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private WAR (AU!/Action/Romance/SoL)


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Siobhan had long since decided that her sister's death would be the final straw. She had put her hoof down; no more war, no more fighting. No more death. Yet here she was, standing as a part of the Solar Empire; as a part of the Sun Army. She found herself becoming more and more apathetic towards the world and all its complicated problems. Why should she care?

Of course, when she had first arrived, she had thought to join with the kingdom she believed would offer the most peace. She didn't consider herself foolish, and knew that there was a very little, if not nonexistent, chance of a reconciliation between the Princesses any time soon. So she chose the Solar Empire, simply because she did not want to conquer or provoke. At the very least she figured she wouldn't have to worry as much. The Empire was somewhat merciful, and for that, she was thankful. She was no executioner, and she prayed no one else in the Army was either. She refused to take someone's family member away.


And yet....There were downsides. She and her sister had always been somewhat of a neutral party. They had always believed that arguments were petty and war was absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for. Siobhan still believed  that to be true. So to go and join the Sun Army, having to listen to some of Celestia's "adoring fans" sing her praises, and step in line with every other mindless sheep in the Empire was a hard pill to swallow. But she did so out of some vague and futile belief that things would get better.


She found her self wondering, not for the first time that day, whether or not she had made the right decision....

  • Brohoof 1
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Looking at the orders as though they were pouson mirrorshard sighed regretfully, "A war, why does it have to be a war. Oh well, i best prepare, looks like im being sernt to some new fortress, ugh" his horn glowing prismatically, he starts to pack his sparse belongings, mainly a spellbook on defensive combat, and a few knick-knacks. "Time to go" he says as he locks the door to go to his new post.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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The Fortress Ike Upon Pioneers


Pioneer Forge was a young and hardworking soldier of the Solar Empire. Continuously helping in the construction of Fortress Ike. Measuring each placement of brick and double-checking on the sloping was a troubling job for most if continued onwards; Pioneer Forge took this all with ease. It was a repetitive work that grew only better with each passing thought of protecting the Solar Empire. To build these towering and intimidating walls just outside of Canterlot towards the direction of Ponyville was an exciting thought to him.


The thoughts of Pioneer Forge were soon broken; abruptly halted with the low hiss from his far right, "Hey Forgy, how can you work like that?" The whisper stemmed from one of his teammates, Pioneer Wisp. The question from the mare beside Pioneer Forge had caused a question to be born. What does she exactly mean by that? One needs to understand that Pioneer Forge was a workaholic and very patriotic at that.


"What do you mean by that Wisp?" Pioneer Forge responded in the same volume as his teammate. Ending the response, he glanced at the surrounding areas, afraid their sergeant would appear and reprime them of their work… not that any reasoning would work. Their sergeant was rigid in what one should be doing and even the slightest pause in work will have him storming down and wipe up a storm of curses and threats. If Pioneer Forge was alone, he wouldn't have to fear his sergeant, but with teammates like Wisp, it happens quite regularly. It was certainly a stressful work environment indeed.


Cocking her head, Pioneer Wisp looked dumbfounded at the response. That perplexed Pioneer Forge at such response. It was strange indeed, especially from Pioneer Wisp's view. Taking a liberty of stopping her work and strongly thrusted her hoof at the increasingly confused Pioneer Forge in sheer amazement. Pioneer Wisp only managed what she thought would be the best, "Never mind."


It was another strange day for Pioneer Forge. Such things happen irregularly and with different subjects that he had never been capable of answering or knowing of. Perhaps he should ask for a transfer to a different crew. It may even do him good. As his thoughts soon dwell on a different and more organized crew, he returned to his work subconsciously.



The Two Generals


“I can guarantee you youngster that I can turn you into eight different kind of cheese with this staff!” The argument had escalated with the first insult being thrown by Implausible Ruse with his saber. The most sensible thing to Aegis Artifice is to threaten Implausible Ruse with the threat of altering his body into cheese. Least to say, this was quickly becoming absurd by each passing minute.


Baffled by such insult thrown by Aegis Artifice, Implausible Ruse shouted back, “What are you? Senile!? What kind of stallion threatens to turn his colleague into cheese?” It was a good thing they had completed their work before this glorious set of insults between two generals. If they hadn’t, that would had been a terrible thing to happen.



Impenetrable Defense


Impenetrable Defense shifted awkwardly as he adjusted to his new armor and shield. Having signed up for the Aegis Teams and quickly passing through the rigorous courses, he had been given the standard Aegis Team Unit equipment: a dozen javelins, a single giant shield, and a heavier duty armor than the standard issued armor. Least to say, the thing was beyond heavy, and quite frankly, made Impenetrable Defense feel invincible.


