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private Resurgence RP Reboot (Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-fi, Anthro, Dark)


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The roar of engines cut through the morning’s silence. A few birds of unknown species scattered as a ship flew overhead. A sleek ship, designed for travelling fast. The dull paint was designed to help it blend into the environment when it lands, but in the air, it was distinct against the rose sky of the early morning.


Inside were several figures, a squad of Rangers being transported to their mission area. On the holographic screens to their sides, they could see the region that used to be central Equestria with a massive forest. The Everfree Forest, in fact. Though the colours had a hazy tint to it from the holographic windows, it was certainly colourful. With the effect Chaos had on the planet, it look alien, with the trees alternating between green and pink in strange patterns. A spot on the edge was cleared out, and a base was set-up there. But they were headed to the mountain, towards the ruins of what was once Canterlot. In the front of the ship was the pilot, a Pegasus decked out in a full-body Exo, with an Auto Rifle by his side and a Light Pistol holstered under his right arm. Just in case of trouble. He glanced back at the squad and spoke to the changeling in the distinctive armour and long coat of a Librarian, his helmet lending an electrical distortion to his voice.


“We’re approaching the drop zone, ma’am. Estimated at 10 minutes ‘til landing.”


Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Thank you Soilder."
Sai nodded to the armoured stallion, showing that she acknowledge him and what he said, though while actually responding to him left that redundant, it was polite anyway. 

She looked at the team the Citadel had given her. As librarian, she was the squad leader, and had to look after everyone and any artifacts they came by down on the ground. She was the only one with any significant knowledge on them, and she also knew a little bit about the ground as well. 

@@Laserbolt@@@@The Shadow Stallion@@@Archi the Atmomancer@@FractalMoon@@Commander Tangent

"Everyone, we have about 10 minutes till drop down. I would suggest that you all get to know one another now before we hit ground."

Sai decided that if everybody at least knew someone else's name, things might go a little smoother on the ground. 

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Rusty bounced a little in her seat. This is so exciting! I wonder what we're gonna find down there! Ooh, I should probably ask what I'm allowed to have. 

@Commander Tangent

She nudged Agnus, the only pony she knew on the drop ship. If she had to know somepony, she'd prefer to know the guy she was working for. "Hey, what do you suppose we're gonna find down there? Do we get to keep any of it?" She gave him a grin, eagerly awaiting a positive response. She started fiddling with her pulse rifle, trying to figure out how to turn the safety off.

Thank you for the Avatar, Mr. Clockwork!

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Bulawayo sighed, and adjusted his collar on his uniform and looked about on his modified rifle.

The ANJ 12 was an original design for the beginning auto rifle. Modified now with a longer barrel and AKOG-D marksman scope, this former rifle now has long range capabilities.


Bulawayo snorted as he slapped in a thermal clip into the feeder chamber.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Agnus looked around the inside of the ship, the glowing blue eyes that were it's optics flickering as they processed visual information for it. Agnus checked all of the equipment that was secured to it, making sure it's main weapon was still in good shape, and that his tranquilizer gun was correctly secured. Everything seemed to be in good order. Scanning the rest of the crew quickly, Agnus too the suggestion of librarian.


"I am Agnus Dei, our team scientist" It said, trying to emulate a smile to the rest of the crew. The voice Agnus emitted sounded mostly like a stallion, though mechanically distorted. Inside of it's mechanical cranium, Agnus ran many system checks, making sure it was at 100 % for the coming mission.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Frozen looks up from her rifle for a moment to sweep her eyes across the collection of people who were her team members. She checks her rifle once, then again, then decides to field-strip it and make sure it's clear of jams and defects. With a practiced ease that belies rote routine she dissembles the weapon, examines every piece, and puts it back together. After she secures the final pin to her rifle she turns her attention back to her teammates.


She forces a smile, "Hello there everyone, I'm Frozen Reverie, and I guess I'm one of the two weapon specialists assigned to this operation. If there are any problems you have with your weapons  or other equipment I can probably help you..."


She looks down at the surface, "So are we touching down, or are we dropping ropes and never touching the surface?" She asks curiously, wondering what this strange new world will be like.

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Rusty pouts for a moment, a little annoyed at being ignored. Annoyance quickly gives way to jubilation, as she registers Agnus' voice. A huge grin spreads across her face, and she proceeds to lean far too close to Agnus, and let forth a torrent of joy and admiration flavored with a Trottish accent.

@Commander Tangent

"You're a robot?! That's amazing! Wait, are all the Rangers robots? I've heard stories about that, you know. It seems so crazy, but it's even weirder that it might be true, you know?" She stops to take a deep breath, then continues. "So, what are we looking for, huh?"

