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Why do some people hate Rainbow Dash?


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Yeah she's a love or hate character.

She's very selfish and arrogant, she has a cocky and competitive attitude. She definitely has a lot of flaws, and is very different from the rest of the mane 6: she isn't really kind. I guess some bronies don't like that, especially after what happened in Trade Ya! >_>

And IMO, she's the least cute mane 6.


Yet she's my favorite mane 6. :wub:

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People hate RD? but She is best Mane6 pony


I get that the boasting and show offy side can come off a little bad but its not exactly a terrible quality, its just a lot confidence that overspills sometimes.




  • Brohoof 3


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  • 2 months later...

I think the problem is not that Rainbow Dash is any more flawed than the others of the Mane Six. Honestly, Rarity has been several degrees selfish, Twilight has acted like a righteous know-it-all, Fluttershy has been infuriatingly shy to the point that she won't stand up for herself (in other words, a doormat), Pinkie Pie has been overly peppy and sometimes obnoxiously oblivious in reading the mood, and Applejack's been stubborn and roguish. Their greatest flaws can also come from their strengths; Twilight's obsessing over things going wrong, but her being the most organized; Pinkie Pie craving the attention and happiness of others, but being the best pony to do it; Fluttershy being shy and a doormat, but inversely being kind and not the type to dish out abuse; Rarity being so focused on her craft that she gets lost within it, but being able to create beautiful pieces by her name; Applejack being grounded within her roots and very level-headed, but causing her to not be easily persuaded, and, in the loss of her family, making her the most "adult" of the cast but also the most over-protective; and finally, we come to Rainbow Dash. For her, she is very loyal, but she needs the validity of others' loyalty in return for that, and if she doesn't have it, then it leads to a very crippling blow in her confidence. This is evidenced in both The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Sonic Rainboom; Rarity's participation in the Best Young Fliers' Competition causing a spike within her self-doubt, and in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, a blink-and-you-miss-it moment of her reflecting on how awesome she is, but no one seems to recognize that.


The problem, I think, is that many people see Rainbow Dash see her as showboating without quite understanding why she does it. They see her as talking about herself so much because she doesn't value others, which is the common misconception that can be drawn from a bravado that's like hers. People have trouble empathizing with that, so they shut her out in favor of characters who have more obvious complications, such as Fluttershy. But Rainbow Dash is far more complex than the simple word of "she's just a boastful, selfish, egotistical character". Rainbow Dash has demonstrated, through episodes that showcase her weaker moments, that her boasting, while not entirely an act, is exaggerated on purpose - but not for the reason that you would think. She's trying to insert herself into the moment because she wants others to validate her existence, and to feel like that existence is valid she needs to be the best. In other words, Rainbow Dash craves acceptance and others feeling like she's awesome, too. When she doesn't get that, she sinks almost into a depression, because if she's not the best, then maybe she's not good enough. If there's a Mare Do Well out there taking her spotlight, and everyone appreciates her and forgets everything about what Rainbow Dash did, then what does she matter anymore?


Some people don't relate as much to Rainbow Dash not because her experiences aren't something that make sense for the people watching My Little Pony, but because they aren't surface-level, even if they have been confirmed canonically. We all know that Fluttershy has crippling social anxiety, and that relateable aspect to her is put right up front. But not often are we shown that Rainbow Dash really does need the acceptance and love from her fellow ponies, because we simply think she has enough love for herself to compensate, which is false. Rainbow Dash thrives on positive attention. She wants to be recognized for the good she does and fears that if she doesn't show off, if she doesn't make herself out to be the best, then she will simply be forgotten. And...to be honest, thanks to episodes like Mare Do Well and others like that, her friends may have some evidence pointing to the fact that they might really be that shallow. It just depends entirely on how you look at it.


