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open It's a Nice Day in Invermare(Casual SoL/Romance)


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"It wouldn't surprise me really. There are some unicorns who can't use magic and some pegasi who are unable to fly." He said to the other pony, which come to think of the stallion never knew who she was.


"Speaking of which, what's your name?" He asked addressing Wind. 

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@, @@thor9356,

"Oh, me? My name is Icy Wind, but I'd prefer to just be called Wind." Wind said. I forgot to introduce myself? Well that's a bit awkward... But it's fine, I'm sure other ponies do that all the time. Wind thought, totally forgetting to tell them her name until the stallion brought it up.


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"Nice to meet you, Icy. If you don't mind me asking. It seems awfully strange that you don't mind changelings. Most ponies would ostracize Muata or worse," He said before turning to Muata.


"No offense Muata, just stating probability here." The earth pony said to the changeling, he didn't like making anypony feel like a target.


"Is there a reason?" He inquired towards Icy.

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[OOC: Sorry for the late join c;]

Lightning awoke to the sounds of the hustle and bustle of the ponies on the streets outside his first, and new home. 

He yawned and stretched his hooves.

He felt very groggy, and didn't find any reason of him having to get up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I was this lazy." He chuckled.

He swiftly stood and stretched to his full height, trudging slowly to his new bathroom.

After he was done waking up, he opened his front door and stepped outside.

"Wonder who I'll meet today.." He said as he walked out to the street...


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"Well, unfortunately, I am alone right now." He grinned, "I'd love to find new band mates if there are any, though. Don't suppose you could play anything?" He said, maintaining his grin, and raising an eyebrow.






Muata casually shrugged at the Stallion's comment. He was indeed correct, she wouldn't argue it.

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"Well the attack on Canterlot may have made them seem evil, but they had their reasons and I'm not going to judge them because of that. Even if everypony else disagrees with me, I'll continue to think the way I do." Wind said. She had thought out her excuse completely before, so it was easy to make it sound believable.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@bronislav84,@@Filthy Cropper,  

Sunrise smiled gratefully at the stallion as she sat down and listened with curiosity as the mare talked about her little companion. She watched with great interest as it brought them orange juice. 
"You invented it- er, him? That's amazing," she said, facing the mare. "I couldn't do something like that."
What about us? Well, I just got here last night. I'm considering moving here, actually. My family moved around a lot when I was young, and I remember we lived here for a little while. I've been living in Canterlot for the past few years, but It's not for me."
She took a bite of her food. Pretty good. It tasted home-y, unlike most of Canterlot's fancy-schmancy food.
After swallowing, she smiled again. "Anyway, I don't think I properly introduced myself. My name's Sweet Sunrise. What're your names?"

On the outskirts of Invermare, a pony in a cloak could be seen walking into town. The cloak was plain, colored a dull, dark brown. It easily covered most of her body, including her tail and cutie mark. The hood of the cloak was pulled up, casting shade on her downturned face and covering most of her mane, as well as her ears. The blue-gray mare bore two saddlebags.
As she got into town, she ignored the ponies busting about. She couldn't tell the time, but she figured it was pretty early in the morning. 
She very nearly got hit by a door as the pony behind it opened it, but backed up quickly enough that she avoided being hit in the face. However, she did trip up, and fell to her flank on the sidewalk, the hood of her cloak flying up away from her face. A few apples and a bit bag flew out of one of her saddlebags. She scrambled to her hooves and started collecting her things, paying no mind to the stallion that had walked out of the door. 
"Great. Now the apples are all bruised," she huffed to herself as she inspected one of the apples that had fallen on the sidewalk. "What a start to the day."


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The stallion's ears perked for a moment at the statement "they had their reasons". He eyed Wind for a brief moment, though her explanation and tone of voice was very convincing, it didn't seem right. However, he decided not to pursue it further.