Edited by Laserbolt

Thank you for the Avatar, Mr. Clockwork!

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Cosmic peered at the holographic displays showing the world around them. This horrible wasteland was absolutely vile in comparison to the "old Equestria" he had read about in the history books. The joy, the color, and the life had seemingly been sucked from the environment. It was the stuff of nightmares. Cosmic buried his face in his hands for a moment, deep in thought. After about 20 seconds, his head rose back up.


"Might as well get ta know some of these guys..." He mumbled.




Cosmic looked up at her. "Hi Ms. Reverie. I'm Cosmic Flare, your fellow weapon specialist. I believe we are in fact gonna actually touch down on the ground for a while." He said, also forcing a smile and offering a hand to shake.

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Bulawayo approached to the squad leader.

"Field Medic." He stated, he leaned in and whispered to her.

"I've gotten your report on your condition. I'm keeping track." He finished.

"I am Bulawayo." He returns to his normal tone.

"Am I the only field medic with this squadron?" He asked.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Frozen's smile becomes a bit more genuine as she recognizes her fellow weapon specialist, "Hello there, it's nice to meet you Mr. Flare." She shakes his hand, "Ah, good to know that we're properly setting down, it means if things go south extra fast we'll have someone to casevac us." Her gaze slowly floats to her counterpart's equipment, "What are you carrying? I had to give the guys in procurement a small king's ransom to bring my own gear on this op, but you can never be too sure..." 

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Sai nodded to the medic after he introduced himself and told her that he knew about it. She acknowledge it, and that was it on the subject. She replied to the medics question though, not bothering to introduce herself since she figured the medic already knew her name. 

"I believe that there is another medic with us in the squad. A young one, earning experience here on the mission with us. I hope you do her well by keeping her safe and alive, along with everyone else in the squadron. There's also an assistant for the Robotic Scientist that's young too, so make sure she stays alive too, she's also getting experience from us also."

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"Oh, me?" He said, examining his rifle. "Standard issue auto rifle. I'm cool with it as long as it can shoot. Although, your stuff looks quite deadly." Cosmic put a hand on his holstered pistol. "A light pistol, just in case." Finally, he displayed his grenade launcher. "Frag, incendiary, smoke, and corrosive rounds." His gaze drifted downwards to another pony - a medic.




"How about you? What's your name?" He asked in a rather curious manner.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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The cards rose and fell in his talons, shuffled repeatedly for seemingly no good reason. Each time was the same: three turns, cut the deck and smooth the edges. It wasn't anything important in the grand scheme of things, but cards made Etmas feel better - something that he could put faith into to be on his side, but still maintains a degree of control over. He liked how they felt too, this particular deck being new and straight-edged, cold and smooth and silky all at the same time.




These things strips of plasticard had always felt so elegant, so right in his hands. Sure, he carried dice and coins, but the cards were a strong favourite pastime for idle talons. They didn't 'shuffle' - in his talons, they 'flowed' like a liquid smoothly back into themselves.




Abruptly, he stopped. The deck vanished into its pack as the Griffon stepped forwards. He had listened for a while, but was too impatient to simply sit on the sidelines. Smirking, he cocked his head slightly to the left and raised a brow knowingly.





"I'd wager we'll be setting down for a while." He commented, running a talented hand through the feathers atop his head as he eyed the others with mixed feelings. A military Rifle was securely fastened to his back: secure and professionally - a stark contrast to the heavy revolver that hung by his hip in a loose fitting belt. The end result was... somewhat jarring, to say the least: a kind of mishmash of modern soldier and ancient cowboy gunslinger from and old western storybook.


"That's how they like to play, right? Nice and safe..." The Griffon shook his head, eyes twinkling their slightly mismatched colours. Clearly, he didn't lack confidence. "Names Etmas. Etmas May - it's my job to stop you lot from going all in on a bad hand. A pleasure, and all that."

Never quite forgotten.

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He nodded.


Great, the pressure was already on him. Not because of his importance but now high priority members were among them.


He rechecked his transfusion vials. Plenty enough.for most accident and firefight issues. Bulawayo approached to the holoscreen.

"The old world." He whispered to himself.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Cosmic once again shifted his attention towards somepony else. "Ah, you're our hunter I presume. Stealthy. Precise. Deadly. Or something like that." He stuck out his hand. "Cosmic Flare. Me and this one here-"

He motioned to Frozen. "-will be blowing some stuff up meanwhile. Good to know that someone who looks like he knows what he's doing is gonna be covering us. What's with the cards, though?"

