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Blitz Boom

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@Rising Dusk

Prince Hayworth continued to chuckle a bit to himself, and slowly down the rest of his glass of wine, as things progressed. Neither his wife nor son however, partook much. They would finish before evening were done, but this were more for the cerebration, and Hayworth's taste, than anything else. Queen Magenta had never been much of a wine drinker, taking in perhaps a glass per month at most. She preferred mead if the mood struck her, but their supplies of such had been sent to the festival, barring a small amount she kept for later. Enough for a single glass, as she'd be able to sit and reflect in peace with her family.

"An experience it certainly is. Yet as father knows, I am not one to enjoy beverages on the regular. Yet this is a special occasion. I would not deny him a toast with his family, as we witness the sun rise upon a brighter Harrowmark."

He'd raise his glass to his father, his mother following suit, and together all three, would take a sip. Truth be told, Necrotic couldn't stand this drink, and wished it gone from his tastebuds. But a single glass, upon this historic day? He would drink it, and not a drop be spared, for he knew that his father wished it so, just as their forefather once had too, whilst wishing he had lived to see the day they would regain their freedom. He were long past it, but that didn't mean they could not honor his wish.

Their guests were of course welcome to drink or let stay all they wished to. His father would make certain what remained in the bottle were not wasted, one way or another, and there were still much else to partake in, all things considered. There should not be an empty stomach as they left, and the remains would be used elsewhere.

A servant would enter, dressed as well as one could be, in the patched up clothes that most had to deal with throughout most, if not all of their lives. A pony who would bow her head before the queen as she approached, and held forth a scroll. Magenta would lay down her cutlery and accept it, using simple magic to open it, that she might read what it said.

After a moment, she would roll it together once more, and nod towards the messenger, who would take it and be on her way in silence once more.

"The Stone Matron have informed us that her work is done, and are standing ready. The other statues have also been taken from storage, and prepared upon their rightful places."

"Marvelous, truly. I worried there would not be time for it to be finished, before our guests would think of returning to familiar shores."

"I am certain she wasted no time getting it done, worried of much the same thing, Father.

It will be the last to enjoy of the things we had scheduled my friends, but I do hope it will be a sight to behold for you. It certainly will be for the people. The first hero to have joined in near seven centuries, and not only then is it one from different shores, but they yet remain alive. It will be a historic event, for generations to look upon, and learn from.

But there is no reason to rush. Eat and drink, my friends. The ceremony will yet await us afterwards."

It would not be started before they would join at least. The Stone Matron would refuse to unveil the new statue until then. Though the others would be there, and that would still be quite a sight for even the oldest Harrowish citizens, as they had not been on display for centuries. Twisted hated them, as they represented symbols of hope, and he had no need for such frivolous emotions, in those he perceived as his lesser. It were simpler to control the hopeless, so he had to waste less time beating down upstart rebellious types. It were a waste of perfectly good citizenry, that might prove him more value as test fodder, or sources of income. Potential students too. Making examples out of them, wasted all that potential.




On 2023-10-18 at 4:40 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s more complicated than, uh… spawning… Omen with Discord. Omen came first before Discord formed her into who you saw physically. I can’t claim to know the details behind that because it all happened long before I was born. I guess that will be a discussion for Mother and you, not for me; but I will let Mother know of your wish to meet her. Letter her know ahead is better than barging in unannounced.” 

"She sounds like one with a tale to tell, and I'd be curious to hear it. We shall see if she would be willing to tell it, if and when she may have time to meet."

Whoever that creature were, this Mother, of Omens, she wished to see face to face someday. But Zhao steeled herself with patience. If she were one who wished not to be overwhelmed, or found easily, it may take months, if not years before they would establish a proper time to speak, in a suitable location. But she would be patient, and focus herself on her duties 'til then. An elder had much to do too, even if it might not have seemed like it to Sen and the others, as they were guided towards her. Yet were they not allowed some recreational time too, like any other? The line below their quarters, should tell plenty of the amount who did wish for their presence, and as such, showed they did not simply lay about, doing naught but rest, or antagonize one another.

Still, perhaps when this were over, she would ask Omen more of her. As the spawn of two beings of power, she should know well of both, and truth be told, there were those, who would enjoy an audience with the spirit of chaos himself too, within their ranks. He were a figure that were regarded positively, as their kind had an old, but amicable story together. Perhaps it would do him well too, to know that the tricksters had not forgotten him.

On 2023-10-18 at 4:40 PM, EQ_Theta said:

What seemed most perplexing was the sight of a chimeric creature in the background that neither Sen nor Lin noticed, but anyone else would be able to see it. Mismatched horns, wings, and extremities on a bearded serpentine body. It could only be described as chaotic like a certain draconequus.

“A cave and some crystals… Lin holding an orb, but those crystal statues are shifting. Where have we seen this? Omen? Does any of this look familiar? I’m certain it's got something to do with us.”

Omen had not acted upon how odd she might seem to the others, nor what had been said to her, beyond that they should be going. It might be she looked different, but she would still act the same. She just couldn't make portals, had no limbs, and were very small compared to normally. So essentially she were defenseless, but otherwise more or less the same.

The memory were mighty odd this time around. Crystals, and an unknown shape in the background, made it hard to tell exactly what the deal were. For an outsider like Elder Zhao at least, she hadn't a clue, but expected to be educated soon enough on the matter.

"Yes. I remember the crystals. The shapes, those trapped. It was... After, what happened, yes. I know it."

"You know the scene? Okay then, let us see if this works with you... Enter the memory again, but this time, remember it clearly as it is, and then try and push it upon the scene. Try and keep your head clear of other thoughts until you are done. Just focus on this, and then try to push it upon what you saw."

Omen took a moment, and then she would slowly lick the crystal again.

The scene started the same, with Sen and Lin, but soon, other things would begin bloom into view, bursting like bubbles in thin air, with things set in to replicate what she knew.

The mine would flourish in details. The crystals set around them, the battle scene after they had fought Filigree. An important fight, that they had hunted her down for for a while, after she had escaped, and encased Omen in crystals. And here, deep down int he diamond mine, she had aimed to infect with the changeling diamonds, had been a scene of utter mayhem for a while. Several beings - ponies mostly - encased and freed from gems covering them, trying to devour their very being. Filigree having blasted them with the power of the crystal beast heart, that she years before, had been encased in gems by herself, trying to gain control of it, and its vast powers.

But they had won. She were defeated. The crystal beast heart wrung from her being, and taken by Sen and Lin, ready to be delivered to Amethyst, who would aim to have it in a more secure location. They had never gone and checked up on that, or her since, but it were likely that she had done the task, and got the gem somewhere safe.

Yet for the scene here, all of Omen's thoughts were on this, setting this memory in front of the cluttered thought she otherwise had for now, and ironing out those present. Clayton's assistant, Sen, Lin, Omen herself, Shrimp, and of course, Sub Rosa. One whom had become their friend, as their mutual journey to hunt down his mother Filigree had gone on, and after this point, would be connected closely to. An important memory for Omen to, because of that.

Not to say there were no others. Others yet lurked in the mine, but the most important ones were these. Their friends, and comrades. As well as Master Discord, who had proven to be actually helpful, and mostly not an irritant on their adventure. A peculiar addition, but Elder Zhao at least, appreciated seeing one familiar figure here. One she had only seen in books, and incantations. It were different seeing him in a memory like this though.

It were not perfect. There were some details lacking, and it did look a bit rough at places, where she hadn't thought as hard about it, one might say. But like with Sen, the details could be filled in later, when her real memories came back, and fitted in instead of the rough idea that had been given.

"I think this is how it happened."

"Fascinating. Your important moments seem to involve rather large scale things. I'd call it grandiose, but I can see you add truth, rather than lies.

It's interesting how much have already been removed from those memories though. Shoddy work on the background. Still things there that were obscured, but not gone."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-10-22 at 5:37 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I think this is how it happened."

"Fascinating. Your important moments seem to involve rather large scale things. I'd call it grandiose, but I can see you add truth, rather than lies.

It's interesting how much have already been removed from those memories though. Shoddy work on the background. Still things there that were obscured, but not gone."

The scene regained clarity, the trapped miners were freed from their crystal prisons, and Omen’s physical visage became more complete. An odd thing to note, but it would be best for Lin to remember who Omen is. Sen added his own memories of that event to the whole, even his disagreement and the angry rebuke he got from her about his rash and ill-advised choice to rush in, one that nearly trapped Lin in crystal. Then, the memories of the later battle became just as complete, Lin fighting side-by-side with Sen, Omen, and Rosa, utilizing unorthodox methods of battle to gain the upper hand, all these weaved pieces of Lin’s self as much as her memories will allow. She was trained in survival and picked up some lessons in combat, but most importantly, she needed to see who her friends and allies were when she faced unexpected odds. This was a good memory, even with Discord in it, as she had come to see him as a friend when they needed him most. 

“We couldn’t sit idly by when Omen never came back, later learning that she was in trouble. This whole situation led to something much bigger, but it was a good memory nonetheless. It reminded me that it was worth fighting for the things that matter, even if it meant giving some peace to the things that troubled our friends. I didn’t have a lot to live for, but defending my friends gave me purpose, and so I fought for it.”

“I remember the sister who would stay up at night to learn and teach, and she is the same one who would clash with me about our differing views on magic, among other things. It would be a disservice to her if I didn’t stand by that.”

Sen paused, smiling and content with his words. Though not a hunter for his village, there was something about his training that never seemed to click. He trained as others did and honed his skills as expected, but never once was he taught why he had to do it. Some would give the obvious answer that it was for security, to keep the village and its inhabitants safe. In a way, that was true, but it was never a reason that he made his own. Strange that he learned of his reason when he was outside the system, but that contentment meant he didn’t need the satisfaction of being a hunter to continue believing in what they stood for. 

This positive moment would be halted, however, as the sound of a loud roar emanated once more from the central islands. The mindscape’s sky dimmed, turning a dark shade of crimson. The entity keen on maintaining the lies behind Lin’s memories would take action, sending forth red globules flying from itself while retracting its tentacles, leaving the islands in this sea of stars further isolated. One such globule ended up crashing into the vicinity of Sen, Omen, and Elder Zhao, taking on the appearance of a crystalline stallion not unlike those found in Canterlot before morphing into some disjointed and broken creature. 

Now sporting jagged, dagger-like wings and separating its legs from its main body, the creature reared and let out an intimidating roar, preparing to charge. Sen stepped before Omen and Elder Zhao, bracing himself for the first strike, and the creature ran quickly into Sen, knocking him back and taking the wind out of his breath, though it wouldn't be long before he recovered.

“I’ll hold this one back and keep it off us, but it looks like there’s no way forward like the last time we restored a memory! I hope whatever is keeping us from progressing will weaken if we beat this creature.”

The longma raced forward, fighting back with his own strength, and aimed to pin their attacker to the ground. If he could get it into a headlock, he might be able to weaken it enough for Omen and Elder Zhao to find a way forward. All the while, he’d scan around in case a path did manifest without anyone noticing earlier.

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The memory got clearer and more focused, as Sen seemingly helped her to steer it towards the exact memory. She had misremembered which episode of them surrounded by crystals this were, but as it were steered correctly, it would be put in its proper place. The mine they were in, with the various ponies, frozen in time in their crystal bodies, as they had years past, did theirs to contain Filigree, before she escaped with the power she had gone so far to claim. And they had been successful, until Omen had come, and messed it up unintentionally. Mostly by being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and being too trusting to question the instructions the mare gave her.

But they had come. Sen, Lin, Shrimp, Clayton, and even her master, Discord. They had gotten her out of her shell, and then the chase had gone on, to find Filigree, before she got too far. Not an easy hunt, but this were the true start, where things got odd for a while, and they started to bond more. It wouldn't be long after that, that they met Rosa either, but at least at that time, it had still been a bonding experience for them. Also been a time when Shrimp had shown how much he could do, if he only had the motivation to try.

She did wonder where Filigree had gone off to since she were broken out of prison. Not a peep had been heard, since she had escaped, and Omen still didn't catch her scent anywhere either. It were very odd.

On 2023-10-23 at 3:51 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“We couldn’t sit idly by when Omen never came back, later learning that she was in trouble. This whole situation led to something much bigger, but it was a good memory nonetheless. It reminded me that it was worth fighting for the things that matter, even if it meant giving some peace to the things that troubled our friends. I didn’t have a lot to live for, but defending my friends gave me purpose, and so I fought for it.”

“I remember the sister who would stay up at night to learn and teach, and she is the same one who would clash with me about our differing views on magic, among other things. It would be a disservice to her if I didn’t stand by that.”

"I can see why this is a moment of importance for you then, much as for her.

There also seems to be a theme thus far, of removing mostly just what makes you connect with the outside world. First Omen's Mother, now Omen herself. It wants you to distance yourself from them. I wonder if it is because they are outsiders, and it wants your mind to believe you never left home. Or because it is afraid of them, and what they can do."

She gave a glance towards Omen after she said that. Maybe calling Omen a threat were somewhat of a stretch. A substantial one too, from what she had seen and heard of her in the waking world, as well as what she were seeing here. The Mother figure however, looked to be able to be dangerous, if her mind were put to it. A creature of that size, were rarely defenseless, but it were a question more to add to the pile, in case she ever did get the chance to go and visit the matriarch of this strange creature, that were Omen.

It were but a brief moment of respite though, as another roar soared across the mindscape, and the savage trying to hijack her memories, now appeared to have enough of their meddling, and tried to handle them. Sent a thing after them, which were either part of itself, or a manifestation of its will. Not much of a difference really, unless you wanted to be pedantic about it. And under better circumstances, Elder Zhao would certainly enjoy being so pedantic. But it hardly seemed the time unfortunately. Perhaps later on, but for now, she would observe this thing with a neutral expression, clearly not afraid of it, whilst Sen tried to make a heroic stand.

On 2023-10-23 at 3:51 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Now sporting jagged, dagger-like wings and separating its legs from its main body, the creature reared and let out an intimidating roar, preparing to charge. Sen stepped before Omen and Elder Zhao, bracing himself for the first strike, and the creature ran quickly into Sen, knocking him back and taking the wind out of his breath, though it wouldn't be long before he recovered.

“I’ll hold this one back and keep it off us, but it looks like there’s no way forward like the last time we restored a memory! I hope whatever is keeping us from progressing will weaken if we beat this creature.”

The longma raced forward, fighting back with his own strength, and aimed to pin their attacker to the ground. If he could get it into a headlock, he might be able to weaken it enough for Omen and Elder Zhao to find a way forward. All the while, he’d scan around in case a path did manifest without anyone noticing earlier.

Omen would bounce towards the thing, but Elder Zhao would put a paw in front of her, and push her back, which caused Omen to bounce away harmlessly. She wasn't much of a threat currently. But Sen could be, if he were educated further on these matters. Apparently he hadn't realized where it is that they were.

"Calm your mind, and focus your actions. This is not a bar brawl young man, this is a mindscape. You can enhance your strength, with an equally strong, focused mind. Do not lose yourself to frenzy or panic."

She would wander forth, ready to add some hurt herself, in case he did not calm down, and focus himself. If he kept a level head, and focused, he might be able to break this thing's neck. Sure he were not an experienced mind wanderer such as herself, but a focused mind could still do more than you might think. Even if he'd have no magic to use, that did not mean he were helpless, and she wanted him to understand that.

It were easier to do these things, with creatures that meditated. They tended to be better at focusing, and sharpening their minds. Regular beings were prone to panic and losing their cool, which made you little more than a thrashing pig, when it came to fight in a setting where the might that made right, were the might of your mind.

That were partially why she were here too. As they'd eventually get tot he influence's core, she'd have to deal with it herself, as Sen were not experienced enough with these things, to have a chance at doing so himself. Not in her professional opinion at least, though she'd be positively surprised to see him impress her in these manners.

If he failed currently though, or seemed in danger, she would leap forth, and do a forward spin in the air, slapping the statue with her tail, and either bash it hard away, or pulverize it. Depended on how strong this were, for her test hit. But she would prefer that Sen did it. Not because it would tire her. More that it were more educational for him, if he could handle things himself, and learn from that. Though she weren't the sort who'd let him perish, for a failure to understand. She weren't that hard of a teacher, and thus, would make sure he'd survive.

It would also give her a chance to learn more about him. A teachable moment for them both, in one way or another.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

The family didn't hesitant to raise a toast along with the royals of Harrowmark.  Another tradition the two lands shared, the raising of a glass in honor of a subject, a pony, a creature, an event.  Not that their land had any drink like this to mark the toast with, but the gesture was the same nonetheless.  The four took new sips of their Kraken wine, Grace appeared to struggle a little more with the second go and would end further attempts at the drink.  The twins put their drink aside as well, but would be willing for another for a toast.  Their father, was more than joined to keep drinking the experience-in-a-bottle.

Another servant had joined the dining room, clearly different than the ones serving them their meals.  Whose father was already reaching for seconds.  They listened to the Queen relay to them the contents.  Rising's ears perked, then drooped, they couldn't decide the best position to rest while the final part of the ceremony was falling into place.  Sure, Harrowmark would likely party for days if allowed, but the ceremony parts were concluding.  "My, Stone Matron is a wonder.  That was most quick," Dawn praised.  "Ho ho ho.  A master of her art indeed.  She shouldn't need rush on our behalf.  But what done is done.  A true honor as boundless as the rising Sun.  Ho ho ho," the jovial father expressed.  An honor, immortalized in stone, memory and stories to him.

Rising's mind wandered, an endless inventory of memories and sensations.  Cataloging everything to be filed away in a neat mind library as to not overwhelm him.  A natural defense of survival.  At the Prince's behest, the family continued their meal.  Nopony at the table was going to rush a royal family along with their own meal and drink.  While only one member of the family actually enjoyed the Kraken to continue drinking it, the rest settled well for water or juice.  The food itself was quite good and the four made sure to get their fill.  The farewells after the statue ceremony were likely to take some time and no need to return to Equestria on an empty stomach.  Bed would be calling, at least to the early to bed Rising, soon upon arrival.  As the next days were to be divided to getting Caramel and Will-O settled into their new life in Equestria.  Along with going through all the gifts burdened away in enchanted bag.

The family soon ended their meals, but remained and didn't push for anything other than good conversation.  When the Queen was ready, they were ready.

