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gaming Why do PC gamers get so frustrated with console gamers? (mild rant)


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Is there actually a practical reason for this? I mean generally all i see in these sort of discussions online are overzealous pc elitist jerks who are wildly frustrated with console gamers who are perfectly content with their PS4. I mean do people preferring to play a console take away from the experience of the people on pc? 


I don't want to start a war over this. I just want to know if there is any practical reason for this attitude I keep seeing. 

  • Brohoof 1

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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There is a little bit of an argument to be made that a lot of games are designed with consoles in mind and then ported to PC as an afterthought and don't really make great use of the advantages of PC.


It's mostly a lot of snobbery though.

  • Brohoof 1

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There is a little bit of an argument to be made that a lot of games are designed with consoles in mind and then ported to PC as an afterthought and don't really make great use of the advantages of PC.


It's mostly a lot of snobbery though.


That actually makes sense. But it isn't the player's fault. 


I just despise elitists of any sort really. 

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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Is there actually a practical reason for this? I mean generally all i see in these sort of discussions online are overzealous pc elitist jerks who are wildly frustrated with console gamers who are perfectly content with their PS4. I mean do people preferring to play a console take away from the experience of the people on pc? 


I don't want to start a war over this. I just want to know if there is any practical reason for this attitude I keep seeing. 

Actually it goes two ways at least in Poland. PC elitists bash console gamers and vice versa. 


PC fanboys say consoles are responsible for worse quality of games as games are now awfully easier (crappy argument as some PC exclusives are easy as well), blame consoles for much slower graphics development in games or simply say PC is better because You can much more than just play games. Of course, needless to be said those arguments are total crap and it comes from mouth of PC gamer right now.


Now let's roll with consoles fanboys. Those arguments are hilarious too. "computers are not for gaming" (wut?), "consoles are better" (matter of taste, stfu) or that they don't have to improve their gear all the time for games to run. This one is a bit legit, they don't have to buy new graphic cards etc. But on PC games we get ability to adjust graphics settings so that game runs smoothly (unless game developer screwed things up, that is) and normally PC is changed one time in 4-5 years (at least in my case) so it is not that expensive neither. 



Both sides are silly if not even stupid, I say - play on whatever You prefer. Play even snake on Nokia 3310 only if that's what You want. People who want to force others to play on PS/xbox/PC/whatever else should have their internet connection removed as they only cause tension and probably most of them are trolls. 

  • Brohoof 9


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That sort of elitism falls into two camps, really:


1. People who use the whole "PC Master Race" thing as an ironic joke, recognizing it's inherent ridiculousness, and;

2. Unrepentant, snobbish a-holes who actually believe people who play on consoles are "doing it wrong".


Jerks are going to find ways to be jerks, and if they're a PC gamer chances are they are going to be jerks about that too.


To answer the thread's assertion, though, the most common things I hear in regards to why PC gamers dislike consoles (and by extension, console gamers) relate to the idea that games are being held back by what they perceive as the inferior machine. They don't like that PC ports of games tend to be the worse versions, that controllers are the norm and because of that there is little to no support for keyboard and mouse in console ports, and that games could look and play so much better if they weren't limited by the power (or lack thereof, as it were) of today's consoles.

There are some salient points there, but nothing that justifies the sort of snobbery I see around the conversation.

Edited by TenorSounds
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Yeah I am no fan of PC elitists either. They come off to me as spoiled, entitled snobs. I don't doubt that there's bad console fanboys, but still. I remember when games were about being fun, not about" Oh this looks better on this PC!" Or "This version of the game has this exclusive item".

  • Brohoof 3


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Sir Hugoshy :v, on 15 Dec 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:

or that they don't have to improve their gear all the time for games to run.

This is the main reason I play consoles primarily. If a game doesn't work it's a matter of the disc or the console. Swap one out, start playing. Ease of use.


On the other hand, the types of games and content that go into consoles is different than ones on PC. They get entirely different types of games. This isn't really because it's a console or PC but just because that's the types of games that get put on it. You'll never see a Tales, Shin Megami Tensei (sans SMT Online) or Star Ocean on PC unless it becomes the only gaming device out there.


On the other hand, most of the problems with either side are greatly exaggerated by people who just don't want to spend the time or money to get into either side. I'm an all-arounder myself and even though I understand little of the ways of PC and still primarily play consoles I still have quite a few PC games.

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Probably because console gamers sometimes tend to regurgitate console developer lies like "30FPS cinematic experience" (buzzword, as meaningful as "blast processing") and the hype about cloud gaming, which isn't viable in any country yet, or that you can't see the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS or 720p and 1080p (the difference is as clear as night and day, yo) or whatever else devs feed to them to try hiding console limitations. Or that the pre-rendered footage shown at E3 is actually in-game footage or actually running on the console.


Console gamers who see past the bullshit, though, I have an immense amount of respect for.

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't know... It just seem like gaming draws the sorts of immature people who do not and perhaps can not understand the idea of someone else liking something that they do not like.


PC gamers in particular can be really irritating, though. Always finding every chance they possibly can to degrade consoles and insult console gamers. And they act like consoles are completely worthless because they are less powerful than PCs (which cost a fortune anyway). I really don't care whether the game I'm playing runs at 30 FPS or 60 FPS, or 720 or 1080. All I care is that it is a good game. Games like Mario Kart 8 look gorgeous even though the Wii U is 'weak'. Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned.


