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private Too Old To Be A Blank Flank


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"that was an outcome I did not expect would ever happen" Chain sighs and gets up from the table after he finishes his dinner. Well I cant do much to stop her and I think I might make it even make it worst if I do Chain thought to himself. Chain goes to his room and waits outside thinking I may never figure out Stormys problem but I can atleast try and find out those two ponys deal, they don't seem like they fit here

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Stormy sighed as she started to head towards the beach,"So much for having a comfy place to sleep tonight I guess I'll just head to the beach for now and find some place tucked away to sleep and follow the coast in the morning until I see Baltimare then head in land after I stop there." she said mumbling to herself as she tried to get back on track with her plans. She could see the beach wasn't gonna be a far walk but she still wanted to be causious and stuck to the shadows as she walked along the harbor. It had been a while since she had stayed the night on the beach and the idea of if was a bit of a pick me up for her.

Edited by LoCrois
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The earth pony rolled out of the mattress and collapsed on the floor. "Ughhhhh" He groaned to himself, before getting up and grabbing his uniform. Dogboots changed out of his pajamas and into his jumpsuit and vest. The stallion gathered a variety of gardening tools in a bucket and then carried them outside. He trotted around the log cabin to where his shining jewel was located. A variety of foods grew in this garden. Potatoes, carrots, lettuce and tomatoes grew from the large patch of soil. Decorating around the vegetable garden were pots with various flowers such as roses, lilies and daisies. Yet still, it seemed like more could be done.


Dogboots trotted back inside to grab one more thing to enrich this experience. After a short while the stallion returned with a radio dangling from it's handle which was in his mouth. Dogboots remembered spending half of his entire salary from his previous job in Fillydelphia to obtain the radio. He set the device down and configured it to his favorite radio station.


"After working for three weeks straight, I finally don't have to work tonight. Finally I can relax," He said before the sound of classical music from the Royal Canterlot Symphony played over the radio.

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After finishing his order, Shadow decided to go find a place to stay. Since he preffered to sleep during the day to be able to make it throught night and be able to stargaze, he went outside and sitted against a three not too far from the Inn to be able to intervene if something bad happened.


The night sky was perfect today. All the stars were visible, and the moon beautifully shined. "A perfect night to stargaze, thanks Luna" he said out loud with a pleased grin, until he realized the last part and hoped no one had heard.  


He just stayed there, happily seeing the sky, still making quick glances to the Inn to make sure everything was alright.

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Lightning didn't bother getting a room, he doubted he would sleep. He cleaned up everything he had put on the table, and walked outside. He walked outside and walked down to the beach. He walked to the end of the main wharf and sat down with his legs hanging over the side. He looked out at the peaceful ocean.

"Beautiful." He smiled.

But that wasn't the only reason he didn't sleep. He wanted to make sure nothing bad happened. He had a bad feeling about the ponies in the Inn.



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While standing Chain remembers that he left his bag next to the table and goes to get it while down stairs he sees the wierd ponys still waiting for a room and the place cleared out it was like 12:00 at night Chain thought. as Chain got his bag he noticed something on the table, it was a very folded up map no dought from that misterious Stormy. Better give this to her hopefuly I can catch the other ponys sometime else. Chain then from outside The Inn from where Stormy climbed out he was thinking that his novice magic could atleast track a magic sence of where Stormy went and a line of mist signifying a magic trail appered from the window down to the beach. Chain follows the line and finds Stormy sleeping or he thinks she is sleeping he writes a massage in the corner of the map sighing it with his signature then puts it on her bags next to her. "good night Stormy I hope we meet agian, you seem intresting" Chain says silently and leaves to go back to The Inn.


(now time to update Chain to say he is a novice magic pony from all the free time he has at the forge, not many ponys go there to buy armor and stuff)

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Ember finally manages to find Stormy and slowly and calmly walks towards her and says in a sweet voice, "Um...hello...my name is Ember, and this is my older brother Snowflake...we are travelers exploring Equestria. I apologize if we freaked you out earlier....I truly do. What is your name?"

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Shadow realized that most of the ponies that were inside the Inn started heading somewhere else. He got back on his hooves and started following them until they stopped on the beach. Seemingly most of them were interested in that pegasus for some unknown reason.

He decided to stay there instead, so he layed down behind some piles of sand and started watching over those ponies. He knew something was wrong, but he preffered to wait and see.