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@Blitz Boom@StrawberryMilk Simp
"As little as we trust him, we aren't actually worried about him blaming us for that, as it would be illogical." "Because either he is telling the truth regarding his previous alliances, and thus there's nothing to worry about, or he's not, and we have an enemy of my enemy type of situation going on." "If we are being entirely honest, we almost trust him more than you or the other local guards, because we know exactly how his kind operates." the kobolds saw no reason to hide their distrust "Better a well known enemy than unpredictable ally." "But if you want to chat with him, just follow us around, he'll most likely appear eventually, apparently your princesses wanted that he keeps an eye on us." 

The answer to Trox's question was too vague to answer the true purpose of the question, but it wasn't a big deal, because it was out of curiosity rather than any real need, since they knew Sheez was coming, and knew that she was most likely relatively nearby. "Ah, so that's no then." "Guess she hasn't caused any trouble yet."  the reason why the two kobolds couldn't stop thinking about Sheez, was not because they were worried, they knew she wouldn't harm them, rather, they felt so annoyed that they hadn't gotten rid of her that the idea of seeing her again infuriated them constantly. So in a way they dreaded the meeting, but instead of fear, it was detestation. 


Ruby wasn't actually entirely against swimming, yes she was a land dragon, and thus not build to be in water, but it didn't mean she was useless in water, and it could be relaxing in the right context. She didn't say anything regarding the remark though, and instead responded with a less serious 'go ahead and try' look. 

Ruby felt...weird, both in the inside as stated before, but also physically from outside, because having such thick scales, it was quite literally impossible for anybody to get this close to her when she was in her real form, so having someone be this physically close, wrapped around her, and her actually feeling it, both in touch and in temperature, was bizarre to say the least, and not feeling threatened about any of it? this would take some time to think through.  Sure she had had hugs and such in her pony form before, after all, scamming ponies with fake affection was something she had done a lot, but that was different, because in those cases she wanted it to end as quickly as possible, but here? it didn't bother her. And why did seeing Leviathan's happiness make her feel.....content?

Ruby's reaction to Charir's spark, was as to be expected, very small, as she kinda just rose an eyebrow in curiosity, Charir himself was too busy going through the steps he did in his head to figure out what he had done, to notice Leviathan's reaction. Ruby also did some dot connecting in her mind, thinking back to the seeming surge of magic in herself when she had gone to get Leviathan from the kitsune, all the examples of Charir using magic, and what she had read about it, including the part she had brought with them to help Leviathan with translations. 

"So it seems he forms his own electricity when he's either already electrified enough from outside source, or determined enough to do so?" "So if you consider the nature of our magic, without thinking about it too deeply, it is starting to seem that his magic may be more belief-based than Equestrian magic." "The little writing about our magic that exists, do state that there is no real limit to it outside the effort you are willing to put in, so while you know more about magic, it could be that the important part isn't what he can do, but rather, what he thinks he can do." she then said something to Charir, which got his attention, he seemed confused at first, maybe even bit suspicious, but after seemingly analyzing Ruby for a moment, he suddenly looked proud. What Ruby had said, wouldn't stay a mystery, as she remarked to Leviathan "I gave him a compliment." 








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Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-10-25 at 5:21 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I can see why this is a moment of importance for you then, much as for her.

There also seems to be a theme thus far, of removing mostly just what makes you connect with the outside world. First Omen's Mother, now Omen herself. It wants you to distance yourself from them. I wonder if it is because they are outsiders, and it wants your mind to believe you never left home. Or because it is afraid of them, and what they can do."

“Distance them from sister? What’s to be gained by removing anyone who isn’t longma from her memories? Whatever’s doing this hinted at wanting to enslave the longma, but I don’t think it’s going to go far if it only gets to Lin, not yet for now. If it is removing memories of those who aren’t us, then it might be preparing for something. I can’t claim to know what kind of creature is out for us, especially if our kind are trying to maintain their isolation.”

One could only imagine the answers to the burning questions, especially if it is about the kind of creatures that are targeting the longma now. They know of them, and from what the entity that possessed Lin earlier, there is familiarity, as if there was prior contact. The ruins back in the first, along with the orb that they found, all hint that there is a connection they can’t see yet. A step pyramid, directions pointing to it, and the glyphs that seem to show more, they were matters that were just as important, but how they are linked is yet to be seen. All this only made Sen’s head throb while wracking himself with finding the answers. 

For now, the pursuit for answers will have to wait, not until there is another immediate threat that needs to be taken care of. The creature slowly began overpowering him, while Sen maintained what strength he could. His strength waned, while his attacker gained an advantage, tossing him to a nearby tree. It only seemed to grow stronger with each passing second, possibly even learning about how to stop him from fighting back. 

On 2023-10-25 at 5:21 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Calm your mind, and focus your actions. This is not a bar brawl young man, this is a mindscape. You can enhance your strength, with an equally strong, focused mind. Do not lose yourself to frenzy or panic."

The longma listened to Elder Zhao’s advice, understanding most of it aside from them being in a mindscape. It didn’t seem right that a place like this could influence anything but Lin’s mind, but there was soundness in the elder’s words. Calm mind, focused, just like his meditations…. Now if he could only harness it within the heat of battle. Only one way to find out; he wiped the sweat on his head, then slowly approached their adversary. Elder Zhao moving in and swiping the creature away with her tail got him to try what she said about enhancing his strength. Without missing a moment, he quickly and quietly circled around, then tried to put the creature in a headlock again. If this went right, he could neutralize the threat. Summoning every bit of strength he had, Sen focused, channeling his mind into strength for his body and feeling stronger and more energized. 

This time, he kept his cool, regulated his breathing, then applied the pressure, getting into the headlock and pinning the creature to the ground. The two would wrestle, vying for control over their predicament, but the longma maintained his advantage and strength until it no longer moved or fought back, even showing a few cracks in the crystal where Sen locked it down with his forelegs. Sen let go, stepping back and letting himself bask in the relief of a moment’s respite before examining their attacker.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. Sharpened wings and able to move without its body parts attached. Is this what it’s like? To let being in the mindscape alter things like one’s strength and shape? Because if it is, I think whatever’s in here may know about it.”

Soon enough, the red sky calmed, returning to a navy blue shade. The islands now floating in this expanse moved once more, linking with each other to form a larger land mass and connecting to their starting position. In the distance were three more crystals, faintly pulsating within what appeared to be stone ruins, but two were more pronounced than the others. Still, the ruins themselves were interesting in that they had what appeared to be glyphs, dust-covered wooden tables, and a stone staircase, though that didn’t appear to lead anywhere. The remains of the hostile influence’s creature broke, turned into a fine dust, and spread itself out, eventually turning into another bridge and their way forward.

“I guess our next stop is in that direction. Those ruins look familiar, don’t they, Omen? It’s where this whole mess started.”

Once everyone was across, they’d come to find three pulsating crystals within the stone ruins. However, only one had an amorphous, seemingly transparent distortion tied to one crystal, leaving the group unable to interact with it. Likewise, the distortion had the body of a quadruped, two stumpy horns, and a pair of wings, though specific facial details could not be identifiable. This one silently looked around, worried, as if it was lost but was convinced whatever it was looking for was in the ruins. Upon seeing Sen, Omen, and Elder Zhao, it instinctively jumped back, and then hid behind the crystal closest to it.

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@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa


From the way the doors had been blown off made Twilight worry but she didn't get long to dwell upon it. The next thing she knew she was in a cafeteria with their group and she was listening to the old pet feed shop owner from Ponyville. She remembered him the few times she had gone to him for help with her pet owl, Owlowiscious. At least the poor ting had been frightened off by Tirek's attack on her old tree library, never to be seen again. She will have to question Magnolia once they had some food and she would have to check in on Cherish, Last, and the Drone to make sure they were still fine now that their little ... soul problem had been fixed. For now, she wanted to question Double Chow a tiny bit.

"Double Chow? What are you doing here!?" Twilight asked the stallion in abject surprise, clearly taken aback by seeing him here of all places. "I thought you were still running your store."

@Blitz Boom


Dazzle stared into the empty house, continuing to shake until she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She quickly built up electricity to zap the offender away but it died down just as  fast when she recognised Stare's voice.

"S-Sorry, Stare. I guess I'm just lost in my own head," Dazzle babbled, not exactly paying attention to Stare's words but at least she knew they were comforting. "Into the old ... home. Three, two, one," she counted down and swallowing, heading into the home with a couple of steps. The home was bare with a solid layer of dust on the floor. It looked like no one had been here in years. With the amount of dust disturbed from their walk, Dazzle sneezed and rubbed her nose. In the first room beyond the door, windows looked out over the desert. "This room, it was, I think, where we sat and talked while reading. I guess I forgot what it was called," Dazzle told them in her best steady voice she could manage but she was clearly still shaken up by the house being abandoned.

Dawn, meanwhile, was still looking into the shadows and sticking near Hammond. "I am not sure if I would make a good carer. I can barely take care of myself."

@Blitz Boom


"I was originally simply touring around Equestria before all this happened," Aurora told them, gesturing to herself. She had no idea what tourist traps were but they sounded fascinating. Coming to terms with what Onache just told her about mind control would take some getting used to. "I didn't think I would get wrapped up in any of this and I'd be either in Klugetown or Vanhoover by this point. So if there's no rush, can we go and find some things to do before seeing the queen you want us to visit? Actually, would you care to remind me why we're seeing this hive? Everything is jumbled up in my head at the moment."

@Blitz Boom


Atzy was laughing at the foal running around her. The amount of love and happiness she felt from her was very sickly sweet to the point where she felt like she would throw up. "Ooo, wow, you are just a bundle of joy at the moment, huh?"

Karmic hummed as she watched Enzo's expression subtly change at the fireworks and headed over to the older sibling. She pulled him to the side, away from the other ponies, and talked to him with a smile. "I think I have an idea on what we can do for the next while. Help this giant winged kitty explore happy things. What do you think of that?"

  • Hugs 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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On 2023-10-27 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Distance them from sister? What’s to be gained by removing anyone who isn’t longma from her memories? Whatever’s doing this hinted at wanting to enslave the longma, but I don’t think it’s going to go far if it only gets to Lin, not yet for now. If it is removing memories of those who aren’t us, then it might be preparing for something. I can’t claim to know what kind of creature is out for us, especially if our kind are trying to maintain their isolation.”

"You have seen this Mother of Omen's. It may have thought that if she could not remember her, nor Omen, there would not be help to find from them, in the plans to overtake the longma. It is simpler to handle things, if there is no outside interference."

Technically she were outside interference too, as were the kitsune in general, but neither were as close as Omen and Mother seemed to be. They would be easier to get help from, though she doubted that without her being her, that the kitsune were safe in her memory either. Isolating the longma could not leave any outs, so it had to go after Lin, to a point where she couldn't remember not being away from the longma at any point. It would likely do the same to Sen, in case it could spread to him, to ensure an easier takeover.

But that is what they were here to stop now, wasn't it? And they seemed to have time, as this last memory still had some things in the background, that didn't have much in the way of details to work with. Yet they were still there, so things were not fully and truly cleared. They would see how things would go on as they continued though. Things might get better, or worse, as they went on.

On 2023-10-27 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’ve never seen anything like this. Sharpened wings and able to move without its body parts attached. Is this what it’s like? To let being in the mindscape alter things like one’s strength and shape? Because if it is, I think whatever’s in here may know about it.”

She had to step in somewhat, but it were not much, and Sen seemed to have gotten control over himself soon enough, and fight back. To a point where he won the fight in fact, so that were good. That is what she wanted to see, and he had done so admirably, despite a shaky start.

"Well done. I sense you have some experience with meditation perhaps? It might come in handy.

And yes, this is how things are in the mindscape, and it goes both ways. It can draw strength from will and focus, just as you can. There are other ways one can draw strength, and be more than you should, but that is part of advanced studies in mental traversal and manipulation. If you studied under me for a decade, you might begin to see possibilities you would never have imagined before. But we do not have time for such things, so you will need to rely on my expertise now and again.

Still, you have done well for a beginner. I have had plenty that faltered easily, but you stand your ground. It will serve you well."

You had to earn praise, when it came from her, but Sen had listened, and acted accordingly to what she said, to a certain extend. He were due a modicum of praise for adhering to the lesson as best he could, and succeed in overcoming his adversary. Not too much though. Wouldn't want him to think that he could not do better after all. Once you were contend like that, you had less incentive to learn, and she did not agree that you should ever stop learning. The end of curiosity were stagnation, and from that, spawned nothing but folly.

Omen would have come near them again finally, having bounced over after being booped away earlier. She would not be worth much in a fight in her condition, but it were all that were possible. Her mind simply did not work normally enough for even a seasoned mind wanderer such as Elder Zhao, to do much with. She had to jury rig things as it were now, as she had mentioned earlier, that her presence at least would be here, and able to help apply memory.

On 2023-10-27 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Soon enough, the red sky calmed, returning to a navy blue shade. The islands now floating in this expanse moved once more, linking with each other to form a larger land mass and connecting to their starting position. In the distance were three more crystals, faintly pulsating within what appeared to be stone ruins, but two were more pronounced than the others. Still, the ruins themselves were interesting in that they had what appeared to be glyphs, dust-covered wooden tables, and a stone staircase, though that didn’t appear to lead anywhere. The remains of the hostile influence’s creature broke, turned into a fine dust, and spread itself out, eventually turning into another bridge and their way forward.

“I guess our next stop is in that direction. Those ruins look familiar, don’t they, Omen? It’s where this whole mess started.”

Once everyone was across, they’d come to find three pulsating crystals within the stone ruins. However, only one had an amorphous, seemingly transparent distortion tied to one crystal, leaving the group unable to interact with it. Likewise, the distortion had the body of a quadruped, two stumpy horns, and a pair of wings, though specific facial details could not be identifiable. This one silently looked around, worried, as if it was lost but was convinced whatever it was looking for was in the ruins. Upon seeing Sen, Omen, and Elder Zhao, it instinctively jumped back, and then hid behind the crystal closest to it.

"The place where the spirit hurt Lin. It were a bad place."

Omen had been picked up by Elder Zhao as they kept moving, to speed their path over the bridge, and were currently sitting on her back, as they moved forward. She were a ball of yarn, and as such, didn't weigh a lot. Barely anything of note, even if this were the regular world, where her elder physique could have some issues. She were sadly not as young and spry as she once were, and had to accept her limitations. Her mind were sharp as ever though, and thus in this landscape, she were not limited. It did not mean she had to show off though. Modesty and restraint were important traits for one to have, in her opinion.

After crossing the bridge, her eyes fell upon the scene. The stonework and crystals catching her attention, but not as much as the peculiar shape they would encounter. Something moving, that not yet seemed to be an enemy of theirs, considering it had jumped back and hid, as they approached.

Elder Zhao would halt as it jumped back, not moving closer to it, and would signal for Sen to stop too, if he attempted to move further towards it.

"We may have encountered a local, as it were. A part of her subconsciousness, uncertain what is happening here. Or perhaps another entity. Might even be a part of the consciousness of Lin herself, trying to seek answers that she can't find. Curtsey of you saying there are things to her face before, and what she have thus far been made to remember.

We will have to be certain. Approach it alone, and proclaim who you are. Thread carefully though. You do not want to alarm it, as we may need its help to proceed faster here."

It might also need their help as it were. It seemed to search for something. A memory perchance? If so, they might need to find it for it, to move on, and to make it try and trust them. It were hard to say, as what roamed here could be so many things. She didn't assume it were Lin, but she might be an active dreamer as it were, and thus were able to cling to things. Could be the subconscious too, but those things were odd, and thus hard to pinpoint as specific, in some cases. They were ever so different, depending on the mind they sprung from.

As for why she did not mention it might need their help? If it were the case, she wanted to see if Sen would deduce so himself, and specifically, what they could do. They would have to see what came from that, but the test had been set before him now.




Chow grinned at the princess, a bit wider than before.

"Naah, I moved shop back to Canterlot. Been saving up to go back fer ages, and finally got it down. And now I ain't getting the stink eye from Fluttershy no more. Lovely lass that one, but I swear I could feel it right through the wall sometimes. Don't worry though, I got a deal going with Alonsus, over at Sloppy Joe's, so I'm making sure to send the good stuff to those who needs it. Owlocious can still get his food if ya need it, just go speak with 'im, and he'll send word on the next list if it is.

I know Fluttershy ain't agreeing with me, but you can't go feed that vegan stuff to the poor things all the time. Predators need real meat, or they'll grow up weaker.

But you probably heard me and Fluttershy going off on that too many times as is. You asked why I was here? Grim Delight asked me if I could lend a hoof, while she were on vacation. I'm friends with one of her cousins, and he knew that I had closed shop to have it fumigated, so she made him ask me if I could fill in. No worries though, I know how to sort things 'round here nice enough.

So what can I get ya for?"

The story were a bit more complicated than that, but they didn't wanna hear his long, boring tale of mischief, adventure, witchcraft and plain ol' fashioned health inspection requirements. She were probably thirsty, and he assumed her peculiar friends were too. Some of them were a bit odd, but eh, who were he to judge, right?




A few pieces of jewelry that Stare wore, started to glow slightly, as the electricity were building. But they settled down again, as Dazzle did too. Some protective wards about to do something, curtsey of Scarcity. She adored her younger sister, and believed that she would keep good company, but Scarcity were ever one to see potential situations in even mundane things, and thus, prepared for it. There had been a few times when things had activated thus far, but nothing major yet. Not enough to make everything activate. All for the better really. Stare would get quite nervous if she knew what could end up happening, if she were faced with deadly force. She could get so dizzy from sudden teleportation.

"Sounds like this used to be the living room then, or some sort of study."

Stare would answer, after having observed and heard, what Dazzle said, going into the room. A room covered with thick layers of dust, showing none had been here for a long time. Potentially even years... This could not be easy for her to face currently, having thought her parents would be here. It probably also meant that any traces would be hard to come by, as nature would have covered tracks and magic traces ages ago. Whatever might be here, had to have been left somewhere in the house, if there were any.

"Let's keep going further, okay? I'm sure there's something, somewhere. A note, or some kind of other sign. Don't lose hope yet, okay?"

Since it seemed her sister handled this well, Scarcity would instead focus on the other companion of theirs.

