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Magic Man

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Everything posted by Magic Man

  1. Perhaps you missed the point I made before. The Changelings who invaded Canterlot were Chrysalis' Army! Their orders were to occupy the city and feed on the citizens' love. An army of creatures is not representative of an entire species or nationality. Think of say, the Iraqis or better yet, the Afghanis' perspective of the US. The only Americans many of them have likely seen are the soldiers occupying their country, so that then may affect their view of Americans as a whole. Yes, but their diet does not just automatically MAKE them evil. It's their food source, something they HAVE to do and probably really can't help, even if they wanted to.
  2. I know that in season 2, we had an episode based around racism, the 'Hearth's Warming Eve' episode between the different races of pony. However, I would like the show to take it to a new level and actually deal with relations with an entirely different species. As far as we've seen, most species we've seen outside of ponies are EVIIIL, be they dragons, diamond dogs, or changelings, and I have to say, that kind of rubs me the wrong way. I think it would do a world of good if the show dedicated an episode to how some, or better yet, many members of these 'EVIIIL' species are actually good people and are not uniformly bad. I mean, I know some species are kind of set up to come across as evil, but one of the big messages of this show is on love and tolerance, so I think one of the best examples of that is having the Mane Six realize that 'hey, maybe it's wrong to write off every single one of these guys we hardly know as an 'evil jerk'. They are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones and are, in many ways, like us'. The species I'd like to see this done with the most is the Changelings, mostly because they are the species that are most set up as uniformly evil and thus would make it more interesting and compelling than say, the Diamond Dogs. It also allows the Mane Six to be portrayed as more sympathetic in their distrust and NOT as blind, ignorant bigots because unlike the incident with Zecora (which was them being speciesist per say, more fear of the unknown), which was based more on ignorance than hatred, they have more of a founded reason to see all Changelings as the enemy; an army of them, led by their Queen, invaded their country! Unlike Zecora and the different races of pony, there is a solid reason for which they are actively expected to not like Changelings. It does not justify their predjudice entirely, but it makes the audience sympathise and understand them more. No one side is entirely in the wrong. The Mane Six, in the end, would come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as individual characters). They (the Changelings) are like them (the Mane Six and ponies in general) in many ways. I keep imagining as of late their kingdom and society and culture drawing a lot of similarities to Oriental cultures, like Japan and Korea. I guess this is mainly due to Chrysalis' designer, Rebecca Dart was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino. I for one champion this, for if we see the Changeling Kingdom in the show it can really enable the show writers and animators to explore some East Asian art, architecture and culture. And picture this: Changeling Samurais! You tell me that would not be awesome. Now close your eyes as you listen to this music: , picture Changeling children playing in beautiful ornamental gardens with dolls and wooden swords, Changeling mothers laboring in the farms, carrying their babies in satchels on their backs (from many pictures I see of old Japanese mothers), a whole market place full of Changelings going about their business, and finally, in her palace, Chrysalis, sitting crosslegged in her kimono, drinking tea and her child sleeping soundly against her. It has many ways in which the episode could be played out: - The Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings. - The Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves/They are sent to the Changeling Kingdom as spies and go undercover. Either way, they then get an understanding of what the Changelings' lives are like, and how privileged ponies are in Equestria in comparison to a Changeling's daily hardship and squalor. - The familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family. The twist? It's Chrysalis baby! How're they gonna get themselves out of that one, especially as Chryalis believes they kidnapped her baby? - Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom go to, or are at the brink of war. This sort of thing relates to real life in ways a lot of us may not realize. We often associate entire certain nationalities or groups of people as our enemies because of what their leaders (past or present), ancestors or a select minority of them have done, when in reality, many of them have done nothing to antagonize us and could otherwise be our friends. I mean, come one, I think it's safe to say many of us have associated groups with something bad; Arabs with terrorism, Germans with Nazism, Russians and Chinese with Communism (the former nowadays as alcoholic, vicious gangsters), Italians with the mafia, etc. Edit: Noted, Spike seems to be the only exception so far, but I'm really talking about an episode dedicated to the matter. Still, my bad for not mentioning Spike before.
