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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Blog Comments posted by Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  1. 18 minutes ago, Vicke said:

    The animated Resident Evil movies were never that good, which i a shame. The best RE movie has to be the first one.

    The first one was decent from what remember. Felt like a film that at least tried to feel like the games in some way. For whatever reason, Resident Evil films and shows often stray far away from the games, to their downfall. 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. On 2022-03-12 at 8:14 PM, Celli said:

    For me it's a really good open world game. It's not your copy and paste ubisoft crap. you're encouraged to explore on your own, and find things, and if a boss is giving you trouble, leave and go to another area to get more powerful, and come back later. There aren't a dozen towers and camps to liberate or clear out for meaningless rewards, you do find good stuff, weapons and ashes of war or armor. They also said there wouldn't be towns with NPCs before the game came out, so I'm not sure what you were expecting there. It's fine to not like it but don't act like everyone who does are mindless drones. Yes there are elitist pricks but they're few and far between from what I've seen.

    I'm having fun and that matters to me. It's the best open world I've played.

    I've been seeing this a lot and I agree slightly but mostly disagree. Yes, Ubisoft tends to trot out the same open world concept over and over again and it certainly became boring in Assassin's Creed, for example. However, I personally do not think that makes Elden Ring's open world "good". Whereas Assassin's Creed is over bloated with things and icons and busy work, Elden Ring goes to the opposite extreme. The world is massive and let's you go anywhere, but that doesn't make it interesting. It is mostly bland to me, it doesn't feel like a living, breathing world, regardless of how much they spam wildlife everywhere. Instead of feeling like a dynamic open world where all sorts of things can happen, it feels like a bunch of Dark Souls zones stretched as far as they can go. To me, the possibility of dynamic gameplay and situations is what makes an open world good. The only dynamic part of Ring is simply you can go anywhere, only to see the same design mindset from the Souls series, only now in a big, empty plain. 

    Back to Ubisoft for a second, while I do agree their games mostly are bland, Far Cry 5 is an example of a great open world to me. It is filled to the brim with things that can happen, creating all sorts of unique experiences. Sure, it has the usual Ubisoft towers and all that, but the open world itself is so neat that it is the one time going to those towers feels fun. You can encounter many things along the way and the view you get is great, plus you are usually rewarded. The world itself is dynamic enough that doing the usual Ubisoft loop doesn't feel tiring. Not to mention there's numerous activities to do for money among other things. This same philosophy applies to games like Skyrim and GTA V. They have worlds with the possibility for unique encounters and happenings all over the place, not to mention they actually feel like a real world. Elden Ring simply does not. That's bad enough on it's own in such a massive world, but Elden Ring goes a step further against itself with so much that is copy and pasted throughout. The bosses (There are only 9 unique bosses in the game, out of 80+), the merchants who are mostly all the same (who the hell thought that was a good idea?) And landscapes that again, feel more like zones than dynamic areas of the world itself. Once the initial excitement of the huge world wore off, it all became hollow to me since I knew there wasn't much worth exploring for anymore. 

    Despite my criticisms and my vastly differing opinion, I am glad you are enjoying it, truly. I wish I  could. I beat the game and started a new character to give it a fresh start and while I enjoyed it at first, I was quickly reminded why I hate the game as much as I do. Which sucks because at bare minimum, Elden Ring doesnt have the greedy bullshit that most other games now indulge in. 

    Not that my opinion even matters. Clearly, it doesn't since everyone and their dog are worshipping this game like it is the 15th return of Mega Jesus. My words are that of a useless ant, as per usual. Nothing new there. 

    Also, check out this video sometime by the DeModracy. He explains so well why the bosses aren't great. That's only one issue I have out of many, bit it is a big one. 


    • Brohoof 1
  3. 47 minutes ago, Justin_Case001 said:

    So, Kyoshi, you might recall in your blog tearing apart Elden Ring that I mentioned that I have a friend who raves that it's the best game ever made.  Well, that same friend of mine, his number one favorite song of all time... is... Ghost Love Score by Nightwish.





    O_O Maybe it is me in an alternate realm where I actually looooooooove Elden Ring and...that's the only difference. :P His name must be Ryoshi.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Tacodidra said:

    A Finnish song at number one. :ticking: I'll have to check out some of these songs, I don't immediately recognize them based on the title... :adorkable: Though many of the bands are familiar to me, of course!

    Finland is a country that is filled to the brim with musical genius. So, SO many good bands from there. :yay: Nightwish is hard to best. Ghost Love Score is a full on masterpiece. You peeps are sooooooo lucky you have so much amazing musicianship. 

    • Brohoof 2
  5. On 2022-03-30 at 4:15 PM, abrony-mouse said:

    also, aren't all poisons necrotic? are there life-giving poisons? Maybe Britney Spears?

    Necrotic implies decay if I recall right, which celebrity worship definitely is doing to many aspects of culture. It simply depresses me that there are so many people that are struggling and all most people do is obsess over people who have everything and more. People that have so much money that you could take away 99% of it and they would still be fine.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Justin_Case001 said:

    Hmm.  Interesting.  One of my best friends, who is also a Souls fan (I think DS1 is his all-time favorite game), just put 50 hours on Elden Ring in a week and spent a good deal of time yesterday raving to me about what a masterpiece it is.  Funny how different people's experience of something can be.  Whatever boats your float and all that.  I can't offer an opinion as I've never played any variety of Souls game, or anything like one (although I want to at some point.  Probably just DS1 to start with.)  Anyway, I will say that your review... er... rant, was extremely refreshing to read since everyone has just been gushing about and worshiping this game.

