waste of time,) eventually your starter levels up to the point where it completely overshadows anything the game will throw at you, and now you've caught some legendary pokemon (or at least one with a master ball) so you add those to your party. In the end, in the unlikely event that you lose your powerhouse in battle during the final act of the game, you can just switch to: 1) A legendary who will most likely already be level appropriate (or overlevelled). 2) One of your cannon fodder pokemon and hit Hulk-incarnate with a revive/max revive/revival herb. That might seem slightly strategical but trust me, it's basic instinct that everyone already applies naturally if playing the game for the first time. I get that the metagame works differently but you aren't forced to play online to unlock content, you are however forced to play through the story to do so. Besides, I highly doubt that the online gameplay is the selling point of the games, considering the fact that the balancing is really off and you pretty much have to dip into the much used top-tier pokemon list to stand a fighting chance, which I find disappointing because I like to choose my teams based on complimenting designs and connection to the pokemon. *Ahem...* Back to what I was actually talking about. Basically I'm saying that the pokemon games really aren't as strategic as you give it credit for as most of the combat basically boils down to: 1. - Pick the strongest move in your pool. 2. - Pick it again! 3. - Use a healing item. 4. - Pick that strong move again! 5. - What? You haven't won yet? Maybe you should try step two again. The setup for a game that's being suggested in this topic if nothing else will give moves different areas of effect and will therefore force you to use more than one move per pokemon. Who knows, stat boosts might even become an attractive option/necessity during the main story mode of the game, so... Yeah! I can dig it! (To certain extent anyway.) I apologize if I come across as a whiny bastard, I do have a sentimental attachment to the pokemon series but I'm starting to get fed up with the lack of really involving battles, I've found that not a single battle in the main games is really memorable for its intellect or skill testing challenge. Anywho, those were my two cents, Rant over! Zhinzo, Awaaaay!
  15. I'm curious, what exactly do you mean?
  16. Shankveld, you forget too mention that old cheese is an acquired taste. You can have very valid reasons for not liking... this...
  17. "O- oh, I'm so sorry for you," Katami responded. She remained silent for a while and then took her hairclip out of her mane. She carefully fixed the clip in Six' mane before saying, "That's... a good luck token. It means a lot too me, it's supposed to help me find my own family but..." She stared into six' eyes. "...J- just give it back when you've f- found them, okay?" Her voice cracked a little but she shrugged it off and she offered Six a hug. She failed to consider the fact that his family might have passed away.
  18. Hmmm, that character gives me inspiration... bare with me though, I'll tell you guys if the Idea still holds up after more people apply.
  19. I only have 25 cents, a paperclip and some chewed out bubblegum... Please say it's enough.
  20. Great! Thanks for being a tease DJ-JK! Now I'm all excited for playing Terraria again.

  21. Well, assuming you're using Steam Gear... How about something where one of his inventions goes astray and a group of ponies has to stop it before ___. I'm not sure about the rest, fill in the blank I guess.
  22. I'd vote queen Faust, but she isn't a choice sooo... Luna!
  23. Six' change of demeanor startled Katami. She stopped playing with the clip and inched herself closer to him. "D- did I say something wrong? Are you okay?"
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