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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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She looked over the wasteland from atop her small home made of scraps and metal and looked into her storage chest. "Looks like I need to attack another caravan." She mumbled quietly, brandishing her chem rifle. "It'd be foolish to argue with this..." She aimed at a captive pony In the reinforced cage behind her, took aim and fired. Watching the pony writhe in agony as he was slowly turn to a fleshy heap strangely satisfied her. "I should stop killing my captives with the poison. I need something to eat something soon."


She walked outside to the courtyard a few minutes later, where several ponies were being held down by a massive iron chain and watched by a diamond dog guard. She turned to look at her captives. "Any volunteers? One of you has to die so that everyone else can live. How about... " She looked about the captives and decided. "You?" She pointed towards a smallish pony with a bright blue fur coat, her eyes widened and she tried to speak through the tape wrapped around her muzzle multiple times. She started struggling against the chains. "Anyone else care to go instead?" She waited in silence for anyone to respond. "No? Too bad for you." She unshackled her neck and reshackled her to a makeshift guillotine. She positioned the pony in the machine, leaning her slightly over the cliff. "Have fun." She said wickedly as she let the blade drop.


The pony didn't have a chance,the massive blade made a sickening crunching sound on her neck. Her head flew down the mountainside as made a small splat as it made contact with he ground below. Ebony lifted her lifeless body slightly then stopped."DOG! Put this body in the boiling vat. NOW!" She growled. The dog obeyed. A few hours later she fished out the body, cut it into chunks and gave it out. "Eat her, or starve. Doesn't bother me either way." She started eating the ribs of the victim and looked across the mountainside again and spotted a slaver with two zebras. She finished off the rib, set aside the bones for her diamond dog slave. " I'll be back, if they even move and inch, snap their necks. All of them." she said. The dog grunted in acknowledgement. She picked up a large satchel of bottle-caps off  on the ground and her chem rifle. "I'll be back."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Rave looked at the pony. "600 caps for two Zebras? Did you just crawl from under a rock? And you don't strike me as someone who needs slaves". While Rave was talking to the other pony, the pony slave tried to make a run for it. Rave quickly drew up his pistol like a flash of lightning and shot the pony dead before it could get far. He turned to the zebras. "Let this be an example of what happens if you try to run". The zebras said nothing and looked down. Rave laughed. "Out of my way pony, I got to get the goods delivered".

I had walked away from the ponies. I didn't know where I was going but eventually I'd figure it out. While I was walking I had come across a slaver transporting 2 slaves. It filled me with rage when I saw the 2 slaves were my own kind. So when the slaver crossed me I stopped him with a my front leg. "Now listen here. I'll make you a deal. You either let these zebras go or I'll slice your throat open." I turned my head towards the slaver and glared at him. Edited by Semper Fi
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(Well, my sleeping Schedule is broken. Might as well post since I can't sleep.)


Wade had been in ponyville for a good hour now, and EDNA was fixed to a professional standard. When she activated, she made a large amount of high pitch beeps to show her happiness.


"You're finished EDNA. I don't have the facilities needed to perform any sort of upgrade to your hardware or software, you're gonna have to be stock for quite a while." "Fine, we can test your new hardware in a field test. Let's go."


Wade grabbed his Crossbow and a variety of bolts and headed back south. While stumbling about in some hills, he saw a Slaver pony being threatened by a Zebra. "EDNA, activate: protocol, stealth observation of targeted area."


EDNA activated her inbuild Stealth Buck and hid low next to Wade as they watched over this scene.

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The Alchemist was in her bunk thinking while the rest of her teammates ate dinner she wasent hungry,

after eating that pony meat. After that pony had brought her in and asked her about her birthday, her age, her parents,

then he had given her the standerd light armor of the recruits and a laser pistol and then he assigned her a team.


she had gotton paired with a earth pony named red, and a unicorn name sparks.

sparks was good with elctronics and Red was good with her hoofs a great fighter.

anyways The Alchemist thought with a yawn, im tired time for me to sleep.

With thoughts of killind wade in her mind she fell asleep with a smile.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Ripley stared at the zebra and the slaver pony having a dispute, she clutched her revolver tighter now and pointed it at the slaver's head from the floor, she had not gotten up yet as nobody seemed to notice her yet. Her breathing intensified under the mask as the slaver looked like he would rather shoot his way out than talk his way out, thats how most of them were anyways and he wouldn't be an exception. 

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Day 1:training in weapons


after sleeping for an hour. she got up and walked to class with Red and Sparks

"so Alchemist. red said as they walked "why are you here i came because well my fathers  knight so its obious i follow in his footsteps

but you your just a wastelander. The Alchemist looked at her "i came here because i want revenge on pony named wade.she said

"but thats enough for now where here. the alchemist said as they reached the classroom.



