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open ~* Beware, This House Is Haunted! *~ {RP Thread}

Pripyat Pony

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/120716-beware-this-house-is-haunted-non-pony-rp/




Every night I lie on my hard bed and stare at the tiles on the floor of the dorm room. There are about five hundred tiles that make up that floor, and I know, cuz I've counted them. Sometimes I get interrupted by a scream from the floor below, or from a noise next door, and I have to start again. I have to count all the tiles on the floor, or something terrible will happen to me... Why does the dorm room have tiles on the floor anyway? Why not carpet? Even as I think this, I know the answer. When blood spills on the floor, it's easier to wipe it off tiles than to clean carpet.

The dead lie in the graveyard at the very bottom of the garden. They are the lucky ones, the ones who escaped. The people who run this place don't care if we die... and neither do we. I'm not crazy, but if I have to survive here for much longer, I will be...

Victoria awoke with a start. For a few, terrified moments, she believed that she was back in the asylum, sleeping in her dorm bed along with all the other female patients who had been branded as crazy and forced to live there. But she wasn't, or at least, she was still in the building but it wasn't an asylum any more. It hadn't been for years, and anyway, it had been a youth hostel after that. Now tho, it was back to being a private residence, tho few people ever stayed long. Victoria prefered that. The last owner, a man that Victoria had taken an instant dislike to, had left in rather a hurry. The upper floors of the house were where the old dorms had been, and Victoria had died in the one at the very top. The asylum had been called Rosewood Lunatic Asylum when Victoria had been there, but the name had later been changed to Rosewood Home For Wayward Girls. The name didn't matter, the place was still the same. Now, the place was standing empty again. But for how long?


Emily looked at her watch and sighed. It was always the same; she'd arrange with her housemates to be to meet someplace, and she'd always be the first one there. The meeting place was at a cafe, and Emily had decided that it would be far easier if they all travelled up to the house together, rather than arriving in dribs and drabs and then having to wait for everyone to arrive. This way, they could all go to the estate agents as a group and collect the keys, then go inside to wait for the van to arrive with their stuff. Emily resolutely didn't check her watch, and instead ordered another coffee as she waited for everyone to show up.





Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Andrew entered the cafe, he had only been in England a few weeks so he was still trying to learn where everything is. He had a note pad and a pencil, writing down the addresses of the places he would probably need in the future. He was writing down the cafe's address as he walked in. He also needed to get use to the 'driving on the left side of the road' thing. Until then he would have to walk, everywhere. He put the small notepad and pencil in his pocket before looking up. He was hoping he wasn't the last on there. He looked around for Emily and the others.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chain entered the cafe, he had been here a few times from his grandparents saying how good the place was. as Chain looked around he saw Andrew looking confused "hey Andrew, if your wondering where Emily is I see her right over there" Chain points to the corner of the room "I wounder why see didn't sit right in front of the door so we could see her, actually the side of the room does have those leather seats and like them better than the chairs" Chain starts thinking to deeply into it that snaps out of it "lets just go sit down"

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Rush knew the place they were supposed to meet up, he'd been working in the area for a few weeks now, but he had taken his time getting there, not wanting to arrive early and have to sit around waiting for everyone. Eventually he got there and walked in, passing right by the two near the entrance without noticing that they were some of his future housemates. He sat down next to Emily, smiling at her.


@@Pripyat Pony,


"So, I guess today's the day, huh? It's going to be cool, living together with you guys. Anyway, wanna get something to eat while we're here? I'll buy. I haven't really gotten a chance to eat today and I'm pretty hungry." 

((Almost forgot to post for my other character.))


Terrence wandered the halls of the currently empty house, looking for something to do. Most of the other ghosts here new better than to gamble with him, and his attempts to start a betting pool on when new inhabitants would arrive were largely unsuccessful. So for now, he would just have to wait for someone new to show up. Hopefully someone who wasn't afraid to go all in.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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A woman was sitting at her kitchen-table, drinking some coffee while holding toast in her other hand, bags under eyes. She had a rather rough sleep, hearing noises of things falling every time she got close to entering dreamland. Every time she got up to check on what it was that interrupted her sleep, she found that it was just a few everyday objects, like pots, pans, and one of her vases which somehow was still in one piece. In other words, she had no sleep. 