  3. I've got a list of well-known voice actors who would fit well here: Tim Curry, Paul Reubens, Mark Hammil and John DiMaggio.
  4. I recently posted a topic regarding an MLP episode with the moral being focused on empathy. I used the below as an example, thus allowing for further discussion on an episode of empathy itself. However, whilst the previous topic remains, I have decided to repost the idea for it to stand as the topic itself...if that makes sense. This is an episode idea regarding the Changelings, in which the moral would be on empathy, or rather, empathy and having a better understanding of the people you call your 'enemy'. It would be a Mane Six episode, and the group's perception of the Changelings and the Changeling Kingdom being their enemies and how their original perceptions are shaken. Why this would be an interesting episode is because the Mane Six and most ponies do have complete justification for not trusting Changelings; an army of them invaded their country! So it then makes the Mane Six more sympathetic in their distrust, that they are NOT ignorant bigots and that no one side is completely wrong. However, in this episode, the Mane Six could come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as individual characters). They (the Changelings) are like them (the Mane Six and ponies in general) in many ways. It has many ways in which it could be played out: - The Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings - The Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves/They are sent to the Changeling Kingdom as spies and go undercover. Either way, they then get an understanding of what the Changelings' lives are like, and how privileged ponies are in Equestria in comparison to a Changeling's daily hardship and squalor. - The familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family. The twist? It's Chrysalis baby! How're they gonna get themselves out of that one?! - Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom go to war. In fact, this scene should give you guys an idea what I'm talking about here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKOmWYSRNo0&feature=channel&list=UL
  5. I would really like there to be an episode where the moral is on empathy, or 'walk a mile in their shoes', or just seeing things from another perspective, in which the Mane Six gets a better understanding of a certain character or group of characters, seeing they are not as bad as they first believed. This is what I thought the supposed 'Fluttershy turns into a dragon' episode was going to be about; Fluttershy walking a mile in a dragon's shoes and thus understanding that she should not fear dragons as she does, now having understood what it's like to be one. However, it seems that such an episode is not going to happen after recent confirmation. Yet still, an episode on empathy would do well for MLP. I, personally, would like it to be on the Changelings and the Mane Six's perception of them being their enemies. Why this would be an interesting episode is because the Mane Six and most ponies do have complete justification for not trusting Changelings; an army of them invaded their country! So it then makes the Mane Six more sympathetic in their distrust and that no one side is wrong. However, in this episode, the Mane Six could come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as inidividual characters). The specific concept has many ways in which it could be played out; the Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings; the Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves and thus get an understanding of what their lives are like, or the familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family (The twist? It's Chrysalis baby!) What do you think? Would this make a good episode on empathy? Do you have your own ideas for such a moral?
  6. Yeah, pretty much. I almost think of the Professor from Powerpuff Girls, who was a right little Punk when he was a kid. I can definitely imagine Celestia being like that as a child.
  7. This! For this, you, my friend, win the internet. Please pick it up in Astana, Kazakhstan in the year 2039. But seriously, nice one!
  8. Okay, now it's my turn. However, I do want to point out something important: I think the reason why some characters grow on us or don't may mostly be due to the varying writers of the episodes. They have different way of writing the characters and certain episodes may be more impressionable on us than others. Increased: Rainbow Dash - There's no denying that RD is flawed. She is arrogant, cocky and can sometimes be jerkish. But depsite this, it is clear she is a loyal friend (Element of Loyalty, People!) and a good person. To me, a character's flaws are important and help the character grow as well as their pros. Say, for examples, in the Cider Squeezy episode, she does her eyes set on the cider, but when she was called in to help the Apples, she did not once say she wanted all the cider as reward or demand it for her troubles or something like that, she helped no questions asked. And in May the Best Pet Win, yes, her initial treatment of Tank was harsh, but it comes off as less harsh when it is kept in mind that it was a voluntary competition and RD made it quite clear that a torotoise wasn't what she was looking for but he wasn't taking a hint. She just didn't understand didn't see the tenacity and loyalty qualities he had because she was focus on the critera of being fast, and she did feel a bit bad for him halfway through, and in the end, she realised she was wrong and picked him. Rainbow Dash is flawed, but hey, for me that is interesting and the S2 which showed her flaws allowed us to see her softer side, when the writers take down that cocky and arrogant front and allow us to properly understand her. Rarity - At first, I did not like her all that much, but S2 has definitely allowed her to grow on me, showing her softer, more generous side by taking down her front like RD's. Sweet and Elite, Putting your Hoof Down and Sisterhooves Social did this very well. Decreased: Pinkie Pie - Now don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Pinkie Pie, she's fun and entertaining and all that. On the other hand, though, I think she's become a tad too flanderized in her cartoony nature and breaking the fourth wall. Fluttershy - Again, I don't dislike this character. She's nice and pretty cute, but her extreme shyness - and I guess this is a bit unfair considering it's in her freaking name - can get irritating sometimes. It's often the focus of her episodes, in S2 especially, and that can get repetitive to the point it becomes boring, because we know what to expect; she'll come through it but will still be very shy in the following episodes. I do like her occasional switch to Flutterage/psychoshy/New Fluttershy, but I'm starting to wonder if that's on its way to becoming repetitive.
