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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Greenleaves whipped around with her new sniper rifle. BLAM BLAM BLAM the first one fell, the second one lunged itself at Elegron, who used his magic to slow the attack enough to punch it full force with the spike guantlet, knocking it down and back a bit, before blasting the head off with his sniper rifle. "DAMNIT elegron yelled, we have 2 dead, and one wounded. i guess it could have been worse. We need to do better than that next time, and we need a base."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave and Lasher walked through the Bonewastes. They had been walking for a mile, not spotting the base, nor any life. "Where is it, I can't see a thing in this mist". "That is because you don't have my eyes. It is over there". As they walked towards the base a howl could be hear. "RUN!". They ran as fast as they could with Hellhounds giving pursuit. Rave and Lasher slammed their bodies against the military base's door and it flung open. The Hellhounds stopped in their tracks. They seemed to be afraid of the building. "Since when are Hellhounds ever afraid of something?". "I don't know, but if they are afraid, then I think we should be as well. Whatever is in there, certainly is not going to be offering us any Sparkle-Cola". It was very dark inside. Rave held his hoof out in the darkness, going against the wall, until he found the switch. The lights came on. "Oh shit, this day just can't any better". 

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"Goooood evening wastelanders! This is DJ Pon-3 bringing you, the news. our savior the stable dweller was attacked by some raiders pretending to help them, but he saw right through theyre disguise. something about some scorpions. If anyone sees any ponies riding on some big-ass scorpions, stay away, and leave that to the stable dweller. In other news, said scorpion raiders have been spotted off in the bonewastes, i reccomend staying clear of the area, these 2 look tougher than the others. Also, we here at Tenpony tower will mourn the death of 2 brave ex-slaves who made the victory possible for our bringer of light."

The team of now 7 came across a graveyard of old sky chariots. Midnight heard someone complaining and got closer.

"ugh im so close, if i can just spark the battery i can get this up agian... but theres no working tech anymore." said spark.

"hey! you by the sky chariot!"

"oh shit"

"dont worry, i wont hurt you, my name is midnight. hey guys, come over here, i want you to meet someone!"

The team trotted over to where spark was as everyone introduced themselves to the light brown stallion.

"i got this sky chariot hooked up, and theres a spark battery in it, but it needs... a spark. no doublepun intended.

Elegron cringed at that one.

"well i have a pipbuck, we can probably spark it with that"

Elegron sat down to work on the sky chariot. "and... done" With that the sky chariot whirred to life.

"HOLY CRAP how did you do that?!" yelled spark.

"it was easy, pipbucks have a spell matrix in them that for some reason sparks batteries, power armor, and other pipbucks." responded elegron. "hey spark, do you mind coming with us? we can all take the sky chariot"

"um... i guess.. yea sure, hop in"

The sky chariot begins to speed off into the wastes.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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(3 hours later. Current time stands at 10pm)


Blooddrop came back from the hunt with some new Scorpions for training, hell hound hides for armour and their claws for weapons. "I'm back. What did I miss?"


Wade: "Nothing happened. It's quite slow around here."


Blood: "Yeah it slow here most of the time. I would have let you come hunting, by you cannot mount or ride a Scorpion."


Wade: "And you can."


Blood: "That's not the only thing I can ride."


Wade: "You don't half make a racket when your enjoying yourself."


Before Blooddrop got a chance to retort Wade's statement about her noise, she was stopped Wade putting his muzzle to hers.


Blooddrop: "I hate you sometimes, you know how to press all of my buttons."


Wade: "But that's why you love me really, I know you do."


Blooddrop: "Shut up." She almost literally jumped into him, throwing her arms around him, pulling him in for a deep embrace before nodding towards her room. "Time we had that private time with each other."


Wade: "Let's."


The two of them moved into Blooddrop's room together and locked the door behind them.

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Rave and Lasher ran through the hallways as they were being chased by a horde of ghouls. They ran past offices and ghouls there inside, joined the large horde. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck". Rave levitated his Energy Rifle to fire blindly behind him as he kept on running. Few ghouls were caught by the shots and turned to ash. They came to a large door metal door. Lasher tried force the door open but nothing happened. "Shit it's locked". There was a terminal by the side of the door. Rave checked it but it was locked. "Shit". While Rave was trying to figure out if he could hack it Lasher was trying to hold of the ghouls with Rave's Energy Rifle. "The terminal has high level security. No way I can hack into that, not that I have ever hacked before, except during my time with the Followers, but I never found it to be fun, so I skipped classes". "Less talking and more figuring out getting in alive". Rave banged on the door, shouting. "That is no use no one is in the--". The door opened and out stepped an old armored pony with a flamethrower. "Get out of my way" Rave and Lasher went continued through the door. The old pony started to set fire to the ghouls and then proceeded to follow Rave and lock the door. "Well, with that out of the way, I'm sure that introductions are in order". 

