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private FIGHT! (Battle, Fighting, Tournament, Maybe some SoL)

Chivalry Knight

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(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/121788-fight-battle-fighting-tournament-maybe-some-sol/page-2#entry3513279

(Posters hang on walls all over Equestria)

Welcome to this years greatest fighting tournament!
I am your host Sound Wave

And this is the World Tournament War!
We are in strong need of combatants, 12 in total!
If your hesitant about joining then just think about the grand prize!
We have a way for our tournament champ to be granted one wish
Can be anything you want
Bits? You got it!
Love? Sure, why not!
World Domination? It's yours!
All YOU have to do is beat your way through some strong fighters!
Where? In the World Tournament War of course!
So come one come all
All participants will receive a test before they are able to enter
Passing the test will determine whether you can or can't participate
Just come to the place described at the bottom of this Poster to enter
Good Luck!

(A short description of the location is posted at the bottom of the poster)



Chivalry examines the poster with interest in his eyes. He is clearly excited about the fact that even a tournament alone had appeared in Equestria, but the grand prize was simply amazing to him, the cherry on top of the sunday.

"Wow, this is gonna be great, I better get there quick before they run outta spots! Oh, eh, I should probably gets some supplies together first."

Chivalry gallops home to gather some food and water in his saddle bag. He grabs his blade and sheath, then wraps it tightly around his waist. He then quickly rushes out the door with a huge smile across his face. He's just happy that there's finally something to do, ponyville had become boring for him over the past few months.

Chivalry had made it to the arena, and it did not disappoint, the place was huge. He witnessed signs pointing in the direction of the registration. Over by the registration, he saw a crowd of ponies of all races attending the tournament. He rushes over to the sign-up station and waits in line, looking all excited and enthusiastic.

Edited by Chivalry Knight
  • Brohoof 3


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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In front of him was Vertic, she sighed. "Why is the sign-up even taking so long?" Vertic mumbled. She rolls her eyes and waits impatiently. Trying to entertain herself, she was playing with her dagger for a while now, but nopony paid any attention anyway. Vertic started humming, then a pony came and hushed her, "Hmmph..This is annoying." She rolls her eyes again. Vertic looks behind her, it was Chivalry, Vertic smirks, "Getting all worked up eh? It's a long wait here, your face will get tired smiling so much like that."


It is Vertic's turn to sign up now, "Ya better do this fast, I've been waiting for more than half an hour. There are more ponies waiting impatiently like me, y'know?" She said to the pony at the counter.

Edited by ~Ponyocalypse~


Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live.

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Photon Jet followed both ponies to the tournament. He was wearing a black coloured, electric powered jet suit that makes him capable of conducting electricity from his hooves and hover like a Pegasus.


"So this is where this tournament is held.' he thought to himself. Photon Jet double checked his suit to make sure he is fully prepared for the competition. 'Wings, check! Fully charged electric power check! Alright, good to go!" he said to himself again. "Let's hope there's room for one more."


Photon Jet, feeling confident, headed over to the sign-up station counter where the entries are taking place..

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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From the deck of his airship Ascension, Steel looked at the poster again.


He sighed and put a hoof to his heart. 


"I wish, I dream, I hope, I pray, by the Princesses' rule, guide my way. Princess Celestia, help me to prevail in this gathering of fighters, so that I may return to you your greatest champion; the Master Swordpony."


"Excuse me, Captain?" A deck hoof approached. "Sorry to interrupt, but we've reached the destination specified." 


Steel looked beyond the railing and saw the coliseum far below.


"Very good." Steel slipped on his saddlebags and scabbards. "Weigh anchor outside the stadium and keep standard watch rotations."


"Aye, Captain, good luck." The deck hoof saluted and Steel returned the gesture before casually stepping off the edge. Steel made an easy glide down to the event and made his way to the sign up board.

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Starlit Sky trotted up to the sign up sheet. The blue unicorn's magic enveloped the pen, securing her place in the tournament.


She made her way to the rest of the contestants, all blabbering non-stop about the event that was taking place in the large, formidable coliseum. The ramble was endless.