"I find they can be quite helpful, in caring for you too in some ways, if you focus on teaching them well. But there's no force darling. They are ever vigilant and waiting for a master, but none are required. I were but a curious mare who saw them, and wanted to offer one the opportunity of a fascinating life. IN time, Hammond will have matured and grown enough, that he can find new paths of his own, and when that time comes, I have done my part for him, as he have for me. This is not life-long servitude after all. That would be somewhat morbid, don't you think?

Ah, but if you are less intrigued by this, perhaps we should assist the others, in looking for clues within this home of Dazzle's? No need for us to not spend our time wisely, if you tire of seeing this splendor from a world between worlds."




"You are a queen, and need to know what that entails, including feeding. We are going to Cheshire, that you may learn how best to feed your hive, without going with more direct feeding. What else we can learn, we will see. I certainly were always clear, that I did not respect Cheshire, nor her hive's pacifism, or adoration of regular society. But if you want to know acceptance, they are a safe hive to go with. Nott he only one living with others, rather than off of them, but others have member counts in the thousands, with busy queens. This should prove an adequate introduction instead."

"And I'm making sure you'll get to see some sights. Try a few things too, that I think you'll find fun.

Ah check it, you can see it in the distance now."

He'd point out the window, where a large town would be getting into view. One layer of laying above the clouds, with several long staircases going up there, as well as a few elevators. The top layer were colorful and full of entertainment venues it seemed like, even from a distance. The ferris wheel were the easiest to spot, as were the Cloudchaser ride, which ran around a pretty large area.

The lower layer had a lot of tall buildings, with some breaking through to the cloud level, and carts etc. moving in and out of it constantly. Like seeing an ant hill sort of, with all the beings around it, going in or out of either part of the city.

"You're gonna love it, when we actually get there. I'm thinking we take the ride up the west side, then go down Juggler's Alley. Gives ya a chance to see the street performers, before leading us to one of the funhouses. There's a pretty good arcade too. Great town, that you can get lost in for ages."

He also knew a few places he could unload pretty much his entire stock, within ten minutes. Some places there really liked some good, home-made alcohol. He just had to go to the right places, and speak to the right ones. Provided they were still there. It had been some time, after all. And it were in the lower levels. Alcohol weren't much of a thing int he cloud layer, due to the families everywhere, so it were mostly weaker stuff, soda, juice, etc. At least in the day hours.

"Either of ya ever been to an arcade?"


"Gonna look forward to changing that, my queen.

What 'bout you Dawn? Ever went in and just had some fun in an arcade?"




"I met changelings who said I made them feel bloated!"

It were not a joke. Several had mentioned that while they ate emotions, being too close to her, were just too much. It overfed them, and made them feel a bit nauseous. She couldn't help it though. Sometimes she just got into a hype mode of joy and it overflew. Especially around explosives that happened, as she loved that. And she especially loved to share explosives with her friends, which were most, as she saw most creatures as friends as she first met them, unless they were very rude. This were one of the reasons why she had been so friendly towards Enzo from the start. He wasn't scary, he were just a big, fluffy friend.

"What sorta things makes you happy? I love explosives? What about you? Stargazing? Fishing? Reading? Swings? Spa stuff? Cleaning? Making food? Eating food?"

She'd go on, until she got proper answers, making it easy to distract her brother, without him even noticing. Enzo did, but he figured he'd let them go, while he kept imagining the explosives that had just fired off. A nice part of the day for him, that were helping him a bit to make things seem nice and real, as he weren't sure right now, if he could imagine such a thing, if all of this really were just things he saw, after having finally gone crazy.

Molotov went along, listening to what she had to say. Made him look towards the big guy a bit, before going back to her, a grin plastered on his face.

"Sounds like a plan to get that frown, upside down. I'd suggest the docks, if it weren't 'cause a certain one is probably there right now, but there's a few things I can think of. Lemme think... How does he feel about fish?"



@Catpone Cerberus @StrawberryMilk Simp

"Not trouble that I am aware of at least. I will inform you if I learn something though.

As for your mention of trust, I can see your reasons, but I hope that in time, you will come to learn that most of us, are not untrustworthy. For the time being though, I do need to get on with my work. I wish you all a good day."

He'd bow his neck towards each group, and wander outside. He could perhaps meet the other guard by following them, but he had better things to do currently, and his questions for said guard, were not currently important in a pressing manner. As such, he could wait to meet him, and instead focus on his daughter for the time being, then other things that needed a more immediate touch.

As the guard left, Shark would follow briefly, and look out the door as he opened it, looking at the outside, and seeing there were more ponies wandering into the streets now, as things were slowly seeming to get calmer and more back towards normality. It would take hours more, but this were a start, unless they got an extra boost.

Shark's ear vibrated, hearing something odd, and she wandered forth to push her head out the swing doors, and have a look around, just to find herself suddenly nose to nose, booping slightly into an odd, pink pony that had suddenly rush towards the inn, and tried to get inside.

Pinkie and her looked at each other in silence for a moment, surprised at one another meeting like this. Then Pinkie would go into a big grin, that Shark would follow up on. At which point Pinkie went closer and shone herself in Shark's big, pointy teeth, the sounds she made making her seem as giddy as ever, as well as impressed.

"Waaaauh. Your teeth are huuuuge. Can you like, bite through things? Are they props?"

"Shark can bite many thing. Great hunter."

"*gasp* Fluttershy would Love you! You gotta come to the party later. We're having a Monster-Defeated party!

Are those your friends? Bring them too! Party for all of Ponyville!"

She'd pull out a horn from gods knew where, and blew it, which caused some colored confetti to blow up. It distracted Shark, who'd bat after it, and snap towards a few pieces per instinct, as they reminded her of a flock of sardines. A sight which seemed to just make Pinkie Pie laugh. This one was gonna be fun at the traditional Monster-Defeated party. And for once, it wasn't her and her friends who had to wear the special hats, because it wasn't them that had done things this time. She bet if Twilight was in town, she'd be sad to have to share her special hat. Pinkie had made it just for her, with wings on and everything, but now they had new ones to share them with, even if the older fox-thing had left already. Or better yet, she'd make new hats that suited them! That was an even better idea.

She'd blow the horn a few more times, still leaning in the doorway, and causing more confetti to blast out. All the glittering things, that triggered Shark's hunting instinct continually, though it were focused on the paper. She would not suddenly start chasing a random pony, or Pinkie. At least not as a predator. She might do it playfully though.



@Catpone Cerberus

"That's... Actually not that crazy sounding, now that I think about it. The sorta dragon magic I'm used to, are elemental based in nature, and springs from a source of magic, that we need to learn to tap into., But there are those where the magic springs in other ways. Sacrificial magic is one of those, but thankfully nothing that grizzly here, yuck.

I heard of two that could sorta fit this, but it might be neither honestly. The world's a big place, and I don't know everything after all.

Ran into some kobolds decades ago, that were able to cast some small spells. They said that they could, because of the sheer confidence they had about it. Like magic were just a thing that they were certain they had, and if they confidently believed they could use it, they could. Small minds though, so not the best of results, but if Charir is anything like that, he might just have to fully believe that he can do it, and that lets him access his magic. If that's the case, he'd probably just be worse off, if I tried to help him. Sometimes, you do best not thinking about why something works, but just believe that it does.

There's belief itself though. But that's gods granting you power, and your belief in them, is what lets you use it. But I haven't heard you speak about any gods, or mythical figures that you think of with any sort of reverence, so I doubt that were the case.

Honestly, I think it could be sort of what I can do, mixed with a bit of column A. He have magic, and learning to access it will be important, for him to really flare up. But after that, he'll need to be confident in his abilities, to show us what he got.

*sniff* Almost brings a tear to my eye, thinking about his first real thunderbolt. By then, he'd be able to understand compliments from the both of us I bet. "

It were a bit premature of course. He had just made a spark, nothing major. But they also hadn't really tried to do things yet. They were still trying to sort the language barrier, and he barely figured out that he had magic. There were some ways to go, and she felt certain that in one way or another, she could help him with it, once he learned how to fully tap into that well of magic, that were lurking within him.

It were also great to hear Ruby giving him compliments. She bet he were surprised, yet thrilled at that, as Ruby were bigger, and he were still scared of her sometimes. It would help if he knew she could say something nice to him every now and again when he did something good, even if it were just in a small way. It'd probably do wonders in boosting his confidence too.

"It's gonna be a road to get him to where he can use magic properly, but I just know we can. Now we know he needs belief that he can do it, that's a fine start. We can work with that, and then figure out more as we go along. Here, lemme try something."

She'd put her hand out, palm up, and summon a small ball of electricity, that floated calmly above the palm itself.. Not a big one. About the size of a raisin, but it were a start, and that is what she wanted to get going here: A start. Something minor, that he could try to emulate.

"Come on honey, you can do it. Just look at this, and believe you can do it too."

It were worth a shot, right? And as for Ruby... Leviathan had some... Intrusive thoughts waiting for her, once she had gotten down from her proud hype at seeing how Charir had done so far. For now, her brain were still too giddy to focus on that, and might be for a bit too, as they'd inevitably have to get on the move again too.

And yes, she knew Charir couldn't understand what she were saying. It were as much for her as it were him. And Ruby could translate, if she wanted to. Though he might get what she were trying to say, without even being told in the first place.



@Rising Dusk

"Our Stone Matron is a skilled worker, so she works with speed and precision. That mold she took of you, will have done much to help speed up the process. I can assure you though, that the quality is not lacking. She will approach this matter with the outmost care, and ensure that your visage are done splendidly."

They did use some magic in the making of the statue, to speed up the process, but it still required a good deal of finesse and skills to do it not just right, but make sure that it remained good, for centuries to come. And like all of the Royal Stone Masons/Matrons in their country's history, their current one would not lower her high standards, and accept mediocrity. And it were all, as there were stringent rules for becoming the royal mason/matron, to a point where they even had times where there weren't one in the role, for years, or decades at a time, with a custodian to the role, handling the various clerical duties assigned to the job normally. Thankfully they had one in charge now, at such a pivotal time as now. It would be shameful, if they did not, when dealing with the statue of a important figure, such as their newest hero.

The meal were enjoyed with small talk and casual chat. It were perhaps a little more dark at times, as this were not the sunlit shores of Equestria, but the royal family did theirs to be respectful, and not bring up the more dark themes that they could work with, considering their country and heritage, and more focus it on mundane and simple things. A few questions as to what one might expect from visiting Equestria, talks about how things had gone out in town, and a few more questions then related to that, as the queen and Hayworth, were made aware of all the peculiarities they had encountered in a few more details.

In time, they would be finished though. Marked by Necrotic, then Hayworth, and at the end, the queen Magnolia herself, putting down their cutlery on top of their main plate, side by side. That were the mark for the servants to begin cleaning up the table, and begin the task of bringing it to the kitchen, where the food would be brought to the kitchen, where these two and a few others that had stuck along to help in other ways, would have a minor after party of their own. There be drinks to pick from too, as they hadn't emptied all the things that one might get to drink here, though two glasses of the kraken wine were also poured for the two that had helped them, emptying the bottle for good. It would not be thrown out, but cleansed though, as part of their efforts later. They had things they could do with it. A little tradition as it were, when drinking these, but it wasn't all that important.

What were, were that the staff would get a little something to drink too now, and then go to handle things personally. Their guests were informed as they left with the first set of plates, that they would be rewarded well for sticking on today, rather than go to the party right away. Let it not be said that the royals did not appreciate volunteers, who would more than likely have preferred to go and enjoy the day outside much earlier.

"And with that, there is but one thing left to do, to show our appreciation, for the valiant efforts of Sir Dusk."

"Quite so, quite so. And there will be much to see indeed. In fact, Necrotic? When we get there, would you mind informing our esteemed guests of the story behind the other statues? It is written in books, of course yes, but I believe they may find it interesting still, yes?"

"Of course father. I would be more than happy to. Though I believe that if I take that honor from our matron, she may be somewhat dismayed."

"Ah yes, of course, I forgot. Good of you to remind me. She will explain well, before the big reveal."

"Then we should go with haste, lest the stories delay things for too long. Our guests must yearn for familiar shores by now, and we should not keep them from that forever.

I ask of you to follow me."

She would lead them personally. No guards required for this, as she strode forth, and went on their way. There would be a small snafu on the way as it were though. The outer wall would begin to glow suddenly as they passed down a long hallway, followed by the rapid emergence of a ghastly specter. A pale figure, with a large, open maw of broken and cracked teeth, easily five times the queen, launching down from the ceiling, followed by a dozen small apparitions They would scream and howl a ghastly tune, as they aimed towards the royal family.

They got about a half meter, before the queen clacked her scepter into the ground hard, as her eyes briefly flickered with a pale grey shine. The specters would suddenly stop moving, and then a second later, visibly explode outwards, with the remnants of their forms blasting through the walls they had come from. A sight which Rising should be able to tell, came from an unseen to most, focused series of blast of necromantic energy, that the queen had fired at them. Precise and used with both expertise and without waste, they did not stand a chance.

It had been but a brief interlude, and as it concluded, she would begin to walk again, not a word said. Might be she did not have her guards with her, but the queen of Harrowmark, were not defenseless, and amateurish attacks like this, were not even worth the time it would take to address it properly.

If Rising had interjected, she might not need to do anything, but he would have had to act faster than her, in destroying the spirits. She would not allow them to be simply held in place. Partially because she knew they were not real. They were made of necromantic magic. Real spirits had a hard time going in here offensively, so small fry wouldn't have a chance.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Hugs 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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7 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


"You have seen this Mother of Omen's. It may have thought that if she could not remember her, nor Omen, there would not be help to find from them, in the plans to overtake the longma. It is simpler to handle things, if there is no outside interference."

Technically she were outside interference too, as were the kitsune in general, but neither were as close as Omen and Mother seemed to be. They would be easier to get help from, though she doubted that without her being her, that the kitsune were safe in her memory either. Isolating the longma could not leave any outs, so it had to go after Lin, to a point where she couldn't remember not being away from the longma at any point. It would likely do the same to Sen, in case it could spread to him, to ensure an easier takeover.

But that is what they were here to stop now, wasn't it? And they seemed to have time, as this last memory still had some things in the background, that didn't have much in the way of details to work with. Yet they were still there, so things were not fully and truly cleared. They would see how things would go on as they continued though. Things might get better, or worse, as they went on.

She had to step in somewhat, but it were not much, and Sen seemed to have gotten control over himself soon enough, and fight back. To a point where he won the fight in fact, so that were good. That is what she wanted to see, and he had done so admirably, despite a shaky start.

"Well done. I sense you have some experience with meditation perhaps? It might come in handy.

And yes, this is how things are in the mindscape, and it goes both ways. It can draw strength from will and focus, just as you can. There are other ways one can draw strength, and be more than you should, but that is part of advanced studies in mental traversal and manipulation. If you studied under me for a decade, you might begin to see possibilities you would never have imagined before. But we do not have time for such things, so you will need to rely on my expertise now and again.

Still, you have done well for a beginner. I have had plenty that faltered easily, but you stand your ground. It will serve you well."

You had to earn praise, when it came from her, but Sen had listened, and acted accordingly to what she said, to a certain extend. He were due a modicum of praise for adhering to the lesson as best he could, and succeed in overcoming his adversary. Not too much though. Wouldn't want him to think that he could not do better after all. Once you were contend like that, you had less incentive to learn, and she did not agree that you should ever stop learning. The end of curiosity were stagnation, and from that, spawned nothing but folly.

Omen would have come near them again finally, having bounced over after being booped away earlier. She would not be worth much in a fight in her condition, but it were all that were possible. Her mind simply did not work normally enough for even a seasoned mind wanderer such as Elder Zhao, to do much with. She had to jury rig things as it were now, as she had mentioned earlier, that her presence at least would be here, and able to help apply memory.

"The place where the spirit hurt Lin. It were a bad place."

Omen had been picked up by Elder Zhao as they kept moving, to speed their path over the bridge, and were currently sitting on her back, as they moved forward. She were a ball of yarn, and as such, didn't weigh a lot. Barely anything of note, even if this were the regular world, where her elder physique could have some issues. She were sadly not as young and spry as she once were, and had to accept her limitations. Her mind were sharp as ever though, and thus in this landscape, she were not limited. It did not mean she had to show off though. Modesty and restraint were important traits for one to have, in her opinion.

After crossing the bridge, her eyes fell upon the scene. The stonework and crystals catching her attention, but not as much as the peculiar shape they would encounter. Something moving, that not yet seemed to be an enemy of theirs, considering it had jumped back and hid, as they approached.

Elder Zhao would halt as it jumped back, not moving closer to it, and would signal for Sen to stop too, if he attempted to move further towards it.

"We may have encountered a local, as it were. A part of her subconsciousness, uncertain what is happening here. Or perhaps another entity. Might even be a part of the consciousness of Lin herself, trying to seek answers that she can't find. Curtsey of you saying there are things to her face before, and what she have thus far been made to remember.

We will have to be certain. Approach it alone, and proclaim who you are. Thread carefully though. You do not want to alarm it, as we may need its help to proceed faster here."

It might also need their help as it were. It seemed to search for something. A memory perchance? If so, they might need to find it for it, to move on, and to make it try and trust them. It were hard to say, as what roamed here could be so many things. She didn't assume it were Lin, but she might be an active dreamer as it were, and thus were able to cling to things. Could be the subconscious too, but those things were odd, and thus hard to pinpoint as specific, in some cases. They were ever so different, depending on the mind they sprung from.

As for why she did not mention it might need their help? If it were the case, she wanted to see if Sen would deduce so himself, and specifically, what they could do. They would have to see what came from that, but the test had been set before him now.




Chow grinned at the princess, a bit wider than before.

"Naah, I moved shop back to Canterlot. Been saving up to go back fer ages, and finally got it down. And now I ain't getting the stink eye from Fluttershy no more. Lovely lass that one, but I swear I could feel it right through the wall sometimes. Don't worry though, I got a deal going with Alonsus, over at Sloppy Joe's, so I'm making sure to send the good stuff to those who needs it. Owlocious can still get his food if ya need it, just go speak with 'im, and he'll send word on the next list if it is.

I know Fluttershy ain't agreeing with me, but you can't go feed that vegan stuff to the poor things all the time. Predators need real meat, or they'll grow up weaker.