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The heroes have returned from theyre 4th caravan raid, with new metal armor for everyone, including the 2 new ex-slaves, as well as plenty of weapons to go around. Turns out, this was a little more than a slave run. there were crates of weapons, and good ones! Elegron, Greenleaves, and midnight all got assault carbines, and spark found a hunting revolver that he had taken a liking too. There was a crate that had plenty of armor piercing bullets as well. Elegron was suddenly really glad he hadnt attacked the slavers base when he saw it, knowing what kind of weaponry they had.

"So, now that we have weapons worthy of protecting equestria, we should probably practice with them a bit" Elegron said.

 "Alright, ill get my sniper rifle too"

"ive never actaully had any training before..."

"i think ill stick to my hooves. let me know if you find more of those guantlets or a nice dagger."

"Xanthe, if its weight thats bothering you, you could always go for a pistol"

responded greenleaves, midnight, Xanthe, and spark respectively.

"no, i prefer hand to hand combat. much more reliable"

"suit yourself"

"hey! whered Elegron and greenleaves go?"

"theyll be back soon. Elegron mentioned something about "alone time". He wasnt too specific so we cant really assume anthing specific but... anyway, we should probably leave those 2 alone for now, theyve been through a lot."

"Xanthe's got a point there. let them do what they need to."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Somewhere near tenpony tower, Dash lands looking around to get her bearings. She thinks aloud, "Now where would I be able to get information about the Red-eyes?"


Dash starts by looking for the local tavern. Her armor clanks lightly as she moves about.

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On the Happy Smiles Caravan radio a smooth voice could be heard. "This is Lena Smiles, manager of the Happy Smiles Caravan in the Ponyville area. For a while now and certain troublemaker has been stirring up problems for hard working folk in our community here. Been raiding my caravans. We don't take kindly to such troublemakers. This troublemaker is a stabledweller and leads a little group of fanatics. I offer 20.000 caps for him alive as a prisoner. 50.000 caps if you bring me his head. Not attached to the body of course. A chance to make your dreams come true. If you are listening stabledweller, you've just gotten your self into a whole lot of trouble" the radio transmittance ended. It had been broadcasted over the Ponyville area, Hoofington and Vanhoover. Everywhere where the Happy Smiles Caravan had control. 



Meanwhile at the Bonewaste military base


"Plunger and Brush? Well those are some interesting names. I guess I'm not the only one. Names Trash. If you are wondering why I have such a 'trashy' name you can thank my mom. She never liked me. I like to call my self Sarge though, due to my rank. I'm sergeant of the United Forces of Equestria, also known as UFE". Rave and Lasher looked at each other, then at Sarge again. "Never heard about you guys". "And you probably won't ever again. We used to be a powerhouse near the Ponyville area before the Steel Rangers arrived, 70 years ago. I'm the only one left alive. We were 2 but Bean Stalk died 3 years ago. The Steel Rangers pushed us out because of all the technology. A few of us escaped over to our secondary base here in the Bonewastes, Fort Honesty. However, we found the base to infested with ghouls. Radition somehow leaked inside and turned all the UFE rangers into mindless ghouls. My brother as well" Sarge sighed. "We lost a few trying to get over to this part of the base and sealed ourselves in. We were all wounded and we dared not to go outside the door. So we remained here ever since. We had a lot of supplies. But now it's just me alone with all of those supplies with no one to share. I am glad to finally meat someone that is not a ghoul, to be able to talk someone. I'm an old buck, but I'm still kicking".

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"Goood evening, wasteland. DJ Pon-3 here to tell you all about This Lena Smiles. You know that reward that was offered? its fake. if you do manage to turn in our hero, for one i dont know why you would do that, hes trying to HELP us for goddesses sake, and second, why would you trust ponies who handle SLAVES. I find it very unlikely that you would get more than a cap from them. They might even just kill you on the spot! this has been DJ Pon-3, signing off."


Elegron checked his map again. "good, were on the right path towards tenpony tower. i want to speak to this DJ myself."

CLANK! the sound of a bullet hitting the sky chariot. Elegron saw it was a wastelander! not a raider! seems like this one went to hunt before hearing the end of the radio.

Elegrons horn glowed, to project his voice. "HEY, YOU THERE." "DONT YOU KNOW THAT BROADCAST WAS A LIE?"

Elegron had just landed after the pony stopped shooting

"you have a very large bounty on your head, give me one reason not to kill you!"

