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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Feather Gem

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Everything posted by Feather Gem

  1. I cannot believe that this post is still active. xD It's been over three years!
  2. Hello, friends! Yes, I'm back. Sort of. I'll explain later! But I urge you not to contact me unless I contact you directly! Thank you! Cx

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Welcome back... oh wait, this is since July last year... *nervous laugh*

  3. Fun fact: In Malay, the word 'air' means water ('udara' means air) and is pronounced a-ir rather than with just one syllable.

  4. At first, it seemed like they succeeded. Suddenly though, they were zapped back behind the bars with sharp flashes of purple and green. Midnight blinked. "Wha-huh?" he said, touching the bars again. "But...we...what?" He turned to Shade, his expression confused and seeking an answer from her.
  5. @@Miss Reaper xD Alrighty then. I suppose this means we should begin. But do you have any questions before that? (I'm not so used to 1x1. Can you tell? xD)
  6. @@Miss Reaper Now we should begin! Cx Though, I'm not quite sure. Is there anything that we should plan out ahead of time? xD
  7. @ Chamois was shaking slightly after he placed her back onto the ground. At least she was allowed to stand up the way gravity for meant ponies to. She was feeling rather...dizzy... "N-no. I...don't think I have done anything similar to this before..." she said blankly, answering a rhetorical question. She blinked then, looking at him to see that he was suddenly about her size. This was enough to wake her up. She nodded at him when he said that he would keep his word when he said that he would keep her safe. To her, this seemed very genuine, especially considering what had happened. But come on? Could she have a moment, just a moment, where she didn't have to be so incredibly surprised? Her jaw dropped slightly as he thanked her and she quickly turned away to hide it and compose herself. First of all, the Spirit of Chaos had just thanked her. Goodness gracious, that was pretty neat! On the other hoof, she felt almost...almost bad for him. He must have never been accepted by anypony. He must have never had a friend or somepony to just...take his side like he said! Better not to mention it though. She turned back to him. "I feel kind of dizzy..." she admitted. She reached up and carefully took the metallic prize from her head. She looked at it curiously.
  8. I...actually think, for once, I'll have to go with Tirek. I mean, Chrysalis is feeding her subjects, King Sombra is...King Sombra. Nightmare Moon is Luna. I suppose Katrina was some drug addict chick and I have no idea who those others are. And Discord. Discord isn't much of a villain to me. xD I've messed with his character too much in my head. But I did watch a bit of the movie with Tirek and it seemed quite...dark. He did seem like one of those villains who are just evil for the heck of it.
  9. I too see whatchu did there. They might actually. It's Disney after all. They need to compete with Nickelodeon and all that. Nickelodeon has...-shivers-Freeed. So Disney is going to be wanting a Youtuber as well! But PewDiePie? I'm not sure. I don't watch his videos, but is this something that he would agree too? He must know that it could potentially ruin his hobby/career/Idon'tknowanythingabouthim. (Edit: Ah, okay Cx)
  10. @@Miss Reaper How could I possibly ever say no to all of that? And how could I ever possibly keep up? xD As you were the first one to sign up, I will be taking you I believe. I hope it won't die, but I'm sure we can keep it going with enough effort! Cx So, you want to play as Celestia and Pinkie Pie I believe? @@Scribblegroove It was so tempting to take you as my roleplay buddy! Cx You seem incredibly good at it. But, to be fair, Miss Reaper did sign up before you did, and I think I'll have to take her! I'm sorry. Maybe next time though! Cx @ I hope that it can be in a roleplay topic. I prefer those over roleplays through PM, considering how you can sneakily make short replies (though I'm sure these two wouldn't do that) I just went and did that for you! Cx Go on with your crazy little schemes. Entertain us all! I'm already entertained by just the idea...
  11. I can kind of see it being some bottle. Dunno why. And as someone else suggested, maybe it is one of their hats! That would be so cool! But obviously it's going to be an apple, I mean come on, duh.
  12. Ask King Sombra follows my ask blog on tumblr now omfgicantbelievefinally

  13. So, as I have school and am currently in a few roleplays already, although slow, I only have time for another 1x1 roleplay with someone! Cx I had this idea for a fanfiction a while back about Celestia and Luna after Luna's return. It has to do with forgiveness. All kinds of forgiveness. Luna forgiving Celestia for all she had done, Luna forgiving herself, her subjects forgiving Luna, and Celestia also forgiving herself. Now, it doesn't have to follow this exactly. I had thought that there would be two main characters and two side characters, along with other characters bouncing in and out occasionally. Main Characters: Celestia - Miss Reaper Luna - Feather Gem Side Characters: Twilight Sparkle - Feather Gem Pinkie Pie - Miss Reaper (Also maybe Discord, I love Discord. Can we please.) Once someone decides to join with me, and I decide I'd like to roleplay with them, we can figure out who will play as who. But, whoever plays as Celestia must take the role of Pinkie Pie as well, and whoever takes the role of Luna must take the role of Twilight Sparkle as well. This is because Pinkie will interact more with Luna and Twilight with Celestia. This is mostly just to prevent boredom. Twilight could give advice, Pinkie could do some cheering up...all that. Another thing is that it is completely okay if during the roleplay, most of your text is on your character and how they are feeling. This may not give me much to reply to, but this is how I roleplay sometimes and I believe that a roleplayer similar to this will make both of us perfectly okay with it! Besides, this roleplay is quite a bit about internal struggles, I suppose. Who is even going to join this stupid thing I have no idea. So...I guess that's all. If you want to know anything else, please just ask! You can try to sign up by simply giving me a nice example of text of the two characters you'd like to roleplay as! I'd like a pretty good roleplayer if possible, even if I'm not so great myself! Cx
  14. Wait, wait, wait! Can I do all of them? I don't care what you say, I'm doing all of them. Angel Feather Me: Wha-whaaat?! Angel: Meep! -Angel sits up and turns to me- -moments pass- -simultaneous screaming- Mystical Flow Me: M-Mystical...? Mystical: Oh...um...hello there...you... Chamois Vine Me: 'Shoot, I got the unfriendly one' Chamois: Wha...is somepony th--- -Chamois looks up- Chamois: Wtf r u and wat r u doing in my bed. Me: My bed. Dawn Minuet Me: 'No, no, no. Dawn will suffer with my emotions' -Dawn wakes up in a panic- Dawn: Wha-what's going on? Wh-who are you? Me: Oh my gosh, nooo Dawn: Oh my gosh. nooo. Spirit Me: Sunset?! I mean, Spirit?! -Spirit jumps and wakes up- -Spirit stares at me- -Spirit touches my face and smiles- -Spirit squeals and waves at me- Me: Why didn't I give you a voice, dang it, I don't understand. Masquerade Me: MASK! MAKE ME A COSPLAY COSTUME! Masquerade: What the heck, you wouldn't start screaming just like that. Me: I might. Masquerade: Did you even try to make these realistic? Me: I wanted to be funny. Masquerade: Go to bed, you're tired.
  15. Not sure how to feel about how long we've had that banner...xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Feather Gem

      Feather Gem

      Never heard of that cross over. I'd hope for a basic one though Cx

    3. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      it's just when people do the logo thing, you know where the top half of Daria's head is inside a circle with a bored expression and her name on it? They just replace Daria's head with Maud's and the same with the name

    4. Feather Gem
  16. @Feather Gem I always liked her. xD She's pretty amazing.
  17. I like awesome things and Celestia.So, yeah. Why not? Not anything too crazy though.
  18. @ Chamois inhaled deeply through her nose and then exhaled through her mouth. She straightened herself up to her full height and nodded silently. When he wrapped himself around her for that short moment, she gasped loudly, having been jumpy in the first place. At the same time though, it calmed her nerves a bit and she went over to him where he appeared a few feet away. Chamois nodded at him. When he placed something in her mane, it was obvious and a bit heavy on her head. She lifted her hoof for a moment, to see what it was but stopped halfway, placing her hoof back down. It could wait a moment. She wanted to get out of here as soon as she could. Ignoring Princess Celestia - as well as the king and the unfamiliar pony - behind her, she closed her eyes, breathing deeply. It took her a moment to calm herself to the point where she was no longer shaking and then she began. No pony will harm you, you can do it. So...do it. And so she did it.
  19. I've been considering for months whether or not to post myself cosplaying as Twilight Sparkle on here... Now on Saturday I'm going to a cosplay event so...now I have to consider more xD