But you probably heard me and Fluttershy going off on that too many times as is. You asked why I was here? Grim Delight asked me if I could lend a hoof, while she were on vacation. I'm friends with one of her cousins, and he knew that I had closed shop to have it fumigated, so she made him ask me if I could fill in. No worries though, I know how to sort things 'round here nice enough.

So what can I get ya for?"

The story were a bit more complicated than that, but they didn't wanna hear his long, boring tale of mischief, adventure, witchcraft and plain ol' fashioned health inspection requirements. She were probably thirsty, and he assumed her peculiar friends were too. Some of them were a bit odd, but eh, who were he to judge, right?




A few pieces of jewelry that Stare wore, started to glow slightly, as the electricity were building. But they settled down again, as Dazzle did too. Some protective wards about to do something, curtsey of Scarcity. She adored her younger sister, and believed that she would keep good company, but Scarcity were ever one to see potential situations in even mundane things, and thus, prepared for it. There had been a few times when things had activated thus far, but nothing major yet. Not enough to make everything activate. All for the better really. Stare would get quite nervous if she knew what could end up happening, if she were faced with deadly force. She could get so dizzy from sudden teleportation.

"Sounds like this used to be the living room then, or some sort of study."

Stare would answer, after having observed and heard, what Dazzle said, going into the room. A room covered with thick layers of dust, showing none had been here for a long time. Potentially even years... This could not be easy for her to face currently, having thought her parents would be here. It probably also meant that any traces would be hard to come by, as nature would have covered tracks and magic traces ages ago. Whatever might be here, had to have been left somewhere in the house, if there were any.

"Let's keep going further, okay? I'm sure there's something, somewhere. A note, or some kind of other sign. Don't lose hope yet, okay?"

Since it seemed her sister handled this well, Scarcity would instead focus on the other companion of theirs.

"I find they can be quite helpful, in caring for you too in some ways, if you focus on teaching them well. But there's no force darling. They are ever vigilant and waiting for a master, but none are required. I were but a curious mare who saw them, and wanted to offer one the opportunity of a fascinating life. IN time, Hammond will have matured and grown enough, that he can find new paths of his own, and when that time comes, I have done my part for him, as he have for me. This is not life-long servitude after all. That would be somewhat morbid, don't you think?

Ah, but if you are less intrigued by this, perhaps we should assist the others, in looking for clues within this home of Dazzle's? No need for us to not spend our time wisely, if you tire of seeing this splendor from a world between worlds."




"You are a queen, and need to know what that entails, including feeding. We are going to Cheshire, that you may learn how best to feed your hive, without going with more direct feeding. What else we can learn, we will see. I certainly were always clear, that I did not respect Cheshire, nor her hive's pacifism, or adoration of regular society. But if you want to know acceptance, they are a safe hive to go with. Nott he only one living with others, rather than off of them, but others have member counts in the thousands, with busy queens. This should prove an adequate introduction instead."

"And I'm making sure you'll get to see some sights. Try a few things too, that I think you'll find fun.

Ah check it, you can see it in the distance now."

He'd point out the window, where a large town would be getting into view. One layer of laying above the clouds, with several long staircases going up there, as well as a few elevators. The top layer were colorful and full of entertainment venues it seemed like, even from a distance. The ferris wheel were the easiest to spot, as were the Cloudchaser ride, which ran around a pretty large area.

The lower layer had a lot of tall buildings, with some breaking through to the cloud level, and carts etc. moving in and out of it constantly. Like seeing an ant hill sort of, with all the beings around it, going in or out of either part of the city.

"You're gonna love it, when we actually get there. I'm thinking we take the ride up the west side, then go down Juggler's Alley. Gives ya a chance to see the street performers, before leading us to one of the funhouses. There's a pretty good arcade too. Great town, that you can get lost in for ages."

He also knew a few places he could unload pretty much his entire stock, within ten minutes. Some places there really liked some good, home-made alcohol. He just had to go to the right places, and speak to the right ones. Provided they were still there. It had been some time, after all. And it were in the lower levels. Alcohol weren't much of a thing int he cloud layer, due to the families everywhere, so it were mostly weaker stuff, soda, juice, etc. At least in the day hours.

"Either of ya ever been to an arcade?"


"Gonna look forward to changing that, my queen.

What 'bout you Dawn? Ever went in and just had some fun in an arcade?"




"I met changelings who said I made them feel bloated!"

It were not a joke. Several had mentioned that while they ate emotions, being too close to her, were just too much. It overfed them, and made them feel a bit nauseous. She couldn't help it though. Sometimes she just got into a hype mode of joy and it overflew. Especially around explosives that happened, as she loved that. And she especially loved to share explosives with her friends, which were most, as she saw most creatures as friends as she first met them, unless they were very rude. This were one of the reasons why she had been so friendly towards Enzo from the start. He wasn't scary, he were just a big, fluffy friend.

"What sorta things makes you happy? I love explosives? What about you? Stargazing? Fishing? Reading? Swings? Spa stuff? Cleaning? Making food? Eating food?"

She'd go on, until she got proper answers, making it easy to distract her brother, without him even noticing. Enzo did, but he figured he'd let them go, while he kept imagining the explosives that had just fired off. A nice part of the day for him, that were helping him a bit to make things seem nice and real, as he weren't sure right now, if he could imagine such a thing, if all of this really were just things he saw, after having finally gone crazy.

Molotov went along, listening to what she had to say. Made him look towards the big guy a bit, before going back to her, a grin plastered on his face.

"Sounds like a plan to get that frown, upside down. I'd suggest the docks, if it weren't 'cause a certain one is probably there right now, but there's a few things I can think of. Lemme think... How does he feel about fish?"



@Catpone Cerberus @StrawberryMilk Simp

"Not trouble that I am aware of at least. I will inform you if I learn something though.

As for your mention of trust, I can see your reasons, but I hope that in time, you will come to learn that most of us, are not untrustworthy. For the time being though, I do need to get on with my work. I wish you all a good day."

He'd bow his neck towards each group, and wander outside. He could perhaps meet the other guard by following them, but he had better things to do currently, and his questions for said guard, were not currently important in a pressing manner. As such, he could wait to meet him, and instead focus on his daughter for the time being, then other things that needed a more immediate touch.

As the guard left, Shark would follow briefly, and look out the door as he opened it, looking at the outside, and seeing there were more ponies wandering into the streets now, as things were slowly seeming to get calmer and more back towards normality. It would take hours more, but this were a start, unless they got an extra boost.

Shark's ear vibrated, hearing something odd, and she wandered forth to push her head out the swing doors, and have a look around, just to find herself suddenly nose to nose, booping slightly into an odd, pink pony that had suddenly rush towards the inn, and tried to get inside.

Pinkie and her looked at each other in silence for a moment, surprised at one another meeting like this. Then Pinkie would go into a big grin, that Shark would follow up on. At which point Pinkie went closer and shone herself in Shark's big, pointy teeth, the sounds she made making her seem as giddy as ever, as well as impressed.

"Waaaauh. Your teeth are huuuuge. Can you like, bite through things? Are they props?"

"Shark can bite many thing. Great hunter."

"Fluttershy would love you! You gotta come to the party later. We're having a Monster-Defeated party!

Are those your friends? Bring them too! Party for all of Ponyville!"

She'd pull out a horn from gods knew where, and blew it, which caused some colored confetti to blow up. It distracted Shark, who'd bat after it, and snap towards a few pieces per instinct, as they reminded her of a flock of sardines. A sight which seemed to just make Pinkie Pie laugh. This one was gonna be fun at the traditional Monster-Defeated party. And for once, it wasn't her and her friends who had to wear the special hats, because it wasn't them that had done things this time. She bet if Twilight was in town, she'd be sad to have to share her special hat. Pinkie had made it just for her, with wings on and everything, but now they had new ones to share them with, even if the older fox-thing had left already. Or better yet, she'd make new hats that suited them! That was an even better idea.

She'd blow the horn a few more times, still leaning in the doorway, and causing more confetti to blast out. All the glittering things, that triggered Shark's hunting instinct continually, though it were focused on the paper. She would not suddenly start chasing a random pony, or Pinkie.

His heart raised. head boiling with rage.

Uncontrollable shaking of his body occured. Memories flow of the disaster called Disarray, the fallen laughter. 

Instincts in as he tries to predict where pinkie pie will teleport next.

He would start to sweat heavily.

He'd stand up from his chair and slowly back away from Pinkie.

He'd instinctively try to release his black shards, which is not installed within him already.

Things appearing out of no where... Truly a being that can destroy the fabrics of reality.... Or more likely.... Control it... A truly frightening existence.

Luckily she is on the gullible side.

But once anger and dread takes over... No one can stop her.

@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus



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@Blitz Boom

23 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"You have seen this Mother of Omen's. It may have thought that if she could not remember her, nor Omen, there would not be help to find from them, in the plans to overtake the longma. It is simpler to handle things, if there is no outside interference."

There was truth in Elder Zhao’s words, though it didn’t give a more complete picture of what could possibly be after the longma. That was what left some frustrations in Sen, as there wouldn’t be enough details to go with, especially if Elder Ghilan or the other elders were to be told. If anything, he’d be reprimanded from delving into ruins. It wasn’t something he was looking forward to, and it was rather embarrassing to know that he’d be on the receiving end of a stern verbal rebuke. One more thing to add to the whole unflattering image of an exile returning home, and it wouldn’t set a good example. 

But there would be time to discuss that with Ghilan, preferably in private. Fortunately, there was Xin, who could vouch for them and their activities. Sen still wasn’t sure of him, even when his actions indicated remorse and a genuine desire to work together, but he hasn’t done anything that would hint at ulterior motives. For now, he could be considered an ally.

23 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Well done. I sense you have some experience with meditation perhaps? It might come in handy.

And yes, this is how things are in the mindscape, and it goes both ways. It can draw strength from will and focus, just as you can. There are other ways one can draw strength, and be more than you should, but that is part of advanced studies in mental traversal and manipulation. If you studied under me for a decade, you might begin to see possibilities you would never have imagined before. But we do not have time for such things, so you will need to rely on my expertise now and again.

Still, you have done well for a beginner. I have had plenty that faltered easily, but you stand your ground. It will serve you well."

“Thank you for your guidance. I’ve meditated a number of times in the past. I recall my last visit to the kitsune some time ago while waiting for Lin and our friend Rosa to recover when Omen took us here, a few kits were rather curious about me. I spent some moments meditating while they tried to rouse me from a moment of calm, but they didn’t succeed.”

“Still, it is rather concerning that whatever’s got its hold on Lin could use the rules of the mindscape to its advantage. I take it that it’ll be vigilant for other things to use against us from now on….”

From there, they’d move forward until they saw the odd creature lingering by the crystals and the ruins. It didn’t seem to be hostile to them, though it might have understood Sen, Omen, and Elder Zhao as hostile. It poked its head out by the crystal she hid behind to see what they’d do. Sen followed Zhao’s suggestion, nodding at what she said before moving forward, taking one step at a time and slowly making progress. By the time he reached the ruins, he’d be a few feet away, raising one claw up forward as a gesture that he wasn’t a threat.

“Hello? Don’t be afraid. My name is Sen, and I’m not here to hurt you. I… I just want a better look at this place so I can help my sister.”

“Help? Sister? I… I don’t know what to make of this place, but these crystals did not glow earlier. After some time, they glowed without me doing anything. Did you have something to do with it?”

“Yes, but not just me. I’m not alone.”

“Your… companions? The ones I saw with you as you arrived. They also helped you. May I see them? I would go with you, but I cannot leave this place, not even step one foot away from the stones here.”

Sen wouldn’t press his luck trying to see if this featureless creature was telling the truth about not being able to leave. For the moment, she seemed harmless and unlikely to attack him. He waved over to Elder Zhao and Omen to let them know that it was safe to come closer. Once everyone was across, the creature would have a closer look at those gathered with Sen, coming to the conclusion that it was safe to be around these odd visitors and that they may know more about what was going on and help clear up the cloudiness lingering in her mind. Conversely, whatever this creature spoke with a reverberating voice, though the sound was fairly close to Lin, only pitched a little higher. There wasn’t enough evidence to say it is Lin definitively, but nothing would suggest otherwise either. Perhaps piecing this puzzle together might do more than just help the creature remember.

“You know of the crystals in this place? I thought I could get to see what is with them so I can remember, but they don’t appear to do anything. Something about this place tells me that… thing… in the distance is related to these ruins. I think I can leave this place if I can fill the gaps in my memories. Can you help me? I… know I am asking a lot for someone you do not know, but maybe I could help you too when this matter is resolved?”

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On 2023-11-03 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Thank you for your guidance. I’ve meditated a number of times in the past. I recall my last visit to the kitsune some time ago while waiting for Lin and our friend Rosa to recover when Omen took us here, a few kits were rather curious about me. I spent some moments meditating while they tried to rouse me from a moment of calm, but they didn’t succeed.”

“Still, it is rather concerning that whatever’s got its hold on Lin could use the rules of the mindscape to its advantage. I take it that it’ll be vigilant for other things to use against us from now on….”

Elder Zhao chuckled lowly, and shook her head at what he were saying, in regards to his first encounter with the kitsune.

"We kitsune are inquisitive creatures by nature. Add in the innocence and curiosity of a child, and you have a bunch of younglings, that can't help but wonder and try to learn from what they see. That is what your experienced, and you did well in not acting out upon their curiosity. They would have scattered, and you would have been apprehended by a half dozen guards.

It is much the same, when we take them on trips throughout the lands.  We show and teach them things, but especially different creatures fascinate them. The smart just let us do our magic around them, and play along as we educate.

Not everyone like it, as we use many spells to confuse them, and keep ourselves cloaked, but it is part of the lessons. To show them both magic in practice, and various creatures. That we play tricks helps to keep them focused. Kits will be kids after all.

In most cases, we leave those that are part of our lessons as we found them: Unharmed. If they are in distress, or have been good sports about things, we may even help them. And then there is those who attempt to strike at our kits... You do not wish to know what happen to those."

Her tone grew darker as she said the last part, to empathise her words. They may be tricksters who preferred having fun, and resolve things peacefully, but there came a point when the laughs withered, and teeth were bared. What came after that, were best left unsaid. Though onw could find plenty of stories, if they cared to listen. Not the time now though. They had more important things to do.

"And in regards to the thing we are facing, it would do a poor job meddling with memories, were it not able to work the mindscape to its advantage. Be just glad it is not more proficient currently. You would have seen some things that would scar your mind for life."

On 2023-11-03 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Hello? Don’t be afraid. My name is Sen, and I’m not here to hurt you. I… I just want a better look at this place so I can help my sister.”

“Help? Sister? I… I don’t know what to make of this place, but these crystals did not glow earlier. After some time, they glowed without me doing anything. Did you have something to do with it?”

“Yes, but not just me. I’m not alone.”

“Your… companions? The ones I saw with you as you arrived. They also helped you. May I see them? I would go with you, but I cannot leave this place, not even step one foot away from the stones here.”

Elder Zhao would accept to let the inquisitive creature see them better, and wander on sile t paws over to them. Omen being on her back, were bound to follow, and would eye the thing with big, curious eyes.

On 2023-11-03 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You know of the crystals in this place? I thought I could get to see what is with them so I can remember, but they don’t appear to do anything. Something about this place tells me that… thing… in the distance is related to these ruins. I think I can leave this place if I can fill the gaps in my memories. Can you help me? I… know I am asking a lot for someone you do not know, but maybe I could help you too when this matter is resolved?”

"We will help. It is why we have come."

Seemed this creature might be part of Lin. Could also  e a rouse of course. Mind invaders could be inventive with what they did, but Elder Zhao would go along with things for now, as this may well be part of Lin's conscious, or unconscious mind. One who mighr know the exact location of the thing they had come from. It would save them time, if they knew where the core were. Mighr even give them a direct route to follow, who knew? Minds were fickle.

"Well? What are you two waiting for? Approach the other two crystals, and see what you might be able to do. Each pick one. I will keep our guest company in the meantime."

She'd set down Omen, who'd bounce over to the crystal on the right. Might be this were not the way to solve things, but if this one were tied to the area, and were lacking memories. This may end up being the way to restore partial ones. If not that, and these memories were unrelated, unchanged, or irrelevant, they would move on to try other things.

If they could not interact with the crystals, they could go and search the ruins. Omen would at least, after a few licks, starting with the part of the ruins she rembered. Elder Zhao would stay put for now.

"Now then. While they are at work, might I ask what you do remember? Anything could be helpful. Not just about this, but that thing in the distance too."



@Props Valroa @Sekel

"Hah. Not often ya run into meat eaters in the pony branch, but I got ya covered. What ya looking for to drink? And what of the rest of ya? You hungry?"

"Krtrkrhktx. I prey on fresh meat."

"Somethin' bleeding and raw, gotcha. I think I got just the thing."

Zeehva would say she weren't hungry, and just ask for some water, then change her mind, and say she'd like a sandwich with ranch, red onions,  extra pickles, and covered in hot sauce. No salad.

Last would stubbornly say she didn't need it, but her rumbling stomach disagreed. Something which made Chow chuckle, and her grit her teeth.

"Sounds like somepony's got a lil' argument with the facts there, heh. No worries, let Chow take care of ya, with a house special.

Take a seat folks, and I'll start cooking. I'll bring along a second house special for you, Twilight. Delight would smack me with the big spoon, if she learned I didn't go and offer the princess her special."

They could offer a few more words if they wished to, in regards to drink - it were mostly coffee variants, soda, juice and water here - but he'd soon be on his way, back into the kitchen. He got work to do now. Especially making sure that everything got served at roughly the same time. It sucked having some finish, while others were still waiting for their meal.

"Tktktxxtk. Interesting morsel. I thought ponies unwilling to handle meat. Or eat it."

Drone's large, segmented eyes were focused on Magnolia as she said this. What a strange pony this were. Or perhaps she were normal? Drone knew mostly just the Shrine Maidens, as did countless generations before her. What were normal with other ponies, were hard to say with certainty. Frankly she were spending much of her trip observing and learning such things, to bring back to her queen eventually. Perhaps bringing back much knowledge, would earn her a name, and an expanded purpose in the new hive.



