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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom
Solar agreed, and would also of course introduce himself, though he didn't mention his unit or such this time, as this was less official introduction and more personal one, and his introduction was more along the lines of 'A royal guard and a painter.' though Magma probably could tell that he wasn't just a average guard, not only because of the more obvious parts, but also because his armor didn't match any other guard armor exactly. 

He noted things like the higher than usual body temperature, making a mental note about it among information Magma mentioned. 

As he was done with his duties, which had taken bit less than half an hour, Solar headed towards the mentioned cafe, he hadn't been there before, nor had he really studied the cities yet, but he followed the directions given to him. When he arrived, he'd scan the place for Magma in case she had overestimated the time she'd take, and if not there, he'd then order a normal coffee for himself and get to a easy to spot table to wait for Magma, while going through the elite's recording again in his head, trying to get any sense of what triggered the events he saw.


 "Your observations are not inaccurate." Myrkr stated "She is not the most patient of us three, yet, she is probably the most justified in her anger." Myrkr got up "None of us are heroes, just different flavors of monsters, we fight not for better tomorrow, but for tomorrow without us." "We are monsters, created by our past, our crimes will never be undone, but we can make sure that those who created us will never rise here." 

As he started walking towards his companions, he waved his hand as goodbye "I wish you a happy life young one, may your hunt for knowledge bring great harvest, may darkness never reach your soul." "We may meet again, or may not, but let's hope it's in good circumstances." "Take care" he walked relatively slow, so there was still a chance to say or ask something, but if not, he'd eventually make it to the two others, and there was no words exchanged, no gestures shown, the two others just started walking, and so the three walked away. 


As to be expected, Charir had no real reaction to Spicy's words, and there wasn't much room for his usual curiosity to take over, so he stayed in place while Spicy did her thing. He had no interest in going back in, and while he was indeed worried about the others, it really only made things worse, as he blamed himself for it, his uselessness, how come it was him who made it out? he had only ever needed help, he hadn't been able to defend his own territory, he had fled his home only to be rescued from drowning by Ruby, and now Ruby and Leviathan were fighting while he fled like the coward he was. What a poor excuse for a dragon.


Ruby would pace around for several minutes, few tens of minutes at least, she tried to clear her head to think, but for no avail, she kept making noises of frustration, she didn't know whatever she was feeling, only that it felt like she needed more air, and that she wanted it to stop. Before she had assumed it was caused by the limitations of the pony form, but she didn't think it was the case anymore, as she didn't feel the need to transform as strongly anymore, she did still want to shed this form of course, but the discomfort was stronger than that feeling.

If nothing happened during these tens of minutes, she'd finally decide to get out of the cage, but not by using the hinges, as she wasn't on observant enough mindset to really even consider it at the moment, rather she was going for more magical solution. She cast a sealing spell on the lock of the cage, now that may seem counterproductive at first, but like Ruby had warned Marley and Spicy when she had done the spell on her treasure in Spicy's vault, they can be unstable, and this time, she made the spell purposely unstable. 

So assuming the lack of active anti-magical features around, she cast a spell, and then kicked the door, which caused the spell to lose its stability and explode in magical blast strong enough to shatter the lock. If this worked, she'd head towards the room where the main mummy had risen, since it had an altar and the mummy had mentioned preparing it; she wasn't going to leave leviathan behind like a coward. Any spears she ignored, not because she thought about the potential danger touching it, but more because she had no clue how she could use them properly in this form, and they would be more a hindrance for her than anything, besides, what exactly would she do with them, stab a skeleton?

If it didn't work. she'd stay in the cage, getting even more restless and uncomfortable, as she failed to notice the situation with the hinges.


 "I didn't think you implied anything." Sheska stated "I just answered the question honestly." her tone wasn't exactly friendly, but she wasn't hostile either, she was just in a bad mood and didn't bother hiding it "Lot has happened in my relatively short life, yet seeing my brother break is what has finally done it." "The easy escape has never felt more appealing." Sheska didn't ask for anything, but Chega did quietly speak "Could you bring her some cold water."  





  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2024-03-08 at 5:07 AM, Blitz Boom said:

@Rising Dusk

"Oh, think nothing off it dear. I only ever told your brother of the fragility of my plants, so you couldn't possibly have known. I really should have explained myself beforehoof, so for that, I do apologize.

I think you would like them though. Perhaps later, when we are all well and situated, and things have calmed, I might present to you my work? They are personally cultivated strings of botany, carefully cultivated to retain certain magical qualities, that makes them ideal for work in crafting magical potions and the like. It is quite fun to make such things I find, to suit the needs of my alchemical skills. A fascination and trait I picked up from a stallion called Hedge Trim. A fascinating pony that one.

Ah, but I digress I suppose. I would like for us to be able to stash our belongings first yes, if you would be so kind."

She would hold back for now, that the stallion in question didn't teach her as a teacher and student kind of things. He had been one of the bodies she had inhabited for a time. Not too long, as he had been up in years, and bodies did have an expiration date, but she had still used it with great delight for a number of years, and as wit all she took over, she would inherit their specialties. Botany were what she got from him, just as cooking skills did from Caramel. It gave her a wide portfolio, but there were always room for more.

Hmm... Now that she thought of it, perhaps Equestrian bodies did have some interest... Not a pony likely. But perhaps they had longer living races here, with their own specialties, and peculiar magics? That would be fascinating to find out eventually, though she were still decades from needing a replacement. There were no rush. And really, she expected the detective to be quite irate if she did try on his guard. Perhaps time would offer her some degree of lenience. She did pay fairly for her *new rides* as it were.

They were both awestruck, though Caramel hid it better, as they wandered through. Not that it escaped anyone how fascinated she were with things - especially the paintings and any unusual plant life - but she did not have her mouth more or less dangling open, like Will-O did. Although she did get helped by the distraction of feeling Chirpy move about on her back at times, making her need to tell him no, and try to use her magic to stroke his feathers to calm him down. He weren't thinking of violence, but there were a lot of new things here. Specifically, a lot of new shiny things, and undead or not, he were still a crow. It caught his eye to see such glittering prizes. He'd probably later on fly off and return with small bits of metal, and actual bits he'd collect out of town eventually. Not in it though, unless it were on the street. She had raised him better than to steal from stalls, homes, or regular ponies.

Will-O and Caramel would however, be both fascinated with learning a bit more of this place. A curiosity placed when they were told that this were a cottage not long ago, and as such, they were both holding their words, anticipating what she would say more of such a fascinating wonder, even if they both still had praise for all the rest they could see here.

"A malleable domain? Ohoho, how marvelous. And on such a scale too. Why, this exceeds what any fae folk could do, and they do so enjoy a malleable home, to fit with what their fancy might be for the time. Though not to this degree. That is merely natural. This is a brick and magical marvel. They would kill to have something as magnificent as this. Quite literally, I might add"

"It is just baffling to me, miss. All this splendor, that looks as if it took years, and you say it can change quickly? That it could eve fill as little spot as a cottage? It seems so otherworldly to me. N-Not that I think you're lying, of course. It's just overwhelming how many things you can do. And how vast your home can be. It is very pretty though. I think it has the right kind of look to it, even if it is a strange style, compared to where we are from."

"I quite like it in all honesty. Harrowmark emphasizes dark, dreary colors, to attracts less attention, but this place is booming with color and style. Ah, I could spend hours simply marveling at it all. These pictures too, would take me some time. Usually when I see living paintings, it's because someone's soul is trapped in it. Yet since I highly doubt you would stoop to such grizzly means, I can enjoy these greater, not wondering whom might be wandering within. The lack of screams is quite enjoyable too."

Not that she had ever done such a thing, but she found stuff from those less moral than her every so often. Paintings used to store souls in were old school, even in Harrowmark, but some enjoyed such classics as it were. Personally she found it revolting though. Killing were one thing, but you shouldn't torture souls. That were going too far for her tastes.

Caramel let out a raspy, yet delightful giggle when she saw the painting morph into a door. To see this in action, rather than just being told it? It were breathtaking and fascinating. And the implication, that every part of her home, she could make into a gateway to other places? Why, she believed this mare just became more and more endearing to her by the second. Not in the way others might worry though. Dawn were marvelous, but in truth, she doubted she could handle a body with that much unlocked, complex magic at her hooves. Plus it seemed in poor taste to go after the sister of their savior, who were such a generous mare as to offer them residence. She'd much rather think of Dawn as a friend, if possible.

Besides, it never hurt having powerful friends. You never knew what might happen.

Seeing the residence they were offered though, did make them both open their eyes wider in surprise. They had expected a room, not a full on house. And certainly not one this spacious.

Chirpy were the first to act though, lifting off from Will-O's back, and flapping over to a nice perch on the building, where he could sit comfortably. 

While she where somewhat tentative, Will-O would take a step through, that she might stare at this more, though she couldn't form a word. Caramel did not have that issue though.

"It is more space than either of us have occupied combined in Oaksbrook. Why, it puts the mayors house to shame, and his were one of the better one in town."

She'd use her magic to float her remaining box with the flowers in, her saddlebags, and the saddlebags of Will-O, over to be stashed on the rest of her luggage. It would free them of quite a burden, though she would float her own back, after they had been emptied neatly. She assumed they would get things in town, and thus she'd need these. Along with the box of various gold things from the box that had already gotten here. They should likely get this exchanged to local currency. She kept the geistmetal though. She intended to sell those to some, when she would eventually find a place to do such things.

"What can I say about this splendor that would do it justice? We are truly, gratefully appreciative of this, and the hospitality in general that you have shown us, Dawn. I hope that the day will come, when we can in some way repay you for such generous help, to get us started on fresh terms, here in your wondrous city."

She truly liked this place. It were modern, but not in a way that seemed odd or audacious to her. It were something familiar, in a new way, with plenty of space. It were a well picked choice by Dawn, whom she would assume had several places like this, due to the way they had gotten here.

"The magic you used to get us here were fascinating too. Portal magic with a bit of flair, I would imagine? Or is this situated in a pocket dimension of sorts? I always read of things such as this, but never saw anything of that sort outside of what the fae folk could do. Either way, your magic is truly extraordinary. Between you and Rising's Fabolous boss, I am getting blown away by the power level of regular mortals in Equestria. It is magnificent to witness. Doubly so with the flair you both have. I can only adore such imaginative expression of magic."




"We heard the rumors of that, but it is good to have confirmation.

We do have some members here and there, throughout the world. Either out on adventure, or teaching kits various things. They bring stories back with them. Far as I know, a few have shown interest in trying to be the first to approach the lord of chaos too, but they are nervous, and somewhat awestruck. Understandable, considering who he is.

I would think it will be some of our kits who will approach him first. After all Princess Twilight have done with other races, we decided to reach out to her, and have sent a pair of students of ours to her school in Ponyville, not many days past. We are still working out an exchange of students from them, to try and begin talks via a cultural exchange, but she says she is still considering which volunteers to send back. I have high hopes for our kits though. They're curious as any kits are, but they are respectful, and yearning for knowledge. They will fit in well."

There were still some among their elders who were not keen on the idea, due to worries that it might cause trouble, if the princess decided to work with the Neighponese government of ponies at some point, and would divulge things about them that they did not want to be seen, but there were a broad agreement that they did need to reach out and make allies, in case a more hostile government over here would rise, so they had some to call upon for aid if needed.

There wouldn't be time to say anything, but it were not needed. Sohe would respond with a nod and a smile, understanding well his position, as well as his worries. Yet his more immediate ones would be towards his sister, and she would frankly be disapointed if that had not been the case. Family should come first, unless you were in a position of forced neutrality.

Perhaps at a later point, he would do well in talking with more of the elders, in case some had the time to educate him. He could do with some pointers and moral backup potentially. She'd think it interesting personally to go and see the longma encampment herself. She were an elder, as their leaders were, and she were not a physical threat to their defenders likely. She walked slowly, and needed the use of a cane for longer treks, even through their own headquarters. Her magic were not important she'd say, as it wasn't obvious, so it mattered little in her appearance. But sadly it sounded as if they were very secular, and didn't enjoy mingling with other species. Perhaps at a later time, she could serve as a sort of ambassador for their kind, as she were also among the most level headed against narrow-minded individuals, and were still well able to defend herself if needed.

They would see what time would bring, but could well end up that her, or one they would specifically chose at least, would end up going there when the invitation were open, to go and make contact, and show them that there were others to speak with, outside of their narrow view of who were worth it.

"Worry not, dear child. You have been here for but a few hours. As for me, my name is Elder Sohe. I met you after Zhao used my study to help clear your mind. An unfortunate incident that were, but you would need to ask her for details. You will not need to wait long."

She smirked slightly, as she knew even before she showed, that Zhao were but a few minutes away from them. And when she showed up, it would not be alone. She had an attendant in a pale white kimono, with Neighponese lettering on the side with her, that floated some trays of refreshments with him. Simple things, with one having a bowl of various greens and a smaller bowl of dried meat next to it, along with some spicy dipping sauce, and the other having a large carafe of water, and some wooden cups. There were also a white, porcelain bottle with a cork on top, and some small sipping bowls.

"I see that you are awake early, Lin. Interesting."

The attendant would go and place the trays on the nearby table, then bow his neck respectfully before the elders. Sohe first, followed by Zhao.

"Anything else you would need of me, elders?"

"I believe this should be sufficient, thank you. You may return to your duties now."

He would nod, and leave without a word, closing the door softly behind him.

"Now then, how are things here?"

"She appears unaware of where she is."

"Not a great surprise. With how fast she have awakened, I can imagine her mind scrambled to make things fit, and the simplest route were to look past what happened when she were attacked, and until now. Memories like those tend to return eventually though, when things are settled. If not, we can give a synopsis of what happened, to catch you up to speed. I would suggest Sen doing so. I trust that you would not leave out any details if it were, yes?"

She would look directly at Sen as she said that, with the general look of a schoolteacher about to grade you on your next actions. Which granted, were more or less the truth too. Though she expected that Sen would approach this with honesty. If not, then she would tell. What had happened in her mind were important, from beginning to end.



@Evil Pink One

If he actually smelled himself, he'd find there were a mixture of bile, sourness, and gag-worthy sweetness still lingering in his fur. They had done the best they could about it, but with Shark being as defensive as she had been, they hadn't been able to properly wash him. If it had just been sweat, it would be whatever, but the antidote did make him expunge the venom from his pores, as well as his mouth. If they hadn't been able to at least wash out his mouth, he'd probably feel like he had been gargling in three year old cherry soda, that someone had stirred with moldy cheese.

One nurse had argued that they should potentially bring in a hose to sort things, but it were mostly seen as a joke. A tempting one however. Especially for Foxglove who had to hold the bucket, and then go and burn the insides of it, out the back. This were not exactly great stuff that came from that outlandish arachnid.

"My name is Doctor Toxina. I am an expert in on a multitude of various toxins, and their effects and cure from a large amount of races. From ponies and griffons, to more outlandish creatures like changelings and evergrown. I have taken to help the hospital here for the time being, due to the influx of more varied creatures in the area, though Foxglove took well care of you all by herself. I were positively surprised about that, considering the rarity of the toxin that affected you."

The lieutenant bowed her head, happy to hear what she had been told.

"You honor me, Doctor, though I learned most of this from your books. They're very informative.

While I have the word though, if I may?"

Toxina would nod, indicating it were okay.

"I asked Miss Jäger if she'd like a physical checkup, and she said yes. It's standard for anypony living in town, and we were waiting for you as it were. It seemed good to simply get it done, so they have a baseline in her folder, in case she comes back to the hospital again. You have to remember that she is not exactly a pony. As such, any medical issues might have to be dealt with differently for her. I evaluated that it were best to be sure, so they'd know how best to help in an emergency. I'm sorry that I did not inform you of this beforehoof though. I can imagine it must have been somewhat of a surprise, but I give you my word that it have just been a general check. Nothing invasive or harmful in any way."

She hadn't any negative idea behind this. It were literally just that they needed a baseline, in case the locals had to work with her later. And this were just a general check. A small blood sample, height and weight, vitals and reflexes. By all accounts, she were at perfect health, and thus there were nothing to worry about there.

"Be nice to metal friend. Save mate, so is good friend."

She'd wander over to him, and rub her snout on the tip of his right ear.

"You never know with draconequui creations, whatever they are even stable, physically speaking. You're fortunate that she seems both stable and very healthy. I can imagine you'd be saddened if something happened to her, and vice versa."

"Hehe, friend says big words."

"Quite so, yes.

As for you, you have dodged a bullet, but if you see one of those things against, get away quickly, or squash it. There should not be more of them in the area, though we are searching. If you do see more, feel free to squash them. They are a highly dangerous species, usually detained deep in Zebrica. How one got here will be investigated, and if more are found, they will be disposed of. They're too dangerous to let run loose.

But that is for us to worry about, not you. You should do yours to try and rest some, over the next few days, just to make sure that you regain your strength.

Before you leave however, I noticed something peculiar, under your skin, when you were being detoxed. You are not required to answer, but I would like to ask if you might explain it, if you feel so inclined?"

under my skin?" he questioned. as he looked he would see... what exactly? 

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-03-08 at 5:07 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Worry not, dear child. You have been here for but a few hours. As for me, my name is Elder Sohe. I met you after Zhao used my study to help clear your mind. An unfortunate incident that were, but you would need to ask her for details. You will not need to wait long."

She smirked slightly, as she knew even before she showed, that Zhao were but a few minutes away from them. And when she showed up, it would not be alone. She had an attendant in a pale white kimono, with Neighponese lettering on the side with her, that floated some trays of refreshments with him. Simple things, with one having a bowl of various greens and a smaller bowl of dried meat next to it, along with some spicy dipping sauce, and the other having a large carafe of water, and some wooden cups. There were also a white, porcelain bottle with a cork on top, and some small sipping bowls.

“It’s nice to meet you, Elder Sohe, though I wish we could have met under better circumstances. This is not a good look, and I feel as if my mind is drawing blanks. Only vague thoughts about what happened before I woke up remain.”

Lin tried to remember some more recent memories, though she couldn’t do so without either coming up with nothing or having a headache. There were small glimpses of walking down a tunnel into some underground ruins, talking with a few of the village children, and spending time with Shrimp, but nothing else seemed to come to mind. Blanking out on the things that happened earlier wasn’t a good sign, but she wasn’t going to accept it.

Fortunately, Elder Zhao came in and explained the matter, easing her worries and assuring her that the memories would return in time. Having the recap would do wonders to help jog her memory, but it may take some time to have Sen’s narration of events line up with what she could recall. Frankly, it was likely that Sen would dictate what happened, and she would just accept events as they were, but he understood the task and its importance. It was a sound approach to ensure Lin could start to recover. 

On 2024-03-08 at 5:07 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Now then, how are things here?"

"She appears unaware of where she is."

"Not a great surprise. With how fast she have awakened, I can imagine her mind scrambled to make things fit, and the simplest route were to look past what happened when she were attacked, and until now. Memories like those tend to return eventually though, when things are settled. If not, we can give a synopsis of what happened, to catch you up to speed. I would suggest Sen doing so. I trust that you would not leave out any details if it were, yes?"

She would look directly at Sen as she said that, with the general look of a schoolteacher about to grade you on your next actions. Which granted, were more or less the truth too. Though she expected that Sen would approach this with honesty. If not, then she would tell. What had happened in her mind were important, from beginning to end.

Sen nodded upon hearing the elder’s suggestion. As much as he found the look Elder Zhao was giving him to be a little… pressuring, he readied himself and began recalling the mindscape, what they found there, and their tasks within that place. It still felt surreal, but the things that happened there were not easily forgotten.