Shaking off the thoughts, Impenetrable Defense joined his fellow teammates on their way outside of the barrack. Moving slowly and carefully not to accidently hit anyone with the intimidating and towering shield, Impenetrable Defense let a small form under the helmet. It was the thought of protecting his allies from threats as he blocks the assaults of the enemies.


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Cosmic sat staring into his spell book. His eyes were viciously squinted at the page, him completely focused.


"Okay! Everypony, stand back!" He announced, his horn glowing red. A beam of pure crimson shot out from his horn and struck the ground. Nothing happened for a moment. Then, out of nowhere, a magical red lion appeared where he shot the beam and it viciously roared. Then it proceeded to attempt to maul a stallion. Cosmic's horn quickly glowed again and then the lion disappeared. He was met with some light claps from various ponies and a frightened look from the stallion. He made his way over to said stallion and apologized with all his heart. "Sorry about that. I'll save it for the enemy."


Then, he heard the order to move out.


(Sorry if this sucks, I'm using and iPod touch to post this.)

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Payce (Minor Character)
@ and @@LordOfTime 

Payce knocked on the door of the barracks heavily, when there was no response he opened it carefully, to see Winged Glory and Obsidian standing there. Their manes and tails were ruffled, and their belts were lying on the floor with their swords, but Payce kept his mouth shut as he handed Obsidian the letter.

“From Captain Darkheart,” Said Payce gruffly. Payce turned to Winged Glory as Obsidian broke open the red seal, and read the letter. He looked her up and down, his eyes reading her, but his face remaining plain.

“Shouldn’t you be at the meeting, Hoof?” Asked Payce




@ @Moonbacon and

Princess Cadance sat at the head of the long table, gazing over each of her subjects individually. Ser Ambient stood guard at the large, heavy door of the chamber, the only door in the chamber. One way in one way out, Princess Cadance liked it that way. Ser Ambient cast a guarding gaze over the table, with his longsword hanging at his flank. He was the only one armed in the room. At the table, the councilmembers of the Crystal Empire were seated. There was Orb Dust, the Grand Maester of Magic. An aged pony, even when Cadance was first coronated. His back was hunched, and his eyes were watery and unseeing. Around his neck hung a heavy metal chain, with a pendant embroidered with a symbol of fire. His magical expertise. Across from the old Maester was Winter Gust the Master at Hooves, a skilled archer as Cadance had been told. Then there was Nay, the Commander of Sails who looked around the room with dancing eyes, as though this was his first time inside. Then there was Elisabeth the Commander of the Army. The Army Commander called herself Ruby, but Cadance had little tolerance for nicknames. There was an empty seat beside Elisabeth, reserved for Mead of the Northern Wall, for the few times when he ever visited the City of Crystal. Cadance had heard the fighting on the Crystal Mountains had intensified, with Wendigos assaulting the small wooden walls almost daily. Now, Mead had little time to spare with visits to the Capital, and Cadance was glad that at least some of her commanders took their duties seriously. This thought caused her to turn to her side, where another seat lay empty, this seat was unlike the seat reserved for Mead, for its intended owner was not thousands of leagues away fighting Wendigo. Far from it, in fact Cadance had seen Winged Glory only a few hours earlier, asking to visit the Lord Hexecutioner, Obsidian. Where was she now? Surely she would’ve recieved word of the council meeting by now. She’d sent almost a dozen messengers out. Shaking her head in disappointment, she looked up from the seat, and turned back to the council, who shuffled in their seats uncomfortably.

“Looks like we’ll need to begin without the Hoof,” Announced Cadance, with an air of calmness.

Nay couldn’t help but notice that if it had been anyone other than Glory, their head would already be spiked atop the City Wall.

“I’ve called this small council for our final preparations before we march to Ponyille, in three days our troops will board the boats, then disembark before the Everfree, before finally laying siege to Ponyville!” Her voice rose higher and higher with excitement, until ending in a squeak. Nay cast Ruby a look of uncertainty, before he quickly caught himself, and returned to his pokerface. Fortunately, Cadance caught none of this as she turned to Lord Nay with a question.

“How are the river preparations, Nay. Are the ships ready for sailing?”

Nay turned to Cadance with a look of calm, but inside he was boiling over with fear.

“Your Grace,” He began, attempting to stifle a fearful stutter. “The River is being melted by unicorn teams as we speak, and we the ships will be ready for deployment within the timeframe.”

