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searching Pokemon Gjinka War(RPers needed)

Hive King

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Since the last few of these threads died due to lack of action, I decided to remedy the problem by making one with lots of it. Presenting the war scenario


Due to genetic experimentation, a new species has been created, part Pokemon, part human. At first, there was peace between the two races, albeit lack of interaction. Then came a Mewtwo gjinka, Ribose. Ribose began a revolution, trying to take over the world and force humans into slavery, as she believed Pokemon and gjinkas had been treated. With her telepathy, she effectively destroyed the human resistance by putting all humans into stasis(the result of years' worth of meditation and preparation, unlikely to happen again). However, she did not anticipate that not all gjinkas would side with her. Ironically, the leader of the human support faction is a Mew gjinka named Viral. And so the factions clash on. Who shall win?


To apply, put the name of your gjinka and their Pokemon part, the faction they're a part of(they can be neutral if they wish), their physical appearance, their age, special abilities and weaknesses they might have, their rank and/or position if they are in the warring factions(private to general ranks accepted), their personality, their history, and make sure to give me a good impression in terms of grammar. Also, no Legendary Pokemon above the tier of the Legendary Birds and Dogs. So no Lugia, Deoxys, Dialga, etc. If any of you wish to control Ribose or Viral, we can work it out


Evolving your gjinka is allowed, but only under extreme duress. We shall start the RP when 10 players have arrived. 


My application


Name: Nox Dunkel(Weavile)


Faction: Viral


Appearance: A short, lanky man with dark skin and yellow eyes. His hair's rust colored and flares up in a stubborn mullet. Has long, retractable claws. Wears black rags that cling to his frame in a way like a cloak and goes shoeless


Age: 17


Special Abilities: Very swift and agile, to the degree of a cheetah. Sharp claws can be used for climbing and digging as well as slashing. Master of stealth and can blend into the dark with ease. Is only of average strength and hand to hand skill is not the best(though not horrible). Is easy to see in the daylight. Is only effective in combat if under influence of second personality. 


Rank: Spy and assassin, can override commands up to the level of major, any higher and he is subservient. 


Personality: Very quiet and well mannered, Nox is quite the opposite one would expect of a dark type. He is kind to others and almost shy in meetings. He loathes violence. However, when a battle is needed, a darker side of him emerges. He does't know where this other side of him came from, and hates that he has to live with it. While he's under the second personality, he's sadistic and cocky, yet professional in his job(most of the time). 


History: Nox was born in France around the time that Gjinkas were in their hey-day. He had a loving family and was doing great in school. But one day, he was kidnapped by some of the anti-gjinka extremists. From there, his memory fades, only coming back around the point where his claws were stained with blood from the shredded bodies of the thugs. He was horrified at it and tried to keep the new personality that had done this a secret. Then the war came. Angered at the plight of his human parents, Nox(with some encouragement from his darker self) joined Viral's army. The Mew gjinka saw his abilities and decided to take advantage of them, disregarding Nox's age and mental state. Now, Nox works any menial task Viral wants during the day, becoming Viral's top spy and assassin by night.


Applications so far



Astaroth=Lord Megatron


Nox=Evil Dragon Master










Edited by Evil Dragon Master
  • Brohoof 2

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Oh yay! One that will hopefully be a bit faster paced than the previous... three? I think there were? Whatever. I kind of want to bring in my other characters from before, but due to the massive change in setting and backstory, I think I'll leave Rune, Samantha, Koh, and Jared alone. EDM, you know how I can manage characters, you fine with me having three? One on Viral, one on Ribose, and one neutral? Just so I can get on all sides of it? I'll apply as such, if you're against it, just say so and I'll pick my favorite one.


First off:


Name: William Phora (Cacturne)


Faction: Ribose


Appearance: Cacturne.jpg


Age: 24


Abilities: Can grow spines out of his skin, painlessly of course, and can cause those pricked with it to experience psychoactive hallucinations. Not particularly agile or strong, he makes up for it by being quite cunning and intelligent.


Rank: First Lieutenant equivalent, assignments are generally planning-related or interrogation.