“Sister, as said earlier, something took over you; some kind of creature wormed its way into your head. Omen took us here to the kitsune so we could remove that presence in your mind, and what she said was true. We entered your mind and began restoring memories that were changed by the entity because it was making you remember things differently. It’s like it was trying to make you forget what we went through with Rosa and Discord as if making you forget those we befriended and what we achieved together. Rescuing Omen, spending time at the carnival… those things.” 

“Somehow, either you or something that looked like you joined us inside your mind. It was your consciousness, I think, but it helped us out a lot. Eventually, whatever was inside your head began showing us things that seemed to be related to it. Experiments, most likely, but it may have been giving us hints that the longma were its creations…”

Sen paused for a moment to catch his breath; somehow, this narration of events began to sound even more bizarre despite having experienced it. He was about to go into the more personal memories, especially the matter concerning their parents, but it appeared that even Lin was just as uncertain about the narration now. Perhaps this may be a good thing in disguise, as Sen hoped to have a private discussion with his sister about the matter. However, how they'd go about this would simply depend on what comes next. As for Lin, she held up two claws in front of her, gesturing to her brother to stop before he could say another word. 

“Wait, please stop. Going into my mind, restoring my memories? All of this sounded too strange to be true, and I don’t know what to make of that.”

“It is what we believed was the best approach to helping you, sister. Directly fixing the problem by removing the presence from your mind and undoing the damage it did to you.”

“Omen? Elder? Forgive me for being skeptical, I am unsure about all of this. What Sen just said… did it really happen?”

Lin looked to the others in the room, then back at Sen. Though she wanted to believe her brother, and he had no reason to lie to her about what he saw, his sequence of events sounded a little too bizarre to be true. Perhaps having a second and third opinion to corroborate her brother’s accounts would go a long way to assuring her that Sen hasn’t gone mad from being in the mindscape. That said, he had given her some memories to work with, so she could try to recall some events in the more distant past. It was a start, and the downtime to get her mind sorted was good to have.

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"Yes. Another mother, making longma, for a master. Not like Mother. This one sounded bad, and the ones made were not all longma. Maybe this were them making you? I only know what we saw. It were strange."

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you for certain if that scene were a fabrication meant to test their resolve, or if it were truth. Nothing sprung out as being disprovable.

If there is any truth to it, it lies n the ruins you got infected in. I already gave my suggestion on it once, but you seem to have forgotten, so let me repeat myself: Do not, under any circumstances, go in there again. The parasite specifically seemed to go for longma. It is not safe for any of your kind to approach there, without guidance. Perhaps in time, it will be a kitsune that can help. Perhaps others still. For now, make use of Omen. Her mind is a complicated mess. Any parasite attempting to encroach on it, would find no foothold. I only managed to make a connection with great effort, and I have been doing this craft, for over forty years."

"Forty-two, and that only counts after you graduated. And I cannot say I am surprised, that a creature of Discord's creation, would have a peculiar mind."

"I thought the school nurses had been exaggerating, when they wrote her mind were a cat, and a ball of yarn. I found it were just the more sane, outer layer."

Honestly, she considered it a wonder that she were able to learn things at all. It were a tangled mess in there, that shouldn't work, though she had eventually found a twisted logic that ran through it. Without it, she likely wouldn't have been able to make the connection that she had before.

Omen would then go on to explain in simple details what had been shown them in the lab setting, and the interactions they had with the failed experiments. Nothing subtle or anything of the sort, but the stuff she had noticed, and were shown them right off, she could. More hidden stuff weren't a guarantee for her to notice, as she had been focused on all the strangeness fully on display, as it were.

Her tale would stop just as they got to the point of having gone through the area, lest she were interrupted before that. If not, Zhao would be the one to interrupt her.

"Let her think of what have been said so far, before we move to the last part."

"And do try some of the refreshments. Be careful with the sake though. It can be a little strong."

Elder Sohe would take some water for now, but the option for any of the things brought in, were there for them to take. Omen would likely take water eventually, but she had no need for it currently.



@Catpone Cerberus

Magma would be around three minutes too late, approaching with a steady speed. The metal briefcase she had been handling before, still in her possession, but now being held between her teeth by the handle. She were somewhat in a hurry, after not hitting the right time exactly, but not enough to be running. That wouldn't make for a good scene, in her eyes.

Before going inside, she'd stand still, close her eyes, and take a few deep breaths, before approaching. Best to keep herself calm.

"Mr. Solar. Apologies for the slight delay. I had to go over one of the forms in a few more details. It would be a proper mess if they tried to apply for a A-8793-Q, when they clearly need a A-8893-Q. Though I can imagine the Fish and Game Commission would have had a good laugh at the request.

Ah, but that isn't the paperwork you would care for, of course. As said, I do not have exact replicas, but my memory of them should hopefully prove well enough for me to make a rough schematic. I have some papers in the briefcase."

If he checked her temperature again, he could tell it were falling, but still above what he had last registered. At a point where most others would be considered down with high fever, and would be bedridden. And yet she seemed perfectly fine.

For the time being, she would sit down, and look over the guard. Just in case he had a rebuttal, before she would pull out some paper and a charcoal stick from her briefcase, and start writing what she could remember. It were not her department, so the details would be scarce though.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I'd rather hope we do meet. It would be welcome with some intelligent conversation, from a member of my own species. That said, I wish you all three well in your endeavors, and in case we do not cross paths again, that you may one day find a worthy successor."

Her bag would stir, as the pink bunny inside would start to wake up, and crawling up out of there, to yawn and stretch.

"We should be on our way too. I have to check on the results of a few tests as it were regardless. Thank you again for your help with my arm. It is truly, greatly appreciated."

It seemed to be time for them to be on their way then. They likely could have spend more time talking of various things, but they were both likely to live for several millennia, so they would likely be fine. Plenty of time yet to try and catch up in the future, but they'd see what would happen. For now, she would bow her neck respectfully at him, and get on her feet. There were things to do for them both, so she might as well get started.



@Catpone Cerberus

She would wander in alone, and would start to look for the others. Couldn't have gone too, right?



@Catpone Cerberus

Ruby would manage to break out, though it would make some sound that'd be hard to ignore. Still, no one were near. She'd be far off before anything would come and check on things.

Running through the halls, she'd find them devoid of both life, and unlife. There were no guards in her way. However, before she reached the room, she'd be able to hear the echo of their leaders voice, ringing through the place.

"-way from here. I will not be disturbed now. And find that pony. We know they are here."

She might want to try another route. If she did, she'd find most of them to be abandoned, but she would be able to hear a faint sound from the left. It sounded like rocks getting loose. Some sort of rumble? It were quite a bit away. Might be nothing.

Closer to that though, blocking her path to the room where the leader were in, if she decided to go that path, she'd find the deer. Not the one leading things, nor the priestess. It were the one that the others had met at the entrance. At feeling her approach, it would halt from walking forward, and turn to look at her. It's black eyes starring at her with curiosity, and with no current intent on moving out of her path. Though hey, she could always try and push through. What was the worst that could happen?



@Catpone Cerberus

"Of course sir. Just a moment."

Bubble Tea would smile at them, and be on her way to get the water. There were a lot of story here it sounded like, buuuut... This seemed a bit out of her depth to go into, so she'd prefer to just... Try and help in what way she could right now, that did not include taking on the role of a therapist. Which right now, meant getting her some cold water. She always made sure to keep some in the fridge, and fill the cans up during the day. A fair few wanted their water cold, and it were an easy one to oblige. And she had to admit to get a bit of satisfaction, for being able to handle what reasonable requests a guest could ask, as much as possible. Even something as simple as this.

So soon after, she'd have returned with some cups, and a can of nice, cold water. There were no charge for these sorts of things, long as you didn't break the cups. It were just regular hospitality. Though she did find that often, if somepony stuck around long enough, they'd get more than just water. It weren't her aim, but she would admit to it being nice when it did happen.

"Here you go. Just let me know if you need more, okay? I will be right up at the desk."

She would point it out, though it wasn't exactly hard to tell either. It were the main desk of this place, both for her handling out keys, and drinks. As well as being where food orders tended to be. It were a long desk, split into a few sections granted, but point remained, yes?

If there would be nothing else for now, she'd go there, and tend to her job for the time being.



@Evil Pink One

"It did not match in coloration to regular tissue, nor the poison. I believe it might be a foreign object, like a shard of wood, or metal. Potentially plastic.

You were tackled at the inn, as I understand it? It is possible for something to slide in then, and with the state you were in, that would have been the main focus, rather than this.

It wouldn't appear you currently have any discomfort, but anything there could cause long term health issues. I were going to examine you before now, but considering your marefriend's protectiveness, it didn't seem wise, without getting verbal confirmation, that it were okay with you.

So then, provided it is not an old wound, or potentially a medical implant, like a plate, or a screw to keep a bone set, may I have a look? It were near your right front hoof.

It might be nothing, and I saw incorrectly, but I still wanted to ask, and see for myself, if possible. Your health is not something that is worth taking risks with."



@Lawyer Slip

Stargazer had begun going around, telling folks that it were safe to come outside again. Both from their homes, and the newly build bunkers in town, that the forepony had insisted be installed, after the attack a week prior. An overreaction some had said. There were less voices against that as the days had gone though. Today alone, had seen them under two attacks, albeit both seemingly briefly. One who tried to assassinate an old couple, then nearly killed a changeling queen with poison, before causing some degree of mayhem at the castle. The next some robotic kobold, that the guards had rallied around keeping the citizens away from, due to the perceived threat. But things seemed okay now. Day weren't done either, so there were still time to get through what folks wanted, though some might be better moved to tomorrow. Just in case the bad news today, would come in waves of three.

As she heard the coast were clear, there'd be one out and about fast. A trail following her in the sky, as she zig-zagged from the window of the home she were in, upwards and towards the edge of town. It looked like the path of a drunk fly, or how somepony would try to paint a corkscrew dive, using a ruler, and sneezed at times, making the lines uneven. How she managed to do this, were anypoony's guess, but the pony that did it, seemed no worse for the wear for it. And right now, she were zooming around, getting to the edge, and then zooming around town. A faint giggle accompanying her wherever she flew. As well as the smell of peppermint.

Ziggy were a peculiar mare in many aspects, but she were utterly harmless, so the worst she caused, were confusion when she randomly decided to dive down and tackle-hug somepony. Which due to her size, tended to make a fair few feel like they were foals, or teddy bears, being pulled up into such a thing, from a mare who most often would be gone before they managed to properly think about what just happened.

For now, she wasn't tackling anypony. But the hunt were on, to find a new face to talk to. There had been too much indoor time today! Too much! She needed to move her limbs around, and have some fun. Probably not as much fun as the one time she met Rainbow Dash though.

True to form, she had been challenged to a race, and she had been beaten, as were expected. But the dumbfounded look on the mare's face, when she saw how Ziggy were flying, were comedy gold. She'd been laughing at least, even if Rainbow Dash seemed confused as to what were happening.

A brief meeting that, as Ziggy had to go after, but maybe next time she'd run into her, she'd be able to ask what she'd been thinking. Probably just confused at what she saw. That were usually the reaction.

Anyway, time to make a new friend!

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Slipstream slowly crept through the alleyways. Slinking past dumpsters and creeping past old furniture. He wasn't sure what he was doing. Ever since he met Rich it had been nothing but, try to socialize more, and make new friends. He did like Apple Bloom, but it was still hard for him to make friends with anypony. Why this was, who know? It could've been his anxiety getting the best of him. It could've been him trying to lay low ever since he "accidentally" caused a second Sonic Rainboom. But, deep down, he knew it was because of the nagging feeling, that he didn't really belong in this world.

But either way, Rich had sent him out to make a new friend and that was what he was going to try to do. As long as he avoided being spotted by Rainbow Dash, he knew he should be fine. AB had told him about RD's furious rampage about the fact that there was another pony who could do a Sonic Rainboom, and he had been trying to lay low ever since. He also had a hard time hiding, being the only Pony with a coat as green as his, and the only Pegasus with hair as red as his. 

He took another glance back at the alleyway, took a deep breath, and stepped out into the sunlight, not noticing the Zigzag flight pattern in the sky above him.

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@Blitz Boom

Dawn chuckled sweetly at Will-O's disbelief in wonderment at the manor.  "You'll find a lot of strange magics here in Equestria, just as I myself found many new magics I'd never dreamed of in Harrowmark.  But, to temper some expectations you might be thinking about, you won't find another home like this in Equestria.  Homes this size, sure, but they will be made of brick and mortar with the smallest of enchantments, if any.  The list of things I can do is very vast, but that is just my gift.  Opposite of my twin, who breaks magic, I create it.  And I more than welcome the compliment, thank you sweet Will-O."

Turning her attention to Caramel who held all the more inquiry, while doing her best to push the suggested thought of trapping souls inside of paintings to make them move.  Evident in the brief furrow of her brow, but she in kind still accepted the compliment to her paintings as well.  But on to other matters of inquiry, "You'll find here in Equestria, we really like color.  Bright color specifically, but that often ebs and flows through the seasons.  You'll catch on quickly living here."  She swept her hoof around the room they now stood in.  The living room was well furnished in pale greens, blues and bright reds.  Plants decorated around the rooms and up the staircase to the bedrooms.  Sunlight beamed pleasantly through the windows to keep them nice and healthy.   "Your basic needs should be readily available.  Up stairs are your bedrooms and the washroom.  Breakfast is served at seven o'clock," she motioned to the ancient grandfather clock with a striking motif of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watching over Equestria.  "Both, actually.  My home morphed the painting into a portal, taking the form of a door to represent this.  It opened the portal to that dark void you briefly saw.  Then came along a little pocket space within itself to connect with the portal, where we stand now.  As you can imagine, this space can also take any form I wish.  So no, you are currently not in a cottage somewhere else in Equestria."

With a satisfied nod, as she knew they'd be seeing each other soon.  "Now, please get settled.  I'm going to change into something less dat~ I mean, less Harrowmark approved, for our evening out.  When you both are ready to depart, simply knock on the door three times," Dawn instructed before departing their little pocket space cottage, which the heavy oak door closing behind her.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-03-12 at 7:34 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Yes. Another mother, making longma, for a master. Not like Mother. This one sounded bad, and the ones made were not all longma. Maybe this were them making you? I only know what we saw. It were strange."

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you for certain if that scene were a fabrication meant to test their resolve, or if it were truth. Nothing sprung out as being disprovable.

If there is any truth to it, it lies n the ruins you got infected in. I already gave my suggestion on it once, but you seem to have forgotten, so let me repeat myself: Do not, under any circumstances, go in there again. The parasite specifically seemed to go for longma. It is not safe for any of your kind to approach there, without guidance. Perhaps in time, it will be a kitsune that can help. Perhaps others still. For now, make use of Omen. Her mind is a complicated mess. Any parasite attempting to encroach on it, would find no foothold. I only managed to make a connection with great effort, and I have been doing this craft, for over forty years."

“You won’t get an argument from me about that, elder. That place is called taboo for a reason, but when I learned it had something to do with father’s... No, it’s just a bad place, one that needed to be sealed away for good. If whatever got to me already did it once, what’s to stop it from going after other creatures? I can’t in good conscience put Omen, the kitsune, or anyone else at risk. Maybe it’ll be better if no one studies it.” 

“Sister, whatever it was that got to you, it specifically wanted the longma. When it took over you, it said that ‘they,’ whoever they are, are coming for us. I hate to admit it but we’re targets now, and that means we’ll have to deal with it whether we like it or not.”

“Knowing you, brother, you’ll want to keep as many of our folks safe. I hope you realize Omen and Xin were there too; whatever got to me knows about us, and we’ve all got big red marks painted on us now.”

Sen didn’t like the implications of what Lin said, even though the latter tried to play it cool. Didn’t seem like it was a good idea in hindsight, but Sen ignored it for now, somewhat satisfied that Lin could still pick up on some of his ways of thinking. Then he realized the latter part of Lin’s reply and had to quickly go over to Omen to quietly explain that part. “Just so you know, Omen, we don’t have actual big red marks on us. But, she’s right; let’s be careful when we decide what to do with the ruins.”

The matter of the ruins back home was hopefully settled with Xin sealing off the one they visited. However, there was no doubt more were scattered throughout the forest. In hindsight, it was good that the elders had reason to keep anyone from going there, but one could not help but wonder if they knew something others didn’t know. Did they know more than they let on? Perhaps Ghilan may have some insights on the matter, some knowledge he could have access to as an elder. 

Then again, this was probably one of the many matters that should be handled delicately. Having a lot on his plate right now means less time to worry or babysit the siblings. The other elders may look upon him less favorably if they knew he wasn’t doing a good enough job running the village. Even he was summoned by them. If anything, he also had troubles of his own. 

For now, Lin would sit and think about the things she’s heard. Omen’s narration, along with Sen’s additions on the specifics surrounding the laboratory and the experiments that went on within it, still gave her pause. Someone or something claims to have been creating the longma... a product of testing or something more nefarious? If it were true, what was the goal? And who was the "tank-mother?" More questions arose, but none had easy answers. Lin couldn’t shake the thought that she was the product of someone else’s mind, but she was certain that she was herself, with her thoughts and choices being her own.

On 2024-03-12 at 7:34 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Let her think of what have been said so far, before we move to the last part."

"And do try some of the refreshments. Be careful with the sake though. It can be a little strong."

Elder Sohe would take some water for now, but the option for any of the things brought in, were there for them to take. Omen would likely take water eventually, but she had no need for it currently.

As the recap went on, Sen walked by the refreshments brought in for them. He’d pick some water for Lin, who quietly took a few sips. Anything to help think with a clear mind would be ideal for her. As for him, he’d go for the sake Elder Sohe mentioned. Taking one little sip, he’d swirl the liquid in his mouth, taking in the taste and letting it sit to get a better idea of what was in it. A fruity and sweet taste was dominant, though he’d also notice the aspect Elder Sohe mentioned: a faintly strong taste that he couldn’t put his talon on. No doubt he wasn’t accustomed to light acidic tastes, and it was not quite like apple cider. This one’s got something going on with its floral aroma. 

“Brother, Omen, please give me a moment. I… just need some time to think about what you said because even after explaining it all, I still find it hard to believe if it is true…”

“Of course. Whenever you’re ready.”

The longma nodded and turned to the elder, stepping away from Lin for a while to give her a moment. He even passed his drink to Omen in case she’d like to try some; it was definitely something interesting and new, something the folks at home might not be able to conceive. It proved to be a nice enough distraction for the moment, but he knew he would have to broach the other more sensitive topic soon. 

“If I may ask, elder, is this the drink you mentioned? Sake? I’ve never had anything like it before. What is it made of? I’m picking up some hints of fruity tastes, but it’s also sort of flowery.”

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@Rising Dusk

On 2024-03-13 at 3:56 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Dawn chuckled sweetly at Will-O's disbelief in wonderment at the manor.  "You'll find a lot of strange magics here in Equestria, just as I myself found many new magics I'd never dreamed of in Harrowmark.  But, to temper some expectations you might be thinking about, you won't find another home like this in Equestria.  Homes this size, sure, but they will be made of brick and mortar with the smallest of enchantments, if any.  The list of things I can do is very vast, but that is just my gift.  Opposite of my twin, who breaks magic, I create it.  And I more than welcome the compliment, thank you sweet Will-O."

