ponyvangelist 732 April 4, 2012 Share April 4, 2012 I wouldn't say it's a target audience, but I do think Pony Therapy is quite uplifting and positive overall. Unfortunately, the word "depression" has a very wide range of meanings which can lead to tragic confusion. Everyone gets depressed now and then, which is normal. Some of us, however, suffer from Major Depression or depression associated with Bipolar Disorder. Both of these are serious and potentially life-threatening neurological conditions that require professional medical attention, without delay. This especially applies, but is not limited to, anyone who is or has been suicidal. A particularly hurtful but common assumption is that major depression can be "cured" by "cheering up", "whistling a happy tune", "manning up", etc. That's not how it works, and offering that sort of medical advice to someone suffering from real depression is about as helpful as suggesting someone who is having a heart attack "get over it". The reality regarding unipolar and bipolar depression is that both have been shown to have underlying physical causes. While various forms of psychological counseling and therapy can help people cope with depression, they will not correct neurological problems on their own. As an example, many people with bipolar disorder respond to the same anticonvulsants used to treat people with epilepsy. That's probably not a random coincidence, and there's a lot of crossover between both groups. We don't expect epileptics to talk their way out of seizures, and shouldn't expect bipolar patients to do so either. Our beloved ponies are unlikely to hurt anyone, but I strongly recommend against substituting them in any way, shape or form for effective treatment of debilitating disorders like major depression. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superdogbiter 9 April 4, 2012 Share April 4, 2012 I think that at the end of the day as long as this show makes them feel better then it has done it's job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Diamond 7,575 April 5, 2012 Share April 5, 2012 I suspect MLP: FiM succeeds in reaching out to those who are otherwise socially reclusive or emotionally awkward with its simple yet intelligent themes and characters. It can touch sensitive issues---friendship, trust, love---without being pretentious, a breath of fresh air in our current age of often obnoxious media. Plus, MLP has resulted in a strong fanbase which, on the whole, cares for itself. It promotes and cultivates community. That, I think, is especially helpful for children and young adults whose lives are otherwise difficult. 2 Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
butter scotch 79 April 5, 2012 Share April 5, 2012 Depressed people think they have no friends! But MLP gives everyone a pony (or other creature in that matter) to relate to... Soooo they get views! Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 I don't usually do this, but I think the topic calls for it. Let's get sappy and personal. First off I find the show entertaining whether it makes me a better person or not. Since I was young, I have never really been good at making true friends. I mainly had acquaintances that I spoke with at school/work. I never really had true friends to hang out and have fun with. Since I have been watching MLP I have realized I wouldn't be a very good. I have realized that I can be indifferent in matters that don't concern or affect me even though it may be important to someone else(Lesson Zero). I was so focused on suppressing my feelings that I would distance people when they tried to be friends with me by being indifferent to their feelings. I have since been trying to correct personality to be a better friend and person in general.(I'm an introvert so I haven't been able to put my new knowledge to the test yet). MLP has taught me many things about friendship I will definitely use throughout the rest of my life. I have also always had issues with depression. As early as the age of 4 I would get depressed and eventually it became something that was normal to me. I never understood true happiness or joy for just being alive. I was always either in a state of minimum contentment or I was depressed. I have tried different anti-depressants over the years and they didn't seem to help or the elated feelings felt fake. Since I have been watching MLP I have been able to experience true happiness and joy for living. I don't expect everyone to understand what MLP has done for me. Some people may not even believe my experience. All that matters to me now is that I truly enjoy life now. I owe my happiness and future friends to MLP. If anyone else I had similar experiences in life, you're not alone The biggest foe to one's happiness is theirself. I think depression comes from an over-obsession with one's own emotions. And it makes sense; some people cope by learning instead (Twilight?), others, physical exercise, work, etc. etc. But reminicing about one's own feelings and doing nothing is sure to lead nowhere good. Hm, I think you get that impression of the show because people, well, post it. I don't think it prevents suicide more than anything else you might enjoy. Just because it is something you might have not expected from it you feel like having to tell it to others. Now to the "Golden Age of Cartoons". I find this part funny, in the end history does repeat itself. If there is anything I learned in School it is: a new Generation pretty much equals a new movement. Obviously new cartoons might not be to your liking, mainly because you outgrew them. ( Re-watch the powerpuff girls for exemple and you will see that it is not that different from what we go today.