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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,

"Well now that you're back I can ask you directly. Why edible paint? It doesn't seem very practical unless you want to lick your walls." She said with a smile. "As for everything else, it can wait for another time if you're tired or got other things to do." Though she hated to admit it, being in the forest this long was starting to get to her. She couldn't help but keep glancing over at one of the tallest, dead trees in the nearby forest and looking sad as she did. 


@@Midnight Starfall,  

(Yeah I know that feeling about everything going fast, most everything happens here while I'm asleep)

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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"Becasue I can. Or okay, the first one wasn't reeeally meant to be like paint, but-"


Blitz was cut off by a yawn and shook her head before going on.


"Tried to make frosting. Didn't go, but hey, edible paint, still fun thing."


After speaking her eyes began to unfocus and her knees felt a little jello like. It took her a moment of blinking intensely to get her eyes back to looking straight, but when she did, she looked up at Lily with a smaller smile than had so far been plastered on her face, and finally looking like the three days awake were starting to catch her.


"Think I need some sleep. Okay if we talk another day? Prety please?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Well I guess that makes sense, still not sure how useful that is though." She said as she watched the tired filly in front of her more than a little surprised. She was beginning to wonder if this one ever slowed down. "Yeah, that's fine with me. I've got one last thing to check on in the forest and then I should get back in town." She said preparing her wings to take off. "I'll see you around kid" She said as she suddenly took off like something was chasing her.


Lily was headed for the tree, her old tree. Still a safe distance from the craters and explosions she was somewhat relieved by that. She flew around it a few times, not entirely sure what she was looking for herself. Hearing a Timberwolf howl she let slip a smile certain they remember her and started flying back towards Ponyville and her home.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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 Kelly Look to Disruptis and talk


"Well I saw you is quite different, nice to meet you Disruptis is a pleasure to meet you"


Kelly offers his paw to make a Brohoof, and She's look to Disruptis and make a smile for he, with great expectations in your eyes of Pony.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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The shy pony he had tried to approach had wandered off without much of a sound when he tried to start a talk, but it happened at times. Nervous, shy or scared ponies were not always willing to talk, and at times, they seemed to almost just vanish into themselves to get through things. It saddened him to find such individuals, but there was not much he could do about it.


Oh well, as nothing could be done it was best at this time to simply let the other be for the time being and move towards something else.


He considered going to see this Twilight Sparkle he had heard about when Storm Shine was around, but Cinnamon Hex might still be there, and he would hate to interrupt any talk they had going currently, so that would have to wait for another day.


Perhaps he should follow another thing the energetic stallion had mentioned then? Heh, why not? Might as well check out the place.


"Excuse me, but would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of Sugarcube Corner?"


Briar asked a nearby pony who turned him towards the right of his current position, and even offered to guide him there. He politely refused, but he had to admit that it was nice to be offered. Small gestures like that showed that someponies around here cared for others, even strangers, and it did give another point upwards to this town for him. Though to be fair, the only down that had been yet had been the infernal noise.


It didn't take many steps before the alluring smell of baked goods reached Briar's nose and he could guide by that. Although he was mainly a meat eater he did take joy in the tastes this world brought along, and a sweet tooth had been known to show once in a while, but it had been some time since he had last been in the mood for baked goods. Yet, as he neared this bakery, he could not deny that the smells were rather tempting.


As he reached the door Briar went to the side of it, allowing two other ponies to exit and him to find his wallet forth.


Back in the days, he used to have a small one attached to one of the rings on his legs, but it kept falling off and was, honestly, rather problematic in the long run as it kept falling off at bad times. That, or he had to protect it from thieves in the large cities, which was not ideal either.


It had been two years ago since he got a much better solution: The brooch around his neck. It had been a gift that he cared greatly for, custom made by a blacksmith in one of the smaller tribes he had visited at the time in return for his help with the walls they had to get up after a passing storm had demolished the old ones. It had been hard work, but in the end, they all won.


Pity that he had to move on the day after, but alas, the tribe was a little too much north for his taste. Being from the warm south made it a little harsh to be in cold areas for him. He wasn't meant for the hard ground and cold snow.