"Aah, such delightful duality, between you and him. Though I do find you the more intriguing one. Certainly he is resourceful and powerful, and will rightfully enjoy an honored spot in Harrowish history, but I do so love seeing creation, over destruction. The few things I've already seen, makes me think you a far more fascinating mare than it appeared on first sight, and it only increases the more speckles of your light I am exposed to.

Oh how much fun it would be to pick at your brain someday. Not literally, of course. Merely in an inquisitive manner, by a mare intrigued by your magical repertoire, that are curious what of these wonders are unique to your magic, and which can be taught. Perhaps if circumstances favor it someday, you and I can find a... Mutually beneficial arrangement as it were, hm?"

Caramel hadn't the slightest want to cause harm to this mare. Picking at your brain were merely an expression, though considering her homestead, she felt it best to clarify, just in case. It weren't as if she were unaware of how her home might be perceived. Rather ghastly place, compared to what she had seen and heard of Equestria thus far, and from a lively, colorful mare like this? Why, their country must seem a dreadful, disturbing place indeed.

A powerful one though. Oh yes, there were no denying that, if she could do things such as this, and Caramel were ever a mare yearning to learn, and grow stronger herself. So she pondered that perhaps, she could offer something from her own long-lived repertoire, for a few lessons someday, yes? Or something else of value, she might procure. Certainly this mare had wealth in spades, but there were more a heart wanted, than mere gold sometimes. Historical value, magical value, a personal effect, some leverage on her brother she could tease him with- Life were full of things one could value from more than a mere financial angle.

But they'd see what would come of it all, hm? They all had plenty of years left to spare, to figure such things out. Her more than them probably, as she were able to find new vessels, whilst theirs would inevitably perish, lest they did something about that. She could offer some guiding words on those, but she had doubt they'd like the price one had to pay. Not simply the taking of vessels, as she knew this extension for her, were derived from her wording at the time. She could not remember it, but she doubted her want to learn many, varied things, were all that recent. It seemed far more likely that they had heard that, and made her deal fit that desire, in their typical humorous (to them) fashion.

It were more the other cost. That of your name. That were more costly than you'd expect, if you hadn't dealt with the fae folk before. How costly, you rarely got a grasp of, before it were too late. She hadn't at least, though she had managed to adapt, and come to accept it.

On 2024-03-13 at 3:56 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"You'll find here in Equestria, we really like color.  Bright color specifically, but that often ebs and flows through the seasons.  You'll catch on quickly living here."

"I do hope so. I adore colors, but it is such a difficult thing to find and use properly in Harrowmark. Makes you stand out too much and all that. Aaah, but in this much more peaceful place? Why, I look forward to draping myself in brightest color already."

It were going to take a dress shop with some stuff others would likely consider gaudy, to sate her tastes, but she cared little. It were her want to be draped in lively colors finally, and she cared little for what others might think of her, from that perspective. She were generations behind in fashion as it were.

"I like more muted things, but I guess what we have are not that fashionable here."

Caramel at least tried with colors. Will-O on the other hoof, wore brown and boring colorations, making her more likely to blend in with an oak tree, or a pile of dirt, than an Equestrian crowd. It did not help either that she were dressed as if she worked at a museum, to blend in with a particular historical time period. Caramel did to a certain extend to, but she did have some stitched on, rough patches of color as it were, so it looked more like a well meaning cosplays, of older Equestria. They'd honestly blend in better both, if they ditches the clothes, as many ponies were want to do, but that were a bit too rash of a change for them. And Caramel would have to untangle the sickle from her tail, which would take some time. Had to tie that in well after all, so it didn't fall off when she tried to slice. That sort of thing could cost lives.

On 2024-03-13 at 3:56 AM, Rising Dusk said:

With a satisfied nod, as she knew they'd be seeing each other soon.  "Now, please get settled.  I'm going to change into something less dat~ I mean, less Harrowmark approved, for our evening out.  When you both are ready to depart, simply knock on the door three times," Dawn instructed before departing their little pocket space cottage, which the heavy oak door closing behind her.

"You can say *dated* out loud. We might not know how old fashioned we will look, but considering the materials you drape yourself ion alone, it is obvious that we are behind by some margin."

"We'll try and adjust to it. Later at least. Just uhm, one step at a time, I suppose."

"Certainly dear. Now let's get settled in, and let out dearest hostess get comfortable herself. Perhaps a bit of settling in will help with your nerves too, Will-O."

She'd nod, and they'd both bow towards Dawn. Honestly it weren't just nerves, it were just about everything that had happened. It would take her some time to get over her exile, her newfound knowledge of her heritage, and the new place they were in, but... She'd manage. She just needed some time.

It would be about a half hour before Caramel would knock on the door, as they were instructed. They were both clad in the same clothes they had arrived in, but they had taken a brush to their manes, tails, and coats, and the boxes had been settled around where they had to be in the house, for the time being. Caramel also had her saddlebags on her, insisting that Will-O shouldn't think about it, and just let her handle whatever they had to carry back. Which would depend on their finances, that were connected to the box of riches she had with her. That would be the first order of business, so they had something to work with.




On 2024-03-14 at 2:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You won’t get an argument from me about that, elder. That place is called taboo for a reason, but when I learned it had something to do with father’s... No, it’s just a bad place, one that needed to be sealed away for good. If whatever got to me already did it once, what’s to stop it from going after other creatures? I can’t in good conscience put Omen, the kitsune, or anyone else at risk. Maybe it’ll be better if no one studies it.” 

“Sister, whatever it was that got to you, it specifically wanted the longma. When it took over you, it said that ‘they,’ whoever they are, are coming for us. I hate to admit it but we’re targets now, and that means we’ll have to deal with it whether we like it or not.”

“Knowing you, brother, you’ll want to keep as many of our folks safe. I hope you realize Omen and Xin were there too; whatever got to me knows about us, and we’ve all got big red marks painted on us now.”

Sen didn’t like the implications of what Lin said, even though the latter tried to play it cool. Didn’t seem like it was a good idea in hindsight, but Sen ignored it for now, somewhat satisfied that Lin could still pick up on some of his ways of thinking. Then he realized the latter part of Lin’s reply and had to quickly go over to Omen to quietly explain that part. “Just so you know, Omen, we don’t have actual big red marks on us. But, she’s right; let’s be careful when we decide what to do with the ruins.”

"It's not just you specifically. It wants the longma as a whole. And now it have been stirred, it is merely a matter of time before something of this sorts happens again, and next time, there is no saying if it won't be worse. It is not a thing that can be ignored, neither by you, or others. You will have to address this, but not personally.

It appears to have a connection to the longma, which is why I suggested Omen. She is not one of you, and her mind is a mess. Even if there were a chance it could infect others, she wouldn't be simple to do so with. If it does happen, I found my way there before. I can do so again, though I would go as far as to bet my prayer beads, that she is not possible for it to infect properly."

It were good that they both understood that they needed to stay out of there, but it were less so that they did not understand the tools they had at their disposal. Crude as it might be to call omen a tool, for this task, she were one, and a useful one at that. She were so unlikely to be possible to infect and use, that Zhao were willing to make a bet that she would regret dearly losing. Her prayer beads were important to her, and for her role as an elder. It were also a highly magical, powerful relic. Not the sort of thing you would simply give away.

As for Omen? She'd just look at her siblings, with her head tilted, until she were addressed, thinking of the various, peculiar things the others were saying.

"I thought it meant it had your scent, like I do.

And I do not have a problem going into the ruins. She is the one who knows minds, and if she says it is safe for me, then I believe it."

"Good with some level of trust, though I would advice to be careful who you trust in. Not everyone have your best interests in mind."

On 2024-03-14 at 2:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Brother, Omen, please give me a moment. I… just need some time to think about what you said because even after explaining it all, I still find it hard to believe if it is true…”

“Of course. Whenever you’re ready.”

The longma nodded and turned to the elder, stepping away from Lin for a while to give her a moment. He even passed his drink to Omen in case she’d like to try some; it was definitely something interesting and new, something the folks at home might not be able to conceive. It proved to be a nice enough distraction for the moment, but he knew he would have to broach the other more sensitive topic soon. 

“If I may ask, elder, is this the drink you mentioned? Sake? I’ve never had anything like it before. What is it made of? I’m picking up some hints of fruity tastes, but it’s also sort of flowery.”

"Take your time. Let things settle, before the tale comes to a finish."

They would all let her have her space. They would have the time to get to the next part soon enough, and she would need to brace herself for that, as that would be the harsh ending to the story, as that would likely be the point were her and Sen would need to discuss things. Potentially in relative private.

The drink he passed to Omen would make her sniff the small bowl it were served in, before she even tried to taste it. It smelled rather peculiar.

"Sake is an alcoholic beverage, made from rice, that's a well liked drink, here in Neighpon. We brew our own though, here in the village, rather than get some of theirs.

Don't drink it too fast now. It is best savored."

Omen would go in, and lap some sake up. She got one droplet down her gullet, and then tilted forward hard, face flat unto the floor next to the drink, and seemingly stiffened up. So she were standing there on her face, and her left front hoof, with the others well up into the air.

"Sake can hit hard if you're not careful, yet never have I heard of it working this fast. Are you okay?"


"Can you move?"


"Then how are you okay?"

"I thought you were okay, unless you were wounded. Have I not understood that right?"

Zhao would sigh, and shake her head. She'd say more, but a low chuckle from Elder Sohe made her pause, and look towards the older kitsune, about to rise one of the small, low bowls of sake to her mouth.

"Be at ease, Zhao. I'm sure it's just some oddity with her. If she is fine, it will pass."

The bowl would be risen, and Sohe would have a small sip, then put down the cup again. She couldn't hold her liquor as she used to, but a small sampling every now and again, kept the blood flowing.

"Master Discord said sometimes, that I had design flaws. The last one made a flower grow from my ear."

"In its own way, that makes sense. Let us give her a little time to see if this stops on its own. If not, we will try and see if this is something that can be alleviated. Either way, I would suggest not giving her more sake.

While we wait, has your pains started to subside yet, Sen?"



@Lawyer Slip

He would get a few steps out, before the zagged line above him stopped, and the mare got into sight. A peculiar one, striped in pink, with a coat otherwise as white as snow, and looking down upon him with curious eyes. This one she had not seen before. Perfect! Just the right sort to go and say hello too then.

Her large wings were out in full, keeping her fall down slow, until she suddenly started to fly towards him at great speeds, jagged lines in a descending, nearly rectangular manner, homing in on his position. Though right before impacting him, she'd stop, a few centimeters off the ground, and then land. Her large wings helped her to stop up abruptly like this, with rarely any sort of damage to her. It hadn't always been like that, but everything took practice to master, and she had to master this, as it burnt a lot of energy. Too tiring for regular ones, but her weird metabolism required that she burnt off a lot of excess energy.

She she were down there then, in front of this new face, she'd lean over, towering over him, with a big grin on her face, and a warm, joyful expression in her eyes, sitting not behind glass, as none were in her frames. It seemed she merely liked the frames, or that they had fallen out.

"Hello to you, from up the blue. I saw you from up the sky, so down I had to fly. A new face, in this fun place? I had to race, to... Hehe, whoopsie, I'm doing the rhyming thing again, aren't I? Sorry, Zebra genes are strong sometimes.

I'm Ziggy. Who're you?"

She weren't that old, if he knew what signs to look for, and she smelled faintly of peppermint. Though considering everything, a lot made her stick out like a sore hoof, including how much bigger she tended to feel like up close. Especially for foals. Sometimes, she had seen some youngsters just gawk up at her, craning their necks way back to try and get a scale of her. Hehe, it was so adorable! Though most had to crane at least a bit to look her in the face, unless she bent her neck, and/or leaned down. Mostly just the princesses that were larger than her, so those would be nice having a face to face with someday maybe, hehe.

  • Brohoof 1
  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Rising Dusk

"Aah, such delightful duality, between you and him. Though I do find you the more intriguing one. Certainly he is resourceful and powerful, and will rightfully enjoy an honored spot in Harrowish history, but I do so love seeing creation, over destruction. The few things I've already seen, makes me think you a far more fascinating mare than it appeared on first sight, and it only increases the more speckles of your light I am exposed to.

Oh how much fun it would be to pick at your brain someday. Not literally, of course. Merely in an inquisitive manner, by a mare intrigued by your magical repertoire, that are curious what of these wonders are unique to your magic, and which can be taught. Perhaps if circumstances favor it someday, you and I can find a... Mutually beneficial arrangement as it were, hm?"

Caramel hadn't the slightest want to cause harm to this mare. Picking at your brain were merely an expression, though considering her homestead, she felt it best to clarify, just in case. It weren't as if she were unaware of how her home might be perceived. Rather ghastly place, compared to what she had seen and heard of Equestria thus far, and from a lively, colorful mare like this? Why, their country must seem a dreadful, disturbing place indeed.

A powerful one though. Oh yes, there were no denying that, if she could do things such as this, and Caramel were ever a mare yearning to learn, and grow stronger herself. So she pondered that perhaps, she could offer something from her own long-lived repertoire, for a few lessons someday, yes? Or something else of value, she might procure. Certainly this mare had wealth in spades, but there were more a heart wanted, than mere gold sometimes. Historical value, magical value, a personal effect, some leverage on her brother she could tease him with- Life were full of things one could value from more than a mere financial angle.

But they'd see what would come of it all, hm? They all had plenty of years left to spare, to figure such things out. Her more than them probably, as she were able to find new vessels, whilst theirs would inevitably perish, lest they did something about that. She could offer some guiding words on those, but she had doubt they'd like the price one had to pay. Not simply the taking of vessels, as she knew this extension for her, were derived from her wording at the time. She could not remember it, but she doubted her want to learn many, varied things, were all that recent. It seemed far more likely that they had heard that, and made her deal fit that desire, in their typical humorous (to them) fashion.

It were more the other cost. That of your name. That were more costly than you'd expect, if you hadn't dealt with the fae folk before. How costly, you rarely got a grasp of, before it were too late. She hadn't at least, though she had managed to adapt, and come to accept it.

"I do hope so. I adore colors, but it is such a difficult thing to find and use properly in Harrowmark. Makes you stand out too much and all that. Aaah, but in this much more peaceful place? Why, I look forward to draping myself in brightest color already."

It were going to take a dress shop with some stuff others would likely consider gaudy, to sate her tastes, but she cared little. It were her want to be draped in lively colors finally, and she cared little for what others might think of her, from that perspective. She were generations behind in fashion as it were.

"I like more muted things, but I guess what we have are not that fashionable here."

Caramel at least tried with colors. Will-O on the other hoof, wore brown and boring colorations, making her more likely to blend in with an oak tree, or a pile of dirt, than an Equestrian crowd. It did not help either that she were dressed as if she worked at a museum, to blend in with a particular historical time period. Caramel did to a certain extend to, but she did have some stitched on, rough patches of color as it were, so it looked more like a well meaning cosplays, of older Equestria. They'd honestly blend in better both, if they ditches the clothes, as many ponies were want to do, but that were a bit too rash of a change for them. And Caramel would have to untangle the sickle from her tail, which would take some time. Had to tie that in well after all, so it didn't fall off when she tried to slice. That sort of thing could cost lives.

"You can say *dated* out loud. We might not know how old fashioned we will look, but considering the materials you drape yourself ion alone, it is obvious that we are behind by some margin."

"We'll try and adjust to it. Later at least. Just uhm, one step at a time, I suppose."

"Certainly dear. Now let's get settled in, and let out dearest hostess get comfortable herself. Perhaps a bit of settling in will help with your nerves too, Will-O."

She'd nod, and they'd both bow towards Dawn. Honestly it weren't just nerves, it were just about everything that had happened. It would take her some time to get over her exile, her newfound knowledge of her heritage, and the new place they were in, but... She'd manage. She just needed some time.

It would be about a half hour before Caramel would knock on the door, as they were instructed. They were both clad in the same clothes they had arrived in, but they had taken a brush to their manes, tails, and coats, and the boxes had been settled around where they had to be in the house, for the time being. Caramel also had her saddlebags on her, insisting that Will-O shouldn't think about it, and just let her handle whatever they had to carry back. Which would depend on their finances, that were connected to the box of riches she had with her. That would be the first order of business, so they had something to work with.




"It's not just you specifically. It wants the longma as a whole. And now it have been stirred, it is merely a matter of time before something of this sorts happens again, and next time, there is no saying if it won't be worse. It is not a thing that can be ignored, neither by you, or others. You will have to address this, but not personally.

It appears to have a connection to the longma, which is why I suggested Omen. She is not one of you, and her mind is a mess. Even if there were a chance it could infect others, she wouldn't be simple to do so with. If it does happen, I found my way there before. I can do so again, though I would go as far as to bet my prayer beads, that she is not possible for it to infect properly."

It were good that they both understood that they needed to stay out of there, but it were less so that they did not understand the tools they had at their disposal. Crude as it might be to call omen a tool, for this task, she were one, and a useful one at that. She were so unlikely to be possible to infect and use, that Zhao were willing to make a bet that she would regret dearly losing. Her prayer beads were important to her, and for her role as an elder. It were also a highly magical, powerful relic. Not the sort of thing you would simply give away.

As for Omen? She'd just look at her siblings, with her head tilted, until she were addressed, thinking of the various, peculiar things the others were saying.

"I thought it meant it had your scent, like I do.

And I do not have a problem going into the ruins. She is the one who knows minds, and if she says it is safe for me, then I believe it."

"Good with some level of trust, though I would advice to be careful who you trust in. Not everyone have your best interests in mind."

"Take your time. Let things settle, before the tale comes to a finish."

They would all let her have her space. They would have the time to get to the next part soon enough, and she would need to brace herself for that, as that would be the harsh ending to the story, as that would likely be the point were her and Sen would need to discuss things. Potentially in relative private.

The drink he passed to Omen would make her sniff the small bowl it were served in, before she even tried to taste it. It smelled rather peculiar.

"Sake is an alcoholic beverage, made from rice, that's a well liked drink, here in Neighpon. We brew our own though, here in the village, rather than get some of theirs.

Don't drink it too fast now. It is best savored."

Omen would go in, and lap some sake up. She got one droplet down her gullet, and then tilted forward hard, face flat unto the floor next to the drink, and seemingly stiffened up. So she were standing there on her face, and her left front hoof, with the others well up into the air.

"Sake can hit hard if you're not careful, yet never have I heard of it working this fast. Are you okay?"


"Can you move?"


"Then how are you okay?"

"I thought you were okay, unless you were wounded. Have I not understood that right?"

Zhao would sigh, and shake her head. She'd say more, but a low chuckle from Elder Sohe made her pause, and look towards the older kitsune, about to rise one of the small, low bowls of sake to her mouth.

"Be at ease, Zhao. I'm sure it's just some oddity with her. If she is fine, it will pass."

The bowl would be risen, and Sohe would have a small sip, then put down the cup again. She couldn't hold her liquor as she used to, but a small sampling every now and again, kept the blood flowing.

"Master Discord said sometimes, that I had design flaws. The last one made a flower grow from my ear."

"In its own way, that makes sense. Let us give her a little time to see if this stops on its own. If not, we will try and see if this is something that can be alleviated. Either way, I would suggest not giving her more sake.

While we wait, has your pains started to subside yet, Sen?"



@Lawyer Slip

He would get a few steps out, before the zagged line above him stopped, and the mare got into sight. A peculiar one, striped in pink, with a coat otherwise as white as snow, and looking down upon him with curious eyes. This one she had not seen before. Perfect! Just the right sort to go and say hello too then.