@StrawberryMilk Simp @Catpone Cerberus

Pinkie saw the way that Light backed away, and the strange things that seemed to show up around him. Her head tilting, looking at him confused, and thinking about what odd, odd things she were seeing.

"Somepony seems a little on edge. Does he need a big friendship hug?"

She grinned widely again, and took a step forward, though she were blocked by Shark.

"Light is Shark mate, so... Shark hug mate, yes?"

"*gasp* You're a couple?! Adorablous!"

She jumped, and confetti spread around her to the sides as her front hooves spread wide. Where it came from? Nopony knew, and smart ponies did not try and apply logic to Pinkie Pie. Twilight had tried, and it only gave her a headache, and a crisis of faith in science.

"Then what're you waiting for? Go get 'im!"

Shark would turn around, and lower her front half. Her rear and tail wiggling from side to side, as she readied to pounce. And so she would a few seconds later, though at low speeds. Three jumps, and then she'd hit him, taking him in for a strong hug, and a single lick on the snoot.

Pinkie would stand in the background and giggle, finding it both cute and hilarious.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

She jumped, and confetti spread around her to the sides as her front hooves spread wide. Where it came from? Nopony knew, and smart ponies did not try and apply logic to Pinkie Pie. Twilight had tried, and it only gave her a headache, and a crisis of faith in science.

Light would analyze how she pulls things out of the dimension and considered her in a pre-draconicous state. Deep inside he gives a sigh of relief that her mischief to the world is at this level. Although the troma she has caused to him would not make Light loosen up and always put his guard up at maximum, hence he was easily tackled by Shark.

This would knock Light out of his senses for a bit and quickly look in shock infront of Shark.

"... Y-you gave me quite a shock!" He jumpingly replied.

He'd quickly calm down as Sharks loving warmth would sooth his worries. " Sorry Shark..." He smiled to her.

But a glance to pinkie would still influence him a bit to tense a little.

Hed give his hug and kiss as well to Shark, then give a bow towards Pinkie.

" Please forgive my rude manners... And if its alright, id like that Shark is the only one who'd jump on me on a surprising way." He says this as he collect as much strength to remove the fear he has collected from her.

" Oh and we'd love to be invited! When is it going to start perchance?" He asked.

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@Blitz Boom@StrawberryMilk Simp
"Oh great, it's the physics anomaly on hooves."  Sheska remarked when Pinkie made her appearance, the kobolds didn't have anything against her per say, but as their comment to Stargazer had implied, they weren't overly fond of things they couldn't predict the actions and motivations of. Chega and Sear meanwhile had no problem with pinkie at all, Chega generally liked Pinkie, as the two shared a bit of personality, Pinkie just was more extreme, and Sear also felt positively towards the pony, which shouldn't have been a surprise considering her relationship with Chega. Though they too found Pinkie's seeming lack of logic and laws of physics bit unnerving, thankfully she used them for good.

They all found Shark's interaction with her endearing, though Light's reaction soon took their attention, they didn't say anything, but all of them found it bit odd, even the twins, because while Sheska and Trox were wary of Pinkie too, Light's reaction was extreme even for them, though then again, there were't many things in the world, or worlds, that made them react that way anymore. 

They would observe the situation until things solved themselves out, at which point Trox spoke, inspired by what Light had said "I'm going to add here that preferably no surprise physical contact to us either...." he gestured at himself and Sheska "....we may, and likely will, from reflex, punch anyone doing that in the face." it was a genuine warning, because even if they understood that someone wasn't a threat, a surprise was a surprise, and there was a risk their reflexes took over if they were genuinely taken off guard. 


Ruby didn't have much to add to Leviathan's response, but since she brought it up, Ruby did comment on the faith angle. "Since you mentioned it, no, we don't worship any gods or other beings." "I can of course only talk for myself and what I know, but generally speaking, spirituality doesn't play any kind of part in our kind's lives." "But unlike things like magic, there is no opposition for it either." "In short, godhood is a matter of perspective, to a non-magical species, Discord would be a god, to a pet rat, a normal pony could be seen as a god, to some, I would be a god, and so on. Gods are simply beings more powerful than yourself that can do things you can't." "We acknowledge the existence of such beings, but for reasons I most likely don't need to explain, we don't believe in worshiping them." "The closest thing to religion, would be our believe in the laws of nature, the strong will thrive, the weak will fall, but everything will die eventually, nature will always win." 

Ruby's compliment certainly meant a lot for Charir, but not because of her size or anything like that, but because she was one of his kind, their kind did not compliment others, as had been stated when Ruby had taught Leviathan about their language, even their compliments tended to be negative in nature, with 'congrats, you didn't suck this time' being high praise, so getting actual, real compliment from someone, was similar to getting a gift from them, it was so unheard of that there was no matching it. And Ruby having now done both to Charir, was indescribable symbolically speaking.

Ruby didn't translate Leviathan's words this time, as she wanted to see what Charir would do, and while Charir did get some idea what Leviathan was trying to do, it wasn't necessarily exactly what she intended. Because Charir didn't try to replicate it, but rather tried to repeat what he had done before; he closed his eyes this time, and rose his front leg in similar position as Leviathan's hand. From outside, this was all he seemingly did, but inside, he again focused, he had a theory, and he wanted to test it out. 

Charir focused his senses, he was trying to sense the electricity, that's why he had closed his eyes, and assuming he wasn't interrupted, after some moments of nothing, something did happen. He again felt something, but this time didn't stop his focus to look at his claws, but rather just kept on concentrating. Visually nothing happened, but after few moments, Leviathan would probably be able to notice something, as her electricity would be attracted towards Charir, now, if it actually arched to him was entirely dependent on how tightly Leviathan's control held to it, but no doubt she would be able to tell that it wanted to arch away from her.

Another effect that happened, was noticed by Ruby, as her pony-form's hair started to stand out, as if affected by static electricity, she looked at her hoof and spun it around to watch the effect on her fur "Huh". This lasted until Charir again touched claws together, which again created a spark, though bigger this time, and the moment the spark happened, the pull of electricity towards him stopped, though Ruby's hair was still standing, so she touched Leviathan, which created a small spark of its own, as the static electricity's effect left Ruby, naturally, as tented to happen with static electricity, Ruby also felt this spark, so she pulled her hoof away and shook it a bit, before fixing her mane. "I should probably stand further away next time when I'm in this form." 





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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-11-05 at 11:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well? What are you two waiting for? Approach the other two crystals, and see what you might be able to do. Each pick one. I will keep our guest company in the meantime."

She'd set down Omen, who'd bounce over to the crystal on the right. Might be this were not the way to solve things, but if this one were tied to the area, and were lacking memories. This may end up being the way to restore partial ones. If not that, and these memories were unrelated, unchanged, or irrelevant, they would move on to try other things.

If they could not interact with the crystals, they could go and search the ruins. Omen would at least, after a few licks, starting with the part of the ruins she rembered. Elder Zhao would stay put for now.

Sen nodded and left Elder Zhao with the creature, perhaps content that they were in a relatively safe place at the moment. There was some hope that this was Lin fighting to regain her memories in her own way and that they would have a little more strength to face the central threat further away. With Omen heading off to examine the right crystal, he’d take the left. A glowing crystal like this likely meant it was active, and examining the memory within harkened back to an older childhood memory from what felt like another lifetime ago. It was a simple time when they would play in the forest with what they could scrounge up to use as makeshift toys, though it was somewhat off in that she was much more outgoing instead of the reserved and studious Lin of her younger years. This one was a simple fix as far as Sen was concerned, and after stepping away from the crystal for a moment, he’d get right to repairing this memory. 

Omen’s examination would likely be the same on her end, at least difficulty-wise. The crystal she’d examine would reveal the imagery of them at a fishing pond surrounded by many other shadowy longma. However the sight of a fractured carnival booth and someone attending to it would reveal this to be an incorrect recollection, likely something spliced together from cobbled remembrances at different points in time. Fixing the earlier crystal was capable of bringing remembrances of Omen into the memory, making it a little easier for her to recognize herself as part of this scenario. The more that would be fixed in this memory, the more the proper sights would come into view, culminating in them walking away with their rewards.

Sen would have his done, showing his crystal glowing more intensely, radiating light from its position and illuminating half of the third crystal within the ruins as well as some of the glyphs within the area. If and when Omen also repaired the memory she would glimpse into, the result would be the same. The sights would be reminiscent of their encounter after coming back from Rosa’s home in Canterlot, but any other changes to the place wouldn't be visible. Then again, it might just take a little while for something more to happen once both crystals glowed and the memories within them were restored to how they are originally. 

On 2023-11-05 at 11:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Now then. While they are at work, might I ask what you do remember? Anything could be helpful. Not just about this, but that thing in the distance too."

“One moment, I was in my home examining some kind of stone orb. It glowed blue when I touched it, though I didn’t get to see what happened after. My vision blacked out, then the ground shook and pieces of my home started drifting away until I saw what we are seeing now. Everything is floating and separated, but that thing in the distance is holding some of the land together. As much as I want to leave, I can’t.”

The unknown creature would move to the nearest archway and exit. Once she tried to reach one claw out, a magical barrier was erected before she could get a body part out. Even attempting to shove or ram her way out was met with the same outcome. She would then gesture to the nearby break in the wall to get a better view of the tentacled mass holding the other pieces of land together and draw Elder Zhao’s attention to it.

“Something is speaking to me; there’s this voice that comes in faintly before going. It says it wants to ‘fix’ me, that my memories are wrong, and I must remember things the way they should be. Do you also hear a voice in your head? It is calm most of the time, but if you try resisting it, it gets very angry and will try to force its way. I think that’s why I am stuck here; it said that I needed to forget some terrible memories, but I refused it. Then, I felt something ripping into my head until parts of my memory felt missing. All this? I don’t know if it’s because of that creature in the distance, but maybe it is also where that voice is coming from.” 

“May I ask you something? Are you and your companions also missing memories? It’s strange to find others in a place like this and to be honest, I am not even sure where we are right now. The world I remember did not look so broken.” 

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@Blitz Boom

Evening dinner with the royals was a rather enjoyable affair.  Pleasant enough small talk between two very different cultures.  The royal's kept their conversations muted, in aspects of darker themes, which Rising appreciated, for his mother's sake.  Star and Dawn were not short on the desire to answer the royal's questions about their land of light.  Not nearly as muted on their end of the spectrum, especially for the scholar of the land, in revealing the light ever present.  

Their meals were finished and it were final time to top of their drinks.  Luckily for the family present, only their father was offered the remaining half of the Kraken wine.  The remaining trio much preferred the juices of the land offered instead.  Now all the more relieved that it was finally time for the servants who remained behind to receive their own rewards while the rest of their group was out partying for what was likely the first time in ages.  "Ho ho ho.  More history to learn.  And this time my boy, a history that you will now be part of.  Your stone visage among other heroes of the land, ho ho ho!" it was near impossible for the fair to hide his pride in all that has unfolded.  All to be topped off with such a ceremony as being placed among Harrowmark's honored.  Grace, was more on the side of the Queen, who could apparently read how long she yearned for a return to Equestria.  "Of course, your majesty," Dawn replied, but the family all stood together to do as instructed by the ruler of the land and follow her.

The followed the Queen down a long hallway, but Rising could sense something was off.  Necrotic magic in Harrowmark were mostly background noise to his extra sense, a constant presence in this land.  In this hall though, there was a concentration of necrotic magic.  The pattern of the magic had just clicked in his head.

Everything was a blur of motion as the unknown beings pounced.  Rising's horn was ignited but in his next blink it wasn't the magics the made up the beings that he saw.  The ironclad tapestry of the Queen's magic had banished away what was waiting for them in the hall.  Spell work of a being who has done this more times than any could count and in such a casual manner as swatting away a fly.  There was no need for Rising to interject, let alone much of a chance.  The fake spirits and the Queen were fast.  The magics that made up the enemy were locked in his mind, following along the threads to find any hints of an origin.

As fast as the fake spirits, or the Queen, or Rising were, they had all been beat. 

Dawn, Star and Grace were gone.

No sound, no light, only the briefest waft of magic to mark their departure.  The moment Rising had felt something off about the hall, his twin could feel it too through their connection.  Dawn had pulled the trigger, taking her and their parents, to That Place.

Rising stretched out his sense, searching for more while he continued to follow the Queen.  "Unexpected..." he remarked.

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@Rising Dusk

The royal family had noticed that their guests had reduced in numbers, with Necrotic witnessing as much of the event as one could. The queen however, wouldn't turn to look, until she noticed there were less hoof steppes than expected. Considering the calmness of Rising however, she assumed this to not be something she were to worry about, and thus began wandering once more, with her family following shortly after. Necrotic would wander with Rising however, not wanting him to stand alone.

"A security measure I am assuming, Rising? If they do not return before the conclusion of our journey, I would appreciate it if you would pass along my apologies to your family, for such an... Abrupt ending to things. We had hoped that there wouldn't be any attempts upon our lives this day, but it seems one were opportunistic. I can assure you that they will be found, and dealt with accordingly. Thankfully mother is not as feeble or unprepared as our assailants may have thought.

I would also like for you to bring my praise to your sister, for both her reaction time, and decisive measure in keeping your parents safe. It is few I see react faster to such things than mother did, and her actions speak well of her nature. Not all would have such an instinctual care for others, as she showed for them.

If I may ask though: Are they likely to return? Or should we proceed, expecting them not to?"

He himself had not done anything, but that were because he trusted his mother fully. Soon as he had felt a presence, he knew that she had too, and that it were not strong enough to be an issue. If it had, he would have interjected. As would his father.

The path would eventually lead them to a large pair of doors, where knights on either side, would salute the queen, and open the door as they neared. As they passed through, so would they, and stand guard on that side of the door now, as it closed.

The room they wandered into were small. A room with a few chairs and a lamp, but it lead to a smaller door. Behind it, one could hear the murmur of the city, and spread cheers. A balcony perhaps?

If Rising said they might return, they would wait here for them. At least for a time. If not, Necrotic would put a hoof to his chin, and then nod.

"Regrettable, but understandable, under the circumstances."

If they showed or not, the queen would eventually move forth, with Hayworth rushing forth to open the door for her. Though he stood aside, allowing his wife to wander first, as she stepped out into the evening light. It would be but a few hours 'til night fell it seemed.

The balcony they would step out on, had a path to the side, which Queen Magenta would lead them down in silence. Below, were a large area, on which 9 pillars were stood. All had a statue, though one were covered in thick cloth. One around the same height as most of the statues.

As they'd reach the bottom of the stairs, the Stone Matron would meet them.

"Your highness. Prince Hayworth. Prince Necrotic. Sir Dusk."

Gretchen would bow before them in order, as she said their names and/or titles. She would also greet Rising's family if they had rejoined them. If not, she would go on.

"I heard our guest might want to return home at some point, so I put all my effort into his statue, and managed to finish before time. I suppose this once, I can leave a mess for a few hours.

Would you be ready for the presentation of our current statues if it were, so we can get ready for the new one? The crowd is gathering, and getting curious."

It were true. The area they were stepped into were in two parts. One were where the statues and pillars were, that were currently cut off, and on the other side of a barricade kept by knights, were the public, gathering and readying for the special sight, of their hero immortalized.

One statue they could see clearly from here, although turned towards the crowd, were that of a pegasus stallion. Looked to be around his mid twenties, with a cape and hood, covering his back and head. The long flowing mane beneath the hood were notable though, as it hung down his shoulders, and his belt were filled with small knives. He stood in front of a background of what seemed a cloudy bubble, with some Z's beneath. signifying he stood within a dream.

This were the fabled hero Mind Crawler, and even these many, many centuries later, the details on his statue were crisp and stood out. You could even see the wrinkles in his cape.




On 2023-11-07 at 3:52 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Omen’s examination would likely be the same on her end, at least difficulty-wise. The crystal she’d examine would reveal the imagery of them at a fishing pond surrounded by many other shadowy longma. However the sight of a fractured carnival booth and someone attending to it would reveal this to be an incorrect recollection, likely something spliced together from cobbled remembrances at different points in time. Fixing the earlier crystal was capable of bringing remembrances of Omen into the memory, making it a little easier for her to recognize herself as part of this scenario. The more that would be fixed in this memory, the more the proper sights would come into view, culminating in them walking away with their rewards.

At least this memory, she knew what were. That of Lin and her, fishing at the carnival. She could vividly still see the pictures in her head, of them chasing the fishies with each their methods. Omen may have won, but to be fair, she had a really long, flexible tongue. She had an advantage the fish weren't used to being against. Lin had still done well, and won herself a prize.

Omen even remembered the taste of the water. It had been fresher than you might expect, but with a weird after taste. Probably someone had spilled something in it at some point, as she were there. Or it were the taste of the fish. She didn't eat fish, so she weren't exactly used to the taste.

The whole carnival had been a fun time. At least, she were sure it were fun. The others had smiled a lot, and it sounded like they overall had a good time. Even when Rosa had gone and attacked someone, it were done calmly, and they went back to games and food after. Were she able to feel joy, it would be from that. Perhaps one day, the memories would provide her with that inner warmth, that she had heard so much about. Which she assumed were different tot he one she felt, when drinking dragon chili sauce. She should remember to get more of that, the next time they were at a place that sold it.

This would not distract her, and she would not stop,. until she saw this whole thing just as it had been. Down to the rumblings in the background from the large crowd, and the wet look on Omen's face, as she stood neutral, yet triumphantly.

On 2023-11-07 at 3:52 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Something is speaking to me; there’s this voice that comes in faintly before going. It says it wants to ‘fix’ me, that my memories are wrong, and I must remember things the way they should be. Do you also hear a voice in your head? It is calm most of the time, but if you try resisting it, it gets very angry and will try to force its way. I think that’s why I am stuck here; it said that I needed to forget some terrible memories, but I refused it. Then, I felt something ripping into my head until parts of my memory felt missing. All this? I don’t know if it’s because of that creature in the distance, but maybe it is also where that voice is coming from.” 

“May I ask you something? Are you and your companions also missing memories? It’s strange to find others in a place like this and to be honest, I am not even sure where we are right now. The world I remember did not look so broken.” 

