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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Understanding the priority, Silvermind rushed to get on his glasses and suit. He ran outside, ready to help in whatever way he could. Looking around, he noticed several severely injured ponies. Using his medical skills, he gave the ponies basic treatment and got them to the Vertibirds.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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The alchemist rushed everyone to the vertibirds "come on! we need to get back to the bunker!

she said helping another pony arm the rockets on the vertibirds she rushed over to the other vertibird,

and helped them fix the wheel on the landing struts. making sure evreyone including silvermind was in the vertibird

she gave the order to take of. she made them go full speed knowing every secound counted.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Dammit," commented Silvermind, looking down at the camp. "And I was so looking forward to that bed too. Well," he continued, looking to the Alchemist. "At this point I actually am pretty tired, so if you don't mind I'm going to get some shuteye. Goodnight," he said, lying down and going to sleep.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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a few hours later


the alchemist saw the base in the distence so she shaked silvermind tell he woke up,

then she walked over to her chain gun and started putting it. on while she did that

she took out her plasma pistol and threw it to silvermind "her take this it might get ugly.

she finshed with her chain gun and put her helmet on cocking her gun with a click.

she said "lets get this basterd im gonna hang him with his guts. 


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Jackpot. The armoury, she chuckled to herself. "This was easy, too easy..." The the alarms went off. "Oh buck." She scowled herself as the base locked down on high alert. "Should've hidden the body... Still these people are mere goons. I'm in their casino and I hold all the cards. And they're all aces." She started hacking into an unmanned suit and heard a clicking behind her. "This just isn't my day.." She huffed, she put her hooves on her head and turned around. "Don't shoot!" she cried out innocently. Then she leant back, and winked at him. "I want the first move." A missile fired from the suit and hit the pony square in the chest, seconds later there was a big bloody smear of where he'd stood. "Oh my... Couldn't hold yourself together eh? Am I THAT flattering to look at?" She fluttered her eyes comically. She continued hacking at the suit, programming it to 'shoot on sight' mode and took a rifle for herself. She'd broken the movement capabilities so she'd need to get out another way. She figured to use the vents to escape. It was risky but being captured didn't seem much more fun either.


"Never gets old, the rush of being bad" She looked back at the doorway, which had sealed itself after the explosion. She saw it glowing red at the hinges. "Better get going. Steel wont hold blowtorches for long." she turned the automated suit around towards the door. "Have fun!" She called out as the door burst open. The suit opened fire. She leaped into a vent as the commotion began, and watched. She could hear screams and cries in pain as the suit fired out its ammunition upon the victims of the onslaught and saw the blood plastering the walls of the room. Beautiful she thought to herself, and efficient, didn't miss a single shot.


She'd been in the vent for about five minutes and the she realised she was stuck. She started to panic, using her magic to slice open the vent, she fell through the hole she'd made and landed on an official looking desk with a rather angry looking stallion sitting at the desk. "Motherbucker..." She whispered.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Silvermind caught the gun in one hoof and set it down on a crate.

"Thanks," he said, "but violence isn't really my thing. I'll come with you, but don't expect me to attack anyone. I'd rather you not engage in combat at all, but I understand if you must. Let's go."








Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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as soon as the planes landed the alchemist jumped of with red and sparks. "red, sparks,silver mind foloow me! "the rest of you

spread out i dont want a single soul leaving this base! she walked into the base passing the armor with various fluids leaking out.

she headed (with the other three behind her) towards the the gun and armor stache room the one place where any intruder would go.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"What the hell is goin on down there?" I said to myself looking at the scene that laid before. An abandoned Brotherhood of Steel camp with many of the tents still up. "Wonder what ran em off." I said to myself. I adjusted the strap on my rifle and trudged towards the abandoned camp.

Edited by Semper Fi
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Wade had been following the Vertibirds to the brotherhood base, and had arrived shortly after the Vertibirds had landed. He planned to start a Raid on the Citadel but it seemed like his word had already be done for him for the most part.


"EDNA, Scouting operations, divert power from weaponry to Stealth and Thrust. Best to keep our distance from these Steel Rangers when ever we can, I don't have many AP bolts left." Wade loaded his Crossbow with Armour piercing bolts, which should make their armour usless. "Let's get closer EDNA."