Her large wings were out in full, keeping her fall down slow, until she suddenly started to fly towards him at great speeds, jagged lines in a descending, nearly rectangular manner, homing in on his position. Though right before impacting him, she'd stop, a few centimeters off the ground, and then land. Her large wings helped her to stop up abruptly like this, with rarely any sort of damage to her. It hadn't always been like that, but everything took practice to master, and she had to master this, as it burnt a lot of energy. Too tiring for regular ones, but her weird metabolism required that she burnt off a lot of excess energy.

She she were down there then, in front of this new face, she'd lean over, towering over him, with a big grin on her face, and a warm, joyful expression in her eyes, sitting not behind glass, as none were in her frames. It seemed she merely liked the frames, or that they had fallen out.

"Hello to you, from up the blue. I saw you from up the sky, so down I had to fly. A new face, in this fun place? I had to race, to... Hehe, whoopsie, I'm doing the rhyming thing again, aren't I? Sorry, Zebra genes are strong sometimes.

I'm Ziggy. Who're you?"

She weren't that old, if he knew what signs to look for, and she smelled faintly of peppermint. Though considering everything, a lot made her stick out like a sore hoof, including how much bigger she tended to feel like up close. Especially for foals. Sometimes, she had seen some youngsters just gawk up at her, craning their necks way back to try and get a scale of her. Hehe, it was so adorable! Though most had to crane at least a bit to look her in the face, unless she bent her neck, and/or leaned down. Mostly just the princesses that were larger than her, so those would be nice having a face to face with someday maybe, hehe.

@Blitz Boom

Slipstream attempted not to let his anxiety overtake him. He knew he needed friends in this world, and this was where he was going to start. He took a deep breath, arched his neck upward, and made conversation.

Uh, I'm Slipstream. Nice to meet you Ziggy, and, don't worry about the, uh, genetic thing, uh I'm still new here so I don't, uh know how you Zebra folk work really. What uh brings you here to Ponyville? Aside from me of course.

She was much taller compared to him which took him a bit by surprise, she was a brilliant shade of hot pink as well as a sheen of white. She seemed overly energetic and happy just like him. At least that's how he tried to be.

He felt like he could only be himself around Rich and a little bit around Apple Bloom, but he wanted to break that cycle. So he made the ultimate decision. To stop being such a scaredy-pony and be himself. To the best of his confidence limited ability.

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@Blitz Boom
"No need to worry, my schedule is notably more flexible than an average guard." Solar stated in friendly manner "Besides, It's nice to have a little break, haven't had many of those lately." granted, he was technically still working since he analyzed the video while waiting, but it was closest thing to not working he knew. He noted the temperature once again, but he wasn't overly curious about it, as to him at least, in a place like this, someone called Magma being bit warmer only made sense, the main reason he made mental notes of it, was to pull connection between her and the marks at the station. "And please, no need to be so official, we are all equals here." He took a sip of his coffee.

He waited patiently for her to write, drinking his coffee, as he didn't want to break her thoughts, but when she seemed to be closing to ready, he spoke once more "I know you haven't questioned me about it, but I feel you should know why we are here." "My interest to this is not only because of the obvious..." he was referring to his metallic appearance "...but also because of my limited knowledge on the local technology." "My modifications are...unique, and cannot be recreated at the current time, so I'm looking into alternatives."  


And so the trio went, where would they go? would they be back? only they knew.


Ruby didn't change directions after hearing the leader's voice, after all, she was purposely seeking out the room they most likely were in, though seeing the halls otherwise empty was bit worrisome, as silence was rarely a good thing. Any weird noises she didn't worry about too much, as she assumed it was just the temple moving like it had seemingly done earlier, not a good thing sure, but also nothing she could do anything about. 

She also wasn't on the most thoughtful mood at the moment, she was tired and frustrated,  and she was feeling quite unwell in ways she didn't understand, so her patience was thin, and she just wanted to hurry things along, be it death or freedom that waited in the end. This impatience also showed when she found the deer standing in her way, as after halting for a moment, she walked towards it, looking into its eyes as she did, she wasn't scared, and she was too tired to hold to any kind of act with these things "Whatever you're planning changes nothing, what I said is the truth." "If your corpse-master wants to not be bothered, there's a very simple solution to that." "So can we get this over with" she didn't stop, attempting to just walk past the deer, she didn't actually think it would work, but she didn't really care, she couldn't fight them, she couldn't leave, though even if she could have, she wasn't going to without Leviathan, and she had no patience to just wait, so she would do her best to at least annoy them if they didn't hurry things along.

She also didn't really care what happened to her, her own life didn't hold that much worth to her, sure she had the survival instinct, but life in general was worthless to her, her or anyone else's, though maybe even more than that, she didn't want to survive this if she would be the only survivor, she may have still been unsure if she actually cared about the two others, but she recognized that losing them would once again push her back to the bottom, and frankly, her tolerance for that was running out, if her potential happiness would yet again be taken away from her, she'd probably stop trying. 

And honestly, in her current mental state, she rather go through whatever torture these things were planning, than be trapped in an empty room with only her own thoughts.

There was nothing else for Bubble, as Chega thanked the pony and proceeded to pour some water to one of the cups, then physically taking Sheska's hand and moving it on the cup, telling her to drink, in kobold language of course. Sheska may have been the medical expert, But Chega wasn't entirely helpless either, especially not when it was someone she had, kinda, known for her whole life, this Sheska may have a different past, but she shared the things with her Sheska that made Sheska Sheska, so Chega knew what to do when her friend needed some emotional support.

Sear just watched the situation unfold, she wasn't that good with the emotional stuff, so she didn't know what to do or say here, and instead she watched her partner take care of the other kobold, the caring nature of Chega was part of what she loved in her, under the cheerful and humorous layer of the bard, there was almost motherly figure who worried for her friends and loved ones.





  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-03-16 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"It's not just you specifically. It wants the longma as a whole. And now it have been stirred, it is merely a matter of time before something of this sorts happens again, and next time, there is no saying if it won't be worse. It is not a thing that can be ignored, neither by you, or others. You will have to address this, but not personally.

It appears to have a connection to the longma, which is why I suggested Omen. She is not one of you, and her mind is a mess. Even if there were a chance it could infect others, she wouldn't be simple to do so with. If it does happen, I found my way there before. I can do so again, though I would go as far as to bet my prayer beads, that she is not possible for it to infect properly."

It were good that they both understood that they needed to stay out of there, but it were less so that they did not understand the tools they had at their disposal. Crude as it might be to call omen a tool, for this task, she were one, and a useful one at that. She were so unlikely to be possible to infect and use, that Zhao were willing to make a bet that she would regret dearly losing. Her prayer beads were important to her, and for her role as an elder. It were also a highly magical, powerful relic. Not the sort of thing you would simply give away.

As for Omen? She'd just look at her siblings, with her head tilted, until she were addressed, thinking of the various, peculiar things the others were saying.

“If what you say is... that this entity wants the longma, then pair that with the vision of the experiments… There may be truth to what you mentioned about that part. What did it hope to gain by creating us or wanting us under its control? Something feels missing as if there was more to this than what you just saw.”

“We didn’t see anything else in your mind, only what that entity wanted to show. If something is missing, it doesn’t want us to know it; all the more reason why we should be careful. That said, Omen and Elder Zhao believe she’s safe if she goes to the ruins. We’ll have to take a chance on that.”

“If it’s someone we trust, it’s Omen…. All right. When there’s time to figure things out from those ruins, we’ll see what can be done.”

The siblings nodded toward each other, then turned to Omen with a knowing look. Though they both harbored some insecurities and uncertainties, with her going into the ruins again after what happened, they have to believe in the possibility of positive outcomes when it comes to learning more about the ruins. They knew to expect danger, but with brother and sister compromised mentally, they would have to turn to less risky methods. Fortunately, they already had something to work with, and that meant they wouldn’t need to explore the same ruins again, at least to the same degree. Their information only needed verification before they could pursue their best possible lead. 

Sen had hoped he could find another way to keep the risks lower, but he conceded and silently agreed with the plan. 

For the moment, Lin would spend some quiet moments in thought, going back to piecing together what happened. Given Sen’s and Omen’s narrations of events, there was now a certain familiarity with them. She may not have lived the events they described, but it felt like she… saw them. Or perhaps the events were a figment of a memory that she can recall, if only partially. Whatever the case, some things were making a little bit of sense. There were fragments of a laboratory, words spoken about the search for perfection, things that she’d ponder upon as more of it opened up to her. What was certain was that she recalls working on opening a sealed door through a rotation puzzle and the abundance of glowing crystals. Those seem to correspond with Omen’s and Sen’s narrations on them restoring her memories. 

On 2024-03-16 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Sake can hit hard if you're not careful, yet never have I heard of it working this fast. Are you okay?"


"Can you move?"


"Then how are you okay?"

"I thought you were okay, unless you were wounded. Have I not understood that right?"

Sen chuckled at the exchange between Omen and Elder Zhao. A moment like this was always something that can help provide some levity in an otherwise tense or difficult moment. Even Lin found herself smiling, bringing back some reminders of days gone by when a similar turn of discussion happened with Rosa. It certainly left her feeling briefly scandalized. As for Sen, he was feeling a little more assured going by Elder Sohe’s description of sake.

“I’ve only had a few sips, so I guess that means I’m safe. I wouldn’t know the process of making sake, but it is an interesting drink. Back home, it’s just water and tea, the latter made with dried leaves seeped in water over a fire. The longma grow these plants, plucking their leaves at the right time, yet I still don’t understand how they do it.  All I’m certain of is that it’s delicious.”

The longma then turned to Elder Zhao following her question; he spent some moments moving some body parts to get a feel of them, but the soreness didn’t seem so evident now. It was a nice feeling, though the headaches didn’t seem to subside just yet. 

On 2024-03-16 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"In its own way, that makes sense. Let us give her a little time to see if this stops on its own. If not, we will try and see if this is something that can be alleviated. Either way, I would suggest not giving her more sake.

While we wait, has your pains started to subside yet, Sen?"

“I’m feeling a little better now, Elder Zhao. I guess speaking with Elder Sohe and Lin got me to forget these pains for a while, though my headaches are still here. Or maybe it's the sake taking effect on me... I believe I can manage the pain, but there is something else. I’m worried that the entity in Lin’s mind is now aware of you when we entered the mindscape. It spoke of taking aspects of different creatures to create a perfect being…”

“What if it decides to go after the kitsune or uses the longma to go after other creatures? I… I know I shouldn’t be thinking that way, but I guess I’m just trying to gain some insight. How do we even fight back against something that could worm its way into our minds? Or worse, it might decide to use us to get to you.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom
The three knocks on the door to their little cottage produced results one might not expect from a door.  Well, that was of course if Caramel or Will-O were even expecting anything considered normal from Setting Dawn at this point.  Safe in it's own way that Caramel hadn't at least attempted to open it without knocking and followed the instructions.  The door, shimmered, briefly, in a way that wood shouldn't be able to door, but just was quickly returned to solid wood and then opened on its own.  It did however not open back up into the hallway they had entered from not too long ago.

Instead, the door opened up into, well it opened up into a little bit of chaos.  It were a large room, decorated in deep rugs and made of strong carved wooden beams.  The old Viking style long house that Lily had witnessed before their departure to Harrowmark, that was once Dawn's room, was going through a big change.  Cubes of the room, a little larger than a pony, came free from the floor, walls and ceiling.  They flipped over like a large six sided dice and then went back into the slot it left from.  On this new side of the cube was a new decor.  Smooth metal with tubes of bright neon colors shaped into words or images was in the middle of replacing the traditional wooden structure.

 Dawn stood at a closet that had already changed and had just finished getting out of the dress she wore in Harrowmark.  Now adorned in a sleek red leather jacket and matching large brim hat with a black bow.  The mare of the manor has moved on from her enjoyment of the old stone and lumber long house and has decided on a whim that Noire was now her new fancy.  And her domain followed suit as her room was transformed into a street of neon and arc deco.  With all the comforts of a bedroom, of course.  Dawn's large bed remained mostly untouched, the couches remained, but swapped their appearances to more striking black leather.  Other doors leading to who knew where, moved along the walls and shuffled away to make room for more Noire arc deco decorates.

The event was ongoing, but more and more of the old longhouse was disappearing by the second in a shuffle of cubes.  "Settled in, ladies?" the mare inquired as she finished adjusting her hat to fit perfectly on her head and allow for her mane to flow out in a way to not look messy, but stylized and with purpose of appearances. "Do excuse the mess, it'll be over shortly," she smiled and waved her hoof, dismissing the closet, which just sank into the floor.  "Have your gold to exchange for our currency?  Good.  I figured we do that first and then do some shopping afterwards," the mare started to walk toward a wall with her rainbow ripples in wake.  The wall she walked towards quickly molded into a large door and flung open before Dawn could run into it.  "This time, I think we'll take some normal transportation," she explained as the door revealed the outside once again.  Now sitting in her courtyard however, was a large black and white carriage with two finely dressed stallions ready to pull them into the city.  The doors to the carriage opened on their own, inviting the trio to their tour.

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@Rising Dusk

Looking at the cubes roaming around, the two mares didn't get spooked at the sight. Closest were Will-O, who would stay back, but even then, her eyes followed the cubes curiously, as they lifted, rearranged, and set in place again. Caramel on the other hoof, got right into it, getting up close to get a closer look at as many of them as she could. Really soak in the details, and see if there were something she could learn from it. It were tempting to touch it, but alas, it seemed like a foolish idea, when she didn't know better. For all she knew, she'd get sucked in, and become part of the *background* as it were.

Seeing their hostess, Chirpy would let out a caw, and spread his wings in a greeting. That seemed like as good a sign as any for Will-O, that she should move towards their Dawn. This whole thing were fascinating, but she doubted that she'd learn much from it, beyond what she might be told at some point. This seemed like highly advanced magic, out of range for most regular equines.

"Chirpy says hello. Should we wait a bit, while you finish... Redecorating?"

She wasn't entirely sure what to call this, but redecorating were the closest thing to a word her mind could come up with, seeing things sway and change, cubes lifting and settling, etc. This seemed like chaos, yet the more one looked, the more order there were to see in things. Things weren't randomly lifted and placed, it all had purpose. It were just the delivery method of these changes, that were stumping her, more than likely.

On 2024-03-21 at 2:58 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Settled in, ladies?" the mare inquired as she finished adjusting her hat to fit perfectly on her head and allow for her mane to flow out in a way to not look messy, but stylized and with purpose of appearances. "Do excuse the mess, it'll be over shortly," she smiled and waved her hoof, dismissing the closet, which just sank into the floor.  "Have your gold to exchange for our currency?  Good.  I figured we do that first and then do some shopping afterwards,"

"Oh, there's no need to rush it. This whole thing is highly fascinating to witness. Like a puzzle being made by some higher being, wandering unseen among us.

Ah, but yes, I do have the gold ready. The hallowed iron will have to wait for a more opportune time, when I have scouted a potential buyer. I get the feeling the uniqueness of the material in your land, will be enticing to certain creatures. Enough to allow some spending cash though, most certainly."

"You should still be cautious with spending. We don't know how much this will translate into the local coin, and how much you'll need for things in general."

"Worry not dear, I know how to keep my savings on hoof. I'm mostly curious of local materials, plant matter, and seeds, for a start."

On 2024-03-21 at 2:58 AM, Rising Dusk said:

the mare started to walk toward a wall with her rainbow ripples in wake.  The wall she walked towards quickly molded into a large door and flung open before Dawn could run into it.  "This time, I think we'll take some normal transportation," she explained as the door revealed the outside once again.  Now sitting in her courtyard however, was a large black and white carriage with two finely dressed stallions ready to pull them into the city.  The doors to the carriage opened on their own, inviting the trio to their tour.

While they were talking, Dawn had prepared the path forward for them, as well as a carriage. Pulled by... Stallions? Now that was a peculiar sight. They weren't used to ponies pulling these things. Well, not live ones anyway. It tended to be better to have them ready to fight, and the carriage hampered that option some, as it took time to get off. Diamond dogs tended to be quicker, though using undead beasts of burden were often the way to do things for them. At times a custom made construct of sorts, if you had the means for that sort of thing, but that were rare. Things truly were peculiar here in Equestria. Or maybe it were just Dawn. They needed to see more to be certain, that it wasn't simply her choice.

"That looks lovely. And with living equines pulling it too? What a fun change of pace.

Seems our path is set then. Shall we ladies? There's a whole town just dying to be explored, laying right in front of us. I simply hope they can take their eyes off of our grandiose hostess for long enough to answer questions every now and again."

She had seen the dress Dawn wore, and honestly, she were a fan. Somewhat. The hat seemed impractical, but then, she came from a place where unless that had had a knife in it, or the sun were glaring down, it wouldn't see much use. And even then, it could do with a knife. But this was a calmer country, with less reason to worry. At least within city limits. It made sense to allow yourself to dress more for looks than function here, and she certainly looked radiant.

Speaking of radiant, she wondered how the dear captain were doing. Basher were one she wanted to see too, but that mare were one that also made Caramel curious, and wanting to see and learn more from. She seemed such a theatrical, amusing mare that one.

While that thought crossed her mind, Chirpy would flap up on top of the carriage, and find a good place to perch. He weren't much for the idea of being inside the carriage, and would rather be out here, were he could feel the sun upon his feathers, and get a closer look at their new home. Maybe even see some local birds, to see what kind of great, avian creatures this place had to contend with. If he didn't just get distracted by shiny things too much to notice many of them. He wouldn't fly to nick stuff, but it didn't mean his milky eyes didn't follow such things all the same.

"I believe we're as ready as we're gonna be. Is there something we need to keep in mind, when we go out there, Miss Dawn? Some things we shouldn't do? I'd hate to embarrass you, after how kind you've been to us."

She got that they probably shouldn't toy with too much dark magic, but beyond that, she wasn't sure what might be more subtle, but still embarrassing things they could do, that might reflect badly on Dawn. She'd hate to have herself, or Caramel, become the reason for such a thing.



@Lawyer Slip

On 2024-03-16 at 2:49 AM, Lawyer Slip said:

Uh, I'm Slipstream. Nice to meet you Ziggy, and, don't worry about the, uh, genetic thing, uh I'm still new here so I don't, uh know how you Zebra folk work really. What uh brings you here to Ponyville? Aside from me of course.

"I'm just out getting some exercise. We had to spend hours inside, with all the stuff happening right after one another. It's no good! I have too much energy to burn off. And then when I was zipping around, I saw you, and there's a new face I haven't seen before, and I've been here for weeks.

Hehe, I'm from Las Pegasus, so not a local. Usually I fly around Equestria, settling here and there for a bit to help out, but these days I'm house sitting for a friend. Family issues, very hush hush you know. She's fine though, nothing like terminal illness, or any of that icky stuff. Are you fine?"

She'd zip around him, moving almost as if in a blur, stopping up at times to look him over for scratches or the like. probably weren't anything, and she'd end up standing in front of him quickly again after that.

She were fastest in short bursts like this. Quick dashes were her specialty, which also showed in her flight pattern. Too much in a straight line, would slow her down a fair bit, but this sorta thing? Right up her alley. As were it to help Slipstream, if he were ill in some way. He weren't falling over, or bleeding out the eyes though, so he were likely top notch.

"Yep, seem nice and healthy, hehe.

