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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Squeaker101

  1. Banned for making a reference to a very good game.
  2. Do any of you remember "The Matrix"? Agent Smith's little talk with Morpheus. I'm on that page. (Sorta) Also, I hope nopony bashes on creationism. (Love and tolerance) I do believe in some sort of deity.
  3. Banned for not knowing. Banned for seeing nothing.
  4. Where did you get that upside down Pinkie avatar?!? I've been looking for ages to find one! :o

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Marceline


      ^u^ Friend request accepted~ <3

    3. Squeaker101


      This conversation took an interesting turn, I think I'll send requests too.

    4. Marceline


      There, accepted yours too!

  5. Lol, I recently started a new one at my friends place, so I'm only like level 7 or so. The one before that is really nice though, ~lvl 30 thief build. I've been making money in the Thieves Guild for the house in Solitude. I've recently become the Thieves Master and am currently looking for the Stones of Barenziah. I'm a female Imperial for money reasons. (10% prices with opposite sex and Imperial Luck paired with Golden touch) finish them off the the Thieves Master armour and the Haggling perk itself and I'm good. I've also taken a liking to the Emperor's side in the civil war, strictly to keep Jarl Bargruff.
  6. Mane 6: Pinkie Pie - I like her up beat personality, and try and implement it IRL. Everyone could use a good laugh. Background: Trixie - I'm just drawn to her for some reason, she's a straight-up bad-ass. Background background: Uh...Chunky. Though I believe his name is Snowflake - No question about it. Snowflake is best pony.
  7. I've never played Morrowwind, though I've heard a lot of positive feedback. I'll be sure to try it out asap. I've only played a minimum amount of Oblivion, so I can't really comment on that either. Skyrim? That I can. Skyrim is veeeeery easy to get lost in. I've spent weeks playing this one game, and will spend more time no doubt. So far my favortie race is the Orc, or Orsimer, with the Khajit following behind. I find the game to be much easier when you have a warrior build, though I hear Mage has it easy too. My favorite is a thief build though, naturally the Thieves Guild is my favorite quest. Playing Skyrim makes me wanna play the other games, my only concern is the graphics. Having played Skyrim, I'll probably get bored of the older graphics. It's one of the main reasons I haven't dived into Oblivion.
  8. The Friday movie nights sounds interesting, I've never done something like that. I'm already liking these discussions I'm seeing here, I think I'll start getting comfortable pretty quick.
  9. Thanks for the add! :D I'm liking this site already.

  10. Thanks! I plan on being active here, forums are addicting. Having fun is the definition of Forum! xD I think I'll fit in just fine here in Equestria, I sure hope I do.
  11. I'm guessing around November. I have been for a few months now. I've heard the 13 episode rumour. Is it true? It'd make a nice surprise if they made September..
  12. I sort've liked her as Nightmare Moon. I loved when she turned into her in "Luna Eclipsed", which I guess it's her alternate form rather than her "evil" form. I don't know if it's relevant, but check out "Children of the Night (Animatic)" on youtube. It'd be nice to see her change again. Not evil, just into her other form. I also like the "Two best Sister's play" videos.
  13. I'm a complete noob when it comes to drawing, I can't wait to see how this thread develops. I've never tried to draw a pony yet, only cause I'm really new to it. xD
  14. Thanks. Yea, Skyrim is easy to get yourself lost into. (I've spent weeks) I myself have a PS3, though I do play it at a friends as well. xD Thanks for the welcome. Haha, thanks. I felt witty, and scared. Actually a friend was the one who wrote it. I forget which site it was on, but it was called "Petrified" by Zyns. It was under the genre "Sad" even though it felt more like an empowering story. xD Thanks for the warm welcome!
  15. Welcome to the site! I'm new myself, only 6 minutes older than you. (on the site) My introduction seems short compared to yours. I'm a gamer myself, what games do you play?
  16. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Google. ;_; How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I battled for my sanity like the whole galxy depended on it, only to be defeated into love & tolerance by which I live by today. I'm a pretty out-going person for the most part, though it might take a bit for me to open up. I try and keep an open mind, yet still hold on to my values. I love to draw (though a 5-year old can draw better than me) and prefer to color (with pencil crayons). I am an avid reader, and an excessive gamer. I easily get lost in stories which include managa, anime, books, and fanfic. (though I've only read one...) I plan on going to brony conventions whenever the opputinity arises. To finish this off, here are some favorites. Favorite: Anime - Toradora! Familiar of Zero Manga - Strawberries 100%, Rosairo+Vampire Games - Mortal Kombat, Skyrim Books - Warriors by Erin Hunter, Airborn series by Kenneth Oppel Mane 6 - Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity Pony - Snowflake (from Hurricane Fluttershy) Things: Feedback and friendship Dream - To have a chimicherrychonga Looking forward to communicating with you!
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