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planning World of Warcraft: Aftermath of Corruption (Fantasy, non-pony, OOC)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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Oh, so then I really should change my profile then. I mean, I'm not even from Pandaria, I'm from the Wandering Isle. They didn't make contact until after the Shattering!


That's really hard for me though, because my only other main is a Draenei . . .

Yeah. The races that would not have been affected are the Worgen, the Pandaren, the Draenei, and the Goblins. They were all introduced post-Vanilla.

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Yeah. The races that would not have been affected are the Worgen, the Pandaren, the Draenei, and the Goblins. They were all introduced post-Vanilla.


I know. This just makes things a bit harder for me RP wise because I've never played any of the vanilla races quite so hard. My first toon was a Night Elven Druid way back in vanilla, that quickly changed when the awesomeness that is the Draenei literally dropped from the sky.


So maybe it would be best if I just recuse myself from the RP.

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Well, the Pandarens have been around since WCIII, so I don't think it's any issue if you play one.


Those Pandaren came from Pandaria itself. The Pandaren that joined the Alliance and Horde in Mists are from Shen-Zin Su, the Wandering Isle. (Or at least they're supposed to be. I swear the amount of Pandaren toons that have these needlessly contradicting backstories when Blizzard already gave us a pretty good one to just fill in the blanks of . . .  >_> )


I guess I'll just downplay Wei Yu's origin and simply keep his characterization in the moment of things.

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Those Pandaren came from Pandaria itself. The Pandaren that joined the Alliance and Horde in Mists are from Shen-Zin Su, the Wandering Isle. (Or at least they're supposed to be. I swear the amount of Pandaren toons that have these needlessly contradicting backstories when Blizzard already gave us a pretty good one to just fill in the blanks of . . .  >_> )


I guess I'll just downplay Wei Yu's origin and simply keep his characterization in the moment of things.

Just make up some kind of deus ex machina as to why he's in Ironforge. Trust me, most people aren't THAT knowledgeable about lore. I'm not even that amazing with it, but I know enough to get by.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just make up some kind of deus ex machina as to why he's in Ironforge. Trust me, most people aren't THAT knowledgeable about lore. I'm not even that amazing with it, but I know enough to get by.


Well given this is an RP where even the artifice of game mechanics and online play aren't present, I would hope at least that world building and narrative would be considered important.


Wei Yu's purpose for being there is that he's a monk, he's there to help heal the sick. As for what he's doing in the Eastern Kingdoms, I'll leave that open to interpretation.

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--New Aplication!--


Name: Krylia Shadowsong


Age: 125 (Night elves are old)


Species: Night Elf


Gender: Female 


Appearance: Warden armor/Sentinel Armor


Class: Warden/Warrior (Fury)


Bio: Daughter of Maiev Shadowsong, trained by her mother, has aided in all the conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde in Outland. She was previously one of Khadgar's bodyguards but was released from his service after she nearly compromised the entire Gul'dan operation because of lasting hatred towards the Horde. She was a citizen of Theramore until Garrosh destroyed it. Hates the Horde with a passion and tends to not care for traveling or exploring, just whether or not she's being paid. Believes this epidemic was caused by the Undead.  She is now a mercenary.


Motivations for coming to Ironforge: Find a new home and discuss war plans to attack and disrupt the Horde's operations in Eastern Kingdoms.


Affiliated with Any Factions?: Alliance.


Accepted. I'll add you to the slots.

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It's made up of various races, including dwarves.


I only ask because the only race that really works democratically is the Gnomes. Wouldn't it make so much more sense if they, being settled in Tinker Town right in Ironforge, be the spearheads of democracy in Ironforge with the other races acting as minor supporters?


I mean, politics in Azeroth have never been the least bit realistic, but they've at least been internally consistent. The Night Elves, Dwarves, and Humans? They largely don't want democracy as alien a notion as that might be to some of us, including myself. The Dwarves have always had a clan based, patriarchal society, and they're content with that.


The Gnomes, on the other hand have almost a direct democracy, the High Tinker their only permanent elected position, and even then acting as their commander in chief in times of crisis.


Just a suggestion that would reinforce the idea in-universe.

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Well... Considering im a gilnean noble (Whose gates were not open and the cliffs were just suicide so... I have no idea how i escaped.) So i guess Worgen is allowed.

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Thats a bit confusing. Gilneans weren't supposed to turn except when the worgen broke loose which was a little bit before the Cataclysm. So x.x I dunno.

This RP initially confused me also for the timeline however its not set in a time before the catacylsm (Correct me if I'm wrong here), so it shouldn't be a problem I think. I believe the problem is the sheer amount of people wanting to be Worgen in this RP, there are OTHER races everyone. :)

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@,  @


Hey, I volunteered to be something other than a Pandaren but the G M was cool with it.


You know, an easy fix for this situation would be to just move the event of the plague up on the timeline to happening in concurrence with the Cataclysm. Boom! All continuity issues solved!


The character races don't need (as much at least) justification for being there. The plague could be similar to anything that's happening in the wake of such a global catastrophe and would be producing similar amounts of refugees. Even the sudden absence of King Magni would justify the political power vacuum being filled by the various factions.

Edited by Steel Accord
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