She brought the coffee cup up to her mouth to drink a little, then took a bite of the toast. She was staring at the wall infront of her, too tired to be bothered to bring a newspaper or a book like she usually does. She just settled with staring at the white wood infront of her while getting sustenance. A thud and ringing erupted from behind her, and she sighed. She slowly set the bread and cup down on the table, got up from the chair, and turned around to see something she was definetely not expecting. There, right infront of her, was one of her cooking pans. And it was floating. It hit the metal counter, producing another thud and ringing. The woman just stared at it, too tired to do anything. Finally, she blinked. "Nope" She muttered, then promptly falling unconsious to the side, falling at first then slowing down in the air, and she was gently placed on the ground. The pan fell down with another thud, no ringing this time, and everything went silent except from the soft breathing and snores from the woman who was sleeping on the floor. The door opened, a gust of wind flowing out, before the door closed once again.




Mark was laughing his lungs out. He had just finished messing with his victim of the month, and was obviously satisfied with the loud, yet silent, laughter erupting from his mouth. He floated through the air, invisible and unhearable to the eyes and ears of the living. After a good minute of soaring through the air with laughter, he calmed down a little, and finished with a "Ahhh.". He plucked a fake tear from his dead eyes, and took a look around the little city he was in, looking at several of the citizens walking around. He had to choose a new victim. But none of the people caught his eye, most being the ordinary, boring lot that he didnt like. They never really reacted the way he wanted to his mischevious pranks, mostly just ignoring it to hallucinations or the like. Boredom was his number one enemy, after all. He shrugged before starting to move on to another city or town, but then he felt an urge in the back of his mind. He hadnt felt that urge for the last couple of years. The first time he felt that urge he blindly followed it, not knowing what it meant. He loved what had happened next. He grew a large grin on his face, and he began floating over to the direction the urge was telling him to go. After all, he definetly didnt want to miss out on it...

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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(5 years earlier)

Snowflake is writing a letter




I'm sorry you have to see me like this I just couldn't take it anymore my sister dying has put me in a lot of pain protecting her was really all that mattered in my teenage days. Now that she is gone all I have to live for is the YouTube Clan... which isn't going so well after.... a lot of things. I assume it is you reading this Ryan since you are the most loyal member... I still can't believe you convinced us to leave America behind to live in England, anyways because I' am running out of room on this piece of paper tell Luke he is now in charge and you are the Co-Leader... my dying wish is for you and Luke to keep this Clan alive while I'm gone. Goodbye friend... maybe we can all meet in the afterlife


Sen- Seth "Snowflake" Spumheimer


as Snowflake seals the letter in a envelop he clutches it tightly as he takes his 44. *bang* 


(Modern time)

Snowflake slowly starts to zone back in "*sigh* why must my final moments always play back in my mind" Snowflake gets back up onto his feet and wanders around

  • Brohoof 1


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Adam carefully stepped out of the car,kissing his mother goodbye as she went on about her usual motherly advice for the last time. He gently pushed the door open and went in. The little cafe made him feel surprisingly foreign. Only a county away and he felt like he was in a different country. One look and he knew people could tell he was one of 'those people'. The class difference made him feel very self conscious. He just stood there looking very lost.


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@@Alex Kennedy, @, @@Yoshikupo, @@Lord Bradley, @@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Yeah, good idea," Emily replied, smiling at her new flatmate to be. "I hope the others get here soon," she added, not noticing the small group huddled by the doorway. "I've got the particulars from the estate agent; the house is massive, but it's somewhat in disrepair. Tho the estate agent described it differently. Anyway, there's several large bedrooms which used to be dorm rooms back when the place was a youth hostel. They converted it when the hostel moved elsewhere."


