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@@Rainbow Dash


Rave was sad, but he understood Midnight. He had noticed Chrissie crying as well. He then looked at the commotion. He trapped Lorcan and the two stallions in a levitation spell. "Now, if you don't want to get into any trouble, you best leave each other alone, otherwise you might get suspended, am I making myself clear. He let the two stallions go and watched as they walked away, one of them with a rather bloody nose. When he was sure that they were both gone, he let Lorcan go. "Well, you sure know how to kick flanks, that is for sure" he let Lorcan go. 

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Lorcan looks at the stallion, weary of him. He knew that he couldnt trust anyone in this school. Lorcan had a choice to make: he could be friendly, or push the stallion away.
"I didn't need your help, I had everything under control." Lorcan snips as he holds his head up, blood leaking from his nose. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash 

"I can see that. You probably would not get into any trouble" he said with a tone of sarcasm. "Look, you would have likely gotten yourself suspended. I was only trying to solve this problem peacefully. It even seemed like you were the one attacking. But I'm guessing there was a reason behind it. Not everypony goes up against those kind of..... ponies". 

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"I don't really care. Ninety nine percent of problems can only be solved by violence...or so it is in this world full of philistines." Lorcan tries to trot away, but was hurting. His eyes were welling up from his nose and eye injury.
"In case you were wondering, I was fighting fire with fire. I wont be pushed around by ignorant dolts like those two meat-heads." 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Chrssie waited for Midnight to catch up. She sniffed, and hung her head not especially  feeling any sort of bravery  at the moment.

 "T-their were two of them, I saw them brohoofing so naturally I just thought...I don't know, something had happened?" Chrissie took a deep, airy breath. "One of them grabbed me by my neck-" She lifted up her head to show a red spot on her neck, where she had been grabbed. "I couldn't breathe. He called me stupid, and told me that id I heard anything I would pay for it." Chrissie burst into tears again, and just cried out of fear. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Midnight was sad for Chrissie. She didn't deserve to be treated like this. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're pretty awesome." she said hoping to cheer her up. "Even though I really haven't known that long, you seem pretty nice." Midnight really wasn't that great at making ponies feel better. "Those stallions are jerks. They just wanna look all high and mighty to make others feel bad about themselves.  You can't let them win." she got more serious. "I've seen you stand up for others. You just gotta stand up for yourself. And if you can't, there are ponies around here who will help you." Midnight smiled hoping that she helped Chrissie.

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@,@@Rainbow Dash,

Chrissie smiled, and sniffed. "Thank you," She leaned over and hugged Midnight. "When it's me...I choke up, but when it's not..I feel diffrent. More...more confident, more brave." Chrissie looked back and saw Lorcan, she had noticed him coming out of the bathroom just as she was running away. "I should go to class. But seriously, thanks. Chrissie trotted in the direction of Lorcan.


"Um, hi. Thanks for helping me out." She smiled at him. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Diego sauntered out of the classroom, idly thinking about what prank he could pull next. The headteacher of the school was patient and had so far vowed not to expel a single student; Diego had tried as hard as he could to get her to change her mind, but so far, nothing.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Lorcan was looking up to prevent blood dripping to the floor.
"Yeah..whatever..." He says, dismissively.
Lorcan takes a deep breath and sighs as he sniffles a few times.
Was that a mare....talking to me?! He wonders.
Lorcan decides to go back into the bathroom and stuff his nose full of tissue to stop the bleeding.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Rave only sighed and was angry for a moment. He looked at Chrissie. "If this pony continues down this path, he will end up like me and get kicked out of the school. It wasn't enough that I almost killed a student during my time in Celestia's School for gifted Unicorns...." Rave realized that he had just let that out of him and tears streamed down. "You were not supposed to hear that" he started to shake. 

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Chrissie looked up at Rave, feeling for him. She wasn't really angry at him anymore, so she smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. "It's OK. We all have things we don't like to talk about, even me." She hugged Rave, then suddenly got very serious herself. "My Mom died of cancer just a few weeks after we moved her from Appleoosa, my Dad was pretty upset. He started doing some pretty bad stuff that landed him in jail. I was emberreced to tell you guys that I live alone, because I didn't know how you would take it. " She looked up at him, and ruffled his mane a bit. "I know it's not the same thing but..." She sighed and blushed, not sure what to say. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave sighed. Tears kept on streaming. "I am terribly sorry to hear that. It doesn't matter if you live alone, actually I am proud of you. That you are able to live alone after what has happened. You are strong and intelligent. You are brave and kind. I've already been kicked out of my home because of what happened. But I'm afraid you don't fully understand. I destroyed the other unicorns life. He survived, but he can no longer cast magic. His horn has been twisted and broken beyond healing. I'm a monster". 

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Chrissie held him by the shoulders, and pulled  Rave into a tight hug. Then she kissed him, for fifteen long seconds they kissed. When she realized what she was doing she pulled away, and smiled at Rave. "I don't think your a monster. Why are you trying to convince me otherwise?" Chrissie was blushing. Her entire face was red. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave was blushing as well. Had somepony kissed him? He did not think that possible. Kiss Rave, the traitor, the monster? "Did you just... kiss me? Do you.... like me?". Rave started to feel in love. Someone actually didn't care of Rave's past mistakes. About Rave's past bad. 