[speech check 100/50] "how 'bout i give you 9? theyre standing right behind me. besides, this is a bounty set by slavers. they arent just looking for my death, theyre looking for more ponies they could enslave. They wont pay you 20k caps. why would they? theyll just kill you."

"I... i guess your right. um.... nevermind then... ill be going... bye"

"hey dont worry about it, just dont trust those guys, and listen to DJ-Pon-3, he knows what hes talking about" Elegron said with a friendly smile.

The team of 10 flew up in the sky chariot again, and headed towards tenpony tower. Elegron pulled out some binoculars he found in the sock compartment "I can see it, were almost there. hang on everypony!"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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The Iron Warriors infiltrators had spent a few hours within the White Poison gang, and learned a few things about them. Most of bit quite interesting.


Infiltrator: "Ok guys, it's late now so I bets get some shut eye. I'll catch up with ya'll in the morning." He moved to a private bunker he had been given and got out his Radio. "Star-Paladin, infiltration successful. I have learned a few things about the White Poison gang that you need to know. Relaying data."


Star: "This is impossible. No one can tame beasts. But they can get it done with Albino Radscorpion. One of the meanest most deadly and toughest creatures in the wastes. No. We cannot get rid of them just yet. Keep running with them, operations against them are being postponed. They are too great a threat. Weapons, numbers and they have beasts. Things just got a lot more complicated."

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In Vanhoover and the Ponyville area, ponies were arming them selves. Caravan guards, farmers, bounty hunters, traders, prospector, slavers from Vanhoover and mercenaries. Citizens were arming them selves. Most of those ponies were ponies that were in dire need of caps. However, the Hoofington area was rather calm as Aurora Smiles had banned anyone to go and try to hunt for the stabledweller. She did not want any trouble with Ponyville. 


Meanwhile in the Bonewastes


"You got a lot of stuff over here". "Feel free to take whatever you want, except from the heavy armory and the test site". "So that is where you are keeping the good loot, old fool" Rave thought. Rave went over to a table where a PipBuck lay. "It used to belong to my brother, it was one of the newest versions ever made" Sarge looked sad. "I had to kill my brother, otherwise he would have eaten me. You can keep it, it only brings me painful memories of the past". Rave put it on his hoof. "Well, I finally got myself a PipBuck.... that works, I will finally be able to listen to radio broadcasts while traveling" Rave thought.

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Just as rave had turned on the radio (and not turning down the volume below maximum)

"Goooood evening wastelanders. We have reports that 2 slavers are wondering in the bonewastes, and have just taken refuge in a military building. thats right, we saw you! just know that you wont be able to get away with what you are doing! enslaving ponies is a terrible thing to do! Now to all of our viewers in the vanhoover and ponyville area i have a message. put down your weapons, or point them at the real enemy! Elegron has never harmed you kind ponies, but im afraid he is not above self defense. youve seen what he can do, and he does it for the good of others! it makes me sad that entire cities would take up arms to kill a hero who has been nothing but good, over the fantasies of a few bottlecaps! This has been DJ Pon-3, signing off."

Elegron and his team had just made it to tenpony tower and were about to walk through the door.

"Halt. all visitors must relinquish ammo until they leave. You may purchase non-lethal rounds inside."

"Oh its fine, let them through. Sorry about that elegron, im DJ Pon-3's assistant, Homage. He wanted to speak with you personally, and that is a very rare thing. Follow me." They walked to the elevator and got a ride to the top floor, where they all entered the radio station.

Homage made her way over to the microphone, and her horn glowed. "Hey wastelanders, i just thought id mention again that you are making an attempt to kill THE bringer of light that has saved many slaves! trust me, you do NOT want that on your conscience."  "Sorry for the interruption."

"wait... your DJ Pon-3? wow. your... not what i was expecting."

"i get that a lot. well i would, but i dont exactly show my face around public. well, not as Pon-3 anyway"

"I cant thank you enough for what you have done to help me.

"oh its nothing, please stay the night. infact, you can stay here until things settle down in ponyville and vanhoover if you want. Here, ill show you to your rooms"

The team arrived at theyre rooms in the tower. This was a huge step up from sleeping by a campfire in a cave.

"feel free to explore the tower, ill be in my room if you need me"

Elegron walked out of the elevator to check out the tavern.

He was so distracted by his surroundings, he didnt even see the mare in power armor(OOC:this is dash) until he ran into her.

