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Favorite Greek Symbols?


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All the math, science and engineering majors are most likely to use so many of them, that it becomes fun to write them out :P. Which are your favorites? I like lower-case mu, ksi, eta, et cetera :P.

  • Brohoof 3
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I like Pi π   and this other though I dont remember what it is =) Σ


That's Sigma, which anyone who's played Mega Man X could tell you.  My personal favorite has always been the uppercase Omega symbol. 

  • Brohoof 2
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ϕ (phi), which represents the Golden Ratio, 1.618.  Try multiplying 1.618 by itself, and you'll get 2.618, or 1.618 + 1.  Then, try dividing 1 by 1.618, and you'll get 0.618, or 1.618 - 1.  I love it!  It's found in Fibonacci Sequences and a myriad of natural and geometric phenomena.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite Greek symbols are the following:

  • α - lowercase alpha, used in statistics for significance tests if I recall correctly, also used to denote angles and the lower limit for a definite integral over a polar region
  • β - lowercase beta, used in statistics for significance tests, also used to denote angles and the upper limit for a definite integral over a polar region. may also be used to denote the beta function, but that might actually be uppercase beta, I don't remember
  • Σ - uppercase sigma, often used to denote the sum of an infinite series
  • Γ - uppercase gamma, used to represent the gamma function in mathematics, an extension of the notion of factorial and defined by an improper integral
  • Δ - uppercase delta, used to denote change and is often found in definitions involving differentials and limits
  • δ - lowercase delta, sometimes used to denote partial derivatives
  • ε - lowercase epsilon, used in the formal definition of limits
  • ζ - lowercase zeta, used to denote the Riemann-Zeta function, among other related functions
  • θ - lowercase theta, often used to denote angles
  • Λ - uppercase lambda, used in some advanced mathematics that I don't understand at all
  • λ - lowercase lambda, found in some modern physics equations
  • μ - lowercase mu, used often in statistics to denote means
  • ξ - lowercase xi, looks cool
  • Π - uppercase pi, used to denote infinite products
  • π - lowercase pi, used to denote the beautiful transcendental number pi = 3.14159...
  • ρ - lowercase rho, used in statistics and used to denote linear momentum
  • σ - lowercase sigma, used in statistics to represent standard deviation
  • Φ - uppercase phi, looks awesome as fuck
  • φ - lowercase phi, I know this is used in math, pretty sure I saw it in my quantum mechanics book, but I don't remember what it means
  • χ - lowercase chi, used to denote the chi-test for significance in statistics if I recall correctly
  • Ψ - uppercase psi, hella swag
  • ψ - lowercase psi, hella swag
  • Ω - uppercase omega, pretty sure this is used to denote resistance or something 
  • ω - lowercase omega, used to denote angular velocity


I'm sure there are many more applications in mathematics, physics, and elsewhere of the above letters, I just listed what I was familiar with from memory.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think my favourite is the uppercase Omega - though that's probably because of Marilyn Manson's usage of it in his Mechanical Animals era.


"Presenting Omega and the Mechanical Animals"

  • Brohoof 1
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I like the letter Ξ or Xi as it's called, because i've noticed it's similarities to the Japanese numerical for 3 (三). Half Life 3 confirmed... :okiedokielokie:

Edited by Dark Horse Brony
  • Brohoof 3
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I like lower case Beta (β), both versions of Psi (Ψ), both versions of Phi (Φ), and both versions of Sigma (Σ,σ). I just think they look cool.


I also think lower case Zeta (ζ), Delta (δ), and Xi (ξ) look weird.

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From memory: 3.1415926535897932384626


Why not? Memorized that three years ago by the way. Still remember it. Pies. Pies everywhere.

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