There may be (well, are) great games on the PC, and people can enjoy them all they want. But they simply must stop acting like all good games exist on the PC, because most of the games that are the best in my mind (and I'm far from alone on this matter) are console exclusives. Once again, it all comes down to the "Stop liking what I don't like" attitude that the gaming community as a whole is so terrible about. Consoles have great games. PC have great games. They both have their place, and they both have their fans. Get over it.

  • Brohoof 3

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I don't know... It just seem like gaming draws the sorts of immature people who do not and perhaps can not understand the idea of someone else liking something that they do not like.


PC gamers in particular can be really irritating, though. Always finding every chance they possibly can to degrade consoles and insult console gamers. And they act like consoles are completely worthless because they are less powerful than PCs (which cost a fortune anyway). I really don't care whether the game I'm playing runs at 30 FPS or 60 FPS, or 720 or 1080. All I care is that it is a good game. Games like Mario Kart 8 look gorgeous even though the Wii U is 'weak'. Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned.


There may be (well, are) great games on the PC, and people can enjoy them all they want. But they simply must stop acting like all good games exist on the PC, because most of the games that are the best in my mind (and I'm far from alone on this matter) are console exclusives. Once again, it all comes down to the "Stop liking what I don't like" attitude that the gaming community as a whole is so terrible about. Consoles have great games. PC have great games. They both have their place, and they both have their fans. Get over it.

Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?

  • Brohoof 1
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Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?


Of course not, they specifically said they didn't care xD

  • Brohoof 3
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Anyone who argues over what platform is better; PC or Consoles is an idiot with too much time on their hands. I understand some reasons why PC gamers hate Consoles, one being that Consoles drag down the quality of games on release date due to being underpowered. But PC elitists who belittle Console gamers aren't doing anything except for making one person feel bad. 

  • Brohoof 4
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The only real problems I can see are various poorly done ports or games that felt like they were compromised to make them more console friendly (I suspect this is what happened to Deus Ex Invisible War).  Then there is annoying habit of platform exclusive titles, which really ought to be obsolete in this day an age.  Most exclusives I could care less about, but every once in a the likes of Crackdown comes along and I can't play it because it is an exclusive title.  Exclusives aren't worth buying a separate system for, but it still sucks that you can't play a game you would like because of some console developer's marketing ploy.

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Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?


She obviously doesn't care about specs. I believe she meant that it doesn't matter if the graphics are great or not, it matters on the gameplay. And that's what she cares about.

  • Brohoof 3
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She obviously doesn't care about specs. I believe she meant that it doesn't matter if the graphics are great or not, it matters on the gameplay. And that's what she cares about.

Except she claimed the Wii U was 'not weak'

I quote:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."

  • Brohoof 1
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Except she claimed the Wii U was 'not weak'

I quote:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


...in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


...matters as far as I am concerned."


...as far as I am concerned."


​Again, she doesn't care about the graphics, just the gameplay.

  • Brohoof 5
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"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


...in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


...matters as far as I am concerned."


...as far as I am concerned."


​Again, she doesn't care about the graphics, just the gameplay.

Still claiming it's not weak either way.

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Honestly, the biggest problem with PC gamers is that they are so passionate about their hobby. They try to get other people into it, but they wind up pushing people away with their approach.

On another note, at least I get frustrated because consoles have led to damage in both the public perception of 'gamers', and games in general. 90% of awful people in the gaming community got started once games were much more accessible on console instead of PC, and current games are the unoptimized messes that they are due to console-first games.

Finally, nowadays consoles are basically terrible, incapable PCs. Every piece of trash you have to do for a PC, patching, balancing, buggy and unstable launches, is now important on a console too. That's the biggest problem now, and worse is the lack of backwards compatibility and decent pricing of games. For the price of 2 console games I can get 12 PC games, and if I ever want to play an old classic, it'll be right there waiting for me. That's why I'm frustrated with console gamers, I respect their tastes but seeing them actually act like they have some sort of technical or software advantage over a PC is an outright fallacy.

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Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?


You convinced me of absolutely nothing, because it was obvious from what I said that I don't care.


The Hard Drive may be a slight issue, but that's only really if you download games digitally. The rest of what you said is a bunch of technical talk that is meaningless to what matters as far as I am concerned. As long as the Wii U can pull off games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, and the upcoming Zelda with its huge open world, that's all that really matters.


I bought the Wii U to play games, not to brag about its power.

  • Brohoof 12

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?

You wasted time to give a lecture to the person who does not give a damn about how powerful certain gaming platform is ;) No offence intended. 



This is exactly what issue I have with any kind of gamers. They all talk about how powerful one gaming platform is like it really matters. We play games to enjoy ourselves, relief stress, relax, have fun, not to brag about how powerful equipement we have. Of course it is nice to have some knowledge on technical aspects, but for random gamer it's not big deal. 


Also I'd like to add that I enjoy older games more than new releases. But that's a matter of taste. 

  • Brohoof 5


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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Yeah I still like the Wii U. It may be the weakest, but its got the best exclusives of the bunch. But anyway, I just never saw a big need to jump into PC gaming. (Don't make a lot of money so I can't budget a good gaming PC.) And if it means becoming an entitled snob with too much money, then no thanks.

Edited by The Man Called Sting
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