I feel like a gift card or money would be a good way to be super subtle about it. But if you really want it as a gift, I agree with some others and say you should just go ahead and ask. And about your problem with your father..... He should accept you as his son no matter what you are interested in! I think you should let him know that his opinion on your love for something totally harmless is not going to change how you feel about it. You're not shooting heroin, you're not going out and driving drunk, you're not killing and raping people. I feel like he should accept you for who you are. Because loving ponies is NOT a bad thing, in fact, if MY son wanted pony plushies, I'd happily gift them to him! Anything to keep his mind off of any destructive behavior! That's just my thoughts. Anyways, good luck with obtaining your dream gift! Whichever way you end up going about it, as long as you stay true to you, good things will happen! *please imagine this in Twilight's voice, please!* *So much more convincing!* lol