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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Richard was just about to walk out the door himself when he heard a familiar voice and saw Vinyl Scratch. "Hey, Vinyl, remember me at all? You know, I used to go to all your concerts? We talked after your last one? No?" 'Wow, smooth move, Romeo,' he thought to himself.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Vinyl froze on the spot as she was backing away towards the exit, hearing someone address her she thought too herself '' Pull it together girl! You've been at the head of concerts full of ponies screaming your name and signed hundrends of autographs, why are you getting so edgy over a few ponies talking to you ya big wuss! '', Slowly she turned around, her crimson eyes curiously looking up the pony that stood before he up and down, she gulped a little and put on a wry grin as she didn't immediately recognize him, she rubbed her hoof down the back of her mane, flipping her mane a little and replied, '' Yeahhhh uh, Nice too see you again!! That was a killer wubfest last time wasnt it with all the lasers'' She said making pew pew noises and shooting motions with her hooves '' dont forget the bass !!! '' making beat boxing noises with her hoof over her mouth and bobbing her head slightly, still trying the whole time to figure out who it was.


After her slightly comical display of bass sounds she put her hoof around the neck of the stallion in front of her as a friendly gesture and grinned '' Say, since your such an adoring fan, how about I repay you and take you too the record shop, ill buy you my full album on the house! Ill even throw in'' She paused mid sentance, imagining Octavias reaction too that sentance and chuckled '' one of Octavias disks for ya! Comon, lets go!''

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"Ummmmmm..." Guy-Manuel said, starting to blush, and the fact that the mare had her hoof around his neck didn't help, "I already have your album... But I don't have Octavia's, and I'll gladly go to the record shop with you, I was about to go there myself when I recognized you." 'Don't screw this up, Man,' he thought to himself, tricking himself into thinking that he was a regular Casanova, and completely forgot his usual, confidence-lacking self. Guy-Manuel held the door open for Vinyl with a smile and said "Mares first."

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Removing her hoof off his neck she couldnt help but smirk at seeing the stallion blush so easily, as she walked by she swished her tail near him and barged through the door and stepping out into the square, she turned and looked at him, flipping her glasses back on and said wryly  '' You really are a gentlecolt aren't ya? '' , vinyl began walking slowly towards the record, and speaking at the same time, sometimes taking looks back now and again  '' Problem is with tavi is shes an excellent musician but has absolutely no clue about promoting her work, if you ask me shes waaaaaay too modest and its only because of me shes got records in the first place, I had too drag her butt all the way too the store just to get a deal, then she wouldn't talk to me for a few days!'' (Imitating Octavias voice) '' VINYL that was the most embarrasing moment of my life, do you have ANY idea of how that made me feel, unlike YOU I don't feel the need to go parading myself everywhere, I am far more Refinded.... Blah blah blah''. Vinyl rolled her eyes and grinned to herself,  reaching down too her side and putting in one of her earphones, beginnng to bob her head too a tone only she could hear.

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"It's just the way I was raised. Some ponies say it's old fashioned, but you know what? Sometimes old fashioned is good. That's what my friend Thomas and I did for our last album," Richard said, slipping up in his state of confusion in the moment. Whether Vinyl would realized that he was Guy-Manuel or if Thomas was just some guy, who could say?

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"I sure hope not. What's to aim for if you all fall that easy?"


She looked at the scene going on in front of her with this loud mare who she frankly neither understood nor had any idea who was, get in a talk with another pony and scurry out of the shop.


From what she could gather of that, the first pony was some kind of musician, but beyond that she had no idea. Woobing, albums, all that stuff didn't make sense to her. Concerts where she was from consisted of simple instruments and usually trumpets so they could be used for signalling if there was an attack as well, but she could get that Equestria had evolved that a lot during the years and new things had come for ponies to listen to.


Personally, she'd stick with the only one she'd found familiar and comforting, and leave the rest to others. It might be interesting to listen to, but the music she had heard coming from an open shop window in one of the nearby towns was very good, and she doubted that her musical sense would broaden much beyond the... What had they called it again... Jazz, right.


Looking over at Blizzard she raised an eyebrow slightly at seeing how his behaviour had changed again when they got into the shop. Was it because of the ice sculpture incident from before he feared they might judge him on? Or was he perhaps just not the sort that felt good around a lot of ponies like this?


"Hey Blizzard. You okay there?"