She took her place along a wall, where she noticed many other ponies.


"They look like they'll be tough to beat," Starlit thought, pondering her strategy. It was then she realized she already had one. If she wasn't strong enough already, she would use her secret weapon.

  • Brohoof 1


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Neon Flash Trotted over to the sign up area, and then began to wait. He began to load his bass cannon with amunition and he also made sure that he had his dagger with him.He looked at the other contestants and he thought he saw a familiar face, but shrugged it off. He then looked into the arena. There were four pillars in the arena. He looked to his side, making sure that he had his hook shot. He smiled and said to himself, "Let's make something out of it."

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Foxist and Evil Foxist were mentally talking. Since this dialogue is very clear, I don't need to put [...], said X.


"Wow, it's finally some good day we can work together, Evil."

"I don't think so. Don't think I'll be helping you when you got steel in your throat."

"Can't you stop antagonizing me? I just want a place to... do something amazing."

"You don't seem to be very confident about yourself, Foxist."


Foxist was finally out of the train station he went, near the nearest city of the arena.

"Let's be just invisible and find our first opponent, Evil. Since we trained a lot, nobody will notice us."

"Sometimes you are so non-sense, Foxist..."


So he looked at the poster.

No. 6 vs No. 8 -- Foxist vs Chivalry Knight

"Who is this pony? Have any idea, Evil?"

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter. Nobody knows you too, at least I hope to."


--Lemon Slices--


Lemon cannot come flying with his Artificial Wings, since they are made of wax and could melt by sunheat. [remember, desertic zone, weather is very hot]

He had to carry them. At the mural, he started to seek for his name:

"Let's see who I am about to get crushed from", he said, with a little bad luck -- There was a pretty mare staring at him and giggling at what he said. "Oh my... Wait, there's no... Oh, I am such a idiot."


He felt a bit sad. Read the poster. Assassin vs Lemon Slices.

"Assassin... I think I know a little bit of her. I don't think she is really going to a place like this. Sometimes you think you're invisible, but I know everything" -- said in a ultra-pride tone, not even knowing Foxist was in his right side, mentally talking with his other pole.

Edited by Lemon Slices

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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"Gomenasai. Gomenasai." A tricolored stallion makes his way through the crowd, hauling a very asian mystery cart. No pony can see what is inside it. Still, he makes his way to the registration and signs up. With him is but a flier for the tournament and some other documents.


Not being much for mingling, the unicorn finds a place among the other contestants and waits. He uses his magic and pulls out a shamisen from his cart, making sure not open it too much so no pony can see the real contents, and quickly closing it as soon as he can. While he waits, he plays a serene melody while waiting to see what happens next. Hopefully, this won't upset any of the other contestants.


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Assassin packed up her weapons and supplies and went to the registration place. She said nothing while she walked, being aggressive. 

She thought, "Test? Tests are easy, and I'm pretty sure these ponies are worthless."


She wore her two hidden blades and a small bag of throwing knives, incase any pony tries to hurt her. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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After the sign up, Vertic decided to see who she will be fighting with, "Samurai Equine? So I'll be fighting with a samurai eh? Interesting.." Suddenly, a melody plays.."Huh..? What?" She followed where the music was coming from.


"Ey, unicorn, could you please stop that music? It's annoying me." She asked the samurai, having no idea he will be her opponent.


Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live.

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When Photon Jet headed over to the sign-up station, he signed his entry on a piece of paper with one of his pencils.


He then left the station and saw the other ponies that are competing in the tournament. "Looks like I have to bring my A-game for this one." he said. "If I can win this tournament, I can wish for pure-hearted ponies who are having doubts think positive and solve every problem that can occur in Equestria. Everypony can live in harmony and become heroes!"


He followed the rest of the competitors thinking carefully on what he would say to make his wish come true as he closed his eyes.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Invisible, but with the crowd, slowly grew up opacity a little. Mental talk with Evil:

"Evil, if I win this tournament by myself, the wish is mine. If I fail and you save me and win the battle, the wish is yours."

"Deal. But you won't die here. You have my word."

"Your word seemed very untrustworthy since a very long time."

