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On Wings of Moonlight - A vocal epic orchestral prequel to Lullaby for a Princess


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On Wings of Moonlight

An Epic Orchestral vocal piece inspired by Lullaby for a Princess by Ponyphonic. The story of Luna and Celestia in their final moments before before Luna turns on her sister and becomes Nightmare Moon; For over a year I've worked to compose and orchestrate this song to the best of my abilities


This is Aurelleah. A collection of musical pieces to make your feels engage and your head bob.

Check out my Page on Facebook for regular updates!

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Warm Winds (Feat. Wubcake and Aurelleah)



Midnight Lament (Feat. Decibelle and ButterflyIdentity) [Aria]



Luna's Future



Remixed song from new episode



Rainbow Factory


My own spin on things :P Things get particularly interesting after 2:20







Over a hundred hours of hard work over many months have culminated in the ultimate orchestral tribute to the mane six yet. Take a journey as you venture through the stories told by the harmonies, let yourself be enveloped in a world not your own, live in another's mind, and let the story be told. Presenting harmony, as it has never been told before.
Featuring six separate journeys through imagination, and one large finale uniting aspects from all into one. The only question left unanswered after all, is not where you're going, it's not where you've been, but which journey you took that resonated the most with you.
So, what say you? Which movement or part was your favorite, and why? Any reasons for choosing? Let me know in the comments :)
Discovery (Twilight Sparkle): 0:00
Regality (Rarity): 0:34
Optimism (Pinkie Pie): 1:10
Adventure (Rainbow Dash) 1:48
Serenity (Fluttershy): 2:17
Safe Haven (Applejack): 3:28
Grand Finale: Harmony: 4:12
This project took over 100 hours, and it's been something I've been chiseling away at for months. I learned so much as a musician from this, and it brings me so much joy to hear it finally completed. This is by far my greatest achievement in music, and quite possibly the greatest achievement in my life.


The Artist



Under Our Spell

Crazy moombahcore remix of this song :>



This on was inspired of Rainbow Dash in the last episode pair, being badass and whatnot, have a fastpaced EDM song here: 



The Magic Inside

Read the description on YT for more info :3 



Warm Winds

Originally wasnt gonna put this up but I did and seth seems spotlight happy for my stuff. Nothing to say about it, just enjoy :3 



My Wings Aria

Word on whether or not the defenders managed to stave off the invasion and win the fight failed to reach the Crystal Empire in later days, and after many days passed, those who managed to survive began to fear the worst.
Cadence, who was now tasked as the ruler of the Crystal Empire and Canterlot in the place of the alicorns that stayed to defend. As she does her very best to keep up the spirits of those waiting on their loved ones' return, she felt increasingly weighed down by the same fear she was trying to protect against, although she refused to give up hope.





Wonders of the Everfree - Epic Orchestral

What if My Little Pony was an epic Lord of the Rings style movie? What would its theme, or its score sound like? This is what I've attempted to achieve here today. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Wonders of the Everfree. Feast your ears on what might have been, or what might yet come to be.




Fusion - Orchestral Dubstep


I've always loved symphonic-style music - Symphonic rock/metal is one of my favorite genres. Naturally I was curious if I could work out a song that could combine my new interest in electronic music with orchestra, and well here we are! Inspired by the 100th episode, I present Fusion. A fusion of Orchestral and Melodic Dubstep. I wonder if Vinyl Scratch and Octavia would approve? I'd hope so!





Forever - BBBFF Remix, Melodic Dubstep
All aboard the Delorean, we're going back to 2012 with this thing. That era was a pretty good time for the community, not only with the explosive growth of said community but also with the show's development. The show also had some of its best musical numbers around that time, and that's when Wooden Toaster made a lot of his most popular songs. This song combines those elements from both of these things: Vocal slices from BBBFF, and a reproduction of some of Toasty's signature massive patches... along with my orchestration, design, engineering and Orange Beat's mixing and mastering. Hope you guys enjoy! This track took two months to make, and is my first melodic dubstep piece.





Elemental [Oh My!] - Industrial Dubstep

Oh my!! Nothing quite like the most adorable character in existence to make industrial-esque dubstep more enjoyable. Enjoy the facemelting wubs!!





Siege of Canterlot - Epic Orchestral

It is a few years after the events at the Canterlot Wedding, and Chrysalis has been wasting no time in regrouping her armies and growing in power. As the numbers of her minions grow, there is only one thing holding them back from attacking: That is, lack of sustenance. Being creatures that feed off love is problematic when there is no love nearby to feed on....


...That is, until Chrysalis learns how to convert other emotions, such as fear, into a form of energy they can consume to sustain themselves. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Chrysalis finally gives the order to begin advancing towards the great city. They begin the siege, destroying the entire lands around the city, ever feeding, ever growing off the fear induced in their victims. That is, until they finally see the city on the horizon.






Defense of the Citadel - Epic Orchestral

Word of the siege had reached Canterlot mere days before the coming attack. Every able bodied person was expected to assist in the defense and preparing for the siege. The young, the infirm, and the female population were evacuated through the Crystal Caverns deep beneath the Citadel. Above ground, preparations are made in earnest: A new Arcano-Technology had been developed to help in the defense of the city should an army attack again, in the form of a city-wide shield generator. The defenders had complete faith in the generators, that they would be able to channel their magics into them, and they would keep them safe


...However, they hadn't accounted for the changelings' abilities to feed off fear in addition to love, meaning that the shield would not be enough to withstand the force of the swarm.