He left out the part about the unicorn teams freezing to death, and disappearing into monstrous storms of snow. He also left out the part where the rivers were continuing to freeze over, and progress was little. He presented his halftruth with a small reassuring smile, and Cadance nodded appreciatively.

“Good, good.”

The council fell into silence, and all that could be heard was the sound of the wind battering against the stained glass windows of the Hall, as all the council members thought of what to say next.

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Upon What Does An Army Stand?


Lieutenant-General Bravery watched from his post at the construction of the Canterlot Fortress. Future Canterlot, now, being dubbed by many as the "Invincible Palace," a daring title from one of the more inflated heads of the General Staff. Scoffing at the such thoughts, Lieutenant-General Bravery looked at the surrounding areas, sketching out the view with a sketching pencil, returning to his average features of a stallion who seemed to smile for eternity. Drawing out the view of the heavily under-construction sight that was once a beautiful scenery rival to only a few, he was fully dedicated into his thoughts and his drawings that he did not notice one of his officers approaching silently from behind. 


"I note that you are drawing the view, m'lord," a deep and foreign accent spoke from his left, the owner of the voice was known as Colonel Timber. A name of Timber was truly fit in its rightful place as the name of the immense colonel. Rumors floated around of his cruelty, as claimed by some of the more younger officers in the Officer Corps of the Solar Army. Some brought up stories of where Colonel Timber stared down a private till he leaked himself. However, to Lieutenant-General Bravery, such rumors were rumors and over-exaggerations that are best to be left behind, although it was not to say that Lieutenant-General did not find such things amusing. 


Sketching one of the walls being built, Lieutenant-General Bravery floated his sketching pencil to a case and nodded his head, "I am, is there an issue that requires my presence? I informed you and the others to not disturb me unless it is necessary." He did not deal with intrusions to his private moments lightly, and the wrong answer could cause a swift and painful punishment to whoever dares to tread upon him. Though such punishments never are related to whippings or any humiliating degrees, besides doing exaggerated chores of course. 


Colonel Timber grimly nodded his head, a humorous site to anypony that had ever been terrified of his height and general personality, "I... understand the punishments, however, this is quite urgent," his tone agree with what he had stated. This was a question that was appearing in every head in the A1 Officer Corps. It was a question of war and the purpose of it, that single question was, "Is it true that we're playing a defensive war?" While all officers had heard the order of defensive play, there was always a sense of curiosity and the need of affirmation amongst the more cynical ponies. The declaration of defensive warfare could simply be a ruse to falsify any information that could be given over by potential spies. 


There was dead silence as Lieutenant-General Bravery looked at the sky and sighed, "Colonel Timber, for that I do not know a solid reply, but do know this," he motioned to the grand construction of the Canterlot Fortress, "does your cynical eyes doubt our stance?" Colonel Timber shook his head at that and promptly left with his answer fulfilled. That left Lieutenant-General Bravery grinding his teeth in thought of what could be as the war drags on, but those soon slept as he continued on with his work. 


Impenetrable Defense



When Impenetrable Defense heard the intrusion of a very out-of-place noise, he immediately brought up his shield and shouldered on to the site of the location. His teammates were not far behind with their great shields and the steps of heavily-armored hoofsteps. Taking deep breaths as a single javelin floated near his side, he entered into defensive positioning, looking through a small slit in the great shield. Taking slow steps as his teammates form up around him, he bellowed out a single question, "Is everyone alright?!" That question was slowly being put to ease at the general state of order and the lack of injured soldiers. Safety was then added on with the forming of other soldiers and their weaponry as they surround the site of the roar. 


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Low Light


   Low Light finished writing out the last letter, breathing a sigh of relief. But he wasn’t particularly fond of the contents. A call to arms for all the Princess’ bannerponies. It saddened him to see it come to this, but ultimately, it wasn’t really up to him. He trusted Princess Luna’s judgement, even if she did brood over her decisions sometimes. He definitely understood why.


   He left the Princess’ study and made his way down the cold halls, bracing himself against the chill. The smell of freshly-cooked food drifted towards his nostrils, causing him to unconsciously follow the tempting aroma. He paused when he saw Stellar Nova outside the door, almost analysing the Unicorn. He may not share the distrust of Unicorns that the others harboured, but that didn’t mean he was going to let his guard down around them. That said, Stellar was chosen for the Queensguard for her skill. He approached and cleared his throat to speak.


   “Commander Nova, I have a message for Her Highness. Please tell her that her letters are completed, some are simply awaiting her signature and the rest have her seal.”





