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The mean fillies shrieked as a cloud formed above them and dumped a load of sticky strawberry sauce on them. "My mane!" one screamed. "Oh, I am going to get that Diego when I find him!"


Diego snickered as he galloped away. As far as he was concerned, they deserved all they got and more. He didn't watch where he was going and almost bumped into two ponies standing together, skidding to a halt just inches away from them. @, @@JonasDarkmane,



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Rave wasn't sure how to respond. He allowed the hug. "Well, he aint got no right to hurt anypony. No pony deserves to get hurt. He was after me because I fought back when he was hurting me before". He then smiled. "I'm Rave by the way, Rave Darkmane. What is your name?".


"My name's Chrisanthimum Cynara, but you can call me Chrissie!" The vagueness of a country accent was there when she spoke. Chrissie smiled at him. "Nice to meet you!"

The mean fillies shrieked as a cloud formed above them and dumped a load of sticky strawberry sauce on them. "My mane!" one screamed. "Oh, I am going to get that Diego when I find him!"


Diego snickered as he galloped away. As far as he was concerned, they deserved all they got and more. He didn't watch where he was going and almost bumped into two ponies standing together, skidding to a halt just inches away from them. @, @@JonasDarkmane,

Chrissie stepped back in surprise. "Oh, you surprised me." She looked closer, scanning his facial features. "Hey!You're that kid in my first period, aren't you?" Chrissie smiled. "Your name's Diego right? I'm Chrissie. This is my friend Rave."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@, "Hiya, nice to meet you," Diego replied. "You look like you have more sense than most of the ponies in this school. A lot of them avoid me, cuz my talent is chaos magic and cuz my mother is a gambler. So what is what I say. At least I can hang out with my mum. Not everypony can say that."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The bell was heard ringing. "I got to go to class. We should hang out together. Meet me in the cafeteria after class" he said smiling. "It is good to have friends, well see ya later". Rave then hurried towards his classroom. It was time for history and he was not going to be late. Rave was smiling. "She called me a friend. She actually called me a friend. I have a friend" Rave was very happy.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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@@JonasDarkmane,@@Pripyat Pony,@@thor9356,

"Totally! See you guys at lunch!" Chrissie trotted off to her class, not paying attention to anything but the time. But soon enough the bell rang, and the class scattered to lunch.  


Chrissie looked frantically around the crowded cafeteria. She was looking for Back Track, Diego, and Rave. The first pony she saw was back Track. Chrissie smiled and walked up to him. "Hey, do you want to sit with a couple other friends I've made today?" She asked with an excited smile. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave walked around the cafeteria. He noticed the jock hanging out with some of his friends. It looked like if they were waiting to ambush someone, so Rave decided to crawl under the tables. From under one of the tables, Rave noticed Chrissie speaking with another Buck. "There she is". He moved to her, coming from under the table in front of her. "Hello there" he said to both.

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@, @@JonasDarkmane, Diego came over to where the filly and the colt he'd met earlier were. To him, it was a big difference to have other ponies actually want to be friends, rather than ignoring him. Being ignored sent Diego crazy; it made him want to pull off a huge prank, just to get their attention.


"Hiya, how's it going?" he said to both of them.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Rave turned his head towards Diego. "Hello there, nice to see you" he smiled. He then turned his head back to Chrissie. "I wanted to thank you for standing up to Bulky. It was very heroic of you. Not many tend to stand up for ponies anymore" he said sadly. "So I try to teach them that they don't control everything or try to draw attention to me so that they stop bullying others. I would rather want to get bullied than see someone else get bullied. What you did was really cool". 

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"Oh, well I guess so." He said sitting on the floor. Though it was a rather odd sight to see the young colt sitting on the floor, it'd be rather odder to meet new ponies. He had just met Chrissie this morning and now meeting other ponies? Would they laugh at him or make fun of him?


Back Track got up and followed the mare to meet these new ponies, but was filled with dread rather than optimism like his companion was.

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@@thor9356,@@JonasDarkmane, @@Pripyat Pony,  

Chrissie smiled up at Rave. "It was no problem,  you were getting attacked. I couldn't do nothing." Chrissie put an arm around Back Track. "Rave, Diego this is Back Track-" She gestured towered him. "Back Track this is Rave and Diego." Chrissie stood there waiting for them to talk. Hoping they would get along. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@@JonasDarkmane@@Pripyat Pony, @,


Back Track felt awkward being introduced to two new ponies. Of course he'd seen them around in the hallways, but other than that he didn't know either of them. He scratched his mane before extending his hoof out to the two.


"Um, hello, I'm Back Track as ummmm she said. It's nice to meet you both."  

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@@thor9356, @, @@JonasDarkmane,


"Cool," Diego replied. With a conspiratorial wink, he said to Back Track and Rave, "Anypony bothers you, let me know. I have my own ways of dealing with bullies, and believe me, it works. Might not be most ponies' method but it gets the job done. You might have noticed that nopony really likes to mess with me."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"No worry, I mostly handle myself as I don't want anypony to pay the price for having helped me, but help with escape might be nice there and then". He looked at Back Track. "Nice to meet you" he took his hoof and started shaking it. "I'm known as the 'Traitor' around here" he chuckled. 