Emily didn't mention the fact that she'd found out that the house used to be an asylum; she'd gone to a lot of trouble to get together a group to move in and she didn't want to put anyone off.




Victoria wandered upstairs to the converted dorm rooms. Carpet had been laid in the new bedrooms, and the walls had been painted in cheery colours, however, to Victoria, these small homelike touches were only a facade. She could clearly see the rooms as they had once been, and the paint on the wall next to where her own bed had once been could not cover up the scratches she'd made in the wall. Victoria had used a discarded nail to scrape four words into the wall, so that she could read them every time she awoke to reassure herself. The words were, "I Was Never Crazy". And Victoria had not been. The insane asylum had been a dumping ground for women like herself who were unwanted for whatever reason, to silence them and make sure that they would not be around to make those who had committed crimes against them uncomfortable.


During the years she had spent in the asylum as a ghost after her suicide, Victoria had felt lonely til other ghosts, drawn to the building by the unhappiness prevalent in the building, had joined her. Now, in the present day, Victoria felt as tho she finally had a real family.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Rush nodded. "Yeah, I hope so too. I'm not really big on waiting, in case you hadn't noticed that. Speaking of which-" He waved a waitress over and ordered a chicken sandwich, pausing to allow Emily to order before continuing. "Anyway, I'm not afraid of a house that needs a little work. That's the kind of stuff I do at work anyway. At least it'll be for myself this time. Saves a lot of money to do repairs yourself, you know. If you're good at it, that is. But I've heard so weird stuff about that house from the guys at work. Apparently there's some local legend about the place being like a big hub for ghosts or something. Kind of silly, if you ask me." He chuckled a bit. "At any rate, I wouldn't worry even if there were ghosts. I'd fight 'em off if I had to, and keep everyone safe."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Gentle hums were flowing through the air as a lonely, spectral human made his way to his favourite building. He was walking this time, rembering all those night time strolls he used to take in the village he grew up in. Granted, he couldnt really feel the ground with his transparent feet, but it was still kind of nice. His thoughts drifted back to the building he was currently making his way to. It was a while ago he had visited the Asylum, with him wanting to find people to annoy to cure his unending boredom. He smiled at the memory of one old guy who tried to shoot a floating table cloth with a shotgun. He shaked his head to go back to the original topic. So, the Asylum. The one building he had grown to love. Why he loved it? Well, there was a bunch of spectral ghosts just like him living in it. He smiled even larger at the thought of finally meeting them again. He loved all of them, maybe even as family. Of course, he was apparently the youngest one there, in terms of age when he died, but if you dont count that, he was kind of up there with the old guys. Or maybe it was in the middle? He shaked his head again, the smile still on his face. He was really eager to meet his old friends again, maybe even play a small prank or two on them... He removed that thought from his head, remembering the last time he did that... Lets just say that he was stuck in solitary for awhile. His thoughts disappeared once he saw the giant building in the horizon. His smile grew into a very large grin. He was finally going to see them again, after all these years, and even have a couple of victims to go with it. "This is going to be fun!" He said to the whistling wind before getting of the ground, and floating at a quicker pace to the worn out building, eager for everything it was going to bring.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"They payed for what I did in blood, my blood, I don't like saying it but England been quiet recently ain't heard from King Henry in a while tho he was a nice guy to let me stay with him, in the tower but this place ain't like the U.S darling, She was power housing during the "Great war" as they called it, I thought the title couldn't be any wrong when I first heard it, but who says I had, no one seen me before the war haven't seen my wife, in a long time but I know that she up there some where, but I still don't know what I can do, thanks for letting me talk to you." Sal got off the bench where he had been sitting talking to a little girl about his past, he often liked doing that it helped him feel human sharing his stories like he did when he was alive, he was in a park, but often goes from place to place, sometimes he talks to the other ghost to the people that are alive, but mostly to himself, some ghost say "Sal why can't you accept you death, but I've accepted long ago, I accepted it when the gangsters that killed me were put behind bars for life." Sal said to himself. Sal began walking on to his next place, he had read in the papers that an old asylum was haunted, he hadn't seen another ghost in quite a bit and wondered who was in there and what could they say about their lives, so he got into a nearby car going in what was the direction, "free ride for no one I guess, but I'm gonna have to bail from car to car until I get near." Sal says as the car speeds off from the stop sign