  9. Well then, i guess that for Rarity, in her Princess Platinum bit, would have to have a point against her too. But as for the Best Pet episode, I don't think RD was being as big a jerk as some like to think she is. Sure, her initial treatment of Tank was harsh, but it comes off as less harsh when it is kept in mind that it was a voluntary competition and RD made it quite clear that a torotoise wasn't what she was looking for but he wasn't taking a hint. She just didn't understand didn't see the tenacity and loyalty qualities he had because she was focus on the critera of being fast. And she did feel a bit bad for him halfway through. So yeah, I can understand MMDW, but Best Pet, not so much. Yeah, those can be bit glaring problems, but Best Pet wasn't as bad as MMDW. She at least learned her lesson on her own in that one and was somewhat sympathetic to Tank halfway through. But year, MMDW is a bigger issue.
  10. Those are true, but I don't think it was as heavy in Best Pet as it was in MMDW, and not to forget, the Commander Hurricane bit was a role she was playing.
  11. I wouldn't say she was being turned into a joke to see her softer side. The writers put her in situations that took away her cocky, arrogant front, e.g. having to work very hard to get her cider and her fondness for reading, allowing us to see her true self and thus her softer, kinder side.
  12. Yes, but I think you were talking those parts more than the personality itself. So, for example, I think behind the pomp and boasting, she is a spoiled brat. Now, with past aside, behind the pomp and boasting, what do you think she is?
  13. So would you say you take her posturing and arrogance at face value? That that is how she really is?
  14. Again, good points in their own right, but not really related to what this topic is about. Personality, not her intentions or actions. Yes, I said that is how I interpreted her in my own way, but I only used that to base what I believed to be her true colours. Your posts were mostly to do with her actions and trying to justify them.
  15. Please keep in mind this has to do with her PERSONALITY, not her backstory. This is a good interpretation of her background, but not what the topic is about.
  16. Here's what I've been thinking. Chrysalis reminds of Trixie to an extent, in that she puts up a very confident and arrogant front in front of everypony else, especially when they are the ones in control. However, when her front fell, Trixie was shown to be a simpering, useless dud. Therefore, with Chrysalis, when she is not posturing or boasting how she is better than her enemies and of her glorious upcoming victory, how does she really act? Who is she behind that smug shell? The problem is, we did not get to see how she really acts when she is not winning other than her screaming "nooo" and being sent flying into the distance. It's mostly up to fan interpretation. For example, I view her as to truly act like a spoiled child behind her front, Somepony who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and given everything her rotten little heart desires? I mean, just think of how her PARENTS must been like. I see her as still being that little child but now in a grownup's body and with absolute power. The thought of Chrysalis pounding her royal chamber's floors in a temper tantrum is amusing to say the least. What are your thoughts? Ps, please keep in mind her backstory, however creatively we interpret it, is not the main focus of this topic. It's about her true personality when she isn't posturing. It's kind of like with your boss at work. Yeah, some of them act high and mighty with all their power, but when you take that out of the picture, then who are they really? Does that make sense?