Kinetic Energy


   “Greetings and salutations, everypony!” Celestia’s Head Minister, Kinetic Energy, walked into the office with the two arguing, not even waiting to be invited in before inspecting the globe. He lingered over the Cloudsdale circle for a moment. “What tactical value is Cloudsdale? It’s neutral, and too far out of our way. Probably too far out of anypony’s way, to be frank. Though I hear the mares there are the finest Pegasi mares in Equestria.”


   Kinetic was a strange pony at the best of times and preferred to spend time in his lab, tinkering with his gadgets. He called himself a sociopath, even though he lacks the usual symptoms of sociopathy. Not that anyone called him a sociopath. “Annoying” was usually the term they used. Even as he stood there, inspecting the globe while all but ignoring the gazes of the others in the room. That is, until a friend of his walked in.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Fluorescent Fire was not a happy pony. He was in the canterlot library, in the midst of nodding off, when a soft rapping came on his door. He jumped out of his chair and the book on his lap flew a few feet in front of him.


"Sir? Is everything alright?" A muffled voice of concern came from the other side of the door

'It's just the messenger, and nothing more' he muttered to himself. "Yes, I am perfectly fine. Sorry 'bout the noise. Be there in a sec, I was just napping. Don't go anywhere" He replied as he hurried to pick up the book and hastily straightened his messy mane.


He opened the door and was greeted by the royal messenger,all deadly serious looking. 'All of them were like that' Fluorescent smiled to himself and the messenger. "So how can I help you?"


"Her royal highness Princess Celestia has requested for the mobilization of the Solar Army. Your presence has been requested." Something in the air changed in the split second war was mentioned. Fluorescent's smile dropped straight to tartarus. His features hardened and tensed.




Fluorescent leisurely strolled down the great hallway, he would have simply walked on if he didn't hear the war that started in the office of the two Aegis Artifice and Implausible Ruse. His smile crawled back when he saw someone beat him there.


Kinetic Energy, Head Minister of the Solar Empire, genius, inventor, tinkerer and self proclaim sociopath. All round weirdo but generally very enthusiastic and passionate about his work (Fluorescent didn't quite get half the things that go on in his lab but he was sure it was something too complicated for the average pony to comprehend). He was the most high ranking pony, besides the princess herself of course. He was a strange one but his fancy pancy words and mannerism was amusing, to Fluorescent anyway. Most people probably found him annoying.


"Can't say I disagree, besides, the city's in the sky. We'd fall right through the clouds. I'm not afraid of falling, just the dying part."


"Yes, dying does tend to be a problem. Death is so final, where there are so many possibilities for life. Regardless, it's not a viable tactical movement. Are they even paying attention to us, or are they just intent on being ridiculous?" Kinetic asked, turning his attention to Fluorescent Fire.


“I have nothing against cheese but I think we'd better get going, doubt the Princess is going to dig the fact her head honcho's are gonna be the fashionably late." With a nod they both departed, leaving behind the two to sort out their difference.


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Thunder Shred - NLR


Thunder Shred walked through the streets of Manehatten, gazing into the cold winter's night. "If only I had of been around in the summer..." The stallion drifted of into thought for a moment, then came back to reality. Walking further down the streets, he wandered into a pub, hoping to get blind-drunk to rid his sorrows of late, perhaps cheer him up. Approaching the bartender, Thunder Shred thought about his choices in drink. "Everfree Spirits or plain old rum?" Sitting down at the bar, Thunder made his mind up. "Just a mug of rum please." The bat-pony bartender turned his back and retrieved the brown stallion's drink.

"That'll be five bits." Reaching a hoof into his coin bag, he pulled out five bits.

"Time to pass the night away, just like old times..." Once he finished his drink, Thunder rethought his choice. "You know what this place needs? It needs music. You got a guitar hanging around anywhere?" he asked the bartender.

"Unfortunately, we don't. Sorry 'bout that," the bat-pony replied, "I've been wanting one in here for a while now." Thunder Shred went back on his plans for the night and started drinking again.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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Impetus wandered through the halls of Canterlot Castle, searching for the most important pony in the Empire.


Had he been told ten years ago that he would inhabit these hallowed halls, he would have laughed aloud and denounced the very idea as nonsense. He was hardly among the best military minds of Equestria; if he was, what was he doing scrabbling around in the dirt with a halberd?


Yet here he was, acting as military advisor to Princess Celestia herself. It was all he had ever dreamed. Now all that was left was for the Solar Empire to emerge victorious, a day which Impetus knew was as inevitable as the the dawn.


Of course, unlike the dawn their victory would not come overnight. There was much to be done before victory could be claimed.


Finally, Impetus found her emerging from a chamber, the living embodiment of the sun's radiance, as ever.