Many notice the boasting and not about how she honestly loves her friends, despite there being plenty of evidence that she does. Rainbow Dash is not a gentle encourager; she's the type to pep talk instead. But that doesn't mean she's incapable of it. Even when she felt like yelling at Fluttershy in Hurricane Fluttershy, she corrected her tone. In Flight to the Finish, she spoke gently to Scootaloo (even if it was strange that she was flying at the time she was telling the little pegasus pony that she doesn't have to, you know, fly). There are other examples, I just can't think of them immediately, but the point is that Rainbow Dash is capable of learning and setting herself to the tone that her friends need. It also depends on how the writers handle her, as well. Unfortunately, some of them delegate Rainbow Dash to having one-liners that are simply rude or don't really add anything to the plot (I believe that was already pointed out in this thread, too). Not once, though, have I doubted the integrity of Rainbow Dash's loyalty, even with those who say she doesn't match it at all. Being brutally honest is not a disloyal thing to do. She's proven her loyalty, rather, through her lack of giving up on her friends, and making an active effort to be there, even if she isn't the best at it due to her naturally boisterous nature.


I find all of the Mane Six are deep characters, and my least favorite, Pinkie Pie, is only there because I relate to her the least. I still like them all, and I think rounding them down to their negative traits only, including Rainbow Dash, is a disservice to all six, and a gross over exaggeration of those traits, at that.

  • Brohoof 8
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I don't hate Rainbow Dash. She is just not the kind of character who attracts my attention. We have some things in common, but that doesn't mean I should like her. Rainbow Dash just reminds me too much of people in real life who I don't like. Rainbow is a great character, but not a character that I would like. 





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We have some things in common, but that doesn't mean I should like her.


If I was coming off as if I was insisting that you should like her, then I apologize for that. I was only rambling about why I personally like her, and why I think other people might not. Sometimes characters just don't click with you. I'm probably an odd one out in this fandom when I say I don't care much for Ditzy Doo/Derpy Hooves.

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If I was coming off as if I was insisting that you should like her, then I apologize for that. I was only rambling about why I personally like her, and why I think other people might not. Sometimes characters just don't click with you. I'm probably an odd one out in this fandom when I say I don't care much for Ditzy Doo/Derpy Hooves.

When I said some things, I meant a few things. I mean we aren't extreme opposites where we having NOTHING in common. 


Rainbow and I both hate failure, both can have our head in the clouds, both are considered fast, but that's really just about it. Also, we both hate being alone, but it is in a different sense. Equestria doesn't have internet though, so I can't compare my upset feelings when no one is online with Rainbow's upset feelings when no one will talk to her. Well, we both hate being ignored, too. My ponysona has a rainbow cutie mark if you want to add that. Oh, and we both have a different learning style than what schools teach making school stressful, and we both don't see ourselves as intelligent even though others say we are. I give up. I'm not too different from Rainbow Dash. Does Rainbow Dash likes rainbows? I know her FiW self is obsessed with rainbows, but not sure about her canon self. If so, add that to the list. 


Rainbow is who I least relate to, though. She isn't on the bottom of the list. (Twilight is. I related to Twilight on the negative issues, but I just don't care much for Twilight.) 


I respect Rainbow Dash, but she comes off as someone who is popular and and doesn't care about grades except to pass and focused mainly on sports. (That wasn't a bad idea at my schools considering you had a better chance of getting a scholarship in sports than academics, and the schools I went to didn't care much for academics, but I just don't like those kind of people.) Maybe if I met someone like Rainbow in real life, I would like to be their friend considering she's loyal, and I never had a true off line friend. But she comes across as those kinds of people I don't like. 





Applejack Fan Club

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Well, it's not that I hate Rainbow Dash.  It's just that I really dislike her about 40%-70% of the time.  Why?  Because she isn't the kind of person I'd want to hang out with in real life.


She's stuck up and way over-confident, and yet she never once gets into trouble because of her crappy attitude, making her even more irritating.  She's inconsiderate and loud and the biggest show-off in Equestria (yeah, even more so than Trixie).  She's rude and lazy and selfish.  I don't understand why people like her so much.  With just a little bit of tweaking, she could totally be one of the villains, just as "bad" as Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara.


And the Lesbian thing is apparently because she fits the stereotype with short hair and rainbows and whatnot.  I try not to read too much into that kind of thing.