Elder Zhao stood still and listened in to what this one were saying. It appeared this were related to the memories around here, though in what way were still somewhat unclear. Her bet were still on the subconsciousness, but they'd see. The process she were going through were fascinating though. Told them something of the way this presence were working here. Subtly, yet forcibly if meeting resistance. A brute approaching a delicate system with a hammer, in her opinion. There were simpler ways of subverting a mind. But then, if that had been the case, they would have a harder time, so it were only good this one were not the worst imaginable scourge.

"You are right in not listening to what the voice is saying, and resisting it. It is an invader of your home. A parasite, who wants to change your reality, into something that suits itself better. We have come here from far away, hunting for said parasite, so that it does not cause more harm. As well as try and repair what damages it have caused. We are outsiders, and do not suffer the memory loss you do. But we know of the memories that were lost. It is why they can repair them."

She'd look at the two's progress, spreading light, impacting the last crystal, and nodded. They were doing well. Were circumstances different, she would have offered them proper tutelage after this, but as things stood now, that were unlikely to go further than this. They likely had better things to do, than try and seek passage constantly, over several years to listen to her. And Omen were hard to work with, so she were not an ideal candidate as it were.

"They are doing well in restoring things to their more natural state it seems. Can you feel this affecting you in some way? Ideally you should feel that things are becoming clearer to you. Long as you remember to keep the other voice at bay, and not listen to it. If you succumb to it, you will be under its spell, and begin causing harm to your home. It have been damaged enough as it is, and we could use your help in ensuring it returns to be as you knew it."



@Catpone Cerberus @StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-11-05 at 10:47 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Please forgive my rude manners... And if its alright, id like that Shark is the only one who'd jump on me on a surprising way." He says this as he collect as much strength to remove the fear he has collected from her.

On 2023-11-06 at 11:08 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

They would observe the situation until things solved themselves out, at which point Trox spoke, inspired by what Light had said "I'm going to add here that preferably no surprise physical contact to us either...." he gestured at himself and Sheska "....we may, and likely will, from reflex, punch anyone doing that in the face." it was a genuine warning, because even if they understood that someone wasn't a threat, a surprise was a surprise, and there was a risk their reflexes took over if they were genuinely taken off guard. 

"Oh, you three are no fun."

She'd point her right front hoof towards all three of them. At the same time. How were... It were Pinkie. It wasn't worth asking questions, lest you wanted a mental breakdown. Best to just accept the brief moment of absurdity, before she'd giggle, and bounce a step back towards the outside.

"But we'll make you all have a super-duper-mega-fun-time-extravaganza too! Nopony can stay mad at a Pinkie Party."

There were no guarantee of that, but Pinkie would make sure that it happened.


Plans laid ahead from Pinkie at least, one subject did still need to be covered by her, as Shark nuzzled the side of her face against Light's, which briefly made Pinkie sound like she had seen an extra adorable kitten.

On 2023-11-05 at 10:47 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Oh and we'd love to be invited! When is it going to start perchance?" He asked.

"The party starts as soon as the party cannon goes wild, of course! *gasp* But I still need to invite everypony! Goodbye new friends, and bring your smiles, or we'll have to turn those frowns, upside down."

She'd wave, then jump backwards, and rush down the street, with a trail of glitter and streamers after her. Once in a while, the boom from her party cannon were even heard, somewhere in the distance, or nearby. The potential threats of being punched, or the rudeness? She hadn't addressed that, as it wasn't important. They'd just need to cheer up, and none of it mattered. And at a Pinkie Party? Everypony got cheerful!

Shark would look towards the door, with a big smile on her face already.

"Shark like new friend. Smell nice.

We go see new friend later? What now? Back to big reef?"

It were really up to any of them. Shark would follow whomever had the better idea, and the kits were much the same, so long as it didn't lead them into danger. They might even split up and go various ways. The kits would stick together though, as they felt safer when they could see one another close by.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2023-11-06 at 11:08 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Ruby didn't have much to add to Leviathan's response, but since she brought it up, Ruby did comment on the faith angle. "Since you mentioned it, no, we don't worship any gods or other beings." "I can of course only talk for myself and what I know, but generally speaking, spirituality doesn't play any kind of part in our kind's lives." "But unlike things like magic, there is no opposition for it either." "In short, godhood is a matter of perspective, to a non-magical species, Discord would be a god, to a pet rat, a normal pony could be seen as a god, to some, I would be a god, and so on. Gods are simply beings more powerful than yourself that can do things you can't." "We acknowledge the existence of such beings, but for reasons I most likely don't need to explain, we don't believe in worshiping them." "The closest thing to religion, would be our believe in the laws of nature, the strong will thrive, the weak will fall, but everything will die eventually, nature will always win." 

Technically there could be some merit in saying that they did give some faith to what could be seen as the natural order. If there were an embodiment of that in their society, it could be an apex predator, that had no equal. But that were a giant pile of if's and maybes. It were a lot more likely they just didn't really have any. It weren't like they were all that common to begin with as it were anyway, and those places that did have them, majority had religious overtones of some sort, or a strong system of traditions things could spring from. Like with Harrowmark's death culture, or Caneighda's praise and traditions around the harvest season.

On 2023-11-06 at 11:08 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Charir focused his senses, he was trying to sense the electricity, that's why he had closed his eyes, and assuming he wasn't interrupted, after some moments of nothing, something did happen. He again felt something, but this time didn't stop his focus to look at his claws, but rather just kept on concentrating. Visually nothing happened, but after few moments, Leviathan would probably be able to notice something, as her electricity would be attracted towards Charir, now, if it actually arched to him was entirely dependent on how tightly Leviathan's control held to it, but no doubt she would be able to tell that it wanted to arch away from her.

Another effect that happened, was noticed by Ruby, as her pony-form's hair started to stand out, as if affected by static electricity, she looked at her hoof and spun it around to watch the effect on her fur "Huh". This lasted until Charir again touched claws together, which again created a spark, though bigger this time, and the moment the spark happened, the pull of electricity towards him stopped, though Ruby's hair was still standing, so she touched Leviathan, which created a small spark of its own, as the static electricity's effect left Ruby, naturally, as tented to happen with static electricity, Ruby also felt this spark, so she pulled her hoof away and shook it a bit, before fixing her mane. "I should probably stand further away next time when I'm in this form." 

Leviathan could easily keep that spark, and just ensure that it stayed with her. Even if he had some sort of magnetic way of directing it towards him, she had centuries upon centuries more expertise in this. But she wanted to see what would happen, and thus would only offer a modicum of brief struggle, to show that she could, then open her hand further, and let it flow. She'd add more, but she wanted to see if in some way, he could generate his own again.

There were more of an effect beyond that though. Ruby looking well affected by static electricity were something of note, but Levithan didn't need to turn to look, to tell that there were something in the air. She could almost taste the static around them. Like Charir were somehow charging the air around them both, rather than focus it into his claws only. It weren't her doing it at least, and this were not natural. Not with the sort of place they stood right now, at the altitude that they did. It were rather peculiar honestly. She were used to training sessions more being focused, yet unfocused blasts that could happen, or small sparks of some sort. This more area covering effect? This were different. As were it that when his claws did eventually touch, the effect would end. Like he were igniting all of it, at the tip of his claws there at the end.

She'd open her mouth to say something, but then Ruby touched her, causing some static to impact the dragoness, making her shiver and giggle.

"*snort* T-That tickled."

If the spark clung to her, she'd try and harness it, and make it stand in the palm of her hand. Just to see if it felt somewhat similar at least, to what she knew. In the end, all would end the same though: With her smiling and clapping at Charir with a big, pleased smile on her scaly face.

"Unconventional, but it were still a good showing.

It's weird though. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he were creating static, and he then ignited it himself, with his claws. At his stage, that's a pretty big area to fill for a spark. It's probably just unfocused, and once we sort how to focus it, he's gonna get some proper thunder going for himself."

If he were still holding the spark he made, she'd summon a fresh one of her own in each hand, and then reach towards him, aiming to have it interact with his own. Just a little matching, though it were likely the two would either merge, or be different poles, and thus deflect one another. She found it were mostly the former, and if that were so, she'd try to put that in his hand.

If he hadn't though, it were okay. Lesson done, they'd focus on this later, and could be on their way now. There'd be plenty of learning opportunities in the future for them all.

If it were over quickly though, she would also get a chance to see Ruby's hair probably, and get an impish grin on her face. Though nothing would come of that, if there were nothing to see at the point, of course. She'd just be quiet and stay smiling then.

"Awh, doesn't look too shabby on your with a bit of puff to your mane."

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Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-11-10 at 7:45 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"You are right in not listening to what the voice is saying, and resisting it. It is an invader of your home. A parasite, who wants to change your reality, into something that suits itself better. We have come here from far away, hunting for said parasite, so that it does not cause more harm. As well as try and repair what damages it have caused. We are outsiders, and do not suffer the memory loss you do. But we know of the memories that were lost. It is why they can repair them."

She'd look at the two's progress, spreading light, impacting the last crystal, and nodded. They were doing well. Were circumstances different, she would have offered them proper tutelage after this, but as things stood now, that were unlikely to go further than this. They likely had better things to do, than try and seek passage constantly, over several years to listen to her. And Omen were hard to work with, so she were not an ideal candidate as it were.

"They are doing well in restoring things to their more natural state it seems. Can you feel this affecting you in some way? Ideally you should feel that things are becoming clearer to you. Long as you remember to keep the other voice at bay, and not listen to it. If you succumb to it, you will be under its spell, and begin causing harm to your home. It have been damaged enough as it is, and we could use your help in ensuring it returns to be as you knew it."

“If you put it that way, it makes sense what that creature in the distance is doing, but I still don’t understand why it wants me. But, you are here to stop it, and that makes you better as allies. I will stick with you, then, because you can help. That’s already better than being stuck here. Still, I do not feel a difference even after your companions have done more at those crystals.”

“Looks like Omen and I did what we could do for those crystals. The whole area is glowing, but nothing more. I overheard you mention that your memories felt missing, and maybe it should be you who needs to examine the crystal. Might that be the way to restore your memories?”

Sen approached shortly after, examining the central crystal glowing when it didn’t just moments earlier. It seemed like they did something right, but whether it will yield any notable results remains to be seen. The most likely task they could do now is to do the same to that crystal: examining it for themselves to see if there is more to replace, but it wasn’t Sen’s or Omen’s task now. There wasn’t anything to lose for their friendly but partially amnesiac ally, and so she approached the newly glowing crystal. If this were to work, maybe she could leave and fulfill her end of the deal.

Once face-to-face with the crystal, she reached one claw out, touching the cold surface and examining what it was inside. In a short moment, she felt the surge of energy rushing into her head, seeing the things both Sen and Omen saw in their attempts to restore Lin’s memories. Emotions, sights, smells, and sounds filled her until each moment became clear, remembrances that turned out exactly how they were meant to be. It all seemed to happen so quickly to all those who watched, but before them, the creature within the subconscious began to form. Cloudy and smoky parts filled in specific details of the quadruped, creating a clearer picture of who this one truly was, but it wouldn’t be a surprise to everyone present. The image of Lin came to the forefront, clear as day, and the barriers around the ruins lowered until even the blue glow dissipated into nothing. 

“Everything feels a little more familiar, and when I am here with you all, I feel a kind of… warmth, I think? It’s a good feeling, like knowing I am safe with you all.”

“That’s good, and you have a much clearer appearance. Restoring your memories also appears to do that to you directly. It’s not completely clear because some part of you still appears to be incomplete, but it’s a start. Restoring your memories will also allow us to continue moving closer to that creature in the distance. Could you tell us more about anything else you knew before your memories were taken?”

This representation of Lin within her own mindscape, about the most apt description of what everyone could see now, sat and pondered what information she could gather, though a lot of it was already disclosed to Elder Zhao. There was a voice that was trying to “fix” her, but it did so whether she wanted it or not. It occasionally spoke to her, but no one else could hear it, and right now, it was speaking. “Lin” looked rather unaware for a moment, her eyes glazed over as she stared in the direction of the tentacled creature in the distance for about a minute or two before her attention returned to everyone else present. 

“The voice spoke again. It said all we know are delusions, and if we continue, we could find ourselves stuck in this place for a very long time. However, it is offering us a choice: take one path to accept a truth ‘your kind’ are denying or continue fixing memories on our terms with no telling how long it will take. If we take the first, it said it will swear to leave most memories intact and only those that were heavily tampered with will remain for us to fix. What do we do?”

Two paths have now manifested at the ruins. One leads further away to another floating landmass, and the familiar sight of crystals would still be present, just like earlier. The other was a stone staircase going downward into a dark tunnel. If one were to look over the edge, there would be more floating landmasses below them, appearing to be connected to the tunnel and leading straight to the middle of the mindscape. Knowing what they knew, the safe option was to continue to the other crystals and repair them, but there was no telling how much of Lin’s memories were tampered with and how long they’d take to finish fixing them. Alternatively, whatever was altering Lin’s memories was offering them an alternative, a possibly faster way to settle the matter. Sen paced back and forth, but he was no closer to a firm answer.

“I do not trust that creature, but it does have a point. Who knows how long we’ll be here if we just keep doing what we are doing now? Elder Zhao, has something like this happened before in your experience? And Omen? How do you want to go about this? I hate to admit it, but I am tempted to go down into that tunnel.”

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@Blitz Boom@StrawberryMilk Simp
The siblings didn't doubt Pinkie when she said that nobody would stay mad, they were more worried about staying anxious, because they had no idea how they would react to, what sounded very over the top party, because while they seemingly handled everything quite well considering their past, there was a great difference between getting over something and learning to ignore it. Thus they were slightly concerned about what to them was very much a new situation. 

Sear suddenly spoke as she watched Pinkie leave "I have always wondered who cleans up all the stuff she leaves everywhere." 

For the question of what next, none of the kobolds, or dragon, had any specific ideas "It has been a long and action filled day, maybe it would be best to calm down and rest." 

Matters of faith and other such things, were complicated when it came to the Homelands, because it wasn't a society in a way that was often understood, there wasn't a common culture, norms or such, that would have formed due to individuals interacting, rather, the commonalities had formed because it was what survived, the belief in natural order? it existed, because it was true in the homelands, the strong did thrive, the weak did die, and the currently strongest always eventually fell. How this belief made it visible in one's life, was on individual basis, some did really worship the concept, while some, like Ruby, just saw it as a truth no different from something like gravity.

If Leviathan let go enough for the spark to leave her hand, it would simply arch through the air and hit Charir, spreading across his scales like had happened all the previous times when he had been charged by her magic; this changed nothing about the end result however, as the charge was so small that Charir didn't even notice.

The spark coming from Ruby, was regular static electricity, be it maybe bit stronger than what you would get from the more usual means like rubbing balloons against someone's mane, so if it clung to her, and how it felt if it did, fully depended on how static shocks like that usually interacted with her. 

"It is curious, though it does also go together with that weird effect that happened when I came to get you from the Kitsune, I seemed to... radiate heat, in lack of a better term." "So while I have no idea what it is, this does imply that it may go deeper than him having a more magical father, that whatever the magical gene may be, came at least partly from our mother." "Which of course rises its own questions" 

Charir didn't hold the spark per say, rather, he kept his claws together, which did keep small amount of arching happening between them, as the electricity traveled through his leg. It seemed that, by keeping his claws together, he had trapped the tiny amount of electricity he had created to go circles through his fingers, instead of it spreading to rest of his body as tended to happen. If Leviathan did end up doing her thing, she'd find that her electricity would yet again be drawn to Charir, and if she let it go to him, it would be added to the electricity already on him. It seemed that instead of wielding electricity like Leviathan, Charir was more prone to absorbing it. 

Ruby would take a while to fix the mane, as the effect had been quite notable, so Leviathan would have plenty of time to see it "I don't doubt that, even in this form I am magnificent after all..." she responded in non-serious manner "...I just rather not get asked why I look like I got hit by lighting." "Not that it would be hard to explain with this company." thankfully her mane was magically created with her form, so she didn't need to spend time with making it look like it did...outside situations like this of course. 





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8 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"I have always wondered who cleans up all the stuff she leaves everywhere." 

"... She does... Or rather... It cleans itself." He shudders.

" She can break and form reality on her own will and whim without breaking a sweat... No.... Without even knowing it. THAT is how powerful she is... Imagine ... If she woke into a Draconicous... Even Discord can't stope her.... I'll bet she can easily out match him. Its best we make that pony remain happy." He asked the rest.

On 2023-11-10 at 7:45 AM, Blitz Boom said:

We go see new friend later? What now? Back to big reef?"


8 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

the question of what next, none of the kobolds, or dragon, had any specific ideas "It has been a long and action filled day, maybe it would be best to calm down and rest." 

" I agree..."but He'd still wait for shark on where she'd go.

@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus

Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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On 2023-11-12 at 9:21 AM, EQ_Theta said:

Once face-to-face with the crystal, she reached one claw out, touching the cold surface and examining what it was inside. In a short moment, she felt the surge of energy rushing into her head, seeing the things both Sen and Omen saw in their attempts to restore Lin’s memories. Emotions, sights, smells, and sounds filled her until each moment became clear, remembrances that turned out exactly how they were meant to be. It all seemed to happen so quickly to all those who watched, but before them, the creature within the subconscious began to form. Cloudy and smoky parts filled in specific details of the quadruped, creating a clearer picture of who this one truly was, but it wouldn’t be a surprise to everyone present. The image of Lin came to the forefront, clear as day, and the barriers around the ruins lowered until even the blue glow dissipated into nothing. 

“Everything feels a little more familiar, and when I am here with you all, I feel a kind of… warmth, I think? It’s a good feeling, like knowing I am safe with you all.”

Omen looked closely, as she saw what happened to the creature they spoke with. Her claws impacting it, and seeing the memories they had returned, so vividly, so full of life, and truth. It changed her, Remade her, into who she truly were.

Their sister.

Albeit still bereft of memory and infected, this were a sign of something good, yes? She looked more herself now, and some obstacles seems to have been removed from their path.

Omen were simple like this, seeing just the surface level. Elder Zhao saw much deeper than that, but had no reason to comment. This were between family, with her as the observer. Her words were better saved for the things that were to come.

On 2023-11-12 at 9:21 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“The voice spoke again. It said all we know are delusions, and if we continue, we could find ourselves stuck in this place for a very long time. However, it is offering us a choice: take one path to accept a truth ‘your kind’ are denying or continue fixing memories on our terms with no telling how long it will take. If we take the first, it said it will swear to leave most memories intact and only those that were heavily tampered with will remain for us to fix. What do we do?”

