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When an emotion from a dream sticks to you.


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So there definitely seems to be a trend of a dream-related topic popping up every few months. This is far from a notable exception.


Have you ever had a dream where something in the dream, some event or person, (or pony?!) just connects to you on a highly emotional level and you absolutely feel that connection through out your entire day?


I mean it just eats away at you. Any little action, whether by you or someone else, just reminds you of that feeling and the events within the dream. It's oddly powerful! Extremely-so!


Last night I had a dream where an oddly complacent Rainbow Dash was on an amusement park ride, and ended up in my arms. She was extremely warm, velvety soft, pretty light but bulky (like carrying an awkward box) but there was so much fraternal love that I absolutely could not handle it, but the course of the dream wouldn't stop, but ricocheted randomly, and the feeling pervaded itself into every niche and cranny of both the dream and the subsequent non-dreamlike reality that followed upon waking.



I mean when is the last time raising the tines of a forklift reminded you of Rainbow Dash's right hoof? Seriously. The feeling pervades everything.

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I had a dream I had a baby, and I felt a genuine motherly connection to the non-existent person. I was actually kinda sad when I woke up and remembered that it was all just a dream and the child was never real. (of course I was also relieved since I don't actually want a baby right now, but maybe someday I will)

Edited by crazitaco


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I dreamt about an old couple.... It started out explaining how when they were in collage this women saved a slightly geeky looking student from committing suicide, and how they became freinds and eventually fell in love. She had secretly promised that if he were ever successful in killing himself, she too would kill herself. It fast forwards to when they are in their late 80s..... She walks into the house to find her husband had hung himself..... At his grave after everyone left the funeral, she took out a gun from her purse, put it to her head, and pulled the trigger.... I cried for hours after I woke up....

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Have you ever had a connection like to a person in the past?

You'd think, right? But no. The highest level of connection in that light I've ever had to a person in reality, outside of a dream world, would be at maximum a sixth of the strength of the feeling that a strong dream emotion can experience. It's still fairly strong, but not overpowering. I'm tempted to use the word 'literally' there, but I'll restrain myself. I really want to.



I've had the feeling when I've watched people die, or at least experienced the concept of death related to them, and I had one for Mewtwo once for some reason. I went out and bought a $13 Mewtwo holographic trading card the next day, when in fact I have never played Pokemon trading cards. I still haven't. But on the trip there, I met up with a friends, and a significant life event occurred as a result, which I won't bother getting into.


Come to think of it, the extremely strong feeling was associated with some sort of life event as well, though most were incredibly vague, and not worth equating to anything.

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When i was a kid i had a dream where my dog was sucked into a wall to fight wall-demons (don't ask). He came back badly injured and it made me very sad and upset. When i woke up, i had to check on him.

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This has happened to me several times before. I'm highly invested in my own dreams since they are so amazing and sometimes I feel and express emotions in them that I would never experience when I'm awake. I've sorrow so extreme I sobbed uncontrollably. Dread so intense it nearly crippled me into inactivity. Love so plentiful that when I woke up I felt a loss so great I almost didn't want to move. Wonder so vast that I practically ran out the door to satiate the lack of adventure in my life compared to my dreamworld. Even lust so powerful that nothing in the world could satisfy it.


I've seen things in my dreams that make the real world look very dull and grey. It's a world that draws out my most basic emotions and instincts. It's almost like I'm an entirely different person there.

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I have dreams and horrible nightmares about friends and when I do I feel closer to them. My best friend kinda doesn't know my worst fear is too lose them but that constantly pops up in my dreams in one form or another. I have also had random dreams about teachers and felt closer to them after. I have had dreams that seem to tell me things about the future that eat at me. I love your dream about holding Rainbow Dash. I would LOVE to know what Rainbow Dash feels like for myself!

  • Brohoof 2

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My dreams are normally completely insane, very rarely do they make any kind of sense other than in the dream realm. I never really remember them for long, but I do remember enough that I know they are just crazy.


If they aren't crazy, then they are normally depressing. They aren't depressing by themselves, but when I wake up and realise what they were about they can turn into a drag. I just shrug them off anymore, but a few years ago when they started I couldn't do that and they would just make me be really bummed out for the day.


There is only one dream I remember vividly, happened many years ago (15+ I'd say), and all I know is ever since then I do not like when blinds are open at night. The dream was actually a nightmare, and it has stuck with me ever since. Like, this thing was terrifying. It involved the "velociraptors" and T-Rex from Jurassic Park. That's all I'm saying, otherwise I won't sleep at all tonight. Dinosaurs will eat me. 