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@@Blitz Boom@

Blizzard looked up towards Last Stand and sheepishly replied, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine Last. I'm just a little nervous with so many ponies around. I mean yeah, Tartarus is no problem, but simple social anxieties. They take a toll on you. But you don't have to worry." he said as he went back to reading his grandfather's Equestrian war book.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Vinyl kept bobbing her head up and down too the beat of her song until she arrived at the record store, she butted it open with her head and held it open with her back hoof for Richard too come through, her ears twitched slightly and she replied ''Thomas huh? I swear I've heard that name before, did you do a duet with Tavi at one point, I remember ... well when I wasnt asleep'' She said rubbing her hoof on the back of her neck and laughing, remembering Octavias reaction too her slumped back in one of the chairs, snoring with a little bit of dribble at the corner of her mouth, she chuckled and continued '' Yeah I do remember it now vaguely, awesome! Didn't know , or at least couldnt remember if there were more of us around than just me and Tavi, but its great too have more, means more competition! ''  :smug:

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"Oh, no no no no, we used instruments and equipment that were used during the rise and popularization of electronica, you must be thinking of someone else. I have met Octavia, though, it was at a music festival in Canterlot. She played for Princess Celestia and Luna themselves, but Celestia excused herself to listen to Thomas and I! She whispered to us that she thought classical was a bit boring and that she could hear that any day in a city like Canterlot, she really seemed to like our music, judging by her, ahem, "dancing," don't tell Octavia I said that, or Celestia," he said the second one jokingly, "it might hurt her feelings. Octavia played beautifully, but the festival happened when the band I'm in was at it's height. Well, not so much a band as a duo," Richard continued. "Thank you, but you didn't need to hold the door open, I should have been the one to do so," he concluded with, walking into the record store.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
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@@Jellal Fernandes,


She stopped for a moment, and felt a tensing in her chest as she heard that someone found Octavias music boring, the feeling passed in a moment and she was unsure why she felt so strongly, regaining herself a little while rubbing the front of her chest with one hoof a little she said ''Ah comon no need for the gentlecolt stuff, I am not exactly the most lady like mare you will meet'' smirking too herself she continued '' Yeh probably thinking of someone else, haven't got great memory when it comes to that sorta stuff. So are ya still in the band now or what? Perhaps we could wub it out sometime together, I've got an awesome setup in mine and tavis house that you could come and use at somepoint'' she said winking at him, then turned her head too browse through the classical section while mumbling to herself '' Canterlot Choir.....Melodies of manehatan.... The Royal Jubilee..... AHA! Octavias Symphonies!'' She stood up on her hind legs, struggling too reach the disk, managing too knock a few other records flying through the air before she got the one that they were after, still stood on her hind legs she turned to him and said ''you just want the one? shes got loads of awesome music, could get you the whole collection if you wanted!''

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"I'll just listen to the one for now, you don't need to spend that many bits. If I enjoy it, then I'll get more. I am indeed still in the band, but we go a few years in between every album, so I do my solo stuff as DJ-BR0N-3. I've actually been looking to make my own album with a little taste of several genres of music with an EDM kick to them, traveling across Equestria and looking for the sounds of all the different cities and doing a collab with all the big names in those cities. I'm sensing a bit of a country vibe from Ponyville, unfortunately, I hate country," Richard said with a laugh, picking up the records that had fallen. 'Why didn't she just use her magic to get the record, is she falling for me and getting all fuzzy in the brain like I do? Nah, probably not,' he thought. "Would you be at all interested in helping me with a song on the album?" 

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"Fair enough then. But if it gets out of hoof..."


She let it trail of near the end, wanting to make it sound like he could let her know if things started to escalate and he needed some air without her actually saying it. Felt weird to her to say it out loud and go that route as she wasn't exactly a shrink, but she had seen a few socially awkward ponies in her days and some of them could use a helping hoof to clear a way out if it was bad, and with Bliz... Well, she didn't know him enough to really say.


Still, she'd leave the option hanging and in case he needed somepony to listen to him rambling or just clear a path, she could lend a hoof.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I trot around ponyville. I pull out my "to get" item list ,and start to trot towards the disc shop. "I hope that vinyl is in there, it's been a long time since se talked" i pushed the door open and walked in. I imediatly laid my eyes on vinyl, and a Stallion i haven't seen before. I Took some time, to mentaly prepare my self, since i'm shy when it comes to meeting ponies. I trottet over to them. "Hey guys, long time no see vinyl, and who are you? Haven't seen you before".

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Night Tracer entered the fair sized town with a small wagon trailing behind him. 


In his cart were a the items that were inside his Father's box, a water canteen, some clothes as well as some rations of food and pieces of furniture that his dormitory, "gave" him.. 


He breathed in; then out and repeated a few times, then, finally he smirked and dashed towards the center of the town with a beaming smile and hope filled heart, that, this town, would be his new home. 

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"You know, running with that much can be hard on your back."


The voice and it's owner flew over the head of Night Tracer, accompanied by the sound of big wings flapping.


If he would have a look he would see a large mare looking down on him with a smile and a glimmer in the eyes in the centre of the frames that once housed glasses, but now seemed to be empty for some reason.


Ziggy had gotten out of the bakery to stretch her wings a little when she had seen the pony with the wagon trailing after him before he sped up and she decided to fly over and... Well, for now, give a good advice, and perhaps make him crash from the distraction... Huh, she really hadn't thought this through it looked like.

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@@Blitz Boom,


Night Tracer kept trucking forth, he was ready for whatever came to him and eager to delve iinto whatever came his way; which happen to be a feminine voice from a mare. He glanced over his shoulder to see a rather eccentric mare above him. 