And there's all sorts of things zebra folks do you know. Not everything I do. My dad's the zebra, and he's taught me some things, and the genes are stronger in me than my siblings, but it doesn't really affect me too much. well, beyond the genetic instability that caused me to grow up a bit more literal than intended, and the overabundance of energy, but it could be worse. Least I didn't get a fifth leg growing out my forehead, right?"

She'd giggle a little at the mental image of a leg, just dangling from her forehead, like some sort of abominable alicorn.

"So Slipstream! What do you do normally? I'm a doctor. Did I mention that? Oh well, I did now. Are you part of the cloud crews? Maybe a Wonderbolt in disguise? Or out of disguise, I guess. Those uniforms covers a lot."

She were rambling a bit, but most tended not to have an issue with it, as Ziggy more or less radiated positive energy, metaphorically speaking. Just one of those mares with an almost infectiously good mood.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Ah yes, I did wonder, but it seemed in poor taste to ask about it. I did not expect it to also be due to judging current technological advances in Equestria though. Yet you have come to the right representative, as Center Zero used to house the peak scientific advantages in Equestria. Were there a field to expand upon, and examine, there were no place better. A haven for engineers, inventors, biologists, and any kind of scientist, yet only the best in their fields, or those with exponential potential were invited, with some room for family and assistants, of the various researchers and the like.

Until a couple of months ago..."

She'd let out a sigh, and put down the papers she were working on for a moment, her core temperature raising a few degrees more as certain thoughts came through her mind, before she'd start both writing and speaking again.

"I had undergone a lab accident several months before that, and had left the town. Yet I passed nearby three weeks ago, to find the town abandoned, with signs of struggle, and guards all over the place. After inquiring, I found that the town had seemingly been attacked, by a yet unknown assailant. So far, no survivors have been found, except for one other who were not present during the attack. They weren't able to give me the name of who it were at the time though. Just said that they had relocated to Deltrot, for the time being. As per the town's protocol, they would have needed to take the entire town's research papers with them, as a safety precaution, and then distribute them to the correct recipients. You would need to find them, if you want more detailed papers than what I can procure."

She'd finish up as best she could, and present the work to him. It were greatly artistically detailed, but it were obviously lacking in details about the exact mechanisms, and finer technical details. It were sadly not her department though, so she couldn't provide those information.

Solar likely wouldn't know of the deal with Center Zero. It were so far being kept under wrap, as they were examining the town for clues, to avoid potential spies going in and perhaps get their hooves on some paperwork that they shouldn't have.

"The technology you currently posses, seems to exceed what were possible when I were last there, in finesse and practicality, but I think you'd find if nothing else, comparable notes, and things that you might be able to build upon, to get to the result you'd want. But you'd have to either find the other survivor, or request permission for a transfer to the Center Zero taskforce, to get close enough to examine the paperwork more. Personally I'd think you would have a better chance with the survivor. Less legal tape to go that route, which saves time. Considering your expertise, I would think 1-3 weeks in your case. Depending on how long you have been with the guard, and thus how much scrutiny they'd have to put you through.

I know that might seem like odd information for me to have, but I spent so much time researching the government body, so I knew where to seek funding for projects, even before I got accepted into Center Zero. It left me with a varied, detailed idea of how things work in government, which tends to include the military to some extend too, considering how entrenched it is into certain laws. FOr instance, to seek a Sub-Rghx747-G, you will need to have a personal recommendation from an officer in the Solar or Lunar guard, ranked Lieutenant or higher. Or Captain and above for the Coastal Guard.

Ah, but I suppose that's a little boring to listen to. My apologies for that."

A waiter would come over and ask if they wanted anything. Magma would wait for Solar to go first, before making a statement herself.

"A black coff-Ah, wait, no. Iced water, and some caramelized crystals, please."

The waitress considered that somewhat odd, as usually only dragons wanted that last bit, but it wasn't for her to ask. maybe they had a dragon friend joining them soon, and she were just ordering something in advance. Wasn't for her to judge.

"*clears throat* So then, might I ask something in turn? You say you are interested in local technology? I know that means you are not Equestrian, and Trojan is out of the question. Even a defector wouldn't be allowed to adorn official armor. So where is it then that you come from? Are there a scientific haven in Caneighda too? Perhaps you are coming from even further, like Neighpon? I hear such fascinating rumors of the things they can make."



@Catpone Cerberus

The deer would not respond to her words, but just keep looking at her, curiously. But as she approached, there would be a moment. A short flicker, before she would touch the deer, where she might feel a certain degree of unease. A kind of dread, resonating with something inside of her. It did for a fair few creatures, but then, Ruby were not just anyone. She might feel absolutely nothing, and even if she did, it would be brief, as the deer would take a step aside, letting her move past him. Though he wouldn't leave her alone because of that. Instead, he would begin to follow her, though his steps were slow and methodical, so he wouldn't be one to catch up with any degree of speed.

Getting further along, she would eventually find herself able to wander into the room, wherein the leader were, and he were not alone. The priestess were there, along with a dozen or so guards, though the guards were headed out of another door, as she were coming in there. Likely sent out on order of him.

They would halt as she entered the room, but only briefly, and then continue down the hallway. The priestess would keep her gaze on Ruby, but not make a move yet, beyond raising her staff sideways, over an altar. Which wouldn't be much of an issue, if Leviathan didn't lay on said altar, and the staff started to pulsate with dark energy, over the unconscious dragoness.

If she entered the room, the door behind her would slam shut, with a reverberating rumble. Or she could stay in the doorway. It were her decision, but she wouldn't get back if the door closed, as it started to grow over with dark magic, obscuring the path.

"Our cages needs repairs. What come you here for, equine? Are you prepared to give us the other wakener, that you may correct the damage you have done? Or will the dragon pay the price?"

The threat were clear. if she tried force, Leviathan would be paying the prize in some fashion. Likely by having her join the ranks of the skeletal undead in this place, in a most grizzly fashion. It were probably smarter to try and talk her way through this. They were not currently trying to flay her, so it appeared they had no interest in outright killing her, despite the appearance they gave off. Not now at least.

Some way further away, another rumbling would come, though closer than the last. It weren't easy to hear though, if the door were closed, as that would muffle a fair bit of sound, coming from outside the room.




On 2024-03-17 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“If what you say is... that this entity wants the longma, then pair that with the vision of the experiments… There may be truth to what you mentioned about that part. What did it hope to gain by creating us or wanting us under its control? Something feels missing as if there was more to this than what you just saw.”

“We didn’t see anything else in your mind, only what that entity wanted to show. If something is missing, it doesn’t want us to know it; all the more reason why we should be careful. That said, Omen and Elder Zhao believe she’s safe if she goes to the ruins. We’ll have to take a chance on that.”

“If it’s someone we trust, it’s Omen…. All right. When there’s time to figure things out from those ruins, we’ll see what can be done.”

"It showed what it wanted to show you. The important details were bound to be held back, and some things were likely obscured. You will need to get information straight from the source.

If I were to venture a guess though, if you were created, if were likely to be made as ideal servants. Genetically obedient, and suitable for the tasks the area, and beings who made you required. On some level, they likely also did it for the sheer reason that they could. Some just want to play gods, soon as they find out how to create in unnatural ways. Hmph. Fools the lot. It never ends well, when you go that route.

But I can guess until the sun sets. An answer is not found this way, but I have faith that someday, you will find yours. Just thread carefully, and remember to trust in your allies."

"A war is seldom won, by one standing alone. You all have your strengths,, and you need to utilize them well, to find victory. Just make sure to come back when it is done at the least, and tell us of it. I do so enjoy a new story."

She'd take another careful sip of sake, and then go and pour some water. She shouldn't be drinking too much of this at once. A little too much for her old bones. But a little here and there, helped keep some fire in her chest, and brighten a cold day. The taste were also a factor, and it wasn't bad, long as you didn't go overboard. Everything in moderation, lest you ended up a fool, or hurt.

On 2024-03-17 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Sen chuckled at the exchange between Omen and Elder Zhao. A moment like this was always something that can help provide some levity in an otherwise tense or difficult moment. Even Lin found herself smiling, bringing back some reminders of days gone by when a similar turn of discussion happened with Rosa. It certainly left her feeling briefly scandalized. As for Sen, he was feeling a little more assured going by Elder Sohe’s description of sake.

“I’ve only had a few sips, so I guess that means I’m safe. I wouldn’t know the process of making sake, but it is an interesting drink. Back home, it’s just water and tea, the latter made with dried leaves seeped in water over a fire. The longma grow these plants, plucking their leaves at the right time, yet I still don’t understand how they do it.  All I’m certain of is that it’s delicious.”

The longma then turned to Elder Zhao following her question; he spent some moments moving some body parts to get a feel of them, but the soreness didn’t seem so evident now. It was a nice feeling, though the headaches didn’t seem to subside just yet. 

"A nice tea can be good, but you are guests, who just had a rough time. I can see why Zhao would rather bring you something a little stronger than that. But perhaps someday, we can sit and exchange teas. We might not have any in the village that requires you to harvest at the right time, but the spirits bless us with vibrant greenery, rich in flavor. We also get a little something from many places. Most of them aren't even stolen."

The elderly kitsune would chuckle, whilst Zhao would take a sip from her water.

On 2024-03-17 at 11:54 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m feeling a little better now, Elder Zhao. I guess speaking with Elder Sohe and Lin got me to forget these pains for a while, though my headaches are still here. Or maybe it's the sake taking effect on me... I believe I can manage the pain, but there is something else. I’m worried that the entity in Lin’s mind is now aware of you when we entered the mindscape. It spoke of taking aspects of different creatures to create a perfect being…”

“What if it decides to go after the kitsune or uses the longma to go after other creatures? I… I know I shouldn’t be thinking that way, but I guess I’m just trying to gain some insight. How do we even fight back against something that could worm its way into our minds? Or worse, it might decide to use us to get to you.”

The elders would both respond the same way to this: By looking at one another, smirking, then gaze towards the longma again, with a defiant, yet teasing look in their eyes.

"They are welcome to try coming for us. It could prove briefly entertaining..

We are not strangers to danger, nor combat. You see us here, living peacefully, and playing tricks, because we are not needed to fight right now. If an enemy showed, we are ready to protect our home. And if they try and use methods like they did with you, to worm into our minds, they will fail."

"DO not be fooled by your ordeal before. Zhao can handle removing a parasite in your mind, easier than what you experienced. But she is ever a teacher. Always wanting to make a lesson out of things."

"Hmph. Something which provided information, and opened up for something that needed to be brought up. But in general, the mind holds many secrets, and the best way to learn from them, is to face them. I doubt we would be speaking of things learned, had I expedited things, and then you might have ended up here again, unaware of what caused your affliction.

I would also add, that I have never worked on minds as yours. I needed to examine things closer to know, if you were structured in the correct way for it in the first place. I could just as well have ended up causing irreparable harm, if I tried without knowing. If this repeats itself though, I know your minds enough now, to simply remove the intruder, with less fanfare, as some may say."

It had shown quick that their minds did function like normal ones. Well, barring Omen that were, who were also still faceplanting the floor, after touching a droplet of sake. She were a strange, chaotic creature to her very core. That her mind were a mess were par for the course it seemed.

"Our kin aside, the way to fight something that works into your mind, is mostly by strengthening your mind. It will not be easy though, if they have a trigger upon your own kin, making you easier to sway. There is perhaps a way to fix it, but you would need to know how and why you were made. Perhaps in that somewhere, the trigger is found, and you can work back from that, to remove it entirely. It is speculation though. For now, you should thread cautiously, and address the temple with your past, in the ways we discussed. It is the safest path forward, and thinking of what can happen, if things goes poorly, caution is best here.

And if you worry they might try and somehow come from the grave, and use parts of us to fuel their experiments... They would not be the first, to desire us kitsune. For our power, or what can be harvested from us, we are hunted by various creatures. A fair few of them, trying to grab our vulnerable young. This is why we live hidden away from prying eyes. Had Omen not known how to get to here in the first place, I doubt you would have been able to find our town."

"And you need to give your headache time. You sustained a notable beating. It is bound to make your head ache for a time. Try and endure it best you can.."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Slipstream's eyes darted about, following her movements. As he smiled at her, his thoughts began to speak to him

Well, thank the void she's not a unicorn. Otherwise she'd know I'm not fine mentally, and boy do I hate talking about that. Or. What if she can see my mind? What if she knows? What if she knows that I know I'm not supposed to be here? What if she knows I'm why RD is so mad? WHAT IF-?

He slapped himself.

Snap out of it me! Play it cool.

Sorry about that. It's uhhh, instinct. Yeah I'm gonna go with that. Anyways, what's Las Pegasus like? I've never been. And I don't really do much of anything for a living. I'm still trying to find my place in this world as it were. Although I excell at Prance Prance Revolution. 

Oh yeah, and I love love love love love love LOVE racing! It's a passion I have.

I'm also perfectly fine, no problems here. Nope. Not a problem in sight as far as I'm aware. 

And, yes that would be rather unfortunate if you had a fifth leg coming out of your head.

He still wondered if she could read his thoughts. But for now, maybe Rich was right. Maybe he could make friends in this world. If it weren't so hard.

He also would probably try to keep his secret about the rainboom a secret for now.

Just to be safe of course. (OOC: hint hint)

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On 2024-03-12 at 7:34 AM, Blitz Boom said:

It did not match in coloration to regular tissue, nor the poison. I believe it might be a foreign object, like a shard of wood, or metal. Potentially plastic.

You were tackled at the inn, as I understand it? It is possible for something to slide in then, and with the state you were in, that would have been the main focus, rather than this.

It wouldn't appear you currently have any discomfort, but anything there could cause long term health issues. I were going to examine you before now, but considering your marefriend's protectiveness, it didn't seem wise, without getting verbal confirmation, that it were okay with you.

So then, provided it is not an old wound, or potentially a medical implant, like a plate, or a screw to keep a bone set, may I have a look? It were near your right front hoof.

It might be nothing, and I saw incorrectly, but I still wanted to ask, and see for myself, if possible. Your health is not something that is worth taking risks

Light was now troubled and confused as he could not understand what she is saying.

It cant be the implanted shards of the changeling. That was long gone.

" Well... Okay... Lets go check what it is."

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@Blitz Boom
Solar hadn't heard of Center Zero, but he made a mental note about it, he'd need to make a respectful but strongly worded inquiry on why he hasn't been informed of such place existing, considering how critical something like that could be for his duties specifically. The attack itself wasn't necessarily his concern, as there was no real reason to think that it was done by non-local to this world, however, if it ended up being a obstacle for him to get what he needed, he'd get involved as far as he needed to get what he wanted. 

"Don't worry, I am more that familiar with the joys of military bureaucracy, I don't expect it to be entertaining to listen to." he said with tone of humor in his voice, the legal tape wasn't really a concern for him; he had other leads to look into, so he could wait, and with having a direct line to the princesses, and technically being relatively high rank himself, he would probably be able to speed things up a bit if it seemed like it went nowhere, especially since the information he needed was specific documents rather than more general information about the facility itself, there was really no real reason why the specific information he wanted would be highly classified.

When the waiter came, he ordered another regular coffee for himself; it wasn't that he preferred it over anything else, it was more a force of habit, in fact, due to how effective his artificial body was in keeping toxins out, caffeine was filtered out and thus didn't even do anything for him.

"It's bit more complicated than that." Solar said regarding the question "Because I am, in fact, from Equestria, just not this Equestria." it wasn't really a secret, or, rather, nobody had told him it should be kept a secret, and to him, it was just better to tell the truth to avoid misinformation about other places on the planet. "In the Equestria I come from, technology is far beyond anything I've yet seen in this place." 

Ruby felt the unease on instinctual level, but it got no reaction from her, after all, her ignoring her instincts was the reason why they were in this mess in the first place, so there was no reason she'd listen to them now. She was bit surprised that she was just let past the deer, but at the same time, having seen its seeming curiosity, she wondered if it had a certain level of commonality with her; more specifically, if it, like her, was the type to let things happen because the end result could be interesting. Either that or it wasn't really there to guard in the first place, and rather was more a walking pair of eyes to inform the leader about things happening. 

Ruby glanced at the priestess and Leviathan, but then turned her eyes towards the main deer, looking it into its eyes, or where the eyes would be if they had rotted away, seemingly unaffected by Leviathan's situation. She entered the room fully, and didn't break the eye contact with the deer even when the door closed behind her, she was now fully serious, so the act had been dropped entirely, sure she was still in pony form, but she was fully herself otherwise. 

"I cannot tell you something I don't know." "It doesn't matter what you do to her, or me, or the young dragon, it doesn't change the reality that I have no idea what you are talking about." she said in cold manner "In fact, if you have any brain left in that body of yours, think about it just a moment, why would a mare, who was here before with another pony, bringing dead to life, then come back later with two entirely unrelated dragons and without the other pony?" "I know equines aren't the smartest bunch, but even the most foolish pony wouldn't be stupid enough to return to a place after doing something like that." 




  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-03-28 at 9:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

But I can guess until the sun sets. An answer is not found this way, but I have faith that someday, you will find yours. Just thread carefully, and remember to trust in your allies."

"A war is seldom won, by one standing alone. You all have your strengths,, and you need to utilize them well, to find victory. Just make sure to come back when it is done at the least, and tell us of it. I do so enjoy a new story."

She'd take another careful sip of sake, and then go and pour some water. She shouldn't be drinking too much of this at once. A little too much for her old bones. But a little here and there, helped keep some fire in her chest, and brighten a cold day. The taste were also a factor, and it wasn't bad, long as you didn't go overboard. Everything in moderation, lest you ended up a fool, or hurt.

"A nice tea can be good, but you are guests, who just had a rough time. I can see why Zhao would rather bring you something a little stronger than that. But perhaps someday, we can sit and exchange teas. We might not have any in the village that requires you to harvest at the right time, but the spirits bless us with vibrant greenery, rich in flavor. We also get a little something from many places. Most of them aren't even stolen."

“If it is one thing I’ve come to enjoy after living in exile for so long, it’s simple pleasures like sharing meals or drinks with good company. Perhaps when this matter is behind us, when we’ve found the answers, we could visit and tell you about it. Coming from a time when I had nothing to my name, sharing myself and my time with others to show appreciation is about the best I could do for those who showed kindness.”

“We still need to focus on the pressing matter, sister. As long as the entity continues to approach the longma and hound us, none of us are safe. And that is before the other thing we need to worry about. Will you be all right when it starts? It’s going to be a lot of talking and arguing, especially when the elders need us to speak up.”

“I won’t let this stop me from doing what I can to help. Elder Ghilan is putting his hopes into us, after all.” Lin adjusted herself, sitting up for a brief moment to place one claw on her brother and the other on Omen. “You and Omen speak as best you can, and I will do the same. You know that I am not optimistic about the longma, nor do I have faith that the elders will listen. But you do, brother, and you want this to work, so I will do what I can to help.”

Sen smiled and nodded, pleased to hear that even with Lin still piecing her mind together, there were more hints of her fairly distant memories coming to the forefront. That, and her being fairly astute about her thoughts on the matter with the elders and how it contrasts with her brother’s intended goals. Maybe her state of mind isn’t too badly damaged, but that only left Sen wondering about what the entity truly intends for them and the longma as a whole. 

As Lin took a sip of the water Sen passed to her, he kept to himself for a moment to recall what Elder Zhao mentioned. “Suitable for the tasks of the area….” What if it intended something more than just being a servant? If it is truly aware of who they are now, it might try sabotaging the meeting with the elders. The thought alone had Sen more worried, likely imagining himself already compromised.

