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Magic Man

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Everything posted by Magic Man

  1. Moscow - Trotscow Brooklyn - Bucklyn. These are the only two cities I can come up with. I read Bucklyn in a fanfiction before, but Trotscow, hopefully, is my own creation.
  2. I kind of meant BEFORE he was stoned the first time, as a pre-emptive strike against the sisters, which failed at first, but worked over time.
  3. Here's how I see this idea working well into a possible episode; prior to his overthrow by the sisters, Discord foresore his upcoming defeat (he's a god, so it's not far fetched to assume he can do that) and so decided to try and corrupt Luna to prevent it. Whilst he failed initially, he managed to spark a slow corruption within her that, as time passed with Discord defeated, it would slowly eat away at her, eventually turning her into Nightmare Moon, I imagine that in Return of Harmony, when offscreen, Discord could have been catching up on all he had missed and during that time, found out about the Nightmare Moon issue. He most likely reveled in it and was debating with himself whether or not to tell Celestia just yet about his hand in it when the Mane Six defeated him. I for one would personally love this kind of scene to be used when Discord finally reveals in his inevitable future appearance about what he did; 5:17 - 6:54 Edit: Hey, um, some of you are saying about how he can't corrupt if he's been stoned. Yes, but I'm talking about him doing this BEFORE he got stoned the first time by the sisters, and that whilst at first it didn't work, it began to slowyl devour Luna. So then, say some years after Discord's defeat, the corruption fully took affect and she became Night Mare Moon. This is just to clarify in case some misunderstood.
  4. I made a similar topic a long time ago, asking whether or not Chrysalis should become a recurring character for season 3. However, this topic relates more specifically to her character, in terms of personality and more importantly, her role in the show. You see, I do not see it as out of the question for Chrysalis to return in season 3. The way she was defeated really opens up that possibility. However, this presents a problem. If she was to return, her ability to pose a threat to Equestria would have to be somewhat reduced in the light of the obvious fact that there's going to be a new big bad in the next season, as well as the likely return of Discord. Sure, she can still be powerful and pose a threat, but for a second time around, she would need to be toned down. An example would be like making her more funny or laid back. I'd personality like to see her having a daughter, a princess, perhaps as her morality pet that brings out her soft, maternal side. The way I see it is that Chrysalis will definitely return as a villain with a new diabolical plan, but in the grand scheme of things, she'll never be as big a threat as s he was in Canterlot Wedding. She's had her time in the spotlight, so really, I see it as being all downhill from here for her. This is, and I'm sure most of you have been on tvtropes, known as 'Villain Decay' http://tvtropes.org/...in.VillainDecay. I can definitely see her suffering from this if she returns a few more times. It may not be as much for some villains, and this show does have good writers who can mostly avoid it, but as a kid's show that is light-hearted for the most part, I think we can safely say she's reached her peak as an MLP villain. She and her army may just end up being the Green Pigs to the ponies' Angry Birds. But these are just my thoughts. What are yours on the future of Chrysalis' character in the show?
  5. Ah, I see the Crystal Kingdom a lot like in the position of Western Europe during the Cold War. It's set against the Changelings, but not as vehement as Equestria, and with a more lenient, collaboratory policy towards the Changeling Kingdom. That would be awesome, seeing them fight wars in the Zebra and Diamond Dog countries, though probably wouldn't happen in this kind of show. I see it mostly in terms of competitiveness in sport and economics.
  6. I actually can imagine the three races of pony slowing starting to get at each other's throats, right after going after the social elite, in which they notice the vast majority are unicorns and a few Pegasi. I can even imagine a communist movement amongst the Earth ponies, seizing back the land and creating a classless society. I mean, the Earth Ponies are pretty much the the labouring class in Equestria and mostly work on the land - it can genuinely happen and that's one of the scariest things..
  7. I know, but the resolve shows that its wrong for the two nations to be in this cold war against each other, showing how wrong their hatred is, mostly in the Olympic episode. This then hammers home the lessons on racism and tolerance, kind of a modern, more substantial version of the lesson from the Hearth's Warming episode. Naturally, there will be the minority of ponies and even Changelings who are in favour of 'peaceful co-exisetence', but of course, before the resolve, they would most likely be slandered as 'Changeling/Pony Lovers'. I wouldn't be surprised if we meet a ponified Joseph McCarthy and his trials, accusing ponies of being Changelings in disguise or being Changeling sympathizers, going as far to accuse the royal household itself. I'm not too sure about how the Mane Six will be positioned in the matter, however. As the Elements of Harmony, I suppose they're meant to be at the forefront of the anti-Changeling position, but considering how they are as people, I only really imagine Twilight, RD and AJ being particularly Anti-Changeling, with the others being mostly indifferent or sympathetic to the other side.