( don't mind my cuts in grammer, hard to right a story on the spot)

Edited by Castle
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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Alex Kennedy,


Andrew noticed Emily thanks to Chain and walked over to Emily and Rush. "There you guys are" He said as he sat down "Sorry for being so late, I kinda got a little lost, " He said before ordering an Iced Coffee. "So? What you guys talkin' about." He asked. "Also, did I  overhear somethin' about ghosts? Please don't tell me you believe in that stuff " He said adjusting his glasses, and looking at his watch. "oh yeah, Chain is over there by the door..." He said before pulling out his phone, he got a message from his friend William back in the states. 'Yeah I'm doing fine... How are you doing?' He thought as he replied to it an put it back in his pocket.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chain sits down with the rest of the gang and orders a scone with some warm coffee "ghosts huh?" Chain says with a look of intrest "I wonder why people would say that, it sounds intresting mabey its just a few people being to paranoid or mabey..." chain pauses "ghosts are real" he says then drinks some coffee trying to get others to think about it.

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Snowflake wanders around a bit more until he notices some other ghosts he then hides "these other ghosts are far before my time why must I be the only modern ghost here?" Snowflake then tries to sneak away back up to where his old room use to be.... images of his suicide flash in his head like a photographers camera "*sigh* I'm surprised I have been able to keep my sanity for this long" Snowflake then walks to other places trying to avoid the others... but then he stumbles across Victoria Snowflake then says under his breath "shit she sees me"


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Sal walks up to the sign outside the asylum "Lets see here, ... Rosewood Home For Wayward Girls, hhhmm." Sal looks around "Doesn't look like anyone one's here might as well walk in." Sal passes through the door "Hello anyone hear me? Why do I even bother I'll just go upstairs until I hear someone else I see someone or something as others call us." Sal begins going up stairs " Making the stair knock while to regular people no one is there

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@@Pripyat Pony@@@Snowflake Frostflame,

Mark looked at the ghost who just entered the Asylum. "A new friend..." He thought with a smile, then slowly flew forwards till he was right infront the front door to the building of madness.


A thought popped into his head, and he grew a wide grin. "Time to make an entrance!" He thought as he took a deep, fake breath, then with all the majestic grace and calm he could muster, he dramatically kicked the door so hard it went all the way and hit the wall it was hinged to, causing a very loud thud and ringing to echo through the Asylum. He then calmly walked through and opened his ghostly mouth. "I'M BACK!He yelled in the loudest voice he could gather, and then listened to it forcefully echo through the hallways of the Asylum. To someone alive, that would've merely sounded as the wind whistling through their ears. But to a ghost, that was the equivalent of having a dozen chainsaws running right next to your ear while bombs fell around you.


He grew a grin so wide it would outrival the mere epitome of laughter, and calmly sat down on the ground with his transparent back 'touching' one of the old building's walls as he waited for the ones who came to check who so rudely interruped their boring hauntings.

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@@Lord Bradley


"Svyatoye der'mo!" Snowflake said very loudly as he looks over to the ghost that caused such a ruckus "pochemu tv eto delayesh?" Snowflake waits for a response  but he gets nothing "mozhete li vy menya ponimayete?" Snowflake wonders why the ghost can't understand him "I take it you can't speak Russian?"




"Svyatoye der'mo!"   "Holy shit!"

"pochemu tv eto delayesh?"   "why would you do that?"

"mozhete li vy menya ponimayete?"   "Can you understand me?"