  17. The saddest thing about it though is how justified them being mad at her was. Actually, for me, it wasn't that scene, but the preceding scene when Twilight just bursts into the wedding rehersal and wildy accuses the fake Cadance with absolutely zero evidence, screaming "Evil" as much as Mermaid Man, and acts as hysterical as possible. I'm just all like, "Twilight...you moron!"
  18. Upon the release of the map of Equestria, http://4.bp.blogspot...s1600/1yawf.jpg, it has got me thinking of the kingdoms of the other species in the world, especially when it says 'Yonder to Griffins' on the map. Now obviously, Equestria is modelled heavily on North America, with some Western European influence, going by that and how 'Yonder to Griffins' is in the East, here's how I picture the other nations being based: Griffin Kingdom: Based on Western and Central European countries like Germany and France. This is especially considering Gustav Le Grand. Changeling Kingdom: Russia and Eastern Europe, and China. I do like the idea of them as a poor, peasant nation and when you consider the rivaly between the US and Russia in the past and how there is American influence in Equestria, it does make more sense in that regard. And as for China, the size in population and work ethic would be fitting, as well as Western rivalry. The Dragon homeland: Given by the direction to the south for dragons on the map, I'm guessing like Central and South America. Well, anyway, these are my takes on it. Let's hear yours. I have left out the Diamond Dogs here, since they were not included on that map and do not seem to have a major fanbase. However, just to take a wack at it, I'm guessing they may too, like the dragons, may come from a country that is like a central or south American nation, say like Mexico. As for Zebras, well, I guess that's a no-brainer.
  19. You mean 'the United States OR Great Britain', right? Just want to know if it was a spelling error. And I'm only typing more because I need over a hundred figures, lol!
  20. Well, MLP:FiM has sometimes taken rather known plots and do a unique take on them, so it is possible they could make something good out of it. However, I will have to admit that in reality, this type of plot has pretty much been done to death by nearly every other cartoon and show there is. Sure, the writers of the show are good, but at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, what can they do that the writers of all the cartoons and shows who've used this plot haven't
  21. I was actually thinking Pinkie Pie and Celestia swap bodies. Now that would be funny, seeing Pinkie Pie absolutely ruin Celestia's figure eating all the cake in the castle and Celestia being able to enjoy all the cake in a more youthful body. As for the others: Twilight-Trixie Rainbow Dash-Fluttershy Applejack-Rarity.
  22. I wouldn't say "bitch" myself, but definitely ooc idiotic. But yeah, her being right still shouldn't be an excuse for the way she acted, just like how because the CMC are kids, that is not an excuse to be free from blame or scolding from the other ponies for the Gabby Gums fiasco.
  23. This is discussing the end of 'A Canterlot Wedding Part One'. There seems to be a consensus that Twilight did not deserve to have everypony mad at her and not be allowed to come to the wedding and that everypony else was in the wrong at the end of the first episode. I have gone over it quite a number of times to conclude, in my opinion, that this is not really the case. I know a lot of you are going to hate me for this, but I'm sorry, I believe Shining Armor and the others had every right to be mad at Twilight here. And before I’m accused of anything, let me make it clear that I adore Twilight. She is quite possibly my fav. Pony character and when she started to break down, I doubt blame anyone for just wanting to reach into the screen and give her a big hug. However, I am still willing to admit how she acted in that scene was out of line. Let’s review: Twilight burst into the rehearsal and immediately made extremely serious accusations against a member of the ROYAL FAMILY with ZERO solid evidence to back any of it up, whilst acting as hysterical as possible and said accusations consisting pretty much of her just screaming "Evil". This isn't on par with the Smarty Pants incident, this is a royal family member and an official royal wedding. This is pretty much as serious as it can get. Also, Twilight picks the near enough the worst way to bring these issues up - at the wedding rehersal, and considering how we don't see a night transistion, I think we can rightly assume the wedding is on the exact same day! One of the things I like about Twilight is that she is smart and knows when and how to act. The way she handled herself was pretty OOC for her in my opinion. As for the others, they were already aware of Twilight's possessiveness of her brother, even after the Mane Six discussed it the previous night. Yeah, a lot of people