"listen up you maggots! the gunmaster yelled as he walked up and down the line,

" today were going to learn about the laser rifle! "now about the laser rifle. he said as he picked it up off the table

"its a rather easy rifle to use and if you pass the sharpshooter exam today you will be assigned one

along side your laser pistol after that you can sign up for longer classes about diffrent weapons.


"enough about that anyways everyone take a rifle and get shootin!

The Alchemist walked up to the table, and grabbed one she walked over to a empty stall and linened up her sights on the

target. she pulled the trigger with FZZT! the laser bolt hit the dummy in the chest The alchemist grinned

soon it would be wades chest she fired the bolt into.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Rave looked at the zebra with a grin on his face. He immediately jumped back to where the zebras were and he held one by the throat in front of him, hist pistol against her head. "What is it going to be? Want to sacrifice her life? Or do you want to save her and drop whatever weapons you have and give yourself in. I could always use more slaves" Rave laughed. Rave did not notice the Enclaver aiming at him, however, with the zebra now in front of him, the zebra was blocking Rave from any fire. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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later on day1


after passing the laser rifle test, she had gone to the main hall to pick which weapon she wanted to take a class on.

she looked at each of the flyers " telsa cannon, no sniper rifle,no tesla rifle, not laser chain gun 'ah yes! that one

she thought the bigger the better. she looked at when the next class started " oh no ! it starts in three minutes.



she turned and ran towards the class, barely making it on time when she got there she took her spot by another pony.

"alright maggots you are here to learn about the laser chain gun. the instructor said patting the gun next to her.

" now can one of you recruits tell me the best way to fire this thing. the alchemist raised her hoof. " sir the best way to fire it is in short controlled bursts to save ammo sir! the instructor looked shocked " well private if you think your such a  smartass try to shoot

this thing and actully hit something and all pass you here and now.


without a word the alchemist picked it up and strapped it on she aimed it at the dummy, all she had to do was imagine it was wade

and her aim would be spot on. with a well aimed burst she fired SHZZZZ! it hit the dummy right in the chest.

without saying anything she took it off and walked out of the class.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Dammit he moved! Ripley thought as the slaver used his slave as a meat shield, her chance of hitting his head was not worth the risk of hitting the captive. I'm a soldier but I still got morals, right? She rationed with herself and slowly pulled her revolver down and with that her visor bleeped with a notification, an enclave eyebot was in the area.


Thank Celestia she thought as she began inputting a command that would override its security and heed to her authority. A moment later a notification came up on her visor, requesting a command from her. 


Attack Enemy she commanded with her hoof-pad, hoping that it would do as it was told.

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"EDNA, what's wrong?" "Enclave? Here? Someone must have survived the attack before." "So she tried to hack into to you, thinking you where just a regular model, you're smarter than your software. Reverse access, track down this Enclave Soldier, set weaponry to stun and attack enemy."


@@Defender of Tomorrow


EDNA gave a series of beeps, and hacked into the signal, giving her the location of the Enclave soldier. Still in stealth, she snuck up behind the Enclave Soldier and shot her with a strong Electromagnetic blast, which, in theory, should cause an overload of suit systems, forcing a reboot. Leaving her immobile for a short time. But the weapon is heavy on power, and it forced a deactivation of EDNA's stealth systems, leaving her hovering in full view of everyone.


"Good work EDNA. That EMP will come in handy." "I'm aware that it takes a lot of energy, but you did good. You earned those upgrades."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Rave noticed the flash of light that came from the EMP. "What the.. an Enclave soldier? Don't you point that gun at me, or you'll end up shooting this innocent zebra". Rave smiled, but then he focused back on the other zebra, confident that the zebra he was holding was blocking him from being shot by the Enclave soldier. 

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 five minutes after the class on day 1


the alchemist walked away from the class smiling she was closer then ever to her goal.

she headed towards the mess hall to meet up with Red and Sparks.

as she walked towards she realized every minute she wasted wade was commiting more acts of crime.

she coudent wait the full mounth, she would have to talk to her captian about that after lunch.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Ebony turned around as she saw an E.M.P blast hit a secluded area. "Best not to involve myself in their trivial affairs. Where is that slav-" She was cut off by the sudden sight of a diamond dog exploding in front of her, she looked back up to her home atop the cliff and saw it tumbling down, she dodge the incoming debris and stomped at the ground. "No. No. No. No. NO!" She screamed angrily. She turned around and galloped back up the mountain path, back to her camp. The captives were gone, save the few the useless mutt did kill. Her supplies were gone. Her spare chem gun ammo was gone. Her 'lab' was destroyed. Realization hit her like a train as she sat down and looked about the ruins of her home.