  8. I imagine we will see the current leader of the Crystal Empire before Cadance eventually takes over. I imagine he or she will be the villain of the episodes on the Crystal Empire.
  9. A lot of you are saying Cadance and Shining Armor would most likely take over. However, let us not forget that those two are going to be sent off to take over the Crystal Empire in Season 3 (we ALL know that's what's happening), so that somewhat puts a damper on that theory.
  10. Okay, imagine this 1991-like situation: Celestia and Luna. Poof. No longer in charge. What happened? Doesn't matter - resignation, coup d'état, suddenly disappeared, whatever. All you need to know is that they are no longer in control of Equestria and the system that has stood in place for thousands of years has basically collapsed as a result. What happens next? Riots between the different races of pony or the ordinary ponies (somewhat like a Balkan situation) against the social elite? A series of coups? Invasion by hostile neighboring countries? New system of government established (Presidential, Parliamentary, Military, etc)? What I'm asking you is, in your own opinion, A) what do you think would happen realistically? or B: What would you personally prefer to happen? Well, here's my view and it's kind of a blend of realistic and my own preference. I actually can see the whole thing as post-soviet Russia. We get an elective autocratic leader with a rich political elite and the creation of a few billioners (the Unicorns, most likely), millions are left poorer than before (the Earth Ponies), with one group in society forming the basis for extremisim and separatism, ie the Far Right or the Chechens (the Pegasi would most fit this).
  11. Yeah, not to forget, it's called 'Friendship Is Magic', and she is the Element of Magic, so there's also that. And sure, but of course, we just have to wait until we get some further information before we make any judgements yet. I mean, how many of us were initially put off by the first information about Canterlot Wedding, thinking nothing special of it until WHAM! We got two of the best episodes of the series!
  12. I imagine it's both the name of their country (principality, to be accurate) and the continent, kind of like the United States of America being situated in North America.
  13. I am dead serious: The Crystal Empire: "A magical empire has suddenly appeared in the arctic north of Equestria, and Princess Celestia needs Twilight Sparkle and her friends to find a way to protect it. While her friends try to keep the Crystal Ponies occupied at the Crystal Faire, Twilight Sparkle searches for the hidden Crystal Heart that is the key to keeping their empire safe from harm!" https://www.shoutfac.../?q=node/215697 This calls for:
  14. I personally think Fluttershy would definitely become a mother, especially being the first if the rest of the Mane Six had foals. Fluttershy is just so caring and maternal she'd make a great mum. I also see Pinkie Pie and AJ in the future, the rest I'm not sure for certain, with their personalities and occupations in mind. But hey, that's just me. What do you think?
  15. Okay yes, I can completely understand that. I'm also aware that it was going to be originally a slice-of-life wedding shenanigins story before it became this and if what you say is true about it originally being a 3-parter, then I agree that it would have been fleshed out more, as well as given the matter of this part of the story a better sense of closure in the ending of Part 2. But even if there had been more time, I still just can't imagine Twilight here pulling this off. It just seems far too irational, even for her IMO. But hey, maybe you're right, maybe more time would have made it more understandable and satisfying, maybe not, I guess we'll never know. Well, not exactly, "filly crying changeling", but rather her just crying "Evil" (inset Mermaid Man joke here). But yeah, the previous episodes of her making mountains out of mole hills certainly can serve as backing for this scene.