"I see...well I have to get my wagon back to my cottage. It's on the outskirts of town and I need to drop off my stuff before I can come back here, so I guess i'll see you around then." He said before hitching the wagon and making his way back home. Dogboots stopped briefly and turned to Muata


"If you need a place to crash or more food, feel free to visit me and i'll set you up all right?" He said offering the changeling, before heading out.

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@@Mint Drop

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Lightning knelt down to help the mare pick up the apples.

"Do you want me to buy you some new apples, or lend you a few bits for your troubles? I had no idea you were there." Lightning felt horrible, the first thing he does in his new town is ruin someone's morning.

"I'm not used to this amount of busy people, anyway what's your name?" He said smiling.


  • Brohoof 1


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"No, um, that's okay," the unicorn said. When the apples were safely back in her saddlebag, she turned to face him, but kept her face downturned. She hadn't realized yet that her hood was off of her head; the scar on her cheek and her ripped ear were quite obvious now. 
"I'm... I'm Kisu," she mumbled.  She looked rather downtrodden, but in reality she just wasn't comfortable talking to a stallion.

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Ughhhhhhhh, my head.......vhat time ish it....." Imperial muttered under his breath as the morning light rose him from his hangover state. Slowly Imperial dragged himself from his bed and inspected the clock by the window "UGH, Mornings thou art a heartless mistress" He turned around and looked mournfully at his bed, he stepped close to it and rubbed it longingly "Auf wiedersehen meine liebe frau."

After 10 minutes of moping about in his room Imperial fixed himself a mean coffee and sat down to a meal of eggs so greasy they glistened

"Gotta remember to lay of ze naughty vater, i should have opened mein stall by now." He took a sip of his coffee "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, good coffee. Ze kind zat, in a pinch, you can use as paint remover." 

Shorty after, Imperial emerged from his house wearing his apron "Guttentag miene pony friends, what mundane adventures shall happen today, ja?" Imperial chuckled under his breath and started at a quick trot towards his stall. Although it was quite common for him to be late to open on a Saturday he still felt bad for all the ponies being denied the bitter sweet nectar of life.

Halfway through his morning commute Imperial saw a two ponies talking, ponies he'd not seen before. He slowed his rushed pace and ambled towards them.

@ @@Mint Drop

"Guten Morgen, I can not say I have seen izier of you around town before. My name is  Kaiserlich, but if you'd rather Imperial will do. It is alvays a pleasure to meet new ponies."


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Kisu shuffled uncomfortably as another stallion approached them, eyes trained on her hooves. Were they mares, she would be much less awkward, but she would just have to deal with it.
"Uh... Well, I can't speak for him," she said, gesturing at the other stallion. "but the reason you've never seen me before is because I, um, just got in town."

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@@bronislav84 and @@Mint Drop,


Lorem continued eating and nodded gently with respect as he listened to Lektra's story. She'd done a very good job of making a potentially complicated idea something that could be understood by anyone. He looked at Sparky at smiled as he drank from his cup; he'd never seen anything like it and the novelty appealed to him.

By the time Lektra had finished talking about Sparky, Lorem had finished his breakfast. He wiped some jam from his upper lip with a napkin, pulled his plate towards himself and stacked his glass on top. "He's certainly a curious thing," Lorem said. "It must have taken a very long time to make."

After Lektra had finished talking about why she was in Invermare, Lorem spoke. "My name's Lorem Ipsum and it's a pleasure to meet all three of you. I'm from Manehatten and him for a holiday. Work's awfully hard to come by in Manehatten right now so I figured I'd go some quieter and wait for more to turn up."

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Sunrise, despite still being a blank flank at the age of 19, didn't bat an eye at Lektra's comment about "everyone having a special talent." She noticed it, but it didn't particularly bother her. 
"So you both are from Manehattan?" she asked after taking another bite of her food. "That's nice. I've never personally been to Manehattan, which is surprising considering how many other places we moved to."
She paused for a moment, having little else to say.
"Uh... So." she continued, shifting the topic from herself. "Um. Lorem. Whats your special talent? Lektra already told us hers."

