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open MLP Nations, Politics RP Thread

The Shadow Stallion

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"Well, im leaving now... I am not in position to see his majesty." He backed off. The doors opened and a large room was displayed . It was not golden but wooden-furnished with the most decorative and carefully carfted furniture in Ponssia. A tall unicorn stood with the back to the captain looking at a giant wall-sized map.


"Go on..." He said with a calm voice


The servant was surprised to see this but didnt know it was magic.

"Hey! I dont think you might consider carrying all these heavy platters to the kitchen using that thing... Now would you?" He put on a smile.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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At first glance, the deal sounded good enough. Ponssia had opened its eastern ports, and was searching for reliable trade partners. The "riches" part also sounded good, so on that front, the deal seemed even better. It's not like Impalarana had nothing to trade, and with harvest season right around the corner, the young Premier was confident. Plus, it's not like the national economy wasn't diverse; there were plenty of manufactured goods to go around and keep the country's economy healthy, even if the wheat harvest didn't go over well.


She would finalize the deal. With the UCP majority she enjoyed in the Commonwealth Assembly, she should have no problem getting it ratified, either.


The diplomat gave off an aura of authority, so she would have to be as formal as possible. Bright Idea began to speak. "First, on behaIf of my country, I would like to formally welcome you to Impalarana. As for your request, the government would be honored to conclude a trade agreement with Ponssia. While we can discuss the specifics here, for any treaty to be concluded, my country's Commonwealth Assembly must ratify the final product. Hence, it may be a few days before any agreement we conclude here can be made effective on Impalarana's end.


"Fortunately, I do have enough support to comfortably push an economic agreement through the Assembly, so there should be no issues."




Naval Station Starhoof, near Port Horseshoe, Impalarana


An admiral monitored the coastal waters on the country's southern coast, using his binoculars to watch for ships. Things seemed calm in the waters immediately facing the naval base, and there was a bit of fishing activity in the coastal waters facing the nearby city of Port Horseshoe. There was even a vessel bearing foreign flags, how nice...


...wait, a vessel bearing foreign flags?


Inspecting the ship a bit closer, the admiral confirmed that it wasn't a military ship. As is protocol when dealing with non-belligerent foreign ships, he ordered a group of captains to ready a naval boat to meet the foreign vessel. He would sail out there to meet whoever was on the ship; if they were diplomats, he'd have to find time to bug the new Premier about them. 

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The captain cleared his throat "I am Captain Zalro and I hail from the distant land of Cidonia, an isolated but wealthy country, ive been sent on a peaceful exploration expedition to make contact with other kingdoms from around the world"


The unicorn turned to his handler, she smiled "sure you help them out" she turned to the servant "just show him the way" she followed the unicorn as he walked inside and picked up all the plates

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Well Captain... I understood you passed through our waters." He turned around, he wore a millitary outfit with countless medals on his chest. He looked down at the gold sewn carpet of the floor.

"Tell me, what do you think of our little nation?"


"No worties madam, he'll be back in a gippie" the servant said as they walked down a hallway. While walking the servant started talking quickly.. "God... It sure is hard workimg here... Wilfred do this... Wilfred do that... What does a unicorn have to do for some free time. But the pay is good. Hey mind you, thanks a bunch. If i see you around, ill get you a grade A beer as a thanks. And if you could believe me... I could be there in that room..." He pointed at a golden door, "sipping red wine from silver cups... But i lost the bet... Dammit so close. This is what i get from gambling... What do you do when your off duty?"


They got to the kitchen after walking through hundreds of corridors.


"Beer on me yeah? Now listen you go right then left at the second door, after thet you tak... And you get there" the servant eventually finished the long directions through the maze of corridors.


"Wilfred" a voice was heard


"Right away milord!" He shouted "gotta go, beer on me yeah?" He disappears, not making sure if the unicorn remembered all the instructions.



"We would be interested in purchasing grain. We spottes large amounts of it on the way here. We are willing to pay any price."


He looked at the floor,

"as we had a very bad year and our supplies wont last for half a winter."


"We would ask if you would be willing for us to establish an embasy here?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Well, this  nation seems very wealthy and your technology level is far beyond our own, I am surprised that I havent seen any other pegasi other than the ones I brought with me, although I am very impressed with the size and scale of everything"


The unicorn was a little nervous without his handler around him in a strange place, but he was good at following instructions and followed the directions told to him until he got to his destination

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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King Ludrick smiled;


"So, in that case i presume you have nothing against staying here a litlle longer. As guests of the imperial family that is."