  16. Okay, as much as I like the Changelings, I do have a problem or two with the way they're interpreted by some in the fandom. I have no qualms about them being portrayed as more sympathetic and not uniformly evil (the latter I actually advocate), but I keep seeing their actions being justified (like most MLP villains) to the point they are portrayed as victims, not wrong in itself, but a lot of fans begin to take this as fanon, or canon, or whatever it's classified as. I have a problem with this, because I cannot agree, no matter how much I like Changelings, that they were any way in the right in what they did in Canterlot Wedding. Also, my other gripe is how fans justification of their actions sometimes leads to making the heros out to be selfish and in the wrong. Celestia, of course, has been on the receiving end of that most of all, just like with Luna and Discord. I'm going to look at the issue and give my own take on it. Okay, so on one hand, the Changelings' primary food is emotion, namely love, which is the argument many use when making the Changelings sympathetic and trying to justify their actions. Feeding on other sentient creatures is more of a necessity than a desire, although the soldiers did visually take enjoyment in their invasion of Canterlot. In this point of view, the Changelings are just trying to prevent themselves from starving, making it a predator and prey situation, which then does not make the Changelings exactly evil. Even with Chrysalis, the point can be argued she was fulfilling her duties as queen to find love for them to feed on. With this in mind, it is perfectly understandable for people to sympathize with the Changelings. But then some people make out the ponies to be selfish jerks, Celestia especially, for the Changelings being expelled from Canterlot. A lot of fans seem to forget things from the ponies' side. Remember the predator-prey situation I just mentioned? Well, as the prey, Shining Armor and Cadance were simply both defending not just themselves, but their people as a whole, when they cast that spell to repel Chrysalis and the Changelings. It's like what Celestia and Luna did with Discord - they were saving their people. I mean, what do we expect the ponies to do? Just lay down and let the Changelings suck them dry? I mean, yeah, it's how they eat, but it is still wrong. This is kind of the problem, as one member whose name I have forgotten mentioned in one of my precious topics on Changelings, said about the two species living in peace. They basically cannot do that as the Changelings needs will have to be placed above the ponies, and the latter at the end of the day would just be cattle to them. As for Chrysalis, whilst it is noble to find your subjects food, it should be pointed out that she mentioned it almost offhandedly like some minor side-note, and she did not even try to use it to justify herself. Her personality has to be kept in mind. She definitely took sadistic pleasure, like her soldiers, in all the grief and suffering she inflicted on the ponies. It was pretty obvious she had more selfish, imperialistic motivations other than just finding food. I mean, yeah, her subjects get food, she gets to take over Canterlot and soon, an entire nation! This is just my take on the matter. The Changelings may have been searching for food, but they were still the ones in the wrong in Canterlot Wedding and the ponies shouldn't be faulted for just defending themselves from an invasion that would have spelt doom for their people. I look at the Changelings and see a complicated situation, not victims of the "tyrant" Celestia. If you have different views on the issue, please post them and discuss.
  17. Really? Because I thought 'Word of God', meaning Faust, once said she and Luna were unable to have their own children. But that theory of RD, I gotta say that could actually work, as in an actual episode. Well, yeah, I can definitely see what you mean, but the problem with Luna is that we don't really know enough about her like we do Celestia, canon-wise. We've got to know and connect to Celestia more, so that's why I see Celestia in this situation having more of an emotional punch. But hey, it's a matter of opinion.
  18. Okay, I don't know how many of you are also comic book fans or fans of the popular old shows Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, so I'm going to have to assume here. I've just had this idea for what would have to be a fanfiction based on the 2nd episode of Justice League Unlimited, and a Superman comic, both entitled "For the Man Who Has Everything'. http://en.wikipedia...._Has_Everything Where I got the idea from: http://jamey4.devian...thing-306542588 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs5G85bYtJE I can easily see this happening with Celestia. Basically, what happens is Celestia, like Superman, is trapped in a dreamworld where everything she ever wanted in her life is given to her, which I see as being able to have children of her own and have her own family, as well as not being so constricted by the duties of being a princess and Luna never becoming Nightmare Moon. In order to return to consciousness, she must leave this perfect world by sacrificing her heart's desire, giving all she ever wanted in a life up. On a more poinient note, I imagine her child in her dreamworld being a filly Twilight, which really adds depth to their real life relationship. As for Mongul here, I'm imagining Chrysalis, seeing how deception is her specialty and her being absolutely pummeled by Celestia would be most satisfying. What do you think of this?
  19. Well, I assumed they have a kingdom as they have a queen, though they could be me being presumptious. Technically, she did not exactly say that, it is rather implied, so it can also be implied that they are imperialistic conquerers instead. The main problem is that we don't know enough about the Changelings at this point in time. We'll just have to wait and see until they appear again, that is, hoping they do.
  20. Well, okay, fair enough, I admit that G1 should be given it's due. And hey, sorry, I was not trying to degrade the word dark. I know its deliberate.