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"Believe me, nopony's gonna mess with me after I help out a friend," Diego grinned. "Only problem is, that if you're my friend, you'll be avoided just as much as I am. Still, it would be nice to have somepony in the seat next to me in class. You see, the other ponies seem to think that my father is Discord, which is complete crap, but it's what they believe cuz of my talent being chaos magic and my cutie mark being the chaos symbol."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, @@JonasDarkmane, @@thor9356,

Chrissie took her tray and sat down at a nearby table. The group was already getting glances and looks from other tables. But Chrissie ignored it, and took a bite out of her ceaser salad. I wonder if I should tell them, but...I don't know. We just met. Chrissie was concidering asking her friends over, but that would mean explaining why she lived alone.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The young colt approached Chrissie shying away from the group of ponies. "Chrissie, I'm not feeling to comfortable with this, I mean don't get me wrong. It's just that I don't know them and prefer to ummm just keep to myself or ponies i'm comfortable with." He said confiding to the mare. 

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@@thor9356, Chrissie sighed. "I'm sorry I just got so excited because I finally had friends. I just wanted you to be friends. I wanted us to be friends." Chrissie turned her attention to her salad. She covered her face with her hoof, and slowly took a bite. She had the urge to cry, but no tears were in her eyes. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The young colt frowned, before patting Chrissie on the back. "Well, as long as you're with me i'm sure I could get to know them. I'm just not good at making friends by myself you know?" He explained to the mare trying to explain his reasoning to her. It always tugged at his heart to see somepony down.

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In the cafeteria, Midnight shade observed the other groups of ponies from a table against the wall that overlooked the whole room with her back pack sitting nest to her. She sat by herself wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up to hide her face. Her tail looked a little funny. She had put on tail extensions to hide its true lion likeness. She sat eating her alfalfa sandwich as she heard ponies near by talking about her.

"Do you know who she is?"

"I've never seen her."

"Maybe she's a ghost that haunts the school."

Midnight heard all these whispers and more. She tried to ignore them and block them out until she heard a voice whisper, "Let's find out what she looks like." At that, Midnight swiveled around to see who said that just as a hoof barely missed her hood in attempt to pull it down.

"Darn it, so close." the mare said as her friends snickered.

"Just leave me alone." Midnight said backing up away from them.

"Why don't you take off that depressing looking hood." another pony teased. She now had the whole cafeteria's attention.

"Please, you don't want me to do that."

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@,@@thor9356,@@JonasDarkmane@@Pripyat Pony

(Sorry if it bothers you, but I'm going to contol the girls for a bit. Also, I'm adding a label to Chrissie. 'Redneck')

Chrissie frowned, now fuming with anger. She walked over twordes Midnight and stood, protectively in front of Midnight Shade.

 "What's going on here?" Chrissie crossed her arms not in the mood for a fight.

 "Get out of the way Redneck." The mare tried to shove past her but Chrissie stood her ground. She diddn't move an inch. The mare scoffed. "Like, why do you even care you don't even have any friends."

 "On the contrary," She pointed to the table where her friends were sitting. The mare just laughed.

"Those aren't fa-reinds! Friends are popular people, like me!" She flipped her mane and flashed a smile.

"We must agree to disagree. Friends are there to support you, to understand you, to empathize." Chrissie eyed her. The mare rolled her eyes, mumbled "Whatever" and walked back to her own table. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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(Don't worry about it. I don't like having to control more than one character anyway :) )

Midnight Shade looked up at Chrissie as she stood in front of her. She felt a sigh of relief as the other ponies walked away and returned to their normal business. "Um, thanks for defending me." she said with her head facing down not wanting her see her face. "Those ponies can be trouble. Also, I get the sense nopony has told you about me. Whatever they say, I'm not a monster." Midnight said before starting to head back to her table.

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Counterstrike was sitting underneath a tree with his back resting against a tree. He held in his hooves a small gaming device and was furiously pressing buttons as he played a game. Laser noises and such could be heard coming from the device. Counterstrike's eyes were wide, bloodshot, and focused on the game. "Down to my last life.....Gotta make this count!" He said to himself as he continued to furiously press buttons. "Come on.... COME ON! Extra life, Where are you?" He asked to nopony in particular.

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Rave finished his lunch and saw the jock and his friends coming. It was the schools sports team. "I don't want you guys getting into any trouble, so see you in a bit". He started crawling under tables but the jock had noticed him. "I'm coming for you traitor". Rave got to the cafeterias doors and he flipped them open. He then locked them with a spell and started running in the hallways. "I just can't seem to stop running away from my problems. I'm a bloody traitor and everypony knows it" he thought tears welling in his eyes. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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One of the jocks made as if to go after Rave, but Diego stood up and stepped in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?" Diego said, with a smirk. The jock wavered; he didn't want to mess with a pony like Diego. There was just something weird about a colt with chaos magic, and nopony at the school was keen to provoke it.


"None of your business, but we have unfinished business with that traitor," the jock replied. Diego shrugged. "Rave is my friend," he said. "So you'd better forget it. Hmm, wonder what you'd look like with a different mane style?"


Magic shot from Diego's horn, and the jock now had a bright purple mane. He gasped in shock and retreated back into the crowd. A few ponies laughed.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Counterstrike was sitting underneath a tree with his back resting against a tree. He held in his hooves a small gaming device and was furiously pressing buttons as he played a game. Laser noises and such could be heard coming from the device. Counterstrike's eyes were wide, bloodshot, and focused on the game. "Down to my last life.....Gotta make this count!" He said to himself as he continued to furiously press buttons. "Come on.... COME ON! Extra life, Where are you?" He asked to nopony in particular.

(I forgot that no modern technology could be in this roleplay. Sorry. Also, evreyone is still in the cafeteria so please edit your post.)


"Wait." She called out to the mare. "I don't think your a monster." Chrissie approached the hooded mare and stood by her side. "Your all alone..." She said, empathizing. Chrissie smiled at the mare. "Not anymore! My name's Chrissie, and we are officially friends!"

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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