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@, @@Yoshikupo, @@Alex Kennedy, "Well, ghosts don't really exist, do they?" Emily said, anxious for things to go well. Tho, if there were rumours of ghosts around the house they were renting, it would explain why no-one ever stayed there for long.


@@Snowflake Frostflame, Victoria smiled at the new arrival. "I've missed you," she said. At the bang, she barely even looked up. Victoria was one of the oldest ghosts at the house and wasn't about to be pushed around by any new ghosts. She had had enough of that in her life.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@@Pripyat Pony@@Lord Bradley


Snowflake sees that he is surrounded by the other ghosts he tried so hard to hide from "well.... judging by your clothing I take it none of you are from my age... I just died a few months ago and this was my home... I had no idea you 3 were living here as well... so tell me how did you all end up in this place?"


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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Yoshikupo, @,  


Rush's sandwich arrived and he took a sizable bite before speaking further. "Of course ghosts don't exist. I'm not going to let a stupid rumor drive me away when I've already come out here and gone to the trouble finding a job anyway. Even if there were ghosts, I wouldn't be afraid. They're just people ho aren't quite dead yet." He looked around the table and it ocurred to him that there were twice as many of them as before. "Okay, I said I would buy when it was just me and Emily, but there's no way I'm paying for all of you. I don't make that much money to begin with."


@@Snowflake Frostflame,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Lord Bradley, @,   


"Now wait just a minute!" Another ghost appeared. "You weren't about to do something interesting without me, were you?"


Having heard the bang, Terrence had come over to investigate, but he was the last one to get there, apparently. He hated being the last one to get in on the action. "So who's the new guy?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"I'am Seth Spumheimer but everyone calls me Snowflake and this was my home a few months ago... I decided to end my misery with a 44. to the head that was about 2 months ago..." Snowflake looks at Victoria and Mark "who are you two and how long have you been here?" 

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Alex Kennedy,  @@Pripyat Pony

"Don't worry about it, I will pay for my own. I just got the rest of the bills I brought exchanged for pounds Yesterday." He said. He had about 196 pounds on him now. He got his iced coffee and said "Also back on the topic of ghosts, I don't think they exist. They are just stories mothers tell their kids so they will behave..." Andrew said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Now demons... that's a different story.."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Yoshikupo, @@Alex Kennedy, @@Snowflake Frostflame, @,




The young patient lied down in his bed wide awake. How long has it been since Charles Wallace had last seen his parents? Two weeks? Two months? He wanted to see them again, regardless of them dropping him off in the asylum. Escape was a longshot but still possible. He sneaked out of his bed and crept towards the window. A full moon glimmered high in the sky, giving the impression that midnight had just passed. His bedsheets too short for the drop, Charles trudged to the opposite side of the room where the door stood there, locked up tight. He was only out under the direction of the staff.


Of all the things he saved from his sister, that hairpin could come into good use. He dug the pin out of his pajama pocket and placed it into the keyhole. After twisting it a few times, he heard the tumblers click and the knob loosen. He was not free yet. He had to work his way around the staff. He had only been to the basement once but it had the only window that was just his size to crawl out of. As he tiptoed out of his bedroom, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. If he was caught, it would mean more shock therapy. Along the wall was the laundry chute. With some luck, he could climb down it and a bundle of clothing would soften his fall. He slid along the wall until he could feel the chute, noticing a faint candle glow coming up the stairs.


"You better be asleep up there, Charlie!" he heard a nurse's scowling voice.


With no hesitation, Charles crawled into the chute, wedged his body against the walls and started inching his way down. He stopped when he heard the nurse calling out his name upon her discovery that he was not asleep. After endless seconds of waiting, the flap opened and his sheets came down on him. Charles lost the feeling in his arms and legs and two stories he fell, the cement floor of the basement getting closer and closer...






Another flashback, another reminder of failure. The ghost child Charles sat up in his bed, the asylum long gone but the memories persisting. He heard all the normal sounds of past residents in this place, including the one that died just recently. He adjusted his nightshirt and crawled out of bed, making his way to the door.

Edited by Yoshi89

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