    The endless worship of this game is something I will never understand. People are treating it as if it revolutionizes video games in their entirety and I have no idea where the hell they are getting this from. The Metascore of 97 reflects the same thing. When I see a 97, I think of something that is utterly mindblowing, something that is legendary. Seeing that score made me so excited to play it and I was excited for a while, that is until is started to see the constant copy and pasting of assets and bosses and the designs problems. Theres more I could have easily put in the review. 

    I'll give an example: The main plot revolves around the Erdtree. Throughout the map, there are smaller Erdtrees called Minor Erdtrees that you can encounter. All of these have an optional boss protecting them. Most of those bosses are a thing called an Erdtree Avatar. Each Avatar is almost 100% identical to the others, with the only difference being their element of attacks (Bleed for one, holy for another, etc.). In some cases, they are literally identical to a previous avatar, with the only different being that they now take way more hits and can kill you in a single hit. Regardless of your level or armor. A dinky optional sub boss essentially with the power of a final boss because reasons. No joke, one version of an Avatar required me to fight him absolutely perfectly with zero mistakes or be killed, despite being identical to a previous version who was more reasonable. The best part? Not only are the Avatars constantly copy and pasted from each other, they are literally copy and pasted versions of a boss directly from Dark Souls 1, in everything but appearance. They are just the Asylum Demon from DS1. Their moveset is identical and their body and weapon share the same archetype. So the avatars are copy and pasted throughout the game, after already being copy and pasted from Dark Souls 1 in the first place.

    This, to me, screams laziness and not a 97 average score. Especially when you see so many other bosses copy and pasted throughout the game, only some have minor differences. In several cases, the only difference is then they are in an infuriating two on one fight which some are nearly impossible without summoning and good luck doing that because summoning randoms barely seems to function. That's not making it harder through well crafted fights, it is just adding an extra annoyance to harass you the whole time. Dark Souls 1 features two different 2vs1 boss fights and both are done infinitely better than any of them in this game because again they felt crafted for the concept. Nothing in this game does. It is just "Hey, remember that boss you fought before? Now fight an exact replica of them only now there's another boss helping them who is also an exact replica of someone you fought before."

    I distinctly remember people hating the over abundance of copy and paste bosses in Dark Souls 2, especially humanoid ones. Strangely, that same criticism is nowhere to be found for Elden Ring. How convenient.

    Above all else it is the sheer asinine culture we live in now that bothers me. The tribalism to defend a game like this with one's dying breath, crucifying another who dares not lavish it with endless praise for all eternity. You point out anything I have said here and you likely will be met with "NO, FUCK YOU, YOU JUST SUCK AT THE GAME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT, GIT GUD OR FUCK OFF TO ONE OF YOUR PUSSY GAMES YOU PANSY BITCH". Of course it isn't this from absolutely everyone, but it happens a lot more than it should. It is either that or some more calmly dismisses your opinion entirely. Either way, if you aren't stroking Elden Ring like it has cured cancer, then you are wrong. What a wonderful culture we have now. As if I need more reminders that not a single goddamn thing that I say or do matters in the slightest. 

    • Brohoof 2
  7. 14 hours ago, Kujamih said:

    aaAAA!?... AHMM you look beautiful!:lie:..... such beauty does not deserve to be seen by mortal eyes!!.... I shall not look for I do not deserve it. please hide it so I may not sin......


    Hmm, I didn't realize I would inspire such an internal dilemma. :P 

    14 hours ago, Millennium Shadow said:

    @Kyoshi Oh, where did you get it? I'd like to have some custom clothes made. :D

    It is from the company Paw Star, definitely check them out sometime. :) 

    13 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


    *If Bane was in a Disney stage show* :P

    That would be very painful...for Bane. :wacko: :P 

    7 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

    Ready for the apocalypse~

    Lookin badass!!

    Or an awesome aggrotech concert! :D Really want to go to one someday if possible. Thankies. :3

    • Brohoof 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Will Guide said:

    That face mask you're wearing does make me think of your avatar picture. Plus is that makeup on your eye? kind of makes it look more like war paint, which is a nice touch

    It is fairly standard makeup, I want to get something more high quality but it works well with what I was going for. I was going for the same vibe as my ponysona so if I came close to that at all, then mission accomplished. :BrightMacContent:

    3 hours ago, Millennium Shadow said:

    I love your gas mask and hoodie, buddy. :D

    Thank you super buddy ^-^ The hoodie was about $120, speciality made. Was a delayed Birthday gift and I love it. 

    3 hours ago, Anti-Villain said:

    Couldn't resist.:ButtercupLaugh: Anyway, neat gas mask.B)

    Yooooo I was thinking about Spaceballs today actually. I need to watch it again, it is so much fun. :D And thank you. :3

    2 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    @Kyoshi I think I saw you in the background of Batman Forever or Batman and Robin. JK. :mlp_smug:

    I certainly wouldn't hope to be in the latter. XD Though that would be a rather legendary cameo. :P

    • Brohoof 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    It's weird that the cover they chose for TMNT 1 is a Leonardo from TMNT 3. 

    Is it?! I didn't notice that until now. Why in the holy balogna would they go with that one? Plus, I really dislike the trend of movie covers being the immensely bland style of "single thing from the movie on a blank background". It is soooooo lazy. 

    5 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    SO...MUCH...BATMAN! :ticking: 

    Most of which I still need to watch. :wacko: I haven't even seen the OG Burton film yet. I really need to do that. 

    • Brohoof 3
  10. On 2021-04-11 at 3:09 PM, Retro*Derpy said:

    The art is very cute and adorable! I think that they are really good for calming stress and anxiety. I can't wear 24/7 but I completely understand it.

    I didn't see this comment until now. Thank you for it Retro. ^-^ I didn't think you would like them too but that surprise is usually how it is really. :P I find that awesome.

    • Brohoof 4
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