Regardless, the time was not to dwindle on memories. The flower on his head glowed, and the brooch made a small click as it was opened. Inside it, the coins jingled as he counted through them by sound before closing it again. He had to go inside first, so that he could hear what he would have to pay for a taste of what he smelled, but it didn't hurt to make sure what number of bits he had, just in case.


A few more exited and he went inside in their place, standing himself in a line that, after some time had passed brought him to the front and ready to make his own order.


"Wha- I mean, what can I help you with sir?"


"I would like to purchase one of your baked goods. Anything you would recommend?"


"We're running a flavour of the week cupcake, if you would like to try one of those?"


"Sounds good to me."


The clerk gave Briar a price and bits changed owners as the cupcake was given to him and he moved to the side, eventually finding himself in a corner. It was harder to navigate inside, because the wind were lacking, but the place had a good acoustic, and the floor gave off some good vibrations, so it was manageable. Far worse with the stone-covered floors he had been on on some other places, so he was not complaining.


Standing at the table with the warm cupcake in front of him he savoured the moment for a little, and then began eating. His right eyebrow raised at the first taste as the flavours hit his throat. Quality wares here for certain.





@@Fire Lily,


Blitz managed to wave Lily goodbye before she went slowly over to the hut, locked it, and went over to the shed. Inside, she would close the door and arm the trap she had facing to the door before finally laying down on the crude bed she had been able to scavenge and repair a week or so ago. It was much more comfortable than the twig one she had before that, and even had an, old, grey blanket when she found it in the pile of trash, so she was happy about it.


It didn't take long for her to shut down and snooze off, feeling secure with the contraption at the door active and empty off anything resembling energy beneath the blanket.


If something would try and break in, they would be met with a cloud of strong itching powder aiming directly at them, but there had not been anypony or anything that had tried that so far, so it was more just to make herself feel safe enough. After all, even if the wildlife stayed clear of her, this was still the Everfree Forest, and you did well in being on the safe side, just in case.



((Sorry for the wall of text, but I had to get Briar moving again))

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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As Void walked through the middle of PonyVille he noticed many interesting ponies most likely doing better stuff than Void, on his agenda today he is going to attempt to find of an unsuspecting pony and feed a little love of them whilst they are not looking, Void is not evil but he has to feed or else he will starve, he always only feeds a little at a time to not affected the pony being fed off.

"Hmmm, this is going to be hard as I am a Changeling is armour, kind of obvious" Void muttered to himself as he began trotting on.

Void has a home through the Everfree forest on he other side just outside of it so he walks through the Forest daily to reach PonyVille.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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After devouring his tasty meal, Briar thanked the clerk and went outside, now ready to find some others things to examine in this new town.


The atmosphere seemed changed when he went outside though. There were less movement to be felt in the ground, and he could hear hushed tones flowing on the wind, though the words were too low for him to hear. Was it perhaps him? No... the whispers came from somewhere else, around the same way he had been before entering the bakery.


Curiosity got the better of him and Briar started to walk towards the way he had been. The hushed tones were gone pretty fast again, so there would be no luck finding who had said them, but perhaps he could find why they had been spoken at least. Had somepony made acted strange? Something fallen over that had been taken care of again? Or was it perhaps something more than that? Perhaps another outsider even?


Briar didn't know, but he would move onwards anyway and see if he could learn something.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@@Blitz Boom,

(Lily's never met a changling, and she wouldn't know Chrysalis if she came up and bit her, I'm thinking this could be interesting)


As Lily was flying back from the forest, thinking she'd more than had her fill of being social for the day, she was glancing at the ground every so often like all pegasus ponies, when she though she saw a giant bug. She rubbed her eyes a few times. "I know I may be crazy but surely I'm not that crazy." She mumbled to herself and tried wiping off her glasses thinking she'd just gotten something on them. "Hmm...Definitely clean, and it's still there. When am I ever going to learn?" She asked herself as she slowly began decending in case whatever it was turned out to be dangerous.

