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Favorite/Least favorite teacher


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Favorite and best is my high school calculus teacher. In addition to being a fun, competent (I'm pretty sure he had some kind of award stating he was objectively the best teacher in the state, and rightfully so) and understanding guy, he was also very encouraging and always willing to work with anybody for as long as they needed it. He believed in me after I'd stopped believing in myself long ago, and helped me through material that made my brain feel like a mushy pile of scrambled eggs. I think that's the mark of an amazing teacher. However far you wanted to go, he'd help you get there.


And my least favorite was a college English professor. I'm lucky enough to have never had a horrid, abusive or otherwise disgraceful teacher like some of the people in here have. This dude was just bland. I got absolutely nothing out of that class, and I'm pretty sure nobody else did either. And his attendance policies were absurdly strict, to the point where I'd attend his classes with either no sleep beforehand or headsplitting migraines, out of fear of getting dropped a letter grade. He really didn't want people to cut class. Which is nice, but I have enough of a work ethic not to do that anyway and sometimes it's nice to know you can miss a period or two without your grade being on the chopping block.

  • Brohoof 3
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Favorite - This is tough. For college so far I would say the one I had for Managerial Accounting. She was nice and did a pretty good job with lectures. She gave out a lot of extra credit and she did a great job with covering what we had to practice for exams. I also liked being able to go into her office for help in class. I interviewed her for a class I had the next semester and learned some other interesting things about her.


Least Favorite - Again, I'll go with college. I could not stand the one I had for Macroeconomics. She could not lecture well at all. They were boring and uninformative, and I never learned anything from her. She was nice as a person, but she simply could not teach, which is more important to me than being nice (usually).

  • Brohoof 2


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Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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Favorite teacher: Either English or History, not sure which one

Least favorite: Literature and its the weirdest person I have seen in my life

She talks about random things then gets mad at us and she is pretty rude :(

In a world of lies, you make your very own truth.

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For me, the best teachers were always the hardest. My favorite teacher of all time was my English and literature teacher in college. She would go over your papers with a fine tooth comb and make so many comments, she was so hard to please. When I got my first A paper from her, it was one of the best days of my life. 


Least favorite was the easy ones. I had a teacher whose last name had three A's in it, and there was a good reason for it. You showed up. You sat through his boring lectures. He didn't grade papers, he would check length and then give you your A, and that was it. I don't even remember what the class was about.

  • Brohoof 3
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I've had some good teachers and some bad.


My favorite is my culinary teacher this year. I love her so much. She's so funny, tells really great stories and acts like the class is just one big family. We had to write notes in my English class to a member of the staff so I wrote a note to her saying why I was thankful to have her as a teacher. I had her the day she got the note and she told me she got all teary eyed reading it :P Though I really love my English teacher as well. Both of their classes have the same atmosphere, so its been a pretty great senior year because of them.


My least favorite...ugh. My pre-cal teacher from last year. He was a major thorn in my side. I've slightly disliked some teachers, but he was the icing on the cake. I started out being okay with him, then he got annoying so I disliked his class. After a while I plain out hated him. He never really taught us anything so I did awful in his class; I had jaw surgery and fell behind even more to the point of failing because I was at home for 3 weeks for recovery. So I dropped the class and I'm retaking the whole year again this year. And, I'm doing a hell of a lot better with my teacher now. :nom:


Science was my main favorite subject since the teacher was awesome


Maths not so much since our teacher was a nutcase and hit us with a 1m ruler if we said anything, no wonder he got taken away by the people in white coats


got to love science for both of those reasons

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I love reading these type of discussions, since I am a teacher myself :3


My Favorite Teachers:


- My math teacher in 8th grade. Weirdly, I hated math. Hate hate HATED it! But my teacher had enough personality and enthusiasm to actually make me care. He was sarcastic, witty, and held us to high standards. Also, he was so caring. I remember once I was ~soooOooo depressed~ because my boyfriend and I broke up (lolololol middle school drama), and my teacher gave me this Winnie the Pooh card that basically was like "You are a great person and anybody who doesn't think so can suck it; be happy!" [paraphrased, obviously. - I can't remember the direct quote, but it was a lot more eloquent]. That's one of the moments in life where I realized that my school and my talents were more important than boys and social drama.


- My debate teacher/coach in high school. Basically during high school, I transformed from this shy person who didn't think I was one of the smart kids to a debate nerd who was a boss at public speaking and could kick ass in any battle of intellect. My debate coach is mostly to thank for that. He is one teacher that I mentally thank nearly every day for pushing me to do things that made me uncomfortable in my youth. Because I was pushed to my potential, I really blossomed. I became sharper, worldlier, and way more confident. He is also the person in my life who first exposed me to the subject of feminism, which opened my eyes like WHOA.