Then again, the kitsune elders didn’t appear to be worried about that. It was a confident smirk, and all Sen and Lin could do for the moment was to listen, though there was an evident look of confusion on their faces. Something like it happening again wasn’t out of the question but on a much larger scale? The siblings wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if they kept the memories of them being made to do things they would never consider. 

On 2024-03-28 at 9:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

The elders would both respond the same way to this: By looking at one another, smirking, then gaze towards the longma again, with a defiant, yet teasing look in their eyes.

"They are welcome to try coming for us. It could prove briefly entertaining..

We are not strangers to danger, nor combat. You see us here, living peacefully, and playing tricks, because we are not needed to fight right now. If an enemy showed, we are ready to protect our home. And if they try and use methods like they did with you, to worm into our minds, they will fail."

"DO not be fooled by your ordeal before. Zhao can handle removing a parasite in your mind, easier than what you experienced. But she is ever a teacher. Always wanting to make a lesson out of things."

“If it is anything like the last time something like it happened, it will try one of two things. The first would be to force us to do something we don’t want to do, like attack you while keeping us conscious. Probably an attempt to break our spirit or make us feel guilty.”

“The second is to wipe anything resembling ourselves, leave us like husks that will follow any order given without question. That scares me the more I think about it; I cannot imagine that kind of fate for anyone, let alone for myself. Worse, that might tie into what you mentioned about a ‘trigger.’” Lin turned to Elder Sohe, a worried look plastered on her face. The memories of her and Sen being placed under control came flooding back in, hearing only the instructions of whoever held their leash and acting on them. None of that was anywhere near appealing, and she hoped something like it would never happen again.

Sen, too, remembers those times, and not fondly at all. The only saving grace for the last time was that Omen had the metaphorical leash. The two siblings knew she was trustworthy, never doing anything that could abuse the kind of power such a leash held. But with someone less scrupulous, he couldn’t even imagine that kind of scenario. The longma still felt his head throbbing, little by little, but the obtrusive thoughts on the matter were more of a concern than something that would pass in time. 

However, they would need every advantage they could get, and fortunately, Elder Sohe mentioned something that could help. 

On 2024-03-28 at 9:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Our kin aside, the way to fight something that works into your mind, is mostly by strengthening your mind. It will not be easy though, if they have a trigger upon your own kin, making you easier to sway. There is perhaps a way to fix it, but you would need to know how and why you were made. Perhaps in that somewhere, the trigger is found, and you can work back from that, to remove it entirely. It is speculation though. For now, you should thread cautiously, and address the temple with your past, in the ways we discussed. It is the safest path forward, and thinking of what can happen, if things goes poorly, caution is best here.

“We… wouldn’t know if the entity has a trigger that could have them worm into mine, Lin’s, or the other longma’s minds. If I may ask, are there any techniques or methods that could let us resist that kind of power? Could something like that eventually make anyone immune to mental manipulation?”

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@Catpone Cerberus


"Ah, so you're from a separate dimension? That would explain the outlandish metalwork you are imbued with."

She wasn't all that surprised. There had been scientists that had proven the existence of other worlds, since before she had arrived there.  They even had a small token from another world, that were the basis of how they had managed to get a rare glimpse into one of them. Though they hadn't been able to do it for a while. It still required an alignment of various things, and some unorthodox methods. And even then, it were unstable, and inconsistent. It were enough to prove it though. So yes, she could believe this story, and it would fit well, as she could imagine that she would have heard, if there had ben any research into things like what she were seeing now.

There were also the way the princesses banished others to other worlds of course, but Center Zero were a place for scientists. It wasn't the same if they couldn't find a scientific way to handle things, rather than trying to find a way to harness the elements. Which would have required them to find those things in the first place, so not like that had been much of an option anyway.

"Could I inquire about your method of transportation? Were it intentional, or accidental? And you mention your technology is more advanced. Is that only in regards to biomechanical advancements, or is it true for other fields too? For instance, might you have some knowledge on biochemistry and advanced extra-species transmutation? For example the molecular transference of meat and bones, to an active, purely natural substance, such as that of rock, or water, and vice versa? Or were it more in the veins of robotics?"

It were a shot in the dark perhaps, but it never hurt to ask, yes? She were curious now, and depending on the answer, perhaps even a little hopeful. The Equestria she lived in, and the wider world in general, far as she knew, had next to no information regarding transmutation, beyond more *simple* things, like one metal to another, or iron to stone. Elements within the same spectrum, were something that were getting some fascinating results here and there, but she sought information beyond that. Transformation not within the same classification or element, but completely different. The change of the entire molecular structure from for instance a normal, fleshy pony, to a purely elemental state, or as it were, the other way around. That were currently so far out from their abilities among the scientists she even knew of, that there had only ever been one study even touching upon the subject, and it were extraordinarily lacking in nature.

They'd likely be at least forty years away from even the most basic advancements in that field. Or she could ask this one, who seemed to be from a more technologically advanced version of their society. If so, it might be that science as a whole were decades, of not centuries ahead. Perhaps there would be some answers to be had there, and they could do an exchange of information? She might not be the known survivor from Center Zero, but she had lived and worked in the town, and thus could provide the navigation and passwords required, for a smooth transition of information. Be it from the known survivor, or the town itself, if they could get access to it.

Their orders would arrive within the next four minutes, so they had a bit of time to chat before things moved on.



@Catpone Cerberus

The undead leader, looked at her, with small lights flickering in the empty eye sockets. He may be more preserved than all but the deer she had passed before, but he were still undead. Mummified, and lacking in things, such as organs, or eyes. It had seemingly not been deemed important, or it were something related to tradition. A question for someone else to answer, as she had more pressing matters to attend, than pondering over ancient history.

"Perhaps you speaketh truth. I know that they left with great speed, and it followed them. But now it is back. If not following you, then maybe they have perished, and it must return to slumber. The dragon's might, could force it back."

He'd shift his face, seemingly looking behind her, at the cut off entrance she had gotten through, whilst the priestess would lower her staff, a faint aura of darkness beginning to pour. Yet he rose a hoof, and it halted, the magic returning to her staff, before it touched Leviathan.

"So hear my words, equine: Take her, return it to slumber below, and then, you will know freedom. Leave this temple, and neither you, nor she shall follow."

His horns would light up with a see through darkness, and rays of dark magic would hastily impact Leviathan's chest, and towards Ruby. The ones from the left antler hitting Leviathan, would carve a dark mark on her scales, marking her with a curse. Whilst the ones from the right antler, would be attempting to hit Ruby, and carving a symbol on her too. She could avoid it, but he would be relentless, and would likely eventually hit the mark, unless she did something unusual. If not, she'd feel as if a pit had hit her stomach, that refused to leave. An unpleasant, unwelcome curse, that would not ease up, until their task would be done.

If she were impacted, the priestess would move away from Leviathan, who'd soon after open her eyes, and let out a large gasp, heaving for breath, before grimacing, and clutching her belly.

"Urgh, feels like something's squirming around in there. What've you done?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Late the day after, there'd come a letter to Trox and Sheska, informing them that her prosthetic had been finished, and to please come to the hospital when they had time. Said hospital still had regular hours for the next hour, so if they made their way there now, they'd be able to have this done before day's end.

If they did get there in time, they'd be able to ask for Doctor Neon, who would be reading a paper. Her office were clean here, and things were calm this time of the evening, so she could relax a bit. At least until she saw them, and a grin got on her face.

"Heeey, somepony got my message! Great stuff. We got the stuff in earlier than I had dared to hope, and I went right on it. School's been quiet today, so I go back here at times to help out. You know how it is, yeah?

Anyway, before I show you, can I see your tail before that please? Just want to make sure we shouldn't clean it first, just in case. Been a hectic time in town, so all sorts of dust and grime could have snuck in, even if it wasn't meant to."



@Lawyer Slip


(forgot to add a picture of her. Here it is)

"Las Pegasus is amazing! It's mostly in two parts, right? The cloud layer is the biiiig tourist area. Some casinos, but mostly foal friendly attractions all over. Then there's the ground level, where most of the casinos, living spaces for non-pegasi, and business tend to be. Some of the buildings are so tall though, that they poke into the sky layer. The main hospital is one of those.

You really outta see it. Just party at the game corner, take the big ferris wheel, play your pocket change away at the Top Suits- There's loads to do, all throughout the day and night You seriously need to see it! I lived there my whole life, and I've never seen anywhere like it. Of course I did spend most of that time in the hospital, but I still got to see things through the windows, and a lot more when I turned 17, and could go outside more than a few hours. I did like the time my parents and the hospital staff let me go out with my siblings. Hehe, they look more like mom, so more pegasi-like than me, and they're her height too, but they're great ponies. My brother is working at a wildlife resort, and my sister's working on becoming an accountant like our mom is.

It's Really funny when others see the three of us together. We're triplets, and they look exactly the same, but I am nowhere near it. It confuses the hay of of folks."

She'd giggle, after going off a bit of a tangent, and stepping in place. Culminating with her pulling out a picture from inside her vest. It showed her, next to a pair of regular pegasi. Their coats were snow white, and their mane and tails lemon green and bushy in fashion, as if they'd just been widely tussled, and they both grinned widely at the camera, with Ziggy towering over them in the middle. Her mane too seeming tussled, so they had fun before it were taken it seemed. Though the mare were laying down on her belly, so she were more in their head height than normally. The only difference between the other two, seemed to be a mark. A lemon green droplet in their coat, that were under the left eye of the female, and the right eye of the male.

Flanking them all, were a mare and a stallion. The mare looking having a faded, dark green coat and orange mane and tail, looking over through a pair of sharp glasses at the camera. She looked very professional, standing there in her suit and her tied back mane, but the pegasus were not frumpy. All smiles here.

The stallion were a zebra, plain and simple. White and black, with a slicked back mane, neck and leg rings, tribal markings- The whole thing. He smiled, but looked more reserved about things, as he gazed into the camera. Not a harsh thought in his head, just not the most comfy around cameras.

"See? That's me in the middle, then my siblings Lemon Drop and Citrus Slinger. And then there's our parents! That's mom. She's an accountant. I think I said that already? Anyway, her name's Math Crunch. And then there's dad. They met because he's a showman in Las Pegasus. He always draws a huge crowd, since folks are crazy curious about zebras. That's how they met to. His name is Zhoran. They're the bestest.

I also have a companion somewhere here in town, but she's off doing something right now. You'll meet her later."

She put the picture back in her inner pocket, and pushed up her frames. There were no glass in them, it were just he frames. Why she wore those then, were another matter entirely.

"Anyway, you like racing, huh? Like professionally, or a hobby? Cause Las Pegasus have a race! I couldn't ever win that sort. I don't fly normally, so it takes off speed and stuff, but eh, it works for me, and it's more fun that way. Race ponies are a fun sort though. I knew a few in the hospital. They came around now and again because of strains. And some of them hit the track rings. That sounded real painful."



@Evil Pink One

"If there is something, it's probably nothing serious. Just chin up, and let's see."

She'd apply a local anesthetic, and then open up to see. And rightly so, there were something, that the doctor would slowly, and carefully extract. It appeared to be a sliver of metal. Probably something that had gotten dislodged and got stuck in there after he got poisoned, and lost track of things. Potentially when Shark tackled him. More than likely that honestly. Either way, she'd take it out with the pincers, and then leave it to the side for now.

She didn't even have to ask for what she needed next, as the lieutenant would give her a freshly retrieved tetanus shot, a bandage, and some cleaning alcohol.

"This might sting a bit, but try and keep still."

She'd clean the wound, then stitch it up, and at the end, give him the shot. Wouldn't take more than a few minutes. She were a professional after all.

"There we go. Just try not to rummage in dirt, and you'll be fine. Come back if something seems off though, okay? Better to be sure."

Shark would go over and sniff the metal, getting a sense of how her mate's blood were. She had no interest in ingesting it currently though. Her mate were not food, and she should only taste his blood if she were licking a wound that were bleeding, yes? Probably.




8 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“If it is one thing I’ve come to enjoy after living in exile for so long, it’s simple pleasures like sharing meals or drinks with good company. Perhaps when this matter is behind us, when we’ve found the answers, we could visit and tell you about it. Coming from a time when I had nothing to my name, sharing myself and my time with others to show appreciation is about the best I could do for those who showed kindness.”

“We still need to focus on the pressing matter, sister. As long as the entity continues to approach the longma and hound us, none of us are safe. And that is before the other thing we need to worry about. Will you be all right when it starts? It’s going to be a lot of talking and arguing, especially when the elders need us to speak up.”

“I won’t let this stop me from doing what I can to help. Elder Ghilan is putting his hopes into us, after all.” Lin adjusted herself, sitting up for a brief moment to place one claw on her brother and the other on Omen. “You and Omen speak as best you can, and I will do the same. You know that I am not optimistic about the longma, nor do I have faith that the elders will listen. But you do, brother, and you want this to work, so I will do what I can to help.”

The elders looked pleased as they saw the three interact. It were good to see that there were a true bond between them like this. They were likely to need it, for the times ahead of them, if their words were any indication. It did not sound as if their meeting with the elders of their village, were something nice, pleasant, or even easy. Worthwhile most certainly though. Even with what little they knew, they could tell that it were going to be a step towards a better future for the longma. The first in a long road, to get to that end goal.

"It is nice to see you have resolve, and faith in one another. It will do you well, in your future trials."

"I concur. It is not an easy task, but by all accounts an important one. There comes a time when everyone needs to try and communicate, and evolve. Being isolated and cut off from everyone else, only takes you so far.

You might think it hypocritical, since we are also isolated, but we do make contact. And have taken a step further, by sending some of our kits to the town of Ponyville. It's risky, but we trust they will be safe. At least that they will be now."

"Yes, the situation with the Oni. I am still surprised they encountered one there, of all places. I haven't heard off them so far from Neighpon before."

"At least it is done. Elder Rhugan handled things well, though I did expect her to stay longer, to speak with the kits, or look around. You know how she is."

"Like you wouldn't be worried about them too. They're your family as well. But you know Rhugan. She plays her own games, and acts when things are right. She likely didn't think it were the right time. I can imagine we will find her absent a few times soon enough."

"Indeed. She is ever her own little mystery. Always were."

"Maybe we should talk of it later. This is of these three, our talks of your sister and our own squabbles can wait."

Zhao would nod, and take a sip more, as well as a biscuit. Rhugan and her were both elders, although she were the oldest, and thus had been able to decide which part of her name she wanted associated with her elder title. She had picked her first name, and thus it fell to her to use their family name of Zhao. It were tradition, and she considered tradition to be highly important.

10 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We… wouldn’t know if the entity has a trigger that could have them worm into mine, Lin’s, or the other longma’s minds. If I may ask, are there any techniques or methods that could let us resist that kind of power? Could something like that eventually make anyone immune to mental manipulation?”

"There is no easy way, unless you're willing to let me completely rake your mind. It isn't easy to take over a mind, that simply isn't there anymore, but that is not something I would willingly inflict upon anyone, unless under strict duress. It does not sound like you would want to end up in that vegetative state either."

Just because you could do something, didn't mean that you should. Destroying someone's mind, fell comfortably into that category of something that she could technically do, but had no want to do in practice.

"The mind is a delicate muscle, and like any other, it must be trained to be stronger. Meditation exercises will be your simplest way forward, but sharpening your mind can be done in several other ways. Solving complex puzzles or crosswords for instance, can count as light training. But meditation is your best option, that does not include magic. And remember ever, that as said, the mind is delicate. A small mistake, and you could find yourself losing the mind, that you were trying to protect."

"I can offer you some meditation advise if it were. Perhaps it will be of some help, but you will need to put in the work.

That said, perhaps there would be something that could be done to undo the initiate hold there is on your minds. But I would need specific details from the ruins then. Some record of how it were applied in the first place. Have I that, I am certain we can have it safely neutralized."

"Oh, that would be a fun time. But don't stress yourselves too much now. You three have an important task ahead of you it sounds like. It should be your first focus. If you try too much at once, you will simply spread yourselves too thinly.

This meeting with your elders. Have you prepared for what they are bound to ask? Some things will likely be obvious to you, but have you thought on the answers yet? Preparation is an important thing. Doubly so for something as monumental as the first step, to a brighter tomorrow."

She would take a biscuits too, gnawing a bit of it down. It did not need to be, as were shown when Omen took one, and slid it down in her usual fashion, but the elders liked savoring the taste. Had they known there were one who would just down anything, they might have been tempted to add one with extra hot spices of some sort. They might be elders, but they were still kitsune. A harmless prank were all fun and games.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Yes.  Living stallions.  Fine specimens of the hard working ponies our land has to offer.  Manehattan is large and vast, you'll find many such eases of city transportation throughout.  Just keep an eye out for carriages that say 'Taxi' upon them, wave them down with your hoof and they'll get you to where you need to go," Dawn explained.  Granted, this particular carriage was more for use in the high society part of the city.  Much more fancy and luxurious than the more available taxis out on the streets of Manehattan.  The mare smiled at the flattering comments caramel gave her as they trio crossed the distance of the courtyard to the street where the carriage awaited them.  Flanking behind them was a billowing mist that never moved to overtake the ponies.  It were a light mist, only thick enough to be noticed but not to conceal, simply add an atmosphere of mystery.  Looking back, was a whole different matter.

The elegant wood and polished stone manor they had entered less than an hour ago, was gone. 

In its place, a new manor emerges like a beacon of decadence amidst the mist, its art deco architecture juxtaposed with neon accents that pulse and flicker wondrously against the city scape in the background. The sleek lines of the building are bathed in hues of electric blue and vibrant magenta, casting an otherworldly glow that cuts through the mist like a knife.  The entrance, flanked by towering pillars adorned with neon strips that radiate an aura of mystery to her domain. The neon lights casting eerie shadows that dance across the polished surfaces of the manor and gold double doors.  Statues of ponies remained, however their attired had been changed to matching noir styles that their mistress now wore, accented in additional neon glows of yellows, greens and blues.  Apparently Dawn's redecorating had not been limited to just her bedroom.

Dawn hardly appeared to take notice herself but instead replied to Will-O instead, "Just be friendly, no dark magic and no undead.  Present company excluded, of course."  She looked over her shoulder and winked at Chirpy to emphasis her point.  "Observe and absorb, sweet Will-O.  Whenever in doubt, be friendly and it'll get you far.  As is so taught by our Princess of Friendship.  Might does not make right here in Equestria," she nodded.  

Dawn entered the carriage.  That first step into the carriage did not produce the typical rainbow ripple Dawn had been accompanied by, marking the street as the end of her domain.  The inside of the carriage matched much of the decadence her own manor and that of the ones around them had displaced in the high society district.  Elegant crowning, polished leaf motifs and the most plush seats of the purest satin.  Dawn took a seat that faced toward the back of the carriage, but she spared a moment to turn about to face forward.  Reaching up she moved a sliding crystal window that gave her access to the stallions pulling the carriage.  "Manehattan First Bank, if you'd please, gentlecolts," she gave direction while waiting for the other two to enter.

Gathered together, they'd then set off into the city.  Their first tour being that of the other luxurious manors passing by in the windows at a gallop.

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@Blitz Boom

Well, I do wish I could do it professionally, but I can't. I mean I could, but for reasons involving something I caused about 3 weeks ago, I don't think I can.

Also your family is . . . Is . . .

Suddenly his mind began racing a million miles a second with questions. About families. Like, why he never remembered having one. Or remembered having a childhood. For all he knew, and was willing to share, he had been on this planet, for exactly 12 days. 