The king sat down at is huge desk and wrote something. He rung a bell and a servant took the message.


"Now...willl you?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"well I suppose not...but I have a condition, I insist that the unicorns I brought be kept with the rest of my crew" the captain replied "Are we getting an extended tour of your kingdom with our extended visit?"


The unicorn found himself in what appeared to be a store room full of food, however he wasnt sure what to do, as he wasnt told what to do, he started getting nervous, he waited a bit, he wanted to return to his handler

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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The king wasnt pleased to hear the word condition. Nevertheless he said:


"Of course, you will all be given adequate clithing and shall be rested on the east wing, there are doble dorms there. You shall get a tour indeed"


"Now if you excuse me."


He rang a bell and the doors opened, the admiral was waiting and asked.




Another servant entered the store room.


"Ahh, you must be the new shop assisstant aren't you? We were looking for you, heres your pay"


He holds ip a purse.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The captain exited the kings throne room "Your king has insisted that we stay for the day has given us lodging" he replied


The unicorn took the purse and attached it to his harness, he decided to try to find his handler and left and began retracing his steps

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Well... You see... In that case... Youd better look out of how your servants behave around the king. I got a message telling me i have to show you around... From admiral to guide... Wow what a surprise.


The admiral started walking down the stairs.


The palace had many corridors that looked extremly similar, some even went in circles.

(Are the unicorns mute XD)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"I will inform the handlers" he followed the admiral 


The unicorn found the room he was in earlier and retraced his steps back to the entrance and hugged his handler "This place is huge!" the handler softly smiled and patted him on the head


(No lol, they just dont talk much)

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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 The caravan guards look at each other before two of them step forward. The mare opens her mouth to speak before the stallion appears agitated and tense, she waves him off and speaks in a calm and confident manner.



 "Hello there friend, I am River Tongue. We are not here to make trouble and have come from the Dominion of Kartrin to establish trade with foreign nations. I am to act as the initial contact representative for my ponies. Might I ask your name?"




 The captain chuckles for a moment. "Pegasi are not particularly liked in the Dominion but I'm sure there will be plenty of ponies willing to trade with your nation. But do excuse our trespass on your lands, we were unaware of your borders at the time."


  He then turns to the Diplomat and explain that she should speak in [insert your language here]. The Diplomat blushes before speaking in the same language as the Captain.

"As I'm sure the captain here was explaining, my caravan here is here to establish trade and friendly relations with neighboring nations."

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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@@WindyParadise, "Well If It's trade you seek then you might have come to right place." He expressed jovially while maintaining his serious composure. "I am Captain Hagel. We are currently in the middle of some Military exercises. If you are qualified to represent your nation in international affairs, then we will escort you so you may sit down and speak with our grand leader. If you are not then I'm going to have to ask you to turn around and go back from where hence you came. You may leave a letter requesting for a planned meeting sometime in the future which I can assure will reach the capitol by sunset this day."

@@Firehearted, @@Lordav, The Kaiser was very glad he had doubled the previous day's scouting missions. He was somewhat troubled by activity seen in the seas to the north west. Something was going on that he wasn't aware of and he did not take kindly to that idea. However he had a more pressing issue. He was very surprised that a Griffon fleet of some forty vessels were about to arrive the day before he was going to visit them. His Airship the "Nightingale" had been prepped, and the entire military had been put on high alert should anything happen while he was gone. "As good a day as any to be invaded I suppose" he said. He gave gave his orders to his military commanders and they followed immediately.


The sky grew dark as storm clouds formed over head, but it did not rain, the thunder was only mild, and the wind wasn't blowing in large gusts and forming choppy waves. For most this would be seen as very strange. A row boat with two guards as rowers, and a delegate who was a friend of the Kaiser went out to greet the Griffon Fleet once they came into site. They stopped just short of the first ship and called out, asking to board.

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"Sir! Rowboat front!" Called one of the lookouts on the sails which were being raised and tied due to the troubling look of the sky despite the lack of waves and winds.


"They want to come aboard" Continued a sailor from the main deck. 


"Raise the men below deck and tell them to bring their rifles" Ordered the Captain. "I'll be damned if we don't look good in front of them. You!" He pointed at the nearest sailor. "Go get the Admiral and tell him someone has arrived. He'll want to be here"



From the deck a ladder is dropped to allow the three in the rowboat to come aboard. On the deck the small group of army soldiers aboard are lined up.