"oh, my bad, didnt mean to run into you like that, my name's Elegron"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave tuned the PipBuck down after the radio broadcast. "That fool. What does he think he knows. Like as anypony is coming to the Bonewastes. Not while there are Hellhounds roaming there. The best ponies can do is wait until we exit the Bonewastes". "Wait. You are slavers?". "That's right gramps and I think that it is time for you to act according to your age. Dead". Rave pulled out his rifle as quick as lightning and aimed for Sarge's head. Sarge had given these ponies his trust because he had just been so happy to finally see someone who was alive. Sarge fell down, dead. "Old fool. I guess we loot the place as we please now huh?". "Way ahead of you" Lasher held a few grenades. "There are more of those where these came from, we can use them against the ghouls once we have gotten what we came for". 




Some of the ponies returned home but most were determined to get the caps. Caps for a better life. Nothing else would persuade them. They did not care about morals or what the stabledweller was doing. They just wanted to save their own skins and the skins of their families. One in particular was Blackrose who was a bounty hunter. "Gonna earn me a fortune. It will also be nice to meet Rave again. I hope he is not as horrible as ponies tell me he is. He was such a sweet little angel the last time I met him, 20 years ago. My little brother". 

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Ebony woke up with a jump, only to fall of the medical bed she was latex oht on, she tried to get up but realised she couldn'tt. "No no no no no no no no.... This can't be happening, this is all a bad dream and it'll all go away when I open my eyes again." She blinked, to no avail, she was still crippled. She looked about to find somepony, the walls had a big whiteclad scorpion symbol etched into it. And she had a vague idea of where she was. "Hello..? Anyone?"

She spotted a light poking through tent she was in and crawled slowly to it. She poked her head through to see three ponies conversing, a cyborg, a raider and what looked like a tenpony snob. She lay down behind the tent walls to eavesdrop on their conversation... Something about another stable dweller, a slaver, and a military bunker.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dash entered the tavern and when they asked her to relenquish her blade she just made it vanish into the tail of her armor. She says, "my combat systems for this armor have been disabled. Now, may i please come in." The guard shrugs but lets her pass. She heads to the bar and says, "one cola please."


The barkeep gives her the cola and she places the caps on the counter before drinking the cola.

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Elegron had just arrived at ponyville. nopony had noticed him yet, so he laid low.

Meanwhile, a group of 30 raiders burst into ponyville looking for supplies, killing anypony who stopped them. One of the raiders stopped when he saw a filly, and pointed his gun at her. Just before he shot, Elegron jumped out of the sky chariot and landed on the raider, crushing him with the assault carbine, turning around, slipped into vats, and emptied the skull of the next nearest raider.

"Quickly, get the foals inside, anyone with a gun, help me!"

The rest of the crew dropped down and joined the fight, while spark went to land the sky chariot nearby.

It was chaos. blood was spilled everywhere. Elegron took down 3 more raiders as his team cut down the numbers even more. Everything was a blur. one of the raiders saw elegron and open fired, the first 3 bullets from the revolver shattering the ward, 1 of them hit elegron in the leg. "Fuck, im hit" Elegron flaoted his rifle around and gunned down the raider who had shot him, before downing a health potion. By the time elegron was back up, the town had defeated the raiders. "everyone, get the wounded to the clinic" 

Many ponies went to help the wounded, but 3 of them approached Elegron, brandishing rifles. "you have a very large bounty on your head. and i have a starving family. lets make a deal" he raised his rifle to shoot. He was fast, but elegron was faster [agility 7/5]

He disarmed the pony, then pulled out the combat shotgun and opened fire on the 3, getting the attention of everypony nearby.

The riflepony held his hand up from where he was hit, expecting blood, but there was none. "Everyone, remain calm, i used beanbag rounds. Nobody attacks me, and nobody gets hurt, i shouldnt have to say this, i just saved your lives, and as many families as i could."

Silence. Most of the crowd had dispersed when the filly elegron had saved jumped up and hugged him "thanks for saving me mister"

"your welcome, thats what i do, and im very sorry you had to go through that." 

The kids parents walked up and joined in "for saving our daughter, you can stay with us for a while if you want, and your friends can come too"

"thanks, ill probably head back tomorrow to tenpony, but it IS getting late. Let me just secure the sky chariot first"

Elegron activated the on-board stealthbuck and tagged it with his pipbuck after activating the defenses.




"Goooood evening wastelanders. Our stable dweller has confronted this new enemy in ponyville and it seems he has won most of them over after saving many of them from a raider attack. You our in our prayers, stable dweller, and never stop doing what you do best, fighting for justice! this has been DJ Pon-3, with the news. Now back to the radio playing "Step Around" by Velvet Remedy."

