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ooc Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon (War, Fallout, Adventure, Grim dark, Brutal)

Child Of Darkness

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i love how jack completely ignored the radio. you gave no mention to it, you should sometime soon. just about everyone heard it.

also, i want to point out that an enclave soldier would never give out the real code. Literally. never. 

Edited by Elegron
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He is a scientist. Not a soldier. Not all pegasi become soldiers. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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doesnt matter, he is of the enclave. they take security VERY seriously.

by the time you tortured someone from the enclave enough to give out information like that (assuming its correct, which for the sake of the roleplay i seriously hope it isnt), they would be dead. 

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And the Enclave is dead. It should not matter to him anymore. 




by the time you tortured someone from the enclave enough to give out information like that (assuming its correct, which for the sake of the roleplay i seriously hope it isnt), they would be dead. 


It's not like all Russians are some hardcore trucks that can resist any kind of torture without saying a word. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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and all of the enclave believe in honor lol


Prove it. Prove that even scientists that are not involved on the battlefield believe in honor.  

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almost. read up on fallout equestria, the enclave are a good bit tougher than that.


and all of the enclave believe in honor lol.

Everyone has their limits, some just have it higher than others. It's not hard to belive that a simple scientist would be able to take much in the way of torture.

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Plus by saying that every Enclave believes in honor you are also saying every dashite believes in honor. Even the ones that were banished for a good reason. 


If you know it is later in the chapters then you know where to look

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the later chapters are also 3 hour reads. aint nobody got time fo dat.

not for this reason anyway

although i do think it would be kinda funny if his handwriting was so bad rave couldnt read it. he was using his hooves after all, and i dont think they can even pick up a pencil. its shown in the show that they use theyre mouths.

Edited by Elegron
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True dat. But the unicorns can also use their mouths to write ;3


I'm actually going to use that in the RP. Bad hoofwriting

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