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"I..I dunno." She shuffled her hoof around, one of her pig tales fell in front of her face. "I-I mean, I guess?...Yes?" Chrissie hadn't meant to kiss him, but her feelings had gotten the better of her. He had called her brave, kind, intelligent, on top of that he had said it diddn't matter that she lived alone. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave was blushing even harder now. His entire face was also red. "I guess I.... like... you too". Rave took a deep breath. "Soooo. What now?". "What now, very smooth there". "Please leave me alone" Rave thought to the negative voice in his head. He was not going to listen to more negative thoughts. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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(Btw Chrissie is the pink unicorn in my siggy)

"Hmm," Chrissie thought. "Maybe we could hang out later? Meet up at the hayburger or somethin'?" Chrissie slung on her saddlebags, the late bell had already rung. And she was late for second period. "I'll meet you after school, okay?"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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(I know)

"Okay" Rave replied. He didn't have any class for now, he had been planning on using this moment to help Midnight out with her 'magical' problem, but that seemed like a distinct probability at the moment. She didn't have any time, so he would have to wait until another came available. He decided to go down to the ground keeper's shack anyway, no jock or bully would think about finding him there. He started trotting.

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Lorcan sighs and trots to the lunch room. His encounters with the ponies ran through his head.
Ponies pretending to care...pheh! All I need in this world is me! 
He waits in the lunch line and picks out his food. Lorcan pays for his meal and looks around the area for a place to sit. He notices that all the tables are filled with laughing ponies of various cliques having a merry time.
I...I wish I had friends..NO...I DON'T NEED ANYPONY...cause...they dont want me... Lorcan trots to an empty table in the back and sits down.
Might as well practice my writing skills...turn my pain into art.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Midnight went to go talk to Rave about meeting up to help with her disguise, but abruptly stopped in her tracks when she saw his and Chrissie's faces pressed together in a kiss. She immediately turned around and felt really awkward. "It's time for lunch anyway." She told herself trying to pretend she didn't see anything.

Midnight remembered that she had planned to eat lunch with Chrissie, but that apparently wasn't gonna happen. She proceeded to the cafeteria where she saw Lorcan. She remembered seeing him before, but couldn't remember where. She thought for a while as she got her food then remembered. He was the pony that was being bullied. She had tried to stand up for him, but other ponies had the situation handled.

She heard him mumbling to himself and tried to listen. She knew it wasn't the more respectful thing to do, but she was curios. It's in her nature. Midnight felt bad when she heard what he was saying. "He wants friends, but just pushes them away." she thought to herself. She figured that it was worth the effort to make him feel better, but at that moment, it was clear he wanted to be alone. She trotted over to another empty table while she kept her head low to avoid ponies seeing what her hood was covering.

Edited by Houndoom
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@, Diego trotted to the canteen. He went to get his lunch, then looked around to see where to sit. An empty table would be best, but none were empty. However, there was a table where just one mare was sitting; Diego had seen her around the halls and she seemed like him, an outcast, but why, he didn't know. He walked over to the table. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked Midnight.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Sinu sighs as Lorcan walks away. He knew a lot of what that felt like, in a different sense; Sinu was subject to getting nosebleeds for no reason, almost always in school, and he was honestly surprised that it didn't occur right there. He walks to put away his books, at a speed that others would respond to as "Calm down." He puts everything away, except for a pencil, which he carries compulsively, and a small notebook to put in his pocket; he gets his bagged lunch and quickly trots to the cafeteria.

Once there, Sinu, a loner, looks for a relatively empty table. To avoid looking confused, he quickly chooses the table that Diego and Midnight were sitting at, sitting down at the far end in hopes of avoiding any conversation. He begins eating a bowl of plain, dry oats as he pulls out his notebook. Sinu was left-hooved, and prefers not to use magic to write for a more accurate feel, so he writes with the notebook upside down, writing symbols that were unrecognizable in any language and taking notes on them.

I wrote this thing.

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Midnight looked up at Diego, her hoodie still hiding her face. She was surprised that somepony wanted to sit next her. "Um, sure." she said. She was quiet and didn't really know what to say until she recognized him. "You're the one who messed up the teacher's chalk." she said when she realized who he was. "That was pretty funny." she admitted. Midnight then looked over to see Sinu. He seemed to be writing strange things and she wanted to know what it was, but was too afraid to ask.

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Sinu suddenly stops writing, and stares at the paper, realizing that there was an error in his system. One symbol had been copied accidentally, derailing the phonetic algorithm written on the page, and making everything one space off. With sudden obsessive anger, he picks up the mechanical pencil and stabs its sharp point into his forearm. He then drags it across, with his eyes closed, creating a painful bloodless scratch.

I wrote this thing.

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Rave used his magic to unlock the ground keeper's shack. He stepped inside and closed the door but did not lock it. He brought forth a black book from his saddlebag. "Ah, now I can continue my private.... studies". He started reading from the book, red symbols filled it. He focused and a little dark crystal started to grow from the ground. He quickly dismissed the magic and broke the crystal as to not leave any signs. He repaired the floor with some magic as the crystal had forced its way through the ground. "Would probably get thrown out if I was seen doing that" he mumbled to himself.

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