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Stromy had been mostly asleep when Chain came by and didn't notice him right off the bat but now she had someone talking at her which made her wake up more to see Ember and Snowflake making her groan as she got up and started to walk a little,"Ask your brother he knows he's also the reason I took the window as my exit....didn't you think I'd find it odd that he's looking for me then someone joins him also seeking me...no one looks for me." she sighed looking back at them being very tired and thought that at least she would have been able to get some sleep before they found her again, she was sleeping in bushes just off the beach.

  • Brohoof 1
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"there is no need to lie to her Ember she can know who we are but only her" Snowflake says in a calming voice "Don't worry we aren't assassins" Snowflake then mutters quietly "or at least not today" he continues "we were hired not to do any harm to you but to help you" Snowflake pulls out a contract "you may find this hard to believe but we were hired by.... you 20 years in the future in our timezone" Snowflake shows Stormy the contract "this contract states that we are to assist you in anyway possible it was signed by you as well. We have already been paid so no need to compensate"




This contract states that you are accepting the assists of The Shadow Bolt Mercenary Unit by hiring Snowflake Frostflame and Ember Frostflame to ensure your safety and assisting you in your adventures. in return Snowflake Frostflame and Ember Frostflame will both be compensated 500 bits each before they begin their mission.



Sign here and dot it with your blood        




                                                                Stormy Clouds.


Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Stormy looked over the contract being rather skeptical,"I reject the contract....If I wrote signed it I can void it as well when you go back make sure to get your money or don't I don’t' care but I'm not sure what to tell you cause based on Starswirls study of time lines it's very hard for anyone to get them accurately unless you were a unicorn specifically born with time magic beside me fate is my own and I'm assuming by you being here that I was never successful in fixing my problem or I was and the future me from your time line wants to insure that it does happen and maybe sooner then it's supposed too and by that logic for me it's still not your problem this is a journey for myself whether I die, live, succeed or fail that's up to me is it not?" she asked curiously showing she had been doing lots of research along the way as she traveled.

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Chain passed by the two hooded ponys when he was walking back to The Inn and thought that those ponys were going to where Stromy was. I don't want to be a nosey pony but this could be the only time I can find out about them Chain thought as well then slowly followed the ponys to Stormy useing a camo spell to hid from them but he still could only hear mumbles from them untill one pulled out what seemed to be a contract Chain wanted to see it so he made it look like wind came from nowhere and made the contract fly to him but made sure the sheet did not stay near him to long and let it go. what he saw was weird, time travel? this pony must be important for some reason he dug him self in a hole might as well dig deeper how knows you might just find gold in it!

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Snowflake angrily says "That's not how my business works you signed and doted with your own blood once you dot it there is no going back even if it was you 20 years from now!" Snowflake walks away a bit trying to calm down "I can just return to my timezone anytime I want and keep your payment, but I'm not greedy so weather you like it or not we will be watching until our side of the agreement is finished.... you have no idea what kind of situation your putting us in you see if we go back to our time and return the money and cancel the contract that makes our whole business look like a failure not to mention it puts us behind 1000 bits or we could keep the money for ourselves and not return it and it will completely screw you over 20 years from now which isn't good for business.... now do you understand?"


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Stormy to a deep breath and let it out as she sighed,"No not really, your business isn't really any of mine or at least not for the next 20 years from a possible different time line....for all you know you could be talking to a version of myself that never hires you my future could be completely different from hers and just because we meet now doesn't mean I'll seek you out in my future in fact I'm I could completely avoid getting involved with you all together I'm sure and the only reason nothing has changed yet is because I have yet to choose that path.....and now you must convince me not too to send you away and take a different path then originally ordained by your futures time stamp you better start being honest with me cause knowing myself I wouldn't just send 2 random Unicorns to help me unless it was for a specific reason...so what's your answer?" She asked as she sat there with a raised eye brow.