- My drama teacher in high school. She was another person in my life who pushed me and believed in me. I was very shy, and yet I had this huge desire to do drama and to be on stage. At first, I sucked. I tried out for Beauty and the Beast and it was an absolute wreck. But I worked and worked and worked at it, and I got better and better with every class of hers I took. My teacher was a true expert and gave me the critical feedback I needed to get better. When she cast me in the first play I was ever in when I was a Junior, she cast me as the LEAD actress. I will never forget that experience for as long as I live. Now I am a drama teacher myself, and I think about her all the time and model myself after her.


- My English teacher in high school. Not very many people liked him (people always said awful things about him: that he acted "gay," that he was "boring," that English class was "worthless"), but I really liked him. I took him for English, Creative Writing, and Literary Magazine. I wrote poetry and little stories all the time for fun, and he was the first person to really be like, "WOW, you really have a talent here." The first time I ever shared my writing with anybody was in his Creative Writing class. After that, I got to courage to enter my writing in contests and in the school Lit Mag. I remember once I went on a field trip when I entered a writing contest and got 2nd place; my teacher cried because he was so proud. He felt like more of a supportive dad than a teacher sometimes. It was a great feeling.


Least favorite teacher:


- My philosophy professor in college. Well, anyway, it was supposed to be an intro philosophy class. I assumed we would read various texts by many philosophers, have enlightening & open-minded discussions, and get a well-rounded education... not so much. This particular professor simply used this class as an excuse to get on his soapbox and preach to us about how everybody needs God, women who use birth control are sluts, people who don't exercise enough/ride bikes everywhere are a disgrace to the earth, and other stuff... it was... not... fun..... X___X

Edited by Jennabun
  • Brohoof 1


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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I love reading these type of discussions, since I am a teacher myself :3


My Favorite Teachers:


- My math teacher in 8th grade. Weirdly, I hated math. Hate hate HATED it! But my teacher had enough personality and enthusiasm to actually make me care. He was sarcastic, witty, and held us to high standards. Also, he was so caring. I remember once I was ~soooOooo depressed~ because my boyfriend and I broke up (lolololol middle school drama), and my teacher gave me this Winnie the Pooh card that basically was like "You are a great person and anybody who doesn't think so can suck it; be happy!" [paraphrased, obviously. - I can't remember the direct quote, but it was a lot more eloquent]. That's one of the moments in life where I realized that my school and my talents were more important than boys and social drama.


- My debate teacher/coach in high school. Basically during high school, I transformed from this shy person who didn't think I was one of the smart kids to a debate nerd who was a boss at public speaking and could kick ass in any battle of intellect. My debate coach is mostly to thank for that. He is one teacher that I mentally thank nearly every day for pushing me to do things that made me uncomfortable in my youth. Because I was pushed to my potential, I really blossomed. I became sharper, worldlier, and way more confident. He is also the person in my life who first exposed me to the subject of feminism, which opened my eyes like WHOA.


- My drama teacher in high school. She was another person in my life who pushed me and believed in me. I was very shy, and yet I had this huge desire to do drama and to be on stage. At first, I sucked. I tried out for Beauty and the Beast and it was an absolute wreck. But I worked and worked and worked at it, and I got better and better with every class of hers I took. My teacher was a true expert and gave me the critical feedback I needed to get better. When she cast me in the first play I was ever in when I was a Junior, she cast me as the LEAD actress. I will never forget that experience for as long as I live. Now I am a drama teacher myself, and I think about her all the time and model myself after her.


- My English teacher in high school. Not very many people liked him (people always said awful thing about him: that he acted "gay," that he was "boring," that English class was "worthless"), but I really liked him. I took him for English, Creative Writing, and Literary Magazine. I wrote poetry and little stories all the time for fun, and he was the first person to really be like, "WOW, you really have a talent here." The first time I ever shared my writing with anybody was in his Creative Writing class. After that, I got to courage to enter my writing in contests and in the school Lit Mag. I remember once I went on a field trip when I entered a writing contest and got 2nd place; my teacher cried because he was so proud. He felt like more of a supportive dad than a teacher sometimes. It was a great feeling.


Least favorite teacher:


- My philosophy professor in college. Well, anyway, it was supposed to be an intro philosophy class. I assumed we would read various texts by many philosophers, have enlightening & open-minded discussions, and get a well-rounded education... not so much. This particular professor simply used this class as an excuse to get on his soapbox and preach to us about how everybody needs God, women who use birth control are sluts, people who don't exercise enough/ride bikes everywhere are a disgrace to the earth, and other stuff... it was... not... fun..... X___X





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I teach middle school reading & drama :D

  • Brohoof 1


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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I teach middle school reading & drama :D

That sounds nice


I had a good gym teacher and a fat f*** slob for my art teacher he kicked me out because he said I was being a asshole got suspended glad to be out of school

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My eleventh grade and twelfth grade English teachers! They were not only exceedingly nice and pretty awesome, they believed in me. Truly. They said I would go places, and for someone who was in a dark place at the time, that sincerity meant everything to me. I want to make something of myself so I can go back and find them and make them proud.


My least favorite is my eighth grade algebra 1 teacher. He pushed me much too hard, and berated me when I couldn't solve problems in front of the class. He said it was tough love, but after that year I disliked everything about math. He made me cry a few times too.

