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Ask Balareth! (all kinds of questions you want)


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Favorite episodes of MLP?


my favorite episodes of MLP is Party for one (the first one i watch) Suited for success (i feel very identified with Rarity in that one sometimes i used to hear that song when am drawing or animating, creativity at its finest ;) ) Griffon the Brush off (it kinda moves me the scene when Pinkie makes a party for Gilda and everypony greet her despite how she trait them) all episodes where Discord appears, i kinda like him he is very funny!  :wub:  and finally Rarity takes Manehattan cuz what happened to Rarity is kinda what happened to me when i was on high school

  • Brohoof 1


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my favorite episodes of MLP is Party for one (the first one i watch) Suited for success (i feel very identified with Rarity in that one sometimes i used to hear that song when am drawing or animating, creativity at its finest ;) ) Griffon the Brush off (it kinda moves me the scene when Pinkie makes a party for Gilda and everypony greet her despite how she trait them) all episodes where Discord appears, i kinda like him he is very funny! :wub: and finally Rarity takes Manehattan cuz what happened to Rarity is kinda what happened to me when i was on high school

Those are some great episodes you've mentioned! I have lots of episides I love such as Party of One, A Canterlot Wedding, Pinkie Pride, Twilight's Kingdom, etc.
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How did you come up with chatterbox?


that's a very interesting question, before use Chatterbox i used a custom pony named Blizzard Storm, her role was a ruler of a fictional place i invented named Aquaxis, fillyhood friend of Celestia and a dictator, that was during my first days in the forum, and in my first days as a brony i watched the Tumblr accounts with the Ask a Pony thread and i just like to watch them, never did a question there to be honest, and when i found this site and i was exploring it, i found the surprice that this page has its own ask a pony thread too, i was excited, i didnt doubt in make my OC her own ask thread, and since i love to roleplay i make the questions to ponies as Blizzard but after the description i gave you about her, it wasnt a good job, and i was excited to make questions to ponies since is a way to know the creators deeper, i think is a good oportunity to bronies to develop even more their OCs, and also cuz some answers are interesting like the one you did about Soarin, so i decided that if am gonna make an interview with them i HAD to make an appropiate pony to make the interviews, a journalist so the interviews have sense in a way, so i decided to create a formal yet intellectual looking mare that makes questions like the journalist she is, and her name is Chatterbox cuz she makes a lot of questions, and for make the interviews more pleseant and also to bring my OC to life i make my own emoticons about her to every reaction, then i advanced to make GIFs and now i have them in EG version, i kinda like her design so i wanted to see her moving and that is the result of this: my talking pony  :wub:

Those are some great episodes you've mentioned! I have lots of episides I love such as Party of One, A Canterlot Wedding, Pinkie Pride, Twilight's Kingdom, etc.


well those episodes are very nice choices as well! personally i think Pinkie Pride and Twilight's Kindom are the most creative ones, i mean, those came with a lot of surprices! more than usual in the rest of the episodes (of course Pinkie Apple Pie episode)

  • Brohoof 2


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Hows your day?


its fine thank you for ask! now its sunny, but the wind is cold sometimes, the breeze is low but overall is cool here, i just finish eat some soup and a sandwich for eat, am watching some videos and planning some experiments am gonna make about the ask threads, like games

the ambience is calm and am alone now, overall is fine!


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absolutely Wind Chaser! my future plan are learn to make 3d animations in Blender so i can make my own series, the alternative is to make Flash animation, the main purpose is to become a partner from Youtube and earn money with my work, since i study comunication i think this is the most close of what i was looking for, i wanna improve even more my profile 


as for your request, sure! i love to make questions! ill be there soon ;)

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You probably saw my long post on my ask topic about Twilicorn, now I'd like to ask you what you think about it.


naturally! okay, when i saw that episode my first reaction was "bad move hasbro, bad move... Twilight was perfect  just as she was, but okay, is MLP so my argument is invalid" i thought. Then i realize that is not that bad cuz the reminds me of the movie Matrix, remember? at the end of the first movie, Neo becomes the One, yes, he advance and now the rest of the movies he have to learn to figure his role and do his job, same with Twilight, she became an alicorn and she is now more closer to her destiny, now what the bad side i see of this is that... Twilight is an alicorn, and being an alicorn equals to be immortal, it would be sad to see Twilight see her friends getting old and die, of course at least Hasbro bring another twist and turn the rest of the mane 6 alicorns, or immortals by any means.

