Important note: Please read the general rules below before submitting your banner. Otherwise, it may not be accepted! Submit your banner to Child of Hiigara (and nobody else) by Wednesday, March 25 at 11:59 PM (PDT). Voting begins immediately! Banner contests are back! Sorry for the delay, folks. Hopefully, we'll be able to get banner contests up regularly from now on. For those who don't know, we used to have banner contests every month. Each time, we had a different theme, usually based around a pony. The winning submission, chosen by our wonderful members, would be used as the site's banner. We'll do contests a bit differently this time. Four weeks, four banners In the past, the winning banner was used for a month. Now, we'll have a new banner each week. For three of those weeks, we'll be using the top three banners in the contest. For the fourth week (not necessarily the last), we'll spice things up a bit. Three things can happen at this point: 1) the staff pick a fourth banner from the existing contest submissions, 2) we ask members to make a banner under a special theme (e.g., an international holiday or other special event), or 3) you send us a submission of your choosing (bonus points if it's episode related!). This also means... You can use any pony (or ponies) you want In the past, we allowed only certain ponies to be used in each contest. For example, one month was all about Applejack. Another was about the CMC. The rationale behind this was simple: to give less popular ponies a shot at success. But that was when we had one winner. Now that we have four (three for the contest, and one for the bonus), that's much less of a problem. Finally... Don't hesitate to send us banners outside of contests! Seriously, we love it when you send us banners! If you want to show off your creative talent, that fourth slot could very well be yours. Go nuts! General rules and submission instructions
- Banners should be approximately 1000x255 pixels and saved as a .png file. More info here
- Send contest submissions to Child of Hiigara (and nobody else) via PM - Send bonus (fourth week) submissions to all the admins in one PM. This can be done at any time during the month - One entry per member - All entries must adhere to the current theme, but creative liberties may be taken (to fit an airing FiM episode, for example) - Anyone who wishes to edit an entry that has already been sent may do so, as long as the revised version is submitted by the deadline - All entries must have the name of the forums, MLP Forums, as well as being pony-centric and related to the show in some way. That being said, feel free to be creative! - All forum rules still apply. Any entries that do not adhere to these rules will not be accepted - Please do not post your entries anywhere else on the forums until after the winners have been announced. Although we can understand your excitement to show others your hard work, please keep them under wraps This month's theme: Springtime! - Must showcase an aspect of the season spring - Must highlight at least one pony of your choice If you have any other questions or comments, let us know down below. And so, without further ado, let's begin. Good luck and have fun!