 When I step around, I hear the sound

c-clip a clopping' up and down the street
the shuffling' of hooves, it surely proves
that I'll see you 'fore the day's complete

What is this wonderful feeling in my head?
Had it before I got up and outta bed
Just wanna wear a smile and come find you for a while

The colors all so vivid
our friends so green and livid
when we touched I felt like my skin would melt
and I don't want you to quit it

Two years of courtship pasted in a blink
Canterlot wedding bells will ring
But now I need you, I'm rackin' my brain
and I can't think of any girl's names

When we step around we hear the sound
of little laugher chasin' butterflies
round the sand and trees, please let me be
here forever under these blue skies

what is this wonderful feeling in my heart?
Could it be our whole life's about to start
And you're as content as me
in our small house by the sea
now that two's become a three
You and me and Ellie Bean.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Wade and Blooddrop lay in bed together. Both of them quite breathless after what happened.


Blooddrop: "Even after all your cybernecybernetics. It's good to see that you are still a Stallion where it counts."


Wade: "Only for you Blooddrop. I love you. You know I'd do anything for you. I mean it."


Blooddrop: "I know you do. Don't go anywhere tonight. It's 11 at night and half the wasteland is sleeping. So just stay here with me until morning comes, and then we can get to work."


Wade: "I wasn't planning on leaving you. You never could think straight after we have fun together. It's cute."


The two of them lied in each other's arms and fell asleep.


(Gonna leave these characters alone for a while.)

------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A group of White Poison members had been working with some salvaged materials and managed to get a working broadcaster relrelay for their microphone.


Raider 1: "We spread the word of the White Poison. We shall be known and feared. Let us begin."


The Raiders turned on the broadcaster and broadcasted over all frequencies.


"Attention Wasteland. We are the White Poison, the true survivors of the wasteland we once called Equestria. We are here to show the world what ture mastery of this world can do. We can tame these beasts and bend them to our will. We can survive in lands, no one else can. We can build cities and civilisations from rubble up. What can you do that is worth breathing air, worth taking this World's limited resources, worth living? All you you shall one day burn. You are unworthy of the gift if life! And we shall delivery you the only thing you deserve. Death."


The transmission cuts out their.

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"I picked these up back when i used to travel a lot" said the merchant "Tell you what, for saving the town. ill give you balefire eggs, just dont use them anywhere near me and theyre free" 

"Thanks, ill put these to good use"

Elegron then put the eggs in his saddlebag before returning to the house he was staying at.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash was enjoying her drink when the message happened. She says, "filthy dirt bugs. Who do they think they are? The enclave would take offense to that if they tried attacking them." She motions to the bar keep and places some caps on the bar and says in a now quite tone. "What do you know about the redeyes?"

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Elegron and his team flew back to tenpony tower as soon as they could, they needed to prepare for what they were about to do. Once everyone had gotten back to their rooms, Elegron went down to the bar to get some information. he was about to order a sparkle-cola when he heard the radio broadcast. Finaly, someone said something. "filthy dirt bags(ooc: i think thats what you meant). who do they think they are? the enclave would take offence to that if they tried attacking them." Elegron turned to the mare and responded "filthy dirt bags indeed, they tried to feed me to scorpions a few days ago. since then ive gotten stronger, and i plan to take them down along with the slavers. You seem to hate the white poison too, and you have combat experience. would you like to come with us? we could destroy the white poison together with he rest of my team."

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash says, "normally i wouldn't help surface dwellers but if you can get me info on the red-eyes...I might help ya in return." Dash looks to him with her sapphire eyes her pale skyblue coat showing in her armor. Her mane is breaded in a true pony tail style. It also has fading raimbow died tips.

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"Red eye? i dont know who that is, but Im sure i will know soon enough. i have a really bad habit of getting the attention of powerful people.if he is any bit a threat to equestria, we will probably encounter him at some point" "why do you need to know where he is?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash sayd, "can't say out in the open. Do you have a place where we can talk in private? As well as where i cam get out of my armor for a bit?" Dash waits by motioning for another cola and finishing her first one. She also seams to know something about the red eyes that may intetest him.

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Elegron whispered into dash's ear

"yes, follow me, i have a room in tenpony tower that was given to me by a friend. As my guest, im sure homage will allow you to have a room as well, and go to the spa as often as you want, shes very kind. also, if you see a slave caravan, let me know. Those slaves almost always join me after i free them. The bigger the army, the more likely we are to destroy our enemies, and that could include red eye if you want." 



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash gets up to follow and says, "Then you will hate the red eyes even more. The name is Cloudia Dashia Windbreaker. But please call me Dash." She finishes the second cola before actually being ready to follow him. She then extends a hoof for a hoofshake.

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