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Agnus tilted it's head at the question. " Yes, I am a cybernetic recreation of pony life......or a robot if you prefer. I didn't think that many people knew about me, but I guess I could be wrong on that. I think we are gonna find something interesting at the least.....maybe something I could bring back to the lab" the machine pony said, extending a hand to the mare, " And I beleive this is what you call.... a "hand-shake" ? "

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Once she realized she was being spoken to, the second Medic stopped fiddling with the purple crystal on her collar and got flustered trying to respond. "Uh, M-my name's Faith. I'm a Medic and...um..."


Her words were spoken softly, not exactly what you'd expect from a soldier, but she wouldn't be here if she didn't know what she was doing. She didn't seem to make eye contact with anyone and started fiddling with the crystal again, looking visibly nervous at the amount of people. She felt like an outsider here. One of the youngest, so there'd be ponies and others here judging her.


"I-I haven't had much experience yet, but I promise I won't let you down."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Frozen nods, "Pleasure to meet you Etmas. I suppose my colleague and I will be making sure the things that get too close for that rifle of yours stop moving and stay like that." 


She turns back to Cosmic, "Well, looks like between us we've got all the bases covered grenade wise. I've got a couple spare flares, three flash-bangs for any situation where they may come in handy, High Explosives for destroying cover, and 3 experimental grenades I don't think I'm allowed to talk about right now. They're pretty cool to watch though, so I think that they may come in handy for this operation. Does anyone know what exactly our mission is?" She asks curiously.

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"You should go ask the squad leader." Cosmic said, motioning to Sai.




"That's okay. I'm relatively new as well. I'm sure you'll do great." He said, turning back to Faithful and smiling warmly. "Your voice is very gentle. I kinda like that." Cosmic's eyes focused on her crystal. "Anyways... nice necklace you got there. Did your parents give it to you or something?"

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Something like that, yeah. Etmas smirked, grasping the offered hand firmly with his own - careful as ever to avoid causing any injuries with the shard edges of his talons. "I shoot things, their odds go down and ours go up. As for the cards..."


He shrugged, though still maintained his grin.


"I like cards. Doesnt have to be a story to everything, y'know?"


As the girl responded, Etmas stepped back to give the congregation some space. He nodded in acknowledgement of the one called frozen, before reclining against a wall and resuming the flowing dance of the cards between his hands.


There were too many voiced weighing in here: better to listen, get a feel for the players before placing his bets. And get a look at them, for that matter...

Never quite forgotten.

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Frozen looks over to their squad leader, "Excuse me ma'am, but what exactly is our objective? I wasn't informed of the operational parameters of this mission, just that we were coming to the surface and I should come loaded for bear..." She looks unsure, "This is just routine reconnaissance, right?" 

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Bulawayo observed the crew looking for his fellow medic. Along the holoscreen he examined the crew catalog noting each one of the roles, and spotting Faiths name and her occupation. Ears perked and alert. Looking amongst he looked upon one of the mares.



Bulawayo approached, kneeling down to the small unicorn not wanting to seem intimidating.

"Hello. Is your name Faith? " he asks, he already knew the answer but wanting to make impression.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"No Miss Frozen, this isn't. The Citadel itself  wanted this mission done, hence why they sent me along. They picked up a signal on the ground from a powerful artifact, we're going down to see that it's not too dangerous, and possibly to even collect it so that the other librarians up in the Citadel can study it. Hence why we may need something powerful to back us up."

Sai responded to the mare that had introduced herself as the weapon specialist, making sure to give her the answer that she was told when she had asked her questions back at the Citadel. 

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"Um...no. My parents died when I was little, but my brother took care of me. This was a gift, but the chain broke. Then he got me this choker...collar thing, and its hung there all this time. It's something to remember him by when he's out on the surface. Do you know Sergeant Assured Gambit? He's a Striker class." She asked, hoping that this pony did know him.





Of course, it was interrupted when the older medic addressed her. "Y-yes. My name is Faith. You're the senior Medic?" She asked hesitantly. In her mind she could already her one of Gambit's cheesy lines.


'Don't worry about what they're sayin', Sis, and don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you.'


Her mind was set at ease a little just thinking of her brother and his constant overacting. Though she hadn't seen him in a while. Almost 4 months now.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Frozen nods, "Alright, good to know. Do we have any idea where the artifact is, what it is exactly, or what the situation around it is? Are we going to get any heavier support, preferably a gunship or three? I've only read about the surface in history books, so I don't have any idea what down there is really like..." She nervously fondles the grip of her pistol, "What exactly is it like? The surface that is.." She asks curiously


Frozen realizes in the back of her mind that she's probably asking questions a few steps above her pay grade, but she doesn't pay it any mind. After all, the Citadel must be desperate if it's sending rookies and assistants on a mission as critical as this. Given the nature of the mission, maybe her SO wouldn't mind telling her such things, or escalating the questions to someone who could.

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