Personality: Pragmatic and hot-headed, like the desert he hails from. He treats his opponents with respect and dignity, yet gets himself in trouble some times by over-committing, he somehow is able to at least always escape alive, if not unharmed.


History: Hailing from the American south-west, William first found out about Ribose's movement from a rally held by fellow Gijinka in his town and the message resonated with him enough that he joined officially, eventually rising through the ranks by helping place people in to stasis, and eventually helping infiltrate the United States government and take it down from the inside, one person at a time. Currently he resides in the remains of DC, coordinating attacks on Viral's bases and trying to organize supply lines to as many friendly and neutral gijinka settlements as possible.

  • Brohoof 1



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Yes, getting all three is certainly fine


Not sure if you got the pun, but Ribose was a pun on part of D.N.A (deoxyRIBOnucleic acid) and Viral is of course just "viral", which also has to do with D.N.A 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Second off:


Name: Kachina (Sigilyph)


Faction: Viral


Appearance: sigilyph_gijinka_by_mrmootles-d4qgmqs.pn


Age: 30


Abilities: Foresight, levitation, weaker variation of psybeam. Able to use the foresight in battle to predict an enemies attacks, but not particularly strong or evasive enough for it to be truly effective.


Rank: 2nd Lieutenant, military and aid strategist.


Personality: Generally pleasant, Kachina speaks cryptically about future events, and truly cares for those under her command. When nobody is around, or it's just her and her closest friends, she tends to be sad, as every time she looks in someone's eyes, she can see their end. She doesn't tell anyone about their fates, however, as that will only cause a self-fulfilling prophecy and result in their end sooner.


History: A native of Peru, Kachina grew up in a village where humans, gijinka, and pokemon lived together in harmony, helping each other grow and prosper, until a raiding party affiliated with Ribose came and "liberated" her and the rest of the gijinka and pokemon living in the village, she grew angry and fought them out with the remaining gijinka and pokemon from the village. After learning of the opposition, she traveled to meet Viral in person to help out the resistance in as peaceful a way as possible.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Oh yeah, I forgot to put some stuff in for Ribose and Viral, lol. They're controllable only be people who control Generals or higher, as interaction there is necessary.







Both of them are devoted to their cause and are very powerful, only a Legendary Bird or Dog gjinka would be able to face them one on one and hold their own(higher legendaries don't exist). They are self trained and have no recognized fighting style. 


Ribose is very proud, believing that her race has been oppressed for far too long and that she should get a moment in the Sun. She's not foolish though and prefers to use preemptive strikes, pressure, and general power to beatdown enemies into submission. She talks very eloquently and almost always keeps her cool...except with Viral, her brother. 


Viral is very playful, acting almost like a child. However, despite this, he's ruthless in the war. His allegiance to humanity isn't so much out of personal like(though he does not harbor outright hatred, unlike Ribose) but because of the fact that he thinks his sister is acting like a spoiled brat and needs to be put in her place. He prefers subterfuge and underhanded tactics, using it even on himself. His playful exterior is solely a mask to throw foes off their game against a cunning and intelligent foe. He will never drop his playful demeanor, barring one his tail get hurt. Should that happen, you will face a serpent like man

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I'm definitely working on a character but I don't get what rank means. Is it like how the army ranks cadets and the like within the structure?



What else am I meant to put here?


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I'm definitely working on a character but I don't get what rank means. Is it like how the army ranks cadets and the like within the structure?

You know, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, etc. The chains of command in an army

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Name: Trixie (Muk)


Faction: Ribose


Appearance: http://saurodinus.deviantart.com/art/Gijinka-Pokemon-089-Muk-160011361


Age: 28


Special Abilities: Able to turn into slime at will and able to access buildings and such if there is a sizeable hole or crack. The slime that she produces naturally can trip anyone up and if someone touches it with bare skin exposed, they will suffer some mild poisoning. Not enough to be fatal but just enough to cause them major harm and pain. She is quick even though the slime that exudes off of her body masks what her actual body looks like.


Rank: Spy


Personality: She is cunning and smart enough to land herself in trouble when necessary. She will speak her mind and will almost always think of a slimy way to get out of situations and conflicts. She is stubborn and arrogant to a fault.


