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The Soldier

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Everything posted by The Soldier

  1. Is it a Christmas gift if I want Rinku to be back on the forums for at least from the beginning to the end of Christmas day...? :(

    1. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I'd like that too.

  2. Well, ya got me there. Librarians/princesses can be horny too, after all
  3. Yeah! Flame wars! I wanna see some shit go down! CHAOS FTW!
  4. Interesting title, amirite? click for full resolution Knowing Christmas is about to come (or Christmas HAS come), I made some Twilight with a mistletoe just hanging on her tail above her crotch (Can you even hang mistletoes on tails above crotches? .-.) So... are YOU gonna keep up the tradition of mistletoes? Also, @, cuz this guy here likes Twilight. And I promise I will color this. Can't promise I can do it before Christmas comes, but... whatever.
  5. I like the OC, but her body seems round. It's as if she's fat, unless that's what you were actually going for (No offense). XP Other than that, how she looks is... sorta cute.
  6. No one mentions me cuz they're just afraid I'd rape them. Yeah, that's it. That's why. o_e I would like to all the girls that I know and consider my friend (so I could sleep with them :3), all the guys I know and consider my friend (so I could sleep with them), and @@Jokuc (so I could sleep with him :3)
  7. What? No squee face from Fluttershy? 0/10
  8. I love that game. Not just because of its content, but also because of the objective. It's sort of a puzzle game where you're apparently supposed to find a way to have sex with all of the ponies, including Trixie, Vinyl, er... all that other stuff. What's the kick? You have to do 'em in a specific order to complete the whole pony-set thing. Of course, once you figured out that order, it's gonna stay that way... :| Gotta screw 'em all! So if you're into puzzles and aren't gonna be one of those kids who gets "traumatized for life", I suggest you go try it.
  9. Remember when people used to insult us bronies with the word "Ponyfags"? Nostalgia right there...

    1. Shanks


      Some people still do, and I will bet half of those people having a secret craving for sausage if you know what I mean.

    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I still remember it, and some people still do. /)_-

    3. Rockymoo


      I think the term's kinda funny, personally.

  10. The 7 deadly sins are known to religion (Catholicism I believe) that includes wrath, avarice (extreme greed), sloth, vanity (extreme pride), lust, envy, and gluttony. I'm sure that all of us have at least one, knowing that everyone of us here sins... So which of the 7 deadly sins do you believe you have? For me, I honestly think that I have a bit of wrath, a pinch of envy, some greed and sloth, and mostly lust. Maybe not enough lust to cause trouble, but it is somewhat high...
  11. Maybe it's my OCD or something that gets to me, but holy shit, noobs! You can make a better post that's not as senseless as your previous ones!

  12. Daring, if you had a description tag, would you use it for the sticky jumper and describe it: "Be a cheap ass Demoman and use this with an Ulapool Caber to do some cheap kills"

  13. Hey, is it me? Or is this somewhat suspicious knowing that these 3 links are advertising DuckDuckGo? And besides, I make sure that I go to search settings and to "Not save searches" and "not to give out my location".
  14. if we're gonna put rants in status, I might as well say this: To hell with love and tolerance. No one in this world could probably do that shit. Now shut up about it

  15. Guys, I can see you're doing good for the forums. But honestly, I would like to admit some people just don't want to be bothered, technically including Cranky Doodle and me (on some occasions. Just be wary of my mood). Don't FORCE people to feel good, make them feel good the smart way: bring their source of happiness, calm them down then move in for the kill, use the right kind of humor, etc. Everyone is different in different ways. If you force them, I can't promise you the outcome will be a good one... Hell, you're probably gonna get reported for spam or whatever they'll report you for... So, when making people feel good, don't just do it, do it right
  16. It's sad that she didn't even get to post her final product before she was banned... RIP Rinku
  17. Maybe it's my selfishness, but whenever I make some status and no one comments on it, I feel that no one cares... ._.

  18. I feel depressed...

  19. Evidence in opinions don't stand up to it name. It's just chosen because it's to the person's favor. Now shut up about evidence, Debate Pitters.

  20. Oh, yeah. That guy. Uhh, yeah. Um... He's dead Lovely art, Dimitri! I really love it!
  21. Oh, lookie. jewel of rarity got banned too. What more do these mods want from us?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slice0Pie


      How come I don't know about this stuff?!

      I am very confused now

    3. Nohbdy


      If you truly feel that a member did something wrong, then you should report him and include evidence. We don't know what's going on if you don't tell us.

  22. Marcato, I see you as one of those "great mods". You want peace and harmony in this forum. You keep doing what you do and hopefully, other certaim mods won't be as strict and stubborn as they used to.

    1. Marcato


      I consider myself one of the last surviving staff members that wants to run this place as a community and not a business.

      Thank you though, I appreciate the comment.

    2. Marcato


      The others before me were people like Zoop, Key Gear (now Luminescence) and Jonke.

    3. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Chigens seems pretty good too, I guess. :P

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