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when did trixie develop a fear of wheels?


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I was watching the first season over again and i realized that in the episode with Trixie she did not have a problem with wheels, am i missing something or is there like some sort of even in between the first and third season that causes her to dislike wheels? and if there is not could somepony please send me to a fanfic that tries to explain it? i have my own ideas about it but i kinda want to read somepony else s opinion. 

Edited by the_jetfighter
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Not really that big of a deal. She probably just doesn't like wheels is all, nothing too serious.

To be honest, I think she wanted Snips & Snails to keep dragging her around like that. To make it harder on them and that she actually doesn't have a fear of wheels.

Dat Amulet.

  • Brohoof 4
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Maybe she had an unfortunate accident with a cart while working on the rock farm. She probably has very little experience doing manual labor. I can see her forgetting to properly secure a wagon that's sitting on a grade or improperly balancing a load. Trixie could have been chased downhill by a cart full of rocks or found herself trying to chase one down before it caused a catastrophe, and now she's paranoid of riding in something that has wheels.

  • Brohoof 2
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If your talking about how she made snips and snails carry her without wheels, then Its just the Alicorn Amulet working its power, I don't think it has anything to do with an actual fear :P.

A good observation, but I think your overthinking it a bit :P.

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Wheels killed her family. Tragic, just tragic. Such a shocking event couldn't be shown on TV though, because nobody would be able to handle it.


The world just isn't ready for serial-killing wheels.

  • Brohoof 4
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She doesn't fear wheels, she just doesn't trust them.   I really think that that statement was just some comedic relief.   If so, then it certainly did its job well.  


She doesn't even need wheels, honestly:



  • Brohoof 12
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Given that her stage/coach/home in first season had wheels, then something had to happen between then and the duel episode. Given the mind-affecting aspects of the alicorn amulet, the most likely explanation is that the wheel-thing is a side-effect of the amulet. Either a random effect (everyone wearing the amulet would get some other random hate/fear reaction), an amplification of some minor issue (was unable to master riding a unicycle for her act), or a residue from whoever actually made the amulet (they hates wheels, so anyone wearing the amulet also has to hate wheels).

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This was more of a comedic relief moment. However, I have my theories.


First of all, she doesn't trust them. It's not that she is afraid of them. Perhaps one of her jobs got her into an accident? After all, that's quite possible.


Next is the most likely reason, the amulet was corrupting her, so she wanted to see Snips and Snails suffer. I would too, so I approve.


I mean this (Attached so I can use it easily later. :P)


And yes I am overanalyzing, I just wish to bring that up. :3

Edited by Firebolt
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It was just an offhand joke really, but there could be many reasons:

-she developed a fear of rolling things on the rock farm

-she may have worked pulling carriages or something for a while and some accident happened

-she saw all the baby carts that rolled down that inconspicuous hill in Mare Do Well


Just a few theories. ;)

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It was just an offhand joke really, but there could be many reasons:

-she developed a fear of rolling things on the rock farm

-she may have worked pulling carriages or something for a while and some accident happened

-she saw all the baby carts that rolled down that inconspicuous hill in Mare Do Well

Just a few theories. ;)


True dat.




I also think it's just the amulet affecting her, or was just for comedic relief. And I did think that was pretty hilarious when she turned that small cart into a huge throne or something like that XD

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I'm pretty sure it was just a bit of comedy, like many other people have posted. But if there was a reason, probably just an Alicorn Amulet corrupted excuse to have Snips & Snails drag her around, just to make them more miserable.


And if there's a REAL reason, she probably had some kind of tragic event with her old wagon house, like accidentally rolling down some huge mountain and almost losing her life... and it was all the wheels' fault. DO NOT TRUST WHEELS.

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It wasn't meant for anything more than a joke, like people have said. Trixie don't need no wheels :3


A bigger question is how two tiny ponies like Snips and Snails were able to pull that huge bed she conjured :huh:

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I think her distrust in wheels was added for comic relief, and to dramatize the effects of the amulets corruption. She was ruler of Ponyville for awhile, so she could easily abuse her powers and indirectly torture her minions by forcing them to do every task as hard as possible. I dont believe that she is afraid of wheels, but instead she was taking some sick pleasure in making Snips and Snails drag her around. 

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She's a hipster who believes the wheel became way too mainstream 25,000 years ago.

She'll travel with cubes on her axels before wheels.

Edited by Jammo
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I think she just wanted Snips and Snails to really suffer. Also, by appearing to "not trust" something that everypony uses, it makes her seem more aloof, that she is better than everyone else and doesn't need what they use.

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