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Because people everywhere actually feel inclined to hate character because she has realistic flaws that are actually quite flawed. They find the fact that she's arrogant unappealing- yeah, hmm character flaws aren't really supposed to appealing in the first place- so they dislike her entirely. It's really stupid, I know, but when has character favor in the fandom ever not been this type of personal?  >_>

  • Brohoof 1
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To be honest, RD is my favourite of the mane six. She starts out as (what I think and/or hope is) the complete opposite of me. She's in your face, unapologetic, egotistical and a number of other things. But she grows. And she retains her self confidence and for the most part her self assurance, but it becomes less a full on ego trip to jerkville, and almost becomes plain confidence. 

She matures, ESPECIALLY in Wonderbolt Academy, where it's almost as though she's looking at her past self in Lightning Dust. I think it's one of her biggest realisations that it's resoundingly not okay to leave others in her dust (pun intended.) And she learns a lot from that.

And I understand that a lot of people can never overlook her original jerkiness, since it was there from the start. But I think now, it's less showing off to gain praise and get an ego rush, than her mostly just taking pride in herself.




And dude, I love me a lesbian tomboy.

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, it's not that I hate Rainbow Dash.  It's just that I really dislike her about 40%-70% of the time.  Why?  Because she isn't the kind of person I'd want to hang out with in real life.


She's stuck up and way over-confident, and yet she never once gets into trouble because of her crappy attitude, making her even more irritating.  She's inconsiderate and loud and the biggest show-off in Equestria (yeah, even more so than Trixie).  She's rude and lazy and selfish.  I don't understand why people like her so much.  With just a little bit of tweaking, she could totally be one of the villains, just as "bad" as Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara.


And the Lesbian thing is apparently because she fits the stereotype with short hair and rainbows and whatnot.  I try not to read too much into that kind of thing.


Or this. Bronies tend apply the characters in real life to a personal potential negative experience. Part of what makes a strong, realistic, and even more so interesting character is having said character be likely to have personality that you, in fact many would encounter in real life. Even the flaws. Sure she's pretty arrogant, but not to the extent to where you don't see an archetype like her in a everyday school setting.


So please, guys. Try to appreciate characters from all sides of their characterization whether it'd be particularly flawed or not.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Personally, I really dislike RainbowDash. She is by far my least favorite cartoon character, let alone least favorite pony. She is incredibly arrogant, selfish, sarcastic, impolite, and narrow-minded.

I cannot bring myself to like characters who have such characteristics and flaunt them as if their something to be proud of.


RainbowDash, in my opinion, has no redeeming value. Now, what I get told a lot, is that RainbowDash has had instances where she acted loyal.

Yes, she has had moments where she exhibited selflessness. But, that doesn't make up for her disgusting attitude.


My opinion on her cannot be reversed due to the negative impression she left on me from the beginning.

Well, as big of a Dash fan as I am I can say that for a lot of Dash haters out there this sums up a lot of peoples dislikes quite nicely, a lot of people just don't like her arrogance and the way she struts around thinking she is the best, for instance the reasons you stated for disliking her is the very reason I do in fact find her so appealing as a character, I tend to like people, or in this case pony that are extremely uncensored in what they say and just say what they mean.


Personally I really do think that Rainbow Dash has one of the deepest personalities of any of the mane 6 other than Pinkie Pie, one reason she acts like she does in mainly because she is extremely afraid to fail and thus this shows up a lot in her overall personality. Secondly she is an extremely prideful mare, and sometimes those amazing skills she has she DOES in fact take for granted by going around boasting about it at times.


Also, keep in mind that she tends to have some pretty bad self esteem issues that are shown both in the "Sonic Rainboom" episode and the episode "Testing Testing 1,2,3" In which case she try's to disguise that flaw by putting on a tough outer persona at times that tends to fool many ponies into believing that her resolve is solid and unbreakable, when in reality she does have a pretty large flaw, that flaw being that when confronted with the very real possibility of failing she tends to lash out by just wanting to outright give up and shut the world away, until of course she is put in a situation where failing is not an option such as saving one of her friends etc.

  • Brohoof 4


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She's stuck up and way over-confident, and yet she never once gets into trouble because of her crappy attitude, making her even more irritating. [...] She's rude and lazy and selfish. I don't understand why people like her so much. With just a little bit of tweaking, she could totally be one of the villains, just as "bad" as Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. All right, hold your pastel colored horses on this one.


