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movies/tv Cartoon physics


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Does it amaze you that Pinkie Pie can cantor in midair, Apple Jack can kick an apple tree and have the apples in the baskets without bruises and Rainbow Dash go high altitudes with out freezing?

I love cartoon physics, and wonder at times like today what would our life be like if they could really happen. Am I alone in this?

  • Brohoof 4
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You're not the only one. I'd love to fall down a 50 foot cliff and not die or run as fast as Pinkie Pie. :P


With cartoon physics, I think our lives would be a lot easier. xP

  • Brohoof 4
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You want logic into a world of marhsmallow multi-colored cartoonish mutant ponies? You're not gonna find it.


I agree though, cartoon physics are sometimes hilarious.

I don't want logic get too much of it as it is. But would love to have a marshmallow ponies bounce by once in awhile just because. As people take things to seriously at times.

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Cartoon physics are a nice touch of comedy here and there but let's face it; the world, with cartoon physics, would be pretty unpredictable. I don't know how i'd feel about a world where i'm liable to backpedal in mid air instead of fall down a cliff or twist my body in anatomically impossible angles. :P

  • Brohoof 2
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The cartoon physics are just one of many reasons why the universe of mlp is such a fun sweet haven to watch and enjoy, and it's a quality that a lot of cartoons share, and a reason why a lot of them are very much endeared.

I think that cartoonish slapstick works incredibly well with the physics of 2D animation, and that's exactly why I would hate mlp to go 3D, because then that cartoonish humour would lose its value, and it couldn't be replicated to the same degree. 3D humour just can't bend and stretch enough to the same degree that cartoonish humour demands. Not impossible I suppose, but very difficult, and probably not easy enough for the animators to bother putting effort in to do if they have a whole series to produce.

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And let's not forget an important law of cartoons.  Actually, come to think of it, this is a law of all TV, movies, and video games, including live action.  Fall an unlimited distance into water--> take no damage.  Real word: fall from more than about 50 ft into water--> break bones.


But yes, I agree, cartoon physics are awesome.  I especially like how Pinkie can get away with bizzarre stuff than nopony else can.  Of course Twilight can levitate stuff because she can use magic, but Pinkie can slow herself down in mid-fall and she gets away with it just because she's Pinkie.  And it just works, too.  It works because she is so complex and basically, utterly ineffable.


I was just reminded of something else.  I always loved how Roger Rabbit combined the real world with that of cartoons and their physics.  I wish there was more of that kind of thing.  I don't recall any other movies that ever attempted the cartoon-real world crossover the way Roger Rabbit did.  I think it would be fun to see a spin-off movie where Equestria is a real place at the end of town, like Toontown.  Imagine the possibilities.

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