"Excuse me, your highness," he said "Might I escort you to the Military Council Chambers?"

Edited by Archi the Atmomancer

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Two Generals



Implausible Ruse was stuttering at the responses he had received with the two new individuals, Head Minister Kinetic and the War Advisor Fluorescent Fire. To top that all was the fact that he was now receiving the full-end of the old goat’s grin. Curse them all! Perhaps he was thinking of the mares, but for honest sakes, there was tactical value for Cloudsdale. However, it seems like he was outnumbered in opinions, and to make matters worse, the old goat decided to lift his chin and grin downwards like a moron and somepony that dares to think he was higher than everypony else!


“Fine!” Implausible Ruse conceded to the inevitable defeat that was encircling around him, “maybe it doesn’t have any tactical value, however, do note that my decision making wasn’t based around the “mares.” He had stressed the mares very, very strongly, grinding his teeth as he spat out every single word in utter hate and hopelessness.


Aegis Artifice only responded with a grin as he smacked his staff on his wooden desk in random order. THWACK! THWACK! "I told you so young one. Never doubt my knowledge!" Then, he turned his attention to cleaning his messy desk all the while radiating with victory. Every single movement given by Aegis Artifice seemed to be geared in pissing off the young general.




Princess Celestia

@@Archi the Atmomancer,

“Yes, yes of course Impetus,” Princess Celestia replied warmly as she stopped before him, “were you searching for me? It would be a coincidence if you were,” she let a small smile form on her face. She was planning to search for her war advisors and Head Minister himself, but it seems like one of the war advisors had found her first. An excellent and also a surprising thing to happen, as it’ll make everything easier to do, and without wasting much time. Easing off her thoughts, she took a few steps forward and waited for Impetus to start leading her to the Military Council Chambers.


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"Indeed I was searching for you, your highness," said Impetus, returning the smile "There is much to discuss before the day is out. The outbreak of war is regrettable, but we must seize the initiative as soon as possible, lest our enemies overtake us."


Positioning himself only one step ahead of the Princess, he began to lead the way. "Let us hope that your generals are not to occupied with tearing each other's throats out today," he quipped with a grin.


"I understand that your sister and former protégé stand against us," he said in an attempt to start a conversation, though moments after the words passed his lips he knew they were ill-advised. Impetus had no biological brothers but he had adopted plenty in the barracks back when he was a foot soldier. He couldn't imagine fighting a single one of them with intent to kill, unless they had committed some unforgivable crime.

Edited by Archi the Atmomancer

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Winter Gust



The Master at Hoof watched over everything from a balcony as Cadance gave her speech. He wanted revenge, but he also knew that the Princess was mad and didn't think rationally. He knew that her justice was going to be murdering innocents and slavery. 

But standing idly and pretending that he was fine with her actions was not something he was not planning to do. 


As the speech ended he cheered, but he didn't feel the cheer deep in his heart, inside was the darkness of what was to come in three days...





Winter Gust sat at the small council meeting, here he was... sitting among the people who he mostly thought of as dishonorable or crazy. He didn't enjoy small council meetings, since he was recently named his rank this was his 3rd one and he already knew what to expect. Lies and plots of mass genocide and revenge. 


As the Master of Sail finished talking Gust felt nothing more then disgusted, he was at the site of work and he saw the horrible progress. 

But since things were expected of him then he might as well do then as quickly as he could so he can go back to sitting around and listening to all these people who he thinks should be considered traitors. 


He stood up, cleared his throat and spoke.


