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Could there be male alicorns?

Commander Shep-herd

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What comic did this come from?

I suppose its possible. but no male has ever embodied a concept strongly enough to initiate the process. Just based on the nature of the show, it's unlikely, since we don't actually have any main male characters...

The mlp wiki says it's from an official French mlp magazine.  I'm not sure which story it's in.  Since he's a relative of the alicorns, and he's 4, he was probably born an alicorn.

Edited by ScumCandy
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I like to think that there can be/have been male Alicorns, even as just a reference and not actually appearing in the show. It would seem discriminatory against males otherwise.


I would like to find out a lot about Alicorns. What is the difference between alicorns like Celestia and Cadance? I'd like to see more Alicorns, but Alicorns from the past reemerging from an ancient time rather than new ones born, maybe new antagonists or as something more complicated. But I also don't want them depicted as a race like Pegasi or Unicorns, but rather as a collection of individuals kind of deal and not born as alicorns.


Learning more pony History would be interesting too.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Maybe male alicorns look different to female ones, like say they don't grow as big or have 4 wings or something XD

Edited by Shire Pony Malinter
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Unless Celestia and Luna were born from the exploding universe in the beginning, then I'd say no. On the other hand/hoof I believe Celestia and Luna had parents, they're just somewhere else.

(Maybe in space? Travelling with a madman in a blue box?)

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't be for or against it, it all depends on how the show would work with it. However, facts suggest that it will most likely never happen.


Thinking about it, the show has a message of female empowerment. What better way to deliver such messages than portraying a world dominated more by female authority figures? This is what Hasbro is thinking when marketing the show.


Notice that the show has not only portrayed all alicorns as female, but it's also soft on portraying authority figures in general as male. More often is their authority shared with a closely related female character. Shining Armor as captain of the Royal Guard was the only readily noticeable example for a time, but as co-ruler of the Crystal Empire since the season 3 premiere, he shares authority with Cadance. Same for Big Macintosh, who shares his authority over Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack.


The show is still marketed primarily towards females. If Equestria (or the marketing of the My Little Pony franchise) was truly "egalitarian", you would most likely see Shining Armor and Cadance as full equals, either both as alicorns or both as unicorns.


I wouldn't be for contriving the show in any way to force a new character into the middle of the plotline, so I, at the same time, see nothing wrong with the way it's going. I wouldn't be against anything new unless it was forced into the plotline or considerably changes the direction in which the show is going. The only thing I would change is that I would encourage caution on how male characters are portrayed so as not to portray them as incompetent (Spikabuse and Snips and Snails specifically), as that would be a harmful message to deliver to children in a show that preaches positive morals, especially to a female demographic.



 'stallicorn' if you will.

:lol: I used that exact word in an April Fools' joke a while back.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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I don't see why not. Nothing in the official texts or wiki says otherwise. In the foreseeable future, there probably won't be a male alicorn, but that doesn't mean they can't or don't exist in the world of FiM.


Besides I wouldn't mind an alicorn Shining Armor.


shining_alicorn_by_dm29-d5rkqeo.pngHe's done just as much as Cadence has for Equestria and others. Besides, it might make him less of her bitch.

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I think that there certainly could be male alicorns. Unless I'm forgetting something it is still largely a mystery how Celestia, Luna, and Cadence became alicorns, but Twilight's transformation demonstrates that it is possible for anyone who reaches a sufficiently high level of spiritual evolution to attain. Due to the nature of her transformation and the reasons for it I am extremely skeptical that gender would play a role in this at all.
Additionally, it is possible that the way Twilight became an alicorn was not the only way. Perhaps alicorns are not inherently good, but simply a type of powerful being. Twilight had the necessary goodness within her before she became one, so one could call her transformation a natural one. Perhaps there are ways to unnaturally transform yourself into an alicorn, giving you the power without the wisdom. Due to the inherently flawed nature of this it would ultimately lead to the individual's self-destruction in one way or another.
One aspect of the show that is a substantial part behind the origination of my idea I described above is the depiction of male alicorns in historical artifacts. The two examples I can think of at the moment are the alicorn amulet from the season 3 episode Magic Duel, and the alicorn statue in the Castle of the Two Sisters from the season 4 episode Castle Mane-ia. Interestingly, both of these artifacts seemed to be of a largely negative and angry nature. Particularly the alicorn amulet, which used dark magic. I wonder if there were male alicorns in Equestria's distant past who were tyrants. That certainly does not mean that every male alicorn would be that way, but it is an interesting thought to consider in regard to the history of Equestria. 
Additionally, it is possible that I am mistaken in regard to the portrayed gender of the artifacts. Perhaps it actually is supposed to be female, or maybe unisex. If the latter is the case though, why? That would imply to me that gender does not matter in regard to who does or does not become an alicorn, because my guess is that if all alicorns were female they would be clearly depicted that way in sculpture and other art.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't see why not. Nothing in the official texts or wiki says otherwise. In the foreseeable future, there probably won't be a male alicorn, but that doesn't mean they can't or don't exist in the world of FiM.


Besides I wouldn't mind an alicorn Shining Armor.


img-3010328-1-shining_alicorn_by_dm29-d5He's done just as much as Cadence has for Equestria and others. Besides, it might make him less of her bitch.