Lunaria - Emotionally Charged Orchestral

Luna, the younger sister to Celestia and master of the night, nearly destroyed the world after allowing her jealousy to corrupt her. After she is finally returned to her normal frame of mind, you can imagine how terrible she would feel about what she had tried to do. This is the story of Luna, and her journey to overcome her guilt and to learn to be calm within once more.





Nightmare - Symphonic

Luna struggled with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy on a daily basis. Her hard work went unappreciated, and the envy she felt eventually become so strong that it began to affect her deep within. It caused changes in her being, and begun the dark transformation that left her a monster. A nightmare hellbent on destroying the world she desired to please so badly.





Celestium - Symphonic

As Nightmare confronts Celestia, Celestia must make the most difficult decision. To hesitate would mean certain destruction of the world, to act means to tranquilize her sister's soul in stasis for time untold. Either way, she is about to lose something most precious.





Benevolence - Bright Orchestral

Fluttershy is a very unique character. She is the definition of benevolence: Always wanting the best for people, kind hearted, upright, optimistic, caring, gentle, the list goes on. To top this off, she's also very elegant, and her elegance and happy, kind nature has inspired this string piece.






Regality - Orchestral

This piece is inspired of the regality Rarity has. Elegant, loyal, matronly, stylish and a perfectionist, yet still bright and trying to see the best in people.






More Coming Soon

There are many more tales to tell in this world of Equestria, so you can guarantee there will be more to come, Keep checking back!

  • Brohoof 19
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Really nice songs, although, in my opinion, Luna's Theme didn't exactly reflect her entire personality.  Don't take this too personally, this is just my opinion.  You've got Luna's dark, wanting-to-take-over-Equestria, Nightmare Moon, personality down, but you left out her, I guess you can call it, her softer, sorrowful side.


If I had made the video, I would've started out with a soft, legato mix of flute, violin, and piano (Luna saddened), then gradually built up to what you have in your video (Luna becoming jealous and turning into Nightmare Moon), and then eventually die down to a level somewhere between her sad, emotional side and angry, jealous side


So, in the beginning, I would've had something similar to this, however, not as sad:




In the middle, I would have your song:




At the end, I would have something kind of like this:


  • Brohoof 1

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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Thats some great tips :yay: Yeah I supposed I should have named it Nightmare Moon's theme instead. My next song in the series, though, will reflect luna's emotional nature after the "battle" that helped her come to her senses


And no worries about taking it the wrong way ^.^ I figure, if I ask for others to be honest I should be open to suggestions ;)



Edited by Aurelleah
  • Brohoof 1
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Thats some great tips :) Yeah I supposed I should have named it Nightmare Moon's theme instead. My next song in the series, though, will reflect luna's emotional nature after the "battle" that helped her come to her senses


And no worries about taking it the wrong way ^.^ I figure, if I ask for others to be honest I should be open to suggestions :)



No problem :)  Just doing my job as an art critic.

  • Brohoof 1

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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  • 2 weeks later...

50% comlete a new song, an Aria! Not sure if i want this to be a normal pony theme or something else. We'll see :D


So this is what you've been working on.  You should make a normal pony theme:



My next song in the series, though, will reflect luna's emotional nature after the "battle" that helped her come to her senses


Even though, one of these is already made.

  • Brohoof 1

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Aurelleah, I'm the manager of an up and coming channel called Bronies United, and your work has come to our attention. You seem very legitimate and would love to speak to you about possibly joining the channel as a musician. We hope to hear from you soon.



  • Brohoof 1
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I figured I'd give everypony an update to what I'm working on. The next theme/song I'm working on is nearly complete, but I'm not quite happy with the result... I'm still workin on the lyrics, but I've hit the wall when it comes to its similarity to Flutter Aria. Something about it is just..... Similar. And I don't mean the instruments, cause I always use the same types of instruments in all my songs.


Perhaps its the layout, or the way the crescendos are diminuendos are... We'll see I suppose. Probly shouldnt take more than a week or two longer for it though.

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I figured I'd give everypony an update to what I'm working on. The next theme/song I'm working on is nearly complete, but I'm not quite happy with the result... I'm still workin on the lyrics, but I've hit the wall when it comes to its similarity to Flutter Aria. Something about it is just..... Similar. And I don't mean the instruments, cause I always use the same types of instruments in all my songs.


Perhaps its the layout, or the way the crescendos are diminuendos are... We'll see I suppose. Probly shouldnt take more than a week or two longer for it though.

Perhaps I could listen to how it is so far, and tell you what I think?

Edited by MLP Enthusiast
  • Brohoof 1

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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Sure Ill see about sending it to you. Whats your email again?



I'll see what I can do for you.

  • Brohoof 1

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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holy shit those songs sound fcking cool man. please for the love of the lord do more!!!!!!!!! :D

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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I'll see what I can do for you.

Ok i sent it, the drum machine is temporary, as is the ending. some things I know I need to do, is add more variation in the second verse-set and add some sort of crescendo leading into each chorus. Each chorus needs more OOMPH too. And then theres the bit of adding lyrics. I got some lyrics in my mind but its the execution thats bugging me. Here's a sample of what I've got for the chorus

Edited by Aurelleah
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to give everypony an update. I scrapped the lyrics and turned the song into an orchestral piece (again), and it is no longer cadence's theme, but rather is rarity's theme. Youll know why once you hear it, it sounds very regal. I should be able to upload it next week... stay tuned!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update every pony, I got up to... Not one, not two. But three new songs coming out. I can't decide on which to work on... Bah, indecisiveness.


In other news I'm remastering the songs I've already made and I think I'm going to title them differently, I have a more emotional song I want to use for Luna's theme, for example. That is, if people still enjoy listening to my music of course

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