a personal question i had (and i soon see it on a meme cuz it is obvious) its... you become a princess by being an alicorn or you become alicorn for being a princess? i remember that this forums had their own topic about Twilight being a princess and how will affect MLP, and i didnt wanted to imagine the persons who have her as waifu (at the other hand am a very curious person) at the moment i saw her winds i noticed that they didnt look like Rainbow Dash's or Fluttershy so i wondered... Alicorn have their own wing set? is Twilight slowly evolucionating? and the most important, Whats next? Twilight having the same size as Cadence or Luna? what if she must replace Celestia in the future? soon i realize that the 4th season will be her process to earn a kindom and looks like it happened with the final chapter.


going off topic, with the final episode and the final episode of the 3rd season i wonder... how it gonna be the last episode of season 5? it will be about Twilight? only time will tell.


thanks for this question am ready to continue the interview 

  • Brohoof 1


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Can you ask me more stuff?

sorry for the late response, my time on the internet has become limited for certain reasons, but of course, ill continue the interview right away ;)


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i watch MLP when there's a really special moment, you see it never happen to you that you have something so sacred, so special that you dont wanna make it part of the routine? it happened to me with another shows whe i was a kid, i watch them so often that i get bored to see them, and i dont want that happen to MLP, is so special that i want to watch them a specific day with popcorns soda and snacks, watch them only when i feel super good so when i watch it i feel even better, is like xmas, if the xmas season is all days of the year you get bored and start disliking it, same with MLP if i watch it all days i get bored, and thats the way i am i dunno.


*trying to sound like the Most Interesting Man of the World*

i dont always watch MLP, but when i do, i watch an entire season

  • Brohoof 1


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This should be a tough one.


Who are your favorite ponies/members to ask?


thats a very interesting question i like to interview all in general, my favorite ponies to interview are:


Wind Chaser 


a Staffer

Asbel Lhant


Monsieur Noel


i like to interview them cuz they reply my answers constantly, am not saying that the other ponies dont but, i just like to interview them each one have a unique style to respond and that make the interviews more interesting and atractive

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How much did you now owe Chatterbox now to use her for that avatar?


well i think your question is a bit unclear to me right now, how much i owe chatterbox? well i create chatterbox to make questions to ponies and their OCs, and the avatar i did it myself on flash, she is based on the video of Derpy singing Nyan Nyan.

Chatterbox only wants to be very noticeable, we are a team, i need an attractive look and she told me she wanted to appear cuz she wanted to be famous so we make a deal to bring the bronies the best of us and grow together, so i dont owe to chatterbox anything just her appereance now i dunno what she wants for use her avatar, i think she enjoy her job i dunno


Is there anything in MLP you can relate to?


well am not sure if you refer to the show or the fandom, lets start with the show.


i relate with Rarity, curiously i do not see her as a waifu, at least not anymore, she is more as a inspiration, i feel very identified with her, her creativity, her wish to be unique and be different than the rest and get the eye of the rest of ponies without be arrogant.

i feel a strong connection to  certain activities on ponies, once again, rarity when she make dresses, those are product of her inpiraation, creativity, talent, uniqueness and style thats what i do when i draw or make GIFs, always be very like her, also like Twilight i like to search my answers constantly  when i cant fin anything, am very philosofical so i find answers in the books and internet

if you would asked which pony you feel less identified it would be Dashie, she is so cool and cute at the same time, is like the result of what japanese animes were looking for (some of them no all) in the anime i've seen the intention of the creators on some of their characters: a cool character yet cute and brave and daring and all i see has been just good tries but Dashie is the answer but, why i say i feel less related well, am not into sports i dont have her personality, i had inferiority complex not anymore and am not as brave and tough as her but i dont have problems about it, i have a lot of other benefits

