My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Google. ;_;
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I battled for my sanity like the whole galxy depended on it, only to be defeated into love & tolerance by which I live by today.
I'm a pretty out-going person for the most part, though it might take a bit for me to open up. I try and keep an open mind, yet still hold on to my values. I love to draw (though a 5-year old can draw better than me) and prefer to color (with pencil crayons). I am an avid reader, and an excessive gamer. I easily get lost in stories which include managa, anime, books, and fanfic. (though I've only read one...) I plan on going to brony conventions whenever the opputinity arises. To finish this off, here are some favorites.
Anime - Toradora! Familiar of Zero
Manga - Strawberries 100%, Rosairo+Vampire
Games - Mortal Kombat, Skyrim
Books - Warriors by Erin Hunter, Airborn series by Kenneth Oppel
Mane 6 - Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity
Pony - Snowflake (from Hurricane Fluttershy)
Things: Feedback and friendship
Dream - To have a chimicherrychonga
Looking forward to communicating with you!