“There is no black and white, only shades of grey.”
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not just because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” –Albert Einstein
“Once you become famous, there is nothing left to become but infamous.” –Don Johnson
“The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason.” –T.S. Eliot
“Emotion is primarily about nothing and much of it remains about nothing to the end.” –George Santayana
“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” –Herm Albright
“It contains a misleading impression, not a lie. It was being economical with the truth.” –Robert Armstrong
Families are about love overcoming emotional torture. –Matt Groening
"Things are not as bad as they seem. They are worse." –Bill Press
“With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back.” –Russian Proverb
To shun one's cross is to make it heavier.” –Henri Frederic Amiel
"Of darkness visible so much be lent, as half to show, half veil, the deep intent." –Alexander Pope
Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not."–E. R. Beadle
“‘They change their climate, not their soul, who rush across the sea’
Don't even think of your past—the future—whatever it is! Think of here and now, the present. The future will come later; enjoy what you can while you can.
"It all comes down to a choice really. Get busy living, or get busy dying." Red - Shawshank Redemption