Funny when you consider they're equal in just about everything that matters; magical abilities, love for each other, ability to lead,etc. It just seems like someone sold their soul to Hasbro to become a pretty pink alicorn princess, while Shiny is stuck as the millitary commander of a nation that only experiences a war every couple of thousand years.


I think that there certainly could be male alicorns. Unless I'm forgetting something it is still largely a mystery how Celestia, Luna, and Cadence became alicorns, but Twilight's transformation demonstrates that it is possible for anyone who reaches a sufficiently high level of spiritual evolution to attain. Due to the nature of her transformation and the reasons for it I am extremely skeptical that gender would play a role in this at all.


Additionally, it is possible that the way Twilight became an alicorn was not the only way. Perhaps alicorns are not inherently good, but simply a type of powerful being. Twilight had the necessary goodness within her before she became one, so one could call her transformation a natural one. Perhaps there are ways to unnaturally transform yourself into an alicorn, giving you the power without the wisdom. Due to the inherently flawed nature of this it would ultimately lead to the individual's self-destruction in one way or another.


One aspect of the show that is a substantial part behind the origination of my idea I described above is the depiction of male alicorns in historical artifacts. The two examples I can think of at the moment are the alicorn amulet from the season 3 episode Magic Duel, and the alicorn statue in the Castle of the Two Sisters from the season 4 episode Castle Mane-ia. Interestingly, both of these artifacts seemed to be of a largely negative and angry nature. Particularly the alicorn amulet, which used dark magic. I wonder if there were male alicorns in Equestria's distant past who were tyrants. That certainly does not mean that every male alicorn would be that way, but it is an interesting thought to consider in regard to the history of Equestria. 


Additionally, it is possible that I am mistaken in regard to the portrayed gender of the artifacts. Perhaps it actually is supposed to be female, or maybe unisex. If the latter is the case though, why? That would imply to me that gender does not matter in regard to who does or does not become an alicorn, because my guess is that if all alicorns were female they would be clearly depicted that way in sculpture and other art.

Just looking at the alicorns my best guess would be the ascension process is triggered when you master control of a fundamental element. The sun, the moon, love, and friendship are all ageless, so its only fitting that those who control them should be as well.

I wonder...what if the place Twilight was taken to was literally the magic of friendship itself, and she became bonded with it? That would explain a lot of things, least of all the increase in magical power that alicorns receive.

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't be for or against it, it all depends on how the show would work with it. However, facts suggest that it will most likely never happen.


Thinking about it, the show has a message of female empowerment. What better way to deliver such messages than portraying a world dominated more by female authority figures? This is what Hasbro is thinking when marketing the show.


Notice that the show has not only portrayed all alicorns as female, but it's also soft on portraying authority figures in general as male. More often is their authority shared with a closely related female character. Shining Armor as captain of the Royal Guard was the only readily noticeable example for a time, but as co-ruler of the Crystal Empire since the season 3 premiere, he shares authority with Cadance. Same for Big Macintosh, who shares his authority over Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack.


The show is still marketed primarily towards females. If Equestria (or the marketing of the My Little Pony franchise) was truly "egalitarian", you would most likely see Shining Armor and Cadance as full equals, either both as alicorns or both as unicorns.


I wouldn't be for contriving the show in any way to force a new character into the middle of the plotline, so I, at the same time, see nothing wrong with the way it's going. I wouldn't be against anything new unless it was forced into the plotline or considerably changes the direction in which the show is going. The only thing I would change is that I would encourage caution on how male characters are portrayed so as not to portray them as incompetent (Spikabuse and Snips and Snails specifically), as that would be a harmful message to deliver to children in a show that preaches positive morals, especially to a female demographic.



:lol: I used that exact word in an April Fools' joke a while back.


I think the only reason that Shining Armor isn't an alicorn is because he hasn't earned it in the same way as Twilight or Cadence. It's not something that's just going to be given to him because he married one. If it were given by marriage, I think the entire point of it would be defeated. I see no reason to believe it's unequal just because he hasn't yet achieved it.


Really though, you could make an argument that the very highest levels of Equestria's government appears matriarchal, since all current alicorns are female, but other than that, everything really does look egalitarian. There's literally no reason to believe they are socially or economically matriarchal, especially when there are an equal number of ponies of both genders with a plethora of good careers and positions observable in the show. And technically we don't know how many ponies if any staff Equestria's government other than the alicorns, so we don't really know the demographics there either.


And, to be fair, we don't really know of many 'authority figures' period other than the alicorns. The show doesn't exactly give us an extensive grand tour of Equestria. 


Anyway, the show does have a job to do as far as portraying positive female role models that are also fun and interesting, but that doesn't mean it's out to portray female superiority in any sense of the word; at most it focuses on the female characters more and leaves us guessing as to what the male characters are doing. Again, there are ponies of both genders and for that matter all races in the show that could be seen as positive, successful role models, and there's no indication of inequality.

Edited by Vixor
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I'd assume that the male alicorns would be "less pretty" than we'd think.

If anyone was to become an alicorn, my best bet would be Shining Armour.


I've actually always wondered why there were so many princesses and not many princes.

Well... Just imagine if Blueblood grew up to become an Alicorn..  :eww:

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Think of the ratio if women to men. There are very few male ponies to begin with and only four known alicorns (birth or not) in existence being a women.

The chances are very low.. Unless a male pony attempts to get wings or horn or both.

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