First and foremost, I would like you all to know three things.
1. I do not dislike AJ in any shape or form. If you think I'm attacking her or defending her, or any pony in general, you're sadly mistaken.
2. A decent portion of what is said here can also be said about a lot of other ponies, Mane 6 or not.
3. I'm not targeting any member in particular in this topic.
I've been seeing a lot of arguing, complaining, and the alike concerning Applejack, especially on this forum. The character has sparked a lot of negativity between members vs members. Really, all the strife that has occurred (I won't be naming specific situations or people) is unnecessary. Below are a few points that people have brought up and/or believe about Applejack, which is what I want to mainly discuss.
1. Applejack has been getting too much screen time recently.
Though I only saw this once or twice, it still baffles me how people can say this. It almost goes completely against the other points that I will discuss in a little bit.
Everybody seems to agree that AJ hasn't had as much attention in the previous season. If you don't believe me, see this thread. Applejack has always seemed to be overshadowed at times (not saying always) by the rest of the Mane 6. Seeing her getting some screen time is a good change IMO, as we see her character developed more than other characters in previous seasons. Last season, she had only two episodes dedicated to her, one of which most of the attention was sapped from her due to, in that episode, Derpy talking for the first time. I'm sure you all know exactly what I'm talking about, especially you AJ fans.
So, in the end, there's no reason for you to say AJ has had too much screen time. Don't deny this, because I'm sure of the fact: If your favorite pony was getting lots more screen time than usual, you would have absolutely no problem with it. (besides, scootaloo has had only one episode, be grateful >:V)
2. Applejack doesn't have enough fans/Applejack deserves more love.
Of course, this problem is brought up countless times of AJ being an "underrated" character.
First, let's talk about the words overrated and underrated. I think spas-ticShotty brings up a good point about the word "overrated," in which the points can be translated to fit "underrated" as well. Here's what he said:
"You know how sometimes, when someone's like "Oh yeah, I don't see why this and that is so popular" or whatever? It makes me cringe. Just seriously, I hate it when people say that. Why? Because usually the people are being too ignorant or stubborn to look past whatever they're disliking and look for the values that other people like. Take E.T., for example. I highly dislike that movie. It's too boring for mah tastes. I see why it's so popular though. It's a nice and emotional story about a friendly alien befriending some kids which also has some good character development (From what I've heard), which will strike some people the right way. However, if I'm looking for aliens in a movie, I'd rather watch an action one . Speaking of which, this also applies to CoD. Some people are like "Why are you paying $60 for rehashed garbage?". Seriously, just shut up. Not everyone has the same tastes as you, you know. Some people like it for it's fast-paced gameplay and whatnot (Although it does have glaring problems in some titles). Last example I have is basically about characters. Some people will praise a character for a certain quality and then someone will say "Dude, he/she/it is NOT whatever you just said" or they'll say "Oh, I dunno why this character is so popular". I'm gonna use as an example. He called Vanellope an annoying turdbasket. I can see why, I respect that. She may not rub the right way to some people with her personality. However, when he said "I have no idea why she's so popular", it annoyed me. Why? Because he isn't looking past his views of Vanellope in order to see why she's the most popular character from Wreck-It Ralph. I may have said that a little weird, but, here me out. While YOU may not find her lovable one bit, and find her to be an insufferable brat, that DOESN'T mean she's the same to other people. She can seem very sweet, lovable, quirky, etc. to some and not so much to others."
If you weren't able to make the relation between overrated and underrated from that excerpt, I'll explain. From his explanation, he hates it when people say things are overrated because those people need to look past their own opinions and try to figure out as to why people love this person/place/thing/idea.
The same can be said for the word "underrated." When a lot of AJ fans say that she deserves more love or is underrated, they need to look past their own opinions, look at the pony's qualities, and figure out why people don't like the character that they love so much. Like Spazzy said, not everybody has the same tastes as you, and that's why not everybody loves Applejack over the other ponies in the show.
3. Rainbow Dash is more popular than Applejack.
Again, this point relates to opinions and tastes. I also see a lot of Rarity fans (not all, but a lot) bashing Rainbow Dash and the fans that support her for whatever reasons they have. Rainbow Dash is a character, just like Applejack or Rarity. Relating to point three, not everybody likes the same things you do for the same reasons. Some people like the egotistic, tomboyish nature of the pegasus over the humble, also tomboyish qualities of AJ or the sophisticated attitude of Rarity.
RD also has this feeling of "coolness" around her. There are many reasons why people like her over other characters. Champion RD92 brings up points as to why he likes the character in his blog post, seen here.
The greatest thing I love about that blog entry, however, is that he looks past all the negative qualities while he's writing that blog and looks at the positive in Rainbow Dash. Applejack fans and Rarity fans that mainly bash this character could also have that perspective when trying to figure out as to why so many people like Rainbow Dash. RD fans, or any fans in particular who aren't necessarily as fond of AJ, could also do that for Applejack and see why people like her, too. Some characters just aren't meant for certain people, mostly when the cons they've set for the character outweigh the pro's. But what those pros and cons are is a different topic.
4. Applejack is a background pony.
My final point. I'll admit, I joke about this point even though I don't agree with it.
This is a running joke (which I've seen not just on this forum, but everywhere) that seems to irk a lot of fans when taken into serious context. I do hope everybody sees why people say this though. This point is brought up a lot due to the fact that AJ hasn't had as much screen time as the other ponies. Though that has happened, I don't think it's really reasonable when people say this. I know it's mostly a joke, but just because she's not in the episodes as much as other ponies, doesn't mean she is a BG pony.
Let's use a chart. Here's the number of episodes Applejack has appeared in:
From the legend, Y is where they've appeared in the episode and been the main focus of a shot. Background ponies aren't supposed to be the main focus of a shot (with a few exceptions), much less be the main focus of a shot in that many episodes.
I hope you read through all of this carefully and considered the points I made.
TL;DR? I don't have anything for you. If you are too lazy to read this, come back when you aren't lazy, or don't come back at all.