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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This has happened to me several times before. I'm highly invested in my own dreams since they are so amazing and sometimes I feel and express emotions in them that I would never experience when I'm awake. I've sorrow so extreme I sobbed uncontrollably. Dread so intense it nearly crippled me into inactivity. Love so plentiful that when I woke up I felt a loss so great I almost didn't want to move. Wonder so vast that I practically ran out the door to satiate the lack of adventure in my life compared to my dreamworld. Even lust so powerful that nothing in the world could be as satisfying.


I've seen things in my dreams that make the real world look very dull and grey. It's a world that draws out my most basic emotions and instincts. It's almost like I'm an entirely different person there.

That post was beautiful and amazing, and I truly thank you for sharing. ... [/corny]


I love your dream about holding Rainbow Dash. I would LOVE to know what Rainbow Dash feels like for myself!

You know what... to be honest, it was like holding a concept. The physical sensations (which I'm glad dreams still have) were immaterial compared to the emotional connection to actually holding ...... no, no, I'm afraid there are no words. It's a soul thing. You are holding a soul, and the connection is unmistakable. Unconditional, perfect love. Forever. Your eyes well up with tears, your arms shake, and you resolve to never love anyone or anything more, as long as both of you live.



Damn it. I need a moment.

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Yes, I've had this happen before. I don't remember many details of the dream, but there was this lady in a bright green dress I was involved with. We hugged towards the end of the dream, the happiness I felt continued into the next day. It's difficult when you form that sort of relationship in a dream, I continued to feel a connection of sorts for a while after despite knowing better.

Edited by Celtore
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I have felt a couple very overpowering emotions in dreams.

The first was anger. Well, not anger, hatred. Pure, unyeilding hatred. There was a faceless figure running through the woods. For some reason I was chaseing after it, it was still with my old unit. And then I heard a scream, and all I felt for this figure was hate. Boiling, unyeilding, overpowering hate. I raised my carbine and fired at it. All it did was run off into the woods. I ran after it into the woods, screaming in rage at it.


I woke up grinding my teeth like I had been seething in silent rage.


And the other was attachment. I was at a airsoft game, and there was a bright green pegasus flying above it. Many people began asking who it was. "It is my wife" I replied, at that point, after admiting that I felt more loving attachment than I have ever felt. Like every atom of my being was devoted to her.

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I have felt a couple very overpowering emotions in dreams.

The first was anger. Well, not anger, hatred. Pure, unyeilding hatred. There was a faceless figure running through the woods. For some reason I was chaseing after it, it was still with my old unit. And then I heard a scream, and all I felt for this figure was hate. Boiling, unyeilding, overpowering hate. I raised my carbine and fired at it. All it did was run off into the woods. I ran after it into the woods, screaming in rage at it.

I've felt unbridled rage as well though for me it's usually towards something more specific: My brother. I hate him quite a bit.

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I've felt unbridled rage as well though for me it's usually towards something more specific: My brother. I hate him quite a bit.

This was just some faceless figure in a suit. But man, not even in combat have I felt hate that bad...

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I've felt the incredible volcanic rage as well, but it was very quick to dissipate. I'm extremely happy about that. You really don't want that sort of thing hanging around.


But when it does, you're walking around different that day. I'd be surprised if I couldn't throw my own weight across the room if I had to, not that it would be that difficult to do in the first place.


I don't even remember who the rage was directed toward. Again, not something I'm interested in remembering.


But the unconditional love... you need to remember that feeling. Bring it up whenever you feel like you need to forgive and forget. It'll do wonders for you.

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This is awkward to put into words, as I don't want it to seem overly emphasized...

I can remember a very large number of dreams that I have had throughout my life.  I even remember some from when I was a little boy.  Seriously.  Most of them were not lucid, but a small number were.  As far as having dreams that have stuck with me through the day - OH heck yah - I've had that alot.  Fairly recently, probably a few months ago, I had it happen.  So, you know how sometimes you have like multiple dreams one after another if you allow yourself enough sleep time?  That one was like that.  I thought about them all day long.  

Anyway, moving to other relevant points here... Something I get from time to time is like this weird in-dream deja vu, where I feel like I have been in that situation before... but when I wake up and think about the dream, I realize that one, that had never happened before, and two, I also have never had that dream before... So, it's like a fake deja vu, but still, that feeling is totally weird.  