"Ah, come on, Guant, I was a bit mad."


"Don't call me Guant!" he said, loudly now, surprising everypony. He tried to became invisible again, stopped by somepony.


--Lemon Slices--

Not very confident about himself, Lemon wore his Wax Wings.

"Knowledge is a good weapon. In a library. Now I am in combat. I dont have very much to do. At least I know who I am fighting  against. Assassin..."

When Foxist screamed, he asked:

"Hey, calm down, dude. What's going on?"

"Isn't your business", Foxist answered.

"Just telling you: You aren't fighting with weak ponies. At least, would be weak if you were fighting against me."

"So why are you here? Your specialty isn't fighting."

Lemon got back, looking to the blue skies. "Those clouds... Would be a good place to fly under them while combat... The rock pillars can be used for... Wait, I am an earth pony. I can deal with those. I am not bad, but... If this wish were mine, I... I don't know."

As he looked back, Foxist wasn't there.

Edited by Lemon Slices

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Black Masquerade trotted at a slow pace, scanning the tournaments surroundings with interest. "hmm...pretty big place. I wonder who funds all of this? Whoever it is, thry must be pretty loaded~." He thought, chuckling inwardly. He then trotted up to the sign up desk, putting on a charming smile. "Good evening! Is there any room left for a gentleman, such as myself?" He asked.


"I hope I won't have to use my powers to get in...I was hoping to keep my abilities secret, at least until my first fight..." he thought.

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Spotting the tournament location from the air, Ash descended from the sky landing amongst the other competitors. He gave those gathered there a passing glance then laughed to himself; nothing but weakling ponies; that wish was as good as his he thought to himself before approaching the sign-up desk.

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Foxist looked at Ash.

"That dragon has such a arrogance!"

"Remember, Guant; Everyone is bad inside. You do know by own experience."

"Stop calling me Guant. This is no longer my name. You want to drive me crazy and ruin this after all."

Evil stopped talking with him for a while.

Foxist looked to Lemon, that was just staring at the clouds, indifferent.

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Neon sat down as he waited for the games to begin. He once again looked at the poster. As he re-read it, he began to think. World domination?! He thought. Is Princess Celestia even aware of this, or even the fact that it could mean the end of equestria as we know it?! If any pony manages to take over equestria with a simple wish, what would happen?! What would happen to my friends, my career, and what would happen to me?! Then he realized something. He realized that he had to stop everypony from winning. If he manages to survive and win, he will use the wish to bring everypony back to life. Everypony wins. It's simple and easy. Right? He then stood up and looked at the arena. "I have one chance." He whispered to himself. "One chance to save everypony from death and self destruction."

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Sound Wave


The sound of a screeching microphone could be heard throughout the registration area. "Welcome, welcome everypony! I'm happy that so many of you decided to join the World Tournament War! Those of you who signed up will now be able to immediately go on to the testing stage which will determine if you are prepared for the tournament! It just in the room to the left of the registration! Make sure to do your best, because this test is very important for your entry! Good luck!" The microphone turns off.

Chivalry Knight


Chivalry feels as if his ears bled during that whole announcement. He shakes his head and rubs his hoof against his ear. "ow... okay that hurt. Guess I should get to the testing area then." Chivalry looks back at the other challengers. 'huh, a dragon... cool.' he thinks to himself. He turns towards the door and opens it. in the room were screens with numbers and test dummies underneath them. "interesting, whats this all about?" he says to himself.


A mare in a suit can be seen, smiling beside the dummies. "Welcome to the Testing Grounds!" says the Mare. "Please step forward and test your strength against one of these dummies. The monitor above will rate you on fast, how strong, and agile your attacks on the dummy will be. The dummies are really hard to destroy so don't worry about going all out, haha!" She then stands near the doorway and smiles.


Chivalry smiles and trots towards one of the test dummies, 'better to not show my "Full strength" ' he thinks to himself. He quickly unsheathes his blade using his magic and then conjures multiple energy bubbles from his horn which float above the dummy. He quickly slashes at the dummy multiple times in a quick combo before jumping back, sheathing his blade and commanding the bubbles to finish the job by rushing towards the dummy and exploding in a large energy explosion.