claim they didn't learn their lesson from season zero, but unlike then, in this episode they actually did take the time to listen to Twilight's concerns. All they see is her badmouthing the bride for no reason other than possessive jealousy and an inability to be happy for her brother even after they tried to reassure her, which must have really disappointed them in her. As for Princess Celestia, she has taught and pretty much brought up Twilight, acting like a surrogate mother to her and sent her to Ponyville to learn more social skills. Seeing her prize student acting so immaturely really must have disappointed her because she knows Twilight knows better than that. It's made worse because Cadence is Celestia's niece, her family. She and Twilight are close, but family is still family. Shining Armor himself is an even more special case. He and Twilight are siblings and close ones at that, however there has been a certain tension between them over Twilight not being notified earlier on. However, he did expect Twilight to as least be happy for him and the foalsitter she loved. There was no reason, from his point of view, why she should not be accepting of their upcoming union. So when Twilight came bursting in and screeching her accusations like a harpy at who he believes is the mare he loves, she ended up really hurting and alienating him, again because of this aforementioned inability to be happy for him. It's also important to note that if we go by that SA was not as brainwashed yet and was genuinely upset was Twilight, it shows how much he really does love Cadence, as he's willing to defend her. We also have to keep in mind that SA's explanations were not diabolical in their intent and sounded perfectly believable in context, thus he and the others' reactions can be seen as further justified, which only makes the sting of it all even more painful. I mean, for all we knew, he was right and Twilight was wrong and had just been possessive. Hell, if not for the episode's very last minute, or even half-minute and the episode ended BEFORE that, we would have thought she was wrong too. Then how would the viewers have initially felt? Would it have been all "oh, poor Twilight" or that and "oh, Twilight, you moron!"? Also, on a minor note, I think SA telling her not to the wedding come is kinda a given, because why should she come to a wedding she's clearly opposed to even happening? I don’t see it as 'you're not allowed to come so to punish you' as it is 'if this is how you feel, then don't come'. This is my (lengthy) take on it. What say you? These are other reviews and analyses on the matter: http://japaneseteeth.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4xdism http://colorsplasharts.deviantart.com/art/OOC-Twilight-s-closest-friends-No-304275924
  24. I've been wondering lately about Celestia and her past. She is immortal, but I am sure many will agree that at some point she was a filly. What I'm curious about is what she was like as a filly? I think it's a tad naive and boring to assume she was a sweet, angelic filly who could do no wrong. An idea I've enjoyed toying with is the filly-aged Celestia being an obnoxious, violent, spoiled brat. I'm not talking Diamond Tiara exactly, because she has a sense of elitism around her. With filly Celestia, I simply mean a violent, screaming child who goes beserk when she doesn't get her way. The bully clause pretty much goes without saying: (Filly Celestia shoves filly Luna, who is learning her first steps, on her back) Filly Celestia: (pointing) "Ha, ha!" (She throws a dodge ball at young Discord, who falls into a river) Filly Celestia: (pointing) "Ha, ha!" (She kicks over larva Chrysalis' snow castle) Filly Celestia: (pointing) "Ha, ha!" Imagine if one of the big bads casts a spell and Celestia is reverted back to her filly age, including her behaviour as one. Now imagine the Mane Six having to now save the day, as well as watch after this beastly filly who punches Twilight, pulls Rarity's eyelashes, pokes Rainbow Dash in the eyes and all around verbally and physically abuses her temporary carers. An idea for this possible episode could have Cadance take upon her role as foalsitter again, this time with her re-foaled aunt. Twilight: (enthusiastically) If there's anypony who can take care of Celestia, it's Cadance! (Twenty minutes later, Cadance is being pulled, screaming and raving furiously out of Celestia's bedroom by the others) Cadance: LET ME AT HER! LET ME GO! JUST GIVE ME FIVE MINUTES ALONE WITH THAT SPOILED, SNOT-FACED BRAT!! SA: Honey, control yourself! She's your aunt! Now who would love to see this backstory and episode or at least a similar version of it?
  25. Because MLP:FIM is a Canadian-American produced cartoon, as are most of the fine quality cartoons out there (though many of them are mostly just Canadian made), ie Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, Cow and Chicken, etc.
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