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@@Twi The Totodile@@thor9356,



"I...I will accompany you. Thank you." The changeling whispered, a small smile appearing. The feeling of acceptance was immensely preeminent to her. Her smile faded, though, "Please, if you are sure about this, just...at any point if trouble arises, cast me away so you can remain unharmed. I won't be offended. I just don't want anypony to get hurt."

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@@Mint Drop

"Ah wunderbar! A new pony friend! Tell me mädchen where are you from?" Imperial smiled, at this point he'd completely forgotten about opening his stall. New ponies in town always strike his interest. He blushed slightly "Oh es tut mir leid, where are my manners? I've gone and asked all these intrusive questions yet I've not learnt your name."



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Icy remained quiet, not wanting to say anything to give away her identity. She had a feeling the new stallion was getting suspicious already and she didn't want to make it any worse.


Aria trotted into town happily, looking around at all the friendly ponies going about their days. "Oh I know I'm gonna like this place already." She said to herself excitedly.

(Finally get to use my other character :P)

  • Brohoof 1


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Cloud Chaser had spent the majority of his day lazily floating across the sky as he enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on his face. Though quite energetic the majority of times, he did enjoy the moments like this where he could just cruise around. Besides, according to his map, this town was called Invermare, and he had not been here before. He heard that it was popular for the hot springs baths located somewhere around here. He decided before he went on to find his next adventure, he would have to try that out.


As he flew along he began to notice himself getting rather drowsy, and with a yawn, even nodded off a moment while flying. Before he knew it he was jolted awake by the sound of quacking, and the next thing he knew he had flown into the middle of a flock of ducks. Surprised  by the sudden intrusion of flying space, Cloud Chaser flailed his limbs about in a panic before dropping like a rock due to him losing propulsion in his wings. He spiraled to the ground, just barely seeing the mare that was trotting around (Aria) and letting out a call to her to warn her of his presence.


"Incoming!!" he said as he crashed in front of her, kicking up a cloud of dust as he lay there, limbs sprawled out and wings pointing in different positions. He groaned as he pushed himself up and shook the dust off his coat before he sat down and checked his wings for any damage. 


"Thats enough of that for one day" he muttered to himself before noticing the mare in front of him. "Oh hi! Sorry about that little fiasco, hope I didnt hurt you!"


@@Twi The Totodile

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"It's no trouble at all. I enjoy helping others who need it and believe it or not. I know what it's like to fend for yourself. Eat out of trash cans on a daily basis with hardly a bed to sleep on. I used to be a drifter myself, you know?" He said to the changeling as they were making their way back to his cottage. 


"Besides, I couldn't forgive myself if I turned tail on someone who really needs it" Dogboots said reaffirming his stance on helpin the changeling.

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An unfamiliar mare happened to be walking by, she was a unicorn with a bright blue coat and a lavander pjrole mane with yellow highlights that look almost like lightning bolts. She was new to this beautiful garden town, she had just moved here to help with the weather. It was unusual but she had a magic talent towards being able to controll and use weather based magic

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Cloud shook the dust out of his mane as he chuckled at the mares worry. "Ah it's nothing! I've taken worse falls before, that was just a little bump" he said in a humored fashion. He got up and began to straighten out the feathers on his wings before smiling back at her. "By the way, the name is Cloud Chaser, whats yours may I ask?" he said as he tilted his head to the side. 


Man he thought to himself, She is pretty cute! Heck, I would crash land in front of her anytime!

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@RythmicBrony & @Twi the Totodile

the new mare, named tempest walked up to aria and cloud chaser. she didn't want to interupt them but she wanted to make sure that the stallion who fell from the sky was okay. "are you okay?" she asked with a bit of a concerned look on her face. after all, falling out of the sky can hurt.

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@@thor9356,@@Twi The Totodile,  


Muata's small smile returned to her face, with the Stallion being so polite, and comforting. "Well, thank you very, very much." The disguised changeling seemed uncomfortable. "I...is it alright if she accompanies us?" She asked the Stallion with a hopefulness.

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