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Status Updates posted by Braeburn

  1. My girlfriend left me, and I just got the ring I was going to propose with...

    1. AnonyPoni


      wow.. I'm so sorry to hear that...

    2. Batbrony


      Oh wow man, I don't even know what to say, that's so rough dude. Have a hug. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/156/1/a/mlp_fim__can_i_has_hugs__by_avatarraptor-d52g6ch.png (sorry, best I could come up with on short notice).

    3. FourClove
  2. I'm back after... what? a year?

    1. Braeburn



    2. Radiance64
    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @Braeburn Thats my best friend you're talking about :3

  3. What's up with all the plot pictures lately?..

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Braeburn


      Crispy, I said BOARDER-LINE. It implies 34, therefore it is considered boarderline. Not trying to be a bitch, but I'm sure you see where I'm gettig at.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      I would really like to change my avatar back to what it was, but apparently something is wrong with the avatar-changing system or whatever so I'm stuck with it...

    4. Braeburn


      And I'm fine with 34, in fact I love it! But this is a work safe site, and as of recent pictures, I can't say it's work safe anymore (for my work if no one else's).

  4. Guess who just spent $2,000? :P

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Braeburn



      As soon as it's out of the shop...

    3. Electrobolt


      Can't wait to see it :)

    4. Electrobolt


      Though I guess I HAVE to wait for it to get out of the shop xP

  5. At school. My friend dropped a few, rather loud F*ck-bombs and sh*t-stacks for our rather... large sub...

  6. I made 2 = 1 by using legall math steps... And I figured how to almost divide by zero, but you need to do a huge, and I mean HUGE, equation...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Braeburn


      Op, I did sound mad :P I was being humorous, not vulgor.

    3. Pinkazoid


      I don't know... you sound pretty stressed to me, almost as if you wan't to murder somepony....

    4. Braeburn


      I do, actually. You know w1kk3d on the forums here? You should message him this to screw with him :P


      "Don't toutch that flashy thing in front of me! I don't know why it's there!"


      Actually, I beg you to do that. Anyway, if you didn't guess it, it's him. He got me to the end of a level on Halo and disconnected!

  7. I'm back :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Braeburn


      lol, Jappleack.

    3. Electrobolt


      Hahah... I just saw you got Braeburn back... Glad to have ya back, Braeburn :)

    4. Braeburn


      Couldn't go a week without being able to say, "sup cuz?" to Applejack...

  8. ... Turns out I have cancer..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Braeburn
    3. Braeburn


      Actually, I shouldn't say that. They said it could be a faulty test, and I'll get checked again next month..

    4. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      Alright. Stay health man.

  9. *Sigh* know what I mean?..

  10. Just got back from the Hospital. I guess I had a heart attack..? I don't remember. lol.

    1. Braeburn


      Holy shiz nits! I put that into my phone a week ago! I guess it's been uploading it since then :P

      Feld0! you need a better mobile version :P

    2. PhonyBrony


      Lol :P Well glad you're feeling well!

  11. Anyone good at drawing things such as vehicles? I need someone VERY good at it for a project..

    1. ingster


      I can draw beer =o

  12. What to do, what to do... Oh! I'll make a status update!

  13. I'm Rarity now :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      pfft, we all know who the real Rarity is

    3. Dragonshy
    4. Braeburn


      ... Yeah, she's a pony in a 2D world that exists only in a TV show with LOTS of fanon...


      And it was really hard to give Brae up, trust me. But if you want him, ask Feld0 :D

  14. I'm Raity now :D

    1. Cynic


      You best not change that Braeburn avatar,

    2. Braeburn
  15. Anyone want to help me make a test you take to detirmine what kind of pony you are? It's not fair to just say "I'm a unicorn," you know? Applejack and Pinkie Pie didn't have that choice...

  16. My mom thinks I'm gay.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Electrobolt


      And this is why I no longer use Facebook... -_-

    3. Braeburn


      Lol. I use it for one reason: Austrailian friend.

    4. Electrobolt


      Ah, I see... Well, I just hope this whole thing passes by and all is forgotten soon, if it isn't already

  17. I just blew my own mind O.o

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TomokoKuroki


      Hayze/XxGLaDOSxX13 :3

    3. Electrobolt


      So... What made you blow your own mind? :P

    4. Braeburn


      Here we go... You know how there's 24 time zones? Well... You can make each hour any time of day you want because it's always a different time somewhere.

  18. I love you w1kk3d (:

  19. made a new friend today here on the forums :)

  20. NOOO! Y U SHUT DOWN Minecraft server, why :(

    1. /mlp/


      you mean...Y U NO SHUTDOWN LOL


    2. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      Aww, they shut it down? Wonder what happened...

    3. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      It crashed for some unknown reason. I've brought it back up.

  21. So my friends and I wanted water, and my bottle wouldn't opn. Next think I know an sledgehammer comes down on it and water is everywhere. I love youth (:

    1. LunaShy


      great story

    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      That reminds me of the time I burned down...Maybe I shouldn't put this on the internet...

    3. LunaShy
  22. Know what sucks? Not getting in a wreck and getting a call from your mechanic saying your car is totalled....

  23. Kno what sucks? Not getting in a wreck and getting a call from your mechanic saying your car is totalled....

  24. Little Miss Futershy, please text me. I have something you might be interested in.. And if anyone is good at drawing ponies and backrounds, please PM me?

    1. GrooveBroove


      I just came to tell you I can't draw, sorry.


    2. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      Wow I didn't even see this status update. Darnit sorry I'll text you. D:

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