He slapped himself again.

Your family, is extremely lovely, and I think they're lucky to have you. 

Anyways, back to racing. That sounds awful that they've had those horrible strains! I wouldn't know myself, as I've never felt that before. I can actually fly, really fast for up to 16 hours straight, the full limits of which are still being tested. 

I've only ever raced against a friend of mine, his name is Rich Crawford, and he's an Alicorn. (DON'T TELL ANYPONY) But I was always faster than him. I've dreamed of meeting somepony who can match my speed. Don't get me wrong, beating my record is really fun, but the real thrill of a race is what I look for. 

Say, you're a doctor right? Have you ever met a changeling? What are they like? Also who is this companion you speak of?

*Please don't say Rainbowdash. Please don't say Rainbowdash. Please don't say Rainbowdash. Please don't say Rainbowdash. Please don't say Rainbowdash. Pleeeeeeeeease.*

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-04-02 at 9:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"It is nice to see you have resolve, and faith in one another. It will do you well, in your future trials."

"I concur. It is not an easy task, but by all accounts an important one. There comes a time when everyone needs to try and communicate, and evolve. Being isolated and cut off from everyone else, only takes you so far.

You might think it hypocritical, since we are also isolated, but we do make contact. And have taken a step further, by sending some of our kits to the town of Ponyville. It's risky, but we trust they will be safe. At least that they will be now."

“I hoped others among the longma would see things the way you do, elders, but some are set in their ways. Maybe there is no convincing them, as much as I would like to see them come around to a different perspective. But Lin is right; I really want this to work, so I will work at it, even if it seems impossible. I can’t just turn my back on the longma despite them giving me the one reason why I should have to abandon them. Whatever wrongs they’ve done to me, I just can’t lump them all as a lost cause.”

“The same way you’ve refused to forgive your old friend despite him helping us? He’s already doing more than others after he offered to keep the ruins hidden, but from what I remember, you still wouldn’t give him a chance.”

“Tch. Don’t remind me. However, I heard what he had to say, and I… may talk with him about it in private. We’ve already come to an understanding about what happened in the past. If you don’t believe me, Omen can vouch; she was there, and if it weren’t for her, I would’ve done something I’d regret for the rest of my life.”

Lin paused, taken aback by what Sen just mentioned. He had his reasons for wanting nothing to do with his old friend, Xin, but between this and seeing them acting more amicably with each other, maybe there’s something to this new development. Sen’s somber tone was uncharacteristic, but it seemed he had found a breakthrough. There was just no telling what might become of them, but there was a hint of optimism for the two friends. Perhaps something of their old friendship could be mended.

She then turned to the Ki’nathar, initially wondering if she needed to verify her brother’s claims. However, she relented, convinced of the truth of the matter. “Thanks, Omen, for looking out for Sen.”

The siblings knew they weren't setting a good example for the others longma, and Elder Ghilan would have his work cut out for him if he were to constantly check on their behavior. All this would take a toll on him under normal circumstances, but it wouldn’t be for now. There was more to worry about, most notably the meeting with the elders. A weight may be lifted if the other elders were to be convinced of what Sen and Lin experienced. Then again, even the siblings would need to do their prep work to ensure the whole event goes well, and that means making the necessary preparations.

On 2024-04-02 at 9:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I can offer you some meditation advise if it were. Perhaps it will be of some help, but you will need to put in the work.

That said, perhaps there would be something that could be done to undo the initiate hold there is on your minds. But I would need specific details from the ruins then. Some record of how it were applied in the first place. Have I that, I am certain we can have it safely neutralized."

"Oh, that would be a fun time. But don't stress yourselves too much now. You three have an important task ahead of you it sounds like. It should be your first focus. If you try too much at once, you will simply spread yourselves too thinly.

This meeting with your elders. Have you prepared for what they are bound to ask? Some things will likely be obvious to you, but have you thought on the answers yet? Preparation is an important thing. Doubly so for something as monumental as the first step, to a brighter tomorrow."

“We’ve considered what the other elders would be asking us, but I am not sure if experience carries much weight during these kinds of talks. Maybe you could tell us your thoughts and perspectives on something? I’m sure one thing they will ask about is why the longma should be concerned about other creatures. They’ve gone through many years only looking after their own interests without problems. Opening ourselves up may create more problems, and we are very ill-equipped to handle them.”

“You mentioned earlier that you send kits to Ponyville. If you do not mind us asking, what purpose does that serve and what could be learned from that?”

It was an admittedly odd thing to mention, but Sen wondered if what the kitsune went through could be similar enough to the longma nowadays. Maybe there was something new to be gained from understanding what made the isolated kitsune. Such a lesson could be valuable to the siblings and the rest of the longma in the village. Then again, there was another matter about what the longma could bring to the table, as some other creatures may only look for the advantages of getting to know the longma. The isolationism may not work in the siblings’ favor, but they will consider learning from the experiences of the kitsune to understand how to go about the world and find answers to problems they didn’t think they’d ever encounter.

That said, there was also the matter of preparing their own minds for something that could easily take over them if it were to ever come to that. Meditation was something familiar to Sen and Lin, more so for the former despite being a little out of practice. It was the latter part that eluded the siblings: having details from the ruins and knowledge of how the trigger was created. 

Having some experience with meditation, Sen definitely saw the merits behind it, gladly welcoming anything that could help. 

“There was very little to learn from the ruins about what the entity that took over Lin does to take control of the longma. However, we would appreciate any help we could get to keep our minds secure from them. If meditation can help, we’d like to learn from you. Maybe we can set aside a little time for that.” 

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17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I hoped others among the longma would see things the way you do, elders, but some are set in their ways. Maybe there is no convincing them, as much as I would like to see them come around to a different perspective. But Lin is right; I really want this to work, so I will work at it, even if it seems impossible. I can’t just turn my back on the longma despite them giving me the one reason why I should have to abandon them. Whatever wrongs they’ve done to me, I just can’t lump them all as a lost cause.”

“The same way you’ve refused to forgive your old friend despite him helping us? He’s already doing more than others after he offered to keep the ruins hidden, but from what I remember, you still wouldn’t give him a chance.”

“Tch. Don’t remind me. However, I heard what he had to say, and I… may talk with him about it in private. We’ve already come to an understanding about what happened in the past. If you don’t believe me, Omen can vouch; she was there, and if it weren’t for her, I would’ve done something I’d regret for the rest of my life.”

Sohe smiled at the response, and chuckled weakly before responding. Zhao kept quiet in the meantime, waiting for Sohe to respond. As should be obvious by now, the kitsune valued the words of their elders tremendously, and Sohe were older than Zhao. Even if they both held the same role in their society, she saw Sohe in the light of one whom she should follow, and respect, and had done so since before she became an elder herself. That sort of admiration did not go away, just because she were an elder herself.

Sure they had their disagreements and arguments, but the little things were where you could see the unspoken hierarchy. Such as not interrupting another, or who got served first, when tea were passed around. Sohe did not have the power to decide for them all, but she did have the position of respect, for others to give her a degree of priority, and acknowledgement.

"If your elders are too stubborn, think of it less as convincing them, but the next generation to come instead.

Life is finite. Eventually, their time will come to an end, and the next in line will determine how your people will be lead. So if your current elders will not listen, remember that there will be others, and perhaps the next generation will be more amendable to reason."

"I can only agree on that. Yet still, it will not help with your immediate issues, if the ruins you spoke of have become active, and will lure others in, or cause trouble in some other way. Even if your elders will listen, I have doubts they would be interested, or able to handle such a thing. It may even place you worse, if you speak of it.

You may have to rely on yourself, and your closest allies in this. Even if they are not of your own kin. Though be cautious, lest you are seen as exposing them to strangers, before they are ready.

Furthermore, I see no reason to doubt your word currently, on your old friend, Sen. We do not need Omen to vouch for regret, that already rests soundly on your tongue."

It were a troubling path they had ahead of them, and the elders did not envy them. Though in truth, they were curious, and if given the chance, either of them might well accept an invitation to go there themselves, if it were presented eventually. They could be of help more than likely, and as elders of their own people, perhaps there could be some common ground for them to start from. Something not involving a lot of what they might see as radical young creatures, with crazy, new age ideas.

"I had to take him away, before Sen did something bad. I do not understand it all, but Mother wants us to protect our masters. Sen is my friend, so he should also be protected. Even from himself."

Omen were slowly getting some mobility back into her limbs, so she'd hopefully be able to stand up right again soon. It would be best not to give her more alcohol though. Might just be the sake, or it could be drinks in general,. but she seemed to have a zero tolerance biology to it, so it were likely best not to take chances.

17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We’ve considered what the other elders would be asking us, but I am not sure if experience carries much weight during these kinds of talks. Maybe you could tell us your thoughts and perspectives on something? I’m sure one thing they will ask about is why the longma should be concerned about other creatures. They’ve gone through many years only looking after their own interests without problems. Opening ourselves up may create more problems, and we are very ill-equipped to handle them.”

“You mentioned earlier that you send kits to Ponyville. If you do not mind us asking, what purpose does that serve and what could be learned from that?”

"I see no reason to not answer that. We send our kits to Equestria, for two reasons: Education, and seeking allies.

Kitsune and the Neighponese ponies have not gotten along well historically. We are currently in a state of neutrality, but it could flip towards open warfare on us again, if their next leader is a zealous one. We are capable of defending ourselves, but the question remains, what would happen if they came with something we had not seen. We hear rumor for instance, that the nation of Troy are experimenting with anti magic weaponry. I don't see why they would bring that here, but if they had it, others may too eventually, or some other weapon we had not thought of, and weren't prepared for.

We reproduce slowly. If our towns were destroyed, and our kin killed in droves, it could take a century or more before we would be enough for a full scale village of our own. While it is unlikely to happen, we cannot live under the assumption that it is impossible, when we as elders, are meant to both guide, and protect our kin.

Equestria is a strong nation, but these days it is something it have not been for centuries: Inclusive, and welcoming to non-equines. Among the other races, we see now that if we are to seek an ally in Equestria, this is the time to do so, as Princess Twilight makes more and more connections.

We do not think they can wage war on our behalf, or spare a lot of troops, if things were to happen. But they will reach Neighpon with words of friendship and cooperation eventually, and she does a good job of that. We debated this for nearly a full year, before we came to the conclusion, that she might be able to ally a shattered country, when that day came. But she needed to know of not just the ponies, but also us, free from the faerie tales and what propaganda the Neighponese will tell them.

Our kits went there, to attend her school, where she and her friends wander the halls with regularity. This is the place to expose them to our kin, as well as for them to get a good education not only from our scriptures, but that of the Equestrians too. As they learn, so too will they teach, and show that our kin are not simply tricksters, with no reason beyond playing games, but a people of tradition, with a wealth of depth."

She would need a pause now, to catch her breath, and drink some water. Zhao would take over, as she parched her throat.

"The kits in question, were picked from a group of volunteers, and eventually, the headmistress at the school have agreed to send a student or two to our town as well, to study and learn. We hope that this will lead to her being willing to hear our call for help, in reaching some degree of lasting peace with our government, or at the least be able to provide shelter, or assistance, if the end begins here in Neighpon.

We have interacted with other races for centuries, wandering around, playing some tricks, and observing. Our teachers at times, even bring students out to learn about other races in a controlled environment, like an area caught in a strong illusion, with one or two beings there to show them. Some have even settled down in places far from our shore over time, or roams freely to explore the world.

This is a notable step further, as we are opening our reclusive towns up for others now, but we believe it is time to do so. Weapons, new diseases, an uprise in stronger and stronger monsters- There will eventually come a time, when standing alone, marks a disaster that we might be unable to recover from. Your people will have to acknowledge and accept that as well, before your day of reckoning comes. Which might be sooner than you have expected, if the parasite is anything to go by."

17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“There was very little to learn from the ruins about what the entity that took over Lin does to take control of the longma. However, we would appreciate any help we could get to keep our minds secure from them. If meditation can help, we’d like to learn from you. Maybe we can set aside a little time for that.” 

"There is much still to do for us today, so our time will soon enough become limited, but I can lend you a scroll that might prove educational."

Zhao would twirl her right paw, and a stream of raw magic would flow from her paw, and weave into a small, ethereal fox, running out of the room. A slight afterglow followed it like a trail, as it ran off.

"It will retrieve a scroll for us, that will help you. I will expect you to not destroy it, and to read what it is in there properly. It's in the common tongue, so it should not present an issue, I would assume?"



@Rising Dusk

On 2024-04-03 at 4:37 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Yes.  Living stallions.  Fine specimens of the hard working ponies our land has to offer.  Manehattan is large and vast, you'll find many such eases of city transportation throughout.  Just keep an eye out for carriages that say 'Taxi' upon them, wave them down with your hoof and they'll get you to where you need to go,"

"No need to even grow your own, or make a personal carriage. How delightful concept.

Last I had a carriage of my own, I had to go and not only salvage and repair it, but also make my own wickerman to drag it. These fine gentlecolts are much easier on the eye though."

They also wouldn't need the maintenance that her wickerman had needed. She did a fine job with it, and it didn't drop body parts all over the place, but sometimes something came crashing through the woods, and it were a pain to remake it  over and over again. Honestly she didn't feel that bad, when the carriage and the wickerman were smashed finally beyond repair. The most important things in it were mostly intact, and she managed to get a good fire going that night, to stave off the cold.

One had to look for the positive things in life. Sometimes that required you to narrow your eyes, and look closely for that silver lining, but she believed it best to do so. Being in a rut wouldn't get her anywhere. Though she doubted she'd feel dismayed anytime soon. Equestria were a wealth of marvelous sights, that she were simply thrilled to take in. Good or bad, it were a wealth of new experiences, as well as things to work on. It were going to be a fun time, and sooner or later, she were sure that Will-O would feel that too. She just needed time, to get through all the horrendous things that she had become aware of in the last day.

Caramel wouldn't say it aloud, but she truly felt no joy, telling Will-O of her heritage. Much as she knew that the mare had to know, just as much as the priestess did, for the safety of herself, seeing the light drain from her eyes, and her face fall... Will-O were her friend, and causing her this pain were not something she wished to do. Yet it were better that it had come from her, than from some uncaring guard, making her worried she might be about to be executed.

On 2024-04-03 at 4:37 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Dawn hardly appeared to take notice herself but instead replied to Will-O instead, "Just be friendly, no dark magic and no undead.  Present company excluded, of course."  She looked over her shoulder and winked at Chirpy to emphasis her point.  "Observe and absorb, sweet Will-O.  Whenever in doubt, be friendly and it'll get you far.  As is so taught by our Princess of Friendship.  Might does not make right here in Equestria," she nodded.  

"...Huh? Oh, I'm s-sorry, it's just... Your home. I didn't think it would also do this outside."

"A marvel of magic this one. I think we can both learn much from Dawn, wouldn't you say so?"

"If this sort can be learned, but... It's very impressive. Just more expansive than I had thought. Much more powerful in nature, than anything I thought I'd ever see, and live through."

There were always the lingering threat in Harrowmark, of getting Twisted's attention, and potentially have his grasp of primordial magic, heaved upon you. Something that were bound to end in horrifying death, of worse. Will-O were not one who believed that could never happen to her, and so she always figured that if she saw immensely powerful magic, it would be that, and it would be the last thing she saw. To think that she had now seen this, both inside and out, and were not just able to live to tell the tale, but actually talked to in friendly terms, with the one who caused it? She never would have believed it, if it had been told her before today.

It were exciting honestly. Exciting, and also somewhat terrifying. Dawn was lovely and seemed very sweet, but her magic were terrifying in its capabilities, and made her certain that if there were one thing in this world, that she never wanted to be, it were Dawn's enemy. She got the feeling that Dawn's did in fact make right. Long as she handled the evidence, and she probably could.

"M-My apologies for before, Miss Dawn. I will take your advice to heart, and do my best to follow it."

On 2024-04-03 at 4:37 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Dawn entered the carriage.  That first step into the carriage did not produce the typical rainbow ripple Dawn had been accompanied by, marking the street as the end of her domain.  The inside of the carriage matched much of the decadence her own manor and that of the ones around them had displaced in the high society district.  Elegant crowning, polished leaf motifs and the most plush seats of the purest satin.  Dawn took a seat that faced toward the back of the carriage, but she spared a moment to turn about to face forward.  Reaching up she moved a sliding crystal window that gave her access to the stallions pulling the carriage.  "Manehattan First Bank, if you'd please, gentlecolts," she gave direction while waiting for the other two to enter.

Gathered together, they'd then set off into the city.  Their first tour being that of the other luxurious manors passing by in the windows at a gallop.

They were both majorly impressed with what they saw, on the inside of this carriage. Chirpy had a nice view from the outside too, but here inside, it were a marvel of indulgence. They were both slow to enter as they gazed upon that, and then further, wouldn't even seat at first. They were too busy both poking at the seating, feeling the softness, and look at the indulgent interior to be in a hurry. Caramel laughed a little at how silly they must look, when she realized that.

"Ohohoho. I can imagine we must seem funny right now, poking at things like we're wanderers of a different age, trying to understand the oddness around us. Yet still, that is a very apt description, and this place is... How would I best describe it... I have seen certain overindulgent ponies and diamond dogs in my time, that flaunts what they have, by lavishly making a big deal out of their homes, and what they own. While I expected your home to blow that out of proportions, I did not think a carriage of all things, to be beating that as well. And without being tacky even."

She'd take a seat, shortly followed by the now blushing Will-O, after she had been made aware of how they must appear. Something that made Caramel laugh some, as she found the display highly amusing.

They'd both get a good look at this part of town, as they gazed out of the windows. Quite the sight, though Will-O did muse over it, after a time of seeing the same degree of luxury around them.

"This is the part of town where the higher end ponies are, right?"

"Does something worry you, Will-O?"

"Yes. Well... Maybe. I just see all of this, and I kinda just worry, if that means that away from here, there's many that have to live on the streets."

They came from a society were resources were finite, as well as scarce. If one had to live like Dawn did, hundreds of others would have to live in a way where they would be lucky to get food during a day, much less have shelter. This were a brilliant sight yes, but the thought had crept up on her, as she kept seeing the luxury, and it tainted her modicum of joy somewhat. Despite her heritage likely making some think otherwise, Will-O cared about others, a lot. It were one of the reasons she were a town protector in the first place. So the thought that all of this, came at the expense of others being able to live, caused her some concern.



@Lawyer Slip

While he were talking - more specifically, after he slapped himself - her smile would lessen somewhat, and she'd tilt her head to the side, looking at this peculiar new friend of hers again.

"I mean, if there ever were a place for an alicorn, it would be Ponyville. This place have lots of types. Same with changelings, of which there's a few in town. I've spooked one right out of his disguise.

Say, are you... Okay? You seemed to stagger and then slap yourself. Have you recently hit your head? Maybe overextended yourself too much, or you've forgotten to drink enough water?"

She were just worried about him. If he'd just let her know that there weren't anything serious, or if he'd just explain it, she'd ease up. Amnesia were not good, but it wasn't life threatening. She were mostly worried about him potentially being about to pass out, since sometimes those who were woozy, would slap themselves to try and *wake up*. Usually it wasn't something bad. Could be a heat stroke, lack of water, blood sugar- The whole works. But it could also be more serious, so she just wanted to be sure., because she cared, and didn't want to see him hurt.