"Welcome aboard the ESS Rebel" the Captain yelled down to the rowboat despite them not being aboard yet. "The Admiral will be here shortly to work out the terms of our new trade agreement"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Everybody was taken to a wide corridor with countless little rooms. They were, from each room two servants called in a pony for him to measured and dressedin arsistocratic clothes. The clother were colorful and very puffy, most of the stallions recieved plummed hats or wigs to wear. Next they were taken outside where four carriages awaited them, each had a horse-driver, a servant and a guard on it.


"Please get in..." a servant bowed showing the group to the carriages."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Firehearted, "Thank you sir," the delegate began, then with a look of puzzlement "Wait a second, trade agreement?" He looked about at the vast number of ships. This can't be right, he thought. Why send so many ships for something as simple as that? You only needed about half a dozen to give a show of force. And he was pretty sure that the Griffons didn't use their own navy in delivering goods. He could see that if they had serious issues with pirates they might be more active in their waters but this would have been observed from the air, and even so this seemed very extreme. "Did you say trade agreement?", he asked again.

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Millitary port of DanzhoofI


A guard in one of the many millitarise lighthouses spotted the far-away airship approcahing. He turned to his partner,


"Whats that?"


"Looks like some sort of flying boat!"


"Sound the alarm" he said as he started pulling down a gaiant rope that rung the alarm bells,


As soon as the alarm was heard, the port sprung into action, soldiers ran to their defensive batteries and 4 regiments of infantry were mobilized to protect the dock. Three huge triple-decked First-Rates as well as 10 seond-rates accompanied by various other millitary ships formed a semicircle, pointing the cannons in the direction of the incoming object."


"Steady!" was the order given to every many in the mobilized force as they took aim to start firing in potential hostiles.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Yes he did, sir" Replied the Admiral flying in flanked by two guards armed with rifles and sword.


"Нинішні руки!" Shouted the Captain to his soldiers as the Admiral landed on the deck. As ordered the soldiers placed their weapon in front of them, the barrel pointed up.


" I am Admiral SharpWings, commander of this fleet. We are here to work out a trade agreement between our fair nations that will benefit us both and let's just say we aren't taking 'no' for an answer. We're willing to be flexible with this should if come to that"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Lordav, One of Abendstern's smaller airships had been sent out further to sea when sight of foreign ships began to be reported. This ship however was in trouble. Very rarely does there exist a citizen of Abendstern who didn't feel the need to serve their country. These slackers, were often forced into service as a means to straighten them out and turn them into productive members of society. One of these happened to be aboard the airship. While most of the crew being used to being awake at night was asleep, he decided to take advantage of the situation and have a smoke. Smoking is a major violation of protocol on airships, mainly because in the past they were all filled with the explosive gas, Hydrogen rather than helium like the more updated ones. Smoking is still not permitted because of the airship's cargo of Kerosene filled barrels as incendiary devices. An accident occurred causing the ship to catch fire. In the panic to put it out the captain chose to put it in the water and lose their secrecy over losing their lives. They couldn't lower fast enough however, and just as it ducked under the clouds the Kerosene caught. A massive fireball tore the ship apart, sending splintered and burning debris to be swallowed by the sea. The balloon popped and it's frame collapsed. It had instantly become a near unrecognizable wreck. Everyone aboard had died instantaneously. Nothing remained of them or their ship but a few scraps of wood. It was a sight, of pure and utter destruction. They were expected to return home within the next five days. No one would know something was wrong until one day after, as weather sometimes made them go slightly off course. Until then, none would think anything about it.

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The explosion awed the Ponssian forces, what was first set up to be a defensive mission now turned into a rescue scramble, hundreds of rowboats were sent to the site to look for survivors. Two giant transport ships wer sent to crane twhat was left of the wreckage out of the water. Divers used pump mechanisms connected to their boats in order to breathe underwater, looking for any sign of life. Ponies scrambled around searching desperately for survivors. A few hours later a officer approached the Lietenant on duty.


"Sir! We report no survivours. The only thing we found was this flag..." he unfolds a scortched dark blue flag, we also managed to salvage 15 corpses,"


"Well... i guess  we should give them a proper burial..." the lietenant told his second as carriage belonging to the Church stopped by to pick up the corpses. "Do we have a bearing on the direction they were coming from? maybe we can find the place that owns this flag..." the lietenant looks at the flag.


"30 degrees due east, sir!"


"Very well... outfit a ship to carry that wreckage in that direction. If they dont find anything in one day, tell them to return."