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a bit special, at least for now. It's still pretty new so it hasn't really passed the test of age yet. ( I don't mean the toys line or the other My Little Pony products, just the Cartoon. ) Now why do we like it? Probably because everyone loves cute things, ( Just check out the Cat videos, or generally any Video of an animal that you think is cute and you will probably see that it is quite popular. ) now you combine that with the general feeling of 'I want to be different' and you suddenly follow it. I don't think both apply all the time nor at the same time, but just saying "I am proud to be a Brony.", pretty much confirms that. I don't think it's that so much... I think it's more of, cute, lovable things + immersive show + believable characters + real conflict = one awesome show. They don't fight wars or slay dragons, but the conflict is actually better than most action/adventure movies or shows; it's things any human being is familiar with, making it far more relatable. The whole show is very down-to-earth because of it, everyday experience, so to speak. I suspect MLP: FiM succeeds in reaching out to those who are otherwise socially reclusive or emotionally awkward with its simple yet intelligent themes and characters. It can touch sensitive issues---friendship, trust, love---without being pretentious, a breath of fresh air in our current age of often obnoxious media. Plus, MLP has resulted in a strong fanbase which, on the whole, cares for itself. It promotes and cultivates community. That, I think, is especially helpful for children and young adults whose lives are otherwise difficult. "obnoxious media" You can say that again! I just can't stand how obnoxious, trippy, insane, random, non-sensical shows are nowadays. I mean, what the heck!? I can take MLP:FiM, unicorn magic; telekensis. Pegasi can fly. Earth ponies can farm. Their monarch is a powerful unicorn. The pair Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon. Fluttershy's connected to animals. Dragons, zebras and donkeys are characters, too. Those are the rules. They make sense, and the writers stick to them. It makes sense. But, other shows that are on nowadays?... Not at all. (All I've seen to get me on this rant is a few trippy minutes of Adventure Time. The dog needs to find the kid. Obviously, turn into a 200-foot giant and go looking, tearing through the forest. I do that all the time, not unusual or anything. Ten minutes after fighting all kinds of monsters under the lake for treasure, of course, and a few minutes later they're riding Lady Rainicorn... Maybe I should've just taken it from the first episode, but where I got thrown in, it was just very trippy and confusing, they kept referring to things, that I had no idea what they were.) 3 I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/ I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20ScraperAnd I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 I've spoken before on this subject and will say it again: the show was not created to target those of us suffering from mental illnesses such as Borderline Personality Disorder, which I suffer from, but it can definitely help. As ponyvangelist says, there's definitely no way the show should be used in any form of attempt to treat it or any other form of depression, because true depression is not something that can be mastered. As much as I and everyone else who suffers from it wishes it were possible, you can't just snap your fingers and magically get over depression at all. But what the show can do, and has definitely done at least for me, is provide something that can help ease the symptoms. When I watch the show, I will usually feel happier, more cheerful, for a short time. I perk up. And through the show I've obtained new friends, new support, new ways in which I can better myself. I think this in particular is the more important aspect, the fan community. If it were just the show itself, and the fan community hadn't sprung up, odds are I wouldn't be doing much better than I was prior to becoming a fan. Sure, it'd be kind of a nice distraction, but that's about all it would have been. So while I am definitely grateful the show exists, I think we should be more grateful to each other, to everyone else in the community, to the support we all give to each other and that we all need. We're proving that Friendship, as sappy and silly and metaphorical as it is, really Is Magic. 3 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponyvangelist 732 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 you can't just snap your fingers and magically get over depression at all.The worst part is not even caring enough to try. One of the more difficult and frustrating aspects of major depression is the apathy. When you literally don't care if you live or die, advice from anyone trying to make things better is usually pointless, and more often than not does more harm than good. People who are depressed tend to seek isolation, and often with good reason. Backing them into a corner in order to "help them" can be flat out dangerous, so a great deal of tact and understanding are needed when dealing with major depression. Even worse, many things that most people consider "happy" can be irritating to people who are truly depressed. In essence, rubbing their faces in the fact that they simply can't feel happy (also known as anhedonia). It can be like pouring water on the ground in front of a person dying from thirst. That said, shows like Friendship is Magic can make life a little brighter even for people suffering from major depression, if they come to it on their own. Individual mileage varies, but if the show "clicks" with someone, it can really help. At the very least, as long as it's not shoved in someone's face, it probably won't hurt. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 The worst part is not even caring enough to try. One of the more difficult and frustrating aspects of major depression is the apathy. When you literally don't care if you live or die, advice from anyone trying to make things better is usually pointless, and more often than not does more harm than good. People who are depressed tend to seek isolation, and often with good reason. Backing them into a corner in order to "help them" can be flat out dangerous, so a great deal of tact and understanding are needed when dealing with major depression. Even worse, many things that most people consider "happy" can be irritating to people who are truly depressed. In essence, rubbing their faces in the fact that they simply can't feel happy (also known as anhedonia). It can be like pouring water on the ground in front of a person dying from thirst. That said, shows like Friendship is Magic can make life a little brighter even for people suffering from major depression, if they come to it on their own. Individual mileage varies, but if the show "clicks" with someone, it can really help. At the very least, as long as it's not shoved in someone's face, it probably won't hurt. Oh dear lord, yes, the apathy! The pointlessness of it all, or at least that's how it feels. I cannot tell you how often I've quit projects of any sort, cancelled things, ruined friendships, screwed over relationships, messed up opportunities for my life, and so on and so forth because it's just so hard to feel like anything is even worth doing! That apathy can have you going constantly through the motions of various things. For me I often spend hours diddling away wasting time on frivolities that I'm not even really paying attention to, just because it's so hard to care enough to do something productive. That's another thing that being a fan of FIM has helped me with, personally: motivation. I just plain feel more motivated and less apathetic. Again, it doesn't cure the problem. I've experienced the issue plenty of times--it shows on a couple of things I've posted on this forum even. But it can help. Oh yes, it can definitely help, and that's a good thing. 1 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bloodyfox 65 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 The biggest foe to one's happiness is theirself. I think depression comes from an over-obsession with one's own emotions. And it makes sense; some people cope by learning instead (Twilight?), others, physical exercise, work, etc. etc. But reminicing about one's own feelings and doing nothing is sure to lead nowhere good. While I do agree that over-obsessing over emotions can cause depression, for me their seemed to be no connection to any events that caused my depression. The depression would hit and then all the negative thoughts would follow. There seemed to no real cause for it. However, it's possible it was being brought on by problems in my subconscious mind. Learning, working, exercising, etc did help me to deal with my depression through distracting my mind, it never truly made it get better. Perhaps MLP has just changed my point of view on life and the happiness I feel is from the clarity I know have. Anyway I will leave those questions for psychologists and just enjoy the results I have experienced Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Shadow 41 April 6, 2012 Share April 6, 2012 MLP helped me get past my depression. From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 April 16, 2012 Share April 16, 2012 I've spoken before on this subject and will say it again: the show was not created to target those of us suffering from mental illnesses such as Borderline Personality Disorder, which I suffer from, but it can definitely help. As ponyvangelist says, there's definitely no way the show should be used in any form of attempt to treat it or any other form of depression, because true depression is not something that can be mastered. As much as I and everyone else who suffers from it wishes it were possible, you can't just snap your fingers and magically get over depression at all. But what the show can do, and has definitely done at least for me, is provide something that can help ease the symptoms. When I watch the show, I will usually feel happier, more cheerful, for a short time. I perk up. And through the show I've obtained new friends, new support, new ways in which I can better myself. I think this in particular is the more important aspect, the fan community. If it were just the show itself, and the fan community hadn't sprung up, odds are I wouldn't be doing much better than I was prior to becoming a fan. Sure, it'd be kind of a nice distraction, but that's about all it would have been. So while I am definitely grateful the show exists, I think we should be more grateful to each other, to everyone else in the community, to the support we all give to each other