Some of the dreams I remember involve places I have been in real life... others not so much - some of them are in places I have never been before.  I even had a dream once where it felt like I was in the future, and there were like floating cars and stuff.


Let me end with this - I remember enough information about such a large number of dreams that I could almost write a short story for some of them, making a combined short novel comprised of a good number of my dreams.  No kidding.  I've actually woken up before and grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down everything I remember PLUS in chronological order if I so happened to have multiple dreams; they are actually quite descriptive.


P.S.  One of the weirdest things that sometimes happen when  dream is there being random people I know, even friends, yet the location is a place I've never been before.  Also, one other weird thing is how sometimes I don't always hear people's voices if they talk, but rather I just know in my head (in the head of my dreaming-me) what the dialogue is.  Other times there isn't even any talking, just me thinking in my head like I do in real life.  I could like say so much more, but it would take too long, lol.



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I do remember when I was a little kid I dreamed that I made a new friend and we had fun with each other when I woke up he was gone, I never dreamed about him again.

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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That post was beautiful and amazing, and I truly thank you for sharing. ... [/corny]


You know what... to be honest, it was like holding a concept. The physical sensations (which I'm glad dreams still have) were immaterial compared to the emotional connection to actually holding ...... no, no, I'm afraid there are no words. It's a soul thing. You are holding a soul, and the connection is unmistakable. Unconditional, perfect love. Forever. Your eyes well up with tears, your arms shake, and you resolve to never love anyone or anything more, as long as both of you live.



Damn it. I need a moment.

You're welcome. This post you just wrote was absolutely beautiful!!! I will think of this post all day. To have a soul connection is so much more than a physical connection and you described it perfectly. Love is more powerful than anything. Love is even more powerful than death and the awful things the world throws at you. Thank you for this post! It totally made my day!!!! 

  • Brohoof 1

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I had a dream on a night after I was wondering if one of my family's old dogs that died forgave me for how I treated her? I dreamed I saw a girl in a white dress, sitting in a beautiful forest. She looked at me and laughed and smiled. To this day, I don't know whether it was the dog's spirit comforting me (she acted oddly human when alive), or some other friendly spirit comforting me, or maybe my mind's way of comforting itself. But the dream was completely unexpected.


I also had a dream where I was talking with Rainbow Dash, she gave me a pep talk on a night I needed one.


Lastly, there was one other dream, I forgot the details, but I remember there was a pony or person who just put me at ease somehow, I didn't know who she was.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I had a funny dream just this morning. This dream seemed like an Anime Episode where I was the protagonist and I had a partner. I found myself in a trap made my the enemy and to free myself I had to move in certain directions which my partner told me about. Those commands were no actual words but more like gibberish or simply a language that doesn't exist. Around halfway in the evil guy stopped my partner from telling me so I didn't know what to do then suddenly I started shouting the same things my partner did and my body moved on it's own. After waking up I couldn't helo myself but laugh because the scenario was extremely funny even for those circumstances.


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I don't think so..hm....idk.......I'll just put my general dreams that are the most vivid to me and stick to me for the rest of the day.

So my best dreams are very adventurous because I'm held back from being adventurous irl :(

Some dreams are about pony merch that don't exist and there are ones that predict the future. I had a dream about having a pony collection right on the night before I got my very first set of ponies, and I didn't even know I was going to get the ponies until I saw them.

My bad dreams that stick to me are the apocalyptic dreams I get once in a while when my real life is chaotic at the time.

My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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I know the feeling, I'm having a horrible time with it at the moment. I dreamed that my ex had stated a relationship with a complete asshat and now I'll probably be angry and resentful for the rest of the day.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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I once had a dream where I grew up into a thug who hung out with the wrong crowd of people. In that dream I saw my little brother following me around looking up to me. But I continued acting like a jerk until I hurt him, and when I asked him why he wouldn't leave me alone he said, "Because I want to be like you when I grow up."


Oh. My. Gosh! I was crying my eyes out at 5 o'clock in the morning. From then on I've sworn to be a great big brother.

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I usually dream a lot about what's going on in my life. You could say that when I dream, I keep a mental journal, discussing how I've been, and how I feel about what's going on in my life. The emotions are all over the place. Sometimes I'm extremely happy upon waking up, whereas other times, I feel terrible.

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I'm in love with a person from inside my own head

Its all very strange, but then again dreams are that way

Or am I just narcissistic enough for my subconscious to make me fall for the female aspect of myself xD

My head doesn't like me


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