  • Brohoof 1


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My favorite teacher is my current homeroom/humanities teacher. He alwsys gets the class into discussions about whatever we are learning.


My least favorite is my World Cultures teacher. His grading system is based off favortism.


Sig made by Aeron Quillson.

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This year I really like my digital multimedia teachers, they're both really funny and creative and they actually teach unlike 90% of the teachers in my school  :blush:

I guess this year I don't really like my humanities teacher, I mean I think he's okay but he has a really serious face all the time and it makes me nervous because I feel like at any time I could be slammed with a huge paper for homework


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My favorite teacher this year is probably my science teacher. She's nice, her class is fun, and I actually learn in there.


On the other hand, my current English teacher is just... ugh. She literally has not taught our class ONCE this year and has given us a shit-ton of projects instead. I actually have two projects that are due in the next two weeks that I should probably be doing right now.

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My favorite teacher is currently my Physics teacher.  I have him this year for AP and had him last year in honors physics and in both he is always so pumped about what he is teaching, and he does a really good job of helping those who are struggling with the material all around he's just a really good teacher.


My least favorite teacher was my 7th grade Algebra teacher he didn't really seem that happy to teach and he wasn't that much of a help when I was struggling in the class.  

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My least favorite teacher has to be my current Science teacher


I don't learn ANYTHING in that class. The first week we talked about Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster and other whacky stuff. He tells us to open up our textbooks and do a few problems, and the answers are at the end of the section so everyone just copies it, and then he tells us to write our own notes out of the textbook. Then he gives us a study guide and on the text day he gives us all the answers, and the test is just the study guide with the questions rearranged and a majority (me included because I'm a rebel) just uses it to cheat. At least he use to go over the class starter with us.


scratch what I previously had,


My favorite teacher has got to be my old Energy Foundations teacher. The dude is hilarious and his class was insanely fun. We did work for like 2 months and got to play around on the computer the rest of the year. Was even better a lot of my friends were in that class and we ended up getting into this game called "Tanki online" (which spread through the school like wildfire, a whole lotta people got hooked).


The classes were split, there was computers on both sides and we'd usually have huge wars against the other side of the class. And last year my spanish class finished early so I'd go in to his class 4th period and one of my friends is also in that class that period and we play against the people in that class. Was loads of fun.


I really miss his class but they weren't able to have Energy Foundations this year, I've had it since freshman year, and it sucks because I could've got a college scholarship from that class. And the funny thing is he has a marine science class but they put me in the one with the other teacher who doesnt teach jack!

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Mr. Contreras - 1st grade

Mrs. Cruz - 4th grade (Personal Favorite)

Mr. Sanchez - 7th grade

Mrs. Larson - 6th grade

Mr. Rivera - 11th grade



Mr. Kogen - 6th grade (I swear he hated me personally for some reason....)

Every teacher I had during 9-12th grade

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  • 5 months later...

My favourite teacher is probably my Religion (subject here where I live) teacher, well I have two, but they're both pretty (yup, that's the reason I like them).


My least favourite is, uh, not sure.


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My favourite is my Drama teacher. Seriously, she is the most bubbly and lovely woman you could ever meet.


As for least favourite, and I don't usually like talking bad if people, but my old P6 teacher. She was a psycho XD

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My favourite teacher is my current English teacher simply by the fact that on a average, He tells about 30 jokes in one lesson. Overall the lesson is just so funny but not always since he does teach of course and does it well :3. I had him today and one thing he did was he got annoyed at everyone since we didn't know a event that happened shown in the news so he pretended to get really angry and throw a dictionary across the room (He didn't pretend to throw the dictionary... That happened XD). The other thing he did was he was referring to a word and then related it to s**t but didn't say it out loud... So my friend said something stupid that sounded like it and the teacher just openly said it loudly. 

Edited by Lapis


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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Favorite: Mr Peace, good personality, good knowledge and support same football (soccer) team as me.


Least Favorite: Mr Barrett, he was being so diffcult. Make me depress and look bad. A Art teacher, had three different art teachers, since I was at that high school, one art teacher was diffcult, like when I use rubber/eraser alot, I get told off. And Seicnce teacher, Mr Croft, was annoyed with them cos he give bad mark for being late when I was early, didn't say a things in case he may gve me another mark.

Proud British Brony

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My high school english teacher wasn't very fun. Wasn't very enthused. Rather by the book. Didn't like whenever I was creative or took liberties with my work. She was also my poetry & creative writing teacher and wasn't digging what I wrote. 


My 6th grade teacher was awesome. If we all did good in class, we got to watch a movie. Late assignments would be a C, instead of a fail. And sometimes I could negotiate how much homework I got if there was a good reason. 

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Favourite: My high school linguistics teacher. Her classes were really great because she was funny and managed to keep me interested, it was one of the few classes where i actually paid attention.


Least favorite: My ethics and moral teacher (why is that even a subject?). All he did in his classes was telling us how bad our generation is and making us play stupid games when he had nothing planned for the class.



Equestria's best unicorns

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