  21. I posted a somewhat similar topic earlier this month, asking about how 'dark' you all thought the series has went so fare. Asking seeing the answers and the debate over what is considered 'dark', I've decided to pose a different question, though on the same kind of topic. I am aware that there are definitely much darker kids' shows out there, Invader Zim, Adventure Time and Regular Show to name but a few, and on the whole, I've noticed kids' shows in general are getting significantly darker, which I approve. Now, for MLP:FiM, I do not for one moment believe it is meant to be a 'dark' show, especially when you consider the target demographic, which despite the fanbase, is younger and more female than those intended by shows like Adventure Time. However, when you take into account the intended demographic, the comparison to the previous generations of MLP, the episodes we've seen so far and what this show in general is about - cute, colourful ponies - would you agree or disagree that this show has some dark elements to it? I personally do believe it has some dark elements, as well as handling its episode situations with a lot more maturity than previous MLP generations. My biggest example for this is Canterlot Wedding, which certainly had a level of darkness to it out of all the episodes so far, i.e. Twilight sinking beneath the floor in a bright green flame, the villain(s) themselves and their plan in action. Props to the writers, of course, for managing to give it some darkness and maturity but not making it overwhelmingly so and keep the show true to its upbeat and positive roots. So what do you think? Do you think this kind of show is, or at points, has been 'dark' in any way?
  22. Well, there's no doubt there are much darker shows out there, what with Invader Zim, Adventure Time and Regular Show to name a few, but what I think is, for what this show is, a show about cute little ponies, it certainly has had some dark elements that were not expected. Well, yeah, we do have to take into account what is truly considered "dark", but I would say that on the whole, when we really consider how this is a show about cute, colourful ponies, it's certainly had some darker elements compared to previous generations of MLP and other girls shows.
  23. Manehattan, because there's more probably more to do for the average stallion, not just the social elite. Heck, even the social elite here are probably more Great Gatsby like, not the stuffy aristocrats of Canterlot.
  24. Thank you for pointing out that spelling error. Well, yeah, I agree, one way it could end is how they realize their friendship cannot be restored and have to accept that the friendship they once had is gone. That could really give us an emotional episode.
  25. Okay, I'll start this off with sharing my views on Gilda. I do somewhat find her interesting, what with her relationship with Rainbow Dash, fiery personality and the fact that she's a freaking Griffon! However, I do have an issue with the popular fanon on her that often tries to, like Trixie, portray her as some tragic figure with a bad past or even worse, just "misunderstood". Now yes, I agree she could have a temper problem and the way Pinkie Pie kept intruding was easily annoying in anyone's POV, but she was still openly antagonistic towards her when she could have politely asked her to leave them be, and was also openly antagonistic towards all of Rainbow Dash's other friends and associates, all by choice and seemed to take a certain sense of satisfaction in it. And in the end, she had a clear choice; be a bigger griffin and apologize and thus keep her relationship with RD in tact, or just walk out like an immature chicklet and thus potentially permanently wreck her relationship with RD. She chose the latter of her own accord. So in the end, she's not misunderstood, she's just an immature punk, only slightly better than the teenage dragons. At least, that's my view on her, and with that in mind, I think she has a bit potential, enough for her to appear in another episode. So the question is what could the writers do with her that would be worth having her return? The way I see it, it would definitely have to a RD episode, or at least Pinkie Pie episode, because those are the two ponies, in the Mane Six especially, she has the most significant relations with. As for the conflict that brings Gilda to the ponies again, that is entirely up to the writers. One speculationI believe I heard in the past is that Gilda is accused of stealing something from the Griffon King (or Kaiser as I like to think of their leader as) and RD has to decide whether she should help her ex-friend or not. This is a scenario I wholeheartedly endorse as it could be executed very well and potentially give us some more world building. Who here would just love to see the Griffon Kingdom? (I kind of envision it as something like old Germany or France). Her relationship with RD would most certainly have to further examined in her return, as well as whether it can be salvaged, or whether the two even want to salvage it, considering their falling out and how much things have changed. The ending would likely summarize their relationship as is. I personally don't see them ever fully making up and being friends again, but the relationship could somewhat be restored through the events of the episode. I think it would be more mature a route, however, for the two to realize they can never really be friends again and learn to just go their separate ways and get on with their lives. I dunno, would that work for this show? So that's my take on the matter, what about you?
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