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A lot of ponies were gathering in Rave's base. Most of the gang leaders had shown up. They had all gathered in one tent. They all sat before a large table, however, Rave was walking behind them. "Our Slave market is threatened by the Brotherhood of Steel. In recent years, peace has existed between us slavers and the Brotherhood. We have even traded with each other. Even been hired a few times to do some dirty work for them. But now they seek to stop us and destroy everything we know and hold dear". Angry murmurs started as Rave noticed that he had them in his pocket. "We are going to have to band together and stop them. However, we are going to need a leader, one to lead our assault. I suggest a vote". The vote started and everyone voted for themselves as Rave expected. When it was Rave's turn, "I vote for Ravager of the BOOM gang". Every pony stared at him, even Ravager, who was surprised. It became chaos as everyone wanted to be voted, but Rave just lift a hoof. "Calm down, we have voted and we must follow the rules, is it not true?". Ravager stood up and bellowed, "I will lead us to glory and victory. We shall smash these little cunts".


Rave walked out of the tent with a smile on his face. He had voted for the most irrational and reckless pony. Ravager was known for his brutality, however, he was not exactly the leading type in a fight. He would most probably order a mass attack which would kill a lot of ponies. Rave spotted Plasmetic, leader of the Fang gang. He trotted over to him. "Is the secret weapon ready?". "Yes, they are quite eager to start". Rave laughed, "they will get to kill as many 'Steelers' as they want".


A scout came running to Rave. "Boss? It seems that at least 43 'Steelers' put up camp near Ponyville. It seemed as if they were going to hit it. However, they broke up camp and left many of their tents behind and seemed to be rushing back to their base". "Ponyville? Great, we can convince Ponyville to join in our fight against the Steel Rangers as they were most likely going to attack and claim the territory. Contact the slavers and any other pony bearing a weapon in Ponyville and make them join our cause". "Yes boss". "Things just are getting better and better" Rave had a nasty grin on his face. "After we have dealt with the Rangers, we will get some sweet revenge for my Sunshine and take down a zebra village not far from the Everfree forest".

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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She looked at the Stallion for a second then had a plan. She slammed a metal box into his head knocking him down, she went to get of the table but he was too fast.He used the stock of his gun to slam her off the table. She yelped and whimpered in pain as he started beating her with his gun. Little did he know she'd started focusing on levitating the rifle she'd stolen behind him. He realised a second too late as he turned around to meet the high calibre round that plastered his head all over the room, his body was left squirting blood out gently.


She put a hoof to her head, "Why's the room all spinney..? Ugh..." She collapsed from exhaustion of taking the beating and using magic, landing on the concrete floor with a solid 'thud!'.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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No mistakes now. Who ever the Brotherhood was after inside the Brotherhood base knew how to handle themselves quite well. Wade was just following the noises in hopes that he could find this pony. This eventually led him to a more office like area of the base.


Wade's attention was drawn to one of the rooms. "Gunfire, EDNA track down the source." "I know it was a gun, this is not the time to be funny."


EDNA led Wade to a room with two bodies in it. One was a dead Star Paladin and the other was a peculiar looking mare, who was cleary not in the Brotherhood.


"EDNA, shock her. Should wake her up. I'll see if this place has anything worth scavenging."




EDNA hovered to the body of the mare and gave a large Voltage shock to her chest. This level of Voltage should shock her consciousness back, but not do any major or permanent damage.

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As Red, Sparks, Silvermind, and the Alchemist neared the Armory, Silvermind stopped.

"Wait," he whispered. "Look at the door."

"What about it?" asked Red.

