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Everything posted by hinata2000100

  1. Holy jesus. I have 400 notifications.

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      xD I disabled the notifications for friends status updates...

  2. Well, that interests me (even though I'm female). If only I had a mic. Then I'd try out for Fluttershy. DX My voice is pretty similar to hers, I've been told.
  3. Video game music all the way. It's much more preferable, as it's neatly composed unlike the stuff that passes for music today.
  4. It was quite the tragedy for me. I want to build it all up again, but I haven't found the heart to. Hopefully I'll get it done one day, though. I had a lot of ponies made. D: And a lot of video game characters.
  5. I had tons, and I mean TONS of pixel art that I spent months making. And then.... Someone griefed all of it. All that's left now are pieces of wool scattered in the air to remind me of what once was...
  6. until

    I have no money to get there! But I want to go with all my heart!
  7. Pi nki e Pik er Rolc mksx I want my name typed, as if it had an accent and blue! Oh, and without the "Invader" part.
  8. Twilight. The first color that came to mind when I read your post was purple.
  9. False, I have no idea what that is. TPAM has an OC as their avatar.
  10. I'm the N to the A to the S-C-A-R! And ain't no other pony troll with usernames like me! I'm Nascarlicious!
  11. Banned because of having too awesome of a signature.
  12. Well, howdy-do, everypony? Mah name's Fantasia Tempo, and ah'm here ta answer yer questions! Go on, don't ya'll be shy, ask away!
  13. What's a human? (But in all seriousness, I think they would be us with lower knowledge and tech.)
  14. Oh. Well, it was just a question.....
  15. Are you.... still... letting people.... into a family...?
  16. D: Darn it! Now we need a new army...
  17. Like many people have pointed out, "pegasister" pegs you as being a female.
  18. If I joined this army... I have no idea how I would change my name. Don't get me wrong, I want to join, I just don't know how my name change would work.
  19. If you're not too busy... I want a signature like this one: except... with Fluttershy. Could you do it, if you're not too busy with other requests?
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