"Yes, sir!" the second salutes and runs off to dispatch the orders.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Firehearted, The delegate's face went neutral. He looked at Admiral SharpWings. Then to the Griffon soldiers and the ships beyond. He looked back and forth between them for a moment as a smirk began to appear on his face, which grew into a a barely contained and rather wide smile, which finally turned into a guffaw. "Я вибачаюся" he said as he recovered. I mean no disrespect but I find this to be a rather humorous situation. You are very lucky that it was I and not one of our Omminari delegates who was sent out here. What sort of agreement were you thinking up?"

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"If I didn't have orders from the Emperor to come home with something in writing I'd have turned this fleet around, sir. I do admire your knowledge of Old Griffon, however. Very few can speak it and the only common words are used for military drill orders... But I very much am disrespected by your outburst, sir, as I and I'm sure everyone here, is unaware how this is humorous in any way. I ask you do not insult me nor my soldiers and sailors in the future..." 


The Admiral was cold now. Any chance of a pleasant meeting was out the door. "Captain, you may take your men below. They are not needed"


"We are here for food. You see, the southern part of our nation lacks foods besides wheat, which isn't something you can live on forever. In exchange we will give you refined metals, with which you may use as you please. Is this acceptable?"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted, "My sincerest apologies. It's just that you've brought this fleet which isn't bad, no it's quite nice. It's just we have a little saying for when others try to intimidate us, not that you're not a formidable force though." He stands tall and places a hoof over his heart and looks upwards with his eyes closed and says, "We are bigger, faster, and you will never see us coming." He returns to his normal composure. "They've been having us say that for a few centuries now I think. But I never expected to see that phrase come to life. You will see where the humor, and our power lays when we have finished this meeting."


"Hmmm, interesting requests. Unfortunately we are in the same boat as you when it comes to food. Pun not intended. We have been looking into getting more possibly from elsewhere. We'd be more than happy to find a source of which to trade with you. Griffons are Omnivores are they not? And as for oil I'm afraid we have a very small reserve. We use it for one purpose in particular and we've found other means that meet most or our requirements that work just as well. If some of these refined metals happened to be copper, cobalt, nickel, and titanium we might be able to give you some of what little oil we have left. Or if we knew of the reason you need oil we might be able to find a substitute. For example, oil produces a lot of energy when burned. The same is true for coal, which we have plenty of. I assure you, that our engineers are some of the finest, and we would also be more than happy to add to or help you in your rich nation's technological advancements by lending our hoofs to some of your claws."


"We're going to need a bit more than just some refined metals though. There has been some naval activity nearby other than your own, and if they be a threat to either of us, the Kaiser would like to know that we have each other's winged backs. A military alliance between. Your justified fights would be ours, and ours yours. When threatened by another, we will fend for each other. We would also like to share a railway between our nations so that trade could be done faster and in larger quantities. The Ship is a grand thing, but the rails are the future. They'll allow you to send more for less, and they don't need quite as much maintenance. They cost a fair some to construct, but they almost immediately pay off. Plus if we are successful in gaining a food source for either of us, we can get it to you faster than we ever could before. The only other thing we require and these are non negotiable, is that in trade with us you will pay a tariff of 5% of the value of whatever it is we are receiving, and a bottle of your finest alcoholic beverage, personally sent by your king. How does that sound" He said cheerfully.

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The unicorns and their handlers got in one while everyone else separated into the other ones


The captain was still apprehensive about this, he didnt like this, hopefully they would be allowed to leave the next day otherwise he would have to insist,all he knew is he would not report favorably to his queen

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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The tour around the city consisted of many areas that were meant to surprise the outsiders. From the industrial sector where factories completely blocked the Sun in smoke to the grand imperial zoo where magnificent beasts from all around the world were gathered. They were taken to some of Ponssias exquiste royal wineries as well as the great gold mines. Yet they saved the best for last. POnssia was a well known millitaristic state that value discipline and millitary prestige above all. The carriages  stopped to display the Imperial Elite School where the best soldiers were trained. Tens of thousands of ponies drilled, trained and executed marches to perfection. All regiments moved as one single entity. There were entire regiments that were whipped for the mistake of a single soldier. Cannon batteries fired with utmost accuracy while cavalary (ponies on horses =p) executed deadly charges on targets. This spectacle of power and discipline was meant to strike fear and admiration in the hearts of their guests.


"As you may see, we do take care of our army." was the only comment that the admiral conveyed. He let the huge visual display to explain the rest.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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