"My Queen, as you saw the army is ready, and you have my bow, arrow and blade at your service. But how about a more friendly takeover then a full out war? Most of those ponies in the Republic of Magic are innocent, and if you do not harm them then they will grow to adore you. If we launch assaults on cities then those civilians will die, and the more of them die the more of them will rise up against you and join the hostile ranks seeking revenge just as you do. " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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David was walking slowly towards the Library thinking quietly to himself...well, that's not quite accurate. He was having a heated argument with Poe, his other half. "What are we? Messenger ponies? We were elite spies! Some of the highest ranking espionage agents in the NLR, now what, we're messenger ponies for pretty princess Sparkle?!?" "Poe, you know that's not true. We owe the URM our lives. The least we can do is run interference for the princess. Given our...my...skill set, I think working as priority level messengers is a good choice of career for us." David hears an unsatisfied huff come from the back of his head and sighs. 'There's not getting along with him' he thinks to himself. "At least remind me what important message we are delivering that is imperative that it is interrupting our sleep?" David sighs agian and responds "You know, for being in my head, you really don't know that much." "Just because I'm in your head doesn't mean I can read your mind." "Thank Luna for that" David says quietly to himself, then curses. "D'arvit!" "Smooth. Don't let anypony around here catch you saying that. It could get you killed around here...or worse." "I know shut up!" David shouts, a little to loudly considering the strange looks he received from everypony around him. "Great, now everypony thinks I'm crazy. Thanks alot." He says, his voice becoming a whisper once again. "Your welcome!" comes the cheery reply. "And you are crazy. You are talking to me after all." David sighs again and then whispers angrily "Shut up. We're here." "No pony else can hear me. Why should I be quiet...and it's about time. Let's see if Twilight needs anything then get home so we can go to sleep. I'm beat." "You're distracting me and you can sleep anytime you want. You're in my head. You don't need me to sleep to be asl...you know what, just shut it." Saying that, he steps inside and trips over Twilight and Last Shadow, smacking his head in to the ground as he lands. "Ouchie! That looked like it hurt!" David only had the energy to groan. He finally manages to pull himself to his hooves and offers one to Twilight, then to Last Shadow. "Ma'am, Sir. Sorry." Turning to Twilight, he says "David reporting in ma'am. Anything you need done?"




Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Rampart Charger lies fast asleep at the Crystal Empire train station. He dreams of a world free of this damned war. A coldwind jolts him into concousness and he wakes he shakes homself awake. He decides to grab sonethong to eat, after all a hungry pony is of little use to anypony. As he heads to thenearest restaraunt however, he notices a familiar black stallion walking towards the train station and waits for him there. "Mirror Quake..." he says smiling.

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Mirrorshard walks towards the towering walls of the hopefully soont to be completed Fortress Ike, "sigh, a symbol of death, thats all this accursed fortress will become, thats lall it could ever mean". As he walks up he remembers a time whne everything seemed innocent, his childhood, and shook away the thoughts and returnedbto reality with a brw vigor.

"I will end this war by any means, i will defend canterlot, as this war must stop, so that foals do not have to grow up as we all have, to brcome soldiers" with a new goal, he marches towards the fortress.







Mirror Quake, haveing abandoned his solar armor, now walks trough the streets of the crystal empire, looking for an old friend he had finally located. "Looking for a pony i havent seen since my childhood should be a little difficult" he says to himself. As he heads toward the train station he sees a familiar red stallion, "well that was easier than i thought"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Cosmic quickly realized the confusion he had started.


"Yes! Yes!" He said, running out of the barracks with his armor on and his weapons holstered in their respective locations. "Sorry, just experimenting with spells! I'll stop right away!"


"Yep, just the magician putting on a show!" A stallion behind him added. Cosmic turned and cheerfully punched him on the chest. The rest of his suppression team followed out, preparing to march. He joined them and they moved alongside Impenetrable's Aegis team.


"I should really do that someplace else..." He added. His mind was currently racing with several ideas of how cool that spell was, how awesome his armor looked, this awesome Aegis team to his left, the war, and in the back of his mind, his brother. Cosmic's brother, Mercury, had ran off and joined the NLR days after the war started. He hadn't seen him since the fighting in Manhattan began. Cosmic's greatest fear currently was not death, injury, or something like that, but of him finding his brother. The state didn't matter. In a time of war, you simply do NOT want to run into a loved one if they're on the opposing side. His mind wandered for a bit, him managing to avoid his sibling's memory by focusing on the Aegis team next to him. "Hi. I'm Cosmic Flare. Suppression team A1S2." Cosmic stuck out his hoof to the stallion next to him, who looked as if he was going to flop over in his armor. Who happened to be Impenetrable because characters.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Last Shadow got up and brushed himself off, "Yeah Yeah, it's alright." He said to the guy who tripped over them. He looked to be a soldier of some sort, judging by how he held himself. Shadow then offered his hoof to the princess. "Need some help there Princess?" He asked. She did look a bit dazed to him. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Payce knocked on the door of the barracks heavily, when there was no response he opened it carefully, to see Winged Glory and Obsidian standing there. Their manes and tails were ruffled, and their belts were lying on the floor with their swords, but Payce kept his mouth shut as he handed Obsidian the letter. “From Captain Darkheart,” Said Payce gruffly. Payce turned to Winged Glory as Obsidian broke open the red seal, and read the letter. He looked her up and down, his eyes reading her, but his face remaining plain. “Shouldn’t you be at the meeting, Hoof?” Asked Payce


High Hexecutioner Obsidian snorted as she read the letter, which instructed that whilst the meeting was of high importance, she was not needed to attend. She inwardly grimaced at that, no hoofsie under the table nor scaring the other generals. Especially the Minister of Magic, who should have been born yellow.

