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Is the show starting to rub off on you?


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Uhhh, I've been a brony since December and i find myself saying everypony and bucking alot. In one of my essays i wrote everypony...teacher was like wtf? evrypony? and then she took off points.


I wrote an essay on friendship and ended with "Friendship is Magic." I got an A.

I reference the show pretty constantly, though most cannot tell.

Octavia is my inspiration in my Bass playing. I have been playing for years but she helped me buckle down and get serious.

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I've become nicer, I almost use "pony" instead of "body" sometimes, it's hard to understand but I can explain pretty easily if anypony wants me too but I was going to say it has improved my memory, I find I'm much calmer but that could just be from maturity, I've been really open about being a brony online and around home but not so much at school, whenever I mishear something in like a clip of conversation or something like that I tend to ponify it, there have been posters around my school about anti-homophobia and how it's ok to be gay and stuff like that and I've (that's a lot of ands) been playing a little ponification game with them (E.g: one of the posters said B4 there was hatred, now there is kindness in my head I would say B4 there was Gilda, now there is Fluttershy). And I'm pretty sure that's all.


I also noticed that some of you said how long you've been a brony, I'm not sure about that, but for multiple months I know I have been.


Brony of nine months. There's only one way it has rubbed off on me. It made me listen to more different types of music instead of being a simple minded prick that only listened to metal because he didn't wanna be different to other metalheads.


And I don't mean pony music (believe me, it takes me a soul and then some to listen any pony song), I mean all different types of genres of music. Classical, electronic, swing, etc.


This is true for me too, forgot to mention that. I've started appreciating a good amount more of other genres, so far only Softcore Rap (By which I mean not full out, just Eminem and recently Akon), Dubstep, and Electric
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The show immediately started rubbing off on me. I say "everypony" all the time. We had a movie going earlier today and I heard "Ladies and gentlemen!" and my brain immediately went, "Fillies and gentlecolts!" Bahaha!

Edited by Yurusumaji

"Pinkie Pie, you are so ... random."

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Its really on rubbing of on my thoughts. I will probably never say everypony in life accidentally. But then again, Maybe I will in the next year.

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I constantly say 'Eyup and 'Nope.

S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation,

I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general.


Put "SVR" in your signature if you support Stop Violent Recreation!

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I would say its rubbed off on me after only maybe a month.

I reference every meme I know of at random times when it pops into my head, relevant or not to anything going on around.

I can turn into Pinkie Pie and spam off words like no other sometimes. Usually chimicherry or cherrychunga. And pickelbarrel kumquat.

I spout out "my party cannon!" Randomly

I've attempted to name many songs I might work on on my ipod with pony names, but I force myself not to feeling like its more forced than natural.

I've been fighting myself to not ponify any of my electronics that are already Gearsified.

I've been craving something to show of my bronyism. Preferably clothes-wise.

I rarely watch re-runs on my own, but I cant stop watching this show.

I also have a slight tendency to say "eeyup" and "nope".


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Yes, and I fear for mental state as I now visualize ponies like Fluttershy telling me to be nicer and to help others without seeking compensation, or Dash telling me to give my all. I improves my life, but I wonder how long until I completely lose it.

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I've slipped and made a few references during conversations. Never said everypony though. I find myself saying eyup and nope far more than usual. If I re watch an episode with a song in it, there's a good chance that I'll be humming along to it at work. It hasn't festered too much outside of my head, but it has had some effect.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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defenently. but i dont think its the show but more the roleplay i am in. i am very active in it and do it every day for at least 3 hours. its become quite an adiction and i think that also counts for the ones i play with. i start acting like the characters i play and start to think how my characters would react to sertain situations that i would be currently in.

Inspired by myself.

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I drop references just for fun. And on that topic, my English teacher has dropped 3 so far, although loose, but still references. I say Eyup and Nope. Said Everypony twice and misspelt "Name" as "Mane" 3 times, although i think that's just the key combination.

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At work on monday in a deli kitchen I started saying "okie dokie lokie", and I almost sung Pinkie's cupcakes song, just to see if anyone knew it. I couldn't get the courage to tho, sadly :(


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I'm allergic to apples. So I'm sticking with...Posted ImageYep. Muffins.

  • Brohoof 1

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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Well, yes it is for me. I have been nicer, and generally more random, and i keep saying things like eveypony by mistake. But honestly, it doesn´t really matter. Aaaand i use eeyup and nnope alot more, by mistake. And once i said ALL HAIL LUNA, but i was a bit messed up at the moment and that story will be told another time.

Edited by Anttu

Taring reality apart with tardis completion: 100%

Trying to find dimension where Equestria is located: -

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Yes, I've been a pega-sister since the first FiM episode, now I catch myself saying "Everypony" & "Bucking" or something like that. I've also become more fashionable (Thanks to rarity), I'm smarter and more athletic.Although there has been some negative side effects, I'm shy, I tend to throw myself into books more than human contact (Which isn't as bad as it sounds when you think about it).

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I end up saying the fun has been doubled, and I use my ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE A LOT MORE.Posted Image

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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It's rubbing off on me....I'm sure...I just don't know how it is....quite yet...except for possibly the MLP FiM claymation I'm doing which wouldn't have been done if it wasn't for the show or the fact that I'm on these forums. :)

  • Brohoof 1

If you want me to respond, please quote me.

I apologize for any inconvenience but for the time being my MLP stop motion project is on hold.

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I don't wanna say Fluttershy is starting to rub off on me because someone's gonna go "hur hur if you know what I mean" but, she's starting to have an effect on me. Me and Fluttershy are pretty much opposite gender clones of eachother, so like her, I've always kinda lacked assertiveness. I've never been a complete push over or doormat, but I used to back down from my own opinions or desires because someone else disagreed or wanted different, like I used to literally change my stance on something just because someone else disagreed with it, or if I have a plan for something, and someone disagreed with it, I'd just go with their plan just because they disagreed.


Lately I've been learned to be more assertive, sticking to my views, believes, and doing what I think is best even if someone else has an opposing view, but not going too far with it.

Edited by Pegasus25


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Funny story time. I was playing WoW with some of my friends, and we were in a BG. I was capping the Blacksmith, when three rogues one shotted me. I said "Sweet Celetia" over vent and my friends busted out in laughter.
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