Two paths have now manifested at the ruins. One leads further away to another floating landmass, and the familiar sight of crystals would still be present, just like earlier. The other was a stone staircase going downward into a dark tunnel. If one were to look over the edge, there would be more floating landmasses below them, appearing to be connected to the tunnel and leading straight to the middle of the mindscape. Knowing what they knew, the safe option was to continue to the other crystals and repair them, but there was no telling how much of Lin’s memories were tampered with and how long they’d take to finish fixing them. Alternatively, whatever was altering Lin’s memories was offering them an alternative, a possibly faster way to settle the matter. Sen paced back and forth, but he was no closer to a firm answer.

“I do not trust that creature, but it does have a point. Who knows how long we’ll be here if we just keep doing what we are doing now? Elder Zhao, has something like this happened before in your experience? And Omen? How do you want to go about this? I hate to admit it, but I am tempted to go down into that tunnel.”

"It is unusual, that a choice is presented, but yes, I have seen things similar before. The safe but long route, or the one lined with dark secrets, which takes you closer to your quarry.

Things that you should not know. Memories and experiences, that she wants to keep near, are ever closer to the self, in a place such as this. The path down will be the most direct more than likely, yet you need ask yourself, if you stand ready to face such a thing.

You are like to find falsehoods wrapped in painful truth, and things she kept close. Be they her most cherished, or most painful. Yet you must be willing to watch them, and scour through to get to her. Do you have that within you? To face ugly lies, and even uglier truths?"

"If it helps her, I will see anything. And if she wants, I will forget."

She did not doubt the sincerity in Omen's words. Quite frankly, she wasn't sure if the creature had it within her, to tell falsehoods. Still, she were a creature of chaos. There were always a chance, that something odd might happen, even if she didn't want it so. Regardless, her path were set, it seemed. The one that went the fastest. Though as the saying were prone to go, the safest were the longest route. This path may well test them in several ways, and they both had to face some ugly sights. But if they were determined, she would stand guard over them, and ensure they would come through this alive, as well as successful. Though she would expect them to bear most of the weight here. Couldn't leave that all on the shoulders of an old fox like her.

"If you too are determined, we shall wander upon the path of most resistance. Yet all three, remain warned: It claims to show truth, but judge with your own eyes."

It might also be a trap, but it would find that a poor decision. They would see, she supposed.



@Catpone Cerberus @StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-11-12 at 2:40 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"I have always wondered who cleans up all the stuff she leaves everywhere." 

For the question of what next, none of the kobolds, or dragon, had any specific ideas "It has been a long and action filled day, maybe it would be best to calm down and rest."

On 2023-11-12 at 10:44 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

"... She does... Or rather... It cleans itself." He shudders.

" She can break and form reality on her own will and whim without breaking a sweat... No.... Without even knowing it. THAT is how powerful she is... Imagine ... If she woke into a Draconicous... Even Discord can't stope her.... I'll bet she can easily out match him. Its best we make that pony remain happy." He asked the rest.

"I wish. You have no idea how busy I am..."

A voice came from the side, as an elderly stallion with the cutie mark of a broom and mop crossing, would have stood near them, ready to pass. Yet first, he'd drink the last of his sizable tankard, place it upon the nearest table, and walk past them, towards the outside.

He were not the only one, but Ponyville did have a need for outdoor cleaning, because of especially Pinkie. A task which many had found were too taxing for them. And then there were those like Sweeper, who had been here enough, to understand some if not facts, then peculiarities in his favor, when it came to cleaning up the mess. See the cups and such had to be picked up, but the glitter, and the confetti? He would take the worst, if it were in the way, but the rest tended to seemingly just vanish in the wind. Give it enough time, and it seemed to just degrade into nothing, when you weren't looking. So you just had to handle the bigger parts,. which granted, there were a lot of. But at least he'd managed to use the fact of Pinkie and her parties, to argue for a pay raise for himself, and his student. So at least there were some good to be found in it all. But he were rather busy, and he knew after an event like this, she'd be in a party mood. So he just made sure to steady himself, for what were to come.

That was all he had to say though, as he moved past. He had to get ready for work. And Pinkie seemed extra happy today, so he needed the heavy equipment.

On 2023-11-12 at 10:44 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" I agree..."but He'd still wait for shark on where she'd go.

"Yeeey, back to reef!"

Shark were thrilled at the prospect, as she liked the place, and after this long day, she wanted her chew toy. And some fishies. Maybe not in that order.

The kits though, were less uniform about this. Hachi stood up proper to say something, but then his left ear poked, and he'd halt his voice.

"Something the matter, brother?"

"I'm... Not sure. Something feels wrong though. Like there's something... Unnatural, wafting on the wind?"

Zhing would lift her ears, close her eyes, and focus too. Then slowly, she would nod.

"...So faint, but yes, something isn't right... Maybe it were that odd pony?"

"No, it feels closer. Different. Might be nothing. I'm not properly trained in these sorta things, but... I dunno. I can't identify it."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2023-11-12 at 2:40 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"It is curious, though it does also go together with that weird effect that happened when I came to get you from the Kitsune, I seemed to... radiate heat, in lack of a better term." "So while I have no idea what it is, this does imply that it may go deeper than him having a more magical father, that whatever the magical gene may be, came at least partly from our mother." "Which of course rises its own questions" 

Charir didn't hold the spark per say, rather, he kept his claws together, which did keep small amount of arching happening between them, as the electricity traveled through his leg. It seemed that, by keeping his claws together, he had trapped the tiny amount of electricity he had created to go circles through his fingers, instead of it spreading to rest of his body as tended to happen. If Leviathan did end up doing her thing, she'd find that her electricity would yet again be drawn to Charir, and if she let it go to him, it would be added to the electricity already on him. It seemed that instead of wielding electricity like Leviathan, Charir was more prone to absorbing it. 

Leviathan would go and add a little more electricity, just to see if it kept going, but true enough, he seemed to take it from her. What peculiar usage of magic he had...

"I rightly couldn't say where from your magic springs, but if you both radiate in some manner, it stands to reason you got at least some from the same source.

It is most peculiar though. You can both generate magic, but then, he absorbs electricity, to use it in some other way, and you can harness more arcane sources... Yours makes at least some sense, but the radiating is odd. Maybe...

Hmm, maybe it's the sign of your magic building up and overheating in some fashion? But then, why does he radiate static? You aren't magic eaters. Not any sort I've seen or heard of anyway, but at least he can somewhat drain come elements. Though I'm afraid I'm running out of ideas. Given enough time, we could probably figure out what is going on, but asking more... Experienced users, would probably work much better."

Probably wouldn't be as simple as asking nicely, but the dragons from the other part of the isle, where Ruby and Charir came from, were probably far more capable about this than her. Sure she knew elemental magic, but Charir were expressing it in a mighty odd, peculiar way. And according to Ruby, she had too had a moment, where it acted somewhat like her own did. She may have more latent gifts, than she were aware of.

She'd turn to proper talk to Ruby, and got a chance to properly see the effect the static had left on her mare form.

Now, Leviathan were Ruby's friend. It meant something to do her. And as such, she'd show her friend the respect that it were, for her to quickly grasp tightly around her mouth, to stop the worst of the laughter from escaping. She were still laughing. She couldn't help herself, but she were keeping the worst in. Felt like her cheeks were about ready to burst, but it were working. Mostly. A few sounds here and there may escape.

On 2023-11-12 at 2:40 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Ruby would take a while to fix the mane, as the effect had been quite notable, so Leviathan would have plenty of time to see it "I don't doubt that, even in this form I am magnificent after all..." she responded in non-serious manner "...I just rather not get asked why I look like I got hit by lighting." "Not that it would be hard to explain with this company." thankfully her mane was magically created with her form, so she didn't need to spend time with making it look like it did...outside situations like this of course. 

Leviathan would nod, showing she agreed to take blame, if anyone started asking questions. Weren't like she had never misfired her magic before, so what were one more story about it? Least this time, it wouldn't actually have been her.

Eventually, as things had... Made its way out of her system, she would take her hands from her mouth once more, and take a few deep breaths.

"Funny as this have been, maybe we should get a move on? Sooner we finish this errand, sooner we can move on to other things, yeah?"

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

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@Blitz Boom

His highness the prince hit the nail right on the head.  "Correct, Necrotic.  A measure Dawn and I agreed upon before coming to Harrowmark," he explained as Necrotic joined him to fill the now empty gap in their following of the Queen.  Not that the triggering device is the most effective as it relies on feeling.  Hence why she didn't do so when we met the Rot Farmer.  Rising didn't sense ill intent in his magic, so she didn't retreat to safety.  This time, she pulled the trigger.  He couldn't agree more in the prince's compliments though, his twin moved even faster than even he thought she would.  They were from the land of light, not a place where every filly and foal was required to learn how to defend themselves from the beginning.  Mother and father didn't need to be here for that.  Even Dawn wasn't much of a fighter, preferring to remove her problems long before that could happen.

"Compliments to Her Majesty.  It may have required little effort, but her magic is quite potent and regal for such a quick casting," the detective offered his assessment of what he witnessed.  They continued to walk for a bit while Rising kept his sense stretched out, looking for any more nasty surprises, in the magical case.  "They will return when I'm..." he started before taking a long, deep breath in.  Relaxing, letting his mind be at ease as nothing else triggered alarm within him.  "At ease..." he finished with a long exhale.  The one thing he knew that could reach his sister in That Place.  Their twin connection.

And just like that, Dawn, Grace and Star had returned.  Somehow Star had ended up on his back and was letting out his jovial laughter.  "Just because there is no gravity there, doesn't mean it's time to go 'swimming' off into the void," the daughter scolded the father.  Their mother had defaulted to her position of fluttering above the ground.  Rarely were the parents taken to That Place, but it wasn't unknown to them.

"All is well?" the mare inquired.  Rising nodded simply.  "Wonderful!  Let us press on," Dawn fixed her mane with a hoof, pretending this never happened.  Press on they did, after Star righted himself, and here they were to the final event of the evening.  The family greeted the Stone Matron in turn to their meeting.  Rising gazed around at the other present statues and those yet to be revealed.  He was going to be among them now, a hero of Harrowmark.  That, was really starting to sink in for the detective.  This was all on the Queen's command, but Rising could at least offer his small part, "Ready."

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-11-15 at 12:47 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Things that you should not know. Memories and experiences, that she wants to keep near, are ever closer to the self, in a place such as this. The path down will be the most direct more than likely, yet you need ask yourself, if you stand ready to face such a thing.

You are like to find falsehoods wrapped in painful truth, and things she kept close. Be they her most cherished, or most painful. Yet you must be willing to watch them, and scour through to get to her. Do you have that within you? To face ugly lies, and even uglier truths?"

"If it helps her, I will see anything. And if she wants, I will forget."

Sen had anticipated something like how Elder Zhao described, though even he shudders to think about what Lin could be hiding. It wasn’t his place to know, but the thought that the creature beyond could be using it against him… one could only imagine what designs it had for them. Elder Zhao would likely be the one spared from all of this, a benefit of having no close relations to Lin. Then again, what it could not do against her mentally, it may try physically. He’d keep himself prepared for that possibility, though the words used were rather odd, nothing something that was directed at just him, Omen, or Elder Zhao.

“I suppose this means we all go into that tunnel together, though something about it seems off. The creature said ‘your kind,’ like it was talking about more than just the three of us. Not sure if there is more to it than that, but we should be more careful. There’s no telling if it wants to show us something beyond personal memories.”

“I don’t know what else it could possibly show, but please be careful, everyone. Maybe it wants to sway you with things only it knows.”

Sen nodded in agreement. Looking toward the others, he was now certain of the path forward and led everyone into the tunnel. “Lin” was no longer bound to the area and followed, though she opted to stand behind the others and stayed back in case anything were to jump them. In this tunnel, blue light emanated from the walls, lining the cracks in the stones and leading them down a linear path. For what felt like minutes, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until a faint female voice pierced the silence. 

The longma… so stupid and short-sighted. Brother should’ve let me be, and that forest should’ve burned to the ground. And when I’m done, let them wallow in the suffering of their own creation because I am long past caring for them… 

Where do I even begin with Omen? Too naive for her own good. She’s not going to survive, not unless I teach her. Mother didn’t give her enough to get by, and Discord was useless. Or maybe it was Mother who made the mistake of not teaching Omen enough of the right things. All this falls to me then, and I’ll start with the first lesson: exacting revenge. 

When those words echoed in the hall, “Lin” tensed up and halted, gasping that even her innermost thoughts were now out in the open. She looked to the others, horror in her eyes, and tried to calm herself. There was no telling just how the others would react to how she thought about them, and that was after she admitted to being safe with them. Now, it doesn’t feel like that is the case, and she’d bear the wrath of those she thought she could find comfort in. 

As for Sen, he turned to see his sister attempt to find someplace to cower behind or make herself appear smaller. Perhaps she meant those words despite uttering them to herself at some point in time, but nothing could say if it was a fabrication of the creature messing with her memories. If this is the truth it mentioned, there may be more, and this is its way of testing its limits on them. This may be the entity trying to turn them against each other, and they haven’t made much progress yet, let alone seen actual memories. How Omen and he would navigate this conundrum would be up to them. 

“I didn’t… There’s no way I would teach you to get revenge on those who did you wrong. You have a good heart, Omen, and I don’t want to take that away from you. Please, you have to believe me!”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom@StrawberryMilk Simp
Since it was more thinking out loud than a genuine question, Sear didn't comment on the responses regarding the topic of cleaning, she did nod slightly in acknowledgement to said responses, but that was about it. She didn't say anything regarding the rest of what Light said either, mostly because the topic of power and such wasn't really something she wanted to get into, she didn't like to think about it, and it was more a topic for the two otherworldly kobolds anyway.

However, the kobolds said nothing either, and instead, Trox seemed to be focused on something, and Sheska was focused on her brother; what was it that he was so focused on? the door, more specifically, something he saw as the cleaner left the building, and to check if he saw correctly in the brief window of time he had a view outside, he got up and walked to said door, opening it slightly to look outside. He was acting casual while doing this, not wanting to attract too much attention in case it was nothing. 

Sheska seemed as if she was going to say something to Trox, but she stayed silent as she overheard the interaction between the kitsune, and then gave an asking look towards her brother, to which he responded with a nod, and said something in kobold language, but while the words were a mystery, the utter despise in those words was obvious. It was like a switch had been flipped in their brain, the two kobolds went dead serious, and were seething with such deep-rooted hatred, that it was almost visible in the air. 

Sheska looked at Sear "Keep Chega inside." the next words she almost growled "The snake has slithered out of its hiding place." she then, in what probably seemed like an odd decision, left the crossbow and the sword on the ground, and Trox did the same with the shield, leaving it behind. At this point, anything said to the kobolds went to deaf ears, as they stepped out of the door, grabbed some of the metal 'grenades' that Trox had made, that they had been carrying around this whole time, threw them in the air, and blasted them with magic.

This caused the balls of metal to break into countless, small, sharp pieces of metal, that all flew forward at high speed. They repeated this for all of the 'grenades', before taking off charging in the same direction. 

What was it that they attacked with such force? A small distance away, straight forward from the tavern, there was a figure, a hooded, robed figure the size of a kobold, just standing there, the hood didn't match the robe however, as while the robe itself was a regular robe you could buy from nearest clothing store, the hood was blue and decorated in a shape of a cobra's head. 

The individual did not move at all, even when the countless sharp metal pieces hit them, they clearly did hit, as they cut the robe full of holes, yet whoever the newcomer was, was not fazed by this at all, in fact, they didn't move until when Sheska and Trox reached them, at which point the figure grabbed both of them from full speed, stopping them instantly, which was quite a feat, considering that they were the same size; This assumed kobold, had just stopped two creatures of the same size, coming at them full-speed, without as much as needing to re-balance, it was like Sheska and Trox had hit a wall. 

This wasn't the end though, as Sheska and Trox were still trying to slash the individual with their claws, and may have succeeded, as the figure tossed the two away, not hard, but hard enough to knock air out of their lungs...or maybe that happened when they were grabbed, since running full-speed to a sudden stop didn't feel too good. 

This all happened in matter of seconds after the twins left the building.

There was one more aspect to the newcomer that would make itself obvious if the others tried to do anything, they had very powerful anti-magic, not only was magic seemingly non-existent where they stood, but no spell or other attempt to magically affect them would work, as no magic would target them, or stick to them, it didn't matter if you knew their exact location, no magic could find them. Less targeted magic, like a regular offensive blasts of magic, would be able to go towards them, but would never reach them, as just before hitting them, the magic would disappear. Any potential attempts at magical attacks, would be reacted at with the same lack of reaction as the 'grenades' were.

Ruby didn't comment on Leviathan's theory, yet, and instead let out a short hum that was combination of acknowledgement and thinking. "It's not like our travel time matters since we will most likely be there before Spicy anyway, but it's you who stopped moving, so it's entirely up to you to start walking again." Ruby would move if Leviathan moved, and Charir followed them, but after they had started moving, Ruby would speak again, while moving. 

"I thought about it, and I came up with a theory of my own." one could be confused what she was talking about, since there had been a moment of silence and a change of topic in between, but she gave the context in the next sentence "If we go with the assumption that I have something similar to Charir." "I don't believe it's 'arcane' that I am more towards, as I assume that with that, you mean the magic I use actively, and that magic, I know for a fact, is species wide, it's just matter of education." "So I thought it through." "Charir absorbs electricity, and radiates electricity." "I radiated heat." "And then I realized something." 

"My scales don't heat up, I could sit in the hottest dragon-fire for hours, yet when I get out, my scales aren't hot." "You cannot feel my body heat through them, and one of the few non-dragons that has touched them, mentioned that they felt slightly cooler than scales I had dropped." "Now, I know that our kind is very temperature resistant, immune even, our scales are great insulators, but I don't actually know if they are this effective for everyone, I have no way to test that." "So what if, again, assuming I share something with Charir, I absorb heat?" 

"That of course does bring the question, where does it go? I have never before let heat out like that as far as I know, but I do think that I would have overheated long time ago if I would have been constantly absorbing and storing more and more heat." 