  • Brohoof 1

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Fire Lily,@@Blitz Boom, @, @,


(Kelly came from outside the regions of Equestria, where the ponies were determined by hierarchy, Alicornio, Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth)


After a few minutes of Disruptis help there with what she needed, Kelly went for a walk around Ponyville... Kelly was in the path of Everfree, She was new in Ponyville, did not know anyone there, during his walk Kelly spotted a Green Pegasus(Lily) not much in front, and an insect that looks very diferente, She had never seen him, but as Kelly was not going to face a lot of Pegasus and Unicorns she went to the place to find out what was happening.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Fire Lily@@Mrbrunoh1,@@Blitz Boom,



Void felt he was being watched but carried on his daily stuff.

*Mutters* "Suddenly I feel very worried"

He was still trotting down the street as he had more stuff to do other than feed and trot about.

*Mutters again* I need to get my armour cleaned, hmmm where can I get that done?"

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@,@@Fire Lily,  


Kelly see the Pegasus Pony (Lily), which was at a distance of one creature that looked very different but Pony (Void), she thought that Lily would attack because She still had many old feelings about his past, and did not want anyone was hurt again by other Unicorns or Pegasus, she ran toward the Void and Lily.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Now This was odd, Briar thought.


He had been wandering and gotten nothing more to listen too, then all off a sudden a very low voice carried down and took with it a few key words. *Armour* *Cleaned* and *Worried* was all he could truly hear, but it was something to follow at least.


It did seem peculiar though, this city did not appear to have had any guards while he wandered in, and who else would be wearing armour? Was it perhaps a messenger from Canterlot? He always figured that those would be quite a bit louder in their footsteps, but whoever was talking now did not stand out amongst the other steps.


For now, it would be the best to simply walk closer and see what would happen. Eventually, he would find out something surely.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Lily got down as low as she could and hid herself inside of a cloud, trying her best to be inconspicious. She could see now that whatever it was walked like a pony, and talked like a pony, but certainly was no pony. Other ponies weren't be hostile to this new thing but they wern't exactly giving it a welcoming party either.


"Oh whatever, it's not like this day could get any more boring anyway" She thought to herself sarcasticly..She'd never talked to a giant bug before and worst case scenerio she figured she was too big to eat. Jumping out of the cloud she tried her best to calm her nerves and landed a few feet safely away from this new creature. Hoping she wasn't too noticable she stared at it for a few seconds..."armor..." She suddenly thought this wasn't such a good idea, but she was too far along to just give up her idea now so she slowly approched it. "Hello...?" She both said and asked apprehensively.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Fire Lily,@,


Kelly looked at, Fire Lily, approaching Void, and seemed to be paranoid means (Kelly), She came close to Void with a strange look and stood Looking Lily, and Lily told: 
"What makes a Pegasus for that area,"
Kelly was still very upset with everything that had happened to her a few days, she confronted Lily in front of Void, completely ignoring Void and and turning attention to Lily.
  • Brohoof 1

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Fire Lily,


Void turned around responding to voice he heard behind him, he smiled at the pony who had enough courage to talk to him.

"Well, hello do you need something, if so don't hesitate to ask"

He said grinning and accidentally showing his large white fangs without noticing.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Lily stared at Kelly looking completely lost. "Can I help you, I don't believe we've met." She said while giving a single defiant flap of her wings. "Either way I wasn't even interested in you. I was interested in our friend here...who has suddenly become rather scary." She said suddenly noticing the extended fangs. "I was going to ask what you are..." She said while still standing halfway facing Kelly. 

  • Brohoof 1

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Midnight Starfall,


"It's awesome, I love flying!" Storm exclaimed happily as they soared over the forest and into Ponyville in search of their targets. "It's a feeling of weightlessness combined with extreme freedom!" He preached. "And when I fly fast, I get really giddy... Something about being able to go faster than sound just feels really cool...."

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Fire Lily,@@Mrbrunoh1,


Void looks rather lost and smirks

"Heheh, sorry didn't mean to look scary, can't really control what my fangs do when I smile. Anywho why are you interested in me?"