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"you never really specified but regardless how you feel we will be watching over you, you can make this easy for us and see us as your friends, or make it difficult for us and see us as shadows stalking your every move" Snowflake takes out his pocket watch "the multiverse theory doesn't apply with this the only thing that applies is timeline so if I were to return to my timezone you would still be the same and you would of been expecting us to of done something" Snowflake turns around and says one last thing to Ember "if there is anything you want to say that may help us you should, I will be return to the Inn" Snowflake begins walking towards the Inn


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Ember smiles sadly at Stormy, her bright blue eyes shining in understanding. She than calmly says "I understand how you feel Stormy...I really do...both me and my brother understand more than you will ever know. I know how you feel, if I was in your situation I would feel the same exact way. Did you know that I didn't get my cutie mark until I was 15? And Snowflake didn't get his cutie mark until 16? We were complete laughingstocks until we actually got our cutie marks...look all I am saying is we want to help you...we really do...also Stormy if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here okay?" Ember than turns around and catches up with Snowflake, leaving Stormy alone in her thoughts.

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Stormy still didn't understand them and wasn't going to try to right now at least,"If you're smart you'll follow my tracks in the morning after you wake!" she called out and walked off a bit further down the beach leaving her tracks in the sand as she went to go find a new place to sleep for the night already being far more off track than she had planed to be that day making her groan a bit,"I'm sure I'm not gonna get ride of those two easily." she huffed mumbling to herself.

  • Brohoof 1
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After watching over for a few minutes, Shadow noticed that the two hooded unicorns from before started talking with the pegasi once again. They showed some kind of... Contract...

The pegasi looked utterly confused, and after talking for a few moments she yelled something and started walking away.

"Those two seem to have business with that pegasi... I should follow her" He mumbled, and started cautiously following her at a safe distance

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Snowflake watches Stormy take off down the beach he then walks up to Ember and says "she is so ignorantly foolish its actually starting to get under my skin. Can't we just...." as Snowflake was saying that he begins to sheathe his syringe knife. he then looks at the expression on his sisters face "what I was only kidding... but next time she tries to run from us I'm freezing her hooves and win...." Snowflake pauses "something isn't right..." Snowflake observes his surroundings and notices nothing he then takes off his eye patch activating his second vision he then notices somepony who seemed to be spying on them "I knew it we are being watched" Snowflake puts his eye patch back on and teleports Chain in front of him "don't think I didn't see you... explain yourself what are you doing watching us..."

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Stormy walked a bit further before flying up into a tree this time resting on the top and scanning the area to make sure that she'd be left alone this time while she tried to get some sleep and saw Shadow Beam walking down the beach and groaned a bit,"Please don't be some other weirdo following me I don't know how much more of this I can take..." she sighed and settled in watching him. Thinking that is push came to shove she could just fly up higher and sleep in the clouds tonight and make sure no one else finds her.

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Shadow kept following the pegasi. After a few minutes she flew over a three and placed herself on it's top, taking no time in realizing that he was there. He quickly thought about using the teleportation. But he dismissed this possibity since he didn't practiced enough. 

Also, he didn't really want to look like one of those wierd hooded unicorns, so he decided to decided to finally introduce himself. After carefully thinking his words, at the end it was his uneasy self (That showed it's presence every time he spoke with somepony he didn't knew) who started talking.

"Hum... Hi" he said, feeling like facehoofing with all his might. "At least I hope she answers..."

Edited by ShadowBeam
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Stormy sighted and rested her cheek on her hoof as she just laid there,"If you're with the cloacked weirdo's who were hired to spy on me you can just go away I done dealing with you guys for now." she said sound rather annoyed at the moment, but she did notice he wasn't all cloaked up like the other two and just hoped he was a passer by and not some other guy here for his own weird reasons.

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Shadow was confused, "Hired by who to do what...?" He mumbled. It kinda explained those two unicorns and how interested they were on her, but still it was a strange situation.

He finally spoke "I don't know those two ponies". He sitted on the ground and added "What did they want?"

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Stormy let a small sigh of relief,"Nothing for you to worry about I'll be fine...and don't worry about them either they aren't out to hurt me...welllll so far they aren't and I don't know it's no one I know personally." she said being somewhat honest since she wouldn't know what she's like in the future and why her future self was doing this it was really starting to both her even give her a head ache even.

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"Well... If you say so..." Shadow was relieved to hear that apparently those unicorns meant no harm and turned around to leav. But still he felth that something was a bit off. 

"I'm going to stay around here for tonight. I won't sleep, so if something strange happens let me know" He said while walking off to search for a place to spend the night. He found a little spot where he could stargaze peacefully and layed down on his back. Quickly enough every thought left his mind as the sight of the stars and the moon brought him to the most complete peace.

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