He sighs and smiles, then looks up at the monitor. "Strength 7/10, Speed 7.5/10, and agility 6/10... not bad, hehe." Chivalry walks to the wall of the entrance and sits down to have a snack. He grabs an apple from his saddlebag and starts munching on it.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Black Masquerade smiled with anticipation at being allowed entry. "These poor fools won't know what hit them! Just allowing me to enter this little contest practically gurentees my victory." He thought, as he trotted into the testing area. Upon seeing all of the monitors on the walls, above the dummies, he seemed a bit confused for a moment. However, upon seeing the last contestants score on one of the monitors, he pieced one and two together.


Masque smiled "Ah! I see...a test of physical prowess, is it? Amusing...shall I begin?~" He said, taking a stance. He then struck all three dummies, in quick succession. The strikes were so fast, they seemed to be no more than greyish blurs, to the naked eye. The scores read, strength: 4/10, speed: 7.5/10, agility: 9/10. Masque seemed a bit dissappointed with the strength results, but shrugged it off when he saw his agility and speed. "I figured as much. Who needs brute strength, anyway?~" He thought, trotting to the sidelines to rest.


(Was I allowed to do my own scoring? Also, please don't think Masque is a Gary Stue for getting 9 on his agility test. It only made sense, with him being a master acrobat and all...)

Edited by RAGE
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"Hmmph, I'll show them what I've got." Vertic smiled, she walked up to the dummies, preparing her dagger and axe.


Vertic jumped up and almost sliced off the dummy's head. "Ugh..fail" She attacks the dummy again, this time, she chopped off the dummy's arm. "Aww yeah!" She reads her scoring on the monitor


"Strength: 4.3/10 ; Speed: 9.1/10 ; Agility: 6.5/10..that sucks..I need to do better, get yourself together, Vertic!" She knocked her own head. Vertic was brought down by her scores.

(Same like RAGE said, please don't say the Vertic is Mary Sue, her title is "The Swift Attacker" after all.)

Edited by ~Ponyocalypse~


Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live.

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Photon Jet headed over to the testing stage to train his skills. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few seconds.


He began by raising both his front hooves, sending a few amounts of thunder jolts to the dummy. Then with the help of his suit, he quickly dashed to the dummy and gave it a heavy hit with his right hoof. Finally, he hovered up in the air in front of the dummy, leading a blue trail behind him. He put his two hooves close together and formed an electrical orb. He fired the orb right at the dummy with a direct hit.


"Whew!" he said as he breathed slightly. "Looks like I'm ready."


He looked at the scoreboard and the results are shown:


Strength: 5.9


Agility: 7.4


Speed: 8.0


"Not too bad." he said as he saw the results. Could do some more improvements but I think I'll be alright for now." He then started to head over to the waiting room to get ready for the first round.

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Ash sighed in annoyance as he approached one of the testing dummies; there was no satisfaction to be gained from hitting a stationary target nor was it an accurate gauge of a creature’s ability. With a sharp inhale Ash suddenly launched a ball of his mouth which impacted the dummy’s head and exploded. The dragon quickly closed the gap and slammed his fist into the dummy’s upper torso with such force that it knocked the testing dummy prone; followed by Ash slamming his foot savagely into it’s chest repeatedly until the ground underneath began to crack and chose to finish it by breathing another blast of fire down at the poor inanimate object.


Ash cracked his neck slightly as he stepped away from the still glowing hot dummy; he didn't even bother checking the monitors displaying his statistics as: Strength 8/10, Speed 7/10, Agility 3/10.


[Fast and Strong with all the finesse of a tank]

Edited by Jaith Adymn
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Steel stepped forward into the arena. With a flap he opened the sheathes at his side, he slipped the wrist of his wings into the cup grips, and lifted the weapons free. They spun in circles until Steel snapped the manus of his wings outward, "catching" the swords. He bowed once to the spectators and to his dummy "opponent" before lowing into a fighting stance.