Pinkie is everything i am want to be, i want to be happy and love parties and make laugh with all kinds of jokes

fluttershy is the oposite, is like the old me: shy, insecure, low confidence and trying to avoid fights and damage, i had to overcome my shyness and show to bronies how i really am, and is a great answer to those who believe am weak

with Applejack the link isnt strong, i just found that truth is always gonna help you, i like to work and make tought jobs but, thats it i guess. i dont watch MLP as often as most bronies, why? Because i feel like if i make the show part of my routine it gonna lose its magic very slowly, and besides, everytime i watch an episoe believe me or not, JUST AS IT SOUNDS! i see the show and literally a HUGE WAVE of emotions, seriously and i odnt want any mod or another user think something wrong with me but is as powerful like if is a drug or something, i dont do drugs ever but ifeel like am consuming one, it is the concept of take or consume something that bring color to your gray world, there's no words to describe it is a sea of emotions like if i begin to live and i dont watch often  because is too powerful, i dream with a world like that... if the universe is truly infinite then it must exist that place exaclty somewhere


As for the fandom, i feel like bronies has their Cutie Marks like: Drawing, Writing, Animating, Music, Plushies, making videogames, roleplay and theatre


so i discovered my Cutie mark by drawing, and i wasnt satisfied, so i explore each area: music i tottally suck, plushies i want to, Roleplay am a hardcore expert but i dont consider it as a official Cutie Maek, drawing is my best, animating am learning, making videogames, im learning


and for writing, i write 3 fanfics in the page of fimfiction with abysmal results and i give up fictions but that doesnt mean im bad writings, in my personal opinion i just cant write about ponies cuz is not my area of write, i write scifi with my own chaaracters, and i use a format that bronies will never understand because it doesnt belong to their world, is like if you say Pinkie to read books like Twilight or Rarity taking care of animals, it simple doesnt fit, am never gonna write about ponies ever again, but im developing myself in the other areas, so i dont feel bad, in fact bronies on this site are much more nicer than people that coment in my fictions, i think that the rude people that insulted me on fimfictions arent bronies, a real brony never insult another for a bad story they help each other always but anyways.

overall i relate MLP with all things i do on internet and part of my home, read books like Twilight, help my family like applejack, be loyal like dashie, taking care of my pets like flutters, make laugh my family like pinkie but most important, to be creative and original and stylish like Rarity!

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  • 3 weeks later...

What do you really want to see in Season 5?


well, i would like to see the CMC get their cutie mark (or at least one) i would like to see chrysalis back and becoming good like discord, more cameos about videogames or movies, personally i feel thatr the 4 season was pure fuel to our likings more than the target audience, so whatever it make the fandom popular there must be a reference, to be honest i would like to see some of Dislestia ship, i think that characters from the movie like Sonata dusk  :wub:  should appear at least in one episode (c'mon! if Flash Sentry could appear twice why they cannot? i would love to see Sunset Shimmer in one episode <3 ) i would like to see the last episode less focus on Twilight, i feel like the rest had their own destiny and story, the first episode is gonna be about Twilight's kindom obviously but we need more characters no?  :yay:


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Out of curiosity, how many OC's do you have?


oh! sorry for slow reply, is rare to see a reply here! X3 

Well, i have 4 main characters:


Chatterbox: a journalist from Canterlot Times Newspaper

Void Nagatis: a sorcerer of Chaos (theorically a son of Discord and Celestia)
Flowerflame: a Gardener and chef 
Soury Crunch : a Pickle seller in the Ponivilly market


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What inspired your username?

well, i been writing a novel in Lovecraft style, in my book Balareth is a priest who follows the Chaos principles, and he wants to summon Megoleret and Azluyath to the earth to bring his "heaven" to earth and make anything posible, but he was destroyed by Maquilaconsvit, a Chaos traitor and Balareth only leaves his son Void Nagatis, in the end, i my book was lost when my pc died sadly but am planning to write it again, and i pick balareth cuz is my favorite name i created

o_o wow you are great at making these stuffs.....How do you make them?


thanks! i make them on Adobe Flash pro, i spent 4 months by myself experimenting and looking at tutorials because i saw the animations of artists and i wanted to be like them, and i gotta admit, it is frustrating VERY frustrating at first specially when you wanna learnt it by yoursef, and i dont deny it, many times i gave up and leave it, but i wanted to try because it has to be a way to master it, but all has its logic and now that i use it everyday, i think is the easiest tool to make professional animations


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