He says acting like nothing is wrong the he thinks maybe these ponies have never seen a Changeling before as he begins to talk again.

"Just asking do either of you two know what a Changeling is?" 

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"It sounds pretty cool," Stoneheart said.


It sounds awesome! But I'm pretty happy just being an Earth pony.


She watched the expanse of land pass by underneath. "Is that them over there? By Sugarcube Corner?" she said, pointing down at a pink pony by Sugarcube Corner.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Fire Lily,@,  


When Kelly feels threatened may lose some senses, as she is not good with coming new friendships Pegasus or Unicorns, this is a situation that she believes that all are winged or magical enemies, Lily was firm in front of Kelly, Kelly still blamed ponies by all that had happened in her past, she walked to the front of Lily, Kelly can be inconcequente often, and she began to speak, ignoring Void at the time.


Kelly said looking at his wings. 
"These wings do not intimidate me, you're not interested in me ?, however I find it very strange here is a Pegasus by these forest areas" 
Everfree was the new home of Kelly, but she was not good with Pegasus, Kelly stood in front of Lily waiting for an answer, and ignoring Void, his attentions were on pegasus in front.
Edited by Mrbrunoh1

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Fire Lily,




Briar got to a halt and smirked a little. It had seemed like he was right about something being up if he went this way after all then.


Although really, if he hadn't heard the mare exclaim that whoever she was talking about seemed scary and afterwards asked what the one in question was there was a good chance that he might have missed it.


Regardless, he was here now, a few meters away at best and well able to hear what were being said. From the words included he would say that there were three in the conversation currently, and as such there wasn't a great need for him to get involved just yet. He would much rather stand back and gather some more from their talk before making his approach as it was now, and follow them if they began to move away.


It might not be the most polite thing one could do, but at times, curiosity needed to be satisfied, and considering that whoever had been spoken too got talked about like he/she was not a pony, it overruled the normal way he would do things.


His ears perked slightly at the mention of the word *Changeling*. It was not a word he were familiar with, but it seemed to be what this one's race were. This was starting to get rather fascinating.


((OOC Around midnight here, so sleeping for the next 8 hours now. Unless your OC's fly off, consider Briar to be following, and I'll write something in tommorow))

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Lilly still looked lost as she resisted the urge to spin around in circles. This day just kept getting more interesting. First big booms by her old home, then a giant bug who seemed rather friendly in spite of the fangs, and this random earth pony who seemed to have an issue with her. She began to regret not staying at home and reading a nice book in bed with a nice cup of green tea and honey. Figuring she'd adress what seemed to be the bigger elephant in the room, she turned to face Kelly directly, seeming somewhat annoyed, all she was interested in was the bug since giant bugs were certiainly not normal.


"Well if you simply must know, though I fail to see exactly how it interests you." She said extending her wings to their full length, but still fully aware that she'd run before she'd actually fight. "I used to live around that forest. It was quite some time ago and deals with a certain stallion that I'd much as soon forget as see banished to the moon. And for what it's worth I was also visiting a new friend who has apparently set up shop right on the outskirts of my old territory. But I'm surprised an Earth pony of all things would be caught dead anywhere near the forest. You do know it's dangerious there, right? Timberwolves won't just ignore anypony."


Turning back to Void, answering him with all the subtlety of a tank, too in shock to really care if what she was saying was even remotely insulting. "Well I'm interested because I've never seen a talking bug before. What the hay is a changling anyway?" 

  • Brohoof 1

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Midnight Starfall,


Storm looked towards where his friend was pointing. "Hmm... Let's go see" He replied changing course so they would fly towards Sugarcube Corner. "Even if it isn't, we could always get muffins!" Storm said happily. "Chocolate muffins, cherry muffins, apple muffins, poppyseed muffins, banana muffins, MUFFINS!" He cheered.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Cherry muffin?


A blueberry muffin sounds pretty good right now.


Stoneheart looked down at Sugarcube corner, watching all the ponies going in and out.


Did I mistake somepony for Diamond Tiara? I hope I didn't.


She looked around for the pink pony she saw.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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