She gathered up her essentials, some meat, some purified water and her weaponry, which consisted of a revolver and her chem gun. She looked about and saw a glint in the sand, went over towards it then heard a small click. She dived to the side as a landmine exploded, searing her lab jacket and temporarily blinding her. She dropped everything as she walked about, too disorientated to notice an armoured pony pick up her chem rifle and re-chambered it. She heard the clicks and whirs of the rifle loading in another round and was starting get her vision back.


"S-s-stop. Don't shoot." she whispered quietly while slowly drew her revolver from it's holster, ignoring everything the oppressor was saying. She had one shot and the pony's armour was bulletproof. She'd need to hit her chem gun and explode the ammunition onto the oppressor. She had a split second pulling the head back and firing, it was all she got. She looked him over and fired. The chem rifle exploded in the pony's hooves as he screamed as his hooves dripped onto his torso. He leaped back and screamed out in pain again, he could feel his body slowly liquefying from the chemical.


"Wha' did ya' do ta' meeeee..." he cried out fell down, his solid bones ripping through him grimly from his thinned skin. She looked at him and sighed. "You raiders are all the same, all equally predictable, all completely useless. You made the mistake of letting me live long enough to draw and fire my revolver. Silly foal." She gloated. She looked into her chest, the victim taking his time dying so she thought she'd speed it up a little. "Open wide." She wrenched his mouth open as she shoved a live grenade down his gullet as stood back. He looked back, tears streaming down his melting face. Bits of fur, skin and flesh splattered all over the site like some sort of aboriginal art. She picked up her supplies she had left and walked off. "Now THAT'S art." She loaded another 6 rounds into the revolver. "Time to go find a new home spot." She sighed, feeling rather annoyed at the dogs stupidity.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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after lunch on day 1



The Alchemist hurried down the hallway. she was going to be late for power armor training!

she burst into the class, taking a seat by the door. A few of the other recruits gave her funny looks,

but she dident care. she had made it on time! the armor master walked in "now students today you will learn about another weapon.

 a recruit raised her hoof "isent it armor not a weapon sir. she said "why yes but this is power armor it is so powerful it is almost 

a weapon itself. "now who wants to go first?



The alchemist raised her hoof, " me sir all do it. she said getting up and walking towards him.

he grinned "okay mis alchemist just step right up and put it on. after a minute of confusion.

she finally had it on " okay alchemist im turning it on now try not to move to fast at first.

when the armor turned, on she could see everything the walls the weapons in the room the weakness in

the armor masters armor. she tried moving around. it felt amazing like she could take on the world!

but she the class ended and as the students left, she started to take the armor of but the armor master stoppeed her,



" hey keep the armor i know your plans to sneak out with red and sparks,

and you might need this. the alchemist grinned and walked out of the classroom feeling awsome,

in her armor.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Nice try." I said figuring out the slaver's plan. "I set my rifle down and you turn that gun on my me and you just walk off with them. And if I turn myself in it's just the same." I kept my glare on the slaver. "Now if you do anything to hurt her I'll fill you with lead."

Edited by Semper Fi
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Rave laughed. "I guess the Wasteland can be cruel like that. Do these ponies really matter that much to you? You know them or something? I doubt a pony would come running to free some strangers if I had ponies in shackles" he grinned. He made sure that the zebra he was holding was blocking the other zebra from being able to shoot him with it's rifle. "I AINT LETTING THESE ZEBRAS GO" Rave yelled. "They are my last chance, otherwise I'm screwed. I don't care what happens to them. If I'm going down, I will take both of these zebras down". "I hope my distraction is working well enough. Where is Rumble when you need her" Rave thought. He then saw another pony approach safely from behind. She had a raider look on her and was wearing heavier armor than Rave. She had sub-machine gun and a sawed of shotgun on her back. Rave looked back at the zebra. "You know, slavers usually don't work alone. They more often or not have a boss" Rave laughed. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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later on day 1



after class they had sneaked into the armor storeage, takeing two sets of t-45b power armor.(only two because alchemist still had hers

from the class.) they each had there standerd laser rifle and pistol, but they all took an extra weapon.

Red took a sniper, spark took a tesla cannon, and the alchemist couldent decide what to take. then she laid eyes

on the most beautifull pice of weaponry ever, The chain gun.


they took there stuff and sneaked out of the base armed to the teeth and ready to kill. "okay guys were gonna check for him near the site

where he killed those enclave soliders. the alchemist said heading towards that area "wade. she said as she walked "im coming for you...


