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What if...it's only been a year

Mama Lion

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Okay, so after having watched all four seasons and the movie for the nth time, I started thinking about how long the show has taken place in.  We might think that it has been four years, considering that we have had four seasons, however, allow me to open up some possibilities for you.


First some groundwork:

  • We know that the show doesn't follow a chronological order...Winter Wrap-up (a spring episode) aired and then a few weeks later Fall Weather Friends aired (a fall episode).
  • As with any show, anything that happens in the first few episodes can be ignored in later episodes (The CMC being friends in the first part of the first episode and Luna looking different after she was changed back from Nightmare Moon and how she looked in any episode after that.)

Those two points being made, let me get on with my theory.  I think the first three seasons and the movie were all within one year time span.


*gasp*  "What's that you say?"  "Impossible!"


Not entirely...;)


First point:  Rarity''s career.  

     Despite the fact that over the course of the first two seasons, Rarity had multiple ponies make comments about her clothes and ask to feature or wear her clothes, we never see her advance beyond her Ponyville store until season 4.  It is then that we finally see her gain recognition for her clothes (Rarity Takes Manehatten) and finally get Sapphire Shores her costumes for her tour (For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils).  Three years seems like an awfully long time for Rarity to finally be able to attend Fashion Week with the way Hoity Toity and Fancy Pants fawn over her dresses and to get Sapphire Shores' costumes made and to her.  And while it could be a second commission from Sapphire Shores, it doesn't seem likely when Rarity makes the comment to Sweetie Bell about how important this commission is.


Second point:  The Summer Sun Celebration

     Applejack brings up how important the celebration is for the Mane 6.  Why haven't we seen at least a comment about the other years' celebrations....unless this is only the first anniversary of when they became friends.  Which would also make sense when it came to Celestia's comment about Luna.  Which brings me into....


Third point:  Luna's absence in the first season

    Why not show her helping out more in the first season.  Yes I realize she was given more screen time due to her being a fan favorite, but it also makes sense that she would be "keeping a low profile" until Nightmare Night.  Then she comes out of seclusion and starts to reintegrated into society.  June to October folks (assuming that the Summer Sun Celebration is the Summer Solstice and Nightmare Night is Halloween).


Fourth point:  Spike's Birthday

      Spike comments in Secret of my Excess that it is his first birthday since coming to Ponyville.  But that episode is halfway through the second season.


Fifth point:  The CMC

      I think this is the most compelling point.  The CMC still don't have the their Cutie Marks.   Four years would be a long time for fillies to go without a Cutie Mark.  Especially when Diamond Tiara makes the comment about how "waiting for your Cutie Mark is, like, so last week." (Call of the Cutie).  So why aren't more people concerned about.  They aren't just the "last in their class" anymore if this takes place over 4 years.  They would be the laughingstock of the school and (I would think) the adults would be concerned about their continuing lack of Cutie Marks.


Now...I know what some may say, "But in Applebuck Season, Applejack mentions that her relatives were only there for the reunion and it can't be the same reunion because...(insert reason here).


True.  But I said earlier,  early parts of the show may not match up with later parts.  AND if it is only a year between season 1 and the movie...this allows for why there has been "another" reunion before the 100 moons.  Also...my head cannon is that the Apple family that is in the first episode are there for the Summer Sun Celebration...NOT the Apple Family Reunion.


Feel free to prove me wrong or support me by posting your own dissenting or agreeing statements.  :P  I love it if you guys would tell me what you think of my theory.

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This idea has been brought up before in passing, but this is the first time I've seen points beyond the Summer Sun Celebration. The point about the CMCs is not very strong, as it is not unknown for characters to not age. In addition to what you stated about the progression of Rarity's career, there is also the amount of time it took fo Twilight Sparkle to gain recognition as a Princess. The poin about the Summer Sun Celebration and Celestia's speech are the strongest, and it strikes me as difficult to find convincing evidence that more than one Equestrian year has passed (because who knows, one Equestrian year may be four Earth years).

Keep flyin'


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 The point about the CMCs is not very strong, as it is not unknown for characters to not age. 

Can you give me an example?  I guess I'm unfamiliar with it.


I also thought of Rainbow Dash's quest to join the Wonderbolts as another example.

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Can you give me an example?  I guess I'm unfamiliar with it.


I also thought of Rainbow Dash's quest to join the Wonderbolts as another example.

Ash Ketchum?




I think they finally aged him by a year or 2 in the recent series, couldn't say for certain though :s

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I personally don't believe it could possibly have been more than one year either. You bring up some very good points, and more or less sum up my feelings on the matter. The CMC are the most compelling reason for me, but the distinct lack of recurring seasonal holidays so far is also hugely obvious. When we get another Summer Sun Celebration, I'll admit a year has passed. Until then, nope.


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This is all because of a single line in a single episode.  I do not take single lines in single episodes that seriously.  I do not think it was meant to serve as a time beacon.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Ash Ketchum?




I think they finally aged him by a year or 2 in the recent series, couldn't say for certain though :s

HA!  Good point.  LOL.


This is all because of a single line in a single episode.  I do not take single lines in single episodes that seriously.  I do not think it was meant to serve as a time beacon.

No.  I had several points that, taking each on their own, I wouldn't think this.  But taken all together...It makes more sense for only a year to have passed.

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