He galloped toward the target and slashed at it as he past. Skidding, he spun around and flapped to launch himself into another run. Same strike, but then followed with a deft hop, spin, strike with his second sword. Now he flapped, flipping over the target. On his descent he struck with both weapons in a scissor blade action. Falling into a forward roll, he comes out of the roll with a hard buck.


It sends the dummy flying and it slumps on the ground. Steel flaps hard and launches into the air. His swords spin, acting like helicopter blades, keeping him in aloft for a moment. Steel then tucks into a roll, blades still spinning, and barrels down on the target. With a mighty double chop, he sticks the landing.


Panting, Steel sheathes his blades and looks to the scoreboard.


Speed: 4/10


Agility: 7/10


Strength: 8/10


Steel bows once again to the spectators and walks off the practice area.

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After the sign up, Vertic decided to see who she will be fighting with, "Samurai Equine? So I'll be fighting with a samurai eh? Interesting.." Suddenly, a melody plays.."Huh..? What?" She followed where the music was coming from.


"Ey, unicorn, could you please stop that music? It's annoying me." She asked the samurai, having no idea he will be her opponent.


The unicorn pauses a moment from his must. "Oh, konnichiwa. Eh? ... Wakarimasen." The unicorn says and continues playing, just to test his boundaries. He even sings a little with a bit of a country twang in his voice, of all things. "♫ Ei yan! Ei yan! Sugoi yan!? / Ichido negatta yume naraba / Shinjite susume yo otoko no michi / Ah~ mayoi no aranami tokuiten / Omae no kokoroiki naketa... ♫"


However, he stops when he hears it's time to test his skills. "Excuse me." He says before he trots off, putting his musical instrument back in his cart.


Once he is in the testing room, he puts his cart away for the time being. He won't need it for this. He chooses a dummy and stretches. He really didn't want to have his skills measured like this before fighting a real dummy, but if this is the only way to advance, then it cannot be helped. "Ikuzo!" With a rapid dash, a leap, and a fast strike that could be easily missed if you blink, the tricolored unicorn attacks. In fact, the only evidence left of his attack is a deep swat-like noise. The stats are measured.


Speed: 8.0

Agility: 8.7

Strength: 9.2


Immediately after the results are measure, the dummy he attack breaks clean in half, almost as if sliced by a sword. And yet, he is unarmed and wearing no clothes. "Oh! It broke! Sumimasen. I'll pay for a replacement." He says with a bow. On his way out, he pays the tournament staff for the dummy he broke in some kind of foreign currency, and grabs his cart. However, just before he leaves, he says one last thing. "Oh, and I wouldn't put too much faith in those numbers. There are many other factors that this test cannot measure." And with that, he is gone.


(He also said that because I never really took the time to measure my characters abilities in terms of numbers like this. I tried to be fair and reasonable, keeping in mind on his life story and how he fights, but I don't like to break it down in numbers. Kind of kills the suspension of disbelief.)

  • Brohoof 1


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@@@Samurai Equine




Chivalry finished eating his snack, it took him longer than it normally would because of his disbelief in the other ponies numbers. As they attacked the dummy he cheered them on. When Ash finished his test, Chivalry walked up to him and started talking. "Hello there, my name is Chivalry Knight, former member of the Royal Kilikian Guard. It's been a while since i've seen a dragon such as yourself. Where I'm from, I have a good friend who just so happens to be a dragon as well, and your fighting style reminds me alot of him." He says to Ashe. 

Chivalry smiles as he says "I wish you luck in the tournament, because judging from your stats, you'll definitely be one of the chosen to participate, hehe."



Tella smiles at Samurai "Oh please, don't worry about it, we have alot of those dummies in the back just for such an occasion. Though I must say, your strength and speed serves you well." She says.

Edited by Chivalry Knight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Assassin went over to the training place and looked at all the dummies. She activated her hidden blades and began to struck down the dummies as hard as she could and as fast as she could. Assassin looked at the scores.


Strength: 7.9, Speed: 9, Agility: 8.5


After Assassin looked at her scores, she went out and waited for the fight. 

Edited by Simon (Salem/Wilfre)


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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