History: Being born in Perth, she isn't like other Australians as in she doesn't succumb to the stereotype of saying mate and G'Day all the time. Wandering through the street that her home was on, she had spotted a flier talking about a rally for a Ribose movement. She had heard about the war between Viral and Ribose, sure, but Ribose talked about things that made her cause seem relatable to Trixie. Finally seeking an opportunity, she followed the flyer's directions and joined to listen to what the movement had to say. Being convinced, she signed up and joined Ribose's side of the war. After Ribose saw what she looked like and what she did, Ribose agreed to let Trixie become a spy but at the price of accepting commands from sergeant and higher up.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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Yes, getting all three is certainly fine


Not sure if you got the pun, but Ribose was a pun on part of D.N.A (deoxyRIBOnucleic acid) and Viral is of course just "viral", which also has to do with D.N.A 


At first I didn't, but now that I see it, that's pretty clever. I wonder if you'll get William or Kachina's name references though.


Now finally, for our neutral friend:


Name: Nyx (Gardevoir)


Faction: None


Appearance: 85b4bef94b0c8be38bb7c6be4f2b6d4a.jpg


Age: 27


Abilities: Minor mind-reading, closer to ultra-empathy. Years as a dancer have made her very nimble and elusive.


Rank: N/A


Personality: Loving and kind to those she meets, provided that they are kind in turn. She tries to help as many pokemon and gijinka caught up in the conflict as possible and believes that both sides have their points, but would much prefer that the fighting just end and that everyone could live in peace and harmony. However, she can get a little ill-tempered if you flat-out insult her.


History: Having grown up in a mixed family, she was mostly able to get away with looking like a human, due to her species' highly human-like appearance. This ended up being in her favor as she was well-liked even by those who were not exactly happy with Gijinkas being considered fairly equal, so when the purging of humans by Ribose's forces began, she was helped by both factions, due to being able to pretend to be a normal human when needed and be herself the rest of the time. She eventually decided to roam the battle-scarred earth and help as many gijinka and pokemon as possible, without choosing a side. Aiding the sick and injured, the young and the elderly, regardless of whether they supported Viral or Ribose.

  • Brohoof 1



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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I am terrible at name references. It's kind of funny, because Deoxys is also a pun on D.N.A, you can see that in his design and powers(mutation).


I am not sure if Deoxys is weaker or stronger than the Mew twins. I'm going to go with stronger, if only because Deoxys was brawling with Rayquaza, who seems to be stronger than Mewtwo. For lolz, Legendary Power Rating. Some legendaries aren't there due to lack of knowldge on them by me


Arceus>>>Giratina>=Dialga=Palkia>Darkrai(blocking their attacks)>>>>Shaymin(Stunning Giratina)>>>>Rayquaza>Deoxys>Groudon=Kyogre>Lugia=Ho-Oh>Jirachi>=Mew=Mewtwo>>Regigigas>Moltres=Articuno=Zapdos>Registeel=Regirock>Regice>>>Latios=Latias>Celebi>Heatran>Entei=Raikou=Suicune>Azelf=Uxie=Mespirit>Manaphy

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Well, William's name (William Phora) is the obligatory drug reference, as the taxonimical name for Peyote is Lophophora Williamsii. And Kachina is based off of the Peruvian Kachina dolls, which were actually one of the inspirations for Sigilyph. And Nyx is just a generic female fae name.

*tumbleweed rolls through*


But in all seriousness, I really hope this starts picking up. It's a really cool idea for a story, and I loved doing stuff with Gijinkas before and I would love to do it again. I'm just not sure that there are many fans of pokemon on this forum that are also RPers...

  • Brohoof 2



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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There were plenty with the others, well, initally

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I have a couple of questions before posting...

1. Is this in the real world, or the pokémon-world? Since some referred to America and France earlier... Or would Hoenn and such be somewhere as well?

2. Should I bring Sne back, only evolved and with a different more fitting backstory...


3. Does a neutral Suicune sound better in this case / Would you allow me to play as a Suicune gijinka?

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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1. I assumed the real world, location-wise since EDM mentioned France, so I just rolled with it.