"There's been a giant hole blasted through it, in case you didn't notice." He turned the corner and started sneaking in a different direction. "Clearly, they've already been into the armory. Let's go this way."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Flamestreak had just gotten up after being hit by what looked like a chunk of metal. "Shit that hurt Where am I" he said looking around but he saw only some dead ponies a few sheets of metal, lots of blood and some weapons he guessed the deceased ponies dropped when they died. "well at least I can take some of the weapons they had" he said. but there were only 5 guns and a knife and the guns were out of ammo and he had already had a knife. "great no food either I'm starving" he said checking his suit status


Life support :92%

Armor: 56%


Auxiliary power:97%

Other systems:40%

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@Child of Darkness,

Ebony groaned as she slowly regained her thoughts, "Huh..? Oh. Someone is helping me in this mess, well lets find the camera on this thing..." She carefully looks about the eye-bot.  "Aha, hello? Hi. Just want to thank you for that. But no-one saves someone out here without wanting something back." She heard other ponies talking outside the office. "We'll have to save the chit-chat for when we meet, good sir or ma'am, as you can see I'm in a small predicament here."


She leant over to the door and peeked through the gap. "You know a way for me to get out? Bearing in mind you just saved me, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're on my side for now. And that you need me for whatever reason. " She said calmly. She moved away from the door. "The front door is out the question. They probably have 4 or 5 guards waiting for me. And I blew the head off of the only pony who had a suit I could 'borrow', unless..."


She bucked open some lockers and found a few grenades, some metal scraps, a handgun and an energy core. She grabbed the eye-bot and tied it to the table."I guess I could put this here, and this there." She welded the gun and energy core to the eye-bot, rewired some of the mechanics and rebooted it. "Hello? You still with me? Good. You'll notice the little icon on the top left of your Pip-boy, press that to shoot the gun. I need to get out here alive and you need this eye-bot presumably. Try to leave some for me to kill." She smiled sinisterly. "Three... Two... one... Go!" She yelled as she slammed the door open, knocking the pony who had her head against it out. "Lets go!"

(Also I love your background :D)

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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EDNA stayed behind in the room for about a minute as Wade came out of the shadows. "For a pony who can almost destroy and entire Brotherhood bunker, she does not seem very good at seeing through Darkness." "I understand she did things to you, and I know you want to shoot her because of it. But we are on her side, so don't. Follow her, keep her alive. I'll be right behind you."


EDNA beeped with a more violent tone before leaving the room and following Ebony, Wade staying close to them both, hidden by his Stealth Buck.

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Systems Online


Ripley stumbled to her hoofs, holstering her revolver and saw another pony in the distance in a suit of power armor. "Identify yourself!" she shouted, hopefully loud enough for him to hear it.

She frowned under her helmet and drew her revolver, just in case things got out of hand the AP bullets would certainly bring him down to his knee's if it didn't kill him.

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"Sir, sir. We believe the Brotherhood base has been hit". "What? Well whoever did it is probably going to need extraction. Send a word to Ravager to prepare our ponies for battle, however, I will personally go down there to inspect and see if these attackers do really need help". "This could be a perfect opportunity for us to destroy the Steel Rangers once and for all. If we can get in there, could wreak havoc and kill them all. Imagine all the loot" Rave thought. However, he recoiled from that thought. "Then the plan would not work. Most of them would then survive. We need a meatgrinder. We to get rid of them". 


"LASHER" Rave yelled. A pony with a whip and a anti-machine rifle. "You called?". "There is a certain pony that needs to learn a lesson. A 'Steeler'. I'm sure the death of one or two of her friends will suffice. That should teach her a lesson about the Wasteland". "It shall be done".

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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the alchemist walked up to a group of about 20 knights, "hey you guys! she said walking towards them.

"i want you to lock down the bunker there are to many people that will take advantge of this.

"so set up defneses snipers,vertibirds whatever you need make this place undefeatable!


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Rave arrived at the Steel Ranger's base some hours later. He watched at the scene from top of a hill. "Looks like they are starting to lock things down. I hope whoever is making this mess for the Steel Rangers to clean up can get out. We might need them. Lasher, provide covering fire. I want you to divert their attention on us". "Haven't killed some 'Steelers' for over three weeks" Lasher set up his anti-machine rifle and went to cover. He aimed at the head of one Steel Ranger that was guarding the entrance. He fired right through the helmet and out the other side. The Ranger fell down as blood poured through the holes of the helmet. "That should draw their attention to us. Keep killing them Rangers and try to find one of that 'Steeler's' friends and pop their head. It will be a lesson she will never forget. You remember the description?". "I never forget my targets" Lasher said as he shot another Steel Ranger through the chest. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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@Child of Darkness, (Sorry, using iPad, no coloured text or links)


As the group near the exit, Ebony looks through the halls and spots a pony in a suit. Perfect. Hostages in suits are high value personel and won't be risked in a shooting. She hides behind a pillar and signals the eye-bot and its stealth owner to follow. She took a refi moment to look at what they'd done.