For the first, there have been numerous social consequences for her attitude in multiple different episodes. In Dragonshy, her cockiness gets her sent right back into her fellow ponies. In Hurricane Fluttershy (though it's subtle) she scares Fluttershy with her initial brazen "Suck it up, Fluttershy!" which she notices well enough to clean up her attitude. In Lesson Zero, she along with the rest of the Mane Four realize how completely insensitive they'd been to Twilight's worries even though they found them ridiculous. She has, in multiple cases, been the subject of slapstick for her gung-ho behavior. Hay, the whole darn plot of The Mysterious Mare Do Well was about tearing her down for her attitude. Daring Don't allowed her to suffer scathing at the face of her hero due to her lack of decorum toward her, and many a time have the other characters given Rainbow a verbal reprimand for some of her one-liners. In fact, the exact reason Pinkie Pie's behavior in Filli Vanilli is so jarring is because, unlike Rainbow Dash, she doesn't even attempt to show any remorse or growth. Rainbow Dash has done plenty of that in multiple instances.


It's also an absolutely incorrect comparison to make with her and Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. Rainbow makes very blunt and perhaps hurtful comments due to obliviousness of other's feelings at times, but I can easily believe there's no intent to harm anyone and Rainbow has even admitted to and outright apologized for her big headedness, especially in recent episodes (Testing, Testing, 1 2 3 springs immediately to mind) - she has also shown character growth and an increased drive with her moral compass in episodes that don't botch her character (e.g. Wonderbolts Academy). Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon both sit pretty with the record of absolutely zero attempts to apologize or make up for their attitudes (except, notably, when kissing face to Miss Princess Twilight Sparkle Pony) and not only that, but it's definitely canonically proven that all of their actions are not through innocent annoyance, or arrogance, or not realizing the implications their brutal honesty may have, but in an outright attempt to make other ponies feel bad and isolate them for no other reason but to big themselves up. They purposely turn other ponies against the Cutie Mark Crusaders (One Bad Apple), have shown they're not beyond spreading lies or hurting people just because it's fun or gets them good publicity (Ponyville Confidential), will use other ponies to get them better status (Twilight Time), and are not beyond outright mocking a disabled pony just so they can win some flimsy competition they probably aren't even that committed to anyway (Flight to the Finish). Sure Rainbow would sometimes belittle ponies and put them down due to a lack of understanding...in Season One and maybe early Season Two. She has since grown far past that, and the Rainbow from Dragonshy barely resembles the one from Hurricane Fluttershy and the Rainbow from Suited for Success is outright mocked by the new level of sensitivity displayed by the Rainbow in Rarity Takes Manehattan.


Rainbow Dash is not a bully. She had some rather rude, perhaps even bully-like things to say back in the past, but by no means would something as small as a "tweak" would reduce her to Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. Try a huge perversion of her character, at least.

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   I find it ironic that morally hypocritical fans, condemn Rainbow Dash for arrogance, while expressing major arrogance in turn. That is what having a personality looks like, strengths and weaknesses, however, it is too easy to focus on flaws, and ignore the good qualities a character has, but in criticising a character you too are judged, so try to be professional and mature, not shallow and opinionated. I love Rainbow Dash, and her dynamic personality, the charisma and enthusiasm attracted me to her in the first place, plus she is the pony to learn lessons about humble, yet rally to a new goal, people, we all have something others hate about us as individuals, it come with being alive, besides I have seen real human arrogance when I was in the military, most of you are lucky to have never seen such egotistical people, boasting about their physical endurance, but I did my job, and we had so many low moments pride is easy to humble, so Rainbow Dash is the right pony to have some backbone, yet have a soft side, like her relationship with Fluttershy, take what you like about Rainbow Dash or anypony, and respect others for liking a character, flaws and all.   