2. Entirely up to you, but I left my old characters behind because, barring Samantha and Rune, my other characters probably wouldn't do so well in a combat siutation.


3. Sounds fine to me. Based on the legendary power-scale that EDM put up, and said nothing higher than the legendary birds, Suicune should be ok. Personally I'd be against any legendaries really other than the two leading the factions, but whatever, it's not my RP.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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1. Is this in the real world, or the pokémon-world? Since some referred to America and France earlier... Or would Hoenn and such be somewhere as well?

Real world, aside from the Pokemon and gjinkas



2. Should I bring Sne back, only evolved and with a different more fitting backstory...

Your choice



3. Does a neutral Suicune sound better in this case / Would you allow me to play as a Suicune gijinka?

If you wish 


What do you think of my scale? 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I think for the most part, it's accurate. Depends on whether you consider Phione a legendary or not. And you kind of forgot Victini.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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I think for the most part, it's accurate. Depends on whether you consider Phione a legendary or not. And you kind of forgot Victini.

Gen 5 and 6 never happened


  • Brohoof 2

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Gen 5 and 6 never happened



Oh come on, Gen VI isn't as bad. Sure, it has fairy types, which are kind of misrepresented in terms of the palette, but it had cool stuff too, like mega evos.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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I have always wanted to join in on the other gijinka roleplays, but I had always been late to the party to get in. So, I will try here.


Name: Ai (Literally "I" or "eye") (Umbreon)


Faction: Neutral





Age: 18


Abilities: Though she isn't much of a fighter, she has a strong endurance and high stamina. She has a toned down version of psychic, whereas she can only use a light form of telekinesis. The objects she can move through this method though are limited to small objects at a moderate speed. Like her pokemon counterpart, the blue rings on her body glow faintly in the moonlight and her power grows in strength.




Personality: Though to strangers she might come off as rather cold, she has a bit of a mischievous side and looks out for those around her. She is usually helpful to those she has put some trust towards, especially if there is some kind of reward in it. Otherwise, she normally tries to put herself ahead, even if it meant someone had to lose something. She feels, that in order to get something she doesn't have or need, she has to steal to get what she wants. But, if she gets caught, she'll try to manipulate the people in order for her to escape.


History: Ai was by far the oldest sibling in a family of seven (as you say Sylveon wouldn't exist) children. Even though she had her life as a student, she would spend most of her free time with her brothers and sisters by either playing with them or caring for them. One day, upon returning home from school, she found her parents in a coma like state. She panicked and called the emergency line, where she was met by the sound of a dead line. She then got her siblings together in the living room when the program that was on the tv changed and a message from Ribose came on about freedom and cleansing. Days later, when Ai went to go and find food, she returned to find the front door open and things thrown around in the entry. She heard a scream and she ran into the house to find a group of "liberaters" tying up her siblings. She tried desperately to stop them, but was knocked out and left there. When she came to, the house was silent and everything was trashed. When the realization of what happened, Ai started to cry and ran out of the house, in a direction she thought they had gone. She ran for miles on end, even as the fatigue was kicking in, she kept going until she fell down out of exhaustion and passed out. As she slowly came in and out of consciousness, she saw she was moving, or rather, being carried by another gijinka who had found her and had carried her to the neutral settlement that had been nearby. As more days passed, the people of the settlement had given her a place to live and food to eat. Even though it saddened her deeply, she helped care for the children there. Every now and then, she would go out of the settlement and travel around to nearby villages and camps of the warring factions and steal things such as valuables to sell, consumables for the children back in the settlement, and try to find any information on where her family might have gone.


One question. Whereabouts is this rp set at? As I see a person in France, on in DC, etc.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Oh come on, Gen VI isn't as bad. Sure, it has fairy types, which are kind of misrepresented in terms of the palette, but it had cool stuff too, like mega evos.

Aye, Gen VI was far from bad... And they totally missed the chance to call them "light"-types or something like that which could make a bit more sense...