"Don't bother to notify the first captain of the Hexecutors, I shall escort the Hoof to the meeting room myself." she said, casting a sideways sultry glance at her marefriend. Even if this messenger were to pick up on such a look, people knew better to keep their mouth shut around her.


Reattaching her blades was no big deal, even with the razor thin edges that could play a pony alive. Heck, she even knew how to run and keep her body mostly free of scarring, though the feel of the cold blades against her back was exhilerating at times.

"I am at your service, Hoof of the Princess." she announced, allowing a wry smirk "When you are ready, I shall escort you. Messenger, you are dismissed."



Edited by LordOfTime
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Night Drake woke up with a headache that felt like a explosion had gone off in his head. Quickly checking his surroundings he was by a dumpster in a alley and there was blood on the ground. Looking around for a body he didn't find one then checking himself for injurys all he had was a couple bruises and a small cut on the side of his arm. Checking the blood it was old enough to have been there for a couple days so he wasn't the one that caused its aperince which to night Dreake was a relief last thing he needed was to be in trouble with the only kingdom that will take him in. Niight Dreake stumbled out of the alley and tried to gather his thoughts from last night. He remembered his talk with the bartender about war coming and his skills may be needed. He also remembered after drink 11 the bartender threw him out. Night Dreake sighed to himself he would love nothing more than to go back and get drunk again but if war really was coming he need to polish his skills and stay sober.(A couple hours later) after returning to the box he called his home night Drake had taken two aspirin got his knife belts and a couple poisons with their antidotes. Night Drake had two knife belts with six throwing daggers and two combat knives on each one underneath the combat knives held three vials the right side held the poisons and the left held the antidotes to each poison. Night Drake rubbed the side of his head even though he took the aspirin he still had a huge headache. Night Drake thought a loud "it's too soon for so much blood to flow on these ice covered lands."as night Drake walked outside the opening that was his door he looked into the night sky. tonight was only training but you never know when another assassin had his sights on you. Night Drake wanted to make sure that if he died tonight that the night sky would be the last thing he remembered. And with that Night Dreake took flight into the night sky if he were to be summoned tonight the messengers could drop it off in the same place that he had assassination requests.

Edited by DarkSonic1221
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Princess Celestia

@@Archi the Atmomancer,


Princess Celestia listened as she followed, keeping the correct pacing and making sure not to gain any speed. She only had an amused smile when she heard of Impetus’ comment on the relation between her two highly-esteemed generals. Those two were quite an amusing sight to see there and now in the past and the current situations. If one thing, they could be stand-up comedians if they were to ever take a path in entertainment.


“It would be a shame to not see them in their everyday actions,” her voice was gentle yet held a tint of humor, “I find it is like a couple bickering over minor things.” She added in the last part in a more casual manner, to perhaps to hopefully add a more casual environment.


That all changed at the mentioning of the war and fighting what was once her trusted fellow princesses, however, she managed to keep her pacing and face as norm. “It is a sad truth that they do stand against me,” pausing to take a small breath, she continued, “the events that had led up to this unforeseeable point.” Her hidden conclusion, if one has a trained ear, would had suggested that she wanted to say more, but had kept it to herself.




Impenetrable Defense



Impenetrable Defense watched the Suppression member greet himself. That had already earned respect from him as to Impenetrable Defense, Suppression Teams were unique individuals that are willing to waste away their lives to help their fellows. If there was no Aegis Teams, it was, without any doubt, that Impenetrable Defense would had chosen to be in part of the Suppression Teams.


“I’m Impenetrable Defense of the Aegis Team A1A4,” that was all he had said for his greeting. There wasn’t much that Impenetrable Defense wanted to say as one can tell. Was it from his current mood or the question of what exactly was the spell that had caused such events, one can't tell.

Edited by Demirari


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"Pleasure." He replied, thinking of what to say next. "So, Solar Empire... Aegis team... what made you sign up?" Cosmic asked. "I felt kinda... inclined to join. Me and my fami-" He paused. His brother. "Me and most of my family felt Celestia was a pretty good ruler. We got kinda upset when Luna betrayed her. You know, then the fighting started in Manehattan. We just made it out of there to here. I joined rather hesitantly, though. It's still war. Gotta keep that in mind. My brother, he..." Cosmic sighed deeply. "NLR. He always like the night and whatnot. Hope I don't run into him. Anyways, that's a little of my story. You?" Cosmic didn't have much trouble moving alongside him while chatting.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Impetus chuckled at the Princess's words. The constant, petty squabbles that the Empire's two generals engaged in were much like the arguments of an old married couple, though Impetus doubted that there was any underlying love between the two. Both generals were binary opposites, incapable of even understanding the doctrine of one another. It was no wonder that Celestia had been looking for new advisors for the war; without a third party, the Princess would have been torn between the two viewpoints as the generals fought one another at the expense of the Empire.