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I don't mean to be that guy who sits here and makes it out like as if you're not allowed to dislike a character and you have to tolerate constant showboating. Everyone is allowed to dislike characters for whatever reasons they have; we're all diverse and I can't expect us all to agree. Rather, with my posts and corrections and references to episodes I can only hope to get you thinking and perhaps seeing the character in a different light. I can see why others aren't especially fond on the grounds of 'she reminds me of highly competitive jocks at school'; by personal experience we can feel a disconnect from these people because we rather like different things. If everyone was the same, this world would be boring, after all! But I appreciate Rainbow Dash personally as a character for all the growth that she's endured and I'll have to admit, jerks with hearts of gold were already an archetype I was inclined to as characters (funnily enough, I like super sweet, timid characters as well - so basically Fluttershy). I think part of that is because it gives me something to talk about and dig deeper in with characters. All of them are three dimensional, but to me some of the Mane Six come off as more what you see is what you get than others, of you catch my drift.


Also, I'm going to address an elephant in the room I have insofar made no comment about: Rainbow Dash and her connection to lesbianism. Now, I'm not against the idea (I ship her with girl ponies...I admit it...) but I do believe it's harmful to assume she is just because of her rainbow mane or her attitude in general. Her sexuality (and anyone's, really) is divorced from their behavior and style of dress. They don't correlate in any way. Who knows, though? It would actually be nice if at least one of the Mane Six were homosexual, Rainbow Dash or no. There needs to be more homonormativity in media in general.

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Also I don't know why having rainbow mane and acting tomboyish makes you a lesbian.


It's a common stereotype, mainly. There is a (false) belief that there has to be a "man" and a "woman" in a relationship. Obviously this doesn't need to be thought of for heterosexual relationships, but in homosexual relationships they're both the same gender so they can't assign that role so easily. Because of that, they make one of them act horrendously butch, and the other girly. This is the same for male/male pairings, too. It fits in with the seme/uke stereotype of (gag) yaoi as well.


Never mind the fact that heterosexual relationships don't strictly fit this mold anyway, it's a harmful thing that makes others assume sexual orientations when there's nothing in someone's behavior that would suggest it - even flirting with other genders doesn't disprove that you are, in fact, homosexual.


As for the rainbow mane, as stated earlier in the thread it's become a symbol for gay pride because it's supposed to be inclusive of all genders and all sexualities. Rainbows don't necessarily mean gay pride in and of themselves, but coupled with Rainbow's disposition it could be thought of that she was designed as a symbol for that. In reality, though, Lauren herself not only stated that Rainbow's sexuality is never hinted at in this manner and it's pretty rude to assume based on that, but she also said that she would not be tackling a controversial topic such as homosexuality within My Little Pony anyway (which to me is irritating because we need shows to tackle subjects like that, kids shows included, but everyone shies away from it because it's "controversial". It wouldn't be so controversial if people would just talk about it).

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For various reasons.


Which is totally fine as long as they don't be rude to those who do like her.

Even as big of a Dash fan as I am, I am perfectly fine with other people putting her down, or even saying they outright hate her, that's their opinion and theirs alone, the only time I truly get furious over the whole "best pony" ordeal is when someone blatantly puts down another person for liking a character. Of course that still doesn't mean a Dash hater isn't subject to some civil debate, but as long as it doesn't get personal then I am cool with what ever someone's opinion is.


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The only thing I dislike about Rainbow Dash is her being put down for just being herself. I'm looking at you Twilight Sparkle. This show somehow has something against individuality and personal freedom.

Edited by Singe
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I think a lot of it has to do with her overall "Cockiness" which people get annoyed by.

To some, it's exciting to see such confidence, but to others it's not.


Honestly Fluttershy gets on my nerves a little for being TOO SHY.

But that doesn't give me a reason to hate her, let alone dislike her. 


These kinds of traits are good for character development. I think it's a little strange people are intolerant towards her especially seeing as these kinds of characters are abundant in plenty of other shows. Then there's no complaints there.