Provided he eased her mind on this - he did not need to provide details, if he decided on the truth - she'd continue on with the big smile returning to her face, and the joyful aura that made it seem like sunshine and bunnies were about to fall out of her mouth when she spoke. If not, she'd still respond, but her attitude would be more muted, as her worry would go over her general, joyful enthusiasm.

"And my companion's not someone you met. Probably anyway. Far as I know, they're pretty rare. Like, *Thought-to-be-extinct* sort of rare. Her name's Fah'lina, and she's a... Hold on.... Right, Discordian Knight Squirrel. There's a more fancy species name, but it's pretty boring.

I ran into her nearly a month ago, and she's decided to stick around. Not my pet though, Nooo. She doesn't like being called that.

I'd say how she were, but it's kinda hard to explain properly. I think you'll have more fun seeing it for yourself, when she shows up later. Lyriel took her to see a friend in the forest. You've seen Lyriel actually, or this might not make sense. She moved into the forest with that dragon a few weeks ago. She's a dryad. You ever seen one of those? Made all out of vegetation and stuff. Kinda like Evergrown, but different."

Ponyville attracted a lot of odd characters, and especially in recent months. An alicorn here were special, but at least to her, it fit the whole thing of Ponyville being a weird mixture of creatures, from all over the place. Now meeting him, were going to be a different thing entirely. She might get a bit tourist'y by that point.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

What, the slapping thing? Oh! Uh . . . that's, just, something I do! Yeah! It's definitely not a side affect from my own mental insecurities manifesting themselves causing me to physically slap myself, aheheheh.

Anyways. If you ever wanted to meet Rich, I' sure he would love to meet you as well! He's my best friend and my roommate. See, when I first arrived here, I was alone, there was nobody who wanted to take me in, and then he stepped out of the shadows, because it turned out, he'd been hiding just like how I was before you and I started having this conversation, heheheh . . . Ahem, uh no, I have never seen a Dryad, but I have read about them. Never read about Evergrown though. Also, your friend Fah'lina is a Discordian knight squirrel eh? Again, never heard of it, but that name Discord is very familiar. It was mentioned to me by uhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . . . . . just a guy. Yeah, just a guy, definitely not another Draconicous, nope, just a regular earth pony ehehehehh  . . .


Say, Ziggy, if you wanted I could even bring you to Rich now if you wanted! We don't live to far from here, just outside of town, it's only a couple of wing flaps away, what do ya say?

Deep down, he prayed she say yes. With Rich, he could get a grip on himself, an actually calm down, he always felt safer when he was around. Especially ever since Specter and the others went back to their respective timelines.

(OOC: Oopsie! I seem to have spoiled his origin story! How do these things happen? Also Blitz, if I can be real with you for sec, thanks so much for doing this with me, this has been my favorite part of the forums so far, I've loved doing this :D)

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On 2024-04-02 at 9:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

@Catpone Cerberus


"Ah, so you're from a separate dimension? That would explain the outlandish metalwork you are imbued with."

She wasn't all that surprised. There had been scientists that had proven the existence of other worlds, since before she had arrived there.  They even had a small token from another world, that were the basis of how they had managed to get a rare glimpse into one of them. Though they hadn't been able to do it for a while. It still required an alignment of various things, and some unorthodox methods. And even then, it were unstable, and inconsistent. It were enough to prove it though. So yes, she could believe this story, and it would fit well, as she could imagine that she would have heard, if there had ben any research into things like what she were seeing now.

There were also the way the princesses banished others to other worlds of course, but Center Zero were a place for scientists. It wasn't the same if they couldn't find a scientific way to handle things, rather than trying to find a way to harness the elements. Which would have required them to find those things in the first place, so not like that had been much of an option anyway.

"Could I inquire about your method of transportation? Were it intentional, or accidental? And you mention your technology is more advanced. Is that only in regards to biomechanical advancements, or is it true for other fields too? For instance, might you have some knowledge on biochemistry and advanced extra-species transmutation? For example the molecular transference of meat and bones, to an active, purely natural substance, such as that of rock, or water, and vice versa? Or were it more in the veins of robotics?"

It were a shot in the dark perhaps, but it never hurt to ask, yes? She were curious now, and depending on the answer, perhaps even a little hopeful. The Equestria she lived in, and the wider world in general, far as she knew, had next to no information regarding transmutation, beyond more *simple* things, like one metal to another, or iron to stone. Elements within the same spectrum, were something that were getting some fascinating results here and there, but she sought information beyond that. Transformation not within the same classification or element, but completely different. The change of the entire molecular structure from for instance a normal, fleshy pony, to a purely elemental state, or as it were, the other way around. That were currently so far out from their abilities among the scientists she even knew of, that there had only ever been one study even touching upon the subject, and it were extraordinarily lacking in nature.

They'd likely be at least forty years away from even the most basic advancements in that field. Or she could ask this one, who seemed to be from a more technologically advanced version of their society. If so, it might be that science as a whole were decades, of not centuries ahead. Perhaps there would be some answers to be had there, and they could do an exchange of information? She might not be the known survivor from Center Zero, but she had lived and worked in the town, and thus could provide the navigation and passwords required, for a smooth transition of information. Be it from the known survivor, or the town itself, if they could get access to it.

Their orders would arrive within the next four minutes, so they had a bit of time to chat before things moved on.



@Catpone Cerberus

The undead leader, looked at her, with small lights flickering in the empty eye sockets. He may be more preserved than all but the deer she had passed before, but he were still undead. Mummified, and lacking in things, such as organs, or eyes. It had seemingly not been deemed important, or it were something related to tradition. A question for someone else to answer, as she had more pressing matters to attend, than pondering over ancient history.

"Perhaps you speaketh truth. I know that they left with great speed, and it followed them. But now it is back. If not following you, then maybe they have perished, and it must return to slumber. The dragon's might, could force it back."

He'd shift his face, seemingly looking behind her, at the cut off entrance she had gotten through, whilst the priestess would lower her staff, a faint aura of darkness beginning to pour. Yet he rose a hoof, and it halted, the magic returning to her staff, before it touched Leviathan.

"So hear my words, equine: Take her, return it to slumber below, and then, you will know freedom. Leave this temple, and neither you, nor she shall follow."

His horns would light up with a see through darkness, and rays of dark magic would hastily impact Leviathan's chest, and towards Ruby. The ones from the left antler hitting Leviathan, would carve a dark mark on her scales, marking her with a curse. Whilst the ones from the right antler, would be attempting to hit Ruby, and carving a symbol on her too. She could avoid it, but he would be relentless, and would likely eventually hit the mark, unless she did something unusual. If not, she'd feel as if a pit had hit her stomach, that refused to leave. An unpleasant, unwelcome curse, that would not ease up, until their task would be done.

If she were impacted, the priestess would move away from Leviathan, who'd soon after open her eyes, and let out a large gasp, heaving for breath, before grimacing, and clutching her belly.

"Urgh, feels like something's squirming around in there. What've you done?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Late the day after, there'd come a letter to Trox and Sheska, informing them that her prosthetic had been finished, and to please come to the hospital when they had time. Said hospital still had regular hours for the next hour, so if they made their way there now, they'd be able to have this done before day's end.

If they did get there in time, they'd be able to ask for Doctor Neon, who would be reading a paper. Her office were clean here, and things were calm this time of the evening, so she could relax a bit. At least until she saw them, and a grin got on her face.

"Heeey, somepony got my message! Great stuff. We got the stuff in earlier than I had dared to hope, and I went right on it. School's been quiet today, so I go back here at times to help out. You know how it is, yeah?

Anyway, before I show you, can I see your tail before that please? Just want to make sure we shouldn't clean it first, just in case. Been a hectic time in town, so all sorts of dust and grime could have snuck in, even if it wasn't meant to."



@Lawyer Slip


(forgot to add a picture of her. Here it is)

"Las Pegasus is amazing! It's mostly in two parts, right? The cloud layer is the biiiig tourist area. Some casinos, but mostly foal friendly attractions all over. Then there's the ground level, where most of the casinos, living spaces for non-pegasi, and business tend to be. Some of the buildings are so tall though, that they poke into the sky layer. The main hospital is one of those.

You really outta see it. Just party at the game corner, take the big ferris wheel, play your pocket change away at the Top Suits- There's loads to do, all throughout the day and night You seriously need to see it! I lived there my whole life, and I've never seen anywhere like it. Of course I did spend most of that time in the hospital, but I still got to see things through the windows, and a lot more when I turned 17, and could go outside more than a few hours. I did like the time my parents and the hospital staff let me go out with my siblings. Hehe, they look more like mom, so more pegasi-like than me, and they're her height too, but they're great ponies. My brother is working at a wildlife resort, and my sister's working on becoming an accountant like our mom is.

It's Really funny when others see the three of us together. We're triplets, and they look exactly the same, but I am nowhere near it. It confuses the hay of of folks."

She'd giggle, after going off a bit of a tangent, and stepping in place. Culminating with her pulling out a picture from inside her vest. It showed her, next to a pair of regular pegasi. Their coats were snow white, and their mane and tails lemon green and bushy in fashion, as if they'd just been widely tussled, and they both grinned widely at the camera, with Ziggy towering over them in the middle. Her mane too seeming tussled, so they had fun before it were taken it seemed. Though the mare were laying down on her belly, so she were more in their head height than normally. The only difference between the other two, seemed to be a mark. A lemon green droplet in their coat, that were under the left eye of the female, and the right eye of the male.

Flanking them all, were a mare and a stallion. The mare looking having a faded, dark green coat and orange mane and tail, looking over through a pair of sharp glasses at the camera. She looked very professional, standing there in her suit and her tied back mane, but the pegasus were not frumpy. All smiles here.

The stallion were a zebra, plain and simple. White and black, with a slicked back mane, neck and leg rings, tribal markings- The whole thing. He smiled, but looked more reserved about things, as he gazed into the camera. Not a harsh thought in his head, just not the most comfy around cameras.

"See? That's me in the middle, then my siblings Lemon Drop and Citrus Slinger. And then there's our parents! That's mom. She's an accountant. I think I said that already? Anyway, her name's Math Crunch. And then there's dad. They met because he's a showman in Las Pegasus. He always draws a huge crowd, since folks are crazy curious about zebras. That's how they met to. His name is Zhoran. They're the bestest.

I also have a companion somewhere here in town, but she's off doing something right now. You'll meet her later."

She put the picture back in her inner pocket, and pushed up her frames. There were no glass in them, it were just he frames. Why she wore those then, were another matter entirely.

"Anyway, you like racing, huh? Like professionally, or a hobby? Cause Las Pegasus have a race! I couldn't ever win that sort. I don't fly normally, so it takes off speed and stuff, but eh, it works for me, and it's more fun that way. Race ponies are a fun sort though. I knew a few in the hospital. They came around now and again because of strains. And some of them hit the track rings. That sounded real painful."



@Evil Pink One

"If there is something, it's probably nothing serious. Just chin up, and let's see."

She'd apply a local anesthetic, and then open up to see. And rightly so, there were something, that the doctor would slowly, and carefully extract. It appeared to be a sliver of metal. Probably something that had gotten dislodged and got stuck in there after he got poisoned, and lost track of things. Potentially when Shark tackled him. More than likely that honestly. Either way, she'd take it out with the pincers, and then leave it to the side for now.

She didn't even have to ask for what she needed next, as the lieutenant would give her a freshly retrieved tetanus shot, a bandage, and some cleaning alcohol.

"This might sting a bit, but try and keep still."

She'd clean the wound, then stitch it up, and at the end, give him the shot. Wouldn't take more than a few minutes. She were a professional after all.

"There we go. Just try not to rummage in dirt, and you'll be fine. Come back if something seems off though, okay? Better to be sure."

Shark would go over and sniff the metal, getting a sense of how her mate's blood were. She had no interest in ingesting it currently though. Her mate were not food, and she should only taste his blood if she were licking a wound that were bleeding, yes? Probably.




The elders looked pleased as they saw the three interact. It were good to see that there were a true bond between them like this. They were likely to need it, for the times ahead of them, if their words were any indication. It did not sound as if their meeting with the elders of their village, were something nice, pleasant, or even easy. Worthwhile most certainly though. Even with what little they knew, they could tell that it were going to be a step towards a better future for the longma. The first in a long road, to get to that end goal.

"It is nice to see you have resolve, and faith in one another. It will do you well, in your future trials."

"I concur. It is not an easy task, but by all accounts an important one. There comes a time when everyone needs to try and communicate, and evolve. Being isolated and cut off from everyone else, only takes you so far.

You might think it hypocritical, since we are also isolated, but we do make contact. And have taken a step further, by sending some of our kits to the town of Ponyville. It's risky, but we trust they will be safe. At least that they will be now."

"Yes, the situation with the Oni. I am still surprised they encountered one there, of all places. I haven't heard off them so far from Neighpon before."

"At least it is done. Elder Rhugan handled things well, though I did expect her to stay longer, to speak with the kits, or look around. You know how she is."

"Like you wouldn't be worried about them too. They're your family as well. But you know Rhugan. She plays her own games, and acts when things are right. She likely didn't think it were the right time. I can imagine we will find her absent a few times soon enough."

"Indeed. She is ever her own little mystery. Always were."

"Maybe we should talk of it later. This is of these three, our talks of your sister and our own squabbles can wait."

Zhao would nod, and take a sip more, as well as a biscuit. Rhugan and her were both elders, although she were the oldest, and thus had been able to decide which part of her name she wanted associated with her elder title. She had picked her first name, and thus it fell to her to use their family name of Zhao. It were tradition, and she considered tradition to be highly important.

"There is no easy way, unless you're willing to let me completely rake your mind. It isn't easy to take over a mind, that simply isn't there anymore, but that is not something I would willingly inflict upon anyone, unless under strict duress. It does not sound like you would want to end up in that vegetative state either."

Just because you could do something, didn't mean that you should. Destroying someone's mind, fell comfortably into that category of something that she could technically do, but had no want to do in practice.

"The mind is a delicate muscle, and like any other, it must be trained to be stronger. Meditation exercises will be your simplest way forward, but sharpening your mind can be done in several other ways. Solving complex puzzles or crosswords for instance, can count as light training. But meditation is your best option, that does not include magic. And remember ever, that as said, the mind is delicate. A small mistake, and you could find yourself losing the mind, that you were trying to protect."

"I can offer you some meditation advise if it were. Perhaps it will be of some help, but you will need to put in the work.

That said, perhaps there would be something that could be done to undo the initiate hold there is on your minds. But I would need specific details from the ruins then. Some record of how it were applied in the first place. Have I that, I am certain we can have it safely neutralized."

"Oh, that would be a fun time. But don't stress yourselves too much now. You three have an important task ahead of you it sounds like. It should be your first focus. If you try too much at once, you will simply spread yourselves too thinly.

This meeting with your elders. Have you prepared for what they are bound to ask? Some things will likely be obvious to you, but have you thought on the answers yet? Preparation is an important thing. Doubly so for something as monumental as the first step, to a brighter tomorrow."

She would take a biscuits too, gnawing a bit of it down. It did not need to be, as were shown when Omen took one, and slid it down in her usual fashion, but the elders liked savoring the taste. Had they known there were one who would just down anything, they might have been tempted to add one with extra hot spices of some sort. They might be elders, but they were still kitsune. A harmless prank were all fun and games.

He'd take the shot like it was nothing. Far more worse than this has happened to him.

" thank you" he then bowed down towards the ones who has assisted him.

" I will take your cautions into consideration, if nothing else. Then both of us can leave? I fear that i need a lot of explaining to give to head mistress starlight glimmer." He answered with a hint of worry.

" and i believe you too didn't take any classes." He asked Shark.

@Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom
"My arrival was accidental, and I'm not the only one." "The world I come from has been suffering from ever increasing dimensional anomalies for last millennia, the leading theory is that it's a symptom of a dying realm." Solar explained in analyzing manner "What comes to science, as a member of the military, I only know what is relevant for war." "So when it comes to biochemistry, my knowledge goes only as far as things like chemical weapons and super-soldiers go." "Militarily speaking though, both Equestrian empires have put more focus behind biomechanical research and weapons research, over things like biological modification." "Latter however seemed to be the choice of our enemies outside Equestria, and having seen the results myself, they seemed rather successful, with the main point of trouble seemingly being control, as sapient creatures don't like being tools." 

"In general terms, I do believe that when using this world as a reference point, the advancement is true for everything, everything I've seen up to this point here, is by all means, horribly outdated compared to my world of origin." "Our boost of technological advancement was not from a positive source however, as while it brought good things like advancements in medical care, it was fueled by war, anything good is only byproduct." "If you are interested in more detailed examples, I can provide them, however, a public cafe is not the right place for that discussion." 


Ruby did instinctively try to dodge the first time, but being aware that there was probably no real chance of avoiding it, she didn't waste her already limited energy any further, and when it came to feeling the curse caused, it was just more fuel to her already uncomfortable state, and she couldn't really even be sure if it was caused by the symbol that had appeared, or if it was continuation to what she was already feeling; good thing her kind was physically unable to cry, as she would no doubt be tearing up from the discomfort alone at this point if it would have been part of her normal physique, though, it did cause her usual stoicism to falter a bit in her voice, not enough to be obvious, but enough for anyone who knew her to maybe notice.

She didn't break the 'eye' contact however, even when Leviathan spoke, as she once more addressed the mummy, assuming she wasn't stopped from speaking somehow "Doesn't sound like we have much of a choice." "So what is 'it'? and what exactly are we supposed to do?" "Or are you one of those who only speak in riddles?"  was that they way to talk someone who had just branded you with some kind of probably lethal curse? probably not, but Ruby wasn't going to grovel in front of this thing. 

She also realized that this could be a situation where there was no winning, at least that was the case if the choice of words was considered; she assumed 'it' was the same thing in both context, and the mummy said 'it' could be forced back by dragon's might, 'could', not 'can', so it could be they were given a task that they can't even do. 

The trio spend some time more downstairs, but after a while, Sheska made her way back upstairs, and soon after Chega and Sear headed to their room too, in the morning, the latter duo came down again, having breakfast and such, and Chega once again entertained whoever was there with songs of various topics. Sheska and Trox meanwhile, stayed in their room for a while, even after waking up, as they had a conversation that had needed to happen since they first woke up in the prison, and after finally pouring over that can of worms, they planned their next moves; what direction they would take their lives now that they were given another future, and what things they would need to deal with first.

After that they went downstairs, and got something to eat, while also talking with Chega, they spoke in their language, but it wasn't anything secret, and rather was them asking her about any individuals she may have met that would be useful in for example keeping Trox's cybernetics running or having Sheska learn the medical plants of this world, and asking about any other kobolds around she may know of. 

So when the letter came, they weren't busy, and thus made their way to the hospital.

The greeted the doctor, as Sheska would go in first with Trox right behind her, they were close, so there was no reason why both wouldn't have been there, not that this was especially private matter anyway, it was just a piece of tail. Sheska took off the makeshift cover, it had had its own charm, but with how quickly it got dirty and in general its makeshift nature made it so that it was nice to be rid of it, no fault of the nurse who made it, just the nature of that type of stuff.  

She positioned the tail in a way so that the doctor had a good view of it, it was clean and all that stuff, since Sheska new how to take care of injuries like that, but she still did as the doctor told, because she knew well how things worked. Both she and Trox also looked at it though, mainly because the bone being visible like that wasn't a pretty sight, even if you were as jaded as they were, and while the nerve damage was such that there was no feeling there, just seeing it did give Sheska, and even Trox, a small sting of ghost pain, as they were reminded of what happened. 


  • Brohoof 2


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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