Impetus dropped the smile as he responded "While often amusing, this bickering could become a serious problem. I fear that Your Majesty may one day have to rid yourself of one or the other, or otherwise find somepony more suited to the role."

The Princess's next statement sounded more melancholic, and ended with something like a sigh, as if the Princess wished to continue but would or could not. Though wary of upsetting his liege lady, Impetus decided to follow up on this.

"Events, my lady?" he asked softly "Does Your Majesty wish to talk about it?"

(OOC: Damn, my phone doesn't like colours or underlining.)

Edited by Archi the Atmomancer

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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"My Queen, as you saw the army is ready, and you have my bow, arrow and blade at your service. But how about a more friendly takeover then a full out war? Most of those ponies in the Republic of Magic are innocent, and if you do not harm them then they will grow to adore you. If we launch assaults on cities then those civilians will die, and the more of them die the more of them will rise up against you and join the hostile ranks seeking revenge just as you do. "

Cadance turned to Winter Gust with cooly, an eyebrow perked up at the remark.

“My dear, Winter Gust. I do hope you are not sympathising with our enemy.” Her voice was sweet, and calm but the underlying menace was clear to all of those seated at the long table. The council lowered their heads, in fear of what was to come. “I forgive your outburst, for I too once believed they were innocent.” Suddenly her tone changed, it became angry, losing its sweetness into something fueled by hatred. “- But then I opened my eyes to the truth, the truth that none of them are innocent. No, they lost their innocence when they chose to follow that murderer Twilight Sparkle. The one who murdered my family, well they too will learn what it feels like to lose all those that they care about.”

Cadance stood from her chair, slamming a hoof on the stone tabletop. Ser Ambients hoof went to his sword prepared for whatever was to come. He cast a quick glance over all of the council members, most of whom were on the edge of their seats in fear. Cadance sat back down, watching Winter Gust as he stood exposed for them all to see. “..No. I will kill everyone that stands by Twilights side.”

A smile crept up her muzzle, a crooked cruel smile savouring in the thought of bloodshed. “Just remember Winter Gust, your job is easy, and you are easy to replace,” She let that threat sink. Then in a flash her crooked smile disappeared, and she laughed happily. “Sit down, Winter Gust.” She teased. “Don’t look so sombre, we all know what happened to him.” She looked around at the council, and they chuckled nervously. Her calmness had returned once again, and the tension in the air began to dissipate, and Ser Ambients hoof went back to the ground, no longer hanging over his weapon.

“Well. Does anyone have anything else to add?” She turned to Ser Ambient "Damn it Ambient, get someone to find that cursed Winged Glory NOW!"

"Yes your Grace," Said Ser Ambient, giving one last cautionary glance at all the members of the council before shuffling off to find a messenger. Another Royal Guard by the name of Hill entered the Hall in his place, Ser Ambient was obviously taking no chances.


Stellar Nova

“Thank you Lowlight,” said Stellar Nova, nodding a helmeted head in his direction. “I’ll tell her right away.”

Stellar pushed open the door to The Great Hall, to see Luna finishing off the last pieces of her meal. Stellar approached her, her footsteps echoing in the vastness of the Great Hall.

“Low Light wishes to inform you that the letters have been completed, and some are waiting for your signature.”

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Gust did not show any feelings of amusement or of being scared. Also he decided to keep standing.

"Princess, it is part of my job to advise you in these key moments... so if I get threatened for simply doing my job and speaking the trust UNLIKE most of this council then I suggest you actually do replace me with another one of those lying, heartless, scum if that is the kind of pony you rather listen to.


He kept standing up in case the Princess actually wanted to replace him. 


"Also, I guess you would like to know the version from a more strategic point of view, then here it is: The more ponies you harm from the Republic the more will join the army against you, and that means more of our own soldiers will die, which will lower our morale. " He walks up to a map and points at ponyville. "" Most of the new militia will gather in Ponyville which will decently weaken our strength on that front... and I must tell you to NEVER underestimate militia, especially one brought up to the army because of a personal loss and lust for revenge.




He walked up back to his seat. 


"We would probably take them down anyway and give out your "justice", but with a very great cost of crystal pony lives... my question is... Are the lives of your own people less important then your plot of personal revenge for Shining Armor and your Children? "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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