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Rave laughed. "I guess the Wasteland can be cruel like that. Do these ponies really matter that much to you? You know them or something? I doubt a pony would come running to free some strangers if I had ponies in shackles" he grinned. He made sure that the zebra he was holding was blocking the other zebra from being able to shoot him with it's rifle. "I AINT LETTING THESE ZEBRAS GO" Rave yelled. "They are my last chance, otherwise I'm screwed. I don't care what happens to them. If I'm going down, I will take both of these zebras down". "I hope my distraction is working well enough. Where is Rumble when you need her" Rave thought. He then saw another pony approach safely from behind. She had a raider look on her and was wearing heavier armor than Rave. She had sub-machine gun and a sawed of shotgun on her back. Rave looked back at the zebra. "You know, slavers usually don't work alone. They more often or not have a boss" Rave laughed.

I was not surprised at the statement the slaver told me. "I see." I said to the slaver. "If your boss thinks he can sneak up from behind and get me. Then they must be mistaken." I took my combat knife out of it's sheath and spun around. I swiped the blade across the other slaver's face. I jumped behind them and grabbed them and put the blade against their throat. I took the shotgun and the SMG off the slaver and threw them on the ground. "Now let them go or I will kill your friend."
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Rave laughed. "Go ahead. That will just mean I will take control. It will just make things better for me. I can imagine it. Rave Crystal, head of the Slave market. Well I would have to get rid of some competition, but I have plans. You showing up is just perfect". The mare stared at Rave with eyes of murder. Rave just chuckled. "Besides, what are these zebras worth to you. You have not answered me, do you know them personally? Wait, don't answer, I don't think so, because I think you would be acting a lot more personally if it were so. Zebras and ponies, what does it matter, they are all slaves. Do me a favor and slit her throat". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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 The Alcemist trudged towards the site were wade had killed the enclave soliders.

red and sparks behind were talking but she wasent paying attentiion. she was thinking about  how hot it was in her power armor,

as she they got closer she saw the standoff between the slaver and the zebra "red provide sniper cover sparks with me.

turning on her power armor and pulling out her chain gun.


she walked up to the slaver, "hey jack ass remember me? she said pointing her chain gun at him.

behind her she heard sparks load her telsa cannon. " now all give you to the count of 10 to run.

Edited by thatonepony12


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Rave looked at the newcomer. "Aw shit, this day can't get any worse. FINE, IF I CAN'T GET WHAT I WANT, NOBODY DOES". With that he shot the two zebras and started running in the direction where he saw the EMP go off. "I won't get away running, my best bet is that I can seek aid from whatever stopped the Enclave soldier from shooting me" Rave thought as he neared the site. 

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The alchemist watched him run. she pulled out her mike "red take the shot! she heard the crack of reds rifle but the slaver just

kept running, " damn! alright red come on down he got away. after red got back she looked at the zebra that had been fighting

the slaver " hey are you okay and do you know if the guy that killed the enclave soliders is around?


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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'Shits getting interesting.'


"EDNA, just like I showed you, I'm going to set up the wireless link, this will let me see through your eyes, hear through your microphones, and talk to you with on screen text. Be safe EDNA."


With this, Wade activated a long-life stealth Buck, and linked himself into EDNA's systems.


(For a short time, everything Wade says will be text sent to EDNA that only she can see.)


"Ok EDNA, act natural."


EDNA beeped, accepting the command. She turned on some music and made it quite loud. The song was 'Maybe'. The speaker phones made a short electronic distortion sound as her music sprung to life and she started moving about the area, bobbing up and down to the tune of her music.

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The alchemist looked around she saw a eyebot bobbing around,but that dident suprise her they were everywhere.

"sparks go check by the battle site for footprints red! go up to that ridge and scout out the area.

she walked up to the eyebot. and took her helmet off (OOC making it so wade can find out who she is)

"hey there do you have an owner? she said checking the side for markings." hmm looks like someone recently did repairs.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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The alchemist watched him run. she pulled out her mike "red take the shot! she heard the crack of reds rifle but the slaver just

kept running, " damn! alright red come on down he got away. after red got back she looked at the zebra that had been fighting

the slaver " hey are you okay and do you know if the guy that killed the enclave soliders is around?

"Damnit!" I yelled before plunging the knife into the slaver's throat and slicing it to the right. I sheathed my knife and turned to the armored pony. "No I haven't seen him." I knelt over the bodies of the zebras and put a hoof on the dead mare's forehead. "Mag die maan kyk oor jou as jy jou reis." I closed the mare's eyes and turned to the other zebra, put a hoof on his forehead, and repeated, then closed his eyes. I stood back up and turned towards the ponies. "Why are you lookin for a pony?" Edited by Semper Fi
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