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9 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I suppose this means we all go into that tunnel together, though something about it seems off. The creature said ‘your kind,’ like it was talking about more than just the three of us. Not sure if there is more to it than that, but we should be more careful. There’s no telling if it wants to show us something beyond personal memories.”

“I don’t know what else it could possibly show, but please be careful, everyone. Maybe it wants to sway you with things only it knows.”

"I would be surprised if it didn't show us something, that were not intended to cause strife, or scandal. Why else show such a path?"

Frankly if it weren't intending on trying to manipulate them, and feed them lies, why even bother doing what it had thus far? It had seemingly put in some work here, so why then just essentially surrender, at the first hurdle? It made no sense, compared to the more likely option of it trying to manipulate them instead. Perhaps try and weaken Sen's resolve, so it could attempt to return and infect him afterwards? They would see, though she for one would remain alert, and untrusting of what were to come. Doing otherwise, were a fools errand.

"Maybe it is something about the longma? It said things earlier. Made it sound like it knew them."

"Hmm, a possibility that shouldn't be discounted. Still, do not take everything at face value. Things are rarely as simple as they may appear."

Things did certainly turn out simple enough for the start,. They entered a path that were not filled with twists and turns, but had a reasonable path forward. One easy to follow. What then were the plans from this entity?

20 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

The longma… so stupid and short-sighted. Brother should’ve let me be, and that forest should’ve burned to the ground. And when I’m done, let them wallow in the suffering of their own creation because I am long past caring for them… 

Where do I even begin with Omen? Too naive for her own good. She’s not going to survive, not unless I teach her. Mother didn’t give her enough to get by, and Discord was useless. Or maybe it was Mother who made the mistake of not teaching Omen enough of the right things. All this falls to me then, and I’ll start with the first lesson: exacting revenge. 

Aaah, there it were. An attempt to sow discord between them, by either presenting false thoughts, or inner thoughts. It were probably the latter, if she were to guess. Thoughts that most had, at one time or another, but few actually acted upon. Taken out of context, it would seem worse than it were too, and the truth of it, could end up giving it a veil of authenticity. A ruse that you shouldn't fall for, but she wanted to see how the others would react to this, and how affected this might make them. She suspected the longma though, would be the more effected. Something told her Omen were incapable of caring enough, and Sen seemed emotional to her.

*Lin* as it were, seemed the first to be flustered however, clearly affected by this sharing of inner thoughts. Not a big surprise there. The entity had likely wished for her to be weakened too, so she'd be less effective in helping them, as it would try and turn them against one another. What would come of it, as she staggered towards a response though, trying to avoid things being as harsh as they appeared? They'd get to see soon, with Elder Zhao observing the group, to see what were to be learned from this. Understanding their dynamic could end up being helpful for her.

20 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I didn’t… There’s no way I would teach you to get revenge on those who did you wrong. You have a good heart, Omen, and I don’t want to take that away from you. Please, you have to believe me!”

Omen bounced in place, on Elder Zhao's back. Looking towards *Lin* with the same curious stare, as she had for most things in her life.

"Mother did not teach us many things, and Master Discord failed to teach me enough. I do need to learn, but I can not learn vengeance. Why would I? I do not hate anyone. I do not even understand how to."

That were the crux. Even if Mother had not forbidden them to cause harm, Omen simply weren't able to hate anyone, or hold a grudge, so what vengeance were there for her to take? What were she gonna do, chase after Filigree again? She were gone, and Omen stopped caring. The huntsmaster's apprentice? She did not want him hurting her friends, so she had given him a promise of what would happen, if he tried again. That were it. She did not have it in her to be violent and dangerous, nor anyone she would want this to be done to.

"You both know this, and what Mother tells us, about hurting others. So you know not to try. I believe you, Lin."

Elder Zhao nodded slightly. This were a good response. It seemed that there were more issues with Omen than she had at first thought, as it sounded like she were having issues understanding states of emotion. But she were still approaching this with the logic of a child. In this case, likely the better, as it were a very simple, uncomplicated viewpoint, that just looked at the barebones things that she knew, with her added trust and naivety.

One could hope Sen would be rational about this, but they'd see. He should realize that inner thoughts like this, weren't something to judge a being's character on.




@Rising Dusk

On 2023-11-15 at 3:10 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Compliments to Her Majesty.  It may have required little effort, but her magic is quite potent and regal for such a quick casting,"

"Mother have had much training in her time, to prepare her for things worse than this. There is ever a chance of danger as a royal, and much as our knights do their best, some things may yet slip through. It is best if we are able to defend ourselves, if such a time comes, lest we are at the mercy of unknown forces."

On 2023-11-15 at 3:10 AM, Rising Dusk said:

And just like that, Dawn, Grace and Star had returned.  Somehow Star had ended up on his back and was letting out his jovial laughter.  "Just because there is no gravity there, doesn't mean it's time to go 'swimming' off into the void," the daughter scolded the father.  Their mother had defaulted to her position of fluttering above the ground.  Rarely were the parents taken to That Place, but it wasn't unknown to them.

"All is well?" the mare inquired.  Rising nodded simply.  "Wonderful!  Let us press on,"

"Aah my friends, it is good to have your back. As I told Rising, I would like to extend my apology for the lackluster, yet sudden attack on us.. It must have come as somewhat of a shock. And might I add, your reflexes in ensuring your family were brought out of harms way, were most impressive, Dawn. Mother had not even vanquished them yet, before you all three were as dew in the sunlight.

And yes, things should be quite fine now. And we are just about to get to the main avenue. I hope that what you see, will be worth the wait."

On 2023-11-15 at 3:10 AM, Rising Dusk said:

The family greeted the Stone Matron in turn to their meeting.  Rising gazed around at the other present statues and those yet to be revealed.  He was going to be among them now, a hero of Harrowmark.  That, was really starting to sink in for the detective.  This was all on the Queen's command, but Rising could at least offer his small part, "Ready."

"Excellent. Let us begin then. Starting with this statue that you can see clearly from here. This is Mind Crawler, the Night Ender.

Near 700 years in the past, a grim presence had hit thousands in our country, trapping them in sleep. At the time, Mind Crawler were but a small scale rogue, who had the gift of wandering in dreams, and used it to get information. But when the call came, he dove deep into the dreamscape, and fought the entity, from dream to dream, until he finally emerged victorious. A grueling task, none had expected from him, but he were rightly honored for his deeds. At the end of his ceremony though, he suddenly fell asleep at the table, and never woke up again. They believe the task proved too much in the end."

She'd lead them on, and towards another statue. The rest were covered, but she had been wanting to reveal them too, so this were as good a chance as any.

Pulling the cloth from the next, it would show as a mare. Old and gnarled, she sat with a cane in front of her, upon which her front hooves rested. Hooves showing deformed skin marks, much like the left side of the mare's wrinkled old face, that rested upon those hooves. Her surroundings showing plant life and small critters.

"Oak Sap, the Great-Heart.

Where do one even start with her deeds? A good alchemist that saved many lives in your youth, she became the one ensuring the creation of many orphanages and sick homes, during the plague of 1300 years past. Coordinator of the tasks to have a cure found, and handling what to do with the victims, as well as those yet safe. Even as she felt the plague upon her own skin, and her eyes withered, she never stopped. In the end she made a cure, that saved the country, and ensured it given to all who were still alive. And in the end, it was her wish that she'd be shown not with the ill, but among the nature that gave her strength and comfort.

I should also say, if you don't knew, that all statues are made exactly in a 1 to 4 scale. Keep that in mind, when we get to the next one."

The next one would be uncovered, standing behind the rest, to stop it from overshadowing everything.

It were an absolutely monstrously big diamond dog. Keeping scales in mind, he were still two heads taller than the captain, and far burlier. The muscles on the unkempt fur and bushy mane going from the base of his tail - which ended in a bulbous lump, lined with spiky hair -, up his back, his head, and then up to his forehead. His expression showing a ferocity in the wide grinning face, matching the spark in his eyes, challenging others to face him. He wore tattered pants and small trinkets pierced into his battle-marked hide, but beyond that nothing else. Though in his meaty right paw, he held a large sack, whilst in the other were a jagged anchor on a chain, that he seemed to hold as if it were a weapon. His whole stance, as he stood upon a rock with planks splintered across it, being that of one welcoming a battle.

"Grothar Hammertail, Leviathan's End.

1500 years past, he were the undisputed strongest being in Harrowmark. Feared for his sheer strength and ferocity, he were mostly shunned. But when the Leviathan Fleet set their sight upon Harrowmark, he rushed in as they sacked the castle, and tore through their ranks, then followed them to their fleet, tearing an anchor from their main host, and demolished every ship that didn't manage to get over the horizon. After, he returned to the throne room, covered in wounds and blood, dragging an immense hoard of treasure with him, and presented it to the queen, along with the head of their captain.

He is the only diamond dog hero, but even now he is highly revered by their kin, and those who can track their lineage to him, or are nearing his size, live with high expectations to them. The few who doesn't die from overconfidence."

Grothar could have used Rising as a tooth pick, and likely would've. He were not calm and focused like Gertrude. He were every bit the beast that he looked.

Next would show to be at first looking like a miniscule stallion, but looking closer, it'd prove to be a teenaged colt. Covered in bruises and scars, including a large gash over his throat, he looked tired, yet smiling, with a serene light glowing around his pale form.

"Lullaby Feasting, the Remembered.

A sad tale a thousand years past, of a colt with big plans to be something, sacrificed by his own family. In his last moment, he prayed to Suusha for salvation, that he would save him, so that he wouldn't be forgotten. When he rose, with his full sanity left, his spirit would wander the land for near a century, connecting with many different undead, to try and give them justice, and peace. A lot were brought to light for horrendous acts because of him, or had family know what happened to their lost ones.

In the end, he got his wish. He would be given a statue for how many he helped, including in the royal family, and would be ensured to be remembered forever. His fear of being forgotten abated, he saw the end of his ceremony, before fading out with a smile on his face, and passing on in peace."

The next would be a stallion. A typical farmer, he stood with a hoe and a scythe. His clothes were mundane and there were nothing overly special about him, as he stood with fallen wheat chiseled in the stone around him.

"Wheat Wacker the Unfortunate. His story is vast and needs you to read the tale to believe it, but from mundane beginnings as a simple farmer in Pine Heights, he got the blame from stealing an ox, and through many misadventures, close calls, and events going against his best wishes, he ended up a folk hero, and the last hero before Rising came to power, a little over six centuries ago. It's said that throughout it all, he kept saying he just wanted to go back to his farm, and that he wasn't a hero, and that when he eventually got home, he found out his field had been burned, to make room for a statue in his honor. His story really shows why he's called The Unfortunate."

(there are 4 more, but I think it is time for the main event, so glossing past them)

"And then at last, the main attraction. One which the High Priestess influenced, I might add."

The queen would hold a small speech first, proclaiming this a new, important day to remember, in their storied country's legends, and so on, and so forth.

The crowd went silent, as they saw the beginning of the statue being revealed, and then, the cloth got torn off entirely, revealing their newest hero. The ninth in their long line.

It were Rising, but not wearing the fancy clothes he did now. It were him in the hoodie he had fought in, very detailed. Including some stains from the muck of the swamp. He stood as he had during the fight against Twisted, with wisps floating around him.  Magic were used to make the stone wisps float around, along with one wisp, given moth wings. Rising's face would show a defiant calculated look. Something of one in control, knowing what he were doing, even in the midst of an intense battle. Which were represented by the stone bones scattered around his hooves. Behind, a distant sun marked the background, rising high in the heavens.

The crowd would go wild, cheering loudly, as they saw the statue that like the rest, had wards, and were covered in preserving magic. Yet this was new, and showed the one that had come from far away, to save them from a tyrant that had lived longer than he had any right to.

"I present to you: Rising Dusk, the Tyrant's Bane."



@Catpone Cerberus@StrawberryMilk Simp

The kitsune were not wanting to put themselves into danger. They assumed something wrong were about to happen, based on the reaction that the two had. Their best bet, being the figure that they had mentioned. Their relative, who had also come to this world, who they said might come for them.

They didn't say anything as the kobolds went outside. This was their fight after all. Why get in the danger zone? And yet, they'd still follow, poking their heads out of the door to see what were happening, as they were far too curious to be able to simply let this be, even if they would stay in here, where it seemed safe.

Not that they'd have time to do anything anyway. The siblings went in on attacking this one right off the bat, using strange devices they hadn't seen before, that shot right into their target, not even fazing it. Nor did it when they charged, and were just instantly caught. Their attacks seemed to have been anticipated in the few seconds it had taken for them to open the door. This were not someone that you wanted to get on the bad side, that much were certain.

They'd also finally get a better idea of what exactly were wrong with this one. They couldn't place it at first, but just felt something were wrong. Seeing things relatively closer though, it became apparent that this one had anti-magic. Either a low range aura, or some sort of item that did it. Whatever the case, the natural flow of magic, repelled from her entirely, disrupting the flow. It were subtle, but on high alert, they could both tell that something were off like that, albeit subtly.

That said, they did want to run a test, just to make sure. Well, Hachi did, as he'd send a magical bubble slowly towards the hooded kobold. An utterly harmless bubble, around the size of an apple. The sort of thing kitsune learned to cast when they were first discovering they could cast spells, as to teach them fundamentals in a safe manner. Beyond it not popping naturally, and going with direction, albeit lazily, it were no different from a real bubble. Zhing would whisper to him about his actions being dumb, but frankly she were curious too, and this wasn't hostile, right? It was just a bubble. it were probably safe. Safer than it were for Sheska and Trox at least. Hopefully they'd be okay out there.

As for the locals seeing this? They were running off, and that would soon enough alert the guards that something were going on. Including Stargazer, who's groan loudly, and lean up against a wall, muttering *Why me?*, whilst his daughter looked at him funny.

Shark didn't notice any of it. She had gotten into a mood where she either stood and nibbled Light's ear lovingly, or if he had gone to see what were happening too, were sniffing various dried spots on the nearby vacant table, to try and figure out what it were.



@Catpone Cerberus

Leviathan would've gone walking, once she were told it were up to her to decide when they walked. She figured Ruby would, but that was a minor miscommunication issue, that were sorted by turning about on her heels, and starting to walk. It had been a nice, eventful break, but they had to get going alright, lest they ended up getting rooted in place.

Weren't long after when Ruby started talking though, interrupting the sound of birds chirping away in the forest. Leviathan kept walking, as she listened in, and what things she did hear. Okay it were somewhat minute, but it did present some alternative ideas as to what were going on, and how to handle it. A bit of banter to get closer to the truth of the matter were just good and helpful, with Ruby likely being more right, as she knew how her own magic worked, at least to some extend. Leviathan were still trying to figure that part out, as their magic seemed to work rather differently from her own.

"Hmm... Dragons in general are at least some degree of heat resistant, and fire aligned dragons of my variety, are especially resilient. They're the only ones who can use lava pools as hot tubs. But even then, they're scales are not cooler, they're warmer, and retains heat for longer, so they don't feel a chill. Having cooler scales, and being able to withstand a lot of heat? That ain't been something I've heard of before. Might be there's something to your theory.

It's peculiar though still, yeah? Absorbing heat and electricity is useful, but at the same time, Charir did make a spark, and you did radiate heat, like you said. There's an active component to your magic, and I just don't think it's as limited as just absorbing and radiating. There's outta be something more to it. Though I do think there's something about what you said. Where the heat you take goes, same as Charir and electricity.

I've seen ponies meddle with all sorts of things in my time, and more recent ones I've run into, includes constructions they use, that gets powered on by certain things. Like towers that gets hit with lightning, and then turn that into power to run a larger machine, or gems and cable, that absorbs sunlight, and makes it into raw energy. Maybe what you're experiencing, is kind of like that, y'know? The heat and electricity empowers you, stores up energy within. Probably some inner limit that you can't get past, to avoid overheating as it were. So if this were the right idea, you'd currently be filled with energy, but lacking a proper outlet to really make use of it.

It's a tricky thing. I'm used to my own sort's approach. Not all of my variety of dragon are born with enough magic to actively use it, and those who do have the talent, often squander it. Yet even then, we're all elemental in nature, and use magic in the same way as most magic users. With a source that have a certain amount of energy to use from, that can be used if you do it proper, and need time to recharge.

What you're having seems like some kind of elemental magic still, but not working in ways I'm familiar with. It's mighty weird, and I dunno what to make of it. I certainly wanna figure out how it works though, because I feel confident that there's a hidden potential in what you got. Some way for you to refine and harness your energy proper, and figuring out the ins and outs enough to use it in battle.

Hopefully we'll figure it out in time."

She'd halt briefly, as a small flock of phoenixes flew high above them, passing their path with naught a care in the world. She really liked these birds to be honest. Smarter than they seemed, and seeing how most predators abhorred fire, they rarely had things to worry about. Not from wildlife anyway. Others wanted them for various things. Like experiments, or to force them as pets, due to their beautiful visage. She also knew that young dragons and foals alike that she knew of, would sometimes follow them, to try and catch a feather they preened. Beautiful, warm, and very soft, they were nice little, inexpensive collection pieces for younglings.

"I dunno if what you say about the kinda magic you're using right now, being species wide. Maybe for your sort. I've never... Okay, strike that. I've never seen another dragon do exactly like you do. I forgot about Ancalagon... That guy is massive. I mean, utterly monstrous. In his full form, he could trample the entirety of Ponyville, in one stomp. But he does use some sort of magic to change his size. Maybe it's something similar to that... I never really thought about that before actually. Huh."

That gave her some food for thoughts, as they wandered on, making good speed towards the temple they were headed forth. A target of profit and adventure, it were going to be a fun time once they inevitably got there.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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3 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Shark didn't notice any of it. She had gotten into a mood where she either stood and nibbled Light's ear lovingly, or if he had gone to see what were happening too, were sniffing various dried spots on the nearby vacant table, to try and figure out what it were.

Light was a bit distracted as usual and could not react properly due to Shark.

He would be wary and try to defend Shark and the Kitsune. But it seems the actions of the kitsune to him was not wise.


" hey! What're you doing!?" He scolded the kitsune.

"Whos that! Whats going on?" He asked the sibling kobolts.

"Shark! Lets be diligent... We have no idea what we are up against."

( and why is the required characters longer again!?...)

 @Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus

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