Eighteen 'Steelers' were stone cold dead since she'd arrived, that thought alone made her happy. When blood was spilt, she felt good. She lowered her voice to remain hidden, "This is a bold move but it just might work. There is a HVT (High value target) If we can detain that person then our escape is secure. These fools won't fire when a HVT is involved." She looked around to make sure she wasn't being listened to.


"He's just outside the armoury. I say we capture him and walk straight through the gates and use him as safe bargaining. I can use my magic to interfere with the aiming systems for a short while, just enough for the bunker's targeting systems to be obscured for five minutes." She checked around again, " I don't like this plan but it's all I've got."


She looks into the shadows as if she were looking at someone. "He's right there, admiring my carnage..." She looks over the the eye-bot and then to the patrol, 3 ponies, fully geared up in power armour, it all appeared to be in terrible shape except for the individual in the middle, clearly the leader of the group.


"Shoot the guard in the power core on that one," motioning at the leading pony, "I'll drop the other two and then gives me enough time to grab the HVT and use him as a meat shield. If needs be I'll throw a few grenades and shield him from the blast." She looks over to the shadows and gives a look confirming that she's ready.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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@Semper Fi          


  flamestreak had been walking for hours when he saw an deserted brotherhood base

"what the hell happened there" he said approaching the base when he saw a stallion with black and white stripes and what looked like a star for his cutie mark. Flamestreak hiding in some near by bushes getting out his rifle. he approached the stallion with his gun pointed "DONT SHOOT!" he yelled. "what happened to this base?" he asked sternly

Edited by WinterStreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"That plan may work, or, you could listen to what I have to say before rushing in head on this time."


Wade stood tall and walked out from the shadows into the hall, the lighting was just perfect that Ebony would be able to see the outline of him and nothing else.


"The entire base will be on heavy lock down, if we take that hostage, we will move too slow. We'll be surrounded and killed. And their are things I want to do before I die. I opt for the more stealthily escape to this situation. Magic is a strong suit that I can use very well and this situation calls for it. If we can get close enough to the entrance on the surface, I have just enough power to perform a high level teleportation spell and get us out of here. Final choice falls to you. Which plan are you going with?"

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Lasher kept on firing, dozens of Steel Rangers. Rave looked at the Steel Ranger base with a telescope. "Where are they... I'm guessing there are more then one since one pony infiltrating the Steel Ranger base is crazy. And where are those darned friends of that 'Steeler'. Probably hiding inside the building where everything is safe and sound. Bet nothing interesting is going on in there. Probably someone trying to steal some of their files or some scrap metal. Just for that is enough to get all the Steel Rangers to go haywire. Those technological hoarding freaks". Rave watched as a head of a Steel Ranger got blown up into a bloody mess as Lasher fired. "Heh, sometimes I wish it rained blood. Zebra blood". 

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I walked into the abandoned camp and looked around. It was deserted like I thought so I decided I'd claim a few things from the Brotherhood. I opened the tent flap and looked inside. "Shit. Ain't nothing here." I closed the flap and walked to another tent. I opened the flap and looked around. There was a table with a radio on it and some lockers and boxes. I walked to one of the lockers and opened it. It had some 5.56 mm rounds in it which I took. I closed it and went to the box beside the radio. I was about to open the box but was stopped by a transmitting sound coming from the radio. "All Brotherhood personal receiving this. The base is being attacked. I repeat the base is being attacked. We need all Brotherhood personal here to help repeal the attack." I got up from searing the box. "Poor bastard must think they're still here." I walked out of the tent and started back up the road to where the Brotherhood base was.

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