He halted and smiled, "Is that so?" he inquired, "What do you suggest I do then?" 

Edited by louisvillepride
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After the running pony slowed down, Ziggy landed and walked a few steps towards him while her wings folded in.


"Normal walk in a steady pace. Walking isn't bad with a cart of things like yours, but unless you got some real good backmuscles, it can strain your back and that isn't something you wanna go through, trust me. Those sort of injuries can be a real bother to get over."


She wandered closer, and when she was almost at him, bent her neck so she could look closer at him instead of just above like with most everypony. Being tall had its disadvantages at times, but what could you do? It was part of her,and it did have its plus sides, like if she was looking for someone in a crowd and such, so it wasn't bad really, and... Wait, why was she thinking about this again?


"My name's Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy. What's your name?"

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Midnight got off the friendship express (covered in a thin layer of frost for some reason) and decided to look around. First he went to the bakery, where he hoped he could purchase the ingredients for his favorited food: pancakes. Then he realized that they just sell you pre-made stuff. He decided to try the market next, they did have most of the things he needed, but then he ran into another problem, he had no money, "I wonder how I could get money" he wondered to himself "maybe I could get a job being tested on in a lab, I hear they pay pretty well! Then again, I wasn't exactly paid fairly the last time I did" he looked at his left wing, now totally mechanical "on the upside, I look like a freakin' terminator, on the downside, people are always pokin' at it and asking me how it works or how I got it"

Edited by A Canadian Fritter
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a stallion stopped at the edge of ponyville. according to this paper, the next swordspony tournament should be held just about where he's standing. 


and as the 2nd best sword in equestria, it was his job to partake in the tourney, every year. 


cubus walked into the small town. perhaps caliber, sparren, or maybe even zenru would be here....

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Star Player frowned. Ponyville, unlike most places that she has visited, was actually pretty nice. The town was much cleaner than the last place she had been to. When she got on the train the night before, she had asked the conductor to take her anywhere. He took her here.


She looked around. Everything was so beautiful. A perfect place for a perfect start. Nopony knew her here and it was the perfect chance to start again and make some new friends. She whipped out her camera to take a picture. Another photo for the scrap book would be nice.

Edited by Espurr
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@@A Canadian Fritter,


"Hey you, with the metallic wing."


A deep voice was heard near Midnight in the busy market, and if he would look around, he would see it belonged to one of the more crowded stalls where a green and violet, slightly chubby stallion stood and seemed, between trying to wave him near and serving the customers at the stall with what looked like a mixed sort of grilled vegetable kebabs, in a slight panic.


"Look, if you're not busy, could you help me out here? My delivery colt is out sick and my regulars are gonna get hungry and irritated soon without their chow, which I can't get out with the traffic going here. I'll pay a full day's wager for an hour of deliveries if you got the time, please."


The stallion was seemingly desperate, but was that really a surprise? Regulars were the best customers a shop could have as they kept the business going even on slow days, and while it was a loss short term to pay some random lad a full days wager for an hour, it would cost him far more in the long run if his regulars started to get fed up with his place, and he couldn't afford that. And since this guy was the only one he could see he didn't know had all sorts of things they were gonna head out to do soon, it wasn't like he had many options.

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Blizzard couldn't handle the tension caused from all the ponies in one place. He decided he would leave, and return later when there are less ponies. "I'll see ya later Last, I'm gonna go home and maybe come back later." he said as he got up and left Sugarcube Corner. He started to walk all the way back to his house.

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@@Blitz Boom,


"I'm Night Tracer, nice to meet you," he said. "Any reason in particular that you stopped me?" he inquired as he noted Ziggy scoping him out. Honestly, it was a bit odd for him, especially since he hadn't been really intertwined with society in a while; this wasn't a normal... introduction; so, to speak. 

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"Just the runny thing. It's a habit I caught in medical school and it sorta never left. Not as bad as it once was though, nuhuh."


Ziggy's grin got wider for a bit as she recalled the times she had sped after somepony that she thought was doing unwell back then, regardless of it being class or not at the time. It had given her a bit of a reputation back then, but it was all fine now. Usually, she could just talk to somepony about things first now instead of trying to mend them straight away, though she couldn't say that there hadn't been a few times when she had gone back to the basics in her way of handling things. Some habits never seemed to let go after all.


"So, are you helping somepony move things, or are you new in town too? A lot of fun, new faces here the last day or so."







"Later Blizzard."


Last watched as he took off, but didn't make any attempts to stop him. If he wanted to go home it wasn't her gig to try and keep him here, especially since he hadn't seemed too happy about it when this place started to crowd up. They'll see if he'd come back later or not, but until then, still plenty of others to talk to 'round here.

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(OOC: Just got back from camp today yesterday, sorry for the late reply)


Still in the state of mind he was in when he was talking to Vinyl Scratch, Guy-Man spoke to the new arrival as his actual self and without his public facade, "I'm Guy-Manuel, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" he said to the stranger without a second thought.

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