3. Sounds fine to me. Based on the legendary power-scale that EDM put up, and said nothing higher than the legendary birds, Suicune should be ok. Personally I'd be against any legendaries really other than the two leading the factions, but whatever, it's not my RP.



Zhooves, on 06 Oct 2014 - 03:42 AM, said: 2. Should I bring Sne back, only evolved and with a different more fitting backstory... Your choice Zhooves, on 06 Oct 2014 - 03:42 AM, said: 3. Does a neutral Suicune sound better in this case / Would you allow me to play as a Suicune gijinka? If you wish 


I'm not too fond of legendaries in this case either, but I thought it interesting to have one of the few gijinka/pokémon that could stand up to either of the two leaders roam on its own... Like, hopping in and helping whichever side he would favour more in that specific situation... The leaders might be interested in convincing it to joining their cause... Or maybe it'll just roam around... It was just one of my first thoughts (after like 5 minutes of thinking), I'm still looking around for whatever pokémon that could work/seem more interesting to me~

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Oh come on, Gen VI isn't as bad. Sure, it has fairy types, which are kind of misrepresented in terms of the palette, but it had cool stuff too, like mega evos.

Oh, you mean a concept done by Digimon?




Meh, whatever you say doc 




I'm not too fond of legendaries in this case either, but I thought it interesting to have one of the few gijinka/pokémon that could stand up to either of the two leaders roam on its own... Like, hopping in and helping whichever side he would favour more in that specific situation... The leaders might be interested in convincing it to joining their cause... Or maybe it'll just roam around... It was just one of my first thoughts (after like 5 minutes of thinking), I'm still looking around for whatever pokémon that could work/seem more interesting to me~

I don't like that idea too much, the most I can see a player controlled character doing is managing to hold their own for a minute or so 




"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Oh, you mean a concept done by Digimon?



Meh, whatever you say doc 




I don't like that idea too much, the most I can see a player controlled character doing is managing to hold their own for a minute or so 




Fair enough, I think the fact that Fairy types were needed to control dragons though, considering they were broken as fuck. Although the naming could have been better, I agree with you there. And the concept, while originally done by digimon, is still good for pokemon, if not better, because of the fact that digimon didn't really have any competitive aspect to it. It made pokemon that were originally sub-par at best useful again. Whatever, we're getting off track here, this is supposed to be an OOC for a gijinka RP.

  • Brohoof 1



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Fair enough, I think the fact that Fairy types were needed to control dragons though, considering they were broken as fuck. Although the naming could have been better, I agree with you there. And the concept, while originally done by digimon, is still good for pokemon, if not better, because of the fact that digimon didn't really have any competitive aspect to it. It made pokemon that were originally sub-par at best useful again. Whatever, we're getting off track here, this is supposed to be an OOC for a gijinka RP.

But the randomness of the OOC is half the fun of it


As for dragon control, I never really had too big of an issue with them. Most of them are very frail in terms of damage soak, especially with quadruple weaknesses on Garchomp, Salamence, Dragonite(who's now a monstrous wall thanks to multiscale), etc. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina though were really tough, admittedly. 


Also, the new Mega-Evo looks like it's from Yugioh


"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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But the randomness of the OOC is half the fun of it


As for dragon control, I never really had too big of an issue with them. Most of them are very frail in terms of damage soak, especially with quadruple weaknesses on Garchomp, Salamence, Dragonite(who's now a monstrous wall thanks to multiscale), etc. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina though were really tough, admittedly. 


Also, the new Mega-Evo looks like it's from Yugioh



Yeah, I already noticed that Mega Gallade is basically Kaiba, but that's kind of awesome to me, since it reminds me of back when I used to watch Yu Gi Oh and it was actually cool (to me at least), then it got overly complicated with the cards and it lost me because of all the XYZ's and Synchros and extremely-long, legal-text-size effect monsters, it just became too overbearing. At least with Pokemon, they've kept the stat stuff fairly consistent between generations and never added anything terribly different to fuck with me, other than temporarily confusing me with weaknesses and resistances. At least it was better than the pokemon TCG though, that shit was so confusing, my cards never left the binder I collected them in.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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