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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Luna blinked. "Oh, I almost forgot," she said, using her magic. A crown appeared on his head, similar to Luna's, but more masculin. "There." She smiled.


Midnight glanced at him. -Wow he's cute...- she thought to herself.


Lunar blinked, taking the sword. She unsheathed it, looking at it's glowing pulse. "Oh wow..." A thought then clicked in her head. "Wait, is this what you were working on earlier???"


Celestia smiled. "Me too, my dear Chronos..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Nooooo mom can I please burn it or did you magically put frekin enchaments so I can't" he asks as he looks down a little embarrassed. He couldn't help it Now he's yet again stepped back into the role of full royalty again. He continues walking with her. "I assume I sit with you at the dining hall?"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Aurora wakes and gets out of bed stretching. She then heads out to find every pony else. When she see the group she notices a new pony with a crown. "Umm..and who may I ask are you, Lord?" Aurora bows respectfully to Flare. She then follows everypony to where they are going.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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((Thank you for moving me along while I was gone XD))

Novel gulps and mutters "I'll be fine. But in my bag there is a small pouch. In the pouch are vials of liquids. One has a milky white color too it. I need you to add two drops into my drink". Her voice was quiet and here eyes were tightly shut, as if in fear

Edited by strideralchemy
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Chronos waited for Celestia to walk through the door way before following. He looked at her and said "Shall we go to the dining hall" He asked her. He smiled as he held out his left foreleg to escort her. He hoped his armor wasn't going to be a problem, knowing that the chainmail could make it a little uncomfortable.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna giggled, looking at Aurora. "This is my son, Lightening Flair." She thought him getting embarrassed was adorable.


Seth nodded, taking out the pouch and the vile, adding two drops to her glass of water.


Celestia nodded, walking out and taking his foreleg. "Such a gentlecolt," she mused, smiling.


Midnight blushed, walking inside.


Lunar smiled brightly. Unable to contain her excitement, she wrapped him up in a giant hug. "Thank you so much! I love it!" she exclaimed.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He nodded blushing a deeper red when she bowed to flair he couldn't help but quietly sulk. He knew his mother was taking enjoyment in his embaressments *it only gets worse from here* he thought to himself as he enters the dinning room. His dark red eyes scanning the place *crap its packed too abort mission abort mission* he thought but his stomach said otherwise

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Novel cracked open her eyes to reach for the cup and take a sip, shaking slightly. Darnit she hates being weak to fear! The aroma of peppermint fills the hall, the potent aroma calming her nausea. She let out a heavy sigh and opened her eyes, looking at the others with a calm look on her face. There was still a hint of fear in her eyes from the sights she saw moments ago

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Luna quickly followed after him, siting down in her seat. "Have a seat, son."


Midnight blinked, noticing Flair. She bowed. "Good afternoon, your highness..."


Seth blinked, smiling when Flair walked in. He bowed respectfully.


Lunar kept Steel in the embrace.


Celestia continued to walk.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos walked with her to the dining hall. He looked at her and said "I was trained in more then just fighting." He said as a reply to her complement and looked forward. He was trained in Chivalry at a young age, It was in short, the art of being a gentlecolt.  He smiled as they walked.

Edited by Times Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Novel sat back in her seat and blushed "S-sorry about that Seth" She mumbled, and looked away. That was embarrassing for her. She felt uneasy, knowing that pony is on their team for the fight. She did not trust them at all. Such power is a huge threat and she does not feel safe

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He sat down stareing at the table blushing a deeper shade of red. He couldnt belive his mother was making him sit next to her in front of all these ponies as he sighs wondering what is for dinner tonight he looks at the ponies fileing in trying to get his mind off of the fact he is probably going to be the center of attention which he was trying to avoid HEAVILY.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Aurora took her place and sat as well. She looks around and smiles. Aurora looks ready to eat and waits for the others. "We never knew mother had a son. It is an honor to meet you. We are Midnight Aurora." Aurora says as both Midnight and Aurora. She nods again out of respect.

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"y-yes, its a long story" He stammers as he was blushing even more now looking down at the table. "Sorry ive been away from canterlot for so long, so being treated like royalty is something i can never get used to" He admits as he blushes, well might as well try and get used to it for now he thinks.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Midnight blushed, sitting down. She wasn't used to such attention. "Th-thank you..." she stammered.


Lunar nodded, sheathing the sword and walking into the dinning hall, taking her place next to Flair.


Celestia smiled, sitting down by Luna. She looked at Flair. "I see you finally put your crown back on, nephew," she laughed.


Seth smiled, nuzzling her quickly. "I'll be right outside in the hallway if you need me," he said, kissing her hoof before walking out. As a guard member, he was not allowed to be a part of their dinners.


Luna stood up, clearing her throat. "Mares and gentlecolts, I am pleased to announce the return of my son, Lightening Flair!"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He blushes and gives Aunt tia a death glare of embaressment. "Yeah i thought i lost this thing a long time ago looks like mother makes spares" He whispers.

Then that embaressing announcement came

Lightning flairs mouth just dropped as he looked up at his mother. "Thanks mother" He whispers harshly as his cheeks where now dark read as he looked down his mouth now closed, he hopes he didnt have to say another speech like he used to or he would call bullcrap on this one.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Chronos had never really had been part of one of these large dinners before, the closest he had ever gotten to it was when him, the general, and some of the other bodyguards drank what ever drinks they could loot after a Victorious seige. He sat down at the table and removed his helmet and pulled down his mail coif. He looked at Luna as she stood up. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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She opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly. She would not make a scene. Her expression saddened at his leave, enjoying his company. Without another pony to talk to she pulled out the three books she had found on the empire and set them on the table slowly and looked at the door where Seth had left

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Luna looked at everypony. "I know I have negleted to mention I have one, and let me explain. This is the first time he's been home in fifty years. Equestria has since forgotten he even exists. I didn't even expect him to come home, so I hadn't bothered telling anypony about him. Lunar, Celestia and I are the only ones who know about him."


Midnight blinked, looking up. "I-It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness..." she said with a shy smile.


Lunar giggled, nudging him with her hoof. "Get up and say hi," she said, sticking her tongue out.


Celestia smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, I'm sure everypony would love for you to introduce yourself."


Seth sighed, sitting down in the hall. He felt lonely again, and he didn't like it. It took all of his will power not to burst through those doors and kiss those sweet lips one more time.

(Yes I plan on making Seth and actual OC lol)

  • Brohoof 1

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He sighs collecting what courage he had left Might as well get this over with He thinks his heart is pounding pretty intensely as he gets up and stands up. "My name is lightning flair" He winces at the highness comment. "As mother done stated i haven't been around in a long time, i have been away doing some other things around equestria, i have kept my wings hidden so i look like a unicorn. Please call me Flair, if you would please" He says blushing a little darker. "I am not used to other ponies calling me 'your highness' or 'prince'. Please treat me like you would your friends" He says as he smiles. "My job is usually controlling Lightning so it dosn't hurt anypony," he continues . He was sweating pretty badly. "That is all" He sits back down doing the best he can to not hide behind his mother like he used to. The alicorn looks like he is 20 years old but in reality he is about 1000 years old.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Novel looked at the princesses, interested in the prince. She's never seen or heard of him before and was intrigued. Fifty years? She wonders. That's a long time for somepony to be away for. She kept her eyes on him, curious as to what he would do with the spotlight

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Chronos looked at Flair as he spoke. He had one thought on his mind '50 years? He is older then he looks... Something we have in common.' He thought. He then looked at the others. He had his own thoughts about each and everyone of them, He then looked at Grell and Steel. He kept an eye on them.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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