and that we all need. We're proving that Friendship, as sappy and silly and metaphorical as it is, really Is Magic. Ky! I'm so sorry! I had no idea! I don't have any sort of depression disorder, but I do have a mental disorder where depression IS a symptom. I know it's not the same, but if you ever want to talk or just shoot the breeze, send me a private message. (I know you can't "get over it" but I hope that would at least take your mind of it.) 1 My ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steel-accord-r1970 My AMA thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/76698-as-steel-me-andor-oc/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xent 7 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 The show itself has the ability to cheer up people,even more than this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildCard 1,037 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 The biggest foe to one's happiness is theirself. I think depression comes from an over-obsession with one's own emotions. And it makes sense; some people cope by learning instead (Twilight?), others, physical exercise, work, etc. etc. But reminicing about one's own feelings and doing nothing is sure to lead nowhere good. I don't think it's that so much... I think it's more of, cute, lovable things + immersive show + believable characters + real conflict = one awesome show. They don't fight wars or slay dragons, but the conflict is actually better than most action/adventure movies or shows; it's things any human being is familiar with, making it far more relatable. The whole show is very down-to-earth because of it, everyday experience, so to speak. "obnoxious media" You can say that again! I just can't stand how obnoxious, trippy, insane, random, non-sensical shows are nowadays. I mean, what the heck!? I can take MLP:FiM, unicorn magic; telekensis. Pegasi can fly. Earth ponies can farm. Their monarch is a powerful unicorn. The pair Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon. Fluttershy's connected to animals. Dragons, zebras and donkeys are characters, too. Those are the rules. They make sense, and the writers stick to them. It makes sense. But, other shows that are on nowadays?... Not at all. (All I've seen to get me on this rant is a few trippy minutes of Adventure Time. The dog needs to find the kid. Obviously, turn into a 200-foot giant and go looking, tearing through the forest. I do that all the time, not unusual or anything. Ten minutes after fighting all kinds of monsters under the lake for treasure, of course, and a few minutes later they're riding Lady Rainicorn... Maybe I should've just taken it from the first episode, but where I got thrown in, it was just very trippy and confusing, they kept referring to things, that I had no idea what they were.) ^This I would not have considered myself as depressed person, but I had been quite moody, dissatisfied and sometimes emo before I started watching MLP. Nevertheless the ponies made me a calmer and overall happier person.Furthermore I can relate to some of the characters and their traits and learned a few lessons myself by watching them act and solving their problems. And watching the show usually cheers me up a lot OC was made by Princess Ariona. Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonka 39 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Its undoubtable that the show and its fandom has improved the moral and overal emotionall well being of many people. However, that doesn't mean that the show is targeting those with depression or other negative emotional problems. I think that most of this is due in part to the fandom. The fandom is full of people with many similarities. This means that not only are the people going to help you, but there is a greater chance that they'll understand you as well, thus improving. To conlcude, it's not so much the show that is improving the moral and emotions of people, but more of the fandoms fault. "There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there you'll be free, if you truly wish to be." Intelligence is both knowladge and logic. If you don't have either knowladge or logic, you don't have intelligence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lily Sapphire 65 April 18, 2012 Share April 18, 2012 This is definitely an interesting idea...While I agree with lordbababa's comment that this show in all likelihood wasn't pitched to target older males and people experiencing depression, it's definitely caught that audience..Definitely for the better. As someone mentioned, the show is fairly 'classic' without being cliche. It is just very lighthearted, the producers know what the show is, and it just doesn't try to be something it's not, which only adds to its charm. I think another thing is that MLP has developed such a huge fanbase, making it a community of bronies and pegasisters, and communities are very beneficial to mental health. In addition, there is interaction with the creation of the show itself, as the show makes it a big point to interact with the members of the fandom community. This again, leads to reducing feelings of 'isolation' from the television, and a lot of industries these days, it seems... But it definitely would be interesting to see if there has been any scientific research on MLP FIM's effect on mood states....hmmm... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whiteshade 1,426 April 18, 2012 Share April 18, 2012 Well the show is a focal point of immense optimism, so its understandable that it would stick with a lot of depressed people, who generally lack optimism. It would be kinda like how negative charges are attracted to positive charges, the depressed would seek happiness to at least balance out. I don't think the show is intentionally aimed at this audience though, and the fact that it is is due to the nature of the themes presented, and also the show of being of high enough quality and realistic enough for the themes to stick, and not just be cynically rejected as "corny" or "idealistic" is what attracts this audience. Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain Nothing happens, yet everything changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nothing392 61 April 18, 2012 Share April 18, 2012 It would make sense to cheer people up, but as it was posted earlier by other people, it can't cure true clinical depression. I've seen both the effects of bi-polar and regular depression in my family and know enough to say trying to cure a truly depressed person without proper medication is pointless. So in this case MLP acts more as a stress relief. While maybe it can relieve major stress that can even be environmental depression, it still can only be considered that much. Unfortunately, a problem arises when you use MLP as stress relief. Stress can be alleviated in several different ways, some being helpful and others being harmful. MLP can fall under meditation, which would then make using it helpful to you. But, MLP can also be used for repression and regression, which is very harmful. I do believe that some people use it this way, which makes their lives worse. They won't come to face their issues and hide inside the world of Equestria. However I also believe that many or even most of us use the show purely for meditation, making the use of it as a stress relief completely fine. Also the fandom helps with this, as it provides people to talk to and connect with, which is always a good thing. Overall, I would say MLP is a great way to cheer you up, if used correctly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiina Brown 67 April 18, 2012 Share April 18, 2012 The worst part is not even caring enough to try. One of the more difficult and frustrating aspects of major depression is the apathy. When you literally don't care if you live or die, advice from anyone trying to make things better is usually pointless, and more often than not does more harm than good. People who are depressed tend to seek isolation, and often with good reason. Backing them into a corner in order to "help them" can be flat out dangerous, so a great deal of tact and understanding are needed when dealing with major depression. Even worse, many things that most people consider "happy" can be irritating to people who are truly depressed. In essence, rubbing their faces in the fact that they simply can't feel happy (also known as anhedonia). It can be like pouring water on the ground in front of a person dying from thirst. That said, shows like Friendship is Magic can make life a little brighter even for people suffering from major depression, if they come to it on their own. Individual mileage varies, but if the show "clicks" with someone, it can really help. At the very least, as long as it's not shoved in someone's face, it probably won't hurt. I want to point out something important ... but i'll start by explaining my background: I have had a major depression .... however, i was always certain that it was because of social reasons, rather than medical mental reasons. Now you may wonder if non-clinical depression can even get near the clinical in severity? I have been there, i'm certain the results are the same ... With true care, and some people that know ME, and not what i'm "supposed to be" (ok, they fail at some points, but still ... ), i have gotten better, and this has preven me right, that my depression was ... and the remaining parts still is, due to social problems, and not on mental. However, now my point: Are you aware how many with severe depression there is, that simply get meds, and that's it? No true attempt at researching what the real reason is, just the thinking (yes, even among too many doctors) of "ok, depression - prescripe "happy pills" ... ", and they leave it at that! I agree on some things, though, the show is no replacement for true help, whether medicals are needed or not. However, the show has given a great base for the community, it is like the show is a bit of a "quick (sometimes more lasting) fix", whole the community do add some unexpected care to the mix, and that is more long-term, so non-clinical may sometimes only need the community to get better. Sometimes. And yes, the apathy, again, the show might work as a "pick me upp"er, while the abundance of fan-material is ... cleary an inspiration in itself. And anything that goes like "here, have this, but i leave now, bye" can easily fail, be they meds or the Cranky Doodle Donkey episode. Now you ask, how can meds fail? Especially meds against mental ailments fail ... more than occasionally. Especially, if they are anti-depressants given to someone without clinical depression. ... or similar. Hm, i think i really agree on most your points ... except that clinical depression and non-clinical depression looks very much more alike in how they effects someone socially, as well as in how they feel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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