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

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I've been wondering about this. I also don't get why Fluttershy is put up on a pedestal so much, people get mad just when someone makes her cry


I had a more thorough post in mind that involved personal experience, but my computer black screened on me, so I'll try to sum up my original point:


Fluttershy is put on a pedestal because characters like her, more feminine and shy, are implied to be weaker and thus in more need of protection. Every person is equally capable of strength, but some are more easily able to tap into that strength than others; however, our society doesn't really teach that lesson. Despite the fact that the emotionally set back are just as capable of abusive, bully-like tendencies as any person who's outgoing and more boisterous (and in fact, more subtle tactics through passive aggressiveness and guilt tripping, which are far more effective in staying with you than a generally rude comment), we give them a free pass because they're shy, or they have enough they're going through as it is. This is the case with Fluttershy, whose actions were defended even by the narrative within Putting Your Hoof Down, despite the fact that with all of Rainbow's callous remarks, they didn't come even remotely close to how terrible Fluttershy was to Rarity and Pinkie Pie by insulting their reasons for living.


It's very common for someone in a debate to take the side of the shy, weak, helpless person as opposed to the loud, brash, and outgoing person, regardless of whether or not the latter has a better point. Trust me, I would know - I'm the latter in that kind of situation.


Note: This isn't meant to insult Fluttershy as a character. In fact, I like her, and I amount her insults in Putting Your Hoof Down to clumsy writing without thought to the implications. They tried to give a lesson on assertiveness without aggressiveness, but unfortunately implied that what Fluttershy said to her friends is either what she really thought of them, or something she lied about with the intention of hurting them.

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Um, hi, sorry, just wanted to put my 2 cents on this little deviation; What I, personally, think happened was that, after getting so much bad advice (or good advice put into the wrong package, however you want to see it), Flutters, in an attempt to correct her flaws (flaws which I have no problem with, mind you) went a little... Overboard. Now, I am sort of projecting myself onto her in this instance, because this is kinda how things work for me, but this does appear to be a case of "Good intentions, bad results." Yes, it was her fault and yes, she could have handled it better but... She had no direct intention of being what she became, as shown by her realization and repressed state, something that, again, I tend to do; Think I am doing the right thing, do it, turns out it was the wrong thing, get angry, realize what I am doing, lock myself away to avoid letting myself hurt anyone else until someone drags me out of it. As for defending her, well, yes, that is true. However I don't see her being all that weak, not when it matters. When someone she cares about is upset, she quickly changes into a much bigger fighter than her demeanor portrays. I think people sort of ignore her other character traits sometimes (both her haters AND her fans) and just focus on the outside portrayal. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I am going to use this to move back onto topic with;


Rainbow Dash has only ever made me mad once, and that wasn't even the real, pony her. It was the one from the second movie, when she was an absolute jerk to everyone and was avoiding letting anyone actually be in the spotlight. She was very rude and obtrusive there, and I did not like her. HOWEVER, pony RD has had a very interesting place for me. She has moments where she is loyal and I cannot find fault, and I do believe I held an entire several page argument once defending her character and not once had to resort to headcannon or stretching the truth. She has a LOT of good character traits and is a great way for people to get into the show, being the least feminine (at least, stereotypical feminine) and an overall good evolved character. By evolved character, I mean that she started off absolutely horrendous, and has since gotten much, much better, and hopefully will continue to in S5 and onwards. However what I think happens is that people see her as too jaded and forward to be beloved. Now, here is the kicker; She IS beloved. Simply put, she does have a decent following, and honestly she has some AMAZING artwork. The point I am trying to make here is that, despite her flaws, she does have a good following, and while I personally am not as big of a part of that as some, I sure as hell do not deny her importance OR her impact on the show and other characters.


PS; Rain, Rave, if either of you would like to continue this discussion on Flutters, I would be more than happy to, just shoot me a PM so we don't take this off topic ok?

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I don't understand how anyone could hate Rainbow Dash! She's my favorite!  :wub: She's spunky, sporty, and has a fiery personality on occasion. I think because she does not fit into a typical female gender role people tend to mark her as too masculine which sucks because there is no cookie cutter mold for female personalities. 

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Well, I personally love her to bits, so I couldn't even attempt to understand how it's possible to hate her :wub:


Seriously though, people hate because she's a little brash, a little full of herself at times, but hey, when you are as beautiful, talented, loyal and awesome as she is, you nearly have a right to be :P

Edited by joecal97
  • Brohoof 1

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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