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Feather Gem

      Feather Gem

      Oh my goodness! Cx

    3. Batbrony


      I gotta go now, but this was fun. Have a good day Feather Gem! :D

    4. Feather Gem

      Feather Gem

      Heh. It was. Have a good day yourself! Cx

  20. "We made it!" Midnight squealed, hopping off of Shade. A poof of dust explored around him when he hit the ground and he coughed for a long moment. He glanced around to see two passageways, each blocked up with iron bars. Midnight went towards one and touched the cold bar. "I bet we could get through this easy!"
  21. @ Chamois turned her head away quickly, to the left and to the floor as low as possible. She couldn't bear to hear any of this...it was too much for her. I mean...who was she to listen to? A Spirit of Chaos? A Sun Princess? Or the voices in her head that she'd listened to since she was a child? Chaos, harmony, emptiness? Which was worse? Which was better? Chamois jumped when he disappeared. For a moment, she thought that she really had been deceived when she saw the flash behind her. She spun around to where Discord sat on the throne she has attempted to climb not so long ago. The relief she felt was unbelievable... And now...now he was being...harsh...but...his words rang so true! They were so true and honest and real! Fear her? Chamois? This stupid, grey filly with no power? Could it be possible that the strong, majestic alicorn feared her? When the Princess yet again tried to reason with her, Chamois found herself backing away automatically. By backing away, she was actually moving towards Discord without meaning to... They both sounded so right! All Chamois wanted to do was not decide between them! But she couldn't run anymore. No. She would not let that miserable voice in her head take her back in it's grasp! That voice wanted her to be safe, but it did not want the best for her! Celestia wanted her to be safe, but she only cared now, when she was already losing herself! What about when she needed somepony? What about when she was alone? Chamois! No! Please! Listen to me, to your reasonable self! Discord is evil and cruel! He won't be there for you! Celestia won't be there for you! You have t--- "N-no!" Chamois! "I-I...but no pony good and perfect ever wanted me!" Chamois said, raising her head to look the Princess in the eyes, finally. "I was always alone! No pony was ever there to say it was all okay, and to tell me I was doing something wrong or right! No pony ever bothered with me! B-but...D-Discord chose m-me. I...I don't know why but...he...must have seen something in me...and he helped me! Now I'm free!" Chamois said, her voice rising as she became near to tears. "I'm not bound by a voice telling me to keep quiet and never do anything new or different! I'm free!" He chose you because you are weak...open your eyes, abandoned filly... And then the voice faded away, almost as if she had killed it. "No pony ever...cared...but...now some pony might...maybe..." she said, her voice going quiet. (I so wish I could colour in her dialogue, but my computer isn't...very nice right now...)
  22. @ It was probably pushing it, but when else would she have the chance to sit in the Sun Princess's throne? Chamois trotted over to it and put her front hooves up onto it, trying to pull herself up onto it. Huh. Okay. This was much bigger close up. Chamois scurried some more, clawing at the soft cushion with her ridiculously smooth, almost frictionless hooves. After a moment though, she fell back and went back over to Discord, looking slightly flushed. That was rather embarrassing...which is why she had stopped. Anyway, she should stick next to him, just in case. When the princess did make her appearance though, Chamois found herself peeking at the glorious alicorn from behind Discord. She'd never expect herself to do something as absurd as hide behind somepony, but it happened without her quite realizing it. There was little point to move out from behind him at this point. She was also - still, she'd never admit it - a little afraid... She had never seen the princess angry before. And yet, now there she was before them, looking absolutely furious...and part of the fury may be pointed at her...maybe...just a little... I've made a terrible mistake... a little voice whispered in her head. They'll question you when you get out of there...they'll make you seem like a criminal...they'll all--- Leave me alone, Chamois whispered back it. Now was not the time. "Well..." Chamois said quietly, looking at the princess in the eyes for a moment. She shifted her gaze quickly though, not brave enough to hold it. "It's true. We haven't hurt anypony. He's actually been really nice..." Well, perhaps the word nice was a bit too big, but no matter. "...considering..." she added. Why couldn't she be brave and strong and confident? She'd made it this far, she'd faced this...this chaotic being, she'd faced herself...surely she could face the princess as well, having done nothing wrong!
  23. Well, I can't quite quote or mention at the moment, and I'm clueless as to how to do it without those buttons working, so hopefully you'll see this Miss Reaper! That's fine. A day should have passed by now and the roleplay needs to be realistic enough. Please go ahead! Cx Also, hey, I'm back! I got an email seeing Miss Reaper mentioned me and then went to see is Cinderscribe was back and he was! Cx So I'm back! (I really do love this roleplay, and I'm happy that it hasn't died)
  24. I'm